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04x05 - The Occupation

Posted: 01/30/21 13:14
by bunniefuu
We're coming up on Yavin 4.

Sabine, transmit the clearance codes.

Roger that.



EZRA: I saw Old Jho.

I heard Ryder.

I think they're in trouble.

We've talked about this, Ezra.

It's just your anxiety about Lothal.

It's never in the briefings anymore.

No one even mentions it.

We promised Ryder we'd go back.

And then Thrawn ambushed our fleet.

They're suffering, Hera.

Everyone is suffering, Ezra.

You need to be patient.


Commander Bridger, Senator Mothma has requested your presence.

MON: We received this transmission two days ago.

The Empire is beginning trials on a new version of its TIE defender.

Intel from our spies in the capital

-reveals the upgraded fighter is... -(SIGNAL BREAKING UP)

What happened?

Ryder Azadi's transmission from Lothal was cutoff, and we haven't been able to contact him since.

I have witnessed the threat of the TIE defender first-hand.

If there's been a new development with these fighters, the Rebellion needs to know.

I also know how important Lothal is to you, Commander Bridger.

I'm looking for volunteers.

When do I leave?

When do we leave?

We're all going.

I understand, Captain.

Your squad does work best together, but by all reports, the occupation of Lothal has become a complete lockdown.

Even if you make it in, there's no guarantee the Rebellion can extract you if things go wrong.

I've had a long time to think about this.

We'll get that intel, but I'm going home to help my people.

Which means I'm there to stay.

This friend of yours, Cikatro Vizago, is a criminal. He can't be trusted.

Yeah, we used to say that about you.

Yeah, and besides, Vizago has a legitimate business on Lothal now.

And who told you that?

-Hondo. -Ezra.

Trust me. Vizago'll get us through the Empire's blockade.

He needs the money.



Do you have them?

Come see for yourself.


I can't believe it.

You actually found some.

Smuggle us through the blockade with your Imperial permits and the puffer pigs are all yours.

Calrissian made a fortune with these rare beauties.

The Mining Guild pays a very inflated price for them.


-So, you're not gonna help? -Uh-uh.

I'm not allowed near the filthy beasts.

I scare them.

Apparently, there's something wrong with my face.


Well, at least yours is unique.

What is that, clone humor?

HERA: You're in command of the Ghost now.

Take care of her. I will want her back.

To think all the times I chased this ship, all the trouble it gave me.

And now, I'm in command of it.

You? Oh, no, no, no.

She was talking to me.

Why would she give the ship to you?

I've commanded Star Destroyers.

Well, I'd say you'd answered your own question then.




What's wrong with my hat?


What do you mean, "ridiculous"?


Don't make me paint you again.


Look at the sky.

Kanan, what've they done?

Lothal looks like it's dying.

Your home isn't exactly the place you remember, kid.

Better prepare yourself.


MAN: (OVER RADIO) Supply ship Broken Horn, we have a lock. Transmit clearance codes.


(SIGHS) The things I do for money.

-(COMPUTER BEEPS) -Sir, the ship's codes are good, but there's a problem with the thermal scan.

I'm reading multiple unregistered lifeforms.

We've caught ourselves a smuggler.

Contact an ISB patrol.

MAN: (OVER RADIO) Broken Horn, clearance is granted.

You are approved for landing.

They've burned it.

They've burned it all away.


What are those TIE fighters doing?

You said you had Imperial permits.

The permits are good.

It's standard procedure to have a TIE fighter escort.


How can it be standard procedure "sometimes"?

How many times has this happened to you?

Well, this is the first time.


Gravity locks and a search crew?

Must have scanned us on the way in.

Hey, if they don't find us, they got nothing.

Stall 'em, Vizago.

-STORMTROOPER: Hands up. -There must be some kind of mistake.

-Are you sure this is going to work? -(PUFFER PIGS GRUNTING)

As much as I ever am.

-Ready, Zeb? -Yeah.

Let me put on my useful face.




STORMTROOPER: You hear something?


Get back! Get back!


EZRA: Vizago, come on!

Here, little piggy, piggy, piggy-

Yeah, come on, you little money maker.


-I will get us out of here. -(SQUEALS)

Vizago went back for the pigs, didn't he?

Yeah, but if anyone can weasel his way out of trouble, it's him.

I figure we can start at Old Jho's. He'll know how to reach Ryder.

-If he's still there. -We split up.

You, Sabine, and Chopper head for Jho's.

Make contact with Ryder.

Kanan, Zeb, and I will get us a transport.

Hey, why are they using the younger image of me?

I don't even look like that anymore.

That's a good thing, Ezra.

MAN: (OVER PA) Serve your purpose. Serve the Empire.

Protect Lothal and yourself, report rebel activity.

Loyalty is obedience.

STORMTROOPER: You're out past curfew. Let's see some identification.

EZRA: The Empire wouldn't do anything to Old Jho.

The people wouldn't stand for it.

You sure about this?

It was the one place on all of Lothal where you actually felt the Empire wasn't welcome.




Okay, I guess they feel pretty welcome now.

Just back out. Casually.

STORMTROOPER: I thought I saw two citizens walk this way.

-You see anything? -(CHOPPER GRUNTING)

Any other ideas?

Let's get something to drink.

I meant good ideas.

Pardon me.

Sorry, uh, excuse me.

Are you trying to get us caught?

Look, if we walked in and walked out, it would have been suspicious.

It's not like anyone's gonna recognize us.

Um, he might.

EZRA: Baron Valen Rudor.

Correct, your eyes do not deceive you, young man.

It is true. I am the vaunted Imperial Ace, Baron Valen Rudor.

Oh... Wow.

Gosh, what's an amazing pilot like you doing here?

