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03x07 - The One Where Diane And Liz Topple Democracy

Posted: 02/08/21 20:11
by bunniefuu
Admit it.

You like having me here.

I mean, you didn't think you would.

But then, gradually, you realized that Blum is like a shot in the arm.

And, let me just also say, I did not walk into your office with lofty expectations.

But since I've been here, I've... been impressed.

Everybody I've met here is competent, clean, and articulate.

So, kudos.

But I've also noticed what you lack.

And that-- if I may be so crass-- is balls.




And that's why I'm crashing your little...

end-of-year meeting here.

You are all good at working within the rules.

But there's a reason why rules don't benefit people like you and me.

We're not part of the establishment.

There's a lot of hate out there towards you.

So why be nice to them?

I believe it was Dr.

King who said, "Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil." And that is why you need someone out there with, uh, the hairy chesters to fight.

Well, I'm ready and I'm willing.

So, what exactly...

is it that you're proposing?

I've decided to join the firm.

Well, not as a name partner, of course.

Not at first.

But I think it's obvious that we got something good going on here.

Wow, Roland.

You've given us...

a lot to chew on.

Yeah, I'd like an answer now.

Well, I'm sorry.

We have to follow protocol.

You understand.

Just give us some time to confer.


Enjoy your meat.

Thank you.

Miss me?

That man is crazy.

And when did Dr.

King say a-anything remotely like that?

It's Machiavelli.



Of course it is.

Well, as far as I'm concerned, that man is a cancer and we got to get him out of here immediately.

Obviously, the sun would have to burn up before we make Roland Blum a partner.



There is no "but." Mm-mmm.


if we tell him now, he goes ballistic.

Let's just let him finish his work on Second Helix while we figure out the exit strategies.

So we string him along?

Till we find a way to just...

ease his ass out the door.

We need to get his work accelerated on Second Helix.

This is crazy.

I'll take care of it.

♪ shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, baby shark ♪ ♪ Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, baby sh...

♪ Uh, Francesca, I will call you back, okay?


Hi, Diane.

Everything all right?

Uh, yes.

Uh, listen, uh, you're on hold with the Sweeney divorce.


Just for a week.



So, um...

you know your neighbor across the hall?

When I say the 18th, I mean the 18th!

Where Roland Blum...


Listen, the partners need your help.

We need you to supervise the Second Helix discovery.


In what way?

Blum is stalling.

He's been here for three weeks, and he's put in about two hours' worth of work.

We need someone who can get the job done.


Let's just get some second years and paralegals.

Oh, we had four associates on it.

He sent them out on errands.

Blum is seductive.


We-we need an adult in the room.


What do you mean, what?

My presentation.





We, um, just need to deliberate.

Come on, Julius.

I was there for you with the judgeship.

Be there for me.

Uh, we need to take a vote.

Bringing in a new partner is a...

It's not a simple matter.

So, who's for me and who's against me?

Uh, I'm not sure that's clear.




I work all day with liars, big and small.

It's good practice.

He's lying.

Are you talking to me?

Liz, one second.

Come here.


Diane, you two should really hear this walk-in.

What is it?

It's a class action about the 2016 presidential election.

That lady voted for Hillary.

The voting machine registered her vote for Trump.

On a paperless voting machine?


But... there's evidence.

Okay, so...

What's the evidence?

This is to document what just happened.

I voted an all-Democratic ticket.

Gives me the option, as you see here.

So I did.

And then I scrolled down, and the machine mixed up my votes.

Some Democrat, some Republican.

And then, at the bottom, it's got me voting for Trump.


This is a voting machine without a paper ballot, so there's no record.

And the poll watcher just told me there's nothing I can do about this.

Apparently, there are other voters who reported the same problem.

So she's suing the state?


She's suing Kohl-Flores, the manufacturer of the voting machine.

Oh, so for faulty design.


Product liability.

Not a bad way to go.

Apparently, the same machines are being used in 2020.

