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01x06 - Signal from Sector Six

Posted: 01/30/21 17:40
by bunniefuu
[Tamara] Okay, Neeku, nice and slow.

-[Tamara] You've got it. -[Kaz] Hey, what's going on?

-Can I help? -No offense, Kaz, but installing an acceleration compensator requires a little more finesse than, uh, erm, uh...

[sighs] you.

-[tool whirring, clanking] -Careful.

That casing gets cracked, might as well toss the whole thing.

Thanks, boss. No pressure.

Okay, Neeku, we have to tighten all three lockdowns at once.

I only have two hands, Tam. Although I often wish I had a third.


Okay, Kaz, you can help.


To the left on three.

One, two, three.

[machine rattles, whirs]

[machine shuts down]

[concerned beep]

Um, was that bottom left or top left?

Argh. You broke it.

Look, I'm really sorry, Tam. I promise, I'll buy you a new one.

Argh. They're expensive and rare. And you're flat broke.

I've been saving up. I--ah! I'll find another one. Ah!

Right now. [screams]

I swear. Ah.

[heroic fanfare]

[machine whirring]

[inquisitive beep]

Aunt Z. Hey.

What do you got for a roguish pilot on a budget?

Have a water, moneybags.

Eh-eh-eh, your budget ran out two sips ago.

-[sighs] -What?

You can't even afford simple hydration?

Allow me to pay for your remaining liquid, Kaz.

Now there's a real friend when you need one.

One with money.

Thanks, Neeku.

But what am I gonna do about Tam's compensator?

I mean, where am I gonna get the money for that?

[male voice] 20,000 credits?


Hah. Some reward for a couple of runaway bra-a-a-ats.

I'd love to score that bounty. [bleats]

Huh, they're probably on the other side of the galaxy by now.

For most people, this wa-a-aterball is the other side of the galaxy.


Give me another Jet Juice, Aunt Z.

That symbol, have you ever seen it before?

Hmm. I have not.

If I could find those kids, that reward would change everything.

But, Kaz, you are not a bounty hunter.

I have seen bounty hunters, and you are definitely not one of them.

For that kind of money I am.

It's a win-win situation, Neeku.

I make a ton of credits, get Tam's part fixed, and help these kids. What could go wrong?

[man 1] I told you, no refills. One bowl only.

[man 1] One bowl.

[man 1] I don't make this slop for free.

[man 2] Aw, I don't get paid until next week.

[man 2] Come on, have a heart.

One bowl only.

[man 1] If you can't pay for it, I'll eat it myself.


What the-- [squeals] Hey!

[sniffs, snorts]

Let's keep looking, Neeku. Maybe we'll get lucky.

Well, the odds of finding those children here are akin to winning the Platform Lottery.



[boy] Eila, run!

-[crashes] -[squeals]

-[grunts] -[squeals]


[container sloshes]


-[crashing] -[grunts]

[squeals, chomps]





Whoa, slow down. What's the hurry?


Wait. We're not gonna hurt you.

Please. Don't run.

No, no, don't run.

[confused beep]

I just wanna help.

We don't need your help.


Whoa-ah-ah. [grunts]



These kids are in trouble and need help.

Neeku, we need more eyes on this.

If it is more eyes you need, I may have some friends that could help.

Although, they only have two eyes each, if that's acceptable.

[ships whirring]

[Neeku] Welcome, my friends, to the Platform's Engineering Level.

You know people down here?

This place is kind of disgusting.

[groans softly]

[inquisitive beep]

Kaz, these are my friends, the Chelidae.

Greetings to you as well, Chl'parr.

And your shell is looking extraordinary today, Vil'pak.

How I often wish I had a carapace.


[groans softly]

So, Neeku, you're gonna introduce us?

Of course.

These are the engineers. The maintenance workers.

The custodians of our cozy little station.

They are the true heroes of this platform.

I didn't know anyone lived down here.

Indeed, they have eyes and ears everywhere.

That's how they know what to fix.

But it lets them know a great deal more.

[groans softly]

Friends, meet Kaz.

