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03x10 - The Book of Markovia: Chapter One: Blessings and Curses Reborn

Posted: 02/13/21 17:06
by bunniefuu
[Jefferson] Previously on Black Lightning...

So, Baron, what's a young man like you doin' up here all by himself?

-It's my powers. I can talk to computers. -[device calibrating]

I can feel them. And hear their voices.

ASA called me a techno-crack.

I go by TC.

[Gambi] Okay. TC it is, then.

[Jefferson] Odell is using you, Jinn.

You're like a g*n, and he's pulling the trigger.

Y'all don't see that?

That white wave...

-Jefferson! -What? Where did he go?

[energy crackling]

-[Frost] Who are you? -Send me back to Freeland, now!

I did not bring you here to fight. I brought you here to save lives.

[electricity crackling]


[sighs] You're a true hero, Jefferson.

This is Jefferson Pierce.

We wouldn't have been able to stop the anti-matter wave without him.

[Supergirl gasps]

-[Superman chuckles] -[Black Lightning] Oh, nice.

[light hip-hop music playing]


Gambi, I don't know if you can hear me...

If you can, you're not gonna believe what happened.

I traveled to an alternate dimension.

I met other metahumans, a kid named Flash.

Gambi? Superman is real.

We saved humanity.

[stammers] Multiple humanities, actually.

[sighs] A lot happened.

But I just kept thinking about you, and Lynn, and the girls, and... and Freeland.

Gambi, can you hear me?

[Jennifer groans] Dad?






Gambi, I need help!

I think I'm stuck in my safe space.



Gambi, if you can hear me, I'm headed home.

Do you got eyes on the family?

Ugh! To hell with this.

[grunts] I don't have time for this.

[electricity spiking]


Can anyone hear me?

[Jennifer] Hello?


[Jennifer] Gambi, I'm scared. Gambi, I'm scared.

I'm scared.

I don't know where I am or what's happening, but if someone can hear me, Agent Odell needs to be stopped! [echoing]

He's been using me to try and destroy my family and Freeland.

I really thought I was doing the right thing.

He's just been using me.

But I promise...

I promise if I ever make it back, I'm gonna stop Odell.

Promise I'm not going to become the evil version of myself.

If anyone can hear me, please tell my family that I'm sorry.

And I love them.

Tell 'em I love 'em!

♪ Last night, I saw a superhero He was black ♪

♪ He said "This is for the street Black Lightning's back" ♪

-Dad! -Jen!

I was so worried about you. Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. I think.

[sighs] Where's Anissa and your mom?

I don't know, I just got here.

-[Jefferson] Anissa? -[Jennifer] Mom!

All right, they're not here. Let's go.

Wait, no. We have to go after Odell first.

Everything you said about the ASA, Dad, is true.

Yeah, I know. But first, we need to check on Anissa and your mom.

Then we can talk about Odell.

Anissa and Mom won't be around if I don't go after Odell right now.

-And I'm not watching my family die. -Jennifer.

Jen, wait.

Why do you always try to stop me from doing what you know is right?

I'm not trying to stop you.

All I'm saying is that we need to put family first.

Besides, how are you going to go after Odell in a suit that he gave you?

I'm sure they put safeguards in there to keep you from attacking him.

We should have Gambi check it out.

You're right.

We'll go to Uncle Gambi's first, but right after that, I'm going after Odell.

Uncle Gambi, I need my suit.

-Where did you get this suit? -No time to explain.

-I'm on a mission. -Wait, Jen. Wait.

Okay, look. This is gonna be hard to believe, but Jen and I were in alternate dimensions.

What? [chuckles]

-[chuckles] When? -Well, we just got back.

-I have no memory of you being gone. -Right.

That's because there's no longer any multi-dimensions.

Each world, each dimension was wiped out one by one until there was nothing left.

And then one world, one dimension was created.

We don't have time to get into this now, because Jen wants to k*ll Odell.

Uh, I picked up some static when you came in, but like I said, I have no memory of you being gone.

Yeah, 'cause I think I saw the future.

Jen, it wasn't the future, it was an alternate reality.

But that reality doesn't exist anymore.

