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02x08 - Delivered

Posted: 02/14/21 09:08
by bunniefuu
Oh, Jesus, God, come on.

Come on!

Oh, God!

You doing okay?

I still can't believe it's real.

Three more weeks to go.

You're right on schedule.

So everything's fine?

Everything's perfect.

Do you want to know yet, boy or girl?

It's not mandatory.

You're allowed to be surprised.

I still want to wait.

Okay, perfect.

How are you feeling otherwise?

How's the vomiting?

Less? Less, yeah.


I know it's been really rough for you.

But the finish line is in sight.

That's something to look forward to.

Why didn't you tell me you had an appointment today?

It was just like the one last week, and you had work. I can take work off.

I want to be there, Val, I'm trying here.

It's fine, we're fine.

Yeah? Mm-hm.

Everything is where it's supposed to be.

Okay, good.

Besides, this is what I really need you for.

Okay. Mm-hm.

Somebody has to pick me up off the floor.

But that means I only have to be there for the end.

Yeah, I'll pick you, I'll pick you up.

I'll sign us in.

Go ahead. No, go ahead.

Oh, thanks.

Are you new here?

When are you due?

Um, due.

Wow, uh...

Namaste. No, I'm just, um, I'm here for a friend.

Do I... do I look pregnant to you?


Oh my God.

I am so sorry.

I... I am.

I'm due in September.

Oh, holy shit, thank God.

Jenny. Tom.

Nice to meet you.

Make a new friend?

Just another mom.

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to Mamaste Breathing.


Now, mommies, I want you to rest your right hand on your bumps and close your eyes.

This is about connecting with the life inside you.

Think about baby inside and breathe.

Sharing air.

One body.

Two beings.

Are you feeling nauseous?

No, I'm fine.

I'm just feeling a little dizzy from class.

It's nothing.

Well, I know how you feel.

Downward Facing Dad really got me today.

What can I get ya? A latte.

Are you sure? The doctor said that 200 milligrams of caffeine per day is fine.

Okay, this is why I need to be at the appointments.

Tom's wife?

Or Valerie.

I like that better.

It rolls off the tongue.

Sit. Oh, what ab... is he?

Oh, he's not pregnant, Come on, sit down.


So, whose wife are you?

It's complicated.

I'm sorry, that was...

It's none of my business.

It's no worries.

I've made my peace.


Pleased to meet you.

Pleased to meet you.

Oh, boy.

Backs, am I right?

I know.

That's funny.

You remember Jenny from class?

The funny one. How could I forget?

Nearly gave me a heart attack.

I took your chair, I hope you don't mind.

Oh, no, no.

Actually, I have a couple more hours of work to do today, so can I meet you back at our place?

I... I can just... No, no.

You two stay, get to know each other.

This is great, I'll see you again at class.

Mamaste. Mamaste.

Bye. Bye.

So, boy or girl?

I have a farmhouse in the country.

I've lived there my whole life.

Really? Yeah.

What about you? What's... what's your story?

Tom and I moved here about six months ago from Chicago.

You can take it if you need to.

It's nothing.

So, um, yeah, Chicago.

What's your job here?

Well, I was a counselor.

I had a private practice in Chicago.

But this pregnancy has been so tough, I had to take a leave of absence, and that has turned into...

I'm just pregnant now.

There are worse things to be.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

I just have to carry around a puke bag now.


Um, what do you do for a living?

I am a nurse in a pediatrician's office.

I've been there about five years now.

I need someone like you around.

Save me from driving myself crazy with late night internet searches.

You can call any time.

You want to crack it open?

The crib, should we put it together?

Oh, no, not tonight.

I'm exhausted.

I am really craving some mango though.

Is that true?

You want mango?

Hm? Okay.

'Cause you can have ice cream or cheeseburgers or donuts, but if that's what you want, that's what you get.

Can I get some ice cream too?

You got it.

Oh, Moose Tracks! Okay!





Tom, wake up!

