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01x06 - The Vigil

Posted: 02/12/21 08:19
by bunniefuu
-You want to k*ll Stu Redman, don't you?


-What about the others?

-The others?

The old witch, and her five little chosen.

-We're the future.



You want me to break into Harold's house?


And search it.

I think he might be planning something bad.

Seems to me we need to send somebody, or bodies, out to Vegas.


-I'm in.

I nominate Judge Farris.

Of course, I understand the risks.

And, of course, I accept.

Hey, I really think we ought to consider Tom Cullen.

Tom, how do you know when it's time to come back?

I see the full moon.


I told you not to do anything having to do with the Dark Man until we got the okay from above.

We're almost there.

And then we go to Him.

We all have choice until we don't.

She's gone!

She left us!

Mother A!

Thank you!

Your application, that's what it's called, superior in some ways, but inferior to many others.

You are the man I want.

The one who will bring me the great fire.

Look at what I will give you.

-How do I find you?

-West, beyond the mountains.

My life for you.

-Mother Abagail!

-Can you hear my voice?

-Mother A, where are you?

-Mother Abagail!

Mother Abagail!

Can you hear me?

Mother Abagail's gone.


You mean, like, "dead"?

Gone like gone.


-You think it was Him?

Actually, I came here to ask you that.

How would I know?

It seems like you have some way of communicating with our friend that I'm not privy to.


What has He been telling you that He's not been telling me?

-Does He have other people in Boulder?


You know...

it is possible that there are things he's not telling you, either.


He tells me everything.

He needs me.

He needs us.

Is that so?

So, tell me, how badly does this f*ck us?


Sideways, in fact.

Did you know that the Chinese character for "crisis" includes the Chinese character for "opportunity"?

There's gonna be a vigil tonight at Mother A's house.

I'm betting just about every soul in Boulder is gonna be there, all crowded together.

-Why k*ll just the committee...

-When we can take out everyone.

There's a smart girl, Nadine.

How do you like it?

Not bad.

Slim it down a little.

I might know the perfect place to put it.

-You like this?

-You like this?

I love this.

You like the girls?

Thank you.

Yeah, maybe try not to freak out the guests.

You smell like gasoline and bird shit.

You're gonna die.

I'm sorry.

I am not completely like other people.

I've been fiddling with this forever.

You wouldn't happen to know anything about fire, would you?


You gotta let air in.


You ever think how strange that is?

How fire needs oxygen to survive...

Just burning, always burning.

And they don't know it, but I know.

The legendary Trashcan Man.

Lloyd, I do believe we've found our man.

I don't know about that.

My life for you, my life... for you.

-What's the biggest fire in history?


Sorry, I should've been more specific there.

What's the biggest man-made fire?

I'm not talking about a bunch of hikers getting careless with a Sterno can, I'm talking about someone riding the animal, bending it to their will.

Tsar Bomba.

1961 Nineteen sixty-one.

Tsar Bomba.

1961 Soviet nuclear test.

A chance to spit fire in the face of God.

They managed to produce the most powerful fire mankind's created since we first started rubbing sticks together in the desert.

Speaking of deserts, there's a military facility out there...

Well, several, actually.

But I have a particular one in mind.

Now, I want you to go there, and bring me back the fire.

My life for you.

Grab him.

I don't wanna talk to him.

My life for you.

Oh, you build a hell of a blaze, Trashy, my boy.

I believe you're gonna be very special to me.

Lloyd, hang back a sec.

Can I assume the airfield will be ready by the time he returns?

Yeah, yeah, right on track.

Can I ask you something?

Do we really need this freaking joker?

Okay, 'cause because anything that he can do, I can do better.

I'm telling you.

And I don't even think we need to set a fire.

Lloyd, my precious flower, jealousy doesn't become you.

I ain't jealous.

The fire is for the holdouts.

Another of the witch's spies is on the way.

Been hiding on the edge of the desert, biding her time.

Oh, that's probably because they wanna scatter their arrivals lest that we don't associate 'em with each other.

-I figured that out on my own.

-I need her alive.

Yeah, here's the thing though, like, my Bordermen, they aren't exactly surgical.

They're a little more like big, mean shitkickers.

-They get a little trigger-happy...


She's gonna tell me who the third spy is.

You still can't see it?

I wouldn't worry about it.

I'm sure they're staggering their arrival, too.

That's probably why you can't see it, 'cause they ain't even here yet...


Even before I could see the old hag at the motel, I could feel her.

This But this, this last one, every time I try, it's exactly the same.

All I see is...

The Moon.


Big Man!

You got your walkie?

They need you upstairs.

Somebody puked in the fountain again.

Excuse me, miss?

Could you tell me what this word is?

-What do you need, boy?

-Could you tell me what word this is?


You can't read "run"?


You mean like...

