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03x10 - The One About the End of the World

Posted: 02/08/21 19:50
by bunniefuu
These tactics are seriously wrong.

I mean, swatting?

ISABELLA: Valerie warned us

that someone would try to break us up,

and that's what she's doing.

- No.
- Yes.

We know where you live.

Where you work, where
your husband works.

You make one call, tell one person,

we're coming for you.




TERRENCE: Of course,
we're all very excited

about the president's
visit, and we would like you

to be featured at the event, Kurt.

- Me? Are you sure?
- Of course,

you're the Midwestern regional director.

We'd like you to
introduce President Trump

and then stand with
the rest of the delegation

when the president makes his remarks.

And let the president know
what an awesome job he's doing.

Send us a draft of your remarks
as soon as you can, oka... ?



What was that about?

Nothing. Work.


You've served this firm
with dignity and grace.

And we're sure you'll
do the same on the bench.

So you don't need my advice,

but I will tell you what
my folks would tell me

whenever I'd leave the house.

Now, you drink lots of water

and don't embarrass us.

- To Julius.

- ADRIAN: Julius.
- JULIUS: Thank you.

I got to admit, I-I love this place.

I love how, despite ourselves,

we're a family.

Lucca Quinn.

I agree.

Lucca has really stepped
up in matrimonial.

She's only a fourth-year associate.

Yeah, and associates become
partners faster these days,

- or they leave.
- Yeah.

JOHN: Well, if we're worried
about associates leaving,

I'm more worried about Rosalyn.

I agree. She's kicking
ass in litigation.

But didn't we promise it to Lucca?


Yes, we did, we did.

And Lucca has brought in much
more business than Rosalyn.

JOHN: That's not true.

Look at the billable
hours for the last year.

Rosalyn has Lucca beat.

But only because Lucca had
three months of maternity leave.

Come on, we're not gonna
punish her for that.

- Months of maternity leave?
- What does that mean?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, my God,

does everything have to
be an argument, you guys?

Can we just have a cordial
and intelligent discussion?

Okay, this is my argument.

- They're both deserving.
- Yeah.

But the advantage of Rosalyn

is what she does for
the culture of this firm.

- I don't know what that means.
- JOHN: I can understand

- why you wouldn't.
- Are you saying what I think you're saying?

- Hey, if the shoe fits.
- ADRIAN: All right, all right.


What's going on?

We were both threatened.

By who?

A Rachelle Max from DLE Strategies.

- A competitor?
- No, someone we worked with.

Do you know why she threatened you?

It's a long story.

When I asked you
to look into Valerie Peyser,

it's connected to that.

The woman in Rikers?


Okay. I'll look into it.

And, Jay,

she won't seem dangerous, but she is.


Oh, sorry, sorry to keep you waiting.

- Uh...
- There was a partner meeting upstairs.

Hmm. You remember
Mr. Cardwell from .

We won the settlement
with the Chicago PD.

Yes, police brutality.

Some broken ribs. How are you, Perry?

Fine. Having a little trouble.

I thought I'd invest
my settlement money like you said,

but I lost my job and
I've been living on it.

He wants to know if it's possible

to get any more from the PD.

More money?

Actually, I, uh... (CLEARS THROAT)

I don't think so, Perry.
We signed a general release

with the city and the police department

relieving them of further claims.

Is it possible I could
get some of what you took?

Well, we only took what
we agreed upon, Perry.

Don't forget we worked
on your case for...

three and a half years.

Expenses are expenses.

Between expenses and your percentage,

you come away with more than I do.

I'm living on the streets.


Look, why don't we do this?

We got some contacts at
local Housing Services.

One second.

(QUIETLY): Warn building security.
There might be some issue here.

PERRY: This is crap and you know it!

Uh, Jim.

- Calm down...

- Need some help over here.
- PERRY: This is bullshit!

Why don't you get
one of the white guys you hired?


Reddick/Boseman sucks!

They was my lawyers and
they made more than me!

f*ck them all!

Perry, how was it?

They were assholes.

JULIUS: Maybe you qualify
for government assistance of some kind.

Section housing, food stamps...

- So what happens now?



And no one has an inside edge.

We make a smart decision
based on culture.

Oh, no.

What? I might have good news.

When have you ever had good news?

Diane Lockhart...

Liz Reddick...

you've been served.

And you, too.

