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01x15 - The New Trooper

Posted: 01/30/21 19:05
by bunniefuu

[soft music]

[engine roaring]

What do you mean, I can't purchase passage on a shuttle?

-[chatters] -Why not?


The First Order is locking down the station?


-[chatters] -[sighs]


This makes things more difficult.

[suspenseful music]

That is the fourth TIE fighter to arrive here this week.

Fifth. Ah, yes.

Of course, you are correct, Kaz.

You have such a tremendous interest in the First Order.

Now that they are increasing their security presence on the Colossus, you must be thrilled!

If "thrilled" is code for "nauseated," then yes, Neeku, I'm extremely thrilled.


Oh, from excitement, no doubt!

Tam, have you seen Synara lately?

No, she's been keeping to herself.

Wonder what's going on.

So happy to have you here on the Colossus!


What's wrong with people?

Can't they see the First Order are the bad guys?

Bad guys?

They saved Torra from pirate kidnappers.

We need better security here!

These guys aren't security.

They're stormtroopers, and stormtroopers are only for one thing, w*r.


Show us your identification.

Oh, right, yes.

I-- I have it.

I-- wait, just-- just a minute.

We don't have all day.

I-- I must have left it back in my domicile.

Just-- just let me--

[stammers, grunts]

Arrest him.


You have something to say, citizen?

Maybe this is the spy we're looking for.

[dramatic music]

[exciting music]

What's your name, citizen?

Me? Oh uh... [chuckles]

I'm-- I'm just another resident. No one special.

Answer the question.

Oh, uh, I, um...

He is just nervous to meet you, stormtrooper, sir, because he so greatly admires the First Order!

His name is Kazuda Xiono, he works with us in Jarek Yeager's Repair Station in Quadrant 3.27, and he has a--

Oh, oh--I have it!

My identification!

See, I-- I just needed some time to find it.

This all appears to be in order.

Move along.

Hey, where'd he go?


Did you have to tell them all about me?

Kaz, they are only looking for spies.

What do you have to fear?

At least you bought that guy some time to find his identification.

See what I mean about the First Order?

Look, they're just doing their job.

This is what Captain Doza wants.

[ominous music]

Maybe you're right.

I have concerns your troops believe their authority supersedes mine.

The Colossus is my platform, Pyre.

Don't forget that.

Of course, Captain Doza, and our peacekeeping forces are simply doing what you agreed to, helping to keep your station secure.

Your forces are here only until these pirates are dealt with.

This is for the safety of your family and constituents.

You need us, Doza. Don't forget that.

Perhaps Commander Pyre is correct, sir.

The Colossus has never been safer than it is now.


But at what cost?

[engine roaring]

We have to get a message out to the Resistance.

It can't wait any longer.

This First Order occupation is too much.

Come on. Let's talk in private.

[intercom chatter]


Kaz, we can't transmit any new messages.

It's too risky.

By now, the First Order is tracking everyone's communications.

But this is a full-on occupation, Yeager!

We have to do something!

No. We wait until Poe contacts you.

Otherwise, you risk getting outed as a spy, and that could get us all in trouble.

[door whooshes]

[foreboding music]


Someone's here.

Kaz! Yeager!

I just arrived to find these stormtroopers looking for you, so I let them inside!

Great. Thanks, Neeku.

No need to thank me.

We want to talk to you. We have questions.

Of course. Happy to help.

Not you. Him.

Me? You--you want to talk to me?

We're looking for a spy on board this station.

That's... crazy.

A spy? What-- what kind of spy?

I mean, I don't know of any spies, personally, but if I meet any--

Intel suggests that pirates may have placed a spy.

Oh! Oh, uh, right.

Wait. A-- a pirate spy, here?

How could there be a pirate spy here?

So why Kaz? He's clearly no pirate.

Security holograms show him lurking close to the tower the night of Torra Doza's abduction.

Now, hold on.

I was the one that warned Captain Doza!

Yes, you and a salvage operator named Synara San.

We are looking for her as well.

[radio beeps, warbles]

What's that?

They did?

On level three?

[radio chatter]

All right. Copy that.

Come on, we've got to go. We've got a lead.

You-- do not leave this hangar until you are further notified.

Let's get moving.

Kaz, I'm only going to tell you once, stay out of this.

Keep your head down until things cool off.

Trust me.

Of course. I wasn't planning on doing anything, Yeager.

All right, fine, Glem.

I'll work the night shift tonight.

Just prepare those containers ahead of time, OK?



So what should I do, BB-8?

Tell her I know she's a pirate spy?


Yeah, that's probably a bad idea.

We need to find out what she's up to--


-[beeping] -[shushing]



[dramatic music]


A little faster, pal.

We're losing her!




Kragan, have you not received my messages?

You have to get me off this station!

You had your chance to leave, Synara, and you did not take it.

I swear, if you back out of your promise--

Now that the First Order has betrayed us, we cannot even get within five kilometers of the Colossus.

You're on your own.

Get out of there, and we can arrange a pickup.

Ah! [grunts]

[suspenseful music]

Let me go! I didn't do nothing! Ah!

I got my rights!


You're under arrest for loitering past curfew.

-Now move! -Ahh!


I know, buddy. Things are getting out of control.

How long have you been working on this platform?


We're gonna need to take this.

-[chattering] -Hey!

Step away!


If the First Order finds out about Synara...

We gotta do something, BB-8.


Why wouldn't we help her?

-[beeps] -OK, sure.

She helped Torra get kidnapped.

