02x13 - Payback

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
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02x13 - Payback

Post by bunniefuu »

He's 17, Dan.

Don't you think he's outgrown smiley faces?

Yeah, but I'm hoping it'll trigger a nostalgic moment.

Hey, perfect timing.

Chocolate chip pancakes and eggs, your favorite.

Yeah, I think I'll pass.

Come on, Jake.

Last night, you said that's what you wanted.

Yeah, last night, it sounded good.

This morning, not so much.

I've gotta go. I'm gonna be late.

How 'bout I give you a ride? I'm good.

See you.

It's like I don't even know him anymore.

All the time I spent on the job, stuff I missed...

Just thought now that I'm retired, we'd all spend more time together.

We will, Dan.

We will.

He's just separating from us right now.

It's what he's supposed to do. I know, but it sucks.

Ugh, it really does.

Doesn't he have geometry today?

First period.

I'll catch up and give it to him.

Who knows?

Maybe it'll score me some points.



Jake! Jake!

Dan Osborne.

Many of you have heard that name, and for good reason.

Dan retired from the New York office in 2018 after a career that was the stuff of legend.

25 minutes ago, Dan's son Jake was taken just blocks from their home.

There's no street cams in the neighborhood, but we got teams heading out to canvass for witnesses and gather security footage from nearby houses.

Let's check if similar abductions occurred in the area, but we'll keep in mind that Jake is the son of an FBI agent.

Dan did tours in counter intel, violent crimes, fugitive unit, drug branch.

No doubt he made enemies along the way.

Let's see if any of them made credible threats against him.

Let's also look into the kid, friend groups, social media.

Maybe what happened came from something in his life.

Bottom line is, this is one of our own, people.

Let's find Jake Osborne.

Hey, Dan.

Lori, I am so sorry.

We've been meaning to have you over, but not like this.

Listen, I want you both to know that we have already hit the ground running.

When Jake was little, all his heart problems...

That's when I was afraid we'd lose him.

He can't be that far, and we're using every resource.

We're monitoring your phones for a ransom call, and techs will get Jake's DNA and prints.

He's my only child.

That'll be my people.

Dan, do you have any enemies you think could have done this?

Already on it.

I wrote down a dozen names or so...

Men I put away who hate my guts, but even these guys have a code.

I can't see them doing something like this, or maybe I just don't wanna see it.

Okay, I'm gonna sh**t this over to our ASAC.

What about Jake? Has he had any problems?

I mean issues with school, dr*gs.

Nothing like that. He's a good kid.

An "A" student, an athlete.

I don't think this is about Jake.

Do you mind if we take a look in his bedroom?

So Dan Osborne retires after a great run at the bureau and now this?

I mean, do you ever worry that someone that you put away might come after you?

Not really. Me neither.

Maybe we should.

You're assuming this has to do with the father and not the son.

Yeah, the kid seems pretty together.

Yeah, well my parents thought I was together when I was that age.

Meanwhile, I'm sneaking out at night to jazz clubs in Harlem.


I mean, I guess I was pretty wild at 17 too.

Oh, yeah? Wild how?

Hey, OA.

There's gotta be, like, $5,000 here.

I don't think he got that from saving his allowance.

What is that?

Is that Jake's?

Do you know where he got this?


So the burning question...

Where did Jake get all that moola?

Does he have some innocent side hustle like selling vintage clothes like my nephew does, or is he up to something sketchy?

What did we get from Jake's email and phone traffic?

Who'd he text this morning?

Cellular analysis said the phone was too damaged to get it working.

Mm-hmm, well, let's get the text from the cellular provider then.

We can't.

Jake was using an encrypted texting app.


Where are we with Jake's friends?

So far, agents have interviewed three of his friends.

All three say that Jake is a good kid.

And do our agents believe them?


Well, this just gets sketchier by the second.

Come on, people. What is Jake into?

I don't know, but somebody was into it with him.

