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03x07 - Part VII

Posted: 02/10/21 20:02
by bunniefuu
We cook a 25-pound bird.

Turkey sandwiches for a week.

My grandmother insisted we chew every bite of food 20 times.


Is that it? There's more. I'll bring it in.

But where's Dad?

Do you need help? No.

I got it all under control. It's all under control.

I'm just gonna... Dad?

You cannot overemphasize the importance of mastication.

Now here's something you may not know...

Dad? Saliva, it's a digestive aid.

Dad? Everybody's waiting, come on.

Come on.

Hey. Dad.

Dad. I'm hungry.

Dad, come on. We're really hungry.

All right. All right.

Hot, ow.

Ah. Not there.

Where are the, the coolers. Where...

Ah! Damn.

We cook a 25-pound bird.

Turkey sandwiches for a week.

Now here's something you may not know.

Saliva, it's a digestive aid.

It's ready. Sit, honey.

Mom. Sit.

No... no, no, no.

Eat it.

Eat it.

Why did you leave me?

You left me all alone.

No, I didn't.

Yes, you did. You little piece of shit.

Why don't you love me?

I... no.

Oh, yes.

No. Don't.

Look at you.

Don't do that. Shh.

Don't do that. Don't.

Why don't you love me? Don't...


One more thing. That's all right.

I gotcha. I'm here.

Breathe, breathe. Okay.

Come on, you're okay now.

Here. Here, here, here.

Harry, don't. Hey.

Here, hey. It's okay.

Hey, you're okay.

Here, have some water.

You did it.

You did it, Harry.

I had to pull the pipe.

You had to believe you were gonna die.

It's the only way.

Nick did the same thing for me.

Hey. Yeah.

Yeah, you're okay.

You're okay.

Hey, hey.

You okay?

I don't know.

What did you see?

What was down there with you?

I was at dinner. My family... my father... stayed in the bathroom, wouldn't come out.

Are you two estranged?

That's a nice way to put it.

I know how intense it was down there.

But you've been through the worst of it.

Now you just need to process it all.

I promise I won't push you the way Nick pushed me.

How was that?

When all this started back at school, it was just the two of us looking for answers, testing ourselves.

But then Nick would just keep looking for the next thing, the next dare, pushing me to do it with him.

And it just got more and more dangerous.

I freaked out.

I couldn't handle it anymore. I...

I left school, and I cut him out of my life.

He came back?

All these years later? Why was that?

I was struggling.

I couldn't find meaning in my life anymore.

And I kept thinking about Nick, and what we did, and how it gave me a sense of purpose.


So I called him.

I should have known better.

He was more extreme than he was back in school.

He is the one who wanted me to k*ll.

He thought it was the next step.

I never wanted any of that.

That's why I pulled the parking brake.

That's why I took the phone after the accident.

It's why I k*lled him.

Why I let him die.

He wasn't gonna let me go.

I never wanted this to go as far as it did.

And it will never be like that with us.

I need to take care of some things at school.

You'll be all right for a while?

You're going to go teach school?

No. No, I'm gonna quit.

School has been a part of the problem.

I can't be there anymore.

You'll feel the need to turn away from all this, to go back to safety, routine.

I did.

That's just your ego getting scared, not wanting change.

Please stay in it.

Even when it's uncomfortable, I'll help you through it.

All right? Hey.

You're just waking up.

I'll be in touch.


He thought it was the next step.

I never wanted any of that.

That's why I pulled the parking brake.

That's why I took the phone after the accident.

It's why I k*lled him. Why I let him die.


You got the confession. Whoa.

I mean, congratulations.

Yeah. Wow, this is crazy.

Harry, this is really crazy. It was.

There's something I had to do, and he wasn't gonna stop.

There'll be a Huntley Hearing.

Oh, yeah, but this is pretty tight.

Now at least we can get a warrant and get him into custody.

When are you gonna go get him?

I want you to do it.

What? No, no. No way.

Harry, this is all you, man.

This is your instincts, your amazing, f*cked up methodology.

This is your collar.

I want you to take it.

He has a meeting at the school today.

Okay. Thanks.

I'll get the warrant going now, and then I'll let you know when it comes through, okay?


I don't know where to begin.

Did you talk to anyone? I told Soto.

