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01x01 - First, the Weather Changed

Posted: 02/13/21 18:13
by bunniefuu
First, the weather changed.

The deniers knew why, but still they doomed us with their lies.

w*r made the Earth even hotter.

Her ice melted, and all her species crashed.

So, the men of Science tried to cool the Earth, to reverse the damage they had sown.

But instead, they froze her to the core.

Only the visionary Mr.

Wilford foresaw the future, and he prepared a Great Ark train.

In the final days of The Freeze, the rich, many of them responsible, retreated to Snowpiercer, 1,001 cars long.

So we the people, the survivors left behind...

we invaded their train.

All aboard.

All ticketed passengers please board.

Snowpiercer departs at precisely 0:00 hours.

WoCome on, Miles.


Train departs in 10, 9...


8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.


Back 'em up!

That's it!

Back 'em up!

Throw them off the train!

- Go back.

Go back.

- Alright.

WoGo to the back.

Back, love.

Wo Miles, this way, go.

You're gonna have to hide.

It's going to be okay.

You need you to hide, okay, honey?

Get in there!

Please, don't come out!

It's gonna be okay!

It's gonna be alright.

Come here!

Contain the bastards!

Close the door!

Don't let them close it!

This is Snowpiercer.

Around and around the Earth we circle.

We can never stop.

These are our revolutions, 1,001 cars long.

Attention all passengers...

Wilford Industries wishes you good morning.

The temperature outside is minus-119.6 degrees Celsius.

As we enter the Yukon Territory of the former Canada, we remind you, for your personal safety...

Be prepared to brace.

We are 6 years, 9 months, and 26 days from departure.

At the tone, the exact time will be 0800 hours.

Step back!

Move back!

Down in front!

Hit the floor!

Down on the floor!

- Both gates open.

- Hey.

- Hey!

- Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Hey, hey, hey!

Sit down and calm down!

- Where's the other cart?

- That's it for today.



You better get used to it.

- Half rations?

- Wait!

Don't talk back.

You can't do this!

We're starving as it is.

We have children back here!

How can we live?!

I'm sick of this, man.


The Last Australian: We'll do the best with what we've got, all right?

Mama Grande, you want to take care of the food?


Take another deep breath, Big John.

The Last Australian: Okay.

On to death and taxes, everyone.

We need 1/10th from everyone.

Five to feed the rats and five to feed Strong Boy.

He's fit for us all, eh?

Take your time on that today, hey?

- Come on.

- I saw you smash that yesterday.

You need it more than me.

Thanks, Josie.

It's all right.

Hey, hey, hey!

Give it back!

- No, no, come on.

Get back.

- No, no!


You gotta go get the rat rations.

I will.

Gina only had four pups this time.

Well, what's our surplus?

Uh, 42.


Not bad.

All right.

What else?

What's Old Ivan got you doing?

Sines, cosines, and tangents.

Trigonometry... all right.

Those kind of skills will get you apprenticed up outta here.

You really think I can be an engineer?


I know you can.

Come on, Layton, let's get this done.

You're a good man, Miles.

Never forget who you are.

A Tailie.

Right here.

We take this car, and we can have access to the electrical junctions.

Now, Lights says we can back-surge from there, cutting power to Ag-Sec.

Layton, how are our Jackboots?

They're getting sloppy.

Leaving both gates open for up to a minute ten.


Strong Boy's ready to go.

We got one minute ten to get to the next car.

We only gotta take four to access the electrical junction.

Yeah, but we might not take out any essential systems at all.

We just don't know enough about the infrastructure.

We know, what, maybe a dozen cars...

A few back here by us, a few more up around Sanitation.

The only Tailie who has ever been north of the Nightcar is Old Ivan here.

I will never be too old to remember the day they pulled me uptrain to tune a piano.

It played beautifully except for one dead key...

Middle C.

I guess no one remembered to bring some...

Bring piano wire.


With all due respect, we heard it before, and this doesn't exactly fill the belly.

Pike's right.

If we don't do something soon, it's gonna be too late.

They just cut our rations again.

No doubt.

It's like sl*very's the only reason they still feeding us at all.

They're starving us to extinction.

They're sterilizing our women.

There hasn't been a child born in the Tail in five years!

The Last Australian: I say we fight!

I want to be a Dad!

Guys, I'm the Last Australian.

