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02x04 - Take Your Father to Work Day

Posted: 02/03/21 18:36
by bunniefuu
Time to get up.

MARTIN: And a very good morning to you, Mr. David.

What's on the itinerary for today?

Same as yesterday, same as tomorrow.

- Wonderful.


Now that you're out of my life, I'm so much better ♪ ♪ You thought that I'd be weak without you, but I'm stronger ♪ ♪ You thought that I'd be broke without you, but I'm richer ♪ ♪ You thought that I'd be sad without you, I laugh harder ♪ ♪ Thought I wouldn't grow without you, now I'm wiser ♪ ♪ Thought that I'd be helpless without you, but I'm smarter ♪ ♪ You thought that I'd be stressed without you ♪ ♪ But I'm chillin', You thought I wouldn't sell ♪ ♪ Without you, sold nine million ♪ ♪ I'm a survivor, I'm not gon' give up ♪ ♪ I'm not gon' stop, I'm gon' work harder ♪ ♪ I'm gon' work harder, yeah ♪ - ♪ I'm a survivor ♪ - ♪ What ♪ - ♪ I will survive, yeah, yeah ♪ - ♪ I'm a survivor... ♪ Please do tell the chef that he has outdone himself today.

Although, I do-I do think perhaps it could do with just a hint of nutmeg.

I'm a survivor, I'm gonna make it ♪ - No, you're so right, Mr. David.

- ♪ I will survive ♪ - Less is indeed more.

- ♪ Keep on survivin'. ♪ Clarity.



Figuratively speaking, of course.


No, I haven't felt this kind of urgency in years.

It's incredible, the... the truths a brush with death will uncover.

Brush with death?

Bro, you got your ass jumped at Sunday School.

It was Bible study, Hector.

And much like the New Testament, I found the entire experience...


I once was lost...

...but now am found.

MARSH: That's wonderful, Martin, but your time's up.


Why don't you share your exciting news?

Oh, uh...


I'm getting released tomorrow.


Oh, I just feel really grateful.

I'm finally on the right meds.

Oh, I'd like to think my therapy helped a bit, too.


Yeah, I, um...

I couldn't be here without all of you.

I just can't believe that I'm gonna be sipping a beer by the ocean this time tomorrow, eating a great big lobster and...

All right, Rick Steves.

No need for your whole itinerary.

I just...

I had no idea how much I needed out of this place.

Inside these walls, it's like...

- it's like-it's like...


You're not really alive.



Not anymore.


I'm gonna be free.


Well, I am very happy for you, Jerry.

Not sure brunch necessitates a text...

Stop there.

Do you know the horrors that happened here?


There's the culprit.


You are the spiller of wine?

What's going on?

Who is he?

Do you remember that rug my two ne'er-do-well children ruined?

Hans is helping me find a replacement.

No doubt a horridly expensive one.

Blame your skinny millennial.


Who throws out a priceless heirloom over a little Burgundy stain?

JESSICA: Honestly, darling, he's right.

I have never understood this story.


actually, Hans, it was a Syrah.

And the story's pretty simple, Mother.

Ainsley and I came back from the hospital after Gil's stabbing, and we were upset.


Ainsley was a little tipsy, she grabbed for the bottle.



And it fell...


...spilling everywhere.

And the rug...

...was beyond repair.

She's always been so clumsy.

She felt so bad that she nearly had a panic attack.


At least one of you has a soul.

Jessica, come.

Let's talk pillows.

Oh, come on, Martin.

It's my form, isn't it?

It's so much more than that.

Has my son called?

Oh, he's been a little distant lately.

I thought we were in a good place.

You know, we collaborated on a fun project a few months ago.

- Aah!

- He was really...


- MAN(OVER P.A.): All guards report - to the prison yard immediatel. - Oh, no.

- Not Jerry.

- Seal all exits.



Vincent Espinal, captain of the guards.

Thanks for coming down.

What can you tell me?

Jerry Chapman, years old.

Looks like he jumped from the roof.

Not sure yet how he got up there.

Did anyone see him fall?

An inmate.

He's over there.

Lieutenant Arroyo.

What a surprise.



You know, I-I'm happy to assist on this.

I'm sure you'll want my full statement.

Yeah, why'd you do it?

I am a witness.

Did you see where he jumped from?