I mean a doctor, a therapist.

Someone to help you process all of this.

Oh. Uh...

Harry, this is not something to be toughed out.

You... you must have PTSD.


So what happens with the confession?

He'll be arrested today.

And go to prison presumably.

Presumably, yeah.

Why don't I feel relieved?


I saw you.

When I was down in there, I had...

These visions.

And you were there.

What did you see?

Well, I was on my back in the woods.

And I wasn't sure whether I was dead or alive, and...

Your hands.

You were washing me.

Like a ritual, or...

Like a... like a baptism?

Yeah, yeah. That's closer.

It made me feel calm.

I know things have been strained between us.

Yes, I have certainly felt that too.

I think it's a good time for me to move on.

I put together a term sheet. The main points are there.

I'm sure we can figure something out.

That'd be great.

I don't wanna drag anything out.

Sorry. Can you just give me a moment?

Sure. Take your time.

James Burns, you're under arrest.

I need you to stand up, turn around, and place your hands behind your back.

Stand up, please.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you can't afford one, one will be provided for you.

You have the right not to answer any questions without an attorney present.

Do you understand these rights that I have just read to you, sir? Yes.

All right, ladies. Let's go inside.

Come on, everybody.

All right, you mooks. Listen up.

Get off your asses and raise your glasses.

Everybody off your ass. There you go.

To Harry Ambrose, who goes to the wall, and then through the wall, and then down into the hole.

Take a good look, ladies and gentlemen, because he is the best detective you and I will ever know.

Mm-hmm. To Harry.

To Harry. Hear, hear.


Buy him a drink!

Hi. Hey.

You're working, huh? Yeah.

Sometimes when I can't sleep, I paint.

Yeah. It's late.

I know. It's just, uh, I wanted to talk.

Sorry. Oh, you had a few.

I just had one. It was a little cop party.

Hail the conquering hero.

Well, something like that.

I need to show you something.

When was this? A week ago.

I don't understand.

He had a g*n on him, and it got to this?

I can't explain it.

I was so frightened, but he was looking for a connection.

Were you looking for a connection?

I didn't have sex with him if that's what you're asking.

Then what? I...

I just looked at him.

Why did you hide this from me?

Maybe there is some shame attached.

I was drawn to it.

I don't know. I... I'm not proud of that.

Drawn to what? To what he knows.

Or what tortures him.

Maybe I enjoy the brush with danger.

This was so reckless.

And it was kind of stupid too because you know what he's capable of...

You don't get to judge me.

Especially after you got into a grave...

It's not the same thing.

That was a tactic with a suspect...

It was a reckless tactic...

I gained his trust and other things too...

Oh, come on. Come on. It's more than that.

You know it.

You should have told me last week.

It was private.

It was mine. I didn't have to tell you.

I chose to. There's a difference.

Oh, I get it. This is how it goes.

You want everyone else to tell you everything while you say nothing.




Jamie, this is... this is Bob Kowalski.

He's really highly recommended by Ray Harold.

Oh, hi.

Hey. How are you faring? I'm here.

Well, I'm here to get you out of here. Sit.

But I don't understand what's going on.

I mean, what... what do they have on me?

Have they shown you any evidence?

Well, there's the timeline from the accident to the 911 call.

And they're saying that Nick's cell phone was wiped clean.

But it's not enough to build a case against you, so we are really gonna focus on the Huntley Hearing.

What is that?

To determine if the confession is admissible or if it's coerced in some way.

What confession?

Detective Ambrose.

He recorded you.

You were with him Monday morning, right?

He has you on tape saying that you moved your friend's cell phone away, impeding his rescue.

But you know what?

We're gonna get this confession thrown out.

And then there'll be no case against you.

Give us a minute?

Yeah, sure.


Jamie, look at me.

I know this is scary... No, it's okay.

I'm gonna sort this out, and we can fight this.

I've seen you like this for weeks.

You're all twisted up inside, and that's your guilt.

No. Which is good.

It's right that you feel guilty.

What you have to do is confess what you did...

No. You need relief.

You have to give yourself that.

It's the only way that you can get your life back, yourself back...

The detective tricked me. He f*cking used me.

Forget him.

You have to face what you did.

Otherwise it's like an infection.

You don't clean that out, it's gonna get worse.

