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02x02 - Pilgrim

Posted: 02/14/21 09:03
by bunniefuu
You don't appreciate anything I do!

What are you talking about?

I can't do this... I can't do this anymore.

Good! I don't care!

So you don't care, that's it?

Happy Thanksgiving! Mom, please don't leave!

You mean to tell me that you made this construction paper turkey?

You did it?

Mm-hm, uh-huh.

Well, I gotta hand it to you.

That is hands-down the finest construction paper turkey that I have ever seen.

Has anybody ever told you you are a very smart little boy?

Oh, hon, I wanted to ask you about, uh...

The Home Harvest Festival?

Thank you. So we're going to be having some folks join us for Thanksgiving?

Should be fun.

Yes. We are all booked for the Thanksgiving experience.


They're going to send somebody out here and they're going to make us a big dinner, teach us how they did things in the olden days.

Like in the olden days?


What does that even mean?

It means that it will be just like the first Thanksgiving, with a lot of food and sharing.

Oh, great.

Let's honor the whitewashed history of the Native American genocide... like, that's exactly how I want to spend my break, thank you.

Right, Cody, well, you could try to think of this as a fun and creative way of getting back to basics.

Celebrating the true and important meaning of the holiday by spending quality time together as a family, which we can all do more of, right, babe?


And maybe this is what finally brings us together.

I doubt that, Anna. Cody...


I still think it's weird, though.

And I don't need a history lesson from these people. Mm-hm.

Speaking of, how was your last day of school before the break?

Did you also make paper turkeys?

Well, that would require actually going to class.

Uh... what?

Check your messages. They said that you cut.

It's not that big of a deal.

Uh, me paying 65K a year for you to be skipping class, yeah, that's... I'd say it's a pretty big deal.

Then don't pay it, I didn't ask to go there.

It doesn't work that way.

Then how exactly does it work, Anna?

Because I'm pretty sure there's a ton of other things we're wasting our money on.

Oh! Like this Harvest Festival.

It is not the same, your education is important to me...

Ladies, come on, enough, please, enough.

Can we just, um... what do you say we break the wishbone, hm?

Wishbone? Yeah.

See, when you're finished eating a bird, you grab the wishbone, here it is.

Two people make a wish, you pull it apart, whoever gets the larger half, your wish comes true.

Want to try?


Cody, how about you?

Sure. Yeah.

Why don't you make it a good one?

Oh, I will.

I wish this whole thing would backfire in her stupid face.

Ready? Mm-hm.

One, two, three!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!


Turkey and dressing and pie and cake...

I can hardly wait! Me too!

Turkey or no turkey, we've still got all the freedoms and privileges the Pilgrims gave us.

It's easy to lose sight of what Thanksgiving really means.

I am thankful for getting plenty to eat all the time, with extras that count, like cookies and milk after school.

We'll be one family in America that will really have a Thanksgiving dinner.

I've got so many things to be thankful for.

After all, isn't that what Thanksgiving's for?

I'm thankful that when my neighbor drops in to borrow a cup of flour, we've got the right to talk about anything we want to.

I am thankful for growing up in America.

I am thankful for this house.

It may need a coat of paint, it has a mortgage, but it's ours, and I'm thankful for my newspaper.

Just a few cents' worth of printer's ink and paper.

And I'm thankful for all the things our American system makes possible.

We are truly and humbly thankful.


Families are still important in America.





There's no way that Tate is hiding in this room.

Tate couldn't possibly be hiding in... here!

You found me. Of course I found you, I always find you.

And liftoff!

All right, come on, it's time for bed.

All right.

G'night, bud. Goodnight!

Cody? Hm?

I hope your wish comes true.

Thank you.

Goodnight. Goodnight.

Cody, I hope your wish comes true.


Anna, you have outdone yourself again.

Everything is just stunning, as always.

I don't know how you keep it so pristine with two kids. Oh, well, tell that to Shane.

I think he thinks this house magically resets itself and makes us dinner every night.

Well, maybe that Thanksgiving thing you signed up for will do some good.

Oh yes, so tell us all about that.

You're having Pilgrims here?

