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04x04 - In the Name of the Rebellion: Part 2

Posted: 01/30/21 13:13
by bunniefuu
The words you're looking for are "thank you."

We appreciate the save, Saw.

We turned the worst-case scenario into the best.

Yeah, I wish Hera would see it that way.

Technically, we just disobeyed orders by blowing up that relay.

Following orders will only get you so far.

Then you have to take control of your destiny.

Yeah, like when we hit the Empire hard on Mandalore.

I heard about that. It's exactly why I need your help.

You need our help?


This is Faos Station.

I recently acquired intel on a secret Imperial cargo being loaded aboard a civilian freighter there.

What cargo?

Remember Geonosis?

The Empire wiped out a whole population because they were building something.

Something they've hidden away.

I never stopped looking for it.

What have you found?

Just rumors. Whispers.

But they all led me to that cargo ship.

So what do you want from us?

You two and your droid are good at infiltrating Imperial bases.

And I just saved your lives.

So what you're saying is that we owe you one.

Your choice. You can go back to rebel command and run Mon Mothma's errands, or you can help me do something that might actually matter.

All right.


Sorry, Chopper. You're outvoted.

We might make them into real rebels yet.


Are you sure we're at the right place?

This looks like a civilian cargo facility.

I don't see any signs of the Empire at all.

That's what they want everyone to think.

Hiding it in plain sight.

Take us in. Merchant platform.



Lot of droids down there.

Hey, Chopper, come here.

You're gonna need a new paint job.



Oh, stop complaining.

I kind of like it better than the orange.



That's Freighter 2716.

And here's our way on board.

EZRA: Sneaking on board in a cargo container?

We're familiar with this strategy.


The tracker is activated. Keep this channel open.

I'll transmit coordinates when we're ready for pickup.


SABINE: Well, normal cargo hold.

Nothing looks out of the ordinary.

You hear that?

Sounds like singing.


I don't hear anything.

These containers are filled with high-quality construction compounds.

Materials used to build the Imperial Navy.

These materials could have come from Corellia or any other planet with shipyards.

Yeah, it's not exactly a secret cargo.

There are more holds to search.

Get back!

SABINE: Imperial troops aboard a civilian freighter?

You might be on to something after all.

They're guarding something.

Your droid should check the cargo manifest.

EZRA: You heard him, Chop.


There's an Imperial m*llitary shuttle in Hold 12.

Okay, this ship is more than it seems.

Find out where we're going.


SABINE: Tonnis sector?

That's just empty space out there.

No settlements or stations.

(CHUCKLES) The perfect hiding place.

EZRA: Or just a rendezvous point.


SABINE: Uh, guys, Chopper says Cargo Bay 17 is a restricted area.

So that's where we go next.

Here it is. Cargo Bay 17.

EZRA: Careful, or you'll alert the whole ship.

You got a plan?

EZRA: I got a droid.



What was that?

Move along, droid.


-Whoa! -Blast that piece of junk!

Scrap him!


Huh? Hey!



EZRA: Keep watch, Chopper.


SABINE: (GRUNTING) I think it's this one.

Find out what they're hiding.


SABINE: Oh, no.


Who are you?

It's okay. We're here to help.

Your intel came through.

We can free these people.

My intel wasn't about prisoners.

The Empire has prisoners all over the galaxy.

We can still help them, Saw.

SAW: Why are you here?

What do you know about the cargo aboard this vessel?

Nothing about any cargo, but I did overhear some troopers talking about the Jedha system.

If there's any special cargo, it probably came from there.

The Jedha system, huh?

Who are you?

Name's Mich Matt.

Was a supervising tech on Coruscant's central power generator.

Empire tried to hire me away for some secret project, but I didn't want to leave my family.

So they just took me.

Power technician? Hmm.

Everyone here is a reactor mechanic or power specialist of some kind.

Mmm, doesn't make sense.

The Empire wouldn't have all this security just to guard a few techs.

I agree. There's something else here.

There must be.

I believe you, Saw, but we've got to get these prisoners out of here.

Use that shuttle your droid found.

No, it'll be guarded.

We can't put the civilians in the line of fire.

SABINE: Okay, how about the escape pods?

We can sabotage the hyperdrive, and as soon as the freighter drops from hyperspace, they can fly away.



It's a patrol.

EZRA: Pretend you're still prisoners.

We are still prisoners!

Freeze! Don't move.


Who let you out?

Where are the guards who were stationed here?


-EZRA: Surprise! -It's the rebels!

SABINE: Stop! SAW: Got that right.

SABINE: Saw, wait!

EZRA: Chop, get them to the escape pods.

We'll take out the hyperdrive.




EZRA: Wait.

SABINE: Ezra. Engine room is this way.

Do you hear that?

It's like a song.

It's coming from in there.


Can you get us in?

SABINE: That's why I'm here, right?



Look out!



Thank you. You're a very kind little droid.



Where'd they go?



Fall back! Take cover!

What? 3-6, I said take cover!

The blocks have been compromised.

Cease fire! Fall back!

SABINE: One of them got away!

Forget him. We've found it.



Is that... No, it can't be.

SABINE: Yeah. It's a kyber crystal.

EZRA: That's what I heard singing, like the one in my lightsaber did when I found it.

SABINE: These crystals store and amplify energy, so one this big is probably unstable.

Put your blasters away.

Captain, rebels led by Saw Gerrera have breached Hold 6 and taken possession of the cargo.

