Anna Karenina (1935)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Anna Karenina (1935)

Post by bunniefuu »

That's like old times to have you visit us once again, Vronsky.

As you see, we haven't forgotten you.

Well, I used to be one of yours.

While I'm here on leave, I again feel like one of you.

Well, Vronsky, after Petersburg and those chic guards...

...I suppose we seem like barbarians to you.

On the contrary, we seem like milksops compared to you.

These hors d'oeuvres are making me hungry.

Come, gentleman officers, it's time we had dinner.

Stiva. Vronsky.

What are you doing here? You ought to be home in bed.

I'd like to be. Well, what's keeping you?

The atmosphere of my home is unfriendly.

My wife is displeased with me, and for no reason.

That doesn't sound like Dolly. You must have been naughty.

Vronsky, I swear to you, my interest in women is entirely...

Vronsky! Come on!

Come on, Vronsky!

Au revoir, Stiva. Au revoir.

Oh, so you're married? Ten years.

She's the mother of my three children. And do you love your wife?

I do. She won't believe it when I tell her, but it's her I love.

Believe me, it's her.

I'd believe it better if you took your hand off my knee.

Gentleman officers, attention!




Right face!

Forward, hut!




Right face.

Forward, hut.

Why can't life be agreeable?


Now we can settle down and do some drinking.

Stiva, I wonder what time it is.

I haven't my watch on me. It's 7:00 o'clock, sir.

7:00? Oh, that's all right. That gives me time. Time for what?

I must go to station this morning to meet my mother. She's coming in from St. Petersburg.

That's a pleasant coincidence. I have to go to the station too.

That so? What for? To meet a pretty woman.

You're inexhaustible. There you go, misunderstanding me... my wife does. I have to meet my sister, Anna Karenina. Do you know her?

No, I've never had the pleasure. Everybody from St. Petersburg knows her.

Her husband is the great statesman Alexei Alexandrovitch Karenin.

Strong man. Conscientious. We have a lot in common.

I'll see if Mother's at the other end.

Oh, Madam Karenina. Her husband left her in my charge.

You don't know me, Madam Karenina... Oh, yes, I do.

We've been talking about you all the way from St. Petersburg.

Must have been very boring for you. Oh, no.

You see, your mother talked about her son, and I talked about mine.

You see, madam has a little boy too. She hates to leave him, don't you?

Yes. My only child, you know. I've never left him before.

I've just left your brother, Stiva. Where is he?

I'll find him for you. Thank you.

Stiva. Stiva!

He's coming. Thank you.



Goodbye, my dear. A woman at my age don't have to beat about the bush.

And I don't mind telling you I've completely lost my heart to you.

You, my dear, have the divine gift of silence.

Oh, let me kiss that pretty face.

Now, you must come and see me. Thank you, countess.

Forgive me, Your Excellency. Forgive me.

Goodbye, count. Goodbye.

Goodbye. Goodbye.

Now, that's what I call a wonderful woman.

Oh, Stiva.

He got caught between the cars.

Anna, what's the matter? Stiva, it's an evil omen.

Omen? When the worst has happened already, you don't need omens.

Dolly has found a letter and swears she'll never forgive me, that it's all over.

We'll see, Stiva. We'll see.

Now that you're here, I feel again like an innocent man.

Tania, you come here. Shh!

Children, be quiet. She threw my train off the tracks.

You broke my doll.

I did not. You did too.

What's all this? Aren't you ashamed before your aunt?

Grisha, are you too old to be kissed?

Tania. Why, you're almost as big as my Sergei.

He sends you lots of greetings.

And I have something very nice for you in my trunk.

Here are the keys to my trunk, you'll find the presents are there.

Your mistress still in her room? Yes, sir.

She hasn't left her room today. She say anything? Anything new?

She's in there.

I think you should let me see her alone, Stiva. Don't worry, I shan't interrupt you.

I suggest that you change into more repentant garments.

You look much too gay.

Excellent idea.

Who is it? It's I, Anna.

Come in.

Dolly, I'm so glad to see you.

You look well, Anna.

Radiantly happy.

Dolly, Stiva has told me.

My own children's governess. That's who she is, a governess.

Would it make it easier for you if it were your best friend?

Anna, I trusted him so completely.

She's young and pretty, you see, and I'm getting older.

No doubt they talked of me together, or worse still, remained silent.

You understand.

Everything's over.

Well, then everything is over for him too, Dolly.

Oh, no, not for him.

He won't mind. Everybody loves him. People will be sorry for him.

Poor Stiva. There you are, you're the first.

I know his character, Dolly. He's like a child...

...carried away suddenly and repenting bitterly.

He's worse off than you are.

He's stricken, Dolly, believe me.


What are you doing?

If you must know, my dear Kitty, I'm eavesdropping.

On my sister?

Oh, for shame. When a man's fate is being decided...

...his entire future, he may be pardoned if he...

You know, Dolly, men like Stiva aren't really conscious of deception at all.

They put their wives and homes in one compartment...

...and these other women into another. It's strange, but I know it to be true.

You're his sister, and you make excuses for him.

There are no excuses for a dreadful wrong like this.

Dolly, it's you I'm thinking of.

Can't you bring yourself to forgive him?

Could you forgive him if...?

Stiva, what have you been doing to Dolly? You make me uncomfortable, Kitty.

What have you been doing? Nothing. Scarcely anything.

Anna. Kitty.

You're so grown-up. I can't believe it's you.

