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03x05 - Sister Rising

Posted: 02/14/21 08:24
by bunniefuu
[neon sign buzzing]

[Mr. Wednesday]

Demeter is most certainly my wife.


- Why are you here, Ofnir?

- Well, for you.

Not for my money?

As you know, Judge Trakes appointed me Ms.

Wells' conservator.

[Mr. Wednesday]

That guy Hutchinson, what a charlatan he is.

If you want proof of the "stringing him up by the balls" variety,
I'm gonna need access to his computer.

- [whirring]

- [Laura]


I'm alive.

Sweeney's dead and it's my fault.


They're cremating the remains.


You're not going north by any chance, are you?



Some whack-job berserker named Johan blew up the biker bar while your dad was inside.

We're checking him into a hospital now.

It's a nuthouse.

It's about f*cking time.

Bilquis f*cked me up.

I need her to unfuck whatever it is that she did to me.

She's in Hoboken!


We can't risk her becoming an intelligence asset to someone else.

I am not alone.

I am not alone.

♪ [indistinct chatter]


In the summer of 1893, on the shores of Lake Michigan, the United States took its place on the global stage.

Not through w*r, but through technological innovation.

The World's Columbian Exposition also introduced the Ferris Wheel, the moving sidewalk, Juicy Fruit gum, and Crackerjacks.

All things seemed possible as technology leapt into the modern age.

The future looked brighter than ever.

And, in its shadow, hucksters, con men, and grifters plied their craft as they had since the dawn of civilization.

♪ [indistinct chatter]


A three-headed serpent, smuggled from the darkest corners of the Orient...

[crowd exclaiming]






Have your tickets ready!



- Yes!


- Huh?


Right this way, ladies and gentlemen.

The next performance begins in five minutes!


The mystic arts tempt even the stoutest hearts.

♪ [blowing]

Magic can be mastered only by those with steadfast courage and unassailable integrity.

[crowd exclaiming in awe]

But in the hands of a true master, the laws of physics and of nature come unbound.


I've seen this one.

Your handkerchief is inside.

[crowd laughing]

Charming boy.


♪ No, no, no, wait.

The show is not over.

There are still mysteries... to reveal.


[cheering in the distance]

♪ [man]

You're guaranteed to be amazed by this new technological marvel!

[indistinct chatter]

It's guaranteed to render steam power completely obsolete.

Step right up!

[mechanical clicking]


[indistinct chatter]


[applause and cheering]

Write something else!

Um, at this stage, my Automaton is only capable of writing a single message.

There are over 7,000 moving parts, each working together to create...

[coins clinking]

Thank you.

Um, what you have just witnessed is um, a symbol of potential actualized, through...

Thank you.

Thank you for coming!

[cheering in the distance]

Nice show.



Maximillian the Magnificent, Master of all Prestige and Wonder, at your service.

[cheering in the distance]

Buy you a drink?

Uh, thank you.

I'm a Son of Temperance.

Ohio Chapter.

I sympathize entirely.

An entertainer must retain his mental acuities.

I am not an entertainer.

- Oh?

- Yeah...

I'm a student of the technological and mechanical arts.


I would be in the Machinery Hall, not out here, if I hadn't misplaced my application.

Maybe, maybe not.

Well, the way I see i, this fancy machine of yours, it's a...

one-trick pony.


A fine trick, sure, but...

It's a little high for its nut.

This is the first of its kind.

In the future, machines just like this will perform all of our menial tasks.


This, this is the precursor to change.


it's incredible.

Yeah, um...

Maybe, maybe.

But people...

People have to buy what you're selling.

No one's running home to rave about a glorified clock.

Not when you're competing with the greatest exhibitions the world has ever seen.

What this lacks is dazzle.

How much did you invest?


My life savings.



Well, redesigning it to perform other tasks would take months.


I would have to shut down for the rest of the fair.


Kid, all you need's a spark to ignite their imagination.

Turn this auto-mathingy of yours into a real lally-cooler.

Even the great Edison claimed he'd invented the light bulb before he actually did it.

Like all innovators, he understood sometimes you gotta fake it...

...till you make it.

♪ [cheering]

[robotic voice]

Check mate.

[laughing and clapping]

Make way, ladies and gentlemen.

Sir, step aside.

[glass breaking]


Behold the secrets of the future!

- [gasping]


There's a man under there!


He's a fraud!

It's a hoax!

[crowd booing]

[indistinct yelling]


Now, now!

Now, now, ladies and gentlemen!

If you really want honest entertainment, please just step right ahead next door.

The Magnificent Maximillian's miracles of magic must be seen to be believed!


Welcome to Chicago, pally.




♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [water dripping]


They made you a demon.

The men who gaze upon you, who named you, who told your story for you.

You did what you had to do to survive.

[water dripping]


the last follower you took...

...did he give you what you need?



His emptiness only added to my own.

♪ [Guard]

Turn that shit off.

♪ [chair creaking]

Time for a little Q&A.

Truth or dare?

♪ [Technical Boy]

They would have you believe that this building is owned by an Indonesian telecom start-up.

The giveaway is the "renditioney" vibe the place gives off.

Yeah, right.

A start-up and not an electric car in sight?


All right, Bieber, do your thing.

My "thing"?

Yeah, your thing.

The high-tech...


The hack-the-alarms and k*ll the surveillance.

Okay, Mensa.

You think that if I could do any of that bullshit right now, that I would need you?

I told you...

Because of what that f*cking witch-priestess did to me, I am not operating at 100%.


Which means, we gotta do things old school.

♪ [Guard]

f*ck, man.

Is this shit even gonna work if she's catatonic or...


Spy surfing always works.

♪ You are a giver...

...of life.

You are a giver.

What good is it to know my truth if I cannot be free?

I am trapped in here like an animal.

That is why we have come.

♪ Mm.


- Yeah.

- [g*n cocking]

Fire power, m*therf*cker.


Bill Sanders.


Where did you take him?

You're the last person he saw.

So you must know where he is.

♪ You are a giver...

[voice echoing]

You are a giver...

...of life.

You are a giver...

of life.

Mo Fale Balen...

You are a giver...

...of life.


Your eyes are clear.

But you can't see the truth yet.


Sister, remember all you have learned.

Know who has your head.


Know who has your head.

I do.


Then let the earth and water support you, as they always have.



You have had this power all along.

You can reclaim it now.

With the power of the we.


♪ - Sister.

- Your eyes are clear.


Know who has your head.


But you can't see the truth yet.


May the optimism of tomorrow be your foundation for today.

And if we must wait for the amazing salvation, may your temporary forever feel much less than a day, and I is we, and we is power, and we are powerless if we just become nothing but you and they.

May peace be in your hearts and may Orishas lead your way.

Lead the way.

♪ [rumbling]

Let the water return you to your beginning.





♪ [creaking]

[metallic door opening]


in the actual f*ck?




♪ Are you here to rescue me, Shadow Moon?


Actually, no...

[chuckling nervously]

[tires screeching]

♪ [water bubbling]


It took two days in prison to realize I'd been locked away for thousands of years.

I'd come to believe that what others believed of me was me.

That I was...

the exotic fantasy in the minds of others.

But how does something like that even happen?

They create an identity an image for us that serves them.

They teach us to see ourselves through a veil.

And now that the veil's been lifted?

I see it all, for what it truly is.

I see myself as I am.

I had lost that.

What the future holds is up to us to decide.


Yeah, I-I've been thinking about things differently lately.

Tear down the veil, Shadow.

Use all your strength.

But do it.

Do it now.

Already started.

There's no going back now.


Not ever.

♪ ♪ What made you want to come find me?

♪ You were in trouble.

Very heroic.


I sense a deeper motivation.

Something from your past?

I don't know.

Unfinished business?

Laura, maybe.

Trying to save herself from herself.

[people laughing]

My mom.

There was nothing I could do...

...nothing to do, just...

Just watch her waste away.

She was in so much pain.

And now it is time for you to heal your own.


Look, isn't this just the point where you make some mysterious prediction about my destiny or...

Your destiny is not for me to know.

A word of advice.

The journey to spiritual awakening... better with French fries.



♪ [phone ringing]



It's me.

Uh, Mike.

I know.

What's up?

Uh, oh, I just...

I was just checking in.

You know.



There been any news on Alison?

I had breakfast with her mother.

It was heartbreaking.

That must have been rough.

- What can you say?

- Nothing.

There's not a damn thing you can say to make it any better.


When are you back?

I'm gonna be away a little bit longer than I expected.

I-I gotta make a stop and see my father.

That's a good reason for a detour.


You don't know my father.

Um, he's in the hospital.

It's nothing serious, he's just...

He's your dad.

Don't worry.

I'll keep an eye on your mail for you.


Have a safe trip.

I'm glad you called.

See you in a few days.



Ah, you may have to remind me of the rules.

It's been a while.

What are you doing here, Ofnir?


I mean, we both know there are easier ways to make a buck.

It's not always about money, darling.



Truth is, I'm exhausted.

My recent brush with death and long haul of the campaign, I mean, it wearies the soul.

Well, you don't look exhausted.

Besides, w*r mongering always invigorates you.

