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02x11 - Bad Dreams

Posted: 02/13/21 16:41
by bunniefuu
RADIO: Wake up, Baltimore. It's 6am...



Freeze, FBI!


-All clear. -Check upstairs.

All clear.

Turn around. Turn around.

Put your hands up. Behind your neck.

Keep 'em there.

MAN: No, nothing here. All clear.

MAN: All clear.


You won't find a g*dd*mn thing! I can tell you that now.

Ain't got shit on me.

Right now.

Ah, f*ck! You ain't got nothing. I'm tellin' you. Nothing!

Move, shitbird.

FBI, show me your hands!

Get down, f*ck! Get down! Get down!



-From behind your clothes washer. -That's heroin, 300 gelcaps.

RADIO: On today's Chip Franklin Show Chip will be live at Arundel Mills Mall asking local retailers, "What to get for the guy who has everything?"

-Here's Steve Stewart with sports. -The Orioles continue to...

When you walk through the garden You gotta watch your back Well, I beg your pardon Walk the straight and narrow track If you walk with Jesus He's gonna save your soul You gotta keep the devil Way down in the hole He's got the fire and the fury At his command Well, you don't have to worry If you hold onto Jesus' hand We'll all be safe from Satan When the thunder rolls We just gotta keep the devil Way down in the hole

Down in the hole

Down in the hole You gotta help me keep the devil

Down in the hole

-MAN: We could take him now. -WOMAN: Not enough profile.

VALCHEK: f*cking Feds.

Be advised, target 27 is on the move.

BEADIE: I don't get it. Why leave Vondopoulos out on the street?

The message that told him to clean up came from higher up.

Someone we don't know. We leave him on the street, he may make contact with whoever's above him.

A text message or a meet.

-What's with George Glekas? -I'm afraid he's gonna duck this warrant.

-Chester Karol Sobotka? -It's Frank Sobotka's kid.

Frank's kid kills one of our targets? Are you sh1tting me?

Why? What for?

We hit the store. Every shred of paper's gone. Just a bloodstain on the floor.

We go to his house a half-hour later with the warrant and it's full of red-eyed Greek relations looking at us like we're braindeads.

Homicide, Shea.

-This is Daniels, out at Southeast. -Yes, sir.

Who caught the Highlandtown m*rder the other night?

Jay Landsman, sir.

DANIELS: Landsman? I'll be right over.

Go get the interviews started.

-CARVER: Lieutenant? -HERC: Hey, LT.

What the f*ck is that about?

How did we do this morning?

Eton and Sergei are in. So is the madam.

Glekas I'm not sure.

-The Feds are waiting on Sobotka. -What are they waiting for?

You don't wanna know.

Jesus, Larry... I think we gotta reach out to a criminal lawyer real quick.

The union guys can't handle this mess, he'll have a bail hearing tomorrow.

-Do you have any details? -I know nothing except he's locked up.

I can't see him till ten.

-That's the only time? -Visiting hours, yeah.

-Look, everything's gonna be fine. -Uh-huh.

-FBI! All of you move, now! -What the f*ck is this?

-FBI, move, move, move! -Against the wall.

No, he's here. He's here.

Got another problem here, Larry.


Big man on the docks.

You don't look so big now, do you, huh?





It's gone.

And the money, too.

They say you need to come in.

They said the warrant is at Southeastern police district.

They're out there now.

Show time, Franky.

-Frank? -Sir, any comment?

REPORTER: Is it just you, or is it the whole union?

What's your comment on the charges being brought against you?

Sir, do you have anything at all to say? Any comment at all?

How will you answer the charges against you?

Let me ask you, who exactly am I working all these dead girls for?

The Homicide Unit, right?

The same unit that can't put two and two together and pick up a phone leaving me to read it a day and a half later in the Baltimore Sun.

-What did you take from the scene? -Photos, latents, spent casings.

[WHISPERS] f*ck...

They cleaned everything else, huh?

Even for a supremely f*cked-up police department, this takes the prize.


-How'd the kid play it? -He signed a full statement.

He said that there was an argument about a stolen car or two.

-Think he'll open up and talk more? -He's been processed and assigned to PD.

If you want to take a run at the kid, you're gonna have to get around his lawyer.

I'm sorry, Lieutenant. It's my bad.

State your name, assh*le. What's your name?

What's your name?

State your name.

Come on, you know this part. Give us a name.

