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03x20 - Burn It All Down

Posted: 02/11/21 08:44
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Resident... Our relationship, it is perfect just like this.

He'll be a vegetable.

It's the compassionate choice at this point.

Are you suggesting we let him die?

Nobody, and I mean nobody, dies in my OR!

This is Dawn Long.

She's been in LTACH this whole time?

Dawn Long had Candida auris.

Anybody who'd come into contat with Ms. Long will have to take extreme precautions.

If it gets out now that we have a deadly fungus, this hospital goes bankrupt.

Has this vent been used in the last 24 hours?

It's been down here for the decontamination process.

Clean it now. Lunch. Half hour.

Daddy's still very sick?

He's fighting to get better.

They want to put you on a ventilator to help you breathe.

Sleep tight, Daddy.

Thank you. There you go.

Hey. How was that?


They're swabbing armpit and groin.

Humiliating but necessary.

You don't need a mask, Zorro.

This is Candida auris, not coronavirus.

It travels on skin and equipment.

It isn't airborne.

And you're scaring people.

Shouldn't they be scared?

No. We've contacted the health department, and it is all being handled properly.

And why are you here, anyway?

Only people who have been in contact with infected patients need to be swabbed.

Can never be too safe.

Excuse me.

Transition team to OR Four.

Transition team to OR Four.

Where are we?

We think the fungus has been contained.

Think but don't know for certain.

Randolph, do you think we should have Derek transferred to Atlanta General?

I really don't think that that's necessary. Well, all his doctors are at Chastain. His chemo protocol is here. And, Kit, we're taking every precaution.

Plus, Derek had zero crosses with the infected patients.

Okay, but if there's any sign that this is spreading...

... I want him out. Agreed.

So, you fell while salsa dancing?

Yeah. And took down a table full of mojitos.

Ouch. I wanted to bring him in last night, but he swore he was fine.

I am fine.

I just lost my balance during that final spin.

Follow my finger. Mm-hmm.

You don't lose your balance, Miguel.

He's the 2003 Salsa Planet champion.

Did you know that? And 2002.

Back-to-back, baby. Impressive.

You still compete?

Now I teach. Oh.

First lesson is free at my studio.

I love salsa. Thank you.

Uh, Miguel, will you unbutton your shirt for me?

Yeah, sure. Thank you.

Is that a pacemaker?

No, it's a, uh, it's a defibrillator.

What's that for, hon?

It's nothing to worry about, corazón.

It's probably broken, anyway.

Is that why you fell?

Because it shocked you?


Okay. So it sounds like either your heart or your defibrillator needs some attention.

Am I allowed to be happy?

Chemo's working.

The tumor's shrinking, Kit. Thank you.

We waited for you, Mom.

We're ready to extubate.

I love your dress.

Daddy gave it to me.

Well, your daddy's recovery is amazing.

Well, he's got a lot to live for.

Hi, honey. Do you like my dress, Daddy?

Oh, it's gonna take him a minute for him to wake up, sweetie.

I've got so many things to tell you.

Sarah's dog is having puppies, and Mom said we could adopt one, maybe.

Hi, there.

Welcome back.

You don't have to answer the thing about the puppy right now.

How do you feel?

I can't see.

Molly, I can't see. I can't see.

What's going on, Mom? I don't know.

Can you see anything at all?

Nope. Nothing.

What's happening?

Could it be the cancer?

A-a brain bleed while he was sedated?

We're gonna get him a head CT immediately, and figure out what this is.

It's okay.

Here's what's dumb.

I don't even really like popcorn.

Well, who doesn't love butter and salt?

Truth. Which is why, when I was starving and my options were vending machine or a dumpster dive, I bought a bag.

Basically inhaled it and somehow got a kernel stuck in my molar.

And you tried to remove it with a paper clip? I mean, that wasn't my first play.

I did try a toothpick like a human.

Uh, brushing, flossing, and then my fingernails when I got desperate.

But then I guess I just... got used to it.

I figured it would eventually come out on its own.

Well, let's make sure it's nothing serious.

How long have you been experiencing jaw pain?

A few weeks.

I know, I know. I should've gone to the dentist.

But I'm only working with basic health insurance and a public radio salary here.

And I have my son's tuition to pay.

So, when I woke up this morning, it was like I was being stabbed in the...