I'm just taking a leaf out of your book, you know, taking a step back from life, a little respite to recharge the batteries.

In a place like this with rules and restrictions?

Where you're not in charge?

As they say, with age comes a little wisdom.

And I'm-I'm seeing the benefits of going along to get along.

You won't last a week here.

Do I detect a wager?

I last a week, you give me...

one night.

To do what exactly?

To find out what's in my heart.


What a terrifying prospect.

Well, you might be surprised.

If at the end of it, you still want to stay in this genteel hellhole, then so be it.

I'll take that bet.

[slicing flesh]

♪ [Salim]

"Ibis, Jacquel and Salim.

Funeral Emporium." I am not training you in the mortuary arts.

I have no interest in learning them.

This sort, at least.

Muslims do not desecrate the dead as you are doing.

The deceased are washed and then wrapped in a burial shroud.

I am familiar with Islamic funerary traditions.

Where in "Cay-roh", Cairo, can you buy burial shrouds?

Salim, I will not aid and abet you, hiding out here from the emotional pain of love lost.

I am proposing a business opportunity - if you will hear me out.

- The Jinn is not coming back.

Case in point: bath products for the dead.

Market demand unmet equals profit potential.

Salim, you will not move past this admittedly traumatic episode in your life by cocooning yourself away.

And we are not an emporium.

We provide services.

We do not sell goods.


Not yet.

But a thoughtfully curated boutique offering a tasteful array of products for the deceased as well as those they leave behind is...


I thought Purgatory was depressing.


Where the f*ck is Wednesday?

[wheelchair creaking]

You blew up a bar in order to get yourself committed to a mental institution.

Easy, easy, easy.

As I've been trying to tell you for the last 20 minutes, uh, this was a minor dispute between persons unknown and a berserker who evidently went berserk.

Point is, here I am.

- Whoa!

- Oh, Cordelia already filled me in.

And your little plan to free Demeter, is it, from this place whilst I can only assume, also freeing her from her fortune.

Well, if there are monetary gains to be added to our noble endeavour, so be it.

We also have all the proof we need of this elder abuse scam on Hutchinson's computer, as no doubt Cordelia's told you, huh?

He's holding half this place hostage.

Yeah, I'm sensing an ask here.

Well, I'm gonna ask you to do a number on him, absolutely.

A Number 37 to be exact.

And Cordelia will assist you.

Yeah, for some inexplicable reason, she gives a damn about you.

Well, of course she does; she's my protege.

And she will assist you in this.

You will do all the heavy lifting, of course.

I'm not going to be doing a Number 37 or any other game.

Shadow, this is not an ask, it's a must.

Demeter must be freed.

Then do it yourself because I am not going back to jail.

She was my wife.

♪ I mean, I could always get Czernobog.

But then things'll get messy.

They always do with him.



But with all these delicate souls at risk here, huh?

And one who shines brighter than the rest.


Meet my son, Shadow Moon.


Well, you should have told me, Ofnir.

Lovely to meet you, Shadow.

- You too.

- Hank.

Must be massage time, hmm?


[wheelchair creaking]


♪ Pupil response normal.

How are you alive?


Voodoo, baby.

I dunno, I guess Baron Samedi's gris-gris did the trick somehow.

The final ingredient...

"Le vrai sang de l'amour." That is why you took Mad Sweeney's body.

For his blood.



I took his corpse to Samedi so that he could bring him back from the dead.

Oh, I see.

So Sweeney was resurrected first?

No, because Samedi crapped out.

So I gave Sweeney the coin.

So, you sacrificed yourself and he used his blood to bring you back.

Blood, if logic dictates, infused with love.

Look, it's f*ckin' voodoo, man, okay?

Nobody knows how that shit works.

Then I am out of theories as to how you are alive.

Well, the point is that I am alive.

And I really need to find Wednesday.

But first I'm gonna get something to eat 'cause I am f*cking starving.

You kind of forget about being hungry when you're dead.

♪ [door opening]

[door closing]

Okay, then, give it to me straight.

Should I be looking for a new job?

As a general lifestyle choice and bid for sanity, abso-f*cking-lutely.

- How bad is he?

- Wednesday?

He's perfectly fine.

And this whole insanity act, it's, it's a con.

Once he's swindled his ex out of all her money, you two'll be back on the road doing whatever it is that you do.

Look, I don't know your pops all that well, but I actually think this might be for real.

When he went to visit her the first time, his hands were practically shaking.

The dude was all, like, "Do I look okay?" Bought a new suit, had to show up with fresh calla lilies.

I'm talking prom-night nervous.

[birds chirping]

Who knew there was actually a beating heart in there?