[SPEAKS RUSSIAN] There is your name.

State your name.

No name, huh?

-For now, we'll just call you Boris. -Boris.

Why always Boris?

Racketeering. Wire fraud. Conspiracy to import heroin.

Conspiracy to violate federal customs statutes.

White sl*very.

Today we're only charging the customs violations, Mr. Sobotka.

But eventually, a grand jury indictment will expose you to a lot more.

Name names, and come clean. You help yourself and your union.

Help my union?

For 25 years, we've been dying slow down there.

Dry docks rusting, piers standing empty.

My friends and their kids, like we got the cancer.

No lifeline got thrown all that time. Nothing from nobody.

And now you wanna help us?

Help me?

-What's your full name? -Michael McArdle.

-KIMA: White Mike. -That's right.

-Listen. -MIKE: I wanna know it wasn't your people dropped that body over on Potee Street.

I'm asking cos it was someone with a Greek-ass name and f*cked if he wasn't dumped by a house I was using.

SERGEI: Did he have hands? Did he have a face?

Yes? Then it wasn't us.

We hit your suppliers. They cleaned up and left you holding the dirt.

-Suppliers of what? -You discussed a drug buy on this tape.

We also have photographs tying you to your stash house and putting you at the Greek's warehouse over on Newkirk Street for re-ups.

Do yourself a solid here, Mike.


-What's the plan? -This is just a detention hearing.

You're not a flight risk. No meaningful priors.

And so far they've only hit you with one count.

The magistrate's gonna ask us some basic questions.

Barring anything unforeseen, out in an hour.

-I said nothing to them suits. -All the better.

-This Eton, he's in charge of what exactly? -The dope.

He's what, Greek?

He's a Jew. You know, from that Jew country they got.

-And what about the guy they call Sergei? -Sergei's straight muscle.

-Look, I need something to eat. -OK, what do you want?

Two hot dogs and a strawberry soda.

I'd f*ck the order up.

It's gotta be strawberry, huh?

Hook a brother up.

Uh-uh, big man. That ain't gonna work for Omar.

It's all right.

Been what, a year?

Boy, I been dreaming of running into you again.

You got a focus. I give you that.

Man be like that when he got work to do. You know what I mean?

I think you've done enough.

Bird gone. Wee-Bey copped out to all them murders.

He in jail now forever and a day.

Stinkum? I mean, you closed the book on that n*gg*r your damn self.

Avon, he out of pocket for the time being.

Leaving you.

-You looking for closure? -Lookit, man, ain't no closure.

Not unless Brandon walk up out his grave and come up in this room right now.

See, all I know is whoever did him that way, they gets got.

Whoever did him that way, they still out there now.

-So you sayin' you had nothing to do with it. -No, I can't lie.

I put the m*therf*cking paper out on y'all. But y'all was f*cking with my stash.

Anything after that, part of the game.

Maybe. But see, I went past that with Brandon.

That wasn't me. That wasn't Avon, either.

Bird and them were there to see it. But another man did all the extras.

All that cigarette shit, all that bullshit with the eyes.

See now, this man, he building a rep for himself and he wants you bad.

The brutal shit, you know, that's his calling card.

Little bow-tie wearing m*therf*cker from out of... NYC?

Yeah, small dude.

What he go by?

Brother Mouzone.

I know you heard of him, right?

So if y'all got the mind to go after him, I might be able to point you in that direction.


What happened to your boy was business.

But how that shit happened, you got the right to take that to heart.

I figure that'll make us even. Now, you wanna know where this n*gg*r is?

-We need to sit down and talk, Frank. -I gotta see my son.

The man's right. Let's grab a cup of coffee.

Not now, I need to get clean.

Sergei and them.

[SIGHS] They did Mau Mau Willis.

-Why'd they chill him? -He was welshing on the Jew.

OK, Sergei's a soldier. But he and Eton report to somebody.

-Who's above those two, Mike? -I don't know.

-You don't know? -Never did wanna know.


God in heaven, Zig, the cops do that to you?

Ain't the cops.

Lawyers are saying the bail might be tough.

I'm trying.

You know I'm trying, right?

-What happened? -I don't know.

I got tired.

I got tired of being the punch line to every joke.

You had problems, you could've come to me.

You could've said something.

You wouldn't have heard.

You were always too busy dredging up the canal.

Making sure the right bum got elected.

Buying another round for the house.

