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01x08 - The Platform Classic

Posted: 01/30/21 17:42
by bunniefuu
[Imanuel] Yeager, the next pirate attack could come at any moment.

I need those cannons operational within three hours. Or else.

Why worry about a few turbolasers when you have your Ace Squadron protecting us?

I'm sending all of the Aces out to escort an important supply shipment.

And with the increasing threat of pirate raids...

Understood, Doza. We'll have those cannons working in no time.

I have my top engineer on it.

[objects clattering]

[Neeku] This is bad!

-Extraordinarily bad! -[computer sparking]

We are going to need a CoMar Tri-Tracker chip, an extremely rare component!

Where are we gonna find a military-grade chip on such short notice?

Odds of finding one here, slim to absolutely impossible!

Alright, Doza needs this finished fast.

Tam and Kaz, you're on it.

Find that part and don't tell anyone what it's for.

This project is top secret.

That means you too, Neeku.

Especially you, Neeku.

Not a word to anyone.

That's why you're gonna stay here and keep working, quietly.

-But what about my meal brea-- -Shh!

[muffled] My lips are sealed!

Oh yeah, sure. You know, I got five of those chips.

Yeah, yeah, and six of these hyperdrive cores.

And a crateful full of kyber crystals.

Wow! You do?

[Gorg whimpers]


Of course not, you idiot.

[laughing] You think we have five of those chips?

We barely have five credits for lunch.


Where do you get all this junk anyway?

The scavengers.

They're always hauling in derelicts and scrap from the bottom of the ocean.

Yeah, y'know, they might have the part, but, y'know, good luck getting it from 'em at a decent price.

Kyber crystals! [guffaws]

You know something, we may be in luck.

-[forklift beeping] -[droid chittering]

Hey, you really think we're gonna find what we need down here?

I'm not sure.

But, I have a friend who works as a scavenger.

Maybe they can help us find the part we need.

[Synara] That's mine!

Eh, fight me for it.


[Tamara] Mm.

Let me guess. That's your friend.

Yeah. Uh [chuckles] that's her.

[heroic fanfare]

Her name is Synara.

She's the survivor we registered a while back.

Hm, looks like she's fitting in rather nicely.

Now remember, we're looking for a CoMar Tri-Tracker chip.

Just let me do the talking. She's obviously kind of dangerous.

I'll handle the danger.

Be my guest.


[droid murmurs]

Oh, uh, Kaz, right?

Yeah. Hey, you remember. That's great.

What do you need?

Yeah, uh, me and Tam here, we're looking for a, uh, a Tri...

A, uh, A Tri... guide--

We're looking for a CoMar Tri-Tracker chip, but it needs all three ports intact.

And connector couplets, if you have spares.

-Yes! That! -Hm.

Seems you really know your stuff.

Yeah, gotta keep that, uh, coupling safe, right?


Ah. These are pretty rare.

Military hardware like this is usually dismantled before we even get them on the deck.

Someone down here may have salvaged some old military wreckage, a VF-72 gunner ship or an old Y-Wing.

Do you mind checking for us?

Hm. I'll see what I can find.

Wait here.

Thanks! We'll take the housing if you've got it.

But nothing more.

[Synara] Got it!

Hey, I thought I was handling this.

I see what you're handling, and you're not doing a very good job at that either.

You are in luck. This is the only one we have left.

Must have been pulled from a sunken battle cruiser before the sea water corroded everything.

-Will it work? -Yeah, perfect.

What do you need a tracking chip for?

Our boss. He's crazy for this old stuff. [chuckles] Loves this stuff.

-He's a big collector of-- -Stuff?

Thanks. You can charge the credits to Yeager's Repairs.

-Consider it done. -Thanks, Synara.

-If you need anything-- -Goodbye, Kaz.

I can't believe how fast she found that chip!

She really knows her tech.

Yeah, who knew?

I really don't know that much about her. She's a bit of a mystery.

[beeping sarcastically]

You don't trust her?

Well... I'm not sure I trust her either, but she did help us out.

-You get that part? -Yeah, boss.

Lucky, right?

Good job. Now get to it.

Neeku, take a break, but not a word to anyone.

[muffled] Yes, Yeager, sir.

I'll be back. No one comes in. No friends, no customers. Understood?

[muffled] Understood. [mumbles]


So, what is wrong with the tracking system?



How goes the mission?

Enjoying your new home?

-[chuckles] -Don't mock me, Drell.

I need to speak with Kragen, immediately.

I need those cannons online within the hour.

Look, now, that's impossible.

I have all the necessary parts, but getting it installed is a whole other thing.

I can't afford to have the Colossus defenseless.

Pirate strategies have been changing.

What do you mean?

They're better prepared. They have better equipment.

They seem to have more resources.

I don't know how. But the truth is, even when our defenses are fully operational, we're barely hanging on.

All right, Doza, we'll find a way to have all those turrets up by hour's end.

That's a promise.

Synara. What have you got for me?

I'm not positive, but I believe the tracking system on the anti-aircraft cannons are down.

Which would mean if the Aces leave, the platform would be defenseless.

My thoughts exactly.

Get me the confirmation. And I'll make the necessary preparations.

[drill whirring]

-[gasps] -[muffled speech]

Neeku, you're more annoying making those sounds than actually talking!

[muffled speech]

Mmmph. Mmmph!

This is just ridiculous. Talk already.

[muffled word] Oh, thanks.

We have a visitor.

Synara! Hey!

Nice to see you. Um...

Hey, uh, how are you?

We're, uh, just, um, [squeaky chuckle] you know, relaxing. -Mm-hmm.

I wanted to bring these connector couplets to you.

We had a surplus, and I thought you might be interested.

Free of charge, of course.