Tom, please, please!

Tom! Tom, wake up!

I just gotta... Tom.

It's 7:00 in the morning, what are you doing?

Babe, did I wake you?

I... I wanted to get this done before you got up, but it's not easy.

I don't like it.

Put it back.


No, this needs to be done.

I should have done it weeks ago.

I just need to, uh...

I got it.


I just gotta figure out why I don't have...

What are you looking forward to the most?

Oh my God.

Having my body back.

More than one cup of coffee a day.

Pants without the elastic in them.

Never vomiting again.

Oh, yeah.

For me, it's reading him stories in bed at night.

Like Goodnight Moon and Dr. Seuss.

And Harry Potter.

"Mr. Potter..."

Yeah, of course.

You know, I'm scared too.

I am.

I'm worried that I'm not gonna be able to do this all by myself.

You're gonna do great.

And you won't be alone.

Really? You mean that?


Mommy club.

We gotta keep each other sane when the babies don't stop crying.


Mommy club.

I love that.

Um, I'm gonna step out.

I gotta get some air.

Okay, I'll come.

No, just, uh, would you watch our things?

What are you doing here?

Come on.

You weren't answering my calls or my texts or my emails.

Yeah, on purpose, Riley.

I told you to stay away from us.

It's over.

I flew in from Chicago for Christ's sake.

Just... please.

Can we at least talk?


Noon. Don't be late.

Okay. Val.

Thank you.

Who's that guy? Oh, he was just asking me if I was okay.

Saw that I was about to puke.

Oh, you poor thing.

Let's get you sitting down, okay?


Hey, sorry I'm late.

I put in an extra mile, and then I had all these, uh...

Don't worry about it.

You okay?

She puked.

Welcome to your weekend.



This might be too soon or weird, um, but would you guys like to have dinner at my house sometime?

If not, it's totally fine.

I completely understand.

No hard feelings. We would love to.

When? Wow!

Um, tomorrow.

Early, like six?

Works for us. Yeah.

What should we bring?

Um, nothing at all.

I will make everything.

It will be a wonderful homecooked meal.

We'll be there. Nice, thanks.

That's great. Okay, bye.

Bye. Bye.

What's her address here?

Whoa, she's really out there.

You weren't kidding.

This is out of town.

I told you.

The middle of nowhere.

Just trying to get blood back in my legs.



It could happen any time.


I mean it, Val.

We're gonna be parents.

Promise me you won't leave us.

No matter what happens.

Promise me you won't leave us alone.

Of course.


Sorry, I'm just...

Pregnant brain.

I am so excited to be a parent with you.

I love you.

I love you too.

Sollie, tables are for people, not for kitties.

Come here, mister.

You be good.

You got it? Yeah.


Oh, this is nice.



Hey. Hey.


Thank you, these are for you.

Oh, wow, these are beautiful.

Thank you, Val.

This place is amazing.

Cozy, right, Tom?

Yeah, definitely.

Jenny, are these your parents?

Yep, that's them.

Hi there.

Whoa! Sollie!

I'm so sorry, did he get you?

No. I probably should have warned you.

He's sort of a one-woman cat.

Would you like some lemonade?

This place is huge.

20 acres. Wow.

Oh, Jenny, you got a flat.

Yeah, I'll get AAA out here eventually.

You know what, I'll save you a call.

Wait, absolutely not, you guys are my guests.

I'm not gonna put you to work, Tom.

No, I'm a dad now.

I can't just let a tire be flat.

You guys stay here, I got this.

It'll make him feel manly. I am manly!

Thank you!

How long have you guys been married?

Almost two years.

That's not very long.

Well, we were together a year before that.

Hm. And this was not planned.


I've always wanted one, ever since I was a little girl.


I know this sounds silly, but it feels like it's the only thing that I've ever wanted.

Obviously, I wish it were under different circumstances, but...

To quote my mother, beggars can't be choosers.

Are you talking about me?

Smells great.