[door closing]

[engine starting]

♪ It was his blood that brought you back, wasn't it?

There's no other explanation.

So is Sweeney alive?


♪ I, um...

I don't know where the Jinn is or why he left.

I'll probably spend the rest of my life wondering if we ever had real love.

But every beat of your heart... proof that you were truly loved by someone.

You are very fortunate.

Yeah, I mean, he's dead and I'm not.

But why or how it happened that way...

it doesn't really matter, does it?

It's just postponing the inevitable anyway.

[clearing throat]

Hey, can I give you some advice?


Yeah, of course.

You gotta quit moping around being all sad about something that you can't do jack shit about.

What should I do instead?

Go back to selling trinkets?

I don't know, dude.

- Learn to play the flute.

- [sighing]

Or get a full-body tattoo.

Take up sky diving!

It doesn't matter!

Seriously, it doesn't matter.

Do you know what happens when you die?


Really, absolutely f*ckin' nothing.

And even once you've been dead for a hundred million years, you still haven't even begun to be dead.

That's not at all how I thought things would be.


Mr. Ibis was right.

I am hiding here.



Why don't you come with me and help me track down Wednesday?

And do what?

- k*ll him.

- What?

Yeah, I'm gonna k*ll him.

He f*cked up my whole life, and he's the reason that Sweeney's dead.

And you know that he's got his hooks in the Jinn.


Yes, definitely, but...

I'm not someone who believes in m*rder.

Okay, well, just come along for the ride then.

Really, I could use the company.

I might need your help finding a car too.


Take mine.

[keys clinking]

Either you are very generous or you really want me to leave.


Thank you.

Can you tell us where Wednesday is?

I'd only be guessing as to Wednesday's whereabouts.

But I do know someone who might have a pretty good idea.

[neon sign buzzing]


Okay, I love the old-school vibe of this whole Number-37 thing, so not throwing shade here, but we need a little insurance policy.

How so?

We get Hutchinson's laptop, we prove he's dirty, we can free Demeter, right?


I got thrown out of Hunter without getting a degree, but I made this.

The product of three years of computer engineering.

Nothing on the market clones data as fast or discreetly.

Hook it up to his laptop and everything in it is ours.

Wednesday wants to crowdfund it.

Anyway, it'll give us a copy of everything, just in case.

I mean, that's very cool, but let's remember the mission's not to steal a computer, but to free Demeter.

Which Hutchinson will do because we ask him to?

That, my friend, is exactly how Number 37 works.

♪ Okay.

Sorry, I can't stay for closing remarks.

Need to get home to see the wife.

But let's, let's stay in touch.


[elevator dinging]

♪ I'm sorry for staring, but...

your tie.

You must be a member of Skull and Bones.

[elevator dinging]

If I was, I wouldn't exactly be allowed to discuss it now, would I?

My father was in Skull and Bones.

He couldn't discuss it either.


♪ My briefcase!

Did anyone see a black briefcase?

[Australian accent]

Oh, shit, mate, that was yours?

Literally just seen a guy peelin' outta here with a leather briefcase like a second ago.


Everything was in that case.

My computer, my files.

I reckon they work in pairs, the crafty f*ckers.

That woman.

♪ I-I should alert, uh, hotel security.


No, I wouldn't bother, mate.

You know, they're only gonna call the coppers anyway.

You're better off just calling the police yourself.

Shit, my phone was in that briefcase.


You know what?

Just take mine.

It's a company phone, only works in the States, and I'm popping on a flight home tonight anyway.

- Really?

- Yeah, go on.

Just, uh, mail it back to this address once you're done.

[phone ringing]

Police services, state your emergency.

I've been robbed!

Someone took my briefcase.

It happened less than two minutes ago.

Try to stay calm, sir.

What is your current location?

Main lobby, the Boston Clipper hotel.


We're dispatching a detective to that location.

Please remain where you are.

Is this a number where we can reach you?


Yes, this number.

I'll wait here.

But please hurry!

[elevator dinging]

FYI, Hutchinson has a hundred grand in a housekeeping account in the Caymans.


Good to know.

[elevator dinging]


[phone ringing]

Hello, yes?

This is what you're gonna do.

So listen carefully.

You're gonna release Caroline Wells and her money today, or everything on your laptop goes public.

- You're the ones.

- Yeah, we got it.

And we know there is a whole ton of other shit on that hard drive that you really don't want anyone to know about.

What assurance do I have that you won't use it anyway?

Free Caroline Wells and we'll tell you where to find your briefcase, and everything in it.

Okay, wait.

Yes, I can do it.

But... the paperwork and the courts, it'll take at least two days to process it all.