Come on.

Mona, these are the partners I told you about.

Ms. Reddick, Diane Lockhart.

And this is Mona's friend...

Rachelle Max.

Nice to meet you.

I've heard great things about you two.

I told Mona one of the reasons I wanted her to move her case here is that I've heard such great things about the activism here.

Ms. Max works as a pollster at, uh...

DLE Strategies.

Mona was unhappy with her first legal team.

Weren't you?


They didn't seem to take it seriously.

How far along is your case?

We have a hearing this afternoon on discovery.

Liz, do you have a minute?


If you have any questions, I can answer them.

Uh, no, I think we'd like to discuss this.

We'll be right back.

I know this is a rush, but this is a good case with a really smart legal strategy.

This company is sending malfunctioning voting machines into the black community.

Seems like something you would jump at.


I-I just need a minute.


Me, too.


- What the f*ck?

- What the f*ck what?

I'm bringing you a good case.

These crappy voting machines go to African-American districts and miscount the votes.

Mona needs the best possible lawyers.

That's you.

Then come to us first.

Don't just surprise us.

Wait a minute.

Fight Club rules.

We do not talk about Book Club.

Yeah, well, this is complicated for us.



If you don't want the case, say no.

But this case could be good for the resistance and your firm.

So I really don't understand the problem.

My problem is not knowing whether I am representing the client or the Book Club.

The client.

But this case could stop the other side from corrupting the vote in 2020.

So that's good.

And you're letting your hurt feelings get in the way.


You, uh...

you supposed to be in here?

This isn't even evidence.

These are legal invoices sent over by the opposing firm to distract us.

Well, we still got to go through it.

Uh, no, we don't.


I just did.

This is our evidence.

This is the case that we won against Second Helix, so we don't need to review it.

But you don't know that.

They might have, uh, mingled other evidence in there with it.

No one does that.

I do that.

Okay, Mr. Blum, so, here's the thing.

You're wanting to delay this.

I was put on this case to hurry it.

And who's more likely to make mistakes, the person who hurries it or the person who doesn't?

We're not feet-dragging here.

Not anymore.

And that is why I brought my, uh...

my associate along.


Yeah, this is the associate part of Roland Blum & Associates.

Gary Carr.

Lucca Quinn.

Oh, so he gets your name and I don't?

That's reverse racism.

As I was just telling Mr.

Blum, uh, we need to move faster.

Gary's been saying that the whole time.

Haven't you, Gary?

I, uh...

Actually, I just thought I was here to observe.

Oh, you were.

But now it's all hands on deck.

We just got scolded for not working fast enough.

Well, not scolded.

I just...

I thought we could more carefully divide up the workload.

Sounds good.

Gary's smart.


A prodigy.

Harvard Lw Review at 2.

Please, Mr. Blum...

Stop with the humility.

You're too nice a guy.

What do I always say?

Kindness is hypocrisy.

Yeah, he was shortlisted for Kagan's law clerk, but he wanted to give back to the community.

So he became a community organizer in Baltimore.


Nice to meet you.

So, I think the best thing here is to find the real cases, because a lot of this is depo dump filler.

Whatever I can do to help.


Gary wanted to know what it's like to work in a-an African-American firm.

He's only ever worked in white firms.


What is it?

I told you, an hour late.

Shut up.

Shut up!

I'm f*cking coming!


It's my 2:00 hummer.

I'll be back.

Now, you two-- behave.

He's not drinking it.

You want it?

Is it tequila?

No, but I can find some.

No, I'm-I'm fine.

Maybe later.

Let's divide these up into circuits.

How long have you worked with Blum?

A week.

Okay, I hope you're not offended...

I hope I am.

You just don't seem like the Blum type.

How did you two get connected?

I wanted to see what corporate law was like.

Well, Blum is not...

the best example of corporate law.

Are you?

Oh, no, that's-that's...

that's circuit.


Your Honor, this is a nuisance claim.

There was a free and fair election.