-Like "run", yeah, "run".

Run your big ass upstairs and get the puke outta the fountain.




Run, now!


"Run, Forrest, run!" You think he's smarter than us?

You were closest to Mother Abagail, you and Nick.

Oh, yeah.

One of us won't stop looking, the other won't even start!

Only time he goes outside isn't to join the search, it's to bring me in.


I read the note.

I'm the one who found it.

I'm rested enough.

Restored all my faculties, my powers of observation.

I think it'd be appropriate for Mother Abagail's hand-picked representatives to be just a little bit more concerned that she's gone!

Ray, that's not fair.

You know we've all been here all night.

Yeah, you've been working so hard, you're almost fatigued.

Thank God you've been able to recharge yourselves with Professor Bateman's mandated rest periods.

Ray, listen to me.

We're looking for her, okay?

She doesn't even want us to look for her.

-We're just looking smart, that's all.

-She's a 108-year-old woman.

She'd be the first to tell you, this place gotta be able to run without her.

f*ck you, Glen!

You condescending, ivory-tower wasi'chu m*therf*cker!



Hey, Big Man.


-No, no, no.

Just everybody's nerves are a little frayed at the moment.

Come on in.

The kids all made Mother Abagail cards, wishing her to come back to us, so...

said I'd bring 'em by.

-That's really nice, Nadine.


-Oh, well, it was the kids' idea.

Yeah, thank you.

They made me promise to put 'em out, you know, in each room, the cards.

Just so that everyone would see 'em tonight when everyone's in here stacked on one another.

Hey, you need some help?

No, I'm cool.

Thank you.

How 'bout I at least look after the kid for a little while this afternoon?

I mean, I know, it's a long day for you, too.

You got a pretty big role to play tonight, so maybe just save your energy.

No, come on.

I mean, we'll have a mini jam session and get rid of my pre-show jitters.

You can pick him up when you come back for the vigil.

You aren't talking about having Joe there tonight, are you?

Tell me you've thought this through more than that.

You remember the vigils at the very beginning when everyone started getting sick?

Well, the children sure do.

Mostly what they remember is going to those vigils and then coming back home and everyone they knew and loved getting sick and dying.

How do you think that's left them feeling about vigils generally?


Wow, uh...

That hadn't even occurred to me.

Empathy's not really your strong suit.

I mean, it didn't occur to any of us, I don't think.

I guess 'cause we're not, you know, parents.

Nadine, I've said this before, but the kids are really lucky to have you.

What do you say, bud?

Wanna head over to my place?

I'll show you the new amp.

Let's go!

Have fun.



You said the next search shift starts at 3:30?


As a matter of fact, Harold, I was just making my way back out there.

You comin'?

No, I'm on Gremlin detail to give Mommy Nadine some rest.

Sorry to hear you're feeling run-down, Miss Cross.

Thank you, Harold.

You know, sleep is actually more important to your health than food?

And yet there's still things worth losing it over.

-When was the last time you slept?

-I don't know.

-You're the one sleeping for two.

-That doesn't make any sense.

You said it yourself to Ray, you can't maintain...

I'll be fine.

You should probably drop it.

-Please be careful.


Yeah, don't worry about me.

I'll just be working on your speech for tonight.

Much appreciated, Professor Bateman.

Will see ya.

Well, nobody told me I was gonna be here for the long haul, so, I better go get some more pre-natals.

Last thing this kid needs is a folic acid deficiency.

I guess there's something you want me to see, Lord, and I'm just not seeing.

And that's why you think I can't lead these people.

But I wanna tell you that you can't take this out on them.

'Cause they just need to...

-I know what you fear, old Mother.

-It ain't you.

Oh, yes, it is.

God sent Moses mountain-climbing, Noah boat building, and let His son get nailed to a cross, and said not a word.

Not even when he asked to have the cup taken from his lips.

Said nothing.

You think my fear's greater than his?

Well, having observed a number of crucifixions, I'd have to say no.

Get thee behind me, Satan!

That's not my name, you know.

I know.

You have got many names.

Oh, I do indeed.

"My name is Legion, for we are many." -I know what you're afraid of.

-Oh, do you now?

You're scared that when them people see you, and look right through you and realize there's nothing there...

They gonna see you for what you are...


Oh, he's gone quiet, hasn't He?

Is that why you're out here in the middle of nowhere?

40 days and 40 nights?

If that's what it takes.

You're not looking for God, Abagail Freemantle.

You know as well as I do, He left this world a long time ago.

You're looking for Death.

I don't wanna hear anything else you have to say.

Every night you close your eyes hoping it'll be the last time.

Wake up in the morning wishing you hadn't.

Every ancient fiber of your body cries out for it, begs for it.

Oh, I know you fear Him.

I can send you somewhere He'll never find you.

Give you an ocean of endless peace.