Well, then I suggest you get moving, Mr. Hutchinson.

Because if by day three, Ms. Wells is not free and in charge of her own money...

It-it'll happen.

I promise.

- Good.

- Caymans.

Oh, and one other thing.

We want you to transfer a hundred grand to the account number we're sending you right now.

We know you have it, so don't waste our time.

- [text alert]

- Son of a...

The money.

Caroline Wells.

Get it done.


♪ What?

You died.


Where did you go?

Ah, this time?

For lack of a better word, Purgatory.


So, uh, no 72 virgins?


Not a one.

It's not where I was.

I noticed you're not praying.

I mean, now that I actually have the need to pee, we haven't stopped once, let alone five times.

Are we not on speaking terms with The Most High these days?

Is the constant atheist worried that I've lost my faith?

Well, you've just always been very devout.

If I was truly following the tenets of Islam, I couldn't come on this trip with you.

To be alone with a woman is forbidden.

Well, I promise to keep it in my pants.

But you didn't really answer my question.

What do you care?

I don't.

But you do.

Or at least you used to.

To be honest, uh...

I'm at a point where...

I don't know who to pray to.

Or for what.

Two days and she's out.

And you still doubt me, huh?

Every f*cking day.


But, I will admit, this one was kind of fun.

Doing a Number 37?

How can you not have fun?

Don't worry about the two days.

I need them to convince her to leave.

She doesn't want to leave?

Yet, my boy.

She doesn't want to leave yet.

A touch of the Stockholm Syndrome.

She simply needs reminding of how much she has to offer the world, huh?

It's an esteem issue.

Well, she was your wife.

What the hell has that got to do with anything?

Wives come and go.

- What?

- You don't get yourself locked up in a mental institution for people who just "come and go".

She's also a goddess.

I want her to be on the winning side of history, okay?

Tell yourself whatever you want.

I did my bit.

And beautifully you did it too.

Now, I'll take it from here.

The real work begins now, okay?


Whatever you're actually after here, I hope it's worth it.

Shadow Moon.

- Hey.

- Hah!

Let me have a good look at you, hmm?




You're a lot like him, hmm?

Yeah, uh...

[chuckling nervously]

I'm, I'm not sure that's a good thing.

Uh, well, hmm.

Being with your father...

...was like opening a bottle of champagne.



Complete intoxication.

♪ But time...


...takes its toll.


But Ofnir and I endured so much together, didn't we?


But the pain of loss can cause even the heart of a god to grow smaller and colder.

Until the only thing that remains... a memory of what could have been.

It was good to see you again.

You too.

♪ [panting]





[glitching and grunting]








[banging lightly]

[breathing rapidly]

♪ ♪ ♪ Yeah I'm sure enough ♪ ♪ [Megan]

I told you, and I told Chad, and you did exactly nothing.

Don't we all need to do a little better job of listening to each other?

Don't you start, Ann-Marie.

I'm right about this.

You know I'm right.

Yo, yo, my G.

How you livin', bro?

- [chuckling]

- I'm good.

- Thanks, Derek, you?

- I'm here, baby.

Yo, yo, yo.

This shit is gettin' real.

- I know, right?

- [chuckling]

Welcome back, Mike.

Oh, hey, thanks.

- This place is snarkier than usual tonight.

- Hmm.

Pot pie is the special of the day, and they say there's more snow on the way.

Hey, what's the, uh, what's the deal with this?

Three more break-ins since Alison went missing, some sicko is stealing ladies' unmentionables, and folks are starting to think it's all the same person.



I'm from Missouri on that one.

[bell ringing]

Miss, your order is on its way, but around here, we are known for our pasties.

First one is always on the house.

Eat it while it's still warm, hon.


For tomorrow we may die.

♪ I'm on the road watching fools waste their lives ♪ ♪ Making deals to get into God's heaven ♪ ♪ Where my soul goes... ♪ Hey, stranger.

♪ 'Cause I'm chasing a man by the song ♪ ♪ His singing might fade in the words of each verse ♪ ♪ And he ain't mention no lucky seven ♪ ♪ Don't matter to me ♪ ♪ 'Cause my baby got k*lled ♪ ♪ And I just wanna know where he's gone ♪ ♪ We kissed across time and our hearts lit a flame ♪ ♪ Now Babylon's burning ♪ ♪ It's falling in shame ♪ ♪ Let the tears fall ♪ ♪ Fall where they may ♪ ♪ The night is on fire ♪ ♪ Streets full of woe ♪ ♪ King's got the power ♪ ♪ You'll do what they say ♪ ♪ The devil's a liar ♪ ♪ Just so you know ♪