But don't forget, she also helped rescue her, and she protected the Colossus from that sea monster!


As--as a friend! I like her as a friend.




[suspenseful music]


Trust me, pal. She'll want our help.

I gotta warn her.

-[smack] -[grunts, groans] Kaz!

What was that for?

Oh, I am so sorry!

I didn't know it was you!

I've just been... on edge.


What are you doing here?

Oh, uh... [sniffs]

I just-- I just wanted to chat about, uh... things.


Yeah, things like, um... food.


Well, let's just say someone-- not me-- discovered that there was some food onboard that could... make everyone sick.

But I like that food, and I want to-- want to help it.

We're not talking about food, are we?

[stormtrooper] Check in here.

Find out if anyone has more intel on the spy.


[distant chatter]

I heard the First Order is looking for some pirate food.

So it'd probably be best for that food to get off the Colossus.

Right now.

Have you seen this person?


That's Synara San.

She was just over there.

She might've gone to the metal yard.

Split up. Set blasters to stun.

[mischievous music]


[Synara] Ow! Hey!

Your best bet is sneaking onto a cargo ship.

Now, I'm going to wheel you right into the hold.

You can get off on Takodana.

Why are you helping me?

You might be a pirate, but I know you're a good person.

Now, stay down, or we're all caught.



[tense music]

[suspenseful music]

[creaks, clatters]

OK, BB, bypass the security system, and get that door open.


We'll have you out of here in no time, Synara.

-Kaz. -Shh...

No time for sensitive goodbyes.

Just get as far away from here as you can.

"Sensitive goodbyes"?

What are you talking about?

Oh, uh...

Just get as far away from here as you can, Synara.

[alarm blaring]


BB-8, what are you doing?


Yeah, no kidding, it has an alarm system!


We'll lead them away.

You hide in the storage compartment.

The pilot will be here any minute!

Kaz, thank you... for everything.



[stormtrooper] This way!

[dramatic music]

Oh, no.



[dramatic music]




You came back for us?

Hurry, before they wake up. Come on!

Are you crazy?

You're supposed to be gone!

And you're not supposed to get arrested by the First Order.

Come on! Back to the shuttles!

See, BB? Told you so.



[engines whirring]


All of the ships have launched.

Is there any other way off the Colossus?

Uh, not that I know of.

Wait, there is one guy who can help you escape.

He knows this platform like the back of his hand!

The back of my hand and the station do not appear to have anything in common.

Perhaps I should look further. Hmm.

It's a figure of speech, Neeku.

I still do not understand.

I look at the hallway, I look at my hand, I look at the hallway, I look at my ha-- hallway--hand-- hall-hand--

Neeku, just focus!

Synara needs to sneak off the station.


Why would she need to sneak off of the station, Kaz?

She should simply go through Admissions, like everyone else.

Can you just... not ask questions for once, Neeku?

Let me put it to you this way.

The stormtroopers don't like people like me.

Oh, I think I understand, Synara.

My Great Grand-Nikto told me about the Empire.

There were stories of the stormtroopers not being very nice to our people.

But you are nice to me, so I will help you.

Great, Neeku.

So how do we sneak her off this station?

"Sneak," yes.

Sneak. Sneak.

Hmm, sneak. You could...


Or you could try-- no.

Or you might be able to...

[groans, gasps] No. Definitely not.

-Well, maybe you could-- -Come on, Neeku!

We need an escape!

Escape? Of course!

Why didn't you say so?

The escape pods are underwater, so you will be able to sneak while you escape!

[intercom chatter]

The spy's name is Synara San.

Seal all exits.

Check every quadrant of this station.

She can't hide for long.


OK, which way now, Neeku?

This way... to the turbolift!

-There's the spy! Stop! -[weapons firing]

Wait. Synara is the pirate spy?

We'll explain everything later, Neeku, I promise!

We need a distraction!

Distraction. Hmm.


-[grunting] -[creaks]


This way!

Wow. Your friend is really brave.

Yeah. Yeah, he is.

BB-8, take care of him.



I hope Neeku will be safe.

As long as BB-8's with him, he'll be fine.

[mischievous music]


[dramatic music]



What in the...

Hey! After him!


[light music]


[clears throat]

-[chatters] -Whoa!

Oh, sorry.


Uh... what's wrong?


Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

I'm sure you'll get it back soon enough.



[dramatic music]

Only one left.

Oh, I hope it still works.


[clanks, whirs]


The stormtroopers will be heading down here.

We don't have much time.

I want to thank you, Kaz.

Being here has opened my eyes to so many things.

I wish things would have worked out differently, Synara.

[beeps, air hisses]


Ow! Aww...


Do you need a hand with that?

[grunting] No!

No, I've got it.

By the way, good luck... with your "food."

[creaks, clanks]

[somber music]

Goodbye, Synara.


[dramatic music]

We're too late, sir.


[electronic warbling]

[echoing tone]


Kragan, I made it out.

Sending you coordinates for pickup.

[dramatic music]

Where have you been?

I heard you went looking for Synara.

Oh, um, Synara had to leave.

She was very... uncomfortable with the First Order being here.

Uncomfortable with the First Order?

They're just protecting the platform.

I figured she would have at least said goodbye.


[breathless] Kaz...Kaz...

They didn't get a good look at me!

I think... I will pass out now.




[tense music]



[dramatic music]

Never thought you'd make it off the station, Synara.

Looks like you're ready to come home.

Yes. More than ever, Kragan.

More than ever...


[engine roaring]

[exciting music]

[theme music playing]