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01x17 - The Disappeared

Posted: 01/30/21 19:06
by bunniefuu
[gulls squawking]

[wondrous music]

[TIEs roaring]


[distant crackling]

[upbeat music]

Ahem. Let me guess.

This is your attempt to send a message to the Resistance.

Is it that obvious?


It's obvious this isn't gonna work.


The First Order's communications blanket is way too strong for that... thing.


Thanks, BB-8.

I'm glad someone believes in my skills.

Prepare to be proven wrong, Yeager.

Watch this.

[loud screeching]


Wrong button.

It's this one.

Poe Dameron.

Kaz to Poe Dam-- I mean, Lone Wolf.

Code name Lone Wolf.

Do you read?

Lone Wolf, come in.

[Poe] Yeah, I read.

You guys really have been trying to reach me, haven't you?

Whoa! The signal is so clear!

See, Yeager? What'd I tell you?

I am a genius... [sighs]

How's it going, kid?




Heya, buddy. Good to see you, too.

So, Kaz, is that ridiculous contraption supposed to contact me?


[electricity sizzles]


[heroic fanfare]

Poe! What-- how did you get on board the Colossus?

There are TIE fighters and stormtroopers everywhere.

Yeah, I know. Getting in was the easy part.


Anyway, looks like some things have changed around here since I last heard from you.

You can say that again.

I've been trying to get you my reports, but the First Order's blocked all communications.

Well, checking in with you is only half the reason I'm here.

We've got a big mission ahead of us.

BB-8, you ready to come home with me?


You're-you're taking BB-8?

I've just gotten orders from General Organa.

We're leaving tomorrow for Jakku.

I need BB-8 on this one.

But what about our mission here?

CB-23 will help you out.

I have her back in my X-wing. We just need to switch off.

Poe, you were right to send me here.

The First Order's planning something, and the Colossus is just a small part of it.

[TIEs roaring]

All right, kid.

I'm interested.

Let's see what you've got.

[hologram chimes]

The First Order's been moving tons of fuel through here.

So then what do they want the Colossus for?

It's not exactly the biggest refueling station in the galaxy.

I thought about that.

They want it so the Resistance can't have it.

It's the last stop before the Unknown Regions.

It's crucial for any fleet needing to fuel up.

Fleet? What are you talking about?

Kaz has some new intel for you.

Something's happening in this sector of the Unknown Regions... right here.

Well, I'm short on time, but General Organa doesn't like surprises.

Let's you and me jump out there and check it out.

Really? That would be great.

But how are we gonna get off the Colossus without the First Order noticing?

I have an idea.

It's a crazy idea, but just might work.

Oh, no, you're not thinking of pulling a Widowmaker, are you?



I'm not even married.

Given how dangerous this will be, that's probably a good thing.

[mysterious music]

[ominous music]

OK, first, put her down on this cargo ship.

We're gonna ride that thing out of here until we clear their scan.

[engines roar]

[dramatic music]

All right.

Did you ever think about painting this in a less conspicuous color?

Well, it's a racer.

Not really a combat craft.

OK, next, we drop off at the precise moment.

Why aren't you piloting this thing?

You know this ship better than me.

Besides, rumor still has it you're the greatest pilot in the galaxy.


OK, get ready.

Keep it steady.


OK, hit it!

[engines rumbling]

[engines sputtering]

Start the engines, Kaz!



I'm trying. I'm trying!

[engines popping]


Anytime now, Kaz!




Can we just get a little closer, Kaz?


Good to see you too, CB-23.

[controls beeping]

You ready for this?

I am.

Not sure about the Fireball.


BB-8's right.

With him backing you up, you got nothing to worry about.

-[beeps] -You're right.

Let's do this.

[engines whooshing]

[engines roaring]

-[controls chirping] -[clacking]

OK, that's not right.

What? I'm not detecting anything.

[Poe] Exactly.

Looks like there was a system here, but there's no star.

CB-23, can you confirm?


Somehow, this system's sun has disappeared.


[foreboding music]

Those planetoids-- what could have done that?

It's intact.

Not decimated like you'd expect from a w*apon strike.

So the planets have been cored out?

That's gotta be the First Order, right?

But why?



If they needed it for resources, why'd the leave the core behind?

[engines whooshing]


This one's been cored perfectly.


Let's get a closer look.

Why would someone do this?

Patience, kid.

That's what we're gonna find out.


[controls beeping]

[dramatic music]

What is that?


Yeah, I see it.

It's a gravity well.

Try and boost your thrusters and turn around.

We gotta get out of here.

[controls blaring]

I-I can't. I'm boosting, and nothing's happening!

Too late. We're caught.

Try and ride it out.

[engines sputtering]



I know, I know.


I've got no control! I-I've got no thrust!

Don't fight it, Kaz. Steer into it.

Are you crazy?


But trust me, just go with it.

OK, you heard the man, BB-8.

We're going with it.

Reroute all power to stabilizers.

[engines roar]

[dramatic music]


Whoa! I can't believe we're alive.


Poe. I'm picking up some sort of signal.

It's faint, but I think it's coming from that moon up ahead.