No, there should be a free and fair election.

Can I finish, Your Honor?

Yeah, let's just all let each other finish.

The plaintiff, or, more likely, the plaintiff's attorneys as part of a Democratic party strategy, are in here seeking to have it undercut.

With all due respect, Your Honor, a black woman's right to vote being characterized as a nuisance is offensive.

Especially given the blood that was shed to secure it.

You know, that's one race card showing.

You looking for a pair?


Oh, my God.

There's no cameras here.

No one's gonna read a transcript.


It's just us.

So let's just all of us talk, okay?

We agree, Your Honor.

But to talk, we need discovery first.

We just want a full accounting of which voting machines were designated to which precincts, how many of those voting machines malfunctioned, who that helped, and who that hurt.

I'm not sure that data even exists.

Uh, Your Honor, we are perfectly willing to work with raw data and make whatever statistical analysis irrelevant ourselves.

Right, that's not an unreasonable request, Ms. Sukonick.

Um, your client is, uh, directed to provide said information forthwith.

Your Honor, the people have made their will clear at the ballot box.

Uh, we will also need the software architecture of these voting machines, Your Honor, in order to know how the malfunction transpired.

I'm guessing you have an objection, Counselor, or your client does?

Yes, Your Honor.

That software is proprietary information and is therefore protected.

Ruckelshaus v. Monsanto.


So, here's what we're gonna do.

Let's take the next 24 hours to read up on Ruckelshaus, and I'll hear arguments here tomorrow at 3:00 p.m.

And then I will decide whether the software is subject to discovery.



What was that about?

What do you mean?

The software.

Why do you need it?

Not here.


Blum is stalling.

He's not even looking at the depos.

He's just shoving around paper.

Okay, thanks.

Yeah, but he has an associate working with him.


He seems to be doing good work.

He's smart.

You know, he's...

I think he's taking it seriously.

Blum has an associate?

I know.

And he's the total opposite of him.

We've gotten through - four boxes in two hours.

- Okay.

Do you mind spending another day on this?

No, I don't mind.




He didn't do his own singing, did he?

No, I think he did.

I don't think they dubbed him.

Wow, he's got such a great voice.

Yeah, he's pretty amazing.

Everything all right?

Yeah, I'll be right back.

Hey, uh, Louisa?



What were you talking about just then?

The singing?

Uh, on Downton Abbey.

We were just wondering if that was his own singing.

Downton Abbey, the TV show?



Who are you talking about?

Gary Carr.

I don't...

He was on Downton Abbey?

Yeah, the fourth season.

Don't you remember?

I never watched it.

Can you get me an autograph?

He's an actor?



Then what is...

he doing here?


- What are you doing?

- What?

Did Blum hire you to pretend to be a lawyer?


Did Blum hire you to pretend to be a lawyer?


God, no.

But you're an actor?


Yes, I'm an actor.

It's research.

I've got a role in a law show.

My manager knew Blum.

Fixed me up with him to follow him around.

I-I didn't know he was gonna actually pass me off as the real thing.


It's-it's funny.


This is not Bring Your Little British Buddy to Work Day.

There are millions of dollars of judgments sitting on this table.

Lucca, I promise I was gonna tell you as soon as Blum left, but the timing was never right, and we actually got stuck into some real work.

I think you should wait in reception.


And don't take anything with you.

Is that yours?


Then take it with you.


just go.

Mr. Carr, uh, can we take a photo with you?

Oh, sure.

Yeah, okay.


Thank you.



Reception's upstairs!


Thank you.


Take direction.


Why don't we wait until everyone's here?

No, I think you need to tell us exactly what's going on right now.

What did Valerie tell us on the first day she brought us together?

Move fast, be smart, attack, lie, don't get caught.

The new rules.

So, what is the lie here?

We've been working hard to peel off 70,000 votes from Trump's base so he doesn't win in 2020.


But it's not working.

His approval rating's gone up two points, from 40% to 42%.