Alternate reality or not, Odell has to go.

-[sighs] -[Gambi] I'm not sure what happened, but both of you have antimatter particles on you.

That shouldn't be possible.

So you're sure that you visited an alternate universe?

[both] Definitely.

Maybe it's the nature of your powers that allowed you to experience what you experienced.

But it seems to be over now.

I don't really know what happened, but I've really gotta go k*ll Odell.

Wait. Gambi, Odell's people made this suit.

-Now, wouldn't they put fail-safes in it? -I'll bet the farm.

-[Jennifer sighs] -[monitor beeps]



Blackbird's been using the tunnels to move around Freeland undetected and the ASA's just caught on.

She's about to be ambushed by several commandos.

All right, let me change into my old, reliable Gambi-built suit, and I'll go after Odell while you handle that.

No, Odell can wait. Don't suit up.

Go check on your mother and make sure she's safe.

-[Jennifer] Fine. -I'll go help Anissa.

Guys, listen. If I have no memory of what you say happened, then in all probability, no one else does, either.

And this universe might be different in key ways.

It's probably best to not let on.

-Yeah, okay. Got it. -[Jennifer] Where's my mom?

[Gambi] She's at Bowman College.

And how do you know that?

Jen, go check on your mother.

Are you tracking us, like, all the time?

Pretty much, yeah.

Thank you.

What she said.

You're welcome.

These are resistance-held areas.

They're dug in big time.

It's going to take a major offensive to take them out.

Problem is we're down 15% on vehicles and 25% on personnel.

What's Commander Williams' status?


He took a major hit to his nervous system fighting Black Lightning, but... he's walking.

-Be putting rounds downrange soon. -Soon doesn't work.

Need another ace in the deck. Now, where's Jennifer Pierce?


Her suit's been shut down and she's not responding to our calls.

-Did you weaponize and chip the detainees? -Negative, sir.

Every time we've tried, the resistance intercepts the shipment on the way to the facility.

Then bring the detainees here.

There's one more thing.

We haven't been able to stabilize the metas without Dr. Stewart.

Then you have your work cut out for you.

Now, get out!

My side effects are increasing.

[breathing heavily] Hallucinations, agitation, sweats, dry mouth. I'm gonna...

-tweak the dosage and see if I can-- -Mom? [gasps]

[yelps] No! Damn it!

[gasps] Look what you made me do, little girl!

That was all I had! That was all I had!

Damn it. [sobbing]

[upbeat hip-hop music playing]

[music continues]

-[soldier] Freeze! -[Blackbird groaning]

[soldiers screaming]


-You okay? -I'm fine, but where were you?

There's always a long story.

-[sighs] -Dad, I'm fine. You can let me go.

[Black Lightning exhales]

I thought I lost you.

What are you talking about? We have been through way worse than this.

Yeah, right. Right.

You need to get your head in the game. We are not playing around here.

-We need to get to Garfield. Come on. -Right, right.

Are you ready to stabilize the kids?

I'm close, but I'm not 100%.

All you have to do is extract the base from Tobias and follow Dr. Stewart's protocols.

It's not that simple.

I watched Dr. Stewart work, but I'm not her.

And she didn't leave behind any notes on her procedure.

My model only accounts for a 60% rate of success.

Can you get it to 80%?

I think so.

But that's still 20% dead.

Acceptable loss.

When you get to 80%, let me know.

[mellow hip-hop music playing]


-You're being a rude system. -[machine processing]

-I can feel you staring. -[machine beeping]

I know that's what you're supposed to do, but stop it.

[machine beeping]

Will you tell me how to get in?

[machine processing]


I see it.

-[machine calibrating] -That was rude. I'm just looking.

These are the nicest clothes

-I've ever seen in my life. -[computer beeping]

No, I'm not leaving, so you're gonna let me in.


It's okay if Peter isn't here.

I'll wait.


Yeah, there is a way in, and you're gonna show it to me.

Open up.

[device beeping]

I don't mean Peter any harm.

I just need his help.

-[device beeping] -Why are you so paranoid?

Wait, wait, wait.

What do you mean?