This is amazing, how did you find this?

I saw an ad that said something along the lines of, "Does your family spend more time on their cell phones than they do with each other?

Is your family disconnected?

Do your kids take for granted all that you do", so on and so forth, but they got great reviews.

And all these families are just raving about how close they were after the experience.

What are they going to do?

Oh... oh no, it's a full reenactment of the first Thanksgiving.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, they bring food and decorations and the whole family does it together, yeah.

Okay, this is such a great idea.

I know. I really hope this works.

The f*ck is this shit? Cody...

The heck is this shit?

Well, we are hosting the neighborhood HOA meeting today.

The Stepford Wives?

Yeah. Yeah, your mother...

Anna, she sent out a reminder in the family group chat, didn't you read it?

Are you insane?

Yeah, well, believe me, there's other things I'd rather be doing too.

Oh. Oh!



So that's like no excuse for why she spends so much time on social media.

Uh, yeah. Maybe she should just quit Facebook if she wants to spend more time with her family.

But then, how would we get to see how perfect her life is?

I mean, his first wife, she didn't try so hard.

This is pathetic.

It's just so misguided.

Cody's never going to accept her, no matter what she does.

I mean, Pilgrims?!

We'd better get back in there.

Katherine, hi!

Oh, finally you're here, oh, thank God, okay.

Did you bring the casserole, or...

Oh, I'm so sorry, Anna, I worked late last night, I completely forgot, I can run out and get something.

I have a trayful of crullers in the dining room that desperately need to be rearranged, so...

Why do they need to be rearranged?

Because I have so many hungry people here!

Actually, I think you are the last people to arrive, so we can actually get started.


Hop like a bunny, go, go.

What are you doing here?

Did housekeeping take the day off?

k*ll me now, like actually.

And let you get out of doing all this?


Besides, a few glasses of white wine, you're going to fit right in.

Oh yeah, right, I'm never going to fit in.

This is like the country club hellscape, okay?

I can smell ranch from my bedroom.



Thank you for saving me. Mm-hm.

No problem.

My mom, she needed to get out of the house.

She's been tripping lately.

How long since her last cigarette?

Cigarette, like, two weeks, but since she's had a panic attack, uh...


What are you doing? What?

My parents would k*ll me if they saw that!

They're always freaking out, though.

How do you do?


No f*cking way.

Is this the Barker residence?

You're the Thanksgiving reenactors.

You're early.

I wasn't, uh... you weren't supposed to...

Well, we needed time to settle in and prepare after such a long journey.

I'm sorry, I'm being rude, I'm being rude.

Please come in, come in!


Oh, okay... all right, okay.

Thank you. Um... we have refreshments...

This shit is amazing.

And you're in costume, of course!

I would never wear just my wash frock to such an occasion.

Well, you look wonderful.

Um, everybody, these... these are our guests.

I'm Ethan, and this here is Patience.

And this is my daughter, Cody.

f*cking f*ck.


Uh... nope, none of that, I'm good, thanks.


Be polite.

A real firebrand, this one.

Well, I look forward to getting to know you over the coming days.

The coming days?

I thought this was just a Thanksgiving dinner.

Well, uh... things are a little different with the plan, but it looks like Ethan will be staying with us for a few days. Staying?

Like staying, staying, in the house?

Yes, of course, in the house, where else would he stay?

Um, a motel comes to mind.

We don't know them.

Cody, this is going to be fun for the whole family, okay?

So could you just please be helpful to me and go set up the guestroom?

Okay? Thank you.

And, Katherine, I was going to tell you later, but since they're here now, Patience is going to be making your Thanksgiving dinner too.

She's going to do everything, isn't that great?

Live-in help!

Live-in? Yeah.

So she's staying with us, or...

It's not every day that one receives a gift that is so generous.

Um, I just don't know if I can really...

Oh, Katherine, Katherine, you need this, right?

You don't need to do anything else this year, right?

Just kick back, have a glass of wine, take a shower.

I know many forms of relaxation, such as reciting my favorite Bible passages.

Or lovingly darning my family's socks.

Oh, yeah, that, um... sounds great, Anna.