I need some help over here.

Grab her legs.

Tilt your head toward me.

Going in slowly.

You see that?

White lesions.

So I didn't have a stroke?

No. The CT confirmed that.

And it doesn't look like cancer, either.

Then why can't I see?

You have an infection in your eyes.

Okay. So we can fix this, right? And he'll see again.

I'll be right back.

We can talk more after the eye doctor finishes his exam.

Hang in there.

Okay... so all the tests from the hospital staff and the patients have come back; no one else has been colonized.

So it can't be Candida auris.

The labs will confirm that one way or another, but let's get him on contact precautions just in case.

Gowns and gloves for anyone who enters his room.

And if he does have it, what's next?

Fevers. His blood pressure drops...

Sophia died within a day of being diagnosed.

Be straight with me. Is that what we're looking at?

It is a pan-resistant strain of candida.

And we don't have the medicine to treat it.

Let's focus on what we can do.

Yeah, let's start him on GCSF.

Jump-start his immune system, trend his labs every six hours, and watch his blood pressure like a hawk.

Did you learn something?

Molly... until we know what we're dealing with here, it's best Josie doesn't go in the room.

Grandma? Okay, what's going on?

Grandma. Yes?

Do you have any more of these?

They're really pretty.


Oh, my God. What?

This is Dawn Long's vent.

Her daughter put that sticker on it.

You mean, if it wasn't properly cleaned...

Kit, if that's true, Derek probably got Candida auris from that vent.

And now Michelle has a cold, so I have an extra ticket to my friend's show at The Loft.

Be my plus-one.

Oh, I'd love to, but it's my folks' 45th anniversary.

Mm. I'm sure Torres would love to roll.

Eh, pass.


He showed so much promise.

Fleeting attraction. You know how it is.

45 years of marriage. Wow.

Yeah. You know what?

They still love each other like it was the first day.

Huh. Something to aspire to.


I didn't want it in me in the first place.

I feel strong as an ox.

For God's sake, I'm only 55.

Mr. Espinoza, I am Dr. Austin.

This is Dr. Okafor.

We're gonna see what's going on with this ICD, okay?

Probably shocked me by mistake.

I went in for a physical, three, four months ago.

My doctor saw my swollen feet.

Of course they swell. I dance.

But he told me I had heart failure.

I still don't believe it.

My heart has never failed.

Except it did.

Are you sure?

Yeah, we are.

Would you like us to get your wife before we talk more?

I don't have a wife. Your girlfriend?

The woman who was with you in the ER?

Probably home with her husband.

Just tell me what I need to know.

Oh, Miguel, your device worked exactly as it should have.

Your heart went into a deadly rhythm while you were dancing, and your ICD shocked you back to life.

You're saying without it...

I might have died?


Well, will this happen again?

Well, your heart is functioning at 25%, so it's very likely it will happen when you exert yourself.

Like when I'm dancing.

Salsa is my life.

My livelihood.

I don't know how to do anything else.

Tell you what.

When we get your tests back, Dr. Okafor and I will review them and see if there's anything more we can do.

How's Josie?

She didn't want to leave.

But the sitter took her to the children's museum, so that will help.

Any news?

The cultures came back, and Derek has what we suspected.

A Candida auris bloodstream infection that traveled to his eyes.

So we're starting him on antifungals? Yes.

But it's a drug-resistant strain, Molly.

Our existing medications are likely impotent against it.

And his immune system is so weak... No.

No, he can't get better one minute and have no hope the next.

There's got to be something we're not thinking of.

Conrad is working with our infectious disease team to see if there's anything we can try.

I'm... really hot.

I don't feel right at all.

Your fever's spiking.

We'll get you some acetaminophen.

He's getting worse.

That's Conrad now.

I'll be back. Okay.

Christy, he needs some acetaminophen.

Right away.

How do you feel?

Excuse me?

My son-in-law is blind because of Candida auris, and it's probably going to k*ll him.

So, again, how do you feel?

I had nothing to do with that.

You had everything to do with it.

You knew your patient had a deadly fungus, and you covered it up to save your own skin.

But not well enough.

Dawn's vent wasn't properly cleaned and that vent went to Derek.

I gave specific instructions to sterilize her room and all the equipment.

Well, you failed.

