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03x04 - Belief System

Posted: 02/11/21 08:29
by bunniefuu
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Previously onThe Resident... Does she know you're in love with her? I'm her mentor. To be anything else would cross a line that I would never cross.

That must be hard on you.

You might be a genius at medicine, but when it comes to love, these unexpected Raptor feelings is too much. He's my mentor.

Nothing more.

Turn off all his morphine. You can't be serious.

Then we add a dose of Narcan.

What you're talking about is t*rture.

What I'm talking about is this man, who'll die unless Rob Spiro tells us where he's being held.

I want no part of it. It has to be done.

C- Could you slow down?

I'd like to make it to the conference in one piece.

We will. But riddle me this.

Why is there an illicit bag of trail mix on my leather upholstery?

Okay, first, you wouldn't let me choose the music.

The driver picks. Everybody knows that.

And now you're saying I can't eat.

What part of "leather upholstery" does not compute?

For the record, you could've stayed at Chastain.

Oh, and miss your presentation?

Over somebody else's dead body.

Look, as your mentor, it's a privilege to ensure that your debut at the Society of Georgia Surgeons is filled with all the pomp and circumstance it deserves.

This weekend's gonna change your life.

The hell?

I told you to slow down.

What happened to this kid?


Someone said he collapsed while walking at the mall.

Hold compressions. Let's check for a pulse.

No cardiac activity.

Been over 30 minutes, no pulse.

Time of death, 14:20.

You know, there's nothing but brush out here.

You keep pacing like that, you're liable to start a fire.


Looks like somebody's got the Halloween spirit.

That's up year-round.

Giant homemade voodoo doll to ward off evil spirits.

Some folks think we're cursed around here.

All right, lay it on me, my man.

What's wrong with my baby?

Your radiator hose burst.

Ooh! Hello. Um, we have a medical conference to get to. How long is that going to take?

Good mechanic can fix it in a day.

You got a guy?

Aren't you our guy?

Best I can do is find you a shopin the city, come get you.

That's three hours away.

We don't have that kind of time.

So, since he can't get the job done, let's call Chastain and have Bell send the Red Rock chopper. That's a solid backup plan, but it shouldn't be necessary.

I got this.

Okay. Look, we're here. You're here.

Why can't you just do the repair?

I don't work on cars like this.


Your customer reviews online say differently.

Well... it ain't gonna be cheap.

Well... it's good that money isn't an object.

So I'm assuming you can give us a ride in that big old rusty, sexy truck of yours.

He's weird. Mm.

I usually avoid weird people, especially on Halloween.

So you want to stay here till it gets dark?

I'm sure it gets real fun out here after dark.

Good point. Yeah.

A morgue assistant dressed as a ghost?

Is that good thinking?


Are you gonna finish the paperwork or... what?

Sure thing.

It's a terrible idea. It's a great idea and you're gonna love it.

Okay, can someone please tell Conrad that leaving a bowl of candy out for the trick-or-treaters was a bad idea?

Yeah, well, the first kid's just gonna steal it all.

Thank you.

I don't want to come home to a TP'd house.

Kids are unforgiving if they think you're not into Halloween.

Why do I get the impression that you were one of those unforgiving kids?

You just got to show people that you're in the spirit.

Wow. Tough crowd.

You guys are no fun.

Hey, Pravesh, could you please tell me why your dead patient is currently sitting up in his body bag?

Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Bring in the crash cart. Let's get him up on the monitors. I'll bag him.

Hang a liter of saline wide open and draw a trauma panel.

I'd say this dude looks like he's alive.

He had no pulse, asystole in both leads and an ultrasound with no cardiac activity.

Well, there's definitely activity now.

Your patient just came back from the dead.

Happy Halloween.

Tell me you understand pronouncing a live patient dead is a big deal.

Remy had no pulse, no heart sounds, no spontaneous breaths or pupillary light reflex.

I followed protocol.

Clearly, your protocol was off.

And what about your protocol?

You tortured a patient.

What we're gonna talk about right now... is your screwup.