I always used to think you were working all them hours you spent away.

It was all work, Zig, even when it wasn't.

For you, for your mother.

I bet you didn't even tell her I was in here, did you?

Maybe you did and she already took three Nembutal, sleeping the day away.

-Leave her out of this. -She's out of it, don't worry.


When I seen what I did to that kid down at the store it made me sick to my stomach.

-That ain't you, Zig. -It ain't?

Cause the same blood don't flow for us, Pop.

I mean, I wish it did, but it don't.

You're more like me than you know.

You're a Sobotka.

f*cked is what I am.

What the f*ck can I say?

Best progress so far is White Mike McArdle. He's on the edge of the cliff.

We're gonna get Pearlman in today to see what she can do to step him off.

Also, we're still hunting the Sobotka nephew. Herc and Carver are on that.

Still, my guess is the drug players...

Even if they roll, give us Eton and Sergei, the case gets thin when we get up to this...

Spiros Vondopoulos.

Them Greeks and those twisted-ass names.

The Greeks invented civilization.

Yeah? Ass-f*cking, too.

What exactly do we know about Vondopoulos?

We should stay on him, see who he really is.

How about it?

Throw us a few of your well-equipped surveillance teams?

In case you haven't noticed, I'm the only Fed still in the room.

The US attorney has what he wants with the union guys which means my field office is pretty much over this case.

OK, we're on Vondopoulos ourselves.

I'm sorry for him. And for you.

We should've paid more attention to our own.

Like I could've stopped Ziggy from what he done.

Like anyone could ever control him.

I was thinking of my boy, too.

They're dropping the net on all the guys.

Ain't no secret things get lost in them cans. He'll be all right.

They tossed my house, Frank.

They don't do that when there's a couple of cases of vodka missing.

They made me sign the search warrant. That's a receipt, like, for what they found.

Heroin, Frank. From this house.

No, that ain't right. That can't be right.

I knew Nicky and Zig was boosting stuff. Cameras, shit like that. Nothing like this.

You knew?

And once Nicky got used to boosting stuff and seeing money, what did you think he was gonna do?

Turn straight all of a sudden and give it up?

No, Frank.

Once you gave him a taste on the house, just...

That was never... I mean, he knew. He knew.

Everything I did, the cans I let through, the money we got went to keeping what we had.

God damn it, Frank!

Don't let that excuse this. Not this.

Uncle Frank, with the big shoulders.

"If it's broke, give it to my uncle. He can fix it."


WOMAN: I'm going uptown if this m*therf*cker gonna close at midnight.

Hey, k*ller. I got something for you, come here.



You got the new Harper's yet?

Now, you know stores down the way don't have nothing past Vibes and Handguns Today.

Some titty mags, too, if you need.

All right. I got you.

I'm gonna hook you up, though, all right?

Hey, boy. Told you I had something for you.

There you go.

MAN: That's my good boy.

Good day for a ship.

This is the hiring hall, Frank. Working stevedores only.

Big Roy, let me have your card.

What do you want it for?

Not you. Little Big Roy, let me hold your card.

I need it. I'm gonna work the Cape St. George today.

-I'll work it for you. -Work it for me?

I work the ship. You work a bar stool down Clement Street. End of the week, you get paid.

Hey, Phil.

I'm putting up for the Cape St. George.

I don't see no resemblance.

We're both bald, we're both Polacks. What the f*ck else you need to know?

MAN: Who's gonna work for me?

-BUNK: A different look for our boy. -MCNULTY: Perry Ellis or something.

How would a just-rolled-out-of-bed-looking m*therf*cker like you know the designer?

OK, I'm guessing.

It's a Joseph Abboud.

He puts dark buttons instead of brass on his blazers. That's the Abboud signature.

You know what they call a guy who pays that much attention to his clothes?

Mm-hm. A grown-up.

We're up.

-12-14, let's go. -Copy, 11 -34.

-That's a first. -Sweat from a checker.

-You all right? -Ready.

Maybe you should set up an easel on the sidewalk

-and do a sketch instead. -I'm fine.


-Anything I ought to know? -Yeah. Use the city.

Windows, mirrors, reflections, anything like that.

Stay on my frequency, hear?

Vondopoulos should be coming out on foot right about now.

Copy that.

BUNK: Beadie Russell. She wasn't much when we started, you know.

-But now she's got game. -Mm-hm.

Thank you.



12-14. I got him going into a fifth-floor room.