Trump's base is too strong.

Democrats don't want to believe it because they live in a bubble, but Trump will probably win in 2020.

So we try harder.

There's an easier way.


We hack the voting machines.

Excuse me?

We hack the voting machines.

We insert malware into them.

But we need the machine software in order to do it.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

When we started, we agreed we would do what was necessary to win.

Well, this is necessary.

No, convincing the voters is necessary.

This is stealing an election.

Like Trump?

What, are we gonna now hold ourselves to the same standard as Trump?

If it allows us to win, yes.

This is not winning.

It is stealing.

You keep saying that.

Wait, wait, wait.

We don't have to steal.

We can just offer a correction.

What does that mean?

Technically, we can program the malware to make any adjustment we want to the vote count.

How many votes did we lose to gerrymandering in Wisconsin?

How many voters were intimidated from the polls in Florida?

How many votes did the Russians help steal in Pennsylvania?

So we "correct" for those amounts with the malware.

Shave 300 Republican votes from each county in Wisconsin, 8,000 votes from the red counties in Florida.


It's still a contest, but we don't start a half a mile back.

That is sophistry!

You are stealing votes.

No, they're stealing votes.

We are trying to correct for them.

Am I the only one who thinks this is crazy?

This is totalitarianism.

You fight fire with fire!


It's getting a bit heated.

Let's take a moment.


We can't take part in this.

It's wrong.

Not just illegal, it's wrong.


No, I'm just...

I'm just thinking.

About what?

You agree with them?

No, but...

I think there is an argument to be made here.

For hacking?

Are you kidding?

That goes against everything we stand for as a democracy.

Not everything.

What do you mean?

You know there are counties right now where black people are so terrorized that they can't even show up at polls?

That's not what I'm...

Look, no, in Georgia, in 2018, a bus filled with black senior citizens was stopped by the police so they wouldn't be allowed to vote.

53,000 voter registrations of black voters were held up by the Georgia Secretary of State.

Liz, I know.

I know...


No, no, Diane, you don't.

You don't know.

Look, we share a lot of things, but we do not share histories.

I have a college friend who was kicked off the voter rolls in Ohio.

And my uncle was denied the right to vote in the last election in Wisconsin.

I mean, at some point, these stories become more than just anecdotes.

They're something bigger.

This democracy that you talk about-- this doesn't exist for a lot of us.

It didn't exist for my grandparents.

It didn't exist for my parents, and it is slowly...

...being taken away from me.

Then we fight it in the courts.


The courts.

The courts that overturned the Civil Rights Voting Act in 2013?


excuse me if I just need a moment to reflect on this...

unique possibility.

One person hits a few buttons and suddenly black voters are re-enfranchised.

That means something very different to me than it does to you.

As a lawyer, I cannot use my court case...

All I need is the software and the voting machine architecture...

Which Mona will give us.

And my malware flips a few votes out of every 100 Republican votes.

So it's within the margin of error?


If there's no more debate, I think we should vote on this.

Vote on whether to steal votes?

Who says our side doesn't have a sense of irony?

Before we vote, I'd like to add an amendment.

After hearing Liz's argument, I suggest that we only change enough votes to offset the voter disenfranchisement of black and Latino voters.

All those in favor?

All those opposed?

Motion passes.

It's official.

We've just become as bad as the other side.

You want out, Diane?

You're welcome to it.

But you signed on for this.

The ends justify the means, so don't get all outraged that we're willing to follow through.