Are we good here?


Just trying to figure out what happened.

They're taking Remy to the ICU.

I think it's Lazarus syndrome. It fits the profile.

Spontaneous return of circulation after CPR fails? It does happen once in a blue moon when pressure builds up in the chest during CPR.

Yeah. There's no explanation for it. I've seen it one time, and it looked just like this.

So I didn't screw up.

No. You still screwed up.

You put the guy in a damn body bag. Just dial it back a little bit. It's a mistake, all right?

Okay. You know what, you guys? Just have fun with this.

Good luck.

But now that he's alive, you get a second chance.

So, what caused him to nearly die to begin with?

Do you idiots want me dead?

I don't want the black doctor on the billboard out there.

Trauma bay 11.

Or the Indian kid.

30-year-old male. Sudden onset headache.

BP 210/90.

Historyof a arteriovenous malformation.

Okay, BP is high.

One, two, three.

Okay. Good luck.

Perhaps you don't know who I am?

We know who you are, Hades.

You're hard to miss on social media.

Good, then I shouldn't have to reiterate that I don't want the brown guy touching me.

: "Feldman"? I don't think you'll be touching me, either. Hmm.

Hold on there, cupcake.

What're you doing? I'm starting an IV.

Then I'm going to put leads on your body for the cardiac monitor.

And I'm going to attach a pulse ox.

All right. You know what?

You don't want to be treated, that's fine by us.

Let's go.

I wouldn't mess with them if I were you.

Look, I was diagnosed with the AVM when I was a kid.

Doc said I should call an ambulance if I ever got a severe headache.

We'll be back. Just you and the girl will do.

More proof that evil doesn't always come in a mask on a movie screen.

Guys like him spew hate on a regular basis, and ignorant people eat it up. Despite that, we have to do our jobs and treat him like any other patient.

Or not. No, you're right.

And that being said, a headache in someone with an AVM could indicate a sentinel bleed.

But he needs an MRI to confirm because he's...

First, we need to get his BP under control.

Hypertension could cause his AVMto rupture.

Which is what I was just about to say if you'd let me finish.

I'll start a nicardipine drip.

And I will schedule an MRI and get him sent to the ICU.

I'm gonna go check on my Lazarus patient.

And I'll come with.

Make sure he doesn't die on us again.

Um... it's Halloween.

Where is everyone?

Shouldn't there be little kids in annoying costumes asking for wrapped sugar?

Well, look at all the businesses that have closed down.

You can't trick-or-treat if there's nobody to give out the candy.

All right, looks like we're definitely getting a room.

Get something to eat? Yeah.

Uh, excuse me?

Okay. Well, service needs work.

Go at it. You just have to tug down.

Side-eye alert.

Where are we?


You need to order and leave.


And what happened to your arm?

I'll order you two specials.

To go.

We need to see Hades right now. Visiting hours just ended.

You'll have to come back tomorrow.

I don't care. Like it or not, we're gonna see him.

Why don't you go make that happen. That won't be necessary.

Dr. Randolph Bell, CEO, Chief of Surgery here at Chastain.

Zeke Metcalfe.

As I was telling these folks, we need to see Hades. I understand, but we can't have people visiting at all hours.

Our patients need their rest-- it's my job to make sure they get what they need.

And Hades needs me.

His health is complicated.

If anything comes up, our staff is capable of handling it.

Yeah? You mean like the black guy on the billboard?

'Cause if that's the case... can't say I trust your judgment, Doc.

My judgment is not the issue.

Your compliance is. I don't like to call the police, but when a situation warrants, I do.

You tell me.

Does this situation warrant a call?


We'll play ball for now.

We'll be back first thing, hmm?

Without the g*ns.

Georgia might be open carry.

Chastain is not.

You think you're something, huh?

You got that fancy suit.

You got these walls to protect you.

But let me give you the brass tacks.

If anything happens to Hades, I'm gonna hold you personally responsible, and there won't be anyone... or anything that'll stop me from getting to you.

I see Hades has landed. He has an AVM, which may or may not become emergent.