I'm so terribly glad to see you, Anna. Well? Well?

You go in now, Stiva. Right now?


Are you sure it's all...? It's all right, Stiva.

Throw away your cigar.

Oh, Anna, I could hardly wait when Stiva told me you were coming.

You're so beautiful.

Tell me, are you staying for the next ball? Oh, you must.

When is it to be? Friday, at the Korsunskys'.

You always have a good time at the Korsunskys'.

At your age, one has a good time anywhere.

Oh, no, some places are fun and others aren't.

But you expect a great deal of this particular ball, don't you, Kitty?

Yes. Yes, I do. How did you know? Oh, it's such a happy time of your life.

That blissful time when childhood is just ending.

And the future's all warm and inviting.

I remember.

One swims in a mysterious blue haze... the mist on the mountains in Switzerland.

That mist covers everything.

And out of it may rise, at any moment, the shape of the beloved one.

Only half imagined, half dreamed.

Oh, Anna. Anna.

For you, perhaps, this shape is clearer still.

Yes. Yes, he is. May I tell you?

Of course. No, I... I don't think I'd better.

Oh, yes, do. A young officer in the emperor's guard.

Count Vronsky.


You know him?

I met him this morning at the railway station.

What about Levin? I thought you were going to marry Levin.

Well, Anna, with Levin, it's different.

Oh, I'm terribly fond of Levin, but, oh, he's so serious. And he lives in the country.

I see.

But Vronsky, tell me what you think of Vronsky.

Umm, he's very charming and very kind and I...

Well, Kitty. Well, Anna. Was it all right, Stiva?

I managed it, but it required considerable tact.

Ilytch Vassiltchikoff.

Count and Countess Boulgakovy.

Prince and Princess Lvovy.

His Excellency, lvan lvanovitch Aparksineo.

Anna Arkadyevna Karenina.

Prince and Princess Oblonskyia.

Princess Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Scherbatskaya.

Konstantin Dmitrich Levin.


Anna, this is Konstantin Dmitrich Levin.

My sister, Anna Arkadyevna Karenina.

Well, Levin, how are you? What brings you to our corrupt Babylon?

At the risk of offending you, I must tell you you're as smart as a native Muscovite.

That doesn't offend me. Levin thinks we are parasitic idlers...

...simply because we don't plow the fields.

An excellent statement of my position.

I've heard a good deal of you. I've heard of you too.

Kitty, will you dance? Wouldn't you rather...?

Please, let's dance. All right. Excuse me. Excuse me.

You weren't very nice to Madam Karenina. I spoke to her.

You call that being nice? She's the most beautiful woman at the ball tonight.

Not to me.

I couldn't wait to see you, Kitty.

I love you.

I love you, Kitty.

Does it please you that I love you?

There's no one whose friendship I value more.

But you don't feel...? Please.

Madam Karenina.


Oh, Konstantin Dmitrich Levin, Stiva's told me that you're supporting the movement... educate the peasants. Yes, I am.

Won't you dance, Madam Karenina? No, thank you, Count Vronsky.

I haven't seen you for days. Oh, Kitty.

Oh, won't you dance?

Yes, I'd like to.

What are you thinking about?

Nothing. Music, dancing, rhythm.

I feel you're not...

I feel there's something else. Why?

Because it's not, somehow, like all the other times we've danced together.

You're... What?

Strange. You're strange.

You're very charming, Kitty.

Do forgive me, Madam Karenina, I must speak to Stiva for a moment.


Stiva, for heaven's sake, tell me the truth about Vronsky and Kitty.

Very well. Now, you know my wife is a wonderful woman.

That's the Princess Lvov. Don't you think she's attractive?

Yes, but about Kitty. Well, in these matters... wife has a wonderful intuition. She says positively that one day...

...Kitty will be your wife. Does she?

I always said Dolly was a dear.

Oh, more than that, my dear Levin, she's a wonderful woman. She's...

Forgive me.

I feel at such a disadvantage here in Moscow.

Why should you? I don't feel brilliant or dashing...

...or anything like that. Oh, there are other things.

Kitty, will you marry me?

Now, please, Konstantin, don't spoil the ball for me.

If you won't promise to marry me, will you please dance the mazurka with me?

I'm afraid I can't. May I have the mazurka?

I'm afraid it's already reserved. Oh, reserved for whom?

What chance do we stand...

...against a guardsman? A St. Petersburg guard to boot.

What a relief it will be when Vronsky goes back to his regiment, eh?

Won't you relent? Won't you dance the mazurka with me?

Where is Kitty?

Thank you.

She's entirely surrounded by admiration.

Do you insist on making my evening a total failure?

Oh, go on, Anna.


Kitty, will you dance the mazurka with me? No.

It's better you do.

Otherwise, it'll look...

All right.

I will.

I knew it at the railroad station. Nothing else has mattered since.

I shall never forget your kindness.

I'm glad Kitty is dancing with Levin.

It's better than being a spectator, isn't it? For the moment, yes.

For eternity.

There eternity ends.

Do you hate me? You ought to hate me.

If I had pride. But with you I have no pride, only love.

I feel so humiliated. Is it humiliating to feel deeply?

Poor little Kitty.

It's better she should understand men before marriage than after.

Dolly, you're tactless. No, no, not you. You're charming.

Our meetings are so brief, the dance also. But our reunions are so frequent.

When I leave you, I'm lost in a world of strangers.

When I touch your hand, we're alone. I return you to the world.

Delightful ball. Very.

