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03x09 - The Book of Resistance: Chapter Four: Earth Crisis

Posted: 02/13/21 17:05
by bunniefuu
[Jefferson] Previously on Black Lightning...

[Odell] As soon as the Markovians are gone, everything will go back to the way it was before.

What do you want me to do?

In that bag, you'll find a perfect copy of your suit.

Now, let's get you changed.

[Odell] There's a Markovian data farm. We need to take it out.

[jazz music playing]

All right, so this is the third night in a row I've woken up at exactly 3:33.

I looked it up, and...

3:33 is... equilibrium between your mind, body, and spirit.

And it's no surprise that my equilibrium is off... considering what this occupation is doing to my family, and... what it's doing to Freeland.

[chuckling] You know what I wish?

I really wish that I could go back in time.

Like, way back, before I knew what a meta-gene was back.

Because I think the thing that's really trippin' me out...

is I don't know who to believe anymore.

I really don't.

And also...

I think I've k*lled people... Anissa.

Not regular people, Markovians, but still... still people.

I know you're not gonna be happy about this either, but...

I've also been working with Odell.

[laughs] I know.

But I'm just... trying to do what's right, and I'm confused.

I'm confused, 'cause I got Odell...

Look, it's like this.

I've got Odell in this hand, sayin' that the ASA and their perimeter is the only thing stoppin' Freeland from being annihilated by the Markovians.

That's what I have over here.

And in this hand I've got Dad, Mr. Black Lightning, the protector of all that is Freeland,

joining a resistance against the ASA.

And it's a resistance co-founded by you, Harriet.

And my heart tells me that y'all are right.

That's what my heart tells me.

But my head is tellin' me somethin' totally different.

It's tellin' me that Odell and what he's doin' is necessary, because why else would Mom be workin' with them still?

Right after they beat Dad down outside of Garfield, why would she still be working with them?

She has to believe in what they're doing.

I know I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy.

When both sides are right and both sides are wrong, what do I do? Like...

Who do I follow?

I was gonna send you this, but... there's no point, and I think it's time I just come over and actually talk to you.

♪ Last night, I saw a superhero He was black ♪

♪ He said, "This is for the street Black Lightning's back" ♪ I'm Rebecca Larsen and this is the Larsen Line.

Once again, we have been lied to.

There is no SARS epidemic in Freeland.

It's something much, much worse.

You're feeding us fake news to hide the truth.

There's even talk of a daily resistance by liberal anti-vaxxers fighting the government's attempts to control whatever this is.

If you have been in or near the city of Freeland in the last three months and feel that you may have been exposed... please, call the number on the bottom of the screen, and an operator will direct you to a CDC-approved testing facility.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the citizens of Freeland as the government-mandated quarantine continues.

Liberal anti-vaxxers?

Thoughts and prayers, my ass.

[Holt] I wanna know what happened to all those interviews and information Jamillah put together about what it's really like here in Freeland.

Well, the ASA must have intercepted the feed and altered the footage.

-We really should have seen this coming. -[Black Lightning] Yeah.

So much for getting the truth out to the masses.

Either way, we can't lose hope.

Hope is not a strategy. What we need is a plan.

Blackbird is right.

After the resistance coming out party at Franklin Terrace, the ASA is gonna be gunnin' for us.

In a big way.

[Holt] Damn right. You're damn right.

-Ms. Pierce, a word. -Agent Odell, what the hell are you doin'?

I had to speak to you, and this felt like the most expedient manner possible, considering you're not answering the phone I gave you.

-What if my family had been home? -But they're not, correct?

I heard the Markovians almost k*lled you.

I have a mission to fulfill, Ms. Pierce, and I'm not going anywhere until it's completed.

A mission that is getting more complicated due to the rather public stance your father and sister took against the ASA.

Look, my dad doesn't normally overreact, so there had to be a reason why he went all "you shall not pass" on your commando.

This resistance is quickly moving from an annoyance to a nuisance.

It's making it difficult for us to defend the city in the best manner possible.

-Defend or control? -Do I hear a hint of hostility?

Yeah, Odell, the ASA is at w*r with my family.

What do you expect?

I expect you to do what's right.

For you, your family, and Freeland.

The Markovians are at the gates, Ms. Pierce, and we have to push back.