If he dies at Chastain, there's no telling what his followers will do.

Yeah, they're a violent bunch.

Sounds like you need a surgeon to perform a flawless AVM resection. Preferably before it ruptures.

I'll do it.

He's a r*cist who incites v*olence against people who look like you.

Why volunteer? Because my heart can find the compassion in all human beings, no matter our differences.

Just get him out of this hospital... alive.

Well, if it isn't the poster boy.

Am I supposed to be impressed?


Tell me, how does it feel knowing that you're only filling a quota?

Chances are your AVM is bleeding.

Without surgery, you can die at any time.

Might want to be nice to a man that could save your life.

I will be, once I meet the real American who should have your job.

I've met my share of people like you.

Weak, ignorant, false sense of superiority.

Many of them tried to take me down, but all their efforts ended up the same.

Yeah? How's that? The look.

A pained expression when they realized I was smarter and more talented than they ever would be.

Hey, I know my rights. I want another surgeon.

Cool. I have no problems learning about your death on the news.

Wait, please!

Don't listen to him.

To who?

To Hades.

Listen to me. Douglas Atwater.

I- I-I'm begging you.

Help me, please.

We were able to get you off the vent, but you have what we call dilated cardiomyopathy.

This puts you at risk for arrhythmias... which can be fatal.

And if you had one earlier today, that could explain why you lost consciousness.

The tests also revealed that you have liver damage.

He wants to be discharged.

Well... that would be a mistake.

Okay, we know our rights. You can't keep him here.

Isn't that right, Remy?


Bro, i-if you won't discharge me, I'll just leave on my own.


You are very sick, Remy.

Technically, you already died once today.

You leave this hospital, and you could actually die.

Remy, we already ran some basic tests.

Why not just stick around for all the results to come back?

You have to pay for them anyway.

Okay, fine. But after that, then we're out of here.

Did you see the track marks on their arms?

I think they're addicts.

We need to see what dr*gs he's taking before we move forward.

Wait, you're speculating. He needs a cardiac cath to figure out what caused his cardiomyopathy.

Might even need a liver biopsy, too.

Did you hear them? They want to leave.

It's hard enough to get them to wait for Remy's test results, you want to recommend invasive procedures?

In this situation, it's called for.

He has life-threatening conditions that need to be worked up.

Remy doesn't want to be bombarded with tests right now, so we build up some trust first, and then we go from there.


I was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder as a kid.

Hades-- the man you've been speaking to-- he takes over my body. You lost me at multiple personality disorder.

It's-it's a real thing. It's not.

It is. A do-doctor in Oregon diagnosed us.

I can get you his number. A doctor in California says that yogurt treats brain tumors. Doesn't make it so.

You-you have no idea of the hell that Hades puts me through.

He makes all of our decisions.

He insults me. He suppresses me.

I lose control every day, but right here, right now I am winning.

I have an opportunity to get what I want, and I want you to operate.

And you're willing to sign a consent for surgery?



The car won't be finished today, but we can still make it to the conference on time if we leave early tomorrow.

# What's the use#

# Of my crying#

# If you don't care anymore?#

Here's your food.

I suggest you check into your hotel room and eat upstairs.

Hey, let's-let's hit pause on the dramatic heads-up for a minute.

Let's talk about that arm. It looks inflamed, and has grown past the bandage. Have you seen a doctor?

We don't have doctors in this town, so I drove three hours to Atlanta and got a prescription for penicillin that isn't working.

There must be some reason why the antibiotic isn't working.


Everything okay over here?

We're okay, Phil.

Hey, listen, Phil, we are okay.

All right? We don't want any problems.

You don't like black people. We get it.

They're not r*cist.

That's not why you're not welcome.

We want you to leave because you're doctors.

Boone spread the word you're from Chastain.

Which means you work for Red Rock Mountain Medical.

The company that bought our hospital and shut it down because no one here could afford their inflated bills.

I was a nurse anesthetist.

Best damn job I ever had.

I took care of their electrical, top to bottom.