Thanks for... thanks for thinking of me.

Great, great.

And the waters were so rough, he, uh, he was sick in his own buckle hat.

Oh God, I just love Mayflower jokes!

Can't get enough.

Thank you, Ethan, for the enthralling story of the high seas. Stop that.

Well, the voyage to the Americas was harrowing.

A little levity was all that kept us sane.

That, and the promise of building a new life with our families.

That is exactly what you all have done here.

You've built a new life.

You must all be so grateful.

We are.

What do you mean, exactly?

Well, little Tate here is your half-brother, I presume?

Yep. Lost the other half in the accident.

Oh, and his jokes are funny?

Are you serious? It's quite all right.

Where would I find the chamber pot?

Oh, yes, follow me.

Jesus, Cody, give it a rest.

Am I the only one who actually thinks this is ridiculous?

There is a grown man in our house pretending to be a Pilgrim. Yeah, okay, I know, I know, it's a little weird, all right?

But they're harmless.

And Anna, she's very invested in this.

Dad, they haven't broken character once.

That's beyond weird! This is important to her, all right?

She has been very excited putting this whole thing together, so can you please show a little bit of respect?

It's not so bad. I like Ethan.

See? Tate likes Ethan.

Tate likes eating glue.

No I do not. Yeah you do.

That's not helping. Yeah.

I haven't eaten glue since I was little.

Okay, can we just... little break, please, just quiet?

Oh, I'm sorry, we distracting you from your tablet?

I'm watching the foreign markets.

And that has to happen right now?

Yes, because this house and your cell phone, they don't pay for themselves.

Okay, okay, yeah, you know, we don't want to interrupt Dad, right, Tate?


All right.

Okay, what'd we miss?

Hey, uh, well, we were just discussing all the Thanksgiving memories that we're going to create this year. Oh really?

That's nice.

Well, Thanksgiving symbolizes coming together, understanding and being grateful for what one has.

When we first arrived at Plymouth Rock and were greeted by the Indians...

First Nation Tribes.

... they taught us their ways.

Farming, the local animals, harvesting the crops, and we in return taught them our Old World traditions, and we gave them so many things for which they were very grateful.

Yeah. Um, speaking of reenactors, can I go to Rachel's for dinner tomorrow?

They're hosting a n*zi.

Cody? That's not... that's not...

Sounds ridiculous, right?

We don't talk about Nazis.


You scared the shit out of me.

I'm sorry, I told you I was going to come over, though.

Get your ass in here before anybody sees.

Sorry I'm a little jumpy.

That's supposed to help.

It's not working.

Oh! Nice. Does Anna know?

No, she thinks I'm finally embracing Jesus. Hallelujah!

Do you think it's dr*gs?

Do I think what's dr*gs?


Her attitude, her distance.

You know how she gets around this time of year.

Mm-hm. Can't blame her.

She has her process.

So how's your new houseguest?

Oh, she's fine.

She won't stop hemming our clothes, but I guess that's helpful.

How about yours?

He's so annoying.

It's like there's something seriously off with that guy.

Well, the man does dress up like a Pilgrim for a living, so.

Well, it's not just that.

I get a really bad vibe from him.

We don't even know where they came from.

I feel like she's trying to make me out to be this evil stepmother.

You know, like it's a fairytale.





Can you be honest with me?

Do you think she blames me?

Anna said that she found them on Facebook, but there's nothing.

I mean, is it really that surprising that a group of 1500s wannabes don't have a website?

Everything has a website!

She said that she found them online.


Are you sure that you're not just trying to find reasons to hate on him because it was Anna's idea?


Huh? Nothing, nothing, I was...

I'm upset because they're weird and they don't belong in our home, not because of Anna. Yeah, yeah, no, of course.

I mean, look, in a few days, the Pilgrims are going to be gone, okay, and everything will go back to normal.

So relax and try to have some fun.

Hon, no.

Look, she's just trying to find somewhere to place the pain.

Maybe I should have done things a little differently with her mother, I don't know.

If anything, she blames me.

Besides, you know in a year from now, you're going to be out of here anyways.


So let's just chill. I am chill!