My heart kneels to you.

Oh, Kitty, this mazurka makes me...

What's the matter, Kitty? Nothing. Nothing at all.

I wish this dance would end.

I'm afraid I shan't stay for supper after all. But you promised.

I return tomorrow to St. Petersburg. Really? Why?

I have a husband and a son to look after.

And it may be years before I see you all again.

Good night, Kitty. Good night, Anna.

Good night.

Conductor, it's very cold.

I'll tell the stoker to make up the fire, ma'am.

Isn't it cold?

Don't you think it's cold?

Very cold.

Station Bologoye. Train stops for five minutes.

I'm going to get a breath of fresh air.

May I help you at all?

I didn't know you were going back to St. Petersburg so soon.

Why this change of plan? Why? To be where you are.

You know that.

Forgive me, I... I had to say it.

You shouldn't. You shouldn't. You must forget that you said it.

Nothing of you. I'll never forget anything of you.

Well, here I am, you see, burning with impatience to see you.

It's very devoted of me, don't you think after 10 years of married life.

Is Sergei quite well? Is that all the thanks I get?

"Is Sergei quite well?"

Did you have a comfortable journey? Very comfortable. Thank you.

Count Vronsky, my husband.

How do you do? So you left with the mother...

...and returned with the son.

You've been on leave, I suppose? Did they cry their eyes out when you left Moscow?

I hope you'll let me call on you. We shall be very pleased.

We're at home on Mondays.

Tell me, anna, am I not a good husband to come and meet my wife in my only free hour?

You're so sure of it, it leaves me nothing to say.

How did my Sergei get on without me? I'm sorry to disappoint you...

...but your Sergei hardly missed you at all. I don't believe that.

Well, at any rate, not half so much as your husband did.

Mother! Mother!

Sergei. Mother.

I told you it was Mother.

I knew you wanted me, so I came back sooner.

How was Moscow?

Did you have a good time? I didn't have a good time without you.

Why didn't you take me with you? I could've played with Grisha and Tania.

Look, Mother, I'm almost up to your shoulder now.

I grew while you were away. Yes, it won't be long...

...before you're as tall as I am. When I'm as big as you are...

...I won't let you travel alone. I'll take you everyplace.

I'll be so old you wouldn't want to take me.

You'll never be old. I'll be old.

Now, then.

This from Tania, and this from Grisha.

I want to guess which present is yours. Don't tell me. I want to guess.

Is this it?

Is this one it? Then I'm sure it must be this one.

Come in.

Welcome home, madam. Thank you, Fiodor lvanovitch.

Mother, please, no lessons today. I'm too busy.

His Excellency has just informed me that he wished Sergei to resume his lessons.

But I haven't the time. Can't you spare a few minutes...

...for your education? But Mother, I was educated yesterday, all day.

I don't think he'll be much good to you today.

Very good, madam.

I want to save yours till the last.

Oh, soldiers. Who sent me these? Your Aunt Dolly.

Does Aunt Dolly think I still play with soldiers?

What would you like, then? Didn't you tell her I was a scientist?

No. I saved that information for myself.

Well, young man, I suppose you're annoyed with your mother...

...for keeping you away from your lessons. I'll make it up, tomorrow.

You can never make up a lost day, Sergei.

"Unhasting and unresting" is my motto, and it's a good motto for you too, my boy.

Do I have to have a motto?

May I venture to suggest that you're spoiling this young man?

It's only today.

I wish you could get me a day's respite from my duties at the ministry.

However, let me assure you my dear that I'm very happy that tonight... will be sitting opposite me at dinner. I haven't enjoyed dining alone every night.

Tonight I shall tell you all the gossip from Moscow.

Sergei, can you guess what I brought you?

Oh, a battleship. A battleship?

I wouldn't bring a battleship to a scientist. I must go now.

I have an important engagement. Goodbye, my dear.

Goodbye, Alexei. Goodbye, Sergei.

Goodbye, Father.

Look. Oh, you brought me just what I wanted...

...the whole world.

Wait, let's plan a trip. A trip.

Here we are in St. Petersburg. Where do you want to take me?

I should advise you to hit me.

Should you? Then you'll have two sh*ts.

You can dispose of me and then go through the wicket.

Well, I'll try.

I love your frown when you concentrate.

How do you expect me to make this shot if you talk to me?

Vronsky and Madam Karenina now, seem to be playing...

...what you might call a conversational game.

At this rate, they won't finish before dark. Possibly, that's their object.

Is Karenin coming here? I always have the husband.

I'm nothing if not fair.

Do you get a sense we're being watched? Watched? We're being devoured.

Shall we deprive these charming people of their appetizers?

That would be cruel.

Let's be cruel.

Bad shot. Not from Vronsky's point of view.

People say I'm two-faced. It's true.

To be one-faced is inadequate.

There are two sides to every question...

...and really, in life, one needs a face for each side.

But I thought you adored Karenin. No, I do. He has my other face.

And here he comes, just in time to get it.

Oh, my dear Karenin. How are you?

This can't go on, you know that.

What do you want me to do?

Go back to Moscow and marry Kitty. She loves you.

Very well, I will.

We shall never see each other again.

That would be best.

Anna, you're all my life to me. You know that.

You've known it from the beginning.

I have a husband and a child.

When I said I'd leave you, I saw your eyes.

But it must end.

Very well, shall we make resolutions?

I tell you I'll never see you again...

...and while I'm saying it, you know. And you deny it?

That you and I are doomed.