Now that's where you're wrong.

You can't send me anywhere that God can't find me.

And if it's my time to go, I'll be gone.

Well, perhaps we can speed Him along.

Fought like a bastard, this fella, huh?

Yesterday's entertainment, today's meat popsicle.

Well, I guess you can handle loading all the rest on your own.

Leave the keys on the driver's seat when you're done.

You understand?

Smells It smells like shit down here.

Are you actually gonna pick a 'tard over me?


How 'bout I try something a little louder?

Dead bodies are gonna smell like dead bodies.

Damn bitch drew down on me.

I'm just supposed to stand there and let that c**t sh**t my f*cking d*ck off?

Okay, you expect us to believe that this lady just rolled down her f*cking window and took a blast at you like it was a drive-by?

She talked for a little bit.

Said some shit about being a federal judge or some shit, like I'm supposed to bow down and kiss her old, wrinkled ass.

Oh, Bobby-Terry.


f*ck, man.

Maybe it ain't her.

She's from Boulder, so she ought to be coming from the east, right?

You think a spy might take some precaution far as disguising where they're from?

She sure did seem like one of those old Portland hippies you'd read about.

-Used to.


Well, let's hope that's all she was.

-All right.

No harm, no foul.

-This'll be fun.

It's not her?

Well, of course it's her.

Lloyd impress upon you the importance of taking her alive?

-I told 'em all in no uncertain...


-Just saying that they all...


I'm sorry for interrupting, Flagg.

-Apology accepted.

-You see how easy that was?

Lloyd took responsibility for his misbehavior, and he was forgiven.

I'm sorry, Mr. Flagg.

What for?

For... you know.

No, I don't know.

Lloyd says you told him it was self-defense.

Well, should my men have to apologize for defending themselves?


Absolutely not.


Bobby-Terry, an attack on one of my men is an attack on me.

And if I'm att*cked, I hit back harder.

I expect my men to do the same.


What are you sorry for?

No way you could have de-escalated, huh?

The little lady was that much of a threat.

Old bag of bones, 100 pounds, soaking wet.

Only way it could have gone.

You, or her.

Are you sorry, Bobby-Terry?


Ya screwed it up!

Out of my way!

My sincere apologies to the housekeeper.

No problem, Mr.


I will get that handled for you right away, sir.

I didn't know he was gonna do that.

Give me six of your best guys right this moment.

Make sure one of 'em's that big fella, Mr.


That guy, the big guy.


Guy named Moon?

There's something with "moon" I'm supposed to...

-What, Lloyd?



Wait a minute.




He's about the best g*dd*mn janitor I ever saw.

Where do I find Mr. Moon?

Good afternoon, Mr. Moon!

Where the f*ck are you?

Did anyone see Mr. Moon?

Norris, can you read me?



All right, anyone can hear us, we're in a little bit of a dead spot out here, so we're gonna have to get back to you when we get a little more altitude.

Grid square 26 is complete, moving on to 27.


Mother A!

I got a little idea.

Why don't we park it, take a nap, see if Mother Abagail comes to us in a dream?

Maybe she'll let us know where she's at.

You're too used to getting lucky.

I don't know, might be worth a shot.

At least we'll get a little shut-eye.

You know, a few months ago, if you'd told me there was gonna be some magical old black lady who could crack into your dreams, I would have laughed in your face.

Well, I would have laughed right with you, my friend.

You ever step back and just think about how far we've come?

To tell you the truth, mostly I think about how far we still have to go.


That's a Sunday stroll compared to what we've been through.

This time last year, no one even heard of Captain Trips.

You'd never heard of Frannie Goldsmith.

She'd never heard of you.

I don't know what to say, Harold.

I wish I knew why things end up the way they do, but I don't.

But I do know it must seem unfair to you, so I'm sorry.

You know, I'm starting to get used to not knowing.

Not knowing all the whys and the hows of it all.

Why'd all those people have to die?

And we lived?

Shit, that ain't fair.


Well, it just is.

You make it sound like it's all random.

You think it's not random?

It's destiny.




Trying to raise you on the walkie, this piece of shit.

-Glen wants you back at the house.


Go over what you're gonna say at the vigil.

We got another hour left on our shift.

Yeah, I got more hands out here than I got work for, Stu, you know?

Everybody wants to be a part of getting her back.

But it's probably a waste of time though.

-What do you mean by that?

-I never say never.

Not these days.

And especially not about her.

But she's a 100-year-old woman out here with no cold weather gear.

It'd be a miracle if she made it through last night.


If I'm right, doesn't matter.

Doesn't matter.

If I'm wrong...

Remember that time Frannie's pregnancy brain made her, like, crazy paranoid?


If I'm right, doesn't matter.




What is this?

What the f*ck is going on?

What are you doing?

You weren't supposed to see this.