And can anyone point me
toward Adrian Boseman?

- LIZ: It's a nuisance suit.
- DIANE: I agree.

Blum has been disbarred. He
can't even represent himself.

Maybe he hired someone.

But who would work with him?

Well, the problem is: this suit
makes you look like the bad guys.

"You"? So now you're
in the third person?

Thanks, Julius. This was your suit...

I did nothing wrong.
My position before...

- was exactly as it is now.

- It's putting this firm...
- LIZ: Wait, wait, wait.

Wait. Just wait. Now listen,
we've lost Chumhum.

We lost my dad's name

and now Blum is coming after
the last strength that we have:

our reputation.

We'll no longer be the
defender of the underdog;

we'll be seen as their exploiter.

So we go in hard and get this dismissed.

You'll notice I said "we".

There may be one problem with that.

We're appearing before Judge Toosi.

Who's that?

He's a-a new judge.

A Trump appointee.

- MADELINE: You see, this is why we need

someone more culturally appropriate

- as a partner.
- DIANE: Wait, what?

- Why?
- Lucca was in the meeting with the plaintiff,

and had it been handled
more sensitively...

Oh, my God, seriously?

- Wait, wait, wait, wait.
- Yes.

She handled it perfectly well.

JOHN: Not perfectly well enough,
because we're being sued.

MADELINE: All the commotion
about the salary disparities,

- it never died down.
- DIANE: Come on.

MADELINE: Making Rosalyn a partner

would address some of those concerns.

JULIUS: We appreciate
everything you've said...

It wouldn't be a proper Chicago
May without lightning storms,

and as always, the sky
was filled with lightning

but without accompanying thunder.

That may seem odd...

Marissa, have you seen this
lightning we've been having?

It's kind of creepy.

Yeah, exciting.

Okay, I have to tell you
something that I know.

But I can't tell you how I know it.

Okay, I can tell you how I know it,

but you can't tell
anybody how I know it.

You have to say "okay".


(SIGHS) When you FaceTime
Diane, or anybody,

and they don't pick up, you
can hear them for a few minutes.




- What?
- Yeah, it's a bug.

I'm sure Apple will fix it soon,

possibly even in the next few weeks,

before anything legally
problematic happens,

but in the meantime,
I was FaceTiming Diane,

and I heard what was going
on in the meeting upstairs.


They were talking about you.

Oh, no. We shouldn't
be talking about this.

- Yes, but you should know about something.
- No, no.

No, thanks. Mm-mm.

They're considering you for partner.

There's an opening with Julius leaving,

and they're thinking of
making you an equity partner.

Okay, but I mean, we really...

I mean, I shouldn't, you
know, know any of this.

There's only one problem.

But maybe I shouldn't say anything.

Oh, come on, Marissa.

(SIGHS) Some of the
partners think Rosalyn

would be better for
the image of the firm.

(SIGHS) What does that
mean? Image of the firm?

I think they think she'd do more
for the Reddick/Boseman brand.

Well, how am I not the brand?

You're not...

(WHISPERS): black enough.


Are you f*cking kidding me?

Look, I didn't say it. They said it.

Or they implied it.

Wait. Okay, so what did they say?


BAILIFF: All rise.

TOOSI: Good afternoon.

All right, well, not exactly

a large audience today, but
maybe people will find us.

Uh, just so you know,
they misspelled my name

on the old nameplate.

Uh, I am Judge Toosi,

not Judge Tootsie,
so don't get any ideas.


That's good to know, Your Honor.

And as you probably know, I'm a, uh,

I'm a new judge around here,

so don't let the robes fool you.
I do not ask for directions,

but I get us there eventually.

ROLAND: Well, that's

music to my ears, Your Honor.

- Roland Blum for the plaintiff...
- Your Honor,

- Mr. Blum has been disbarred, and cannot...
- I'm... oh,

I'm sorry, I'm so... Uh,
I hadn't quite finished,

Your Honor. If I may?

Uh, uh, yeah. Ladies, we'll get to you.

Uh, men like us, we...

we go with our gut.

My gut tells me

not to get on a flight, I listen.

The plane goes down,
everyone gets k*lled,

that's my gut saving my ass.


ROLAND: And what my gut tells me here

is that the defense is afraid of me.

I've gathered together

a class of eight ofmtheir ex-clients.