KIMA: Note the number then get down to the lobby.

-Wait on him there. -Copy.

KIMA: She's got Vondopoulos in a room. It could be a while.


-All this shit's going on to chassis? -So they tell me.

We need a fork-lift. We're almost done here.

BEADIE: 12-14. Vondopoulos and another man, middle-aged, blue suit, leaving the front door of the hotel.

They're just behind me. Copy?


11 -34.

Subject and companion, blue suit, leaving the hotel any moment now.

BUNK: Copy, we got the eyeball.

The man with Vondopoulos must be big.

-I mean, look at that expensive suit. -Yeah, with them buttons and all.

We leave the Benz here?

[SPEAKS GREEK] It's hot.

They didn't come back to the Benz. Got 'em?


-You about done? -These nine here still got to be stripped.

-Harder than it looks. -What ain't?


-You hear how Moonshot got his name? -Yeah, and I could give a f*ck.


Who was the room registered to?

Er... Steven Rados. He gave a Northwest DC address.

Maybe that's the man with the good tailor. Maybe not.

We should run out the paper trail on this guy, see what we turn up.

As to our only tangible piece of progress from the raids, what can we do for our friend White Mike?

He rolls on his suppliers, and he can walk with a long probation.

-And we can move him if he needs. -Witness protection?

Why have the Feds with you if they're not gonna step up every now and then?

Wait a second. You're gonna give a drug dealer a ride like that?

-What about Frank Sobotka? -Feds took a shot at him and got nothing.

Or so they tell me.

They cared more about busting the union...

Than anything else in the case. If we came at Frank straight?

You can't make him any kind of specific offer yourself.

Only I can do that, and only after I get an OK from my front office.

-She could plant the seed. -There's no better messenger, Counselor.

Take a shot.

-You going to his house? -The Union Hall. That's his house.

Thanks for waiting, Brucie. Sorry I'm late.

I shouldn't even be seen with you.

I wanna settle our business while we can.

It ain't like I'm gonna get my hands on more cash, obviously.

The grain pier is dead.

Half the votes we had lined up are walking sideways now. They read the paper, Frank.

So what? So I'm dirty. The grain pier's still the grain pier, right?

They ain't voting for me! It ain't about me!

I'm not gonna lie. No one is gonna stand with us now that the FBI is on you.

-They're scared. -Of what?

They took the money.

And now if they deliver the votes, they figure the Feds will be on them, too.

I'm sorry, Frank.

You find a way to put this FBI thing to bed, maybe we can come back with the grain pier.

You'll have a couple of people down there knowing they owe you a vote or two.

I don't know what else to say. I don't. I'm sorry, Frank.

You know what the trouble is, Brucie?

We used to make shit in this country. Build shit.

Now we just put our hand in the next guy's pocket.


Come on, you can't eat only olives. Order something. Lamb or something.

I'm not hungry.


-All this trouble. -[SPEAKING GREEK]

-So, our associates, they are strong? -Yes.

I don't worry about our people. We can try to get them out before trial.

-If not, they will stand for us. -[SPEAKS GREEK]

We have shown them too much. There will be no more trouble.

We must make certain of this.

-Maybe there's another way. -There is only one sure way.

Hear me out.

If I could guarantee that Frank Sobotka and his nephew would be silent, wouldn't you prefer that?

But you cannot guarantee this.

Frank's son, the idiot who shot George in his store.

He's going to jail for a long time unless...

There was a young clerk wounded that day in the store.

The prosecutors want to use him as a witness. I know his family.

Frank Sobotka will have his son back.

If a man can have this, why would he talk to the police?

What about Frank's nephew?

He is the idiot's cousin. He wants the same thing as Frank.

Anyway, I don't worry about Niko. [SPEAKS GREEK]

You are fond of him, Spiros.

You should have had a son.

But then I would have had a wife.

If this maggot doesn't post by midnight, I'm gonna take it personal.

The shitbird lives at his parents' basement.

Where's a guy like that gonna run?


You wanna go with Auntie Tosha? Come on.

Nice and easy, honey.

-Come on. Come here. -All right. Come on, baby.

What's up, big man? Where the party at?

Ain't no party up in here, girl.

We thought Darnell and everybody was gonna get their smoke on. Ain't you know Darnell?

What's this good boy's name?

Hey, boy.

How you doing today?

You been good? This a good boy.

-There it is. -Car will be running.