ERT found Jake's prints all over that money, but they found another set too from a student at the school.


Hey. Hi.

How did you find me?

Uh, spy satellite.

How you doing?

You know, Dan is the best agent I ever worked with.

I was his ASAC at drug branch, but I was the one learning from him.

I wasn't just his boss. We became friends.

And when Jake was ten, he had to have open-heart surgery.

Then a second and a third.

No one knew if he'd live or for how long.

And I was there... for all of it.

What can I do?

Keep me looped in on this case.

Give it to me straight. I wanna know everything...

Leads, rumors, theories, all of it.

Of course. Here's the latest.

However Jake got that money, another student is involved...

A Beth Kimball.

It's so awful about Jake.

I mean, what do you think happened to him?

You and Jake talked on the phone a lot.

What's your relationship? We're friends.

Beth, we think he got himself into trouble.

Why don't you tell us about it?

Trouble? No, Jake's a good guy.

Yeah, we keep hearing that, but it doesn't quite fit with the 5 grand he had stashed away.

I don't know anything about that.


Because it looks like you counted it for him.

Your prints were all over that cash, Beth.

How'd you get my fingerprints?

That background check you passed to be a camp counselor?

Where did the money come from, Beth?

Will this get back to my parents?

Of course it will, which is absolutely the least of your worries right now.

The money.

Jake and I were selling study dr*gs to our friends.

Adderall, Ritalin... We know what study dr*gs are.

What else were you selling?

Well, that was it. I swear.

Look, we weren't hurting anyone.

It was just a way to make a little money.

Who was Jake's supplier?

He never told me.

Did he have trouble with anybody he was buying from or selling to?


Jake was abducted. You're his friend.

If you know something, you need to tell us.

My boyfriend found out I was selling.

He got... kind of upset. Blamed Jake for it.

When did he find this out?

Yesterday, but I talked him down.

He would never hurt Jake.

This boyfriend, what's his name?

Warren. Warren Cooper.

All right, y'all, paint me a picture of Warren Cooper.

He's a senior, varsity wrestler.

He's got a black belt in tae kwon do.

The school principal says he's been suspended twice for fighting.

One of those fights led to an arrest for as*ault, but the prosecutor gave him a second chance and didn't file charges.

Sounds like he has anger issues.

Can we place him at the scene?

Not yet, but it looks like he sent encrypted texts the exact same time Jake received them.


Have agents yank him out of class and bring him down here.

He didn't show up for school today.

Let's issue a BOLO on Warren Cooper.

Did you see this kid in the neighborhood this morning?

Has Jake ever mentioned Warren Cooper?

Definitely not.

So maybe this is just some kind of high school spat.

This Warren kid... What's his beef with Jake?

We think it's about a girl.

A girl?

What is my son mixed up in? You owe me a straight answer.

He's selling stimulants for studying.

Jake is selling dr*gs?

Not hard dr*gs as far as we know.

What about Warren Cooper? Is he violent?

Does he have a record? He's had some minor scrapes.

My God. Hey.

What? What is it?

Okay, we just got a hit on a BOLO.

NYPD spotted Warren Cooper's car near the FDR and 37th.

Okay, let's call Scola. He's nearby.

FBI! Don't move!

Show me your hands!

Drop it now!

Hey, Scola. Blood.

Whose blood is that, Warren?

Where's Jake Osborne?

I want a lawyer.

I'll answer all questions on behalf of my client, but I can assure you that Warren knows nothing about where this Jake Osborne boy might be.

But he did see him this morning, correct?

He's not gonna answer that.

We have your phone, Warren.

And this is your text exchange with Jake.

You know, when you offered him a ride to school?

Yeah, but nowhere does it actually say that Warren gave Jake a ride.

Let's stop splitting hairs here.

When this interview is over, the three of us are walking out of here.

You're not.

We're gonna put you in a cell, and we're gonna hold you there for 72 hours.