And now my daughter will lose her husband, my grandchild her father and Derek his life.

And you better hope that doesn't happen, because if it does, I will destroy you.

I'm sorry, Kit.

I can't imagine what you're going through.

Of course you can't.

Because you've likely never loved anyone.

What is all this? Derek's best hope.

It's a modified drug-testing bioprinter.

Translation, please?

We know that Derek's candida is resistant to all individual dr*gs, but how about a combination of those dr*gs?

Yes, it would take days to test them all...

He barely has hours, Conrad.

That's where this printer comes in.

We're testing 96 different combinations at the same time. No hits yet, but it's early.

Well, let's just hope they don't come too late.

Derek's started to spike fevers, and we all know what comes next.

I can't have a brain infection. It was popcorn.

Children eat it in movie theaters.

Come on, there's no way this is a real thing that happens.

It's... it's extremely unusual, but it does happen.

I brought in Dr. Pravesh to review your CT scan.

So, your infection traveled through your sinuses and into your brain here.

Which would explain the seizure.

So, what now?

Antibiotics that most certainly constipate?

Justine, you may need surgery.

And we called in a neurosurgery consult to find out, okay?


Dr. Reynolds should be here shortly...

Dr. Reynolds is stuck in surgery, I'll be doing the... the operation.



I-I didn't recognize your name when I reviewed your chart.

Oh, I got a baby, wedding, divorce. In that order.

Haven't switched my name back yet because it is a pain.

Ryan was a bad choice.

But I got the best part of him: my awesome kid.

So, how about you? Married?

Only to my work.

And, uh, how's Katie? And your mom?

Dr. Pravesh, Nurse Nevin, I'll take it from here.

Yeah, sure. Cool. Yeah.

Man, that was just starting to get interesting.

Wait, do you think she's an ex?

Of course. Who do you think Katie is?


I don't know, child?

Huh. And he has a mom.

Well, he didn't just spring fully formed from Satan's head.

Well, luckily she's my patient and a talker.

Maybe we'll finally learn something about old Barrett Cain.


So, where are we?

The surgery will happen today, once we've done a full workup.

After you're sedated, the oral surgeon will pull out the infected tooth.

And then Dr. Cain will remove a part of your skull to access the infection.

Part of my skull. Okay, that freaks me out.

Be straight with me. How much danger are we talking here?

Uh, listen...

Surgery to the brain is always risky.

But there's no other option, and you're in great hands.

Dr. Cain is an excellent neurosurgeon.

Well, some things never change.

He was always the best at everything he did.

You were close, I take it?


I was the girl with her nose in a book.

He was the guy who flirted me out of the library.

All my friends were like, "What? A football player?"

But he had better grades than most of them and he was the star quarterback.

So Dr. Cain was a football player.

He was on his way to the NFL.

Scouts were all over him until...

Injury? ACL.

Burnt his sports career to the ground.

And by the time he rose from the ashes and started figuring out what to do with his life, it was over between us.

He'd changed.

He had always been so in control, and suddenly there was something that he couldn't fix.

And he got bitter. Angry.

It wasn't what I signed up for, so I got out.

Maybe I shouldn't have.

Maybe there's still time.


I left him, and I lost him.

And now here he is when I need him the most.

Barrett Cain is the one who got away.

I'll be back.

You look like you have news.

We have a hit.

That's great.

But what works in the lab can be starkly different to what works in a person.

True. But it's a chance, Kit.


Yes, it is.


Excuse me?

He can't give up.

The man has a gift. Mm-hmm.



What'd you find?

See? Just before he degenerates into V fib... The rhythm started at V tach.

Which means we could ablate it. Do you think it would work?

In the right hands.

And luckily, the man's prowess on the dance floor is second only to my own dexterity and grace.

I assume that means I should get him on the cath lab schedule.

Yes. Now let's go give him the good news.


How are you feeling, Derek?

Weak. Really hot.

My back hurts a bit.

What's going on? You have a high fever, and your blood pressure's a little low, but we're working on it.

We have a plan, but it is gonna be tough.

Instead of using one drug to fight the fungus, we're using a combination.

"Voriconazole, amphotericin".

His kidneys are just starting to recover.

I know.

And I can't promise you these dr*gs will work.

They could even make you feel worse in the short-term.

I've been through chemo. I can handle this.