This establishment belongs to me now.

Well, the Empire, of course. (CHUCKLES)

I've been entrusted to run it.

We don't get many civilians in here anymore.

You. You look familiar.

I used to come in here when it was called Old Jho's.

I guess you haven't heard then, a few days ago there was a raid on a suspected rebel cell.

The ISB caught Old Jho trying to help them escape.

Jho's been captured?

Captured and ex*cuted.


It's like a ghost town here. Everyone's in hiding.

Everyone's afraid.

And they've got every reason to be.


There's someone coming. Get back.


(CHUCKLES) I just realized, it's been a while since we've spent some time alone.

And when we do, it's in situations like this.

I Wish I could see you.

You could always see me.


-ZEB: I found the Speeders. -Uh, how many?

Um, all of 'em, I think.

Been confiscated by the Empire.

Kind of convenient, actually.

HERA: (OVER COMLINK) Any stormtroopers?

(SIGHS) I said "convenient," not perfect.

-(COMLINK BEEPS) -We better get moving.

Yeah. (SIGHS)

Gotta get moving.

A shame about Old Jho.

I understand he was loved by the community, but, well, a traitor is a traitor, and they must be dealt with.

Uh, we should go.

Thanks for the drink, Baron.

Hey, will you get a hold of yourself?

Okay, okay.

Hey, troopers, stop them!

-Hold it right there, citizen. -What's the problem?

Oleg, old buddy, I been looking all over for you!

Did you forget to pay for your drinks?

Oh! I... I thought they were on the house.

Oleg, why not just pay the man?


With What?

You don't have any credits?

I thought you had credits.

I don't have any credits. I thought you had credits.

I got it. It's on me.

This should cover my friends' drinks.

Keep the change.

Well, that's very generous of you, and I didn't get your name.

That's okay. Come on, Oleg.

Everyone's waiting to see you.

Let's not keep them waiting.

Ezra Bridger, welcome home.

Who are you?

You don't remember me?

Jai Kell.

Yeah, it's been a while since our Academy days, hasn't it?


You got me out of there. Saved my life.

This is my chance to return the favor.

Ryder kept sending me here in hopes that you'd show up.

I'll try to contact someone for a pickup.


Don't worry. We got it covered.



Get in! Now!


We've been cut off.

We need an exit, people. Fast!

This way!


Uh, there's some rebels outside.

They just blew up a Speeder.

STORMTROOPER: Out of the way. Come on!

Old Jho ran smuggler tunnels throughout the town.

Ryder told me about them once.

Chopper, scan the system and find us an exit.


ZEB: There's gotta be another way.

(expl*si*n IN DISTANCE)

You can always ask them.

ZEB: I hate the sewers.

They went that way. Hurry.

STORMTROOPER: It's an access point for the sewer system.

Did you know this wasn't sealed?

-I had no idea. -Well, don't worry.

There are only so many places they can hide.


SABINE: Place is like a maze. Which way?


Great, you got us lost.

I seem to remember these tunnels lead to a junction beneath the main road out of town.

Well, that's a start. You should activate your beacon so Ryder can come get us once we're in the clear.

Well, so much for disguises.


Something's coming.


What is it?


ZEB: It's a probe. Blast it!


Watch out. There's another one.



It's transmitting our position.

We need to split up. Go!

This way!

KANAN: Is this the right way?

I... I don't know.

I'll go take a look.


That's a no.


STORMTROOPER: Rebels! Squad 2, get down there!




-We've got trouble! -Zeb!


I hate these things.





Please tell me you know how to get out of here.

Didn't you grow up in a sewer?

I'm from the city. I've never been here.

What's the difference?

Everything's different, Zeb.

It's all changed, and this?

This is my fault!

I'm the one who pushed for us to come back.

I never thought it'd be this bad.

-Ezra. .. -Saw said it.

I didn't wanna believe him.

Lothal's gone. We already lost.

Hey, we haven't lost.

Forget Saw.

You said as long as we're together, we've got a chance.

At least we'll go down fighting.

Hey, wait.

That's my symbol.

EZRA: Ryder knows that.

Maybe he left a trail for us to follow.

It's pointing this way.

Let's hope you're right.

STORMTROOPER: Sir, they've destroyed all our probes.

Order all troops to converge on their last-known coordinates and send a squad to the main junction outside town to cut off their escape.

(SIGHS) Where is the next symbol?

-I don't see it. -ZEB: I don't see it either.

EZRA: Maybe it's down the next pipe.


Not this way! Not this way!

Come on, we need another way out.


HERA: Turn around, Ezra. Go, go, go! They're right behind us.

But they're already here.

We were following these symbols, but we don't know where they went.

We were following them too.

Looks like we followed them into a trap.


Chopper found it!

Somebody get up there!

I got it.

Hold on, how do we know there aren't stormtroopers up there?

KANAN: Doesn't matter because we know they're down here.



I can't open the hatch.

Figure something out!

It won't budge.

Ezra slashed the controls.


Good job, Sabine!

I didn't do anything.

Welcome home. Now get moving.


RYDER: Let's go.

Thanks for coming, Ryder.

Least I could do. You came back here for us.

Wasn't sure my message to the Rebellion even got through.

It did. Mon Mothma sent us to help, and get intel on the TIE defender.

I'll brief you at my camp.

We need to plan an attack on the TIE defender factory as soon as the rest of your forces arrive.

Uh, Ryder, there won't be anyone else coming.

It's just us.

Wait, I don't understand.

Just you?

The Empire has Lothal locked down tight.

How are we gonna do this?

This is how a rebellion starts.


With a few people standing together.

We've done it before. We can do it again.

Well, we'll get a look at the new fighter tomorrow.

Then we'll see if you still feel the same about our chances.