- Well, no.

- Not a very good witness, are you?

I saw him land, but I did not see him jump.

Suspicious, right?

I have a few thoughts.

Don't worry.

There will be an autopsy, and I will take exactly nothing you say into consideration.

Lieutenant Arroy...

Gilly, this was not a su1c1de.

I was in therapy with Jerry just a few hours ago.

All he could talk about was his impending freedom.

And lobster.

A man like that does not then go and k*ll himself, does he?


He doesn't.



Three of his fingernails are bent back, and there's surface abrasions, too.

All signs of a struggle from before he hit the ground.

I'm not ready to rule this a su1c1de.

Thank you.

Is that...

It is.

It's Martin Whitly.


Okay, I'm gonna play it cool.

Afternoon, Doctor.

Did you see, under his nails?

The trace amounts of debris?

It's most likely plaster, perhaps from a wall...

That he attempted to grab, as he...

Was pushed over the edge.

Don't approach the psychopath.

Oh, please, call me Martin.

Thrilled to have another physician here.

We should talk bone fragments.

Have you read the latest edition of The Lancet? Twice.

That piece on craniocerebral injuries?


I nearly spilled my chai.


He k*lled people.

Cop-Copy that.


I did my best, but she was definitely in interrogator mode.

Do you think she suspects something?


But be careful.

You're next.

I'll be fine.

It's easier for me to lie.

I don't actually remember anything.


it'd be nice to remember more from that night.

Not really.

You're lucky, Ains.

Okay, you're not gonna talk to me, but why can't I talk to Dad?

You said he knows.

What's the problem?

Well, he's a serial k*ller.

And it was a traumatic experience.

Your mind erased it for a reason.

You should focus on work, and forget it ever happened.

Glad you mentioned it.

You know how I've been wanting to get back in the studio?

Well, I need a big story, so, I was thinking "The Surgeon, Part Two." No, Ainsley, that's a horrible idea.


Is that... is that Gil?

Is there a story?

- Okay, here's the deal.

- Okay.

I'll let you in on this case if you stop asking about that night and you promise not to see Dad.

Okay, fine.


Hey, Gil.

There's been a m*rder at Claremont. - Your father's a witness.

- MARTIN: Malcolm?


Can't wait to work with you, my boy! Yes.


Come on.

Are you coming?

Let's go.


Okay, drink.

Chug, chug.


Let's go!

JESSICA: Great news!

I found it!

The Scotch you hid in my dollhouse?

Honey, no.

I drained that at your sweet .

The perfect rug for the living room!

Now you don't have to feel bad anymore.

It's a similar pattern.


- Um...

- Darling, are you okay?



Uh, slipped.

Uh, it looks great.

You've been so clumsy lately, like with the-the wine.

What... what kind of bottle was it again?

A Syrah.

Look, I've got to run.

- Mm?

- I'm on a story.

- Don't wait up, okay?

- (LAUGHING): Okay.

- Okay.

- Good luck.


So I found a set of antemortem bruises on Jerry's shoulders, which suggests he was shoved back before he was pushed.

This was a fight.

Someone was angry with him.

MARTIN (ON PHONE): Exactly what I was thinking. Is that...




had to call Dr.

Whitly to ask if he knew what angle our victim landed, and then we got to talking, and...

MARTIN: It's obvious, son. This was an inside job.

Not just inside Claremont, inside group therapy. I saw it all, clear as day.

Every single patient in our circle looked positively murderous as Jerry bragged about leaving. That's six good suspects. I'll have Mr.

David fax over the nam...
You need to make some new friends.

He may be onto something.

Jerry's release may have triggered abandonment anxiety in his fellow patients.

We all experience it when someone gets engaged or promoted instead of us.

Like my friend who...

kept posting photos of her wedding in the Galapagos.

It's like, "Yeah, we get it, Carly.

"You saw some turtles and you married my high school boyfriend.

Ugh." But, you know, I've seen plenty of turtles.

MARTIN: So, what's the plan?

Toss some cells?

Put the place in lockdown?

You know, we could always run down a few suspects, play, uh, good cop, bad cop...

predatory psychopath.

We're not here to discuss case strategy.

You're a witness.

Why can't I be a peer?

Why, you've shown so much affection to my son.

And my wife.

Why no love for the man who actually gave you your career?

