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03x18 - Double Agent Droid

Posted: 01/30/21 10:01
by bunniefuu
Don't worry, Phoenix Leader.

We'll be back with those codes before you know it.

Let's hope your copilots aren't more of a challenge than the mission.

What makes you say that?

No reason.

Let's cut the chatter. We've got a job to do.

Copy that, Phoenix Leader.

Despite what you two think, I'm confident we have our best team on the job.

Okay, since when does our best team include AP-5, Chopper, and Wedge?

I don't get it, AP-5.

Why are you so surprised Hera picked me for this mission?

Your grasp of protocol is sorely lacking.

Imperial pilots never remove their helmets in flight.

I know, I was top of my class at the Imperial Academy.

Lieutenant Antilles, you are mistaking my attention to detail for an attack on your obviously fragile ego.

I want this mission to go precisely as planned.

We need to acquire the Imperial codes for our attack on Lothal.

Yeah, I was at the briefing too.

You just got your circuits overheated that I was put in charge.

Well, it is not your mission. It is mine.

Captain Syndulla was specific about this being my operation due to my skill set and experience.

Can you two argue somewhere else?

I will have you know, anything you can do, I can do better.

Yes, I can.

Yes, I can!

That includes even being a rebel spy.

My programming is superior to yours.

Yes, it is.

Yes, it is!

Yes, it is.

Now I know why I got this mission.

Nobody else wanted it.

Yes, I can. Lock it down, you two.

Here comes the welcoming committee.

This is a restricted sector. Identify yourselves.

This is 836-VS.

Delivery of service droids.

Code clearance, B6279.

That was not very convincing.

I definitely would not believe you.

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

836-VS, you've been cleared.

Follow us in.

No, you follow my lead.

Halt. Proceed through the scanner one at a time.

I'm aware of the protocol.

Now you.

I told you to follow my lead.

No. That's not what you're doing.

Controller, an unauthorized droid has just entered the ISB base on Killun 71.

This could be the spy droid we have been searching for.

Set a course.

Stop that!

You were fortunate to pass through security.

We still have to get to the central computer.

Yes, these terminals connect to central, but the most current codes will not be accessible here.

This information is precisely why I was made leader of this operation.

You know that I do more than make calculations.

The only thing you do is make others miserable.

All right, that is it.

I will retrieve the codes myself.

3-9, where is the beta scan update?

Tracking 7-1-6-1.

Data received.

The astromech that triggered the alarm on Killun station arrived aboard this shuttle.

Checking archive data on identified rebel droids.

Quite a unique model.

Out of date.

I believe this C1 astromech is the droid infiltrator Grand Admiral Thrawn referenced in his memo about the rebels of Phoenix Squadron.

I will alert the station at once.

No, we'll inform the ISB after I have what I need from that spy.

Yes, the simplicity of the structure.

How I do miss Imperial hallways.

So well organized.

There it is.

The Central Computer Core.

Halt. What are you doing here?

I am PZ-7.

I was not aware two inventory units were assigned to this level.

Well, it is unfortunate, but I must report, you have been reassigned to the cargo platform.

I am your replacement.

I understand.

I can't believe I'm the same model as that Imperial drone.

The Empire never did take droids seriously.

That alone explains all of Chopper's success.

I, on the other hand, use my superior intellect to my advantage.

Downloading clearance codes for Lothal.

Download complete.

I could have done this mission by myself.

Controller, the rebel droid is attempting to access the network.

Perfect. This means I can now extract the location of the rebel base from its memory.

Capture it.

Admiral Thrawn will be so pleased.

Sir, there are no base coordinates stored on this droid.

If it cannot divulge the location of their rebel base, then I will use it to lead us there.

Initiating takeover.

This droid's resistance to reprogramming is admirable... but ultimately futile.

Controller, takeover complete.

Well, well, what do we have here?

Just as I suspected.

All talk, no action.

And while you were wasting your time here...

I stole the codes.

So now you're ignoring me?

Now that I have clearly proven why I am leader, I suggest you admit failure and return with me to the shuttle.

Fine. Have it your way.

Controller, I've verified it. That inventory droid has accessed Lothal orbital clearance codes from the main computer.

There is a danger.

I calculate a 31 % risk of the rebels successfully using the codes, but we have an 82% chance of learning the location of their base if we let them escape and track them.

The odds are with us.

I have successfully retrieved the codes. We must leave at once.

Wait, where's Chopper?

Well, it is about time.

Did he just apologize?

Yes. And now he's admitting that I am the better leader?

All right, then, this should be a painless flight back to base.

What exactly are you up to?

Code 16?

That means you're in standby mode.

Since when have you ever been in standby mode?

My problem?

You said you were code 16. That is an Imperial term.

Speaking my language?

I only speak Imperial code when required to.

Are you questioning my loyalty again?

Hey, guys, get up here.

I am onto you.

And it sounds like everything went as planned.

- Good job. Thanks, Captain Syndulla, but your two droids did all the work.

Technically, one droid did all the work.

That would be me, AP-5.

Okay, then, well done, all of you.

So, Wedge, how long until you reach our rendezvous point?

We'll be there within the hour.

See you soon.

What is the matter with you?

Thanks for the drink, Chop.

Where was this attitude earlier?

That is an excellent question, Lieutenant.

This new attitude of his feels insincere to me.

Hey, it's better than before.