You frighten me. Doomed to unimaginable despair.

Or to bliss, unimaginable bliss.

You see, my dear Anna has always been so conservative.

And when she suddenly encourages the attentions of a man like Vronsky...

...people are shocked.

It is only because I am your friend and hers that I tell you this.

My dear Lidia, I understand your motive perfectly...

...but a woman like Anna is naturally subject to certain attentions...

...from young men whose enthusiasms overcome their discretion.

It would be... to be disturbed by such trivialities would be very undignified.

A splendid attitude. I congratulate you.

If Caesar's wife is above suspicion... is because the tone is set by Caesar.

This is t*rture.

From the first, we've been surrounded by crowds of people.

Let me see you once alone. Too much to ask?

I feel so guilty.

So terribly guilty.

Good afternoon, Count Vronsky. Your Excellency.

You are lucky, Anna, to have the instruction...

...of the finest croquet player in St. Petersburg.

Will you play with me? I'll be delighted.

You don't mind, do you, Anna?

You have rather monopolized him, you know. Alexei.

I've been lecturing your husband, Anna. He works too hard.

I stopped by, Anna, to see if you wanted to go home.

Lidia asked me to stay for dinner.

Won't you stay too, my dear Karenin? No, thank you.

I have a great deal of work to get through.

I'll stay for an hour, if you don't mind. As you wish, my dear.

Anna, dearest.

Why don't you speak to me?

I'm thinking of what you said to me this afternoon.

Doomed to bliss or to despair.

It's true. I know now that there's no escape for me.

I love you, Alexei. I love you.



My darling.

You didn't come in to kiss me good night.

You know I can't go to sleep until you kiss me good night.

I'm sorry, darling.

I'm sleepy.

Sergei, will you always love me?

Don't go away.

It'll be all right.

Don't let the nightlight dance. It frightens me.

The dragons are dancing on the wall.


Sergei, you must go to sleep.

Good night.

Well, not in bed yet?

I must speak to you, Anna. It's important.

It must be very important to keep you up so late.

That fact is, Anna, I feel it necessary to... to warn you.

Really? About what?

You... you are becoming...

You are becoming an object of disagreeable gossip.

The... the attentions you are receiving from Count Vronsky...

...have been generally noticed.

Would you mind not doing that? It makes me so nervous.

I beg your pardon. I...

I'm not speaking to you as... as a jealous husband...

...but as a man of the world who knows there are certain rules of decorum...

...which cannot be disregarded with impunity.

This afternoon, for example, at Lidia's... was obvious that your conduct and deportment...

...were not altogether what could be desired.

I don't know what you mean.

I'm not inquiring into your feelings, Anna.

I've no right to ferret into your soul.

I am concerned only with appearances.

You're always concerned with appearances.

I'm working on a government bill which requires the concentration of all my energies.

To... to subject me to annoyance at a critical time like this is very inconsiderate.

What do you want me to do, then?

I must make you understand, first, the importance of public opinion.

Second, the effect of scandal on your son.

And third, the inviolability of the marriage tie.

I'm very sleepy.

What I say, my dear, I say for you as much as for myself.

I am your husband...

...and I love you.

It isn't me you love, it's your career and your appearances.

Very well, then.

You choose to misunderstand me.

But I beg you to remember, if you have no regard for me...

...the effect on Sergei, our son.

Good night.

Too late.

Too late.

You misunderstand entirely my friendship with Madam Karenina. Oh, I know, I know.

But you're letting it interfere with your career, and that is fatal.

Why can't you take this sort of thing more casually?

I'm sorry, Mother, to find you cynical.

And I'm sorry, son, to find you sentimental.

I'm only thinking of you and your whole life.

I'm affraid Mother, you'll have to excuse me.

I must go to the stables and look at Frou Frou. Of course.

Are you coming to the races? Certainly not.

I do not care to see you risk your neck on the racecourse also.

Well, goodbye. Goodbye, Mother.

And good luck.

I came here to give you some good advice...

...which I knew in advance would not be taken.

It's so refreshing not to be disappointed.

Well, how's Frou Frou? A bit frisky this morning, sir.

What's the matter with you? I've been up all night.

I need a pick-me-up.

Tereschenko, some brandy, seltzer water and lemon.

Some salted cucumber and a small bottle of champagne.

Nothing like it.

Brandy settles your stomach...

...and the cucumber and champagne sets you up.

Makes you feel as fit as a Cossack.


...I saw the general this morning.

I knew the minute I looked at that transparent face of yours...

...that something was up.

You know, he's very fond of you.

Well, what form does the general's fondness take this time?

Well, I'm not going to beat around the bush.

The long and short of it is, he asked me to tell you that...


Well, he knows that I'm your best friend...

...and he went to the trouble to...

Tereschenko, another brandy and a large bottle of champagne.


Shall I... put it bluntly?

Yeah, I wish you'd put it. Here it is.

He wanted me to tell you that if your name continues to be linked with that a certain lady...

...he will be forced to ask you to resign from the regiment.

That is the general's message, is it? That is what he said.

Tereschenko, another brandy.

You can tell the general for me...

...that if it came to a choice between him and this lady...

...I'd give up the regiment in a minute.

Consider myself lucky.

Vronsky. Vronsky, I beg of you... You tell that to the general.

Madam Karenina in? Yes, sir. Madam is in the garden.

Shall I...? Thank you, I know.


Your eyes are troubled.

Are they?

I know at once when there's something wrong with you.