Wait, wait.


Whitly, when Jerry was talking about leaving Claremont in group, you mentioned some patients exhibited stress responses.


- I'm gonna need a little more than that.

- MARTIN: So am I.

Come on.

A m*rder in Claremont?

Oh, this is the dream.

I want to help you.

I really, really do.

But, uh...

You know, I do not like these dynamics one bit.

I want to be part of the team.


We'll work together.

Now, - what did you witness in group therapy?

- MARTIN: I think three of my friends had acute stress responses.

Hector, uh, Burt and Friar Pete.


We'll go talk to them.

MARTIN: Oh, good luck with that.

It's taken Dr.

Marsh years to get those fellas to say even a few words about themselves.

What do you suggest?

So, my next group therapy session starts in an hour.

Now, today, Dr.

Marsh will invite a skilled profiler to discuss Jerry's case.

The two of us together, we'll get the truth out of them.

Come on.

It'll be fun!

What's your standing in this group?

- Do they respect you?

- They love me.

- They hate you, don't they?

- Definitely.


We can work with that.

You think we're gonna help the cops?

Nobody say nothing.

- I'm with Hector.

- I'm with God.

MARTIN: Okay, come on, now.

Look, let's...


let's give him a chance.

You know, he's, uh, he's one of us, after all, you know?

He understands our inner t*rture, uh...

Because he's a skilled profiler.

So I've heard.


This is Malcolm.

The son you're always talking about?

All good, I promise.


HECTOR: Dude got fired from the FBI.

Chopped a guy's hand off.

- Smashed his own with a hammer.


He's got a thing with hands?

HECTOR: Bro, you're crazier than me.


I'm not sure that's true, Hector.

You did gut your mother's boyfriend with a fire poker.

MARSH: Malcolm, we like to focus on positives here.

BRIGHT: Of course.

Okay, let's get down to it.

I'm here to catch a k*ller.



It's just, um, that tickled me, you know, because, um, your catching a k*ller didn't work out as a positive - for me.


- HECTOR: Yeah, Malc.

Calling the cops on your old man?

That's cold.

Probably hurt as bad as a fire poker in the gut, didn't it, Doc?

Oh, it stung.

MARSH: Guys, let's talk about Jerry.

Thank you, Dr.



Did Jerry ever...

BURT: I couldn't do that to my dad.

You must have really hated him.



I loved him.


I always wanted to be around him.

Learn from him.

I wanted to be just like my dad.

Until I found a girl in a box and realized he was a serial k*ller.

FRIAR PETE: That must have been confusing for you as a child.

It destroyed me.

He destroyed me.

MARTIN: My boy, you-you-you've got it all wrong.

Come on, you all... you all know me.

You know I'm a... a good man.

Son, I-I only wanted to share what was most important to me.

BRIGHT: I was a kid, and you showed me horrible, gruesome things, and-and then you wanted to talk about it.

It was the only way I could be close to you.

By listening to you.


Becoming you.

Let's-let's focus on the positives, son.

BRIGHT: There aren't any!

You wanted to turn me into a monster, a monster like you!




Maybe this was a bad idea.

How 'bout we take a break?

HECTOR: Don't be sorry, man.

Change comes with pain.

Jer used to say that.

FRIAR PETE: It's true.

He was on a righteous journey himself.

Cut too short.


were you upset to see him go?

HECTOR: You're asking the wrong question, Malc.

You want to find his k*ller, answer this: How'd Jerry get on the roof?

Did he have a key card on him?



HECTOR: You need a card to exit a secure area.

Only one card opens all the doors.

The gold card.




Marsh, who-who might have one of these elusive gold key cards?

I'm not gonna discuss that here.

Well, do you...

have one?

Correct me if I'm wrong, son, but it's not uncommon for therapists to have a savior complex.

What if Dr.

Marsh here couldn't stand that Jerry didn't need him anymore?

- You don't really think...

- No.

No, of course not.


I would like to see what color key card you have.

It's gold!

You k*lled Jerry!

- You k*lled Jerry!



- GUARD: Let's go!

- Up against the wall!


- You k*lled Jerry!

- MARSH: Get him off me.

- Come on, we got to get out of here.

Wait right there.

Down to the ground!



Espinal says you were issued a new key card an hour ago.