♪ There's supposed to be a clip of Downton Abbey here ♪ ♪ The soap opera of British stuff from yesteryear ♪ ♪ Well, it's a lawyer thing ♪ ♪ But we couldn't get the clip ♪ ♪ In time to make this show ♪ ♪ So now we'll just explain the way the clip would go ♪ ♪ In a way that doesn't legally expose us ♪ ♪ Rose and Gary Carr ♪ ♪ Are having a British date ♪ ♪ Rowing a rowboat ♪ ♪ In period costumes ♪ ♪ They flirt and smile ♪ ♪ The attraction is evident ♪ ♪ Tension discussing their forbidden love ♪ ♪ 'Cause he's a jazz singer ♪ ♪ And she's not supposed to be ♪ ♪ Dating jazz singers ♪ ♪ A look, and they're suddenly ♪ ♪ Kissing and kissing ♪ ♪ It's chaste but it's sexy ♪ ♪ And he's just so handsome ♪ ♪ It goes on a long time ♪ ♪ Just kissing and kissing ♪ ♪ So safe and forbidden ♪ ♪ He seems pretty famous ♪ ♪ Her lips are so lucky ♪ ♪ They're kissing and kissing ♪ ♪ It sure would be something ♪ ♪ The boat is a-rockin' ♪ ♪ So don't come a-knockin' ♪ ♪ They're kissing and kissing...

♪ Good morning.


How are you today?

Fine, Mr. Boseman.

I have a call from a Cynthia Cromley.

Do you want me to take a message?

I'll take it in my office.

Ms. Cromley, I'm putting you through now.

Cynthia, how have you been?


A man came here last night asking me questions.

What kind of questions?

About my relationship with Mr. Reddick.

He said he was conducting an investigation for your firm.

Did you...

Did he leave his name?

He left his business card.

Roland J. Blum.

What did you tell him?


I signed a non-disclosure agreement with you.


Thank you.

Now, what...

did he tell you?

He said he thought there was an indiscretion there.

Okay, thank you.

I'll handle it from here.

Uh, let me know if he comes by again.

All right, I'll do that.

Thank you.


Adrian, my good man.

I need a minute.

Is there an issue?


I understand you've been speaking with Cynthia Cromley.

Oh, lovely woman.

Loyal to a fault.

What did you want?

Adrian, you don't have to worry.

I'm here to help.

I don't need your help.

And that's just as it should be.

Keep your hands clean.

We both know this firm has a lot of skeletons.

And women are getting angrier.

It would be a shame if this story started leaking to the press.

This is hurting.

What do you want?

For you to lower your arm.





To be taken seriously as a partner.

We're voting.

No, you're not.

You're stringing me along.

You want me in the tent pissing out, Adrian.

You stop talking to Cynthia, and we'll consider it.

That's all I ask.


you know about Blum suborning perjury?

The Second Helix case?


I need all the information you have.

By when?


I can't get it if I have to watch him.

Don't worry about that.

You get it.



You're helping Blum move Second Helix along?

I am.


You told Diane he has an associate who's dependable?

Uh, no, no.

That was my mistake.

He's not dependable?


He's not a lawyer.

He's an actor.

Blum has an actor as an associate?


He was doing research for a part.

Blum is?

No, the actor is.

It's all a little crazy.


I need a minute.

What's wrong?

I was just down with Blum.

He's onto the other women.

The other...

He talked to Cynthia.

Now, she didn't say anything.

He's looking for the others.

What do you want to do?

We thr*aten his ass.


That's like threatening a bull with a red flag.

I agree.

That's why we got to go public.



We go public with a friendly reporter, we control this.

We can't control this.

We knew this day would come, Liz.

Nothing stays hidden.

You have a secret admirer.

Uh, no.

I think just a thankful client.

Want me to open it?



Trevaso Grand Reserve?

That's $2,500 a bottle.

How do you know that?

How do you not know that?

Who gave this to you?

Hold on.

I couldn't find coffee.

Got this instead.

Sorry about yesterday.

Who is it?


I don't know.

You do, you're just not telling me.


Meet me for lunch so I can apologize.


you know, actually, it's fine.

I got your very expensive apology.

That's the guy who sent the tequila?

Look, I really don't like when there are people out there who are angry with me.

I'm not angry with you.

Not angry with who?

Shut up, Marissa.

I'm always worried that, like, if I get hit by a bus someone will say really horrible things at my funeral.