Could you please define the word "chill" for me, because this is definitely not chill.

I am chill!

Did you hear that?

Mm... no.


There's nobody out there!

Move! There's nobody...

I'll be back.

Yeah, you're totally chill.

Shut up.



It's past your... bedtime.

Ah, 'tis Cody.

What are you doing in here?

I was just telling Tate a bedtime story about us building our first dwellings upon arrival in the New World.

Right. Tate, it's bedtime, bud.

Cody is correct.

'Tis the time of your slumber.

The morrow brings us a grand day.


Cody... thank you for opening your home to me.

Yeah, whatever, it's all good. No, the Bible tells us practice gratitude.

And it is of utmost importance to me that you know how truly thankful I am for your generosity.


I know how difficult Thanksgiving must be for you.

Lady Anna mentioned that your mother left on Thanksgiving.

The truth is... it's a difficult time of year for me too.

I... I had a family once.

I'm sorry I didn't know. I just want to spend what time I have trying to give families the opportunity to see all that they truly have.


What happened?

I wish you could stay over.



Are you all right, dear?

Oh, yeah, I'm just.... having a little difficulty with withdrawal.

The curse of the tobacco plant.

Focusing on one's household duties always eases me.

Well, maybe if I had a nicer house...

This is an herbal brew that will help you relax, family recipe.

You'll finally get a good night's sleep.

That's really nice of you.

It's nothing.

Yeah, I don't know the last time anyone did anything for me.

Finn, he's sweet, but, um, he's just been, you know, in his own world as of late.


You give him so much. He gives me nothing but grief.

It is a difficult age.


But that is no excuse.

He should give back.

Oh, no, no, I mean, I don't... I don't blame him, I wasn't really a shining example at his age, just...

What do you mean?

I kind of was the partying type.

You know what I mean.

I don't.

So how long have you, um, been involved in theater?

Theater? Yeah. The acting troupe and Pilgrim-ing? Ethan!

It all started with Ethan.

Oh. His childhood was cruel.

His mother passed during childbirth, which was bad enough.

But his father...

Ethan was able to take his pain and find value in life where few others would be able to.

I mean, that's inspiring.

I mean, sometimes life, you know, just sucks.

But you have all of this.

I mean... You have shelter and all the food you could eat.

It is quite miraculous.

Ethan teaches us to appreciate, because he knows what it means to have nothing at all.

Well, I am a, uh, glass-half-empty type, so... good luck with me.

Ethan changed everything for me.

And he will for you too.

What the f*ck?


You've got to be f*cking kidding me.



Oh, hey, Cody, how was school?

Well, hello there, Miss Cody.

What are you guys doing?

Oh, Ethan's helping me replace all of the lightbulbs with candles and lanterns.

Isn't that great?


To make the house more authentic for Ethan's time period.

For his time period?

I can't thank you enough for being so understanding.

Cody, look what we got!

What's all this?

We went berry picking, just like the Indians and the Pilgrims did together.

Not quite sure that's how it went, bud.

Patience is going to show us how to make this into a pie.

Oh, really?

Careful, Tate!

Not the ones with the green stems!

Those are the Jerusalem cherries.

They're very poisonous.

Well, where did you go to pick berries?

I don't know of any poisonous berries growing around here.

When one hunts and gathers for your own sustenance, one quickly learns the ways of the land.

Wow. That's fascinating.

Well, did you all go?

No. Ethan was there.

Anna, you didn't go?

Cody, it's fine.

Look, he had a blast, he came back in one piece, and he learned a valuable lesson.

Yeah, whatever, yo, I'm out.

Uh-uh-uh-uh, wait, wait, wait.

I want your cell phone.

In keeping with the authenticity of the time period, I will be taking your cell phone.

It was Ethan's idea.

Just like the first Thanksgiving!

Yes it is, young Tate.

Yes it is.

Tate, cover your ears, please.

Are you sh1tting me?

Cell phone. Now.

What the hell?

And I'll be taking your laptop as well.

I need my laptop for school.

You're on break, I think you'll survive.

Just like the Pilgrims.