Eight. These gentlemen
here in the first row.

Now they're suing because
they've had their futures

stolen from them by that law firm.

Again, Your Honor, Mr. Blum

is disbarred. He cannot argue in court.

That's where these ladies are wrong

because I won't be arguing in court.

I'll leave that to my associate,

Maia Henson,

who also used to work at this law firm

until she became disgusted and
quit because of their methods.

LIZ: Your Honor, this case
is a vendetta against our firm,

and we ask that the matter be dismissed.

Not before you conduct
a hearing, Your Honor.

TOOSI: A hearing on what?

We have a tape.

TOOSI: A tape? Uh, like a,
like a tape you'd like to play?

Like, a cassette tape?

All right, do we have
a tape player? Bailiff?

Expenses are expenses.

PERRY: Between expenses and
your percentage, you come away

with more than I do. I'm
living on the streets.

JULIUS: Look, why don't we do this?

We got some contacts at
local Housing Services.

Reddick/Boseman took % of
the award from Chicago PD.

They then added frills on top,

amounting to another % of that award.

We contest that.

Yes, and that's why there
needs to be a hearing.

So what is this? Retribution?

No, it's lawyering.

With Blum? Are you serious?

No one else would hire me, Diane.

He made me a partner,

and I'm building his law firm
from the ground up.

Then why come after us?

Because you've done wrong.

I mean, look at these cases.

In all eight, you made more
money than your clients.

In all eight, you had
a conflict of interest,

and yet all the while, you were still

patting yourselves on the back,

thinking you were
fighting the good fight.

And Blum is a friend
of the underprivileged?

No, he's doing this to destroy you.

I'm doing this to reclaim
money for your ex-clients.

I see you're still using
the portfolio I gave you.

It still serves its purpose.




- Kurt!

KURT: Oh, sorry.

I-I didn't know you
were coming home early.

Oh, no, don't be
embarrassed, Kurt. It's sweet.

It's just an assignment.


What... No!

On behalf of the entire senior
staff around you, Mr. President,

we thank you for the opportunity

and the blessing that you've
given us to serve your agenda

- and the American people.
- Oh, my God.

It's just something I need to do.

I thought this was for me.
It's for Trump?

I'm supposed to introduce him
at the V.A. speech in Wisconsin.

"The last two years have
brought me a new optimism"?

Where you going?


There's too much of
a dent in that closet.

I'd like to see if
there's a dollar amount

that would help Perry Cardwell

and provide adequate compensation

to Maia and yourself.

Well, thanks to your efforts,

I'm no longer permitted
to be compensated

- for the work I do.
- Mm.

There's a way to structure
your end as a consulting fee,

sidesteps the issue
of disbarment entirely.

You know, sometimes

you front the rectitude of a priest,

other times that of a pimp.

It's whatever works, right?

- Now what do you want?
- What do I want?


I want

a phalanx of moving men

carrying files out that door.

I want desks and chairs sold off

at a bankruptcy auction.

I want associates and
paralegals and secretaries

sending out their résumés,

while partners sell their condos

because they can't get the stink

of Reddick/Boseman off themselves.

And how exactly is trying
to destroy our firm help you?

You took away my livelihood...

my trade.

You made it so I was, uh... (CHUCKLES)


If nothing else,

destroying this firm will
let me unclench my teeth

in the middle of the night.

There is no dollar amount

that'd provide adequate compensation.

I want you gone.


Several sightings of this
rare and potentially dangerous

electrical phenomenon
known as "ball lightning"

were reported in the
Chicago area yesterday.

These balls started fires in
three Chicago area communities:

Naperville, Wheaton, and also...

Uh, what are you watching?

Lightning balls.

C-Can I talk to you for a second, Jay?

Uh, lightning what?


Balls of lightning.
They're outside of Chicago.

I don't understand. Is
this a-a made-up thing?

No, the severe weather
we've been having.

- Look.
- WEATHERMAN: If you spot a ball of lightning

coming your way, move out
of its path immediately.

Okay, so one more thing to deal with.

Do you have a minute?


What do people think of me here?

(CHUCKLES) What do they think of you?


- (WHISPERING): I'm up for partner...
- Mm.

... but apparently I may not get it

because they think
I'm not "black enough".

- Who's saying that?
- The partners.

Have you heard anything?

Not "black enough" as compared to who?