There is one more not particularly fun thing.

W-We want to attack the fungus directly.

So... we're gonna inject the meds into your eyes.

Wait, what?

It won't hurt. Not with this.

It's numbing medicine.

It's okay.

I'm ready. Do it.

Now, you're gonna want to chop those mushrooms... Miguel.

We come with hope.

Dr. Okafor and I have familiarized ourselves with the intimate details of your heart, and we'd like to suggest a viable option to return you back to your dancing shoes.

It's a procedure called ablation.

We'll thread catheters through the main artery and vein in your groin and then burn away the part of your heart that's been causing the abnormal rhythm.

You tell me my heart is weak.

And you want to fix it by burning bits away.

Miguel, if this goes as well as expected, it means no more lethal arrhythmias.

No more collapsing.

We saw a video of you dancing.

2004 championship.

The year I came in second?

I was cheated, you know.

Second place, first place, you are a true master.

And if this procedure works, it means you can continue dancing, without shocks and without fear.


... my heart is in your hands.

I need the least incompetent scrub nurses.

Not Stacey, she drops things. Not the crier.

Get me Candace. I don't mind her.

And someone else. Who doesn't suck?

Ajax is excellent.

He's passable. Get him.

Tell Chu I'll need some extra blood on hand and send off another set of CBC and coags.

I don't want any surprises.

What's with the manic quality control over there?

Think he cares more about this one.

OR Four is not gonna work for me.

I need my case in OR Five in the new neurosurgery building.

Mm, looks like OR Five is taken.

Not anymore.

Justine seems pretty great.

She still means a lot to you, doesn't she?

Few people have meant more.

So... the dr*gs aren't working.

Norepi is up to 12 mics.

His urine output is trailing off.

The fluid has gone in already?

All four liters. Anything on the labs?

Worsening acidosis. Increased lactate.

He's in septic shock. Yeah.

Derek... it's Dr. Hawkins. Can you hear me?

What is... going on?

His delirium is worsening.

We may need to re-intubate him.


I can't stop thinking, if Cain had never come to Chastain, Derek wouldn't be in this situation.

Red Rock is destroying everything I love.

I would burn it all down, if I could.

Take a break, Kit. Get some air.

I'm gonna stay with Derek.

Mapping complete.

Rapid pace to induce.

Charge the defibrillator. No, stop.

He's in V tach with an unstable pressure.

We want him in V tach while we ablate.

I know, but his pressure's 50 and dropping.

How long can he tolerate this? Until I say so.

Now is not the time to lose your cool, Okafor.

Hmm. My cool is intact.


Ablation current on.


Pressure's down to 40.

Current on.

And... off.

We're back.

And our salsa king returns.

Derek, let me know if this hurts.



How you holding up?

I had to leave the room for a minute.

Thought I should get food.

As if I can stand to eat.

How is he doing?

Not good.

The meds haven't done a thing.

I was the one who brought Derek to this hospital.

It's, it's not your fault. I thought he would be safe.

I thought he'd be safe here, too.

And as far as the blame goes, we know where that belongs.

He's dying, Randolph.

Let's go!

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

What's happening?

We're going to MRI.

What's going on? Come with me, I'll explain.

What are we looking for?


An abscess on his spine.

Which usually isn't good news, but...

But in this case it is, in a way.

It explains why he's getting sicker.

That abscess is continuously releasing fungus into Derek's bloodstream.

So, our dr*gs might actually be working.

But they just can't reach that walled-off abscess.

What tipped you off?

His back hurt, so I examined his spine... exquisite tenderness at the exact spot of the abscess.

So he'll need spinal surgery to remove the abscess or he'll never be able to clear the infection.

Well, it won't be a simple case.

The infection has eroded into the vertebral body.

We'll have to take out the bone.

And we're dealing with the cord here.

If we so much as touch it while we're in there, Derek wakes up paralyzed.

He needs a neurosurgeon.

Cain is the best.

That cannot be the answer.

It's the only answer.

I've booked your case in our new neurosurgery building with our best staff. New. I like new.

And, of course, I will be there from start to finish.

Thank you, Barrett.

These aren't the best circumstances, but it is really good to see you again.

Dr. Cain.

Forgive the interruption.

Could we have a moment?

Okay. Well, I will see you in the OR and I'll meet you in the recovery room afterwards.