[g*n cocking]


-You're a dead man, huh? -[sighs]

I'm sorry for yelling at you.

-I'm stressed and exhausted-- -Mom.

It's fine.

It's fine.


Oh, my God.

Is that an earthquake?

It's Brandon.


My friend, he's a meta.

He needs the cure.

How do you know?

There's no fault line under Freeland, remember?


Not stabilizing. I can help him.

I saved a few doses in case of an emergency.

-Here. Give this to him. -I don't know what to do with this.

Why don't you just come with me and give it to him?

[stammers] No, I can't. I have to stay and finish what I was working on.

It's important.

-Where should I give him the shot? -Anywhere.

It'll start working instantly. Just go!

[breathing heavily]

[Black Lightning stammers] Wait, what?

What's going on? Is that an earthquake?

I don't know.

Could be another Markovian attack.

Or the ASA.

You know the guards at the detainment facility are gassing up a convoy of vehicles.

Prepping to move.

I think they're gonna take those kids to the Pit and the resistance has to stop them.

All right, go on ahead. I'll catch up after I check in on Jen and your mom.

All right.

-Hey. -Yeah?

Be safe.


Call Jen.

[Jennifer] Hey, Dad.

Might have been another ASA or Markovian attack. Are you okay?

I'm fine. I'm on my way to stop the earthquake.


What do you mean, "stop an earthquake"? Where's your mom?

She's at Bowman's, but she's acting strange.

I think you should go talk to her. She needs your help.

-Wait, what? -I have to stop the earthquakes

-before they get worse. -No...

Jen? Jen!

[cell phone vibrating]



Hold on, Brandon, hold on.

Everything's okay. Hold on.



Everything's fine. Brandon.

Brandon, you're okay.


Everything's good.

You're okay.

[exhales] Okay.

[Jefferson] Lynn?


Gambi? I need you to trace Lynn's phone for me.

[Gambi] She's at the house.


So, you found me using your powers?


When you used your tech to break into the radio tower, you left traces that I tracked back here.


Look, man, the ASA is going door to door looking for metas.

I didn't know what else to do.

They'll put me back in a pod... and I hate those things.

I really hate those things.

[breathing heavily]


I can't breathe.


You're having an anxiety attack.

You need to breathe slowly.

Here, watch me.

In through your nose... [inhales] out through your mouth.




[Gambi] Better? Listen, son.

I have an apartment above the shop.

And you're welcome to stay there as long as you like.

The ASA won't find you there.

For real?

Yeah. For real.


[Jefferson] Lynn?

What are you doing?

What is that?

What are you doing here?

Lynn... are you okay?

I'm fine.

Oh, baby...


Lynn, open the door!


-Give me that! -[Lynn] No!

-Give that back to me! -No!

-Give it to me! Give it back! -What is...

-Are you on dr*gs? -No, of course not!

I know addiction when I see it.

-We're not having this conversation. -Because I'm right!

-Because you're wrong! -How long?

-How long what? -How long have you been using?

No! I'm not the one who's the addict, that's you, Jefferson.

You're the one that goes out using your powers to get your fix at the cost of the rest of us.

No, we are talking about you. I do it, so you can, that's your excuse?

I don't need an excuse! That is medicine.

And I'm not just saving the people of Freeland, I am saving the world!

-What? -I can think four times faster.

I can see problems in multi-dimensions.

It's how I found the stabilization cure. It's how I cured the meta Ebola.

And I'm not addicted, I took those properties out.

No, I think you miscalculated.

I can look at you and see you're on something.

I've miscalculated? How dare you?

-Give me that back. That is mine. -All right, this ends right now.

-No! Give it to me! -Right now.

No, that's mine! Give it back to me! No!

-How dare you? -[grunts]

[cell phone vibrating]

[Jefferson] Yeah.

[Henderson] Hey, you're needed, bro.

All right. I'll be right there.

[Henderson] Okay, 'cause if you ain't with us soon, a bunch of kids gonna wind up like little Frankensteins.

Uh-huh. Got it.

-[Lynn breathing heavily] -Lynn? Come on! No, let's just get up.

-Come on, just get up. -Don't touch me!