You told him you lost the old one.

Which is odd, because your old key card accessed multiple locations this morning.


It must have been stolen.

You're lying to us, Dr.


You have to understand.

I haven't had a successful patient outcome in years.

Jerry's release was my chance to show my therapy can work.

Maybe get a publication out of it.

DANI: Assuming Jerry told everyone that you cured him, not The Surgeon.

He agreed to lie.

In exchange...

He wanted a key card.

MARSH: Just for a few hours.

Uh, t-to say goodbye to friends.

You don't know what it's like in here.

We're prisoners, too.


Lieutenant Arroyo, is Dr.

Marsh under arrest?

Does this have anything to do with the death of Jerry Chapman?

No comment.


Please tell me you can do better.

Off the record, I don't think we have our guy.

So the k*ller's in there?


Along with a bunch of other K*llers.

I got to get back inside.

Malcolm, we need to talk.

It's about that night.

I know, it was bad.

Forgetting is good.


I remembered something.

Hey, hey, not-not here.

A knife.

And blood.

A lot of blood.

On my hands, even.

Yeah, there was blood.


And then you tried to save him, so it got on you, too.

- I-I got to get back inside.

- Wait.

You're the only one I can share this with.

You're the only one who knows the truth.

I'm sorry, Ains.

We'll talk about this later.

I promise.

Right now, I have to go talk to Dad.


You and me both.

To think Dr.

Marsh would let Jerry borrow his key card.

- Well, question is...

- Do we believe his story?


What if Jerry said no to his madcap scheme?

What if he threatened to go to the warden?

That'd definitely be motive.

(CHUCKLES): Oh, man, we are cooking with gas.

Oh, you were amazing in group.

You know, the two of us playing off each other.

I hate you, I love you.

Right out of Inside the Actors Studio. (CLEARS THROAT)


You keep glancing at this.

You're trying to be subtle, but your optokinetic reflexes give you away.

It's a shiny object.


What lion doesn't dream of the savanna?


Nobody escapes from a cell like this.

Come on.

What is it?

Is something else bothering you?


Ainsley's started to remember things.

About that night.


What are you gonna do?



Espinal found a tape of Jerry using a gold key card to enter the fourth-floor library just before he was k*lled.

So Marsh was telling the truth.

And your suspects just doubled.

Why, what's on the fourth floor?

Well, that's Ward Z.

The women's ward.

Oh, it's a magical place, I hear.

There's a women's ward?


We should go.


It's nice?

Smells like lavender.

- Hmm.

- Lemon verbena, actually.

BRIGHT: Good to know.

And you are?



Look, we keep this zone locked up.

Jerry should never have been here.

I think Jerry would agree with you.

There are scratch marks on the frame.

Pretty sure they match the color of the paint chips Edrisa found under Jerry's fingernails.

Looks like we found our crime scene.

So, he came up here to say goodbye to someone.

And within five minutes, was pushed out this window.

I'm guessing the farewell didn't go as planned.

Except the library was closed.

Closed doesn't mean empty.

Andre, - who else has access?

- Admin, us guards, a cleaning crew.

Who's on the cleaning crew?

Female inmates.

Four of 'em.

BRIGHT: That's it.

One of those women was not happy that Jerry was leaving her.

You think he had a girlfriend?

It fits the profile.

Romantic abandonment can turn to psychotic jealousy fast.

But it would have to be someone who's stuck here for a long time.

Andre, how well do you know these four women?

- Any lifers?

- All but Carla.

She's due to be released next month.


We can rule her out.


We are already down to three.

Anyone over ?

- No.

- Uh, any with a history of v*olence?

- All of 'em.

- Physical prowess.

Who could push Jerry out that window?

Well, Mariana is six, three.

She's real crazy.

Sounds like a good suspect.


Strength is good, but height is bad.

Jerry's ego would still be bruised after his last psychotic episode.

He would want to feel like the alpha.

So we can rule her out, too.

Who's left?

ANDRE: Rhonda and Ming.

They're average-sized ladies.

Should we do "eeny meeny miney mo"?


I'm just shocked you haven't gotten it down - to one yet.

- Who says I haven't?

My father said that Jerry could not stop talking about lobster.

But he's from Kentucky, so where did his love of crustaceans come from?

Come on.

They can't possibly be...


