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03x09 - An Inside Man

Posted: 01/30/21 09:55
by bunniefuu
Look at all those ships.

Ryder said it was bad, but this is worse than bad.

Lothal is my home, Kanan.

I can't stand seeing it like this.

So let's do something about it.

If only Ryder would hurry up and get here.

There he is. And he's been spotted.

Hurry. Get on!

Look out! Blockade!

Sure is good to have you back on Lothal.

I think you're the only one who feels that way, Ryder.

Ryder? What's the plan? We can't outrun these guys.

Don't need to outrun 'em. Just have to get 'em up to 190.

Does this thing go up to 190?

Sometimes. Think fast thoughts.

I'm thinking fast thoughts. Nothing's happening.

Keep watching.

Those bikes are from the Imperial factory.

I have people on the inside who build them to break.

You've infiltrated the assembly line? I'm impressed.

That's the perfect cover to do some serious damage.

I wish I could take credit.

Idea came from an old friend of yours.

Mr. Sumar.

Is that Ezra Bridger?

I hardly recognize you. You're so tall.

And you cut your hair.

It's good to see you, too.

You know, it's thanks to you I got a chance to make a difference against the Empire.

Your parents would be so proud to see you now.

And they'd agree there's much more we can do.

Tell them about your plan.

Phoenix Squadron is enlisting help from another rebel cell to take out the Imperial factory here on Lothal.

An attack?

Finally. At last.

When will this strike happen?

Soon, hopefully.

It depends on what we learn while we're here.

Our contact, Fulcrum, said the Empire's building a new type of w*apon.

If we knew what it was, the other cells might agree to attack sooner than later.

They did just tighten security around section A-2, transferred their best workers over there.

That must be why they had to recruit us to their labor force.

Can you get us into that factory?

Well, I don't know.

Do you have any manufacturing experience?

Not really.

Then you'll fit right in.

Agent Kallus, make sure the workers are all present and accounted for.

Yes, Governor Pryce.

Kallus has a new boss. Must be the one Sabine told us about.

Look sharp. This factory is being honored by a surprise visit from Imperial High Command.

Thank you for the introduction, Agent Kallus.

My visit is not an honor, however, but an investigation.


Vehicles assembled in this factory malfunction at a rate far higher than that of others.

I believe poor craftsmanship is to blame... and it has cost your Empire troops and missions.

This will not be tolerated.

Worker 5473.

You were pressed into the Empire's service?

Yes, sir. After losing my farm.

Do you stand by your work?

I do.

This 624-AVA is the last bike you personally inspected and assembled.

Please, demonstrate for me how quickly it can achieve full speed.

We don't have all day.

Back in line.

Something's wrong. It's overheating.

Gonna have to shut it down.

No. The demonstration is not yet over.

I can't stop it!


Now that I have your attention, know this.

Whatever you build here you will test personally.

I expect your malfunction rate to drop substantially.

See to it that no one leaves or enters the facility.

I wish to inspect the line for sabotage.

Hold them here. The factory is on full lockdown.

Ryder. Get word to Hera.

We're trapped inside and need help.

They've already jammed the comms.

Workers, form two lines.

Prepare for verification and questioning.

Present your identification card for examination.

Better get lost before they take a closer look at our IDs.

Chopper. Get their attention.

Look out!

Droid! What is the matter with you?

Report to maintenance.

Now's our chance to find out what the Empire's up to.

From what Sumar said, section A-2 is a good place to start.

Not dressed like this.

The workers are on lockdown, remember?

Hey. You two weren't dismissed.

Grand Admiral, you don't think the rebels have infiltrated section A-2 as well, do you?

The secrecy of that project is...

Is imperative.

Which is why I've ordered anyone attempting to enter the area without my personal code... to be terminated on sight.

You should not have compromised security here by hiring locals.

This factory has quotas to meet.

I can question the workers, but I won't know if they're lying without more information about this new project.

All you need to know is that the Admiral has a new fighter initiative here.

A new fighter?

Difficult to see how one small ship will change much.

Agent, victory and defeat are often determined by the smallest detail.

For example, take this walker.

Is this your work?

Yes, sir. I oversaw its construction.

Have the walker step forward.

Watch it. Get out of the way.

Get out of the way!

No, no. It wasn't that one. It was the one next to it!

The factory's on full lockdown. Communication is jammed.

I can't reach Ezra and Kanan.

The new Imperial in charge is pretty thorough.

Didn't catch his name, but I hear he has red eyes.

Grand Admiral Thrawn.

My team will attack the Imperial compound's east gate.

It's the weakest point, so this Thrawn might expect it.

But at least it'll keep his eyes off the factory for a bit.

Halt. I need your clearance code.

Code checks out. Proceed.

Hey, if we can get Chopper one of those tapes, we can get him inside.

Then all he has to do is find the design database and download everything.

Now we just need one of those droids.