Get your hands off me!

-We gotta get you some help. -Are you gonna hit me?

-What? No! -I said move!

No, Lynn.

No, Lynn, don't leave! Please!

Lynn! Wait!

[cell phone vibrating]

Oh, God.

Henderson, not now! Lynn!

[Henderson] Where the Sam Hill are you?

-We need to move ASAP. -Okay. Yes.

-Unless you want the kids in body bags. -I'm coming!

Yes, sir.

Odell wants you to bring in Jennifer Pierce.

-Have to be sure what side she's on. -[man] Understood, major.

That could be a tall order.

I'll need to find a suitable replacement for my second-in-command.

Travis is fit for duty.

That can't be possible. He just had surgery.

He's fully recovered.

See for yourself.

Reporting for duty, sir.


Let's head out.

Proud of your work, Dr. Blair?

Does it show?

If I catch you grinning before you solve our stabilization problem, you'll wish you didn't have teeth.

Prepare a control chip for Jennifer Pierce immediately.

And program Travis' chip to k*ll Jennifer if she resists.

[Blackbird] Okay, here's what's up.

We all gotta pay close attention to where the ASA--

Black Lightning, the kids in this detainment dump need out.

What do you need from us?

Let me have a look.

It looks like there's only one way in, one way out.

Heavily guarded.

Probably have orders to k*ll trespassers on sight, but we better than that.

-All right, so this is what we need-- -Okay, hold up.

Can I talk to you for a moment?

Yeah, sure.

[indistinct chatter]

Don't you think it would be better to help the resistance as Thunder?

[Blackbird] No, I don't.

Thunder is a clear symbol of justice. She's selfless, saves people.

While Blackbird steals money from drug dealers and does other questionable things.

Oh, come on, Dad, stop. I need to lead this.

Black Lightning is not the face of this resistance.

-Who ever said he was? -[Blackbird] You did.

The moment you came in and just took over.

I know you have done this a million times, but I'm runnin' this.

Uh, Anissa, I didn't take over.

Henderson asked for my advice and I gave it.

No, I had everything under control until you came in with your male privilege and you just pushed me aside.

Male privilege? What are you talking about?

I'm your father.

And this isn't about you.

-Yes, this is about me. -No.

If we get this wrong, people die.

Yes, Dad, I know that. I also know that this is hard for you, but I'm so much more than just your daughter and Thunder, and you need to see that.

I am a leader and I can handle myself.

I know you can handle yourself. I know that.

But you haven't always made the best choices.

And I haven't said a lot about it, but you have done some very questionable things.

Okay, I've made some mistakes and so have you.

-But so what? -Mistakes?

You used money you stole from drug dealers for yourself.

That is not a mistake, that's just wrong.

Now is not the time for us to focus on that.

We have a mission to take care of and what I need from you is support.

I need you to trust I'm gonna make better decisions after the bad ones I made.

That's what I need from you, Dad. Can you do that?

A lot of people are counting on you.

Yeah, I know that.

And I need you to be one of those people.

[old school hip-hop music playing]

[device beeping]



[door opens]

Damn, Peter.

[chuckles softly]

Who the hell are you?

Black Lightning.


Oh, man!

You shouldn't be in here.

Your system wanted to show it to me.

It likes you better than me.

No... it loves you.


This is all secret.

You cannot tell anyone.

I only know you.

I'm not gonna tell anyone, I promise.

Man, this is so cool.

Not only do you know and help metahumans, but you make suits?

Can you make me one?

Maybe one day when the time is right.

Maybe we should find out who hired your k*ller.

That was done with bitcoin.

And those block chains are incredibly difficult to crack.

[chuckles softly] I can do that all day.


Really, really.

What's wrong?

Uh, nothing.

People say that when there's clearly something wrong.

-[cell phone vibrating] -[scoffs]

Don't seem like nothing to me.

Everything straight?

Yeah, everything's fine, I just... I've got a lot on my mind.

Like what?

It's complicated.

Try me.

I'm just feeling a lot of pressure.

You know? Like if I don't act the right way...

[scoffs] ...the end will come.

End of what?