A nasty spinal abscess. Unfortunate.

Your patient needs surgery.

I'm glad you think so, because we need you to do it.

I'm booked. A subdural empyema.

Reynolds has finished all his cases.

We'd like to shift him over to yours.

No, I prefer to keep this one myself.

Have Reynolds work on your patient.

Well, Reynolds doesn't do spine, you know that as well as I do.

Our patient is Dr. Voss's son-in-law.

And he has a candida abscess until proven otherwise.

A mess that you created.

He's in septic shock.

If you don't operate, and soon, he dies.

You owe Kit this much. And her family.

I need a recent set of labs.

Make sure his proxy is available if he can't consent for himself.

Will do. Okay, so do you want us to call Reynolds to take your patient?

No, there's no need for that.

She has a subdural empyema... she could decline precipitously.

Hawkins, need I remind you yet again that you are not a neurosurgeon?

No one else is operating on my patient.

I will take care of them both.

Thank you.

Dissecting to the spine.


I assume you took a wrong turn.

I'm an extra set of hands in case you need to do an anterior approach.

Your services aren't required.

Ah, I see, you're a spy.

No, I'm just here as a friend, to help Derek and Kit.

And you.

If this man comes out with so much as a poorly ex*cuted closing stitch, Kit Voss is gonna dedicate the rest of her life to ruining yours.

Hey, just checking in. Everything okay?

Yeah, just catching up on e-mails while I wait.

I do have one question.

My son will be home next week for spring break.

Am I gonna be out of here by then?

I think so. If everything goes well, you should be, yeah.


Still trying to get my head around all this.

It's not normal to have your ex, your first love, about to dig into...

Dig into... Justine?


Justine. Let's get a crash cart in here!

Okay, we're through the transverse process, facet and pedicle.

Buckle up for the corpectomy.

Suction and lap pads. It's better if I do that.

This is not surprising.

The bone bleeds voraciously.

Just have to keep him alive long enough to get it out.

This is not good.

No, it's not.

The bone's disintegrated from the abscess.

Nothing but tiny little pieces.

Get that blood in and keep it coming.

We could lose liters in a few minutes.

Clearing the field.

Ah, careful with that cord.

Dr. Voss won't like it if we paralyze her son-in-law.

Dr. Cain, you're getting a 911 page.

Room 5921.

Code team en route.

That's my case.

Dr. Cain, we're not done here.

Hey. Did she seize again? Yeah.

She's obtunded, hypertensive and bradycardic.

Cushing's reflex.


We got to get her to an OR now.

Cain wanted to do this one.

He doesn't have a choice.

Let's go. Come on. Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Damn it, I can't see where the blood's coming from.

I'm going in there. You can't, Kit.

He's losing too much blood.

He's going into hemorrhagic shock.

Let them focus. Okay?

Wait. Wait. We've lost nerve signal.

No, we have to keep moving.

Well, you can't see anything. You're operating underwater.

Suction right there. One more fragment left. I can feel it.

The vertebral body has been removed.

Nerve signal has returned.

Jason, get me a resident.

I'll finish and close up here.

Go to your patient.

I told you to wait! We paged you, but she was going downhill.

And I've started without you a thousand times. Details.

She started to seize, then became obtunded.

And now I can't stop the bleeding.

She's bleeding because her brain is swelling.

We need to control it. Move!

Chu, put her in reverse Trendelenberg.

Push the mannitol and furosemide. On it.

You're pushing on her brain. Are you sure?

I don't want her to herniate and lacerate on her skull.

Craniotome to me.

Need to create some more room for her brain to swell.

Aren't we going to start bilateral partial frontal lobectomies to control the swelling?

And have her turn into a vegetable?

No, we're not gonna do that.

Dr. Cain, the bleeding's stopping.

Her pressure's tanking. Damn it!

She's coding.

I need pads on her.

Get the code cart, now!

Starting CPR.

We've been coding her for 30 minutes.

Another milligram of epi.

Get in an amp of bicarb. She must be acidotic by now.

Two more grams of mannitol.

Hold compressions.

Her pupils are blown.

No carotid pulse.

But no one dies, right? In your OR.

We can still save her?

There's not a person here to save.

Time of death...

... 18:47.


Mm. Hi, sweetie.

How was the museum?