Andre, - where's Ming from?

- Midwest, I think?

Rhonda's from Maine.


You got a suspect from lobster?

Well, I could have asked about early childhood trauma and how it leads to insecure-resistant attachment style, but what's the fun in that?

(BUZZER SOUNDS) JESSICA: Before you say anything perverse, this is not a social call. - It is about our children. - (DOOR CLOSES)

A co-parenting inquiry?

Even better.

Lay it on me, Jess.

If you spilled a random bottle of wine months ago, would you remember the exact vintage?

No, you wouldn't. Unless it was a story you had rehearsed a thousand times.

That's what I thought.

Well, happy to help. Uh, may I inquire what I'm helping with?

Grandma Milton's favorite rug. The one that Ataturk gave her.

Malcolm and Ainsley threw it out.

And they have this perfect cover story. I know that tone, darling.

Very .

A little paranoid,
aren't we?

What am I doing?

They wouldn't confide in you anyway.


Wouldn't they?


Try me, Jess. Ask me what you're too afraid to ask.



The night the rug got ruined.


It was the night that Nicholas Endicott disappeared.

That's not a question.

Ask... the question.

I can't.

Good, because it's ridiculous.

Do you really think your children k*lled him?

And then, what, wrapped his body in the ru...

(LAUGHING): In the rug and shipped him to Estonia?

(CACKLES) Okay, okay.


Perhaps I was letting myself get a little carried away.

Well, don't beat yourself up too much. They are my children, too, after all.

Apples don't fall that far from the tree.


Ooh, got to run.

Uh, let's do this again next time you suspect our children of arson or grand theft auto.

- Bye now. - (HANGS UP)


My dear girl.

It's been too long.


Rhonda Young?

I'm here to talk about Jerry Chapman.

Just leave me alone.

I know this is hard.

You loved him.

You must be in pain.

You have no idea.

He was good to me.

Real good.

It's all my fault.

What did you do, Rhonda?


That's the problem.

I should have done more.

He was scared.

Who was Jerry scared of?

Another inmate.

He wanted to escape.

Jerry refused to help, but this guy wouldn't let up.

Wouldn't take no.

He's terrifying.

Do you know his name?

They call him The Surgeon.


What the hell are you doing here?

Well, she's my daughter, Malcolm.

Is there some reason why the two of us can't catch up?

AINSLEY: I needed someone to talk to about my memory, and you wouldn't listen.

He's the only other person who knows.

Well, you can't talk to him.


I can't talk to him, I can't talk to you.

This is insane.

I feel like I'm going insane.

You're not, I promise.

What aren't you telling me?

He k*lled Jerry.

Is that the official position of the NYPD?

- It's not a news story.

- Or true.

If I can get a second source to confirm it, I'm running it.

And for the record, I don't know which one of you is lying.






Wow, this family.

I mean, everyone's on a hunt for the truth.

Do you need an antacid?

I feel like I need an antacid.

You can drop the act.

We spoke to Jerry's girlfriend, Rhonda.

She told us everything.

Dani's talking to Espinal.

You're going back into Solitary.

You weren't dreaming of the wild.

You wanted to escape.

And Jerry wouldn't help you, so you k*lled him.

One: Uh, while escape sounds lovely, I'm chained to a wall, remember?

Um, two: Who's Rhonda?

And three: Jerry nearly fell on me.

How could I have pushed him?

No, but you could have manipulated someone to do it.

- Oh.

- Remember Tevin?

- John Watkins?

- Honestly, son, everything you're describing sounds like a whole lot of hard work.

You're a psychopath.

You don't care who you lie to, who you hurt or k*ll.

I knew it.

I-I knew it.

Your little breakdown in group wasn't just for show.

You really feel that way about me.

Because I can't trust you!

I should never have come today.

It's exactly what you wanted.

Oh, oh, this is what I wanted?


Oh, that is...

that is the single dumbest profile in the history of profiles.

Because if I really were the cold-blooded psychopath you think I am...

I would hate you.

Oh, not for any of this.

No, no, no.

No, for destroying my life.

years ago, you turned me in!

Your own father!

You ruined me!

And your mother!

And you ruined her!

But that's not me.

Also, I wouldn't k*ll Jerry, because you're very good at this.

You'd solve the crime, and you'd never come back.