Apparently she's pro-black
in a way that I'm not.

Uh... Huh.

Everyone likes you,

just a lot of the associates
think you never hang out.

(SCOFFS) So it's high school?

I don't care about being popular.

Who has time to hang out?

We're lawyers. I have
a ten-month-old baby.

They thought that before you had a baby.

Okay, so I'm a traitor to the race

because I don't get drinks after work?

No, no, you get drinks.

You just get them with
Marissa and Maia... and Colin.

I wouldn't have come to
this firm if I weren't black.

Mm, you're hovering dangerously
close to "my best friend is black".

Okay. (CHUCKLES) You can go now.

You asked my opinion.

Yeah, well, you know
what, I shouldn't have

because it doesn't matter.

You know, I do not have
to prove myself to anyone

or perform what they think
black should look like.

This is .

I'm not playing this
stupid f*cking game.

Then why did you choose
Reddick/Boseman to represent you?

They came to see me after my arrest.

They said they was the best
at taking it to the police.

I really thought they
was gonna look after me.

And what do you think now?

I think they looked at
me and saw dollar signs.

They charged me for everything.

$ , for trial transcripts.

$ , for dinners.

A car service for
associates working late.


Is this your signature right here?

- I guess.
- And, uh, this amount,

$ , ,

isn't that to cover the
cost of an expert witness?

Objection, Your Honor.

The defense is asking Mr. Cardwell

a matter covered by
attorney-client privilege.

- Are you kidding?
- No, I'm not.

Your Honor, this is a Catch- .

They accuse us of overcharging,
but we can't defend ourselves

because the overcharges
are covered by...

Exactly, so pay up.

TOOSI: Okay, wait a minute. Okay, okay.

Uh, I will hear arguments
on the nd catch,

but first... a recess?

Uh, Your Honor,

the defense requests
a sidebar in chambers.


In your chamber.

- Oh, great.
- Yeah.

I wouldn't mind getting
out of this oven.

I'm burning up.

Uh, Your Honor,

may I point out that Mr. Blum
should not even be in here?

Oh, wow.

Look at these.

Oh, it's taking me back to my childhood.

I loved model trains.

- O gauge?
- Of course.

LIZ: Your Honor, the expense in question

is related to narcotics charges

against Mr. Cardwell
that Reddick/Boseman

managed to have dismissed.

And anything related to those
narcotics charges is protected

- by attorney-client privilege.
- Isn't she sweet?

- First case.
- Really?

JULIUS: Your Honor, the
privilege Ms. Rindell refers to

is effectively waived
when Perry sued our firm.

It is not waived.

And if you admit this
protected material, Your Honor,

you'll be putting yourself
in the same position as Robert Mueller

in terms of overreach.

- Oh, oh, what?
- DIANE: This has nothing to do with

- Robert Mueller...
- Are you trying to intimidate the judge?

Absolutely not. No,
I'm just pointing out

the similarity to Mueller, that's all.

Okay, no to the Mueller thing,

and whatever you want
to bring in, you can't.

So what do we think?

(SIGHS) I think the judge is stupid.

And I think we have a more
difficult case to make.

DIANE: I think that's right.

JAY: The woman over there.

The one in the brown leather coat.

threatening Diane and Liz?

Somehow I don't think I'm
getting the whole story.

What do you want to do?

Wait till her friend leaves,

then talk to her.

MARISSA: Good thing I have
my intimidating jacket on.


- So...

- we haven't really talked for a while.
- Yeah.

Things at work have been
a little weird. Divided.

Yeah, I know.

And part of it is people
aren't willing to mix.

Exactly. I go off with
my friends after work

to get a drink, and the black associates

go off with their friends.

What if we set out to solve that?

Have a party? Or crash
each other's gatherings?

Both. Wait.



We work with Diane
Lockhart and Liz Reddick.

They want us to tell you to back off.

Back off what?

Threats. He's the tough one.

I'm just here to see how it's done.

Well, there must be some confusion.

I have worked with Liz and Diane,

but that court case
was over a month ago.

And I've never threatened
anyone in my life.

Then we have no need to
expose your financial issues

with your polling firm.

What financial issues?

You overcharged on the DL
Michaels focus group by %.

And how do we know that?

My name is Marissa Gold.

You've done polling for my father.


You can tell Liz and Diane
that I received their message.