Before long, they are gonna cut our food for good.

We have informants in half a dozen different sectors, okay?

We are building networks.

Layton, there is no time for that now.

You all remember the Year Three Rebellion?

We fought like an army, but we were blind at every door.

We had no help from the other side.

62 dead.

13 arms taken in punishment.

We need help.

We need alliances.

You know what I think, Layton?

I think you don't got the guts to stand with us.

Pike, you can question my plan if you want.

You question my fight, and we got a serious problem.

Oh, there's no problem.

For One Tail.

Josie: Hey, we are One Tail.

We're at the end of our rope.

That's right.

So we got no choice.

We do this now before they toss us again and find the weapons.

- That's right!

- That's right!

- One Tail, Layton.

- One Tail.

- One Tail, man.

- One Tail.

- One Tail.

- One Tail.

- One Tail.

- One Tail.

One Tail.

One Tail.


Look, uh...

I'm sorry.

I know you want to move things slower, but...

We need to think long-term about this.

There is no long-term if we're too old and sick to fight.

I don't want you on the front line tomorrow.

We're gonna be all right.

Heavenly father, we come to you in a time of need because we need you now more than ever.

We ask for your divine protection.



You will do better with this than me.

Resistance is never futile, but Wilford's train is a fortress to class.

Maybe it is perpetual.

I know you don't believe that.

Good luck, my boy.

Good luck, Ivan.

- Good morning.

- Good morning.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Good morning.

How are you today?


Thank you for asking.

Good morning, Martin.

Good morning.

Come on, guys.

Good morning, Mr. Lam.

Jóusàhn, Melanie.

My congee was quite good.

Thank you for asking.

Oh, no.

You're not allowed to have better Cantonese than me.

Oh, no, I don't.

Let's go.

Come on.

We're gonna be late again.

- Good morning, Folgers.

- Mm-hmm.


Uh, some concerns about the sauna.

Oh, no.

I'll send maintenance right away.

No, it's not broken.

The Europeans are body shaming again.

Americans and the rest of the world prefer bathing attire.

It's just easier.

The Scandinavian Royals take great pleasure in defying the rules.

And they sing sauna songs.

I sauna to relax.

I'm sure there's a scheduling solution.

We can look at it next Committee meeting.


Thank you.

How's your parfait, LJ?

I want to go to Third Class for noodles again today.

Oh, you better not go to Third now.

There's more v*olence, I heard.

Oh, well, that's nothing but track talk.

Melanie, what's going on down there?

The Brakemen responded to something.

That's all we know at this point.

Probably just Third settling scores.

We'll update you as soon as possible.

York... just had to open his mouth.

All right, well, bad news travels fast.

You better get down there.

I was hoping to avoid the Tail this week.

Oh, come on.

You know you love an excuse to wear your fur.

Two Brakemen, six Jackboots.

Hospitality and six more Jacks.


What do they want?

Don't know.

Do we abort?

Hold for the signal.

Step back!

Hit the floor!

Good morning.

Mr. Wilford and all of us here at Wilford Industries bid you good morning.

As I just said, before...



I'm sorry.

We have a Removal Request.

Mr. Andre Layton.

Please make yourself known.



Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

It's all right.

No, no, no!

Settle down!

- What do you want with me?!

- Stop, stop!

What do you want?!



Take me back!

Take me back!


Take me back!

Here we go, little guy.



Good boy.

Hey, what do you want me for?

Till, right?

What's going on?

Shut your Tailie mouth and keep walking.

Come on.

Where are we?

Third Class Mess Hall.

Mr. Layton, I'm Lead Brakemen Roche.

We've heard that, in the Old Life, you were a homicide detective.

We've had a m*rder.

Aren't you cops?

Most of us were Wilford Security.

Some were...

soccer players?


I guess Mr. Wilford didn't think rich people would m*rder each other.

You were a cop, though.

Detroit P.D.

I'm sorry.

Heard it got rough out there.

The department turned on itself.

It was rough everywhere.

Hey, you got another bowl?


We've got a body.

You okay?


I packed his worldly possessions so no one steals them.

His "worldly possessions." Climbing up into the mountains again, aren't we?

The Cascades.

It's a rough track.


Now I have to get that apprenticeship.


I think we need you here in the Tail.

You're our Miles and Miles.