Why would Rhonda try to pin this on you?

Have you ever met her?


But celebrities...

You know, they're easy targets.

It's the burden we bear.

This felt personal.

What did you do to Rhonda, specifically?

You cured Jerry.

You're the reason he was being released.

You stole her love from her.

Tell me about Rhonda Young.

She and Jerry were an item?

She's a patient of mine, but I didn't know about Jerry. I thought she had another boyfriend. GIL: Another boyfriend? MARSH: She's been hinting about him in our sessions. He didn't sound like a patient. More like one of the guards on that wing. His name's Andre.

Lieutenant Arroyo?

Make sure you watch out for the expl*sive rage.

- From Andre?

- No.

From Rhonda.



Come on.

Be reasonable.

I didn't k*ll Jerry.


We don't need to go to Solitary, Mr. David.


I'm actually innocent this time.

Mr. David.

Rhonda's escaped, but she's still in the building.

I think she's coming for my father.

Let's get him back to the cell.

Thank you.

That's odd.

BRIGHT: This must be Rhonda.

She stole the guard's keycard.

Clever girl.

Oh, yeah, this is a good place for a m*rder.

Now, when you find your place, you just want to go back there again and again.

Like a good restaurant.

Please, shut up.

Dani, we're in the basement.

I'm thinking Rhonda's down here, too.

Send backup and I'll try to...


(WHISPERING): Think that was her?



- Stay here.

- Wait.

Take that.











I'm The Surgeon's son.

He's down here.

He's coming.


You had me spooked there.

It's best you learn now nobody's coming for you.







So is it true?

He really your old man?

Well, he left you here to die.



Like Jerry left me.


- Figures.

MARTIN: Rhonda, don't hurt him.


Don't hurt him.

That's right.

It's your turn.

Okay, Rhonda, please.

He has to know.


I'm sorry.

I made a mistake, okay?

I-I was just so excited to-to solve a case with you.

I was having such a good time, I-I didn't want it to end.

- What are you talking about?

- Well, this is years of complex father-son relations.

You know?

It's a little context-dependent, I admit, but, uh...

you see, um...


I meant every word of it, son.

Best day ever.

Drop the w*apon.

And it's only getting better.


Oh, nicely done, Dani.

Did you see that?

We got her.

Oh, you, me, and my new friend Dani.

Put your hands on me again, Dr. Whitly, - and I'll blow your head off.

- Noted.

Oh, what a thrill!

Ah, the skulking, the v*olence, the banter...

I can see why you like it so much.

Oh, and the best part: Rhonda, you're under arrest.

You have the right to remain silent.

- Don't do that.

Stop talking.

- - ...

- Take her back to her cell.

- Copy that.

Let's go.

- Thank you for saving us.

- You're welcome.

I'll take this.

Of course.


What are you wearing?

Oh, this.

Well... it's for stealth.


I'm really pulling it off, I think.

JESSICA: So let's get started. I've had a bit of a day.

What happened?

Seemed like you were having fun with Hans.


Yes, I was.

But then I went down a rabbit hole that I never should have gone down.

I actually thought...

It's crazy to say, but I actually thought that you might have k*lled Nicholas Endicott.


I called your father to discuss the possibility, which, of course, only made me more paranoid.

I can't ♪ ♪ See it... ♪ And then there was that whole fiasco with the rug.

I have to admit I spent the whole afternoon tearing this place apart looking for... (GRUNTS)

I don't know.

Evidence, I guess.

But I found nothing. Of course you didn't.


And then I saw it. You missed a spot.


what happened to Nicholas Endicott?

I k*lled him.

You're lying.

I'm just, uh...

trying to protect the family.


Believe me.

So I was the last one out of bed... ♪ It was Ainsley, wasn't it?

MARTIN: When you see your victim's blod for the first time, it's exhilarating, like touching down in Oz. Everything's suddenly in color. JESSICA: She m*rder*d him. No more lies.

Tell me.

She doesn't know.

She doesn't remember anything.


you can't tell her.


I don't...

We might lose her.

Finally ♪ ♪ Finally.JESSICA: Get him out of here. AINSLEY: Mom?

It's just me.

Um, I had a bad dream.

Oh, uh, sure.

Come, yes, come.

Yeah, it's warm.

♪ MAN: Greg, move your head.