I won't say horrible things at your funeral.


Is he dying?

All right, so, um...

I'll confess.

This is a selfish call.

I had a horrible meeting with my manager, and I want a palate cleanser so I can wash it out of my mouth.

Oh, so now I'm a palate cleanser?



No idea what to do with that one.

But I...

I need someone who makes me smile.

I promise I won't talk about being a lawyer.

Where are you?

Just at a nice little bar in Ukrainian Village.

1079 West Augusta.

Come check it out.

The Fifth Amendment, Your Honor.

That's why intellectual property is still property, and to be forced to hand over the software to our competitors...

We are not her competitors.

It will end up in the hands of our competitors.

And that is exactly what the Constitution prevents.

Let me take the argument.

Public disclosure of the software architecture amounts to No.

a complete forfeiture of You don't believe in it anymore.

proprietary intellectual property.

I'm a lawyer.

I don't have to.

No further comment, Your Honor.


Do you have anything?

Um, Your Honor, the issue here is not intellectual property and just compensation.

This is a larger issue.

One that speaks to the heart of our country.

Every vote counts.

And therefore every vote must be counted.

If the people cannot trust that their votes will be counted, how can they trust the rights that flow from those votes?

If our votes are subverted...

or discarded or even ignored, why have faith in our democratic institutions?

Why respect a president-- any president-- even one from our own party?

Why not choose violent overthrow if our votes are not counted?

Ms. Sukonick is correct.

This is about a constitutional right, but it is not a secondary one, it is the primary one.

It is about who we are.

That is why we need this discovery, Your Honor.

This software must be inspected to see if there is integrity in the counting of the votes.

That is the issue.

You just got us our discovery.

We're good.

Here we go, here we go.

Good job.

Especially Diane.

Well done.

How long will the malware take?

I should have it in by tomorrow.

Where are you going, Diane?


But we're just starting here.

Not me.

Okay, no more water for me.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

So this happens to you all the time?


It depends on the neighborhood, actually.

You can tell where Abbey was popular.

But go 20 blocks west of here, and...

police will be pulling me over just like everywhere else.

Yeah, well, they do that until they find out who you are.

Celebrity doesn't count for everything.

Yeah, but your accent does.

I mean, you just...

flash a few British-isms and then, you know, suddenly, you're not black anymore.

I don't know what it is, but...

I like being judged by you.


It's probably 'cause everything just comes too easy to you.


Can my daughter and I get a picture with you?

Yeah, sure.

Um, and Lucca, too?

Why, were you on Downton Abbey, too?

Oh, no.

No, no, but she's gonna be in the movie.

In the movie?


Oh, my God.

She's going to be in the movie.

Get in the picture.


It's fine.


Lucca, I'm having trouble getting hold of Maia.

Do you have her new number?

How did you know I was here?

You wrote down the address.

Oh, my God.

I need the name of Blum's dietitian.

I guess Arthur Garber was a made-up name.


Gerard Solo.

Excuse me?

The name of Blum's dietitian-- it's Gerard Solo.

Thank you.

How do you know that?

Roland introduced us.

Uh, why do you need it?

Blum suborned perjury from him.

I know you.

How do I know you?

Downton Abbey.


The Deuce.

You were on The Deuce?


Marissa, Gary Carr.


You were great on that.

I was so upset when they...

when that thing happened.

Okay, well, nice to meet you.

Gerard Solo.


Forgive him.

Whatever he did, he just made up for it.

You're forgiven, okay?


Well, that's not my problem, that's your problem.

I can't.

I'm in a meeting!


Mr. Roland Blum.


Ich spreche kein englisch Raus hier.

You're being served, Mr. Blum.

This is private property, assh*le.

Get the f*ck out of here.

A complaint has been filed with the ACDB saying you suborned perjury from a man named Gerard Solo.

How the f*ck do you know that?

I was bored.

I read it.

Have a blessed day.

f*ck you.