And by then, we'll have plenty of evidence to file charges against you.

And to be really clear, no one is letting you off the hook.

Your only hope is to level with us right now.

If you have a question for my client, please direct it to me.

Okay, well, we would just like Warren to know where he stands.

So you found out that Jake had your girl selling pills, that pissed you off, so you lured him out with a text.

Trace evidence puts him in your car.

And the blood on your shirt is Jake's blood, so that on top of your violent history, I think, would have any jury in the world connect the dots.

Oh, and FYI, we actually don't need a body to charge you with m*rder.

I won't allow you to harass my client.

I'm not.

We're done here. Enjoy that cell.

Wait, they're leaving. Why are they leaving?

Because you're not talking, and he's not saying anything.

Okay, but wait. I'll cooperate...

Warren, don't fall for their theatrics.

Stick with the plan.

Hey, you're not the one that's gonna get locked up.

I am.

Look, I'm waiving my right to an attorney or whatever.

I'll talk. Warren...

Just shut the hell up.


Tell us about grabbing Jake.

Well, it was like you guys said.

Okay, I was mad that he had Beth selling, so I beat his ass, and I told him to leave her alone.

And then what?

Then I just kicked him out of my car.

Well, if that's the truth, then why were you burning your shirt?

Because it had Jake's blood from the beatdown I had just given him.

And I found out he'd gone missing, so, yeah, I was worried that I was gonna get blamed.

All right?

So, yeah, I was gonna destroy the evidence.

That's quite a story. Mm-hmm.

It's the truth.

Well, where did you drop off Jake... supposedly?

Okay, here it is. All right, eyes up.

All right, so Warren said he left Jake on this block during this timeframe.

And there's Warren's car.

A ray of hope... he's alive.

But who is this?


Yeah, we're too far away and too low res for facial rec.

Looks like he's a good Samaritan.

Or a bad Samaritan.

Why didn't he take Jake to the hospital or call his parents or the police?

Whoever he is, he's the last person known to have contact with Jake Osborne.

Pull up other street cams. Analyze the video.

We need to know who this man is.

Can either of you identify him?


Maybe he's in on this with Warren Cooper.

We're looking into that and all other possibilities.

How did this happen?

The good news is this video is a solid lead.

It proves that Jake is alive.

Isobel, you need to let me work this case.

Dan, I cannot fathom what you're feeling right now, but you cannot be a part of this.

Look, go home, both of you, be there for each other.

Let us do our jobs.



Any progress identifying the man in the video?

The team is doing their best, but, honestly, this video has me a bit concerned.

In what way?

Well, we were operating on the theory that whoever abducted Jake is tied to him or his father, but if the suspect is not connected to the family, he's just an opportunistic predator who came across the kid.

He could be very hard to identify.

And even harder to find. Right.

But we are turning over every stone.

Keep it up. Yep.

What have we learned about our bad Samaritan?

That he's a white male.

Gait analysis puts him between 35 and 40.

Based on Jake's height, he's around 6 feet tall, 200 pounds.

We get anything from his clothes?

We ID'd his jacket off the pattern.

It was last produced seven years ago, widely available at the time. Do we have marks or scars?

We think that round shape on the side of his neck is a tattoo.

Hey, he's got a hitch in his stride.

He might've broken his right leg or ankle.

Okay, well, he was on foot, so let's run those data points against known sexual predators in the area.

Hey, Jubal. Yeah?

I think I might have something.

So when we were canvassing Dan's neighborhood, agents pulled doorbell video footage from a house...

Yeah, but where Jake was first grabbed doesn't apply anymore.

We need to know who took him after Warren dumped him off.

Right, but when I was combing through the footage, I noticed this from right before Jake got in Warren's car.

That's the same jacket. Check it out.

Our bad Samaritan didn't just stumble onto Jake.

He was following him, and he probably followed Warren's car after Jake got into it.