Did it for 30 years.

I used to make good money at my pharmacy.

Now there's no one here to write prescriptions.

All the doctors left when the hospital closed.

Leaving us to care for our elderly and mentally ill on our own.

We had nothing to do with that, so if there's any way we can help...

Like looking at the arm. Look, eat here if you want, but please, just leave me alone.

He's in V-tach. Move.

Get a crash cart in here now!

Wait, what's happening? His heart stopped beating again.

I need one of epi and charge to 200.



Bella, please, we are trying to save Remy's life. Okay.

Charge again.


Stop! You can't save him, but I can.

Remy needs some of my blood.

Because he's a vampire and so am I.

Let's start him on 300 milligrams of amiodarone.

And get another EKG. Right away.

He doesn't need that.

He needs blood.

You guys don't get it. This is why we didn't tell you how we live.

The media just spouts so many lies.

We're not here to judge you.

We just want to help. In order to treat and diagnose you correctly...

...Remy, tell us about your vampirism lifestyle.

We... feed on a limited amount of one another's blood.

Al-Always safely.

Okay. So... what does that do for you?

It gives us energy.


Imagine the most alive you've ever felt and multiply it by ten.

And since we share blood, it's like we share one essence.

Our connection... is both physical and spiritual.

Remy, we still don't know what caused you to collapse earlier.

The answer could be in your blood.

You need more extensive tests. No, he doesn't.

We've been safe. You love Remy.

We can see that.

Regardless of how safe you are, you're sharing blood, which means you're both at risk for blood-borne illnesses.

If Bella's in danger, there's no question.

Do the test.

I won't let you take any risks.

I hear you met Hades and Doug.

Word travels fast.

Don't often see DID patients around here-- dissociative identity disorder-- whatever they're calling multiple personality disorder these days.

Why bother renaming something that's pure fiction?

I don't believe that-- I mean, I've seen a handful of cases during my career. Well, if it does exist, it's not because of anyone's childhood or their mommy.

I think it's a cagey form of manipulation.

How can you say that with so much certainty?

I mean, don't you think we should look at our patient's psychiatric records to see what a doctor who has a degree in that area has to say?

I heard the words "we" and "our."

Are you tagging yourself on to my case?

Who do you think scheduled the MRI that's currently in progress?

Well, now we have confirmation that the AVM needs to be excised.

It's hemorrhaging into the temporal lobe and the surrounding tissue.

What's this, next to the AVM?

Looks like mesial temporal lobe sclerosis, inflammatory scarring.

People with sclerotic tissue are more prone to seizures, but in this area of the brain, it presents as personality changes.

Doug is having seizures that are manifesting as Hades?

Yes. It's not DID.

It's temporal lobe epilepsy as a result of sclerotic tissue.

Which means I can literally cut out Hades.

I can get him into the OR tonight.

You're talking about removing a portion of this man's brain.

You know as well as I do there could be serious consequences to this.

We need a second opinion, a neurology consult, and more than anything, we need to see his psych records.

Nevin, I like you most of the time.

But you're a nurse practitioner.

Don't ever question me.

And with one delicate stroke of the scalpel, I can and will, single-handedly, free you from the evil that has h*jacked your life.

Thank you, Dr. Cain. Thank you.

It's my pleasure.

Oh, you're so pathetic.

Did you really think I wouldn't fight my way back to the surface?

You need consent to operate.

I already got the consent from Doug.

Oh, yeah, that shadow of a man?

I'm revoking it.

I'll go to another hospital.

Get my discharge papers.

Hi, Remy.

All of your hepatitis panels and the HIV test came back negative. So we added on some additional studies looking at your iron levels.

You have hemochromatosis. It's a condition where the body stores too much iron.

Excess iron poisons organs, which, for you, caused heart and liver disease.- REMY: Okay.

Is it treatable? Tell me it's treatable.

It is. We reduce the iron levels in your body and, because blood is rich in iron, the best course of action is...


We'll need to do a phlebotomy tonight.

And every week for the next month.