They had to teach each other how to live on corn, turkey, and cranberry sauce to survive the harsh winter.

Right, Mr. Ethan?

Very good, young Tate.

You're such a fast learner.

It's for the family, Miss Cody.

Don't be cross.

You'll be glad, in the end.

Yeah, this is all ridiculous.

I am sorry, Ethan.

I do not know what has gotten into her.

Found something?

A crow.

Think it's sick.

The ants are trying to get it.

And you're protecting it. Yes.

What a kind boy you are.

Such a selfless act deserves a reward.


Would you like it? Yes.

Yes... Please.

Can I have another?

Candy is a treat and meant to be savored.

Have you ever heard the story of the crow and the bird?

No. One day, a crow found a piece of meat on the ground, and while he sat there eating his meat, the crow saw a fellow bird carrying a dead mouse.

So the crow chose to go after the bird, but the bird was much faster, and the crow couldn't catch it.

Now at last, the crow gave up and he flew back to the spot where he had left the meat.

But when he got to the spot, his meat was gone.

Someone had stolen it.

Now, young Tate, what did the crow have at the beginning of the story?

Meat? And by the end?

He had nothing.

And why?

Because he wanted the mouse.


He didn't appreciate what he had.

He wanted more.

Does this mean I can't have any more candy?

What would it mean if it does?

Then... at least I got one piece.

See that?

I didn't have to take everything away from this one to teach him, did I?

Very good, very good.

Be grateful for what one has.

Now, run along inside the house.

I'll clean up out here.

Hey, Mom, I'm home!

The hell?

Tate! Mom?




Mom! Mom, Mom!

"The one who offers Thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me".

"I will show the vacation of God".

Salvation of God.

Miss Cody.

Go play inside, Tate.

Why don't we play hide-and-seek?

You go find your best hiding spot and I will find you!

My best hiding spot?

Then how will you be able to find me?

I always do!


All right, go ahead.

You're pushing your religion onto an eight-year-old?

I'm surprised you take issue with it.

I thought you were a proper Christian.

What made you think that?

The crucifix in your desk drawer.

You've been in my room?

I've heard voices and noises in there, late at night.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

It is difficult for you to show respect.

One cannot respect that which one does not appreciate.

Not me, not your parents, not even thyself.

But you will learn to appreciate.

Dad? Hey, Dad? What? Hey.

Dad... Cody, come in here.

I want you to meet some people.

These are friends of Ethan's.

Gentlemen, this is my daughter Cody.

And get this, they're gonna help me rebuild the garage.

Yeah, I'll be able to move my office out there, I'll be out of your way, I'll be out of Anna's way.

I mean, guys, I can't thank you enough, thank you.

Dad, I really think we should just...

Thank you so much. Dad!

It'll be our pleasure.

So it looks like we'll be seeing a bit more of each other then.

So if you'll excuse us, we do have a bit of important business to discuss.

Yeah, only a couple minutes, couple minutes, we're good.

But... It's fine.

I gotta talk to these guys about the garage.

I'm thinking about putting a bar up there.

What do you guys think? Agreed.

I'm also thinking about not telling...

You don't appreciate anything I do.

No, what are you talking about?

I can't do this anymore!

Not anymore with you!

Good, good, I don't care!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Oh, great, what do you want?

What's wrong?

Um, look, I don't really know how to tell you this, but... you know how Katherine, she has a bit of a troubled past?

Uh-huh. Um...

I think she fell off the wagon.

What, she drunk or something?

A "bender", she called it.

She left and took Finn with her.


They went out last night, never came back.

Katherine hasn't been doing well.

What are you talking about?

Finn would've told me, and... why are your bags here?

Patience... doesn't feel safe staying at the house, especially with no one there, so I invited her to stay with us.

Are you serious? It's times like these that we must come together and help one another.

It is the true meaning of Thanksgiving.

Perhaps I can make you something special for your generosity.

No, thank you, you've done enough.

Cody, don't be rude.

This doesn't make any sense, okay?

And Finn would've told me.

Anna, this doesn't feel right.

It doesn't feel safe.

Yeah, um...

Look, I'm sorry.

Wow, really?