Run it back. Zoom into the tag.

Run that plate.

Okay, the owner of the vehicle is Sean Ellis.

Date of birth 9/22/81.

He's got a record.

Along with a neck tattoo.

He did five years for drug possession.

He got out three weeks ago.

Which agency made that arrest? We did.

Who was the arresting agent? Dan Osborne.

Folks, this is our suspect.

Call Maggie and OA. Tell them to talk to Dan.

He may know where Sean Ellis is.

Oh, thank God.

I was trying to call Isobel! I didn't know what to do.

Okay, well, what's the matter?

We got home, and there was a flip phone on the front steps.

There was a text message on it. Was it from the kidnapper?

I think so. What did it say?

Dan wouldn't tell me, but he read it and got upset.

He grabbed his g*n and took off.

I tried to stop him.

He's trying to handle this on his own.

Okay. Okay, we got it.

Jubal. Hey.

I know that you heard about Dan Osborne, but we have to find him soon before he does something dumb or dangerous.

Yeah, we're on it.

Hey, while I have you, something's not adding up.

What do you mean? Sean Ellis.

He just got out of prison after doing five years.

Why would he turn around and t*nk his future by abducting Dan's kid?

It's hard to say at this point.

Yeah, but you were Dan's ASAC when the bust went down, right?

You have any sense why Sean would make this move?

No, I don't.

Hey, those charges that brought Sean Ellis down...

Can you review them for me?

Yeah, I'll pull the digital case file.

What am I looking for exactly?

I don't know. Anything unusual.

Okay, I'll get on it. All right, folks.

We are now officially looking for Jake and his dad.

Any leads on where Dan Osborne went after he took off?

No, but a witness saw a Pontiac G6 driving away from the house just before the Osbornes came home.

All right, so maybe that's who left the flip phone.

Does Sean Ellis own a G6? No, just a Honda Accord.

All right, let's put a BOLO out on the G6.

Dan's wife said he had a cell phone with him when he left.

Any signal? Nothing, the phone's shut off.

Okay, what about Dan's vehicle?

No LoJack, no Wi-Fi, no activity on his E-ZPass.

All right, so Dan went AWOL after he got that text message.

It may have been a ransom demand from Sean Ellis, so let's put alerts on Dan's bank account.

That said, our best shot at finding father and son is to locate Sean Ellis.

He got out of prison less than a month ago.

Where's he live?

Who are his friends, his known associates?

Just talked to his probation officer.

Says Sean lives with his girlfriend Gina Ramos.

She has a place in the Bronx.

FBI, open up!

Open the door!

Where's Sean Ellis? Hey!

You cannot just barge in here like that.

This says otherwise.

We can also arrest your dirtbag boyfriend.

I told you. I don't know where he is.

I haven't seen him since this morning.

So where is he?

At Castellano's. He works in the kitchen.

No, no, no, hold on.

Look, Sean did his time. He's got a legit job.

Why don't you people just leave him alone?

Because he kidnapped this kid.

No way is that true.

It's all clear. No one's here.

I told you.

Sean would never do anything like that.

Who are his friends, huh? Who does he run with?

I don't know. You don't know?

Is this his phone?

Why would he leave without his phone?

That's his backup.

Well, he seems to talk to Roy a lot.

Who's Roy?

The number Sean Ellis was calling belongs to a Roy Hoffman.

Hoffman's name came up under Sean's known associates.

Yeah? What do we know about him?

Sean and Hoffman grew up together in foster care since ten years old.

Got busted together as juveniles, stayed close.

Hoffman visited Sean every week in prison.

Jubal. Yeah?

Hoffman drives a blue G6.

Okay, so Roy Hoffman is the person that dropped off that flip phone.

Where are we with his cell? It's active.

It's pinging a tower in Long Island.

That tower is right next to Burrell Auto Salvage.

Hoffman is part owner of the business.

Junkyard... Good place to stash a kid.