Mm, that was really good, Jenny.

You ate for two.

I think I even ate for two.

I can't remember the last time we had a meal like that.


Val, you look like you're about ready to fall asleep.

Well, I just feel relaxed... and full.

Hey, hey, are you all right?


Maybe we should go home.

Oh, nonsense.

She can lie down in the guest room.

Val. Hm?

Hey, Val.

What are you doing?

I'm fine, fine.

Yeah, Val.



Okay, come on, I'm gonna help you up.

Come on.

How are you feeling, sleepyhead?

I'm just tired.

How long have I been...

What's happening?

You're not...

Oh, yeah, I'm not.

I'm not pregnant.

Where is Tom?

Hey, hey, hey.

Take it easy, try not to move too much.



Where is he?

What did you do?

Don't look at that.

That's the past.

I just want you to think about this.

It's the future.

It's our future.

Sleep tight, babies.

I'll be back before you know it.



Sounds like someone's awake.





It's okay.

It's okay.

Don't come near me.

No, don't touch me.

Okay, there's an adjustment period.

There's always an adjustment period.

I've learned that for sure.

The maternal instinct is very strong.

But you're different, you're not like them.

You know that I knew you were the one as soon as I saw you.

There was something inside of me that just told me that we needed each other.

What are you doing? Just I can't wait to show you the nursery.

You're gonna love it.

You want my baby?

Our baby.

You k*lled Tom?

Keeping the dads, it never works.

You k*lled Tom! I had to do what I had to do. No, what have you done?





Why? Tom!

No! All right, all right, all right. Get me out!

No, no!

You've been out for a long time.

You must be starving.

I'm sorry about the restraints, but I thought that you might like a nice breakfast.


I don't want any f*ckin' soup.

Valerie, I understand that you're upset, okay?

But you're not the only person in there anymore.

This is for the baby.


Slowly, it's very warm.

Good girl.

You're not gonna get away with this.

People will notice.

Someone will come looking for us.

No one came for the others.


Don't worry, I've learned a lot.

I'm not gonna make the same mistakes.

This is the one.

Val, you're the one.


Look at you.

It's amazing what a little food can do, right?

Let's take advantage of this energy.

Let's go on a walk together.



Help me!

No one can hear you out here.

Just breathe in that fresh air.

It's so good for your body.

And for your soul.

Come on, cheer up, mama.


Well, at least you can roam around the room now.

It's long enough for you to make it to the bathroom, no worries.

I put water and snacks right here.

And you should take your prenatals.

And me, um, I'm close by.


I'll get us out of here.

I promise.

You don't have what it takes.


Who's Riley?

He's a friend.

A really good friend.

We were supposed to meet... today.

Well, you've never mentioned him before.

You don't know everything about me, Jenny.

He knew we were coming here.

That we had dinner.

He knows your name.


Hi. Hi.

Checking in?

No, actually I have a friend that goes here.

I was wondering if she checked in for class this week.

Who's your friend?

Valerie Coates.

No, but she was about ready to pop.

Maybe baby came a little early.

Hm. It happens all the time here. Yeah.

Okay, thank you. Namaste.


I need your fingerprint.

I'm not giving you anything.

You either give me your fingerprint or I will take your f*cking finger.

You're not gonna find anything.

Thank you.

I'm making salmon and leafy greens for dinner.

I hope you're hungry.

Oh, hey, mister.

Do you want some treats?

Good boy.

I know you lied about Riley.

He doesn't know anything.

I can't tell much from your phone, but I don't even think he's your friend.

I don't suppose you want to tell me exactly who he is.

He's a very close friend.

You deleted everything!

Text messages, voicemails!

It would be much easier for everyone if you would just tell me.

He's gonna come looking for me.

Where are you going? To take care of your very close friend.

It feels like it's the only thing that I've ever wanted.

Obviously, I wish it were under different circumstances, but...

I'm not gonna be able to do this all by myself.

Mommy club.

I love that.