Of everything.

You're being dramatic.

No, I'm not. [chuckles]

I'm not.

If you knew half of what I know about what's going on around here, you'd think I wasn't being dramatic enough.

Like what?


-[dart whizzing] -Jen.


Listen up, everybody.

Tonight, we stand for the future of Freeland.

We stand with those babies who've been locked in cages.

Tonight, we set them free to go home to their families.

We set them free so Freeland can be free for all of us.

No men, no women and no children will be left behind.

Freedom for Freeland!

[all] Freedom for Freeland! Freedom for Freeland!

Freedom for Freeland! Freedom for Freeland!

Freedom for Freeland! Freedom for Freeland!

Freedom for Freeland! Freedom for Freeland!

[light funk music playing]





You've been acting weird ever since we left the Pit.

What's going on with you?



[brakes screech]

-[soldier] Get on the ground! -[Jennifer] Leave us alone!

Take cover, now!

-I'm warning you. -[man] Hands where we can see them!


[soldier 1] Let's go. Keep moving.

-[soldier 2] Let's go, keep walking. -[soldier 1] Come on, let's go.

-Keep it up. -[soldier 2] Single file, let's go.

Keep quiet, no talking.


Keep it moving. Go out the right.

They're moving into positions. I see the kids coming out.

[man] Copy you.

[soldier] Hey! Hey! Hey!

Everybody move! Go!

Ambush! Get those kids back inside!

Move inside. Come on.

Back in. Hurry up.

[soldier 1] Assistance required at the front! All units report!

[soldier 2] Copy that. Go.

Come on. Come on.


[soldier] Let's go, inside! Move it! Single file line!

No talking. Move. Let's go.

Hurry up. Come on, line it up. Let's go.

[soldier 2] Keep it moving! Keep it moving!

[officer] This is the police department. We have the building surrounded.

[soldier grunts]

-[officer 1] Cover me! -[officer 2] Get down on the ground!

-Get on your knees! -[officer 3] Down!

-[officer 1] Moving in! -[officer 4] On your knees!

[officers clamoring]


Guys! Keep moving! Keep it moving!

-[soldier 1] Hey! -[soldier 2] Freeze!

[Blackbird] Keep it moving, guys. Go, go, go.


-[Blackbird] I say go left. -We need to go right.

-Left it is. Let's go. -[Blackbird] Let's go, guys. Quick.

Come on, guys. Quick, quick.

Come on.

Guys, run!

Good thing we didn't go right.

How about you hit the lights?

Maybe you should take a break.

I'm fine. I'm not tired.

I mean a break from technology.

It isn't healthy to be lost in it.

I don't understand.

I spent years watching people from a monitor.

To live life, you need to connect with people, take care of yourself.


[Gambi] It's important for your mental health.

It wasn't until I got close to the people in my life that I learned why it was important for myself.

They taught me what it is to be human.

What if I prefer machines?

TC, you need humans to have humanity.

And you need humanity to be a whole person.

[stomach rumbling]


Food helps, too.

How about an Italian hoagie?

What's an Italian hoagie?

[chuckles] Oh, you are in for a treat.

It is the best sandwich you will ever eat in your entire life.

And I'm gonna fix you one.

[softly] Okay.

[Henderson] Right this way, kids.

Thanks for following my lead.

That really meant a lot to me.

You didn't need me to follow to be what you already are.

[Blackbird scoffs]

I see I made a mistake back there.

A good leader acknowledges their mistakes.

-I'm proud of you. -Mmm.

Thank you.

Oh, ain't that sweet.

-Oh, shut up. -Yeah, it is. [chuckles]

Okay, it's time to figure out who hired Gambi's k*ller.




You're unstable.

But I know someone who can help.

Hang in there.

[R&B music playing]

Hey, can we go now?


I'm about to end this once and for all.

Happy you finally called, Ms. Pierce.

I'm not working with you anymore.

And I'm not your w*apon.

You don't have a choice.

Wrong answer.

[Brandon] Oh!

That's a hologram.


This isn't over, young lady.

[Jennifer exhales]

Who's that?

[sighs] The devil.

[dramatic music playing]