It'll k*ll you.

I wanna hear what your strategy is.


Let's take a look at that transcript.

Thank you for agreeing to see me.

I think I told you, or at least I think you know, that... as a cop, my first obligation is to protect the public.

It's what I've sworn to do.

I had to gain your trust.

I tried to get you to come clean.

But now...

I'm sure you feel betrayed.

I just, I want you to know...

We had a connection about a lot of things.

You and I.

I know that.

And I'm sure you do too.

I'm... just sorry things went the way they did.

And I hope...

Inmate, get up now.

All right, come on. Turn around.

Let's go. Let's go.

I never wanted any of that.

That's why I pulled the parking brake.

That's why I took the phone after the accident.

It's why I k*lled him.

Why I let him die.

Again, is this a fair and accurate recording?

Any alterations or deletions? No.

Did you coerce or lead the suspect, James Burns, in offering this information?

No, I didn't.

People have no further questions notwithstanding redirect.

Cross-examination? Yes, Your Honor.

Detective, is it true that in pursuing this case, you helped Mr. Burns, of all things, plant a tree in his backyard?

Yes, I did.

He was a subject of an investigation, and I needed to gain his confidence.

Then you also appeared at his house on October 21st, and then again on October 29th, where you accused him of m*rder.

Yet you made no arrests. Why was that?

I didn't have sufficient evidence.

I see. And then on the night of October 30th, you followed my client to the city, to a bar, and then two different parties.

Is that right? I did, yes.

Do you do that often, Detective?

Go out and party with suspects?

Mr. Burns was volatile and dangerous, and he needed to be supervised.

Oh, supervised.

Well, these photos, Detective, are marked defense exhibits A, B, and C.

Is this an accurate picture of your supervision of Mr. Burns that night?

Or maybe this?

Okay, that woman was a therapist.

I have a sciatic nerve condition, and she was saying that she could help reduce the pain.

And this photo, in the foreground.

What is that? Cocaine?

I never touched that.

And after the second party on the night of the 30th, Mr. Burns left without you.

But you continued to pursue him in what turned into a high-speed car chase through Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Then after the car chase, you two made up.

I mean, you actually drove him home.

Isn't that right? I drove him back, yeah.

It seems like your relationship with Mr. Burns is very complicated.

And after you dropped Mr. Burns at his house, what happened then?

Somebody needed to stake out his place, so I stayed there in the car overnight.

You fell asleep, correct? While you were stalking him.

Staking. I was staking him. Stake, stalk.

Potato, potahto. Your Honor.

Mr. Kowalski, get to the matter of the confession.

I'm just making a point, Your Honor, that Detective Ambrose was harassing my client for weeks leading up to his confession, placing Mr. Burns under extraordinary pressure to comply.

Is it true that in order to gain Mr. Burns's trust, you agreed to being buried in a grave for eight hours?

That's correct.

In fact... Pardon me, counselor.

You agreed to be... how deep a grave?

I don't know. Maybe just six feet or so.

Could you get out on your own?


Continue, counselor.

In exchange for you going into the grave, Mr. Burns provided you with a signed confession.

Is that right? Yes, that was the agreement.

And what happened to that signed confession?

We burned it. That's a fun game.

That's a fun, fun, fun game. It wasn't a game.

Burying each other alive, pretending to be dead...

Your Honor. Counselor, get to your point. Please.

In all this pretending, how are we to know that James Burn didn't confess to a pretend m*rder?

It wasn't pretend.

Would you call James Burns your friend?

Would you call any part of your relationship with him a friendship?


Oh, so you really were pretending, role-playing, so to speak, to gain his confidence.


Rather fertile ground for emotional manipulation, wouldn't you agree? Objection.

Badgering the witness and irrelevant.


Where were you at 4:00 p.m. yesterday, Detective?

I visited the defendant in jail.

And did you offer James Burns an apology at that time?

Yes, I did. For coercing a bogus confession, is that why? No, no.

'Cause you manipulated your friend, and then suddenly, you felt guilty for putting him in jail.

He's in jail because he impeded a rescue.

And that k*lled Nick Haas.

And we know he k*lled again.

Somebody had to stop him.

But then you said you were sorry, why?

I was sorry because...

Because what, Detective?

Answer the question, please.