Is it the race?

I feel that we're being watched eternally.

Watched and criticized from all sides.


...I'll give everything up joyfully if you'll divorce Karenin and marry me.

You and I, together, before everyone.

No more deceit.

No more subterfuge.

That would be heaven on earth.

Oh, my darling.

My darling. Mother.


How do you do, sir. How do you do, Sergei.

Are you riding for your regiment today? Yes.

One day, you'll be riding for your regiment, I hope.

Oh, of course. Are you going to win this afternoon?

Well, I shall do my best.

What is your horse's name? Frou Frou.

Frou Frou? My pony's name is Invincible.

Well, that's rather an imposing name for a pony.

You know, my tutor, Fiodor lvanovitch, says that jumping's very dangerous.

How high can you jump? You know, my tutor says that...

That's all right, Sergei. You may go back to your pony, and I'll come and see you ride in a minute.

Well, goodbye, Count Vronsky.

I only wanted to tell him some of Fiodor lvanovitch's ideas.

Well, I'm sorry, I have to go now. Goodbye, Sergei.

Goodbye. And don't forget to come and watch me ride, will you, Mother?


I wasn't thinking of Sergei.

You must decide, Anna, between me and...

And the rest.

Please don't force me.

Wait till I'm calmer. I can't decide anything now.

Anna, listen.

I'm weighing my words very carefully.

For you, if need be...

...I'm willing to give up everything.

Will you do as much for me? I can't.

You mean you won't. I can't leave Sergei.

Very well, then.

Oh, Alexei.


Alexei! Look, Mother.

Look, I'm on my pony.

Look. Quickly, come to me.


Are you backing Vronsky, Karenin? I never bet, my dear countess.

They're off!

Come on, Vronsky!

Come on, Vronsky!

Come on, Vronsky.

Come on, Vronsky.

Anna, if you want to go home, I'll take you.

They'll sh**t the horse. Is Vronsky hurt?

I can't tell yet.

I say again, Anna, if you want to go home, let me take you.

Leave me alone, please.

Vronsky's all right.

For the third time, I suggest that you'd better come home.

I'll take care of her. No, countess. Anna isn't well.

I prefer to take her home myself.

You have done what I particularly asked you not to do.

I stand for certain things in the public eye, certain principles.

You are making me ridiculous, and that I will not tolerate.

Perhaps I am mistaken in the interpretation I put upon your conduct.

You are not mistaken.

In that case, then... You are not mistaken.

I love him.

I cannot bear you.

I'm afraid of you.

Do with me what you like.

For some time...

For some time, I have known that in uniting my life to yours, I have made a mistake.

But this I must bear for the sake of my public duty...

...and for the sake of my child.

I believe in marriage as a sacrament.

I could not consider myself justified in breaking the ties... which we are bound by a higher power.

The family cannot be broken up a... whim or a caprice...

...or even by the... by the sin of one of the partners in the marriage.

Our life must go on as it has done in the past.

But it can't go on. It must.

I have stated these views in public, and I will not violate them in private.

Then you will not give me a divorce? Never. Why should I?

To permit you to legalize a sin?

To justify your conduct and his?


Whatever happens, I know this: You'll always be in the right.

And I... You will remain here as my wife...

...before the world.

You will never see this...

This person again.

And the alternative?

You will join the ranks of those women of ambiguous position...

...who travel about Europe from one watering place to another...

...neither married nor unmarried, with no future and no present...

...with only your great love to sustain you.

You will resign all claim to Sergei, ...because it would be my duty... remove him from your influence.

You say this knowing this I cannot do.

There is no life for me without my child.

To leave him would be infamous and base.

I couldn't.

And you know I couldn't.

Very well.

I can assume, then, that you will never again jeopardize my honor.

Oh, your honor.

Your selfishness, your hypocrisy, your egotism.

You've never considered me as a human being.

Your social position and your reputation...

...these must be kept up at what cost to those who are around you?

At what cost?

It's time for my appointment at the ministry.

As a matter of fact, I've been analyzing this code of ours and it doesn't stand up.

For instance... must always pay a cardsharper... but need not pay a tailor. Quite right.

One must never tell a lie to a man, but one may to a woman.


One must never cheat anyone, but one may a husband.


One must never pardon an insult but may freely give one.

Obviously. Well, it's trivial.

It's nonsensical. My dear Vronsky...

...has your liver been bothering you lately?

Your Highness.

What is it, Kouzma?

Yashvin, if you'll excuse me, something unexpected...

Certainly, certainly. I understand.

Thanks, old boy.

No, no, this way, if you don't mind. Eh... oh, of course.

Thank you.

Your liver's much improved. Yes, yes.


Alexei, I had to come.

Anna, you're here.

This awful month.

This awful separation.


I've been sitting in that house, watched.

Night after night, we dine together in silence.

He sits across the table and watches me...

...cold, polite, merciless.

I can't tell you what it's been.

My... darling.

A prisoner with no hope of reprieve.

And for me too. Life has been dead, tasteless.

Each day I think...

Days go by, life goes by without you.

Anna, you're not going back to him. I felt that just this once I had to see you.

I had to come, Alexei. You're not going back to him.

What shall I do?

You're going away with me.


Yes, Alexei.

Don't leave me ever again.

Oh, Anna.

It is like Levin to be late for his own wedding.

I was beginning to think you meant to run away.

I'm ashamed to tell you what happened. What happened?

Better tell me now than later.

My stiff shirt only came at the last moment. Take the bride's hand and lead her in.