People don't come back, Mum.

Somebody has to go find Layton.

Layton will be okay.

If anyone can get back to us, it's him.

Y'all got some serious problems up here.

So, I think they cut him up into pieces to hide him better.

That's my theory.

Sean Oren Wise.

Third Class, worked in Agriculture.

Who found him?

A Tunnelman, doing maintenance.

What do y'all have up here in the way of forensics?

No real crime lab or anything, but we have access to some scientists.

What about his, uh... his d*ck?

The Freeze cut your career short at what?

First year rook?

I wanted to make Homicide.


Well, you made Brakeman, so you can figure this out for yourself.

Take me back to the Tail.


This is your chance, mate.

Take it.

Why would you want to go back there?

So they know I'm not a traitor.

They'll slit your throat now, man.

Clean up your own shit.

Oi, I got one for ya.

What do coppers and football players have in common?

You mean soccer players?


No, no.

Come on, Detective.

Cops and footie...

What's in common?

A good...



All right, hey.

Osweiller, that's enough.

Penalty kick!

What the hell is this?!

He was getting mouthy with us, sir.

Sorry, sir.

The Tailie's uncooperative, says he won't help with the investigation.

Oh, and you thought a beating would convince him?

I think your partner has some issues.

You two idiots, step out.


You go back to your doghouse in the Tail.

Double shift.

- Yes, sir.

- Yes, sir.

All right, you pain in the ass.


This is Melanie, from Hospitality.

My apologies, Detective, on behalf of Wilford Industries.

You're the Voice of the Train.

I am.

I am.

I wear several hats.

My department's responsible for smooth relations.



I'm here to tell you personally that Mr. Wilford wants this solved quickly.

Doors will open wherever your investigation leads you.

Ah, shit.

Two years ago, there was another victim...

Male, genitals removed.

Someone's already serving time in The Drawers for it.

So... either you got a copycat...

or Mr. Wilford put the wrong person in the Drawers.

I'll do it for rations and Third Class immigration for the Tail.

You're not entitled to anything here!

The passengers had tickets, all the crew had jobs.

Lead Brakeman.

You Tailies boarded the train like rats!

Lead Brakeman, please!

Would you uncuff him?


This must be very disconcerting to you.

Really, it's simple.

You are the only homicide detective on the train.

And so, Mr. Wilford is asking you to contribute.

And so, Mr. Wilford is asking you to contribute.


These are the Drawers, Detective Layton.

And this Nikki Genet, sentenced for m*rder.

She's innocent, isn't she?

Why you say that?

She just looks it.

I've taken special care of her.

She would be the longest Sleeper we've ever brought out of suspension...

Over two years under.

And she's our only witness to the first m*rder.

You want justice, Detective, clear her.

And if you catch the k*ller, we'll make you Train Detective and move you to Third Class.

Um, they take a while to recover, and I really need The Notary present...

Let's make it happen.


I'm not agreeing to anything.

Well, I'm gonna leave you in Mr. Roche's hands for now.

He'll take you to the suspects.

Sean Wise's roommates reported him missing 24 hours before he was found.

Welcome to The Chains, Tail-man.

"The Chains"?


It's a thing now.

Young people mostly, living and screwing in groups...


They took some chopped-up containers, got creative with them.

Bunch of freaks, if you ask me.

My wife also has some choice descriptors, but I think you're gonna love 'em.

Here's Sean Wise's partners, waiting for you.

I believe one of them you've already met.

Tomato soup and a grilled cheese.

Hello, Zarah.

Hi, Andre.

Get these two out of here, I'll start with her.

You'll be fine, we haven't done anything wrong.

You're not a Tailie, don't let 'em treat you like one.

Don't worry, okay?

I'll be good.

Get out.

Come on, let's go.

Come on.

Uncuff her, give us a minute alone.

Yeah, buddy, this isn't a conjugal.

It sure isn't.

It's motivation.

You need to do your new job like Mr. Wilford wants.

She's a suspect: Prove it isn't her.

It's been five years...

Give us a minute alone or this is as far as I go.


Maybe you two can patch things up.

The room is yours, Detective.

You told them I was a cop?!

Someone I love was m*rder*d.

You were the only person I could think of to help.

It's just like the Tail up here...

There is no process, just punishment.

They could pin Sean's m*rder on one of us.