It will give your body the best chance to recover.

Wait. You're-you're talking just a little.

Like, drops, right?

Remy will need to give a pint each time. And in order to maintain control over your disease... can't take in any excess iron.

It's not their call.

We need to discuss this. Leave us alone.

Uh, my bad.

Look, even the Raptor is a little rattled this Halloween evening, right?

Yeah. It's okay.

But we'll get a good night's rest.

Tomorrow, this town will be far behind.

And the next phase of your career begins with this speech.

You sound so sure.

Let me break it down to you, Miss Cleo style.

Your speech is going to be fire.

You're going to receive countless fellowship offers, and in five years you will no longer need a mentor, and we will be...

...something else.

Something more.

But I will still consider myselfthe better.

And you would be wrong.

Oh, we'll see.


Um, thanks for everything.

Night. Good night.

I don't see discharge papers.

That's because you're not going anywhere.

At least not till I say so.

Yeah. See, no one-- let alone someone like you-- is gonna keep me here against my will.

I agree.

You know what?

Which is why your will needs to be taken. What is that?

Little dose of ketamine.

What the hell did you just do?

What people like you do to others.

I'm taking away your right to be treated like a human being.

Is this it?

That does it for the day.

Do you need anything else?

No. You're free to go.

I told you if anything happened to Hades you'd see me again.

That black doc-- he took him into surgery against Hade's will.

If he dies or he wakes up as anything other than himself, you and that doc will pay dearly.

Dr. Cain.

Dr. Cain.

Don't worry, I've got consent.

There's my AVM. From what I understand, you hadconsent. Put the scissors down.

Now it's time to cut out Hades.

Are you removing the sclerotic tissue?

Think about what you're doing.

You're better than him. You're better than this.

I'm better because I can do this.

What are you doing?

Let me go.

Let me go.

Somebody! Help!

She's missing something crucial.

Go ahead and cut.

Here we go.

No. No! No!

Mina. Mina!

Mina, I'm coming!

# Yes, there she is#

# Is she following me?#

# If I'm at a movie show#

# And I'm in the second row, well, there...#

She doesn't have a heart.




Mina! Mina, are you okay?

I do have a heart.

Of course you do.

Your actions not only put Chastain in jeopardy, you put my life at risk as well.

I did what I had to do.

And I live and breathe for risks like this.

No one has to break the law.

And just to be clear, that's what's happened.

Chastain's not going down for what you did.

You're on your own.

Actually, I'm not.

Excuse me?

In case you hadn't noticed, I can do... whatever the hell I want.

I'm a cash cow for Red Rock, which meanswhen you sold Chastain to them, providing cover for me became your number-one job.

So, if and when the time comes for you to explain what happened here today, I have no doubt that you will find the right spin.

Because without me, there is no Red Rock.

There's no Chastain.

Or you.

All right.

How we doing?

Have you made a decision?

Yes. Remy doesn't want treatment.

We're leaving now. We are who we are, and you'll never understand it.

Remy, I know that it is difficult, but you have to face the fact that vampirism will cost you your life.

We don't believe that. Actually, Bella, I- I do believe it.

I've always known I'm not a vampire.

Wait, what are you saying?

You've been lying all this time?

To-to make you happy, to keep you.

Uh, fake fangs? No problem.

A night in a coffin? No big deal.

I drank blood because I would do anything to make you happy.

I know I'll never get another woman like you.

I'm-I'm "swipe left." I know that.

I can't believe it.

You're a liar.

I- I know. I'm-I'm sorry.

I... I don't want to lose you, but I have a life-threatening condition now.

I have to stop being a vampire.

Many couples have different belief systems and are happy.


I could never be with this man again.

Two people this fundamentally different cannot remain together.

No way.

I'm sorry, man.

Coming. Coming!

Hey. We got a medical emergency.

Sonya. Looks like they need our help after all.

Who are you? What are you doing?

Get off of me! Someone help, please!

What's wrong with her?

Based on the mixed delirium, the blisters and ulcers on her arm, Sonya has necrotizing fasciitis.