Alert Director Krennic at Imperial Command.

Saw Gerrera?

Do you think he means to hijack the cargo?

WOMAN: I will not let that happen.

Send all security personnel to meet me at Hold 6.

In the meantime, purge the escape pods.

No one leaves this vessel.




(STUTTERS) He wants us to get out!


Back to the hold? I don't understand.

Uh, just an observation, but this is not a very good rescue.

-(CHOPPER GRUNTS) -I'm going.

They're trying to harness the power of this thing.

That's why they have the techs, to weaponize it!

We gotta stop this ship and get the prisoners out of here.


We need this cargo to reach its destination.

We need to find out what the Empire's building.

We can't take the chance the Empire will get this crystal back.

You're right about that too.

You stay here and guard this thing.

We'll head to the engine room and stop the ship.

SABINE: We'd better hurry, or the Empire's gonna figure out what we're up to.



Okay, there's the hyperdrive override.

Prepping to drop the ship out of hyperspace.

Three. Two.


Saw, no!


I've come too far to give up the quest.

I must learn the secrets of my enemy.

And today, I will.


I've retaken Hold 6, Captain. The cargo is gone.

Gone? Commander, if anything happens to that crystal...

It's both our heads.

Where are the rebels?

I don't know.

But we've lost contact with the engine room.

SAW: We're going to the Tennis sector.

Dock at the hatch near the starboard engines. I'll meet you.

(GROANING) Ezra... Wake up.

Your friend turned on us.

Saw, you sh*t me!

Let's be more precise. I stunned you.

You betrayed us!

Geonosis was only the beginning.

The materials, the power technician, the crystal, it all adds up to what the Empire's building.

We have to ride this ship to the end, to those empty coordinates in the Tonnis sector.

I know that's where we'll find this... This super w*apon!

There's no guarantee anything will be there.

If it even exists. But I guarantee you the Empire will have reinforcements waiting.

I thought we were on the same side.

The difference between us, Ezra, is this.

I will do whatever is required to be the victor.

Why did you bring the crystal in here, Saw?

It's like you said.

We can't allow it to remain in the Empire's hands.

-(ALARM BLARING) -Coming out of hyperspace.

This is it. We're here.

I hope this was worth it.

It's only a Star Destroyer.

The Empire's big secret isn't here.

It has to be here. It has to be.

The freighter captain confirms they have rebels trapped on board.

Prepare a boarding party.

Sir! Rebel vessel approaching.

Cease fire!

We can't risk hitting the freighter with the crystal on board.

My ride's here. Are you coming?

And leave the prisoners?

This is w*r, Ezra.

What about doing what's right? Isn't that what this w*r is about?

What is right? Let me ask you this.

What would you do to save your world?

It's too late for me. My world is gone.

I lost everything.

And once you do, you can see things clearly, and you understand what's at stake.

But we do still have something, Saw. The people on this ship.

I just want to help them.

They need us!

That's your choice, Ezra.

But I suggest you hurry.

Because this is what I am willing to do.

What are you doing?

You said these crystals can become unstable.


You're turning it into a b*mb?

I won't let the Empire use it, so you better get off this ship.



Saw! Let us out of here!

Last chance, Ezra.

You fight your w*r. We'll fight ours.

Farewell, friend.

I hope we meet again.

Abandon ship immediately!

-Can you stop this? -No!

It'll just keep absorbing power until it discharges.

And trust me, we don't want to be anywhere close when that happens, which won't be long.

Then we better hurry!



Sir, the rebel craft is leaving, but scans indicate the crystal is not on board.

Then it's still on the transport.

Move us in closer. We need to secure it.

EZRA: Chopper, are you there?

Chopper! Do you read?


Never mind that.

Call Hera and tell her we're in the Tennis sector.


Then jam all communications and get the prisoners to that shuttle.


Don't worry about the guards! Just meet us there!



Now where are we going?

Yes, Commander. The shuttle is prepped and awaiting your arrival.

Think I'll go back to the container now.


He wants us to follow him.

This droid is cross-wired.

Hey, where do you think you're going?


Stop right there.

Apologies, sir, but, um, this droid was ordered to evacuate us.

We have our orders.

This ship is being held for the commander.







It's the prisoners!

They're trying to commandeer the shuttle!




Scans are picking up a massive energy reading.


-What are you doing? -No time for hyperspace.

I'm putting that Star Destroyer between us and that crystal.

Wasn't that the Commander?

Where is she going?

Sir, we're getting a large energy reading.

-Something is going critical mass! -(ALARM SOUNDING)

Oh, no.


Full power to the shields! Hang on!



Great. The engines are fried.

We're not going anywhere anytime soon.


Or maybe we are.

-(RADAR BEEPING RAPIDLY) -What did they do now?

Those two can't go anywhere without blowing something up.


As soon as we can plot a course, we'll take you back to your home planets.

Actually, we've all decided to enlist in your cause.

We figured if the Empire valued our skills, they'd be better put to work serving you and the Rebellion.

I'm sure Command will be grateful for your commitment. Thank you.

Uh, I don't like the sound of this kyber crystal.

It's the second one we prevented the Empire from getting their hands on.

Saw seemed convinced that they're trying to weaponize it somehow.

Is that even possible?

Hmm... At that scale? I don't know.

What if Saw's right?

And the Empire is already on the verge of winning a w*r most of the Rebel Alliance doesn't believe has already begun?