Why should I believe you?

Your father's outdated strategy for Freeland doesn't work.

Hasn't for years.

And you know it's true.

Look at what happened to your friend Khalil.

Do you know how many lives were saved when you destroyed that data farm?

More than Black Lightning has in his entire existence.

Yeah, but how many lives were lost, though?

How many people did I k*ll?

The Markovians were trying to breach our systems and find a way through the perimeter.

If they had succeeded, Freeland would be the definition of biblical Hell right now.

We did what had to be done.

I'm asking you to do it again.

Asking what, exactly?

We intercepted a credible threat from Markovian base camp.

They're planning another move on our perimeter.

I need you to do air patrols at staggered intervals.

If you spot hostiles... neutralize with extreme prejudice.

And, Ms. Pierce, the time for you to pick a side is rapidly approaching.

Choose wisely.

[Blackbird] Now, y'all be careful. Hit me.

You know, Henderson is right. The ASA is gonna hit back hard.

-Maybe we hit first this time. -What do you have in mind?

I don't know, but I'm really tired of reacting.

This is k*ll or be k*lled.

We don't k*ll.

What if we don't have a choice?

You have something you wanna say?

Listen to me, Dad.

When me and Tavon were att*cked... it was Khalil.

-Khalil? -Yes.

No, no, we buried Khalil.

Dad, I'm telling you, he's still alive.

He k*lled Tavon, and if it was not for Uncle Gambi, he would have k*lled my ass, too.

So what I am saying to you is that I tried reasoning with him.

I called his name, he was like a robot.

Things have changed, Dad, and, honestly, if you are not willing to k*ll, then you are gonna die.

Shonda, play Travis Scott.

-[Shonda] Of course. -[hip hop music playing]

And when did Anissa say she'd be home?

She should be arriving in 15 minutes.

Just remind her I really need to talk to her.

Of course.

[hip hop music continues]

Shonda, call Anissa.

Calling Anissa.

Apologies, Anissa cannot be reached at the moment.

[Odell on radio] Ms. Pierce!

Yeah, Odell, are you seein' this?

[static crackling] Ms. Pierce, don't go out there.

What the--

Wait, who the hell are you two?

What is this place?

Look at us, we're... we're all the same.

Yet clearly different.

Definitely different.

All I remember is riding through the red storm on my way back to the Pit with Odell.

Hold up, the Pit?

-Yeah. -Why?

I changed the water in Freeland. Like in Flint.

So anybody who had the meta-gene, when they drank the water, it would take their powers away, including my sister and my dad.

Odell got so pissed about it, and he threw me in the Pit, and he put this collar around my neck.

It seems like we're from different worlds to me, because Odell ain't puttin' a damn thing around my neck.

Sounds like parallels from different dimensions to me.

[funk music playing]

[funk music continues]

Anissa, have you seen it outside tonight?

The sky, it's all red, and all the lightning...

You see that?

Girl, forget the weather. I can't believe you almost outed me.

I can't believe you still need to be outed.

I haven't found the right time to tell 'em, okay?

Look, I get it, okay?

Mr. Conservative Secretary of Education already has a... daughter locked up.

You don't need the other one making the news for being a lesbian, I get it.

You do know that Dad, he only took that job to make it look like he didn't agree with what you did.

Otherwise, we all would be locked up right now and you know it.

Yeah, I know that Anissa, but it still hurts.

Because the truth is he knew about the whole thing.

He supported me, he said, "It's your decision," and then he didn't defend me.

-Not publicly, anyway. -Yeah.

Well, I'll tell them soon, okay?

Low-key have to, because... if that makes any sense.

It doesn't. What you talkin' 'bout?

All right, well, I may or may not have met a girl.

What? Wait, wait, give me the tea! Give me the tea!

All right, be quiet. Her name is Shaquandaline.

-Shaquandaline? -Yeah.

So, she's black. I'm just saying, you usually go for them...

-I cannot believe-- -Calm down.

I'm just saying. Never mind. I don't want to be offensive. Go on.

-She is a medical student, just like me. -Okay.

Oh, my God, Gen, she's so beautiful. She makes me feel like...

Like a natural woman?

You laughin', but yes, she does.

We only been on a couple of dates, but we're already plannin' a trip to Jamaica, and I just never... I never felt anything like this.