Why are you here, Frannie?

This is all wrong, this is all wrong.

It wasn't supposed to go like this.

Captain Trips was supposed to be my great adventure.



Harold Emery Lauder.

The kid everybody looked right by.

The kid whose own f*cking parents pretended like he didn't even exist.

And then one day, they didn't exist.

Not just them, everybody.

And it was just you and me.

You, the only girl that I'd ever wanted or cared about.

The girl that I wouldn't have a shot with unless I were the last man on earth.

And then I was!

And then came Stu f*cking Redman.

And I was still alone.

And you all threw me away, again.

So, I'm gonna fix things.

I'm gonna fix this whole world, Fran.

One-blast of v*olence.

One pointed stroke of cruelty to set the world right.

So, you're gonna pay.

I'm gonna k*ll every last one of Mother Abagail's little fuckwit disciples, except you.

Harold, what happened?

This isn't you, I know you.

You don't know me.

I do.

I might be the only person left in the world who knows you.

We might be the only people left who know each other.

You're my only connection to the world before all of this shit happened.

I need that.

Don't start pretending like you care about me!

You think I didn't see how you treated me?

Like I was the plague itself.

You think nobody cared about you, but it's just not true.

We were there all along, all the people who cared about you were there all along, and we still are.

The world didn't turn its back on you!

I tried and I tried.

Again and again.

And all I got was 86 f*cking rejection letters and a world that hates me.

It is our responsibility to keep trying, Harold!

To keep going, to survive.

And that means more now than it ever has, you understand?

We can't do it alone, the only way to do is together!

And you taught me that, Harold.

We're the future, remember?

I'm sorry, Frannie.

It's okay.

-I'm sorry.


No, Harold, no!



Don't do this, Harold!

You might wanna save your screaming for someone who'll actually hear it.

They're probably already on their way to the vigil by now, Fran.

Oh, my God, the vigil.

Harold, you don't have to do this!

I do.

It's the only way.

I'm gonna show you all what I'm f*cking worth.

No, Harold.

Please don't do this!


Buddy, you gotta play it slow until you play every note right.

Gotta take your time, man.

Hey, you didn't have to come all the way up here.

I would have dropped him off...

Before I went to the...

Can we actually talk for a second?

We're talking right now.

You were right before.

That empathy is not my strong suit.

Never has been.

I spent my whole life focused on one thing, and I guess I just never really made time for other people.

Not even my mom.

No, I'm sorry.


I know you care about Joe's feelings more than anyone in the world...

Not just Joe.

Last night, I...

I told Sofia that she could go to the vigil tonight.

You want me to come with you?

I think we both know you need to be there.

You're a good man, Larry Underwood.

Well, jury's still out on that one.

Yeah, knock 'em dead tonight, okay?

Come on.

Go ahead, dude.

Go hang with your friends and Mommy-Nadine.

Have another jam session tomorrow, all right?

Nadine and Mommy-Nadine are two different people.

Come on!

We got anybody on the north side?

Anybody north side?




No f*cking way!

-You sure you don't need me?

-You're gonna miss the beginning.

Long as I don't miss any of that Stu Redman.

Go on, Joe.

Find yourself a seat, I'll be right there.

I just need to take care of something first.

Never talk to me like that again!

No one created me!

I am Evil.

Evil existed long before good.




I'll be right back.

I promise.

That's my good Joe.





There's a b*mb!

There's a b*mb.



Look how He spends his time.

Forty-three species of parrot.

Nipples for men.



He created slugs.

They can't hear, they can't speak.

You can't send me anywhere that God can't find me.

Started to think you weren't gonna show.

I got tied up.

With Joe...

or with Larry?

He broke into my house last night, by the way.


Why didn't you tell me that this morning?

Because I needed you to hold it together.

-So, he knows!

-About us?


About this?

Dumb f*ck never got in my basement.

-Good evening, Glen!

-Hey, how you doing?

-Hey, Harps there.

-S'up, man, hang in there!


Hey, Glen.

-No luck?


You haven't heard from either of 'em?

No, Frannie's not at our place and Larry's not answering his walkie.

Maybe they ran off together.


Stu, come in!


Just saying.

It's probably...

-Yeah, go for Stu.

I know, just get the heat packs on her.

Belly and armpits.

Wait, Norris, Norris, slow down.

Say that again, I didn't catch it.

The f*ck is he talking about?

Turn it up.

You broke up, Norris.

One more time, come on.

We got her, Stu.

We got Mother A.


They found her!

-Ask them where they are!


Hang on.



-We got her!

-Where are you?

North side, by the school.

All right, get her to the infirmary, we'll meet you there.

They found her.

Mother A.


They sent her to the infirmary.

I guess I'll see you there?

This is Harold Emery Lauder speaking.

I do this of my own free will.



-What is it?



Get back!