He is looking for two children who will bring him a great deal of money.

[groans softly]

Oh. He said they will stay on the lookout.

Lookout? They barely move.

Ah! Is that one even still alive?

She is merely dormant.

Shellfolk can slow down their life systems.

[groans softly]

You may reach me via this comlink.


[groans softly]

[groaning softly]

[confused beep]

We better keep looking, Neeku.

Word may already be out that they're here.

Kazuda Xiono.

It was not easy tracking you down.

Captain Doza has requested your presence in the tower.

Please, follow me.

Captain Doza, Kazuda Xiono and Neeku Vozo to see you.

So you're Yeager's new mechanic?

The pilot who challenged my daughter.

Uh, yeah. [chuckles] That was a big mistake.

I hear you were seen in the marketplace with the two missing children.

The ones with the rather large price on their heads.

Yes, sir.

[droid whirs and clanks]

I accidentally took this from one of them.

So, uh, why are they on the run, anyway?

Mercenaries don't usually ask questions.

They just want to be paid.

I'm... I'm no mercenary.

Then let me ask you a question.

Did you ever think who would place a bounty that large on two missing children, or why?

No, I guess I didn't.

I just wanted to help them get home.

I'm sure you did.

We'll let you know if we find them.

4D, if you please.

[Phasma] Captain Doza, this is unexpected.

Don't tell me you have considered the First Order's offer and decided to accept?

I have decided, in the interest of improving our relationship, that I will give you some information that I know you desire.

I'm intrigued.

First, tell me why the First Order would place such a large bounty on a pair of missing children.

Ah, yes, they are children of a high ranking family within the First Order, and a wealthy one at that.

They would be quite grateful if you knew the whereabouts of these missing members of their family.

They were spotted here, on my platform, within the last hour.

How wonderful.

I will dispatch my agents to retrieve them.

These children were wearing this symbol.

It doesn't strike me as an insignia of the First Order.

As I said, they are members of a high ranking family.

-Not military. -I see.

The First Order is grateful for this display of loyalty, Captain.

Then when your agents are here, be sure to remind them that this is my station.

And in the interest of our future relations, they need to abide by my law.

I'll make sure to remind them.

[hologram whooshes off]


Hey, does it hurt?

[grunts] Of course it hurts.

Pretty sure it's broken. I hate this place, Kel.

I wanna go back to Tehar.

You know we can't do that, Eila.

There's nothing there anymore. We're safe here.

For now.

No place is safe from him.


Kaz, where's my compensator? Hmm?

[chuckles] Uh, funny you should mention that.

I was just gonna get compensation?

To--to compensate you for the compensator.

-Kaz. -[grunts]

I am receiving urgent news from our friends.

-[groaning softly] -We... have... found... the... child... ren.

Children! Ha-ha!

Great. Let's go.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.

Uh, you're not going anywhere without this compensator.

I want its specs matched. Exactly.

Whoa. No problem.

[giggles and grunts]

-Ugh. [grunts] -[thuds]

Oh, this thing is heavier than it looks.

[groaning softly]

Oh, you found them. Thank you so much.

I know your intentions.

You're after us because you want the money.

Listen, I'm trying to help. If I get you home, I'll make some money.

And you guys won't be lost anymore.

Whoever' s trying to find you is paying a lot of credits, so that must mean they care.


You don't understand. We're not lost, we ran away.

You ran away? From who?

Well, if you wanna help, my sister's leg is broken.

-She needs meds. -She has a fever.

Where are your parents, young ones?

Gone. Our whole village is gone.

We're the only survivors.

So who was it that destroyed your people?

Kylo Ren.

What is a Kylo Ren?

That's what his army called him.

He was dressed in black.

Carried a laser sword, like the old Jedi stories.

My sister and I barely escaped his destruction.

He brought a small army with him. We snuck onto a cargo ship and made it off Tehar without being seen.

Ended up here.

-Tehar? -That's where we're from.

Tehar. Our home.

I think I know what you're running from.

They're called the First Order.

And I promise you, there's no way I will let them find you.

Let's get your sister some help.