What the f*ck?

My children.

Let us pray.

Are you all right, Anna?

Preparing Thanksgiving dinner should be a joyous event.

You've barely spoken a word.

Yeah, just, uh, I just can't understand Katherine.

And poor Finn.

We heard about that.

Such a tragedy.

If only she was happy with what she had.

I... I'm sorry, what did you say your name was?

If only she was stronger, like Ethan.

What do you mean?

God always exacts His will on those that do not listen.


She should be seen as a warning.

You know what, excuse me.

I have to... go find my husband.

What is that?

Uh, okay.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Excuse me, be careful with that!

Excuse me, what are you building?

It's for the feast.

Who are you?

I'm the builder.



Hey, Tate, where are you, baby?

Are you looking for something, Lady Anna?

Yeah, where's Tate?

Oh, I'm sure young Tate is safely in his room.

Well, I need to see him, so, excuse me.

Tate? Ta...

Tate, no more games. Where are you?


Shane? Hmm?

I can't find Tate.

What? Uh, you're right, he's probably outside or...

Can you please help me find him?

Have you seen what they've done to the house?

Honey, it's just a bunch of decorations.

Have you not seen what they've done?

The kids are probably hiding because they don't want to help.

Oh my God, put that freaking thing down!

We need your help, can you please help me?

All right! Should've listened to Cody.

We never should've trusted them.

I was just too consumed with my own bullshit to see what was happening to Katherine.

I'm not gonna let that happen to us.

We need to do something about this now...

Do what, dear?


Nothing, um, how's dinner coming?

We're out of rosemary, and we were wondering if you wouldn't mind running to the store to grab more.

Yeah, I... think that, um...

You know what?

Yeah, that's a good idea, we'll, uh, we'll grab the kids and we'll all go to the store. Together.

Make it a family affair. No need.

The little one and the girl can stay here with us.

Thanks, uh, but we're gonna...

Find them. ... find... find the kids.

Where... where are they?

Oh, they're just fine.

Right, but where are they?

As he said, they're both perfectly safe.

Do something.


Yeah, I'm... I'm gonna find my kids.

What are you afraid of, Shane?

It's just Thanksgiving.




Oh my God!




It's what holds us together as a community, and you have taken it all for granted.

Luckily, we are here to guide you, to show you what you had.

You're insane. People will hear.


You have a wonderful family.

Please, don't, please.

Yet you are focused on your electronic windows to nowhere.

You will rue the day that you didn't see what was right in front of you.

No, stop!

Stop it!

You'll be thankful!

Jesus Christ, you're animals!

That's quite enough of your blasphemy!

Yes, I please thee.



Dad, Dad, Dad!


Cody, Cody, where's Tate?

He's gotta be inside, we gotta hurry.



It's fine.

All right, you okay?


You okay?

Cody, look out!

Shit! Grab whatever you can.

Did we just m*rder?

As a family?

We've gotta hide the body before they see us.

Let's go get Tate.

Okay, let's... let's pull, come on.

Come on.

You go next door. you get some help, call the police.

I'm not leaving you!

We can't just charge in there, there's too many of them!

I know, but, Shane, they have our baby in there!

This is good.

I know a way we can sneak in.

Come on.

You climb up there.

My window's unlocked, you can get right in.

Okay. Go get him.



Go, go find him.

I'm sorry.

Okay, go on then. Go, go.

Come on, you got this.

No shit I got this.


See, hon?

I told you this was gonna be a piece of cake.

Brother Shane, that which you do not value will be taken away.

"Then was the Scold herself in a wheelbarrow brought, and thus unto the cuckling stool this ungracious scold did go".

From where did she learn this... churlish behavior, this utter ingratitude for her family?

From you.

You are consumed with your image and what you could have.

You have no idea what's going on in your own home.

You are totally unaware of all that you have.

Stop, stop!


Please is a request.

Scared yet?

f*ck you.

What do you want?

Your gratitude, of course!

You have it! f*ck!

Not yet, but I will.

Are you grateful for all we have bequeathed you?

I am!

You had it all, and yet you felt hollow!

So we'll take it away.