Signal from Hoffman's cell phone is coming from up ahead.

We're getting warmer. I just hope the kid is here.

I just hope the kid is breathing.

You think they k*lled him?

If Sean wanted a ransom, why target a guy living on an FBI pension?

If he wanted revenge, maybe he's already taken it.

We're going to find Jake alive.

And split.


It's coming from the van.

Hoffman's in the van.

Move, go. Green.

Wide, wide.

Are you ready?

Where's the kid?

I don't know. Where's Jake?

I don't know, man.

Hey, we know you dropped off a flip phone.

Because Sean told me to.

I didn't even know what it was for.

Who did this to you? The dad.

He knew Sean and me were tight, so he came asking where his son was.

I don't know where he is!

I didn't even know he'd been taken.

The father beating the hell out of me didn't change that.

All right, where is Sean Ellis?

Your guy came asking where he was.

He wanted to talk to him, so he put a g*n to my head, and he made me text him. What did you tell him?

That I needed to meet with him.

That it was urgent. And Dan went in your place?

Yes. When did Dan leave?

Ugh, I don't know. Maybe a half hour ago?

Okay, where is his meet with Sean supposed to happen?

At this warehouse.

We used to get high there when we were kids.

I didn't see Dan's car anywhere.

Yeah, or Sean Ellis'. Maybe we beat them here.

Where's my boy?

Where did you put him?

Where is he?

Where's Jake? Where's my son?

What'd you do with my son? Dan...

Sean, where did you take my son?

Dan... Tell me!

Come on. Hey, step back!

Where's my boy? Oh, God.

Oh, God. Hey, call it in.

He needs an ambulance right now.

We need two ambos. Dan, you're hit.

Send the ambos to our location now.

Sean, where is he?

Where's my boy? Where's my boy?

Where's Jake? What's he saying about Jake?

He's in no shape to say anything.

What happened in there?

I came for my son. Sean wanted money.

He pulled a g*n. I returned fire.

I had to. How bad was he hit?

What happens if he doesn't make it?

Dan, you need to stay calm.

He knows where Jake is.

Find out where Jake is. You can't let him die.

I need you to stay with me. Is Jake alive?

He is alive.

Where is he?

I need to know where he is. What?

Stop, stop. What did you just say?


Brick? What does that mean?

Sean... Sean, I need to know what "brick" means.

Please, stay with me. Please, Sean...

Ma'am, he needs to go to the ER.

Okay, you guys wait here.

Okay. Sure.

Isobel, what's going on? Listen.

Dan has been shot.


His injuries are... What?

Not life-threatening, although he will require surgery.

Wait, who shot him?

Sean Ellis, who we believe is involved in the abduction.

Dan was wounded and so was Ellis.

What about Jake? He was not at the scene.

Listen, Agent Sandoval, Agent Jones, will take you to the hospital. You go be with Dan.

The moment I know something, you will too.


Hey, any updates on Jake?

Jake is out there somewhere.

Sean Ellis said he's still alive, but that's all I got out of him.

Anything on Sean's phone?

The techs are still trying to unlock it.

Keep me appraised. Of course.

Hey, is that the flip phone from outside Dan's house?

Yeah, took it out of his pocket before they put him in the ambulance.

Okay, what about the text that made Dan go rogue?

What'd it say?

That's the thing. There is no text.

He must have deleted it.

What? Why would he delete it?

I don't know.

Maybe there's something else going on here.

Found Sean's Accord up the block.

Is there anything inside that connects to Jake?

Not yet, but the car's a total pigsty.

We're still digging through all the crap.

Okay, I'm gonna light a fire under the tech's ass.

We gotta get into Sean's phone.

Hey, I got this in the car...

A receipt crammed in Sean's wallet.

Four hours ago, he bought six burgers and fries from a fast food joint. Where's this burger joint?

Just outside Inwood.