What is it, Lamar?

No need to prolong this.

No, we got time.

-You k*ll my man? -No, he restin'.

-I'm saying, ain't you wanna know? -Not particularly.

About a year ago, a boy name Brandon got got here in Baltimore.

Stuck and burned before he passed.

-The game is the game. -Indeed.

But see, that boy was beautiful.

Wasn't no need for y'all to do him the way y'all did. You feel me?

-A year, you say? -About that.

You've got some wrong information.

Man, you lying to live.

I'm at peace with my God.

Do what you will.

So you know?

What happened to your boy, it's not my style.

The way you bleeding out your back, looks like that b*llet bore clean through.

Nine at close range will do that.

Emergency. Police or ambulance?

I wanna report a sh**ting at the New Motel.

-On North Avenue. Room 221. -Sir?



My pal, Beatrice.

What, you gonna run me in again? Isn't that like double jeopardy?

Stop it, just stop it.

-Talk to me. -And say what?

I'm sitting here trying to figure it out myself.

It didn't happen overnight.


I knew I was wrong.

But I thought I was wrong for the right reasons.

There are different kinds of wrong.

What're you doing here, Bea?

I'd like you to come in. Not in cuffs.

Because you want to.

I'm opening a door here, Frank.

I can't promise you anything.

Just come in. We'll start from there.

You're better than them you got in bed with.

Our man Vondopoulos didn't come home? Maybe he got lucky.


Maybe we didn't.

You think he ditched the Benz because he picked up the tail?


Nicky, from the docks.

If you hadn't called, I'd have never found you.

Relax, Niko, come on.

It's like I told you on the phone.

It is going to be all right. We can make it all right.

I should have never gone down the road with you.

Come on. You tried to make something of yourself.

There was no harm in that.

And you still have friends.

I'm busted.

So is my uncle and the whole f*cking union. And Ziggy?

-Christ... -We will be a friend to him, too.

Nothing you people can do about that. Ziggy's done.

Nothing is done, Niko. Nothing.

Take a look.

That's not your name.

Many names, many passports.

We could do many things.

What can you do for Ziggy?

We ask only loyalty.




Why do they need sticks? Can't they kick it with their feet?

She asked me straight up to come in, so I'm here.

First, we need to know what you're looking for.

We don't want any misunderstandings later on.

I'm just looking for, you know, some help with my son.

-He can't jail where they got him. -We move him to a county facility.

-What about my nephew? -He gets arrested and charged.

But for his cooperation and yours, we can live with straight probation.

But what we can and cannot do for you and your family

-depends on the level of your cooperation. -You mean, how much I give you?

I got dirt on all of 'em.

I'll put myself in, too. Whatever you need. Anything but the union.

I ain't putting in no union men. I'll give you them dead girls in the can.

I'll give you the Greek, just to have it off my chest.

Just look to my son and my nephew.

Mr. Sobotka, at this point, I have to advise you you need the services of an attorney.

-We're not gonna do this now? -You need a lawyer present in the room.

You have that, we can make this happen first thing tomorrow.

Mr. Sobotka, I gotta ask. Why did you stop using your cell phone?

You guys flagged it.

You think I didn't know?

Under the bridge, huh?

It's out in the open. I guess the cops can't bug it or nothing.

These guys, they got a big operation to protect.

They're global, like.

-They're really something, huh? -You got no idea.

I think I got a pretty clear picture of what they're about.

We ain't talking about a bunch of thieves rolling drums of olive oil off the docks.


How the f*ck did that happen, Nick? Look at me!

You ain't much more than a kid.

Me, I should've known better. I put you up with them, for what?

I flushed my f*cking family, for what?

You know what that is, Nicky? Do you?

A condominium.

I ain't going down there.

What I'm gonna do is go in and talk with the police.

That's right. I'm gonna do to those cocksuckers what they did to me.

-You can't do that. -Why not?

They wanna meet with us on Ziggy.

They can lean on that witness... that kid that he shot, the one that was there in the store.

The kid'll say that Double G had the g*n, that it was like self-defense or some shit.

Ziggy could walk, Uncle Frank.

He could.

-And for that they want what? -Loyalty.


I'll hear 'em out.

-All right, I'll drive. -No, it's just me.

You ain't dealing with them no more.

-Uncle Frank, me and Spiros... -I don't f*cking want you with me, Nick!

Go home!



Your way... it won't work.