My fault. I'm just fillin' up the whole room with all this air.

-No. -What's good with you and Khalil?

-Y'all straight? -Yeah, everything's great, actually.

I told him that the ASA let me out for Christmas, so... he's supposed to stop by.

But he actually just got a full ride to UCLA.


I know, I'm so proud of him.

It's a little bittersweet, though, because he leaves next August, and I'm gonna miss his visits.

You think y'all gonna do the long distance thing?

I don't really see the point.

I still have a couple years left in the Pit.

But it's fine. Whatever.

I never really understood love anyway, so, it's probably best he just... leaves.

Look at our own parents. They can't stand to be together...

Girl, can't stand to be apart...

Exactly. It's like an endless rom-com. Like a nightmare.


What was that?

[soldier] On your knees!

[soldier] Yeah, we got him in custody.

[Gen] What are you doing?

-Get off me! What do you want? -[soldier] Stop resisting.

-Get off me. Why are you doing this? Dad? -[soldier] Come on.

Agent Odell, why are you...

Mr. Pierce, Mr. Pierce, Mr. Pierce.

You made me travel all the way here on Christmas, -because you can't follow instructions? -What? No.

Agent Odell, I've done everything the high council asked of me.

I taught the ASA history their way.

I told everyone to turn in metas so they could be cured or cultivated.

-Is that so? -Yes.

I have to say that your friend, the good reverend...


Okay, okay, Jefferson Pierce and I have been runnin' an underground railroad for the metas for the last month.

We were just trying to give the last kids a chance to have

-the same kind of freedom we got. -[g*n firing]

[Jefferson] No!

[Anissa] Can you please just let my dad go?

[Gen] Yeah, he didn't even do anything.

And that's where you're wrong, young lady. I'm afraid your father did...

-No, no! -...too much.

But disobedience seems to run in the family, Ms. Pierce.

-No. -No, no, no! Please!

-[g*n firing] -[all yelp]

[Gen] Dad! Dad! Dad!

-[soldier 1] Let's go. -[soldier 2] Grab her.

-Dad! No! Let go of me! -Come here.

-Dad! Anissa! -Come on.

Anissa, help me!


Anissa, what's going on? What happened?

Jen called about an hour ago, and she said she needed to talk.

I didn't know what she needed to talk about so I told her to meet me at my place.

I came and I found her like this.

Where did she get this suit? 'Cause it's not the one I made her.

-I don't know. -Dad, no!

Jen! Jen! Jen. Hey.

Anissa. Dad's dead.

-What? What is she talkin' about? -Dad's dead.

[Jennifer] Enter.


Mom wanted me to let you know that she's headed back from the funeral home.

Crazy traffic due to that weird thunder storm.

I really wish they'd let me go.

I can't believe Odell even let me visit you.

I can. It's his sick way of saying he's sorry.

Yeah, maybe.

No, not maybe. He said it. That's what he said.

Look, Mom really wanted time alone with Dad for a while.

It's a little late for that, don't you think?

Don't be hard on her, Gen.

Anissa, I'm surprised she even had time to help at all.

She loves Dad. They loved each other, they just couldn't make it work.

Yeah, because it's hard to figure it out when you're obsessed with work like she is.

She's busy all the time.

She never even visits me in here, her own daughter.

-Gen! -Look at this.

She can't even come visit me.

-Damn, I'm sorry. -You're sorry.

But, Gen, it's really hard for her to see you like this in here.

It's hard bein' in here like this!

If it weren't for you and Dad, I wouldn't get a visitor.

And he's dead now.

He's gone. This is my fault.

It's all my fault.

All I had to do was sit my ass down somewhere and listen to him.

All I had to do was listen to his instructions, do what he said, and he would still be alive!

Gen, stop it, okay? Stop it!

We all made choices during and after the w*r.

He died the way he lived with and without powers.

Fighting for Freeland.

[monitor beeping]

Her vitals are disappearing.


"Disappearing" like she's dying?

Disappearing like... I can't explain it.

All I know is that this all started once the skies turned red.

Have you called your mom and dad?

Dad's on his way, but I still haven't been able to reach Mom.

Can you try her? Maybe she's at the Pit.

No, your mom's not in the Pit anymore.