And that I was willing to let
our little misunderstanding drop,

but they've clearly shown

that they're not willing to let it drop.

So... tell them I'll be seeing them.

That didn't go the way I expected.

WEATHERMAN: There are many
theories for ball lightning.

Many believe that it's a condensed
form of highly excited atoms.

But there are others who believe

it's an extreme chemical reaction

to pollutants in the air

being trapped by greenhouse gases.

So is this related to climate change?

- Well, I've asked questions...
- Kurt?

It's the middle of the night.
What are you doing?

There's a fire on the West Side.
From lightning.

Oh, my God.

This is about your speech.

I'm almost done.

No, you're not. You
only have two sentences.

They thought I wasn't
honoring the occasion.

Oh. Meaning they thought
you weren't fawning enough?

I'm fine. Just go back to bed.

Wait. Give me that.

No. You hate him.

Yes, but I love you.

And you don't have the fawning gene.


Just, just write this.

Um... "Not since Abraham
Lincoln has our great country

been blessed by a leader

of such wisdom and courage". Hmm?


(CHUCKLES) Oh, my God.

I'm going to hell.


Uh, "Some say that
President Trump is simple.

But there is strength in simplicity".


"Complexity has only led us to


and w*r".

Uh, "When I think of the...
(GRUNTS) immortal words

of Jesus Christ... "

- Too much?
- Mm-hmm.


"When I think of the immortal
words of Margaret Thatcher... "

Right? We'll find a quote there.

British, blah, blah, blah.

"I realize how blessed this
country is to find a leader

for this moment in time".



I think this just helped me.

With what?

There is strength in simplicity.

Contingency fees are the cornerstone

of our adversarial judicial system.

LIZ: Now-now quite simply,

Professor Harrison, could you explain

contingency fees to His Honor?

HARRISON: Kahneman and
Tversky's prospect theory

proposes a contrary analysis
to common economic wisdom:

- loss aversion...
- No. It's wrong.

Excuse me? It is not.

No, that idiot judge
will just stare at him.

There is strength in simplicity.

Jay, I need you.

To do what?


This is Judy Giraffe.

Judy defends order in the forest.

It's Judy's job to look after

Paulie Possum,

after he was att*cked by Benny Bobcat.

But Benny worries

if Judy protects all the animals

in the wild, he won't be able to have

- his way with them...
- MAIA: Your Honor,

the plaintiff would like to,

once again, register its
objection to these cartoons...

So, you're saying that
Benny Bobcat is lying.

MAGGIE: Contingency fees are
generally considered equitable

under U.S. law because
of the inflated cost of...

Wait. Wait, this will never
get through to the judge.

I can't change the facts
of my testimony.

We're not asking you
to change the facts,

just... the delivery.

(QUIETLY): I did
background on the judge.

He has an ASMR fixation.

You're kidding.

What's that?


(WHISPERS): I need to...

touch this microphone.


What the hell?

It-It's like a brain
orgasm for some people.

It makes them more receptive.

And one of those people is the judge.



Your Honor...

I have to... lean into the microphone

to help you understand
about contingencies,

and why Reddick/Boseman needs to charge

as much as they do.



(QUIETLY): What the f*ck?

Your Honor, can the, uh,

expert witness speak up, please?

Overruled. Sit down.

Please proceed.

Here's the thing about
contingency charges:

they are necessary
for the poorer clients

(VOLUME INCREASES): to achieve justice.



They found a way to get to the judge.

We need to do the same.

Okay, okay. We go back
to the old playbooks.

And what's that?

Bush v. Gore, .

I was .

Don't worry. Let me take care of it.


Trust me, we have never had a president

who wasn't a sociopath.

- Even Obama?
- Even him.

The level of self-centeredness it takes

to think that you and only
you can change the world...

- Come on now.


WOMAN: But I think you mean
a narcissist, not a sociopath.

- Narcissist, that's better, that's better.
- Yes, that's right.

- You got it.

Hi. You mind if I join you?


You don't usually come out.

No. But you know, I had to, uh,

escape the -page prenup
sitting on my desk.


What were you talking about?

Uh, whether all presidents
are sociopaths or just some.

Obama thought that he
deserved to be president

as a first-term senator.

How is that not narcissism?

It's called being a visionary.

- Hello, he was right.
- Trump is the most extreme of the extreme,

but the presidency
requires an individual

who doesn't experience emotion

- the way us common folk do.
- Okay.