Should we check it out?

Good idea.

We better investigate.

[mysterious music]

Oh, looks like some sort of... settlement.

[controls beep]

Well, the air seems breathable.

Let's land and check it out.

[engines whirring]

[sinister mechanical pulsing]

Take this. Just don't vaporize your foot.


It's so cold here, I don't think I'd feel it.

CB, stay with the ships.

Make sure they're ready in case we need to make a quick getaway.



Village looks old.

Wonder who lived here?

They're gone now. Hard to say how long ago.

-[blaster fires] -[grunts]

-Be careful, Kaz. -Ugh.

Exploring ruins would be easier in the daytime.

What happened here?


What kind of place is this?

Looks like a temple of some kind.

You see stuff like this scattered throughout the Outer Rim.

Relics of a bygone era.

Look at all the blaster fire.

It's like the whole place was under attack.

Whoever did this wiped them out.

They wanted them eradicated.

I get the feeling we're being watched.

Get ready, Kaz.

We might have some company.

[whispering] Hey. Psst. Hey!

Keep focused, and have that blaster ready.

Right. Focused. Focused.


I know. Everything is destroyed.

What could have done this?

[whispering] Hey! Hey.

I'm-I'm focused.

I'm focused!

J-j-j-- get over here.

It's a probe.

[probe whirring]

Get down!

-[loud clanging] -[grunts]

[blaster fire]

Kids. It's got kids!

BB-8, make sure the mother doesn't get away.


I'll help. [grunts]

[tensing coil bounces]


Hang in there, BB!


[Kazuda] Don't worry.

I got it. I got it!


BB-8, get this thing to hold still.


Kaz, which droid are you sh**ting at?

[grunts] Whoa!

[probe warbles]

[triumphant music]

I got it? [laughs]

Ha ha. I got it!

[probe chittering]

I knew you'd sh**t the right one.


Well, took a little practice.


What is that thing?

What's it doing here?

I don't know.

I've never seen anything like this.


[TIEs roaring]

I'm starting to think it was First Order.

Probe must've sent a distress call.

[blaster fire]

-[beeps] -Yes, BB. We're in trouble.

CB-23, get ready for takeoff.


[engines roaring]

[dramatic music]

-Yes! -[TIEs roaring]

Kaz, let's move.

Good work, CB-23.

-[beeps] -No time, BB-8.

We'll swap you and CB later.

Our last mission together can't be our last mission ever!

[TIEs roaring]

[blaster fire]

Now, come on. Head for the core.

Seriously? Those gravity currents almost ripped me apart-- oh, right!

Come on, Kaz, keep up.

Uh, I think I've got this.

[controls beeping]

[ship rattling]

Yes, it's working!

[TIEs roaring]


All right, let's take red dog down.

[blaster fire]

Phew! I think that did the trick.

[uplifting music]

Now, swing around.

We need to pull off a droid swap.

Droid swap? Oh. Right.


I guess this is it, then.

I couldn't have done any of this without you.

I'm really gonna miss you, BB-8.


I know.

We'll see each other again soon.

On my mark.

It was fun, CB. Hopefully, I'll see you soon.

Take care of Kaz for me.

-[beeps] -[beeps]

[both beep]

[dramatic music]

-Welcome back, buddy! -[beeps]

Well, I gotta get started on that mission for General Leia.

Hoo, boy, I'll have one heck of a report for her when I get back.

Poe, can I ask you a question?

Yeah, make it quick, kid.

Um... just how am I supposed to get back on the Colossus?

CB-23 will tell you. She knows how.


Bye, kid.

[thrusters click]

Bye, Poe.

[controls beep]

[engines thundering]

[TIEs roaring]

Ugh. Both tri-manifolds are out of sync on this bucket.


No, I mean this bucket, Bucket, not... ugh, never mind.

Where's Kaz anyway?

When there's work to be done, he's curiously nowhere to be found.

Who are you talking about? Me?

Kaz? Where did you come from?

And I mean just now, not biologically.

And where's the Fireball?

Oh. It's docked below.

I just took it out for a spin.

But the First Order has us on lockdown.

Seriously. What did you see out there?

Whatever I thought the First Order was capable of, it's much worse.

Um, who is this new droid?


Oh, CB-23.

She's with me.

But what happened to BB-8?

Oh. He needed some minor repairs.

That's where I was-I, uh, I took him to a repair shop on Takodana.

CB-23 is on loan until BB-8 comes back.

Aww. I am going to miss my small round friend.

We were bonding quite nicely.

He'll be back.

Look, I promised CB-23 I'd show her around, right, CB?


See you guys later.

What's going on, Yeager?

It's none of your concern, Tam.


So you're saying Kaz sneaks off with the Fireball, doing who knows what, then mysteriously reappears with a new rollie, and I'm not even allowed to question it?

Tam, there are certain things you just wouldn't understand.

[scoffs] Yeah. Because you won't let me.

-[beeping] -I don't know, CB-23.

Whatever happened out there, anyone could be next.

We all could be in deep, deep trouble.

[TIEs roaring]

[heroic fanfare]

[theme music playing]