Now, if you could upgrade your attitude...

My attitude? I am not the problem here.

In fact, I am the reason my mission was successful.

This inventory droid is a complication that could ruin my plan.

We must appease him. For now.

You just called me "Sir"?

Now I see what you're up to, C1-10P!

You want me to relax so you can take possession of the data disk.

Hey, Chop, would you mind checking on the hyperdrive power coils?

Feels like we're dragging a bit.

Look, AP, this childish competition between you and Chopper has gone too far.

It's got to stop.

This has become much more than a game, Lieutenant.

I suspect Chopper may have been compromised on Killun station.

You are paranoid. Get your sensors checked.

There's nothing wrong with our little friend.

Thanks, buddy. Do me a favor.

Take the controls while I use the refresher.

Very clever.


Now we can talk privately, Lieutenant.

Now, hold on. Wait a minute.

We don't have much time, so here's what I know.

I saw Chopper plugged into a network terminal.

When I found him, he was strangely silent, but I thought he was merely ignoring me, as usual.

Then I heard him use an Imperial term.

Okay, stop. I don't have time for conspiracy theories right now.

I really have to use the refresher.

Just get out!

But I wasn't finished.

Neither was I!

It appears everything is back on track.

The inventory droid has undermined his own credibility.

It is only a matter of time before the astromech leads us to Phoenix Squadron and then their rebel base.

Here are the codes, Captain.

I saved them from C1-10P.

AP-5 and Chop were playing some spy game the whole trip.

It was not a game! This is a serious matter.

I have grave concerns about Chopper...

By the way, where is he?

Please, you must listen to me.

Chop, where are you?

Chopper? I'll find him.


What are you doing in the hyperspace logs?

Updating your database? You're not making any sense, Chop.

You had files wiped on Killun?

No, if you remember, I always wipe your data after every jump, as a security precaution.

I think you need a power recharge.

So I turn around, and this one's followed me into the refresher!

He did the same thing to me.

I'd hate to spoil the party, but I think there's something wrong with Chop.

As I have pointed out repeatedly.

Now that you mention it, Hera, Chop's been curiously nice to me.

Whoa, that's not curious.

That's creepy.

Yes, precisely.

Maybe he has a short circuit.

We should run a diagnostic.

The ship just dropped out of hyperspace.

Chopper, where are you?

Why did the ship drop out of hyperspace?

He's in the engine room.

Says there's some kind of malfunction.

I'll show him a malfunction.

Go easy on him, Zeb.

We don't know what's wrong with him yet.

Is it wise for all of us to go?

What? You afraid of Chopper now?

What? No. No.

It's locked.

Open this door at once, you traitorous grease bucket!

Chopper, what are you doing?

Well, I hate to say I told you so.

Next time, AP, we'll listen to you, I promise.

Let us hope there is a next time.

Controller, the stolen data has been recovered.

Very good.

Now, install the data spike into their navicomputer.

The spike has begun decoding the coordinates on their navicomputer.

All we need now is a little time, and no interference.

I don't think it's gonna open.

We're stuck in here!

We have no need of prisoners.

Open the cargo bay doors.

No, we're not.

A clever solution. But alas, temporary.

I was afraid of this. What now?

Someone has compromised Chopper, and they're trying to download the location of our base.

If we don't get out of here, it's bye-bye Phoenix Squadron.

Hera, there must be another way out.

There is.

Maybe we can override the hatch controls.

There's an access port on the hull.


Yeah, we don't have spacesuits.

AP-5 doesn't need one.

Well, it is true that my chassis could sustain itself far longer than any life form.

Not that I'm volunteering.

Yes, you are.

We don't have much time. Here's what you'll do.

The time has come to end that traitorous inventory droid.

There's the override circuit.

Oh, dear.

Come on, AP-5! Hurry!

Data transfer at 50%.


Search the archive memory for the location of their base.


AP did it! Yeah!

Let's go. Hurry.


No, you don't!

Been wanting to do that for a long time.

What is happening? What is going on?

Data transfer incomplete.

Looks like they nearly got what they wanted.

Yeah? Well maybe we should give it to them.

They want to mess with my droid, they're gonna pay for it!

Zeb, get him up.

Uh-oh. Hera's mad.

Whoever's responsible for this had to have a strong signal array to control Chopper at such a distance.


So I'm going to reverse the feed on them and send back a bit more power than they expect.

Hey! You! Imperial sleemo!

Keep your hands off my droid!

Our circuits are overloading!

The fuel cells have been compromised.

Cut it off. Cut it off!

Say good-bye to your memory core.

Chopper? Chopper? You in there?

Come back to me, buddy.

He's back!

Can't believe I'm saying this... but I'm glad you're okay, Chop.

That was a close one.

Hey, let's not forget AP-5.

After all, he got us out of the hold.

Yeah, AP, way to go...

Wait, where is he?

I should be frightened, but I'm strangely calm.

The silence...


This is beautiful.

I'm in a world all my own.

I do not feel alone.

It's easy to see I fit perfectly In this wonderful Beautiful simply...

No, no, no!

No, go away!

I was so happy.

Nice save, AP.

Yeah, AP, we all owe you one.

You tried to scrap me!

If you are apologizing, I fear you must still be compromised.

Sorry for being nice?

I'm done with droids! From now on, I fly solo!

Come here, trash can! Why, you...

Like I said, don't mess with my droid.