Shall we go out in a gondola on the Grand Canal...

...and find a serenata?


Shall we explore all the little canals...

...those murderous little water alleys where the Doges used to throw their enemies?


Shall we go to St. Mark's and feed the pigeons?


Shall we be really energetic... Yes?

...and go out on the balcony?

Alexei? Yes, Anna?

Is there pain in the world? Are there tears?

For this hour, they are extinct.

I feel pain.

I feel tears. Why?

Because I'm so happy...

...not to think...

...only to live...

...only to feel.

And the breath of Russia is sweet And sweet over all the land Broods the soul of Russia Do you remember Pushkin's poem?

You miss Russia.

You miss home.


...put your arms around me.

You're trembling.

Are you cold?

We'll be punished.

Punished? For being so happy.



Sergei. Sergei, what is it?

I had dreamed...

I thought... Yes?

That Mother came in and kissed me good night. But when I woke up, I found she wasn't here.

Was she here?

No, Sergei.

But I'm sure she kissed me good night.

Sergei... might as well know, once and for all.


That your mother is dead.

D... Dead?


But that means that I won't see her again?

That... that I'll never see her again? Yes.

But I don't believe it, Father. She loved me too much to die.

Even the people that love one die.

And the people one loves.

But I don't believe Mother is dead.

If I go to sleep...

Yes, Sergei.

Yes, go to sleep.

If I go to sleep...

...I know Mother will come...

...and kiss me good night.

What an adorable boy.

We're still in Venice.

And I love you.

Yes, I know.

But there was something in that boy's eyes. Something in his face.

Alexei, let's go home.

I say if our government had a spark of courage, we'd be in the Serbian-Turkish w*r right now.

Lock, stock and barrel.

Do you think there's a chance of our getting in?

Well, Vronsky! Nice to see you.

How was Italy? How is stranger?

I'm glad to see you, Vronsky.

Thank you colonel. You really think there's a chance of our getting in the Turko-Serbian w*r?

Uh... not much. The government's lazy.

But, I'll let you in on a secret. Most of us are planning to resign from the army...

...form a private regiment...

...and enlist for the Serbs against the Turks.

Would that interest you, Vronsky? Interest me? Of course.

But I... Oh, naturally. I understand.

These Serbs are of our race, of the Slav race. They are fighting our battle.

And we are cowards if we don't join them. Right.

You'd like to join us, wouldn't you, Vronsky?

Terribly. But you see, Yashvin... I know.

It's worse, isn't it? More binding when you're not married.

Yashvin, will you do me a favor? Of course.

When things come to a head about this w*r business...

...will you let me know?

Certainly. Depend on it. Thank you.

And by the way, don't mention this to... to anybody.

I understand.

Excuse me, madam.

May I bring you some tea? You haven't eaten the whole day.

No, thank you. Nothing.

Hello, Anna.

How are you?

Did you have a good time with Yashvin?

Well, you know Yashvin. He's... he's always jolly.

What did you do? Oh, talked.

He told me all the army gossip.

Then we went around to the club.

Did you enjoy it? Oh, it was nice seeing the old crowd again.

Somehow... As you're no longer part of that life... felt yourself an outsider.

Yes, as a matter of fact.

And you thought...

Never mind.

What's the matter with you today, Anna?

And you thought, "Why did I give all this up?

All this jolly life. For what?" That's what you thought. I see it in your eyes.

Really, Anna, your imagination is... It's the truth, though.

It's the truth. You're conjuring up phantoms.

Am I? Well, perhaps I am.

But no more. I have a surprise for you.

I've taken a box at the opera tonight.

We're going out into the world.

We've been too much alone together.

After all, we live in the world, don't we?

Think it's a good idea to go to the opera? Why not?

Everybody in St. Petersburg will be there. What of it?

Seems rather brazen.

Are you ashamed to be seen with me? There's no talking to you today, Anna.

I quite understand. I wish you'd have the good sense, Anna... face the realities of our position. And, what are they?

So Karenin refuses to give you a divorce.

There's no use flaunting ourselves in everybody's face. It's a mistake, Anna.

Believe me.

I'm willing to go alone.

Very well.

We'll go to the opera.

It's shocking. Why? It isn't a secret.

But, there's something so public about an opera.

Very ill-advised.

He has courage in the field, sir, and in society too.

That's not courage, Yashvin. That's su1c1de.

How beautiful Madam Karenina looks.

They are a superb couple.

Why, Lili, how can you talk like that? They're not even a couple.

Our friends seem very eager to see us.

Did you think they'd be indifferent?

Oh, Captain Yashvin.

How do you like the opera?

I like it when they dance, but I hate it when they sing.

But you mustn't take my word. My tastes are all bad.

Pardon me.

Your mother sent me. She would like you to visit her in her box.

If you'll pardon me, Anna. I'll leave you with Yashvin.

Who is the young lady with Countess Vronsky?

The Princess Sorokina.

She's very pretty, the Princess Sorokina, isn't she?

Oh, yes. She's considered one of the prettiest girls of this season.

She's visiting with the Countess Vronsky.

Tell me, do you miss Vronsky very much at the regiment?

Yes, terribly.

No one to take his place.

I think it's very generous of you not to hate me.

My dear lady... I assure you that I...

I'd like very much to have you join us later for supper.

But I... I presume that's impossible. I'm afraid it is, Mother.

How dare you bow to that woman?

I think her presence here is an outrage. Excuse me, Mother.