No further questions.

No call yet.

Look, I told you I'll let you know as soon as I get it.

Greenberg's office said it's gonna be 1:00.

It's 1:15. What do you want from me?

Yeah, it's Morris.

Yeah, I did.

That's right.

No. No, no, no, provolone.



James Burns.

Come on. Let's go.

What do you mean? Go where?

Hey. Hey, where are you?

I had to get out of there.

Greenberg ruled. Inadmissible.

Burns is out.

How long?

I just got the call. It's gotta be a couple hours.

I'll be right in.

Mr. Burns.

Mr. Burns, there's an order of protection against you.

If you don't leave the premises, I'll place you under arrest.

I just want to talk to my wife.

Leela? Mr. Burns, this is my last warning.

Step off the property.

Let's go.

Lee? Mr. Burns...

Leela? Hey! Now, I need you on the road.

Let's go.

Jamie, you need to leave.

I need my jacket. It's cold.


I'm not gonna tell you again, Mr. Burns.

This is my house.

I can't talk to her? No, you can't.

Mrs. Burns. It's okay.

Thank you. I got you gloves too.

Order of protection?

Are you okay?

Do you think that I would ever hurt you?

Or our son?

I think you should leave.

No, let me come in for two minutes, all right?

I just want to hold Kai.

Then I'll leave.

I can't do that.

He's my son.

I have a right to see him. Actually, you don't.

You don't have a legal right to be here.

Was this your idea?

Detective Ambrose advised it.

Lee... it's me.

I'm the same person you met 15 years ago.

I love you.

I have loved you since the day I met you.

And I will never hurt you or our son.

You can't be here.

You can't be here.

Here we go round.

The prickly pear.

The prickly pear.

The prickly pear.

Here we go round, prickly pear.

At 5:00 in the morning.

Mr. B? Hey, Emma.

You cut your hair. Yeah.

It was getting in the way.

Are you okay?

Yeah, the charges were dropped.

There was no case after all.

Oh, that's good.

Hey, look.

Let's take a walk around the block, talk for a bit.

Um... I kind of think I should stay here.

My parents think I'm in my room.

Just around the block.


Okay, sure. Yeah.

So a lot of things are going on for me right now, and I may not see you for a while.

Well, where are you going? It's hard to say.

Okay. I just came by because I don't want you to forget what we talked about.

About staying on that path and asking the hard questions.

Sometimes your resilience gets tested, and the world can seem against you.

Like they can't see you or know what you know, feel what you feel.


You might be alone and that doesn't always feel great.

But remember there are others like you out there, like me, walking that path too.

So stay on it, all right?

No matter what anybody says.

Actually, I feel like I'm doing okay.

You are? Yeah.

I decided to take a year off and then go to college.

And because of what happened, my parents are actually listening and they're, like, in full support of my choices now.

It's kind of weird, but it's good.

That's really good. That's great.

I'm really glad for you.

I should get going.

Are you ever gonna come back to Briarton?


Where are you going?

I'm not sure. It's all in process.

You're gonna be great.

I fell asleep again, and then I woke up.

And just before 5:00 a.m., and...

And there he was.

I noticed something on his ear. And...

I saw the blood, and then he, uh... he played it off.

And you saved it because?

Detective Ambrose spoke to me about the m*rder in Brooklyn.

And it was the same night.

Then he, um... he told me about a week later.

He told me that he... that he k*lled that man.

And I know I... I know I should have come.

It's just, I...

I didn't know what to do, you know?

'Cause he's my husband.

It's a complicated situation, and we appreciate that you came forward.

Mrs. Burns, would you be willing to testify to what you just told us?

But you can do something.

There must be something you can do.

He needs help. We'll do what we can.

Detective Soto will escort you home, Mrs. Burns.

And we will make sure that you're protected until we find your husband.

Right this way, ma'am. Thank you.

So with NYPD, how long does it usually take to get a blood comparison?

I'll put a rush on it. A couple of days?

That's two days too long. Do you know where he is?

Well, we couldn't get a warrant to track his cell phone, so we followed him to the city, but lost him at Grand Central.

We just don't have the manpower.

He's in the wind.

Oh, my God.

Go, go. Go, go, go.


Morris has found a bunker.

He'll need a nifty up and down to save par.