All right, we need to know where Sean was before he got to that warehouse.

That may be where Jake is.

Can we track where Sean drove from?

His car's got no signal to track.

We're looking through his previous destinations on his navigation.

We just don't know how old they are.

Right. What about his phone?

Cellular analysis got it open, but it defaulted to factory settings.

So it was wiped.

Has Sean made anymore statements?

No, and I just got word.

Sean Ellis died on his way to the hospital.

Hey, Jubal, the security footage from that burger joint just came in.

Okay, queue it up.

Yeah. Eyes up, people.

All right, here we go. Freeze it.

So we know Sean Ellis bought those burgers alone.

Are there cameras outside?

There should be one with a view of the street.

All right, let's see how he got there.

By foot? By car?

By unicycle?

Okay, that's not Sean Ellis' Accord.

That's a Cadillac DeVille, 2004-ish.

And he got into the passenger side.

No doubt about it, folks, Sean Ellis has an accomplice.

Tell me who owns that Caddy.

Okay, license tag matches to a Saab.

Ugh, a cold plate. Looks stolen.

But you know what?

Sean Ellis knew that person driving.

Maybe his girlfriend knows him too.

Why would I even say anything to you?

You're the reason Sean's dead.

Sean is the reason why Sean's dead.

And you could be looking at accessory to kidnapping.

I still can't believe that he was even a part of that.

And I sure as hell wasn't.

Yeah, well, she just said... I mean, really...

Ma'am, you requested the personnel file on Dan Osborne? Thank you.

It is in your best interest you answer these questions.


Okay, Gina, do you recognize this vehicle?

I want protection.

Protection from what?

If I say anything, they're gonna k*ll me.


Look, Gina, if you're in trouble we can help you, but you gotta tell us what's going on here.



All right, now, it's up to you.

Come on, Gina.

Sean was a part of a drug g*ng.

He was protecting their dope and money, and that's what got him sent up.

We already know all that.

Yeah, well, like a week after he got out, he told me that somebody from the g*ng reached out to him and said that he owed him...

That Sean was on the hook for some money.

Well, how much are we talking?

I don't know.

Are you saying that Sean took this boy to pay back a debt?

This doesn't make any sense, Gina.

Dan Osborne doesn't have money.

He's living off of an FBI pension, so why would Sean take his kid?

All I know is that if Sean didn't pay the money, they said they were gonna k*ll him and me.

Who's the guy that threatened him?

I don't know.

Sean always made me leave when he came around.

But I came home early one day, and I saw that car parked outside, so I think it's his.

Find whoever owns that vehicle, we find Jake Osborne.

We now believe Sean Ellis' accomplice is calling the sh*ts, and he wants ransom for Jake, which is good because it motivates him to keep Jake alive, but once he realizes Sean is missing, he'll know things have gone south, and then Jake becomes a liability.

So has Dan Osborne given us any more intel?

Agents are at the hospital, but he's in surgery.

Right, so let's focus on the car and who it belongs to.

Let's pull street cam footage near the burger joint to see where it went next.

Where are we with the drug g*ng that Sean ran with?

He never ratted them out, but the g*ng is called the Easy 8's. Okay, the Easy 8's.

Have drug branch send over everything they have on those guys. On the way.

Go through every known member of the Easy 8's and look for anyone who owns a Caddy like that or who had recent contact with Sean Ellis.

We need to find out who this is!

The clock is ticking on Jake Osborne.

Let's go.

Hey. Yeah?

Remember you had me look into that Sean Ellis drug bust?

Yes. Yeah, there's something you need to see.

What's up?


What is it?

Uh, so I checked into the case that got Sean sent away.

Guess he was a big player... Babysitting 80 kilos of coke and a million in cash when Dan Osborne and his team raided that house, but in Sean's statement, he said there was 2 million in cash, which means...

Which means nothing because there is no corroborating evidence.

And you're sure there isn't any?

I looked into the allegations.