Well, maybe Obama does
experience emotion differently,

but you'd have to,

given all the shit he got
while in office.

I mean, I bet he wished for just

one day where he didn't have
to be "the black president".

I don't think I agree with that.

I suppose I don't think of it that way.

I'm black and I never
want to be anything else.

I mean, the good outweighs the bad.

Oh, yeah, sure. No.

I mean, I'm not saying that
he would ever want to...

be not black,

just... free from

the pressure... of it.



Hey, Lucca.

Mind if I join you?

I decided we all need to mix more.

So what are we talking about?

What's going on?

Revenge of the Empire.

Who's the Empire?

We are.

MAN: Listen, at least
you're not in jury duty.


How many of you are from out of town?

Whoa! What was it, this
or a matinee of Cats?


Calm down, sir. Calm down.

Okay, so what is this?

The Brooks Brothers riot.

The what?

Oh, my God.

Young people today and your
lack of historical appreciation.

Roger Stone and I set up
the Brooks Brothers riot

in Miami-Dade, back in .

Now, without our boys raising
hell to stop the recount,

this country would've
suffered through Al Gore.

Oh, I can't hear you!
Let me hear that again.


Are you kidding?

Hey. It worked in .

Good. Now, when I want to hear

mumbling, let me hear a little





MAIA: You worked for
Reddick/Boseman, did you not?

ROLAND: I did.

I served as cocounsel on, uh...

a number of matters. I
also spent a considerable

amount of time working in their offices.

MAIA: And what was your impression?

Objection. Irrelevant.


TOOSI: Uh...

I'm going to overrule that objection.


On what grounds?

Uh... I... Because I have ruled.

- ROLAND: Look,

I don't like to sit in
judgment, but I feel,

that as lawyers, you know,
we have a responsibility

to leave this world
just a little bit better.

My grandfather came here from Belarus.

Couldn't read or write.

You know the song he used to sing to me?

♪ The dream is still alive ♪

♪ Some day it will come true ♪

♪ And this country, it
belongs to folks like ♪

- ♪ Me and you. ♪
- LIZ: Your Honor,

that is a car commercial.


ROLAND: That's okay, that's okay.

Some people will never understand.

♪ So let the voice of freedom ♪

♪ Sing out through this land ♪

♪ This is ♪

♪ This is our country. ♪


Okay, let's stop with the stunts,
and win on the merits.

Just one more thing.



I can always sense
when you need a favor.

Well, this is an easy one.

You know this new judge, uh, Dash Toosi?

Well, I have a matter before him.

He's no doubt heard
only the worst about me.

It'd be great if I could, uh,

get him to just rule on the merits.

The merits?

Well, the positive merits,

not the negative ones.

You know, if you could talk to him, oh,

that'd be great.

How's your husband doing?

Well, I mean,

your ex-husband.



Oh, and if you could
sit behind us in court,

that'd be great, too.

We need a,

a Pentangeli moment.


Uh, four, please.



Hello. I'm Judge Hazlewood.

Charlotte Hazlewood.

Oh, nice to meet you. Judge Dash Toosi.

It's surprising how many lady
judges there are around here.



MAIA: Constance Green's son died

while being transported
in a private prison van.

She came to you, you
didn't take her case. Why?

- Objection. Irrelevant.
- Your Honor,

we were treated to a distinguished

law professor lecturing us on how

contingency fees were essential.

- Judy Giraffe?
- Yes.

I believe I'm entitled
to challenge that claim.


What was the question?

Why didn't you accept
the case of Constance Green's son?

- We thought the case was weak.
- Why?

ADRIAN: Her son resisted arrest.

MAIA: If I may, isn't it a fact

you advised Ms. Green

to accept the State of Illinois's
initial offer, didn't you?

ADRIAN: We may well have.

MAIA: You also have a relationship

with a litigation
investment fund, do you not?

We do. Or at least, we did.

MAIA: Now, they evaluate

each potential case and they decide

whether it's likely to be profitable?

ADRIAN: They provide us
capital so we can function.

Cases can go on for years, Your Honor.

You lured Perry by
pretending to be committed

to justice, when in actual
fact, the only thing you valued

- was making money.
- DIANE: Objection.

DASH: Uh, I, uh...

... uh, sustained.