During the battle of Franklin Terrace, the ASA tried to lock your mom down, and I managed to get her out of there just in time.

Okay, but where is she right now?

[thunder rumbling]

[phone chimes]

[static crackling] Mom, it's Anissa. I really need you to get to my place now!

Mom, get over here. It's something with Jen. I don't know what to do.

Gen, can you let me in, please?

Gen, please let me in.


I was gonna ask how you're doing, but I think I know.

So you think you know me now.

That's a bit harsh, don't you think?


What's harsh is watching Dad get shot down like a dog, Mom. That's harsh.

I understand you're angry with me.

I should have visited more. I'm sorry.

I wish there was something I could say to make it all better.

But this isn't something words can heal.

Just... time.

I can tell you this.

Your father was so very proud of you.

How would you know?

Gen, your father and I loved each other very much.

We spoke almost every day.

He was my best friend.

He always talked about how proud he was of you.

About how many lives you'd saved.

-Yeah, except his. -No, Gen.

He was proud because you did something he couldn't.

You brought peace to Freeland.

Yeah, but... but what kind of peace is it, when Odell can just walk into our house and... k*ll Dad like that?

What kind of peace is it?

It's a different kind of peace, honey.

And if you hadn't made the choice to use your powers to turn Freeland's water supply into something that would stop meta powers, thousands of children would be fighting the ASA's wars.

They were going to turn everyone in Freeland into a meta.

You... you stopped that.

Yeah, but was it worth it, Mom?

Was it worth it? Was it worth me bein' locked in here?

Was it worth Dad's life?


I'm sorry.

[thunder rumbling]

-What the hell? -Jeff.

It's like nothing I've ever seen before.

But you can figure it out, right? You can help her?

We're gonna do everything we can.

-[Gambi] It's complicated, Jeff. -[Jefferson] Simplify it for me.

[Gambi] Those weird, red skies are kicking off massive amounts of anti-matter.

And since Jen's powers convert her cells into pure energy...

[Lynn] She's more susceptible to the effects.

So you're saying she's literally in two places at once?

At least that's the theory I'm working with.

I can't prove it, but Jen woke up convinced that you were dead.

And it didn't come from a dream. It was a real memory.

I think that we're dealing with parallel universes.

Come on, Gambi, parallel universe?

That's the best you got? That is a big leap.

Parallel universe. It's been a staple theory of modern physics.

Like I said, I can't prove it.

[Shonda] There is an incoming call from Chief Henderson.

-Shall I put it through? -[Anissa] Yes.

[Shonda] You're connected.

[Henderson] Blackbird, I been callin' you and callin' you.

Henderson, I'm dealin' with an emergency.

So am I. We're getting k*lled out here. Literally k*lled.

I don't know what you're dealin' with, but either you or Black Lightning need to come out here, or by the end of the night, ain't gonna be no resistance.

I'm sorry, Henderson, I gotta be here.

No, Jeff. You don't.

Excuse me?

This escalation with the ASA, it's your fault.

You decided to take a stand at Franklin Terrace. You.

So, now, you made your bed, you go lie in it.

My fault? "Lie in it"? Come on, Lynn, you think this is all on me, now?

-Well, whose fault is it? -Guys, please.

We can argue about fault later.

Right now, we have a lot of work to do if Jen's gonna survive the night.

Yes, and I'll stay here in case trouble reaches these doors.

[thunder rumbling]

-Okay. -[Henderson] So, we doin' this or what?

Yeah, I'm on my way.

Look, we can't just hit some random target.

We gotta take something out that's gonna swing things in our direction.

I think I may have found just the thing.

[thunder rumbling]

[rock music playing]

-Where is the future? -[all] Right here.

-[laughs] Whose life is this? -[all] Mine.

-And what are you gonna do with it? -Live it by any means necessary.

Okay. Okay, that's it for the day. Thank you.

[school bell rings]

[indistinct chatter]

That's still working for you, huh?

-Thank you for coming. -It's no problem.

But if you called me here to talk about Odell and my work with the ASA, I'm telling you now, it's gonna be a short conversation.

In that case, I'll get right to the point.

Odell is using you, Jinn.

I mean, you're like a g*n, and he's pulling the trigger.