There is no proof that Dan Osborne stole a million dollars.

There's nothing there.

Is that why you're reviewing Dan's file?

'Cause there's nothing there? Excuse me...

I'm just saying if Dan took that money, Sean would be on the hook for it.

It would explain why they kidnapped Dan's son, and it would explain why Dan deleted that text, went rogue, tried to solve this himself.

Look, Isobel...

I think Dan stole that cash.

It's the only explanation that makes sense.

Jubal, I get it. Trust me.

But I cannot accuse a decorated agent without any real proof.

You can't or you don't want to?

Get the hell out of my office.

Yes, ma'am.

What do we got?

Well, these are all the known Easy 8 members minus the ones who are in prison or in New Jersey.

Can we connect any of them to the Caddy?

No, none of them own that vehicle.

We get a look at the driver from the street cam footage?

Negative on that.

Any of them communicate with Sean Ellis?

We're checking his phone records, but so far nothing.

We got a dozen possible suspects here.

We need to narrow it down, people.

Jubal. Yeah.

When I asked Sean Ellis where Jake was, he said, "brick."

Yeah, "brick." Right, I remember.

Russell McNair. His street name is Brick.


All right, people, looks like we got our guy.

Russell McNair... Give me an address.

Yeah, he's got an apartment in Tremont.

Wait, it looks like he also bought up six foreclosed properties. They're stash houses.

Any of 'em near that burger joint?

Yeah, two of them are. Both unoccupied.

And one of them just started pulling electricity as of this morning... Right after Jake was abducted.

He's gotta be in there.

Let's hit that house and find the kid.

Space, space.

Three, two, one.


Turn left, turn left!


I need one here!

Take the back.

One down here.

. Establish position.

There's stairs.

Stop, stop. Hold.

Go left.

We got contact! 95G!



Go, go!

Brick is down. Suspect is down.

Clearing team, stop sign... Jake!

Check your right side.


Right room clear.

Hey. Cover.


He's in here. We need a medic.

Jake... hey, Jake.

Hey, Jake. Hey, buddy.

We have one down. Hey, hey, hey, hey, Jake.

Hey, hey.

Jake, stay with me.

Hey, Jake. Hey, hey, hey.

Okay, stay with me.


Hey, Jake.



We got him. He's alive.

We got you.

Well done, everybody.

Thank you. Hey, it was a team effort.

What matters is Jake's safe. It's over.

Yeah, not entirely.


Hey. How's Jake?

Well, they doped him up pretty good, but doctors say he's gonna be fine.

That's good to hear. Um, but you never did tell me.

Tell you what?

About your wild high school exploits.

Oh, yeah, you know what?

That's better if we just leave that in the past.

Or we don't. Come on, let me hear it.

Okay, when I was a senior in high school, I fell head over heels for this Italian foreign exchange student, Luca.

That summer, I took all of my savings and I bought a plane ticket to Rome to be with him.

I'm sorry. You did what?

I got drunk every night and danced till 4:00 in the morning.

I mean, it was the craziest two months in my life.

I mean, great. It was great.

What made the music stop?

Well, obviously, Luca and I imploded, but by the time that had happened, I was already done with it.

You know, so I decided to move back to Indiana and go back to being me.

Well, I'm not sure I know who that is anymore.

A lot more surprises where that came from.

I know.


Thank you so much.

I'm just so glad it worked out.

Jake, how are you feeling?

Like it's all my fault.

I was selling pills, and...

That's not why this happened, Jake.

How do you know that?

Do you mind if I talk to your dad for a minute?


Jake, why don't we go grab a snack?

I know what you did.

I trusted you, gave you the benefit of every doubt, and you lied right to my face.

I'm sorry.

I was desperate.

Needed cash for Jake.

I screwed up... but I've paid a price.

So has my family.



Can you just look the other way and pretend this never happened?

Dan Osborne, you're under arrest.
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