Your wife's remarks are offensive, Mr. Kartasoff.

My dear Captain Yashvin, I assure you... It is an outrage.

You will give me satisfaction, Mr. Kartasoff.

Why, Count Vronsky, this is absurd.

Please accept my apologies.

Thank you, Yashvin.

Goodbye, madam. Goodbye.

This morning I tried to see Sergei.

They told him I was dead.

And I wish I were. Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't think you cared what happened to me.

Anna, dearest, how can you say that? I love you.

I love you, Anna. Do you?

Don't doubt it.

You must never doubt it.

Today, all day, I felt so alone.

We must be careful. We mustn't hurt each other.

That's why we hurt each other, because we love.

Yes. Yes, that's why.

Whom do you want?

Whom do you please to want?

Stop. Where are you going?

Your Excellency.

Madam Karenina.

Sergei. Mother.

Oh, Mother, you've come for my birthday.

Of course I've come.

Do you think I'd miss your birthday?

Sergei, my boy.

My darling.

What could we do? The master gave strict instructions.

Sergei should never see her. He'll be up in a few minutes.

Well, she should be told. We ought to tell her.

It's your place to tell her. Not I.

Forgive me. For nine years I served her without a harsh word from her.

Nothing but kindness.

No, I shall not tell her.

Are you crying, Mother?

No, Sergei.

I'm not crying. It's so long since I've seen you.

They told me you were dead, but I didn't believe them.

I told Father it wasn't true.

Now he'll see.

You mustn't speak to him about me, Sergei.

Just the same, it's a lie.

You don't understand your father.

You must love him.

He's better than I am, and I have hurt him, Sergei.

When you grow up, you will know.

I know now, Mother. There's no one better than you. No one in the world.

Shall I go in now? Let her have a few minutes more.

Why does the Lord permit such things?

When the master rings for breakfast, there is the time to warn her.

When I'm walking, I always think I'm just going to meet you.

The other day, when we were walking in the public gardens...

...I thought I saw you.

Were you in the public gardens, Mother, wearing a lilac dress?

No, dearest.


I ran toward you, toward a lady in a lilac dress.

But she went away.

But it's at night I really do see you, Mother. When they put out the light, and it's dark.

I see you too.

I talk to you.

I always talk to you.

I talk to you too, Mother.

I tell you everything that happens.

There's the bell.

You're better warn her. It's your place. I've known her too long.

Well, Sergei, tell me, how are your lessons? And how is your science?

I'm making rapid strides.

"Rapid strides"?

Now, where did you hear that?

I heard Fiodor lvanovitch say it to Father.

Look, do you want me to show it to you?

How is Sergei Alexeich progressing, Fiodor lvanovitch?

Uh, he is making rapid strides, Your Excellency.

How's that?

Oh, Sergei.

Forgive me, if I may make so bold...

Oh, Fiodor lvanovitch, Sergei has just been telling me that...

I feel it advisable to... Stay.

It isn't 9:00 yet. He doesn't come in till 9. I have to go, Sergei.

No, Mother, please don't go. I must.

He's coming.

Your Excellency, hurry. Yes.

Sergei, my darling...


Mother, don't go.

Mother! Mother, don't go!

This is insupportable.

It's his birthday.

I told my son you were dead.

Why do make me a tyrant who intervenes between him and you?

It's easy to play the martyr and destroy the new life I'm trying to build it for my son and myself... you destroyed the old. And I shall not permit it.

You will not enter this house again.

You will never see Sergei again.

I told you that before you went away.

You undertook to bear that penalty. You will bear it... I have had to bear mine.

Do you hear? Do you hear?

Impossible weather.

Impossible to ride, impossible to hunt...

...impossible to walk.

Why did we come here?

I'm not a country gentleman.

All these months of enforced leisure here in the country.

It was idiotic.

We came here to be alone. Oh, I'm sorry, darling, forgive me.

I'm irritable today.

This beastly weather.

From your mother?


Is the Princess Sorokina staying at your mother's?

I don't know. I suppose she is.

Does your mother want you to marry Princess Sorokina?

Now, what makes you think that? It would be natural.

The Princess Sorokina is so young and innocent.

So like Kitty, isn't she?

You should've married Kitty.

You would've been happier with her. Anna, you brood too much.

You spin fairy tales.

I face the truth.

What truth? That one day I shall find myself...


Anna, this letter isn't from my mother.

No? It's from Yashvin.

Well? Well, I...

I've been wanting to tell you for some time. I promised Yashvin to...

...enlist in the w*r.

What w*r?

The Turkish-Serbian w*r.

And I have to go to Moscow at once.

Believe me, Anna, it's better this way.

It won't last long.

A month or so, and I'll be back.

A month or so. Well, not more.

What if you're k*lled? I won't be k*lled.

Alexei, you mustn't go. Oh, now, Anna...

I won't let you go, Alexei. I won't let you go. I won't let you go.

You see, Anna, this is why I didn't want to tell you.

Only a month.

A month in which I shall wake up every night and think:

"Is he alive, or is he dead?" Oh, I shouldn't have told you.

Please, Anna, be brave. Don't...

Well, I am not brave!

When I... when I come back, we'll go to Italy again.

How long have you known this?

Well, I... I've been weighing it in my mind for some time.

Planning your escape.

My what? What else is it?

Do you have to go abroad to find a w*r to give you an excuse?

I can't turn back now.

I've made commitments and promises, and it would be dishonorable.