For air!

For ground!

For time!

Are you grateful?


I'm grateful. I'm grateful.

Are... you... grateful?

When people face death, up close...

... they really remember what's important in their life.

We've given you a gift.

It's time to prepare the feast!


You shuck the corn.

You mash the berries.

We learned our lesson!

What else do you want from us?

What do I want?

What do I want?

I want a Thanksgiving feast.

With trimmings, silver, meat.

And a grateful family, the most honest version of the tradition.

So, you best get to shucking!

Where's Dad? They have him somewhere.

I don't know.

You have never known the cost of a full belly.

But you will.

Gratitude is on the menu, and I shall have it by order or force!

You have our gratitude.

We didn't value our lives here.

We don't deserve it.

We did forget.

Dad provides for us, and Anna, you take care of us.

And together, you gave me Tate.

You did your best for me, and I didn't appreciate any of it.

I could only think about getting out.

But not anymore.


Oh, Miss Cody, you are learning.

You are grateful.

No, Cody, don't say that.

It's not your fault.

Follow her lead, Lady Anna.

Follow it.

No, no.

I never took them for granted.

I loved them!

So you can judge me all you want, but I did my f*cking best!

Then I reject you.

Fetch me a large bowl to catch the blood.

The truly beholden shall appreciate the sacrifice.

Goodnight, Lady Anna.

No, no!

Oh, my love.

My dear.

I'm fine.

Tate, come on, it's time to go.

I'm scared. I know, I know.

Remember the wishbone?

From dinner the other night?

What did you wish for?

Find her!


We can't leave Mommy and Daddy. Cody, think!

What about Mommy and Daddy?

New plan, it's very important that you hide in here. I need you to promise me that you are not gonna leave this spot.

Promise? I promise.

Okay, all right, I love you.

Come on!

Tell me, what do you think should happen now?

Your offspring seem to have... vanished into the night, abandoning you here, after all you've done for them.

Do you still think you showed them true gratitude now?

In the olden days, death was the sentence for merely stealing a loaf of bread.

This isn't the olden days.

Oh, I wouldn't be so sure.

History has a way of repeating itself.

We got her.


Take a seat.

And look, it's your favorite place at the table.

Where's Tate? He got out, he's fine.

I just don't know where Dad is. I don't know where he is.

Oh, he'll be here!

We wouldn't want to start without him now, would we?


... bring out the feast.


Your father didn't appreciate you.

He used his work to hide from his family.

Today, your father will provide for us all, and we are all grateful!

You son of a bitch!

Does it taste good?

Does it taste good?


Let us feast!

Give thanks!

No, no, wait...

Mustn't spare the berries.

We should have a toast.

Fetch us more wine.

For the things that You have done.

You look at Him and tell Him, "Yes, I'm grateful".

The victories that we've won.

Tell Him I could go on and on.

You don't appreciate anything I do.

What are you talking about?

No, you're not listening to me!

Mom, please don't leave me!


Aren't you listening to me?

I was telling you my story about trout fishing off of the Mayflower.

Trout are freshwater fish, you idiot.

I just can't win with you.

What will it take for you to show me the proper respect?

What will it take...

... for you to get f*cked?

The Jeru...

The Jerusalem cherries.

Not the ones with the green stems.

Those are the Jerusalem cherries.

They're very poisonous.

I hope you appreciate them.


Evacuate thy self!

Tate, Tate!

Okay, it's okay, don't look.

Come and untie me, buddy, it's okay, it's okay.

Look at Cody, look at Cody, look at Cody, baby.

You got it, you got it, you got it.

Okay, there you go, all right.

All right, there you go.

Thanks, bud, okay.

Is that Daddy?

Look at Mommy, look at Mommy.

They're just being silly, okay?

Where you going, Sir Ethan?

Where are you going?



That sounds like blasphemy to me.

Can't have that, now, can we?

Psycho ren-faire wannabe.

That's for my husband!

That's for my children!

That's for my house!

Why did you do this to us?

Why did you do this?

To ma... to make you grateful for what you have.

And... aren't you?

Isn't this what you wished for?

Happy Thanksgiving.