Oh, Adrian, you have unleashed the wrath of the nine plagues.

And there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

I'll come back for the rest.

I was going through the voting machine software...

and I found a hack.

A hack?

So it's not a malfunction?

That's right.

It looks like malware, but I can't be sure.

And it changes the vote tallies?


It keeps track of the ongoing count, then raises the opposition tally.

- Are you sure it's a hack?

- No, could be part of the original architectural software.

Now it's starting to make sense why they fought so hard against discovery.

Do we have any idea who did it?

Without more information, we can't be sure.

But it's definitely someone on the Republican side.

Someone on the Republican side?


- Why do you say that?

- Machines are hacked so that the Republican tally always stays ahead of the Democratic.



Oh, you have crucified me, but you left me for dead, and I live.

Oh, I rise.

Watch for the burning of the ten-horned beast!

So Jay, we're gonna need to put you on the stand, okay?

No problem.


You got a minute?


What do you need?

We're going public with the Reddick accusations.


Because if we don't, Blum will.

Now, you're close with Naomi Nivola?

You think she can handle this for us?

She's a straight reporter.

She doesn't do PR.

We just need someone there, Jay, someone who understands the history and the issues.

Now, can she...

Can she be that person?

And will you ask her?


We discovered what we think is malware in the voting machine software.

That's impossible.

We haven't done anything yet.

No, it's not our hack.

The machines already had malware that changed the Democratic vote to Republicans.

Those f*ckers.

Actually, that's perfect.

I can just lay my malware into their hack.

You can do that?

It's better.

They'll think the software's working for them when it's doing the opposite.


Wait, you can't take this to court.

If the hack is revealed in court, the voting machines will be thrown out, and we need them in place.


N-No, it's too late.

We're already going to court.

Liz, you have to stop them.


If the court finds out there's already a hack in there, they'll order the machines to be replaced and we'll be back to square one.


I understand that.

It's the law.

But this makes what we're doing even more just.

The Republicans were already doing it.

We're just correcting it.

No, no.

Correcting is telling the courts that the machines were hacked.

Diane, think about this.

I'm Liz.

Sorry, yes.

Liz, think about this.

Yeah, I already have.

I found malware designed to damage computer software.

And what does this malware do the defendant's machines?

When a voter selects an all-Democratic ticket, the malware flips some of those votes from Democrat to Republican.

Is it possible it's a glitch, some kind of mistake?

A glitch wouldn't consistently flip votes from Democrats to Republicans.

It would be random.

This isn't.

No further questions.

How do you vote, Mr. Dipersia?


It goes to bias, Your Honor.


I'll hear.

I'm not eligible to vote.

And that's because you were an illegal immigrant.

Isn't that right?

I have an O visa.

I am a legal resident of the Unites States.

And you don't think that you might exaggerate what's going on here in order to help the Democrats?


And how often, exactly, would you say that this malware that you claim to have detected actually flipped votes?

Well, it's hard to be exact.

Oh, that is unfortunate.

But in Cullman County, Michigan, where these machines were used, Republicans received eight percent of African-American votes, four percent more than they received two years earlier.

Isn't there another reason for this discrepancy?

Y-You'll have to be more exact.

In 2018, the ballot in Coleman County was changed to a butterfly format.

Isn't that a more likely explanation for the change in voting patterns other than a left-wing conspiracy theory?


You done for the day, Counselor?


It was nice meeting you.

Meeting me?

I thought you were here for a week.

I was.


Blum can be a bit mercurial.

Oh, what happened?




Tell me.

He found out I gave your investigator the name of his dietitian.

Ah, f*ck.


It's okay, though.

My manager has other options.

It was really nice meeting you, Lucca.

Gary, uh, how many more days were you wanting to research being a lawyer?



Well, I have to ask the partners, but you could follow me.

No way.

You serious?

Oh, yeah.

I'd love that.

Yeah, I-I-I...

Thank you.




can I do... relieve the stress, counselor?