Honor. Honor. You speak about honor without knowing the meaning of the word.

We won't discuss that.

No. If we did discuss it, the truth might come out.

What do you mean? That you no longer love me.

You want to leave me. And this is your way of doing it.

Well, Anna, I'm a man. I have a man's work to do.

I want my comrades and my career.

And love isn't everything. One only says that when love is over.

Over and done with. I wish you'd stop chattering about love!

This continuous talk of love makes me hate the word. I'm sick and tired of love!

This is the truth, then, at last. Yes, the truth!

Alexei, I beg you...

...if you ever loved me...

If there... if there's anything left of the feeling...

This is unbearable.

Go, then.

Do as you like.

Anna, we...

Well, then...


He left me without a kind word. Don't worry, madam.

I must go after him.

I must see him before he goes.

We can't part like this.

He hates me. He mustn't hate me.

I must see him before he goes.

Go at once to Moscow.

Take this letter to Count Vronsky. He's at his mother's.

Bring the answer to Prince Oblonsky's. I'm going there.

Well, well, Anna. Nice to see you.

Please come up. Dolly is waiting for you.

Kitty and Levin are staying with us, and their new baby.

You knew Kitty had a baby? Yes, I knew it.

Oh, Dolly. Oh, Aunt Anna.

How are you, Anna? I had no idea you were in Moscow.

I'm just passing through.

But Tania and Grisha.

I'm happy to see you, Kitty.

What a beautiful baby.

Bless you both. Thank you, Anna.

I think I'll put him to bed now, if you'll excuse me.

Anna Arkadyevna, it's good to see you.

Thank you. Did you bring us anything...

...from St. Petersburg? I didn't come from St. Petersburg.

Did you bring us anything from any place?

Grisha, be quiet. I didn't bring them anything.

How is Sergei? Is he big?

Why didn't you bring Sergei to visit us?

Last time you were here, you said you would. Be quiet, children.

Anna, will you excuse me? I'll take them to their room.

Of course. I'll be right back. Come, children, Tania, Grisha.

Will you come and see us in our nursery? Yes, I will.

Anna Arkadyevna.

We haven't met since the Korsunskys' ball. Do you remember?

That night changed all my life.

Mine also. I've thought of you so often...

...and hoped you were well and happy.

Thank you, Konstantin Dmitrich.

You two will want to talk.

Will you forgive me? Certainly.

Well, Anna. Well, well.

We're a busy household, as you see.

You say you're going on a journey?

Lucky Anna. Movement, change, excitement while I'm tied down, nose to the grindstone.

Poor Stiva.

Hasn't there been a message for me? A message?

Never mind.

Have you taken any steps to alter Karenin's attitude?

Oh, no. It's of no use.

Anyhow, it... It doesn't matter.

I see Karenin's point, the sanctity of the home.

There is such a thing, Anna, and it must be preserved, even in these times.

Moral effect on the children. Moral effect on the public.

Yes, that's very important.

Oh, Dolly, I leave you now to entertain our brilliant bird of passage.

And by the way, I shan't be dining at home tonight.

I've an important engagement.

Uh, goodbye, Anna. Don't worry.

Things will straighten themselves out. They always do. Goodbye.

Goodbye, Stiva.

Goodbye, my dear.

Well, Anna, as you see, Stiva hasn't changed. Only I change.

You look very well, Dolly.

And you? How are you? I am well.

You know, Anna, I often think about our lives.

It was you who reconciled me to Stiva.

If not for you, I might have left him.

It was on that visit you met Vronsky, wasn't it?

Yes, it was then.

Sometimes I think...

I compare my life to yours.

You travel, you go to Italy, you do what you like.

You are loved. While I...

No ecstasy, no glamour, all the things you have.

And Sergei?

What of him? I don't see him.

Karenin won't let me see him. Oh.

That must be hard.

Well, whatever way one lives, there's a penalty, I suppose.

Madam Karenina's butler wants to see her. Excuse me, Dolly. I'm waiting for a message.

You have a message for me? No, I was unable to deliver your letter.

Why? Count Vronsky had just left for the station.

Thank you, I shan't need you.

What's the matter, Anna? Is something wrong?


No, I have to go to the station. Oh. Then goodbye, Anna. A pleasant journey.

I'm sorry that we... Don't bother. Goodbye.

Where's Anna? Gone.

Oh, and I wanted to...

She's just the same, isn't she?

So lovely, so charming.

But you know, Dolly, there's something. Yes, did you feel it?

Something piteous.

Awfully piteous.

Yes, for a moment just now, I fancied she was almost crying.

Whatever she may have done...

...there was something in her look which tells me she's paying for it.

It's sad to have one's son go to w*r.

But I'm glad to see him back in uniform.

Vronsky, can't you forget?

You're a young man yet, your life's before you.

Can't you forget? I'll tell you what I can't forget.

That the last time we were together, when she turned to me with pleading eyes...

...she wanted sympathy or a kind word.

I didn't give it to her. I didn't speak.

I just turned away.

Would it have mattered if you had?

Well, perhaps not.

But I shouldn't have this awful sense that...

This awful guilt...

...which I know will never leave me. Never. It was fated.

She was doomed.

I didn't turn to her.

I remember I felt suddenly I must ask her forgiveness.

And then, immediately, I...

I hardened my heart.

For this, I shall never forgive myself.

This I... I shall never forget.

She's forgotten, and she's forgiven.

Do you think so?

I'm sure.

Well, who knows?

Who knows?
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