[ship whirring]

We need something for a broken bone.

But we can't bring her to a medical station

'cause they'd ask for identification.

I know what my sister needs. Follow me.

An herb vendor?

She needs a bio-cast, not plant food.

No, no, the one with the sprigs removed.

-Dried, not crushed. -Uh, here. Allow me, Kel.

Neeku, you're... You're paying again?

I--I don't know what to say.

Then say nothing, Kaz.

Money should be used on the necessities. For anyone who needs it.

[male voice] Move. Out of the way.


-Have they been through here? -They're coming.

The ones you called the First Order.

What do you know about the runaways?


You said they wouldn't find me.

Hmm, we've gotta find a way out of here without being spotted.

The chute. Follow me.

Commander Pyre, over there.

There they are. Get them.


Follow me.

-[disoriented beep] -Whoa.

[disoriented beep]

[frightened murmurs]


[lazer blasting]

[tools whir]

Do not worry. Those doors are blast-proof. We are safe.

But we don't know for how long.

-Ah. -Neeku, the herbs. Quick.

We can use the bag as a compress.

Why does the First Order want you kids so badly?

They're the ones who placed the bounty on us.

-But why? -We don't know.

But they won't stop.

They took away our parents. They took away our home.

We don't know why, Kaz.

Everyone, stay calm.

We have to get them to stop following you.

As long as we're alive, they'll never stop.

They'll just keep coming.

Uh, this is a dead end.

Then I know what I have to do.


Give me a hand with this. [grunts]


This is your plan, Kaz?

We all plunge together into the icy waters of bodily destruction and certain death?


We'll only ask this once. Where are the children?

Finally. Now, you will come with us, or be destroyed.

We'll never let you take us.


Get out of my way.

Scan the water for life signs.

[scanner beeping]

-Life signs slowing. Body temperature dropping.

Commander Pyre, Captain Phasma is trying to call.

What should we tell her?

I will speak to her.

-Pyre, report. -Captain Phasma.

Mission accomplished. The children are no more.


Now the name Tehar will fade from memory.

Our plans will remain safely out of the reach of the Resistance.

You've done well, Commander Pyre.

Return to base.

Let's move.

[groaning softly]

Nice catch, Vil'pak.

Neeku, are your Shellfolk friends okay?

[Neeku] Of course, they are, Kaz. They merely slowed down their life signs.

[water sloshing]

[groans softly]

Ah, now that you've met your doom, I think the First Order will leave you alone for a while.

Hmm. Thank you, Kaz.

And you, Neeku.

I was wrong about you both.

[groans softly]

The Shellfolk have invited you to stay with them for as long as you would like.

Thank you both.

-[groans softly] -Tam's compensator.

-You fixed it! -[compensator clanks]

The First Order has left the platform.

Very well. Thank you, 4D.

Tam. Got something for you.

You... you fixed the compensator? How'd you do that?

Oh, with the help of some friends.

-No big deal. -You actually have friends?

Seriously, though, you really are full of surprises, Kaz.

What other secrets are you keeping from me?

Secrets? [laughs]

I'm the most open person you'll ever meet.

Anyway, I've got something I need to take care of.

Be right back.

[buttons beeping]

Oh, um, hello. I'm Kazuda Xiono.

I'm trying to reach Poe Dameron.

Well, you've reached Ello instead.

I'm taking reports from all agents and spies until Commander Dameron is back from his mission.

Oh, right, there are other spies and agents besides me.

Anyway, we have these two kids from Tehar.

Their planet was taken over and destroyed by the First Order.

Tehar? Never heard of it.

Must be out in the Unknown Regions.

They also said someone called Kylo Ren was leading the First Order army.

Does that name mean anything to you?

You could say that.

General Organa will want to hear about this immediately.

Excellent intel, Kazuda.

You know, Poe has said a lot of good things about you.

[Ello] You're doing great work for the Resistance.

Thank you, Ello. I--I mean, sir. Thank you, sir. That means a lot.

Kazuda signing off.

[buttons beep]

[heroic fanfare]

[theme music playing]