- I'll move on.
- ADRIAN: Uh, may I say one thing?

I've had offices in storefronts

and in the back row of bond court.

I've met with clients
seven nights a week

in housing projects that you wouldn't
walk into without a police escort

and a camera crew.

I won't be held to account

because the firm that I
helped to build doesn't conform

to your idea of a black law firm.

I'm a black man, Reddick,
Boseman & Lockhart is my firm

and I apologize for nothing.

ROSALYN: Now I know why you
came for drinks last night.


Because we're up for
the same partnership.

Who told you?

One of the partners.

They're trying to pit
us against each other.


Because that's what people
do to the black girls.

So what do we do?

Well, first of all, it just doesn't
make sense that we would even...

What was that?

- I don't know.


I have never seen anything like that.

Me, neither.

It... no, maybe it's
a, uh, power plant fire?


Do you believe in revelation?

The Bible? No.

Well, I think we're in the end times.

You think this is the end times?

I think it's the
beginning of the end times.


Because of that?

No, everything.

The signs, symbols.

People acting like animals.

The lying, the stealing, the k*lling.

We're being judged.

LILI: It's creepy, isn't it?

MAIA: Yeah.

They say it's a power plant
hit by a lightning ball.

No, I think it's a conspiracy.

The government is trying a new w*apon,

and that's what the
lightning balls are all about.

- You said someone was out there?
- Yes.

Someone without an appointment.


Diane Lockhart.

You want me to send her away?

What? Uh... no. No.

Send her in, please.


LILI: Would you like some water?

DIANE: No, no, I'm fine.

Thank you.

Oh, I like what you're, uh,

- what you're wearing.
- (LAUGHS): Oh, thank you.




So you, you got what you wanted.

A corner office.

You make it sound shameful.


Though my guess is you wouldn't
want it to happen with Blum.

Oh, he's not bad. I know
what I'm getting with him.

Sometimes that's better.

Maia, I have the rare opportunity

to put things right.

We want you to come back.




As a partner.

I don't know what your
profit participation is here,

but I know it can't match
what we're offering.

Julius is leaving to become a judge,

and that means there's an opening

for an equity partner.

We want you to fill that position.

- For six months, then you'll force me out.
- No.

We would agree to a five-year contract.

In lawyer years, that's
basically an eternity.

You're trying to buy me out of my case.

Yes. But this isn't charity.

This is because you impressed Boseman.

This is for the best reason.

I have to think about it.


Is this weird,

that, uh...

... that we've ended up here?


So you're trying to buy her off?


She won't go with you.

She will if she knows the smart move.


Want to come on in?


♪ Fast cars, fine ass ♪

♪ These things ♪

♪ Will pass ♪

♪ And it won't ♪

♪ Get more profound ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch, ooh, ch-ch-ch ♪

♪ Time is a game ♪

♪ Only children play well ♪

♪ How can I love you ♪

♪ If you won't lie down? ♪


You really are a piece of work.


I never heard of lightning
balls till yesterday.

Now they're gonna burn down Chicago.

LIZ: There is a woman out there
that wants to see you.

She happens to be the judge
for my divorce trial.

I didn't start seeing her
until after your trial, Liz.

- How nice of you.
- Liz, seriously...


I hope it's okay that I drop by.

Yeah. Please, have a seat.

I was impressed by
what you said in court.

I was moved.

That's the easy part
of battling with Blum,

you always feel like you're on
the right side, no matter what.



Roland asked me to approach
Judge Toosi, on his behalf.

And I did.

I didn't know the case.

I didn't know it involved you.

I'm sorry.

You bribed my judge?

And you're not willing to say yes

because you think I'm recording you?

I'm not afraid you're recording me.

Then say you bribed Judge Toosi.

I bribed Judge Toosi.

What else do you need?



You want to grab dinner later?



TRUMP: It's love for
every American child

who deserves a chance to have
all of their dreams come true.


And I'm here tonight to send a message:

we are fully and totally
committed to fighting

for our agenda,

- and we will not stop
- Oh... Kurt.

until the job is done.



We love our country.

We celebrate our troops.

- We embrace our freedom.

We respect our flag.

We are proud of our history.

We cherish our Constitution,

- including, by the way,
- Kurt, my God, I love you.

the Second Amendment.

We fully protect religious liberty.

We believe in law...