You want Blum to relieve the stress?


I think he secretly has a crush on you.

He's coming after us, Charlotte.

I need help going after him.



Why not?


is a bad man.

Bad men have...

a force field around them.

You can't give me anything.


I can give you a piece of advice.

You go after Blum...

you k*ll him.

Because anything less, he won't stop until he kills you.

You know we're bringing him in front of the ACDB for suborning perjury.

Are you serious?


Nice knowing you.

Oh, that's cold.

I will give you one thing, though.

About Blum?

Mm, no.

Judge Eno.

She's gonna decide against you.



She's on the take.

Judge Eno?




Because she's a woman?

No, no, no.


- Mm.

Thank you.

- Gracias.

Judge Eno.


Is there an issue?

I don't know.

There might be.

Well, if it's about court, this is ex parte communication.

It's more of a personal issue, Your Honor, and we thought it best to talk without a court reporter present.


What personal issue?

You being on the take.

What the hell are you talking about?

The other side is paying you.

And we don't want to make a fuss.

We just want you to recuse yourself.


Or we will have to make an issue of this.




who told you I'm on the take?

I'd rather not say.


All right, well, then, you know what I think?

I think this is a bluff, and kind of a bad one, at that.

It's not.

All right, well, then, who told you?

Let's hear.

I can't say.

Well... I guess the bottom line is, um...

...f*ck you.

And f*ck you both.

Enjoy your lunch.


who did tell you?

I can't say, Diane.

Well, if a judge is corrupt that needs to come forward.

I know.

I can't say.

There can't be anything I just did that's worth noting.

Uh, sure there is.

Let me see.

Okay, I didn't say this would be interesting, I just said it would be real.

Hey, I'm into real.


Well, I'm going through the Helix case, and in non-TV reality, I spend most of my time flipping through files exactly like this.

And what are you looking for?


Small changes in a zero or a comma.

Something out of place.

And you do it alone?

I do.

You know, in TV, we'd put someone there with you.

So you can explain what you're doing.

Do you know this joke?

This is an actor realizing he forgot his wallet.

This is a non-actor realizing he forgot his wallet.

Yeah, well, see, that's why I don't like TV.

'Cause it's a lie.

Yeah, but what isn't a lie these days, though?

Politics, art, science.

Everything is TV.

And that's a good thing?

No, it's an important thing to know.

If your country realized Trump was cast in The Apprentice and didn't create it, things could be a hell of a lot better right now.

The original idea for The Apprentice was to hae a new CEO each week, so think about it-- Martha Stewart could've been president.


Lucca, it's Evelyn.

I locked myself out of your apartment...

You did what?

What's wrong?


No, stay there.

I'll be...

I'll be 20 minutes.

What's wrong?

Uh, my... I have to go.

My nanny-- she's locked herself out of the apartment and my baby is inside.

You have a baby?


Let's go, I'll drive you.

No, it's-it's fine.

I have a car.

But my driver's downstairs.

He'll take us.

All rise.

She's worried.

Ask her to recuse.

Please sit.


I certainly heard your passionate arguments, and I understand that this is an issue that we all take deeply seriously, but there is little evidence that these voting machines have been compromised.

Your Honor, I'd like to request...

No, sir.


you need to sit.

In fact, I'm a little puzzled why people claiming to care about the integrity of the voting system have devoted so many hours to undermining it.

You have something to add, counselor?

Well, if not, then...

this case is dismissed with prejudice.

Your Honor, Your Honor.

Not with prejudice, that will prevent us from relitigating this case...

Yeah, you heard me, counselor.

With prejudice.

Everything good?


I mean...

he didn't even notice.

I'm glad.

Well, I should go.

I'll see you tomorrow.





So, um...

see you.

See you.



I, uh...

Heard the news.

Tough loss.

How far along are you in the coding?

Almost done.

And this thing is really gonna flip Republican votes?



You gonna try to talk me out of it?


I want to push the button.