You're not gonna get away with this.

People will notice.

Someone will come looking for us.

Before you try to run and take off, I want to show you something.

I wanted it to be a surprise.

I wanted you to see.

I wanted you to see for yourself...

To know that I'm gonna be a great mother.


What did you do?

We're gonna be just fine without you.

Val, I didn't want it to be this way, but you've lied to me, and now there's somebody looking for you, and if he comes, you cannot be here.

Don't you understand?

Having you around has been a bonus.

But you're eight and a half months pregnant now, so you're not an oven.

You're just an extra blanket.


I don't want you to worry about last time.

I know what I did wrong.

This time, everything is gonna be perfect.

I promise.

I can't wait to see you.

Just think, the first thing that you're gonna see is me.

Your mother.

I can do it right this time.

I can do it right this time.

I'm not like them.

I'm not like them.

I am not like them!

I can do it right this time.




Can I help you up?

Come on.

Let me help you.

Here's some food, when you're ready.

And this should help, it's hot tea.


What is this?

It's raspberry leaf tea.

It's supposed to help induce labor naturally.

Drink it all, or I swear to God, I will cut you open and take my chances.

Not a f*cking nurse.



Hello? Help!


Val? Help!


Riley? Hello?

Riley! Riley, help!

Get in here, hurry!



Oh my God, Val.

Are you hurt? We need to get this off.

Hang on.


Come on!



Thank you.

Just stand back.

I'm never gonna let you go again.

I love you and our baby.


You must be Riley.


No! No! No!

Come on, come on.

Come on!

Where are you going?

Come on, come on.


f*ck you. f*ck you!

You little bitch.


f*ck you! f*ck you!

Ah! Jenny.


You shouldn't have done that.



I gave you so much.

A room, food, clean clothes.

Invited you into my house and you throw it back in my face.

Riley is the father?


I don't even know what to say about that.

How could you do that to Tom?

What are you gonna do with that?

Well, Val, you don't have to walk to give birth, so...

No, wait! Wait, Jenny, I know what your parents did to you.

What did you just say?

What did you just say?

I'm sorry.

What they did to you was...

It was...

It was awful.

You have no f*cking idea.

They ripped me open.

They tore him out of me.

And they left me here to die.

In this room!

Right here.

If I didn't k*ll them, then I would've died.

Anyone would've done what you did.

Would you?

Would I k*ll someone?

To survive?


You don't have to do this.

Jenny, don't.



We can... we can wait for this baby together.

I won't try to leave.

I... I won't... I won't make a run for it.

You don't have to be like them.

I am nothing like them.

No, no, no, no.

I'm gonna k*ll you!

You're gonna have to do it with one foot.

This is gonna hurt.

f*ck you!

You know, no matter how many f*cking baby books you read, not matter how many pregnant women you f*cking slaughter, you will never be a mother!

You're a monster, you f*cking crazy bitch!

You know if it's a boy, I was thinking Samuel.

I've always loved that name.

And, um, Mia if it's a girl.

It's sophisticated.

She's beautiful.

Can I see her?


If you're a boy, this is your name no matter what happens.

And if you're a girl...

I didn't even think about you.

You were just something that happened to me.

I was so scared.

I didn't think about all the things you could be.

How you'd smile, what you'd wear...

What it would be like to even look at you.

I don't even know if you're a boy or a girl.

One thing I do know...

I swear.

She will not have you.


Valerie, what are you doing in there?




I need you to come out now.

What did you do?

Oh! What did you do?

You k*lled my baby!

My baby.



Wasn't gonna grow up broken like you.


Oh my God, Sollie!

Oh, no!

This is gonna hurt.

f*cking die!

No! No, no, no, not now.

911, what's your emergency?

Help! Help!

Help me, please help me!

How are we feeling today?


Both of us.

Oh, here, let me change that.

Got you, got you.


You're good at that.

I told you I would be a great mother.

Better than you.

My beautiful baby girl.

My beautiful Ava.