And you're like that little thing, that symbol on the computer, you know the one that just goes round and round while you wait for it to load something new?


Jinn, how do I get you to see that your powers are a drug?

And you are addicted.

The more you use them, the more I lose you.

The more you lose yourself.

The people of Freeland need me.

And you could have stopped this years ago, but your philosophy and your code, it stopped you, and now look where we are.

So I tell you what.

I'm gonna clean up this mess you made, so that I can finally lead a normal life.

Something that you could never provide for me or anyone else, for that matter.

A life of peace.

-Jinn... -It was good seeing you... Dad.

[melancholy jazz music playing]

[jazz music continues]

Still nothing on what's turning the skies red, sir.

We have worse problems than air quality.

Black Lightning just destroyed the ASA headquarters and everything that's in it.

Which leaves the Pit as the only operational base in Freeland.

-The perimeter? -Is still intact.

But I'm gonna make the assumption that he knows where the Pit is located.

He won't attack us because he's weak-minded, and won't want to fight metas that we've trained for fear of k*lling them.

So, his next move is to find the camp and release the detainees.

I'll triple the amount of ASA commandos and make sure the camp is secure.

That won't suffice.

Send a shipment of Green Light and brain implants to the camp.

We'll get there before he does and weaponize the detainees.

Fight fire with fire.

-The detainees? -Yeah.

They haven't been trained for active duty, sir.

They're just kids fresh off the street.

Not for long.


[rap music playing]

So much for restraint.

They served their purpose.

k*lling all of the metas was not part of your mission.

These metas helped you win the w*r against Markovia.

No Markovians, no need for w*r. No w*r, no need for metas.

-Except for you, of course. -[laughs]

"Thank you" would be a better response, Odell.

Thank you.

Your loyalty will be rewarded.

I read somewhere... some people are not loyal to you, they're loyal to their need of you.

And once their needs change, so does their loyalty.

That's true.

You know, your family's gonna come for you.

That's what family's for.

It's getting worse.

-[Anissa] Gambi! -I may have found something.

I've piggybacked on the ASA's satellite network, and whenever there's a marked rise of anti-matter particles in the atmosphere, Jen phases away... to God knows where.

-Okay, but can you stop her from phasing? -I'm gonna keep looking.

Hopefully, I can get her to just stay here.

And if you can't?

[Anissa] Look, you know what? It's the ASA.

I'll go, and make them stop turning the sky red.

Anissa, the ASA has lots of capabilities, but generating anti-matter isn't one of them.

Yeah, well, I wouldn't be so quick to put it past them, considering everything they're capable of.

-What do you mean? -Like bringing people back from the dead.

Guys, I saw Khalil last week, or should I say "Painkiller."

And he was alive, and they had to be the ones who brought him back.

[thunder rumbling]

Hello? Mom, did you hear me? Khalil is still alive.

I know. I saw him when I was at the Pit a couple weeks ago.

So, you know what we have to do. Khalil has to be put down.

Khalil is not an animal. He's a boy, and he needs our help.

As much as you disagree with Dad, you sound just like him right now.

Trust me when I tell you, he is not Khalil anymore.

He is something else. Something cruel and just plain dangerous.

Hey, guys. Look. Khalil, Painkiller, is the least of our worries right now.

I've just intercepted an encrypted message from the ASA servers in the Pit.

Odell has just dispatched a truckload of Green Light to the detainees at the camp.

He's gonna weaponize those kids.

The ASA is desperate.

Desperate enough to make and unleash unstable new metas on Freeland.

That's it.

-Shonda? Call Black Lightning. -[Shonda] Yes, Anissa?

-You're connected. -[Black Lightning] What's goin' on?

-Jennifer okay? -Look, it's getting worse.

Whatever you and Henderson are doing to piss off the ASA, it's working.

Listen to me.

The ASA is sending a shipment of Green Light to the detainment facility to weaponize the kids to use against the resistance.

I have the route that they're traveling to the facility.

Good. And I have a plan to stop it.

[thunder rumbling]

Tell me you didn't do it.

All those innocent people--

Don't be naive, Dad.

No one's innocent.

It's like I don't even know who you are anymore.

Why don't I remind you? I'm the girl that just ended a w*r... by doing what you wouldn't because of your personal morality.