Jesus, they might never let me go back.


You're out.

Isn't that what you wanted for your revolution?



I didn't choose to leave like you.

Turned your back on us so you could go work in the Nightcar.

You forced all this on us.


It was 40 degrees below in June and still dropping like a stone.

Yeah, I remember.

You wanted to die!

You said don't give up.

You could get us onto Snowpiercer.

Like somehow your cop connects were gonna get us seats with the billionaires.

How stupid was I?

I could have gone with my mom.

We could've joined your brother, died together, like people we admired were doing.

But instead, you made me live.

For what?

For the hell of the Tail?

You don't for a second have the right to judge my choices.

You know how hard it is to find love on this train.

Yeah, not very, apparently.

I bet you bunked with Josie the moment I was gone.

No, we didn't.

We just survived.

When they came for him, he called hold.

And you hesitated, too.

There were twice the Jackboots we expected.

We think he knew it was coming.

He didn't know.

You saw him fighting.


one way or another, he's gone.

Everything shifts.

You find yourself...

in a new place.

You get that?

Oh, yeah.

I got it all, Pike.


Good to hear.

Now what?

Wo ...but plants didn't always grow here in Ag-Sec.

Actually, before everything was frozen, they grew in the ground!

I know.

It's true!

And that's why it's very important to learn about seeds and plants, so that one day, we can grow food on a warm Earth again.

All right, children, move it along.

Watch your step.

All this, you can't even share.

There's 130 more cars just like it.

And, no, we can't.


There you are.

You really pulled out all the stops, huh?

Using my ex as leverage.

Oh, show the Tailie some food, he'd probably do anything.

How did it go with the suspects?

Zarah didn't k*ll Sean Wise.

I'll give you that one for free.

And there is way more to this than you're saying.

Otherwise, why would you be so desperate for my help?

Well, of course there's more to it.

Everything on Mr. Wilford's train is connected.

A m*rder could upset the entire ecosystem.

It's complex.

That might be interesting for you.

Oh, everything up here is interesting to him.

He's all eyes.

Then participate.

And stay.

Reunite with Zarah, if that's on the table for you both.

You need me, because this m*rder threatens Mr. Wilford's precious order.

Well, if you want to keep eating your damn strawberries, you know my demands...

Third Class calories, space, and reproductive rights for the Tail.

He just added that one.


Now they want to breed back there?

This looks like abundance to you.

It isn't.

This is strawberry crop 12, in a balanced rotation of 14.

This berry represents 5 or 6 kilocalories.

Sugars, dietary fiber, vitamin C.

Its place here is commensurate with these values.

Now, strawberries, they're susceptible to soil fungi, nematodes.

So are we, actually...

You, me, everyone on this train.

So we don't let these proliferate, either.

Everything here survives at the mercy of His balance.

And the truth is...

You need Wilford's strawberries more than he needs you.

Happy birthday, Old Ivan.

Happy birthday to you.

The Last Australian: 84 years old!

Oldest man on Earth, for all we know!

What would you like, viejo?

There is only one extravagance that I would wish for my birthday.

What's that, old fella?


To be alone for one hour.

With the Rachmaninoff recording.



You know the one.

Yeah, the only one.

All right, you heard him...

Everybody out.

- Happy birthday.

- Happy birthday.

Happy birthday, Ivan.

You just got to leave the phone plugged in.

Phone's got almost no battery.


Thank you, Lights.


WoOh, God!

Oh, my God!

What's going on?


No, no, no, no.

How was the harvest?

I thought the Boss could use some comfort food tonight.

And I bet you can use a drink.

What should we toast to?

How about whatever is making you smile so much right now.

Or is it whomever?

Is it that obvious?

Oh, you're beaming.

But there's something I have to tell you.

I'm bringing Nikki Genet out of The Drawers.

We locked up the wrong person.

I have no choice.

How bad will she be?

Two years in there?

Won't be pretty.

Will you monitor her?

Work with Klimpt?

Learn what you can.

And if people start asking the wrong questions?

I'll handle that.


once this m*rder is solved...

the other work can continue.

Well, then...

we better drink to your detective.

May he take the case.

He'll take the case.

We were ready to cut their throats before they took Layton!


- Now Ivan?

- Preach.

Man, we stick to the script.

We finish what we started.



By axe and pike, like we always have.

- Yes!