I thought he was getting better.

The tubes and wires are back on.

Hopefully not for long.

His fever's down.

Now that the abscess is gone, the dr*gs are working.

Look what I made for Daddy. Do you think he'll like it?

Ah, let me guess. One of Sarah's puppies?

I already named her Penny.

Do you want to sit with Daddy?

Daddy, you're going to like Penny.

She won't bark, like Uncle Steve's dog.

I'm afraid to ask, but do you think he'll be able to see again?

Honestly, I don't know.

I hope so.

I don't know what we would have done without you, Mom.


So, this is Mom, this is you, and this is me with Penny.

Don't you think she's gonna be fluffy?

This is Grandma Kit.

Isn't she cute?


Hey, man, your ablation went pitch perfect, like a fine trumpet solo.


Yeah, that's supposed to be good news.

And my trumpet metaphor was a pretty clever one.

Yet they tell me you will not get out of bed. What's up?

It's just...

I spent so much time telling myself that I'm not sick, that I'll be fine.

But knowing that I could have died last night, that's all I can think of.

Yeah, well, it's natural to worry.

But your heart is stronger than when you came in here this morning.

And I thank you for that.

But after this, I can't see myself getting back onto that dance floor.

You burned away a part of my heart, and with it... went a lot of my nerve.

Should I be jealous?

Mm. Dr. Austin is testing the strength of his patient's heart to show him it's okay to dance again.

He's one of a kind, isn't he?

Yeah. Hmm.

All right, here's a little tip.

He's more of a plant guy. They live longer.

Oh, these are for his parents. It's their wedding anniversary.

I'm meeting them for the first time tonight.

What are they like?

I've never met them.

Oh. Well... wish me luck.

Just what I need.

I must admit, I didn't think you'd make it.

So what's the, uh... status on that superbug? Finally contained.

Yep, it's over.

The hospital's clean, the patients are safe.

You know, I've become accustomed to a particularly heavy look of yours.

But today... today something's different.

Yeah. Yeah, it is.

Today, in order to protect my patients, I had to become part of the system I've been fighting.

How so?

Well, I didn't tell my patients they could be at risk of getting infected by a superbug.

Didn't want them to panic and walk out of Chastain and not get the care and attention they needed.

You know, it's not often that our worlds collide, but about this, I know a thing or two.

Doing good isn't black and white.

And the shades of gray are unsettling.

Oh, I know. I deal with that every day.

How do I live with myself?

Never lose sight of your ideals.

'Cause once that happens, the steps aren't many to the dark side.

Trust me, I know.

According to a source, hospital workers were made aware of the fungus ahead of time, but chose to cover it up instead of alerting the public.

A cover-up at one of Atlanta's premiere hospitals.

I interviewed one nurse here who said, and I quote, "Don't believe anything Chastain tells you".

How did this get out?

Doesn't really matter much how.

Find the source so I can bury them under this building.

I told you we should have notified State Health.

Sounds like you're putting this off on me.

It's pretty damn clear that the cover-up is reading far worse than the crime.

Your prints are all over this.

Because you forced my hand. Leverage is a useful tool.

It's called blackmail.

I had to keep you on a loyal path.

I don't like being threatened.


I owe you an apology. This ought to be good.

When I initially evaluated you, I missed your potential.

And that's on me.

But ever since you secured the Georgia FC soccer team, I-I've been paying attention, and I see you have the makings of a true rainmaker.

I'm an internist, not a neurosurgeon.

I don't think my limited earning power is what you're looking for.

The title isn't about billing.

It's about being a public face.

Cain's reputation, both past and present, is problematic.

We need compassion.


A doctor who fights for patients.

Military hero turned whistleblower.

We all know how you love those.

This isn't about me. It's about Chastain.

Cain and Bell had their chance to be the star of this company, but they couldn't deliver.

Your inspiring story comes free and clear.

Our future is brighter with Conrad Hawkins front and center.

And that's how I'll frame it to the board later this afternoon.

I'm sure Cain will love that.

He won't have a seat at the table.

And at some point down the road, I'm sure the board will want to talk to you, too.

The truth about Cain needs to come out, and soon.

You don't want to save Chastain?

I know you care about this hospital.

If you really want to change things around here, this is an opportunity to gain some real power and influence.

What do you say?