That... that looks like an old targeting computer.

Is that what you needed the tracking chip for?

[laughs forcibly] What?

No way! It's a-- it's a food... steaming machine. For food!

That's steamed! Well, hey, thanks for the parts.

See ya later.





So [uneasy chuckle] Synara, It's time for my meal break, uh. How about some food?

My treat, in exchange for the parts?

Sure. That sounds like a fair trade.


It's the least I can do.

Kaz, I'll see you and Neeku later.

Keep working on Yeager's, food steamer.

Uh, yeah. Sure.

But ya know, I'm almost on break too, and--

[muffled speech]

[object clatters]

I assume you're not from here.

I'm not really from anywhere.

[object clatters]

My father was a pro-racer.

Always going from one system to the next.

Sounds like the life of a salvager.

-[object clatters] -So, is that what you want to be? A racer?

Well, I was working my way up the circuit, and...

There was a race, and I needed credits for repairs.

So I had to borrow against my ship.

Lost the race, lost my ship.

So here I am.

Hmph, working as a mechanic until I have enough to buy another racer.

It seems we both want the same thing.

More than what life has offered us.

[Aces whirring]

The Aces are launching?

Where do you think they're going?

I don't know, but it looks like all of them.

Which means I've got work to do, ooh--

[Kazuda] Tam! We've got to get to work!

We gotta finish the project. Now!

Right, uh, see ya later, Synara.

Kragan. The Aces are away.

The targeting computer for the turrets is down.

We have an opening.

Good work, Synara.

[Kaz] Taking long breaks and neglecting work is usually my thing.

It's nice to see you're catching on, Tam.

Please. I can do twice the work you can in half the time, so what does it matter?

We're behind schedule, people. Let's move.

Sorry, boss!

Tam, where in Castilon were you?

I expect Kaz to be off goofing around, but not you!


Just give us a few minutes, Yeager. Almost there.

We don't have a few minutes.

Doza wants those cannons online now.

And I shouldn't have to remind you the security of this entire platform depends on us.

Let's not get excited.

Neeku, what are the odds of a pirate attack happening this very second?

[whooshing, lasers firing]

[muffled] I'd say very good!

Yeah. No kidding.


Get them!

[cackling manically]

[lasers firing]


Get inside. Move!

We need that targeting computer, now!

It's good to go, chief!

We can do the rest during the install.

[muffled expl*si*n]

The loading docks?

Tam! Where're you going?

Synara might need help!

She's right. Synara gave us the parts we needed to fix the computer. We've got to help her.

You wanna help her, then we need to get these cannons online, or else we all suffer the same fate.


BB-8, go with Tam!

Let's get those cannons firing!

You're coming too, BB? Great, let's move!


[gasps and groans]


-[clattering] -[groans]

Come on, BB! We gotta get to the docks!

Security! We need security at the loading docks!

I need two teams up top as well!

[muffled explosions]

Yeager, where are my cannons?

Keep your hat on, Doza. We're on it.

[wailing] Feeling a little vulnerable out here!

I thought you liked flying?

Only when I'm at the controls.

Whoa! Look out!

[lasers firing]




[laughs and grunts]


-Hey! -[both grunt]

-This one? -Yeah, that one.

That must be the targeting computer. We can't let them repair it.

-[engine revving] -Oh, no.

Get him!




[wailing and grunting]

Get off my lift!

-[grunts] -[screams]

[lift whirring]


Behind you!


-[grunts] -[laughs]


[both grunting]

[straining] BB-8, a little help?


-[long beep] -[yells]

Thanks BB-8!


Kaz, get in!

-[yelps] -Get that unit online.

Not again.

-[electricity crackling] -[screaming]

Oh, no, it didn't go in correctly.

C'mon, c'mon!


We've gotta realign it!

I'm on my way.

[lift beeping, whirring]

There you are.

-Syna-- -[groans]

Whoa! One punch?

Tam! What are you doing here?

Heard the expl*si*n. I thought you might need help.

You risked your life to save me?


Of course I did. That's what friends are for.




Kaz, look out!

Yeager! I need those cannons operational now!

[grunting] We're working on it.

[straining] Move already.

I can't push it in.

Come on! Go in, go in!


[electricity crackling]


[powering up]

Yes! We did it!

[Kazuda] Target systems ready!

Warbirds, retreat!

We've done enough damage for the day.

[grunts] I think it's over.

[grunts] For now, yes.


You did a good job up there, Kaz.

Oh. Um, thanks, Yeager.

Showed some real nerve. Proud of ya.

[muffled speech]

You can go back to talking, Neeku.

Oh, you will not believe the siege we withstood in the garage.

A pirate knocked on our door.

I am not sure if he knew we were here, but Bucket and I came up with a most clever rouse.

We heroically hid in the supply closet and didn't say a word.

Oh, it wasn't always easy, but--

Actually, stop talking, Neeku.

[muffled] Okay.

The platform took quite a beating.

[Jarek] The damage is done.

Those pirates probably stole their weight in food and supplies.

Awfully convenient.

What are you getting at?

I don't know. Just a feeling.

Pirates showing up right after the Aces leave.

Our defenses are down, and we're vulnerable.

You mean, I might not be the only spy on this platform?

Kaz, you were never the only spy on this platform.

Tam. Thank you for risking your life to help me.

We have to look out for each other, right?


Well, I better get back to check on Kaz and everyone else.

Be well, Tam.

You too, Synara.

[beeps softly]

[keyboard clacking]

Captain Doza.

An unexpected surprise.

Commander Pyre.

I would like to request a look at the proposal, you have to offer.

Anything to make these pirate raids stop.

Excellent news.

In fact, I'll arrive to oversee the details of our proposal personally.

[heroic fanfare]

[theme music playing]