- Yeah!

For Old Ivan!

Let's do this!

Old Ivan!

Okay, here's what we're gonna do to open that door.


Por favor, emergencia!

Lo siento, el viejo murió.

- How?

- He hung himself.


Leave it to the next watch.

Containment Protocol.

We gotta remove the body.

Oh, my goodness.

Nothing like mountain weather to agitate everyone further.

One day at a time, Ruth.

Good evening, passengers.

Be advised...

Track conditions will deteriorate over the next 24 hours.

Remain safe and prepared to brace.

From Mr. Wilford...


And all of us at Wilford Industries...

good night.




Hold steady.

- Ready?

- Get ready.

- Ready?

- Stay ready!

Just what this day was missing...

Another corpse.

You strip off the clothes?


Oi, no.

Give them a moment.

- You want to let them do that?

- Give them a moment.

All right, let's see the body.

Come on!

- All right, back it up!

- Let's go!

Back it up!


Move back.

Osweiller, help!

Taking me back to the Tail now, Roche?


You're going to my lockup.

I'm going home to my wife.

I gotta get back there, man.

Tail's all I got in the world.




It's crazy out there, man.

- What is he doing here?

- What happened?

They got Till as a hostage.

Now we've got one, too.


Let him go.

The Tailies have revolted again.


Mr. Wilford is aware.

Look, whoever they are, I know them, okay?

I can help.

This is going too far with him.


They'll listen to me.

Bastard, I know who you are.


I remember you, too.

3 minutes.

Then we k*ll you all.


Who's left?

It's Layton.

Layton, you're a coward!


We don't want you here.

I'm coming in.

No, you're not!

Who's with you?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.


Hey, boys.

How's it going?

Yo, Layton, where you coming from, man?

Uptrain, man.

Yo, they pulled me up to solve a m*rder.

You believe that?

They k*lling each other up there.


You're a traitor.

This only ends one way.


They're gonna storm in here, and they're gonna butcher us.

- Two minutes!

- Aw, God damn it, man.

- Shut up, Z!

- I got a family, man!

I got a wife and a kid on this train, Pike!

Old Ivan offed himself, man.

Old Ivan offed himself, man.


He hung himself with an electrical cord.

That's what sparked this whole thing.

Pike... whatever happened between us, we're brothers.

I think I got a way we get out of this alive.


It's okay.

It's okay.




Right here.

It's all right.

I'm sorry.

- No!


- Shh!

- What are you doing?!

- Here's what you do...

Surrender yourselves to The Drawers.


No way.

It's like sleep.

It's like sleep.

They put you to sleep.

Okay, for how long?

It is a g*dd*mn coffin!

Listen to me.

By my count, I went uptrain 130 cars today, okay?

I seen shit none of us could've imagined.

I can piece together schedules, security detail, all right?

Old Ivan dreamed of this.


Look at the blood.

We only made it one car.

I'm done.

I'm done, Layton.


One Tail.

We need you uptrain...


for the day we take the Engine.

We'll Drawer the remaining three rebels indefinitely.

Ruth: No, the Drawers won't do.

Mr. Wilford demands swift justice when order is att*cked.

Six men.

I want six heads.

Then you'll have six more martyrs.

And 'round and 'round we go again.

I'll do it.

I'll solve your m*rder.

I will get Mr. Wilford his order back.

And you can have mercy on the Tail.

Mr. Wilford will want an example made immediately, but...

there's to be no more loss of life.

In the morning, Ruth will take a significant arm.

Spectacle... at least it'll make an impression.

You're in a tight spot, Mr. Layton.

And your eye.

Upon the rail.

Blessed Savior.

You're in my chair.

Sorry, Boss.

All is well.

I was just leaving you a report.


Till we reach.

You have a rough day stewarding the future of humanity?

Oh, I could start, but I won't.

Where the angels.

Hell yeah.

Why doesn't she do those smoked-salmon avocado rolls anymore?

No more avocados?

In God's grace.

No more wood chips.

For the smoked salmon.

That's shitty.


No more wood chips.

Blessed Savior.

It's gonna be bumpy tomorrow.


I hate this stretch of track.

Till we reach Thanks, Ben.

You have the train...

Mr. Wilford.

That blissful shore I have the train.

Where the angels.

Wait to join us.

In that great.

In that great.