What the hell is that? It's a flesh-eating disease caused by the same bacteria that causes strep throat.

We need to surgically remove the infected tissue now.

Surgery? Just where do you plan on doing that?

At a hospital. You got one sitting there across the street. It's been closed for months.

Then we open it.

Nec fas spreads within hours, leading to sepsis, amputation and then death.

Look, you feel betrayed by doctors, right?

Fine. We get it. But you need to get over it and trust us, or Sonya here is going to die tonight.

We're with you.

All right, let's get moving.

So how'd you sleep?

Blissfully. Like a baby.

Hmm. Some people, when they come to this town, have strange dreams.

Well, I have them, too.

I think it has to do with Red Rock Mountain Medical.

When they left, they disposed of all kinds of medications by putting them down the drain.

Each year, the EPA finds pharmaceutical-grade chemicals in the groundwater.

The dr*gs could eventually contaminate drinking water, too.

Low doses of antibiotics in the water supply can make superbugs resistant to all antibiotics.

Which may be why penicillin did nothing for Sonya.

And psych meds in the water have also been known to cause strange dreams.

Mina, are you sure you slept okay?

We should focus on the work.

You sure this is necessary?

We hate the idea of her going to Chastain.

I know, but Sonya needs to be hospitalized.

I'll go back with her.

I'll make sure she gets the best care, okay?

I don't know what we'd have done without you.

Hey, all of you chipped in.

This is a hell of a town.

A town without a hospital.

If we have another medical emergency...

Get your water checked.

And then you sue the hell out of Red Rock when you get the results. You're suggesting we sue the hospital that employs you.

Yup. Yeah.

Your car's good to go.

Well, that is music to my ears.

What do I owe you?

The repair is on the house.

Appreciate that.

You know I want to hear your presentation, right?

Yeah, I do.

My baby is yours.

You treat her nice, she'll be good to you.

Oh, no, I can't drive your car. You love that machine.

True, but I know she'll be in good hands.

Besides, you're a queen.

You need a proper chariot.

# If I gave you my heart and my soul#

# Would you even take it?#

# 'Cause I'm saying I'm over it#

# No, I don't care if you break it#

# The light coming from the crack in your door...#

We both know there's something going on.

# Oh, tell me, what are we...#

Let's talk about what's bothering you.


Look, I'm grateful for everything you've taught me.

But there are some lessons that I don't want to learn.

What lessons?

I think you know.

You cross lines that I would never cross.

You're talking about the hostage situation, the man I got released, who's safe with his family?

No, I'm talking about the patient that you tortured to get the information that you needed.

The ends don't justify the means.

So we have different styles and boundaries.

No, it's more than that.

We are very different people with different beliefs.

And neither of us are ever gonna change.

# Every single step#

# And untruthfully, stupid for loving you#

# Darling, just save it#

# But I'll follow you#

# Crawl, is it obvious#

# Please say it's obvious...#

My bad.

Forgot to tell you.

Don't look at the person in front of you.

It'll psych you out for no good reason.

# I mean it#

# Don't get me wrong#

# But you've been here way too long#

# Still feel you in every single breath...#

You got this.

There is no one in that building who can touch you.

Remember who you are.

I'm Dr. Mina Freaking Okafor.

When I first stepped out on that stage...

...I wasn't worried about the people in the seats.

I couldn't even see 'em.

Because in my mind, there was only one person I wanted to hear me speak in that room.

So I imagined that person was there, cheering me on.

Doug's psych records.

You should have waited for them.

You would have made a different decision last night.

Actually, Doug's last psychiatrist didn't agree with the DID diagnosis, either.

He also believed that it was the temporal lobe epilepsy.

Right, but after treating him, he had a different opinion on the seizures.

Look at the doctor's note.

Hello, poster boy.

I was right about the seizures creating an alternate personality.

I was wrong about which one.

Doug was the alternate personality.

And now he's gone, and I am unchained.

And there it is.

That pained expression when you realize you're not as smart as you think you are.