I'm the girl that didn't just stand by and watch Freeland die because of some rules no one lives by but you.


No. You're the girl who's standing in her father's house, with nothing but disrespect and contempt in her mouth.

You are the girl who chose not to listen to her father, instead listened to Odell... and became a cold-blooded m*rder*r.

That's where you're wrong. I listened to me.

Because no one controls me. No one can. Not you, not Odell, nobody.

This has gone too far, Jinn.

We can't just look the other way anymore.

Jinn, this is wrong.

And what is this, huh?

[laughs] An intervention or something?

You have to stop this, Jinn.

-You have to turn yourself in. -To who?

To the authorities.

You still don't get it, do you?

I am the authority.

[thunder rumbling]

Jinn... turn yourself in.

Make me.

Jinn, come on. It does not have to be this way.

We are still a family. Let's just all sit down and talk about this.

No, you all are weak. He has to wear a suit.

You have to hold your breath, and, Mom... honestly, I don't need to talk about a damn thing.

Come on, Jinn, listen to me.

It's hard to hold your breath when you're distracted, huh?



It's just you and me, Dad. It's just you and me.

Where is the future?

It's right here.

And whose life is this?

It's mine. Look at me, Dad. This is the best part. Look at me!

Jinn, no!

And how you gonna live it?


Oh, you won't... but I will.

By any means necessary.


Gambi, what's happening?

-I don't know. -Do something!

How could you do it?

How could you do that to your own family?

Bitch, you have lost your mind.

Whoa, stop.

Hey. Stop.

Guys, stop! Stop it!

Please, stop! I need to know what's going on and this is not helping.

Something happened in my Freeland.

It was like a red storm, like you said, and it changed me.

And I'm sorry. I tried to help our father, but I couldn't do or say anything, I was just kind of there.

Okay. Yada, yada, yada.

This don't mean anything to me because I don't believe any of it.

This is obviously a Markovian trick, ladies.

But here you are, though. And I'm sure you saw the storm, too.

Can the Markovians control the weather?

Okay, so, what you're saying is we're from different worlds?

Yeah. And this storm is pullin' them together somehow.

It's pullin' all of us together and collapsing them all into one.

Or destroying 'em. Until only one of us survives.

You know, I'm just now realizing something.

You have way too much power.

Thank you so much. And how much is too much?

It's too much when you think it's okay to k*ll your entire family.

Look at yourself.

You let Odell take your powers and turn them into his w*apon, and he almost did the same thing to me in my world.

But my father... Look, I know that his code may be flawed, but at least it's kept him alive.

At least it kept his conscience and his spirit clean.

Because he warned me about vengeance, he warned me about what v*olence can do to a person's soul, and I don't know if I can come back from that.

But I can damn sure avoid being you.

You know, I used to wish that my powers would just... go away.

Because I thought everything would go back to normal if I didn't have 'em, if nobody had 'em. But then I realized... there is no such thing as normal.

And none of us can be perfect.

You know, that's real cute. It is.

But what works for you doesn't work in my world.

Because I don't know about y'all, but I brought peace to my Freeland.

-That's what I did. -Listen to me.

I don't know if you can change what you've done, but you don't have anyone left in your world that loves you anymore.

Do you not get that? That sounds like hell to me.

And a far cry from peace.

And you, don't you ever give up your powers.

Because they're a gift from God, and if he didn't want you to have 'em, I'm telling you, he wouldn't have given 'em to you.

And he wouldn't have given 'em to your father and your sister.

But Dad told me that it was okay.

He said it was okay because he knew that you were gonna do it anyway.

Okay, I get it. So, you the woke one out of all of us here.

Right? We asleep, and you woke.

What are you, Glinda, the Good Witch from The Wiz?

Let me clap for you. You gon' break out in song next?

You got a dance to go with it? Come on, let's see.

You got the suit, you lookin' cute. You know what you're talkin' about, huh?

-What is that? -What is what, bitch?

You know you always interrupting somebody?

Y'all don't see that?

-That white wave of... -White wave of what?

[soul jazz music playing]

There's nothing we can do?

[Gambi] I have tried everything I know.

Jennifer, if you can hear me, fight. Fight your way back, please!

[soul jazz music continues]

[Gambi] Oh, my God.

-Jefferson! -What? Where did he go?