♪ Now is the time to reflect
and say "What did we learn?" ♪

♪ Well, what do you learn
when your house catches fire? ♪

♪ That things burn ♪

♪ That some things don't
have a replacement ♪

♪ Some things can be
bought for a price ♪

♪ That it's good to be rich ♪

♪ But it's hard to be nice ♪

♪ There is no Superman ♪

♪ Sometimes there's no second chance ♪

♪ We're all flying blind with no hands ♪

♪ By the seat of our pants ♪

♪ It feels like the
rules are in freefall ♪

♪ Who knew that the bar was so low? ♪

♪ And maybe we're sinking,
but we're not letting go ♪

- ♪ Everything's everywhere ♪
- _

♪ It's way too much
and it's all the time ♪

♪ It fills up the smoky air ♪

♪ And covers up the perfect crime ♪

- ♪ It smolders and smokes ♪
- _

♪ Till the edges are
blackened and curled ♪

♪ So come and sit here next to me ♪

♪ At the end of the world ♪

♪ 'Cause we're the
ones coming to save us ♪

♪ We're flawed, but
we're all that we've got ♪

♪ The season is over ♪

♪ But the story is not. ♪


You heard?


They offered the partnership to Maia?

Yeah. That makes sense.

Two black girls were up for a job

and they give it to the white girl.

You're not angry?

No. Maia won't take it.

What do you mean? Yes, she will.


She's moved on.

Then maybe they'll offer it to you.


I don't care anymore.

You know, this whole year, I realized,

the best thing is to not care.


- Weird times.


I have some acid.

Do you want to drop it?


The end times are beautiful.

"Some say the world will end
in fire, some say in ice".

Any word from Maia?


We got a f*cking idiot
for a judge, Diane...

Oh, God.

... who might just have been bribed.



The guardrails are gone, Diane.

And I can't see the road.

And I used to think that
something would save us.

The law,

personal conscience.

But now?

I don't see anything.



No, I'm not joking.

I was just...

... watching my husband Kurt on TV,

and I realized I felt something

I haven't felt in a very long time.


When everything slips
away, there is that.

Love, huh?

Mm-hmm. Love.

We can't give up on that.

NEWSCASTER: ... the destruction
of five power plants

in the greater Chicagoland area.

With firefighters working
around the clock since yesterday,

the fires are % contained.

There is still some debate

about how such an extreme weather
condition got out of hand.

Firsthand accounts suggest that
several ball lightning strikes

resulted in a mile-long
path of destruction...

All rise.

Well, it looks like
we're all still alive.

And I'm ready to make a call.

(WHISPERS): A ruling.

Ready to rule, in fact,

because I...

am a judge.

I've been thinking a lot
about Mr. Perry over here,

what he's gone through.

It's a tough situation, man. Tough.

I get how disappointed
he is in his lawyers,

how hard it is to watch them

sitting over there in their fancy
suits while he's got nothing.

But then I got to admit...

... I've been thinking
a lot about Judy Giraffe.

Seems to me that this case isn't just

about Mr. Cardwell, it's about...

... bigger stuff.

Serious stuff.

A whole jungle. And if
I decide for Mr. Perry,

then this, this whole...


Good. Yes, this whole ecosystem

just kind of falls apart.

And I don't think we can have that.


... I'm gonna give it to Judy.

I mean, the law firm.

Okay? Yeah.

Great. Good.


You, uh, you haven't
responded to our offer.

You won.

You don't need to buy me off.

We weren't buying you off,
Maia. We want you back.

We want you home.


there is no future with Blum.

He's disbarred.

In Illinois.

Not in D.C.





♪ Fast cars, fine ass ♪

♪ These things will pass ♪

♪ And it won't get more profound... ♪

Hit it, Fernando.

♪ Time is a game ♪

♪ Only children play well ♪

♪ How can I love you ♪

♪ If you won't lie down? ♪

♪ Lie down. ♪

You are my hero.

If they fired me, I'd be a hero.



I'm happy.


What... Am I ridiculous?

(CHUCKLES): You...

You like narrating your life.

You know, there are
psychological studies that say,

when people are happy,

they look desperately for
things to make them unhappy.

But that won't happen to us, will it?


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Kurt.

Tell me everything's gonna be all right.

Everything's gonna be all right.

No, tell... But mean it.

Everything's gonna be all right.

What could go wrong?