Hey, droid. This is a restricted area.

I need to see your clearance code.

I got it.

Here you go.

Make it fast, Chop.

Clearance code.


Lieutenant, what can you tell me about this?

It looks like a section of the retaining wall, sir.

Agent Kallus?

It's the mark of the Phoenix Squadron.

A creature of flight rising in the flames.

A symbol of their commitment to victory.

It is that and more.

I've seen it everywhere, marking territory.

It is a commitment, but to this world specifically.

These rebels have an attachment to this place and will always return.

So, have you found more subversives?

Actually, sir, we've lost some.

Two workers went missing after your speech.

We found their uniforms.

I am confident we will locate them once we issue an alert.

No, I think not.

The defectors will have new disguises by now.

They'll hide as technicians or troopers to gather data and escape.

So you think the rebels are more than just saboteurs?

Indeed I do, Agent Kallus.

These rebels are after information likely heading to section A-2.

Secure it.

What's taking him so long?

What are you doing here?

We're on guard duty, sir.

And what exactly are you guarding?

We go where we're ordered, sir.

This is highly irregular. What's your operating number?

He's got it. Let's go.

Wait. Is this section B-17? A-2.

I told you we were in the wrong section.

Sorry, Commander. We're new transfers.

Come on.

I want exits locked down and all IDs checked and verified.

Not that way.

You there. Halt! Come back here!

Okay. This might get messy.

You two. Come with me to secure the perimeter.

Stop them!

Don't move, rebels.

Listen to me. I'm Fulcrum.

Yeah, right.

You want us to believe that?

By the light of Lothal's moons.

The code phrase. He's Fulcrum?

Your friend Zeb trusted me on the ice moon.

I saved Sabine Wren at the fighter academy, and now I'm trying to save you.

But you have to trust me.

Your droid trusts me.

Yeah, that's not a good thing.

Fine. You wanna help us so badly?

We need to get a signal to our friends.

Then we'll have to move quickly.

Watch out. They're rebels!

You could've warned me you were going to do that.

Where's the fun in that?

Your droid can open your comlinks from this port.

I'll provide the access codes.

He doesn't need them?

This C1 of yours is quite efficient.

Figures Chop'd get along with an Imperial spy.

Ryder, it's Kanan. You there?

Closer than you think.

We're about to hit the east gate, give you a chance to escape.

You'll need to move if you want to make it out.

We will. And thanks.

Make for the east vehicle pool.

You'll find a walker there you can escape in.

Now, I just have to make this look convincing.


Ezra! What? That is convincing.

Yeah, but I was gonna do it.

Well, if he's one of us now, you'll get your chance.

An unlicensed droid accessed the computer in section A-2.

I can only assume that they have acquired my plans.

But something has changed.

The rebels should have attempted to escape via the factory by now.

Maybe they realize they're trapped.

More likely they have found an unexpected ally.

Or perhaps an expected one.

I'm not sure I follow.

The rebels will attempt a different means of escape.

And we must adapt our strategy accordingly.

Grand Admiral, there is a small band of rebels attacking the east gate.

I've deployed two AT-ATs. Should I send backup?

Yes, Lieutenant. Let's play their game.

Deploying walkers now.

You hear that? We'll fit right in.

I hope this is one of the good walkers.

AT-DP-216, what are you doing here?

You're not part of this operation.

We're your reinforcements.

Attention, walkers. Disregard the speeders.

That AT-DP is under rebel control. Destroy it.

Kallus set us up!

Maybe, maybe not.

We'll figure it out later. Now get to cover!

Not a whole lot of that around!

Now there's something you don't see every day.

That's gotta be Bridger.

Kanan, Ezra. Is that you?

Yes! And we could use a pickup.

Soon would be good!

Walker 414, blast them already!

You're in my line of fire, 271. I can't get a shot.

Let's crush them.

They didn't have a chance.

We had a chance. Pretty good chance.

I don't believe it. I thought you were in the smaller one.

This one's roomier.

Sumar? He didn't make it.

More walkers incoming!

I think I almost got the data decrypted.


I've never seen an Imperial fighter like that.

Sabine, talk to me.

Looks like some new kind of TIE interceptor, but this one has shields.

But TIE fighters never had shields before.

Maybe that's why it's so secret.

If they're actually building these in numbers, our pilots won't stand a chance.

And neither will the rebellion.

How'd you get past Thrawn with these plans?

Someone's losing more than their job for that.

I guess we can thank Agent Kallus.

He knew Fulcrum's secret code phrase.

Wait, wait, wait. Kallus is Fulcrum?

How does that even make sense?

Karabast. I must've recruited him.

You know, accidentally.

You mean when you were stuck on that ice moon with him?

Yeah, well. We didn't k*ll each other.

So I guess we're friends now?

Still, we'll use caution with our new friend until we're sure we know what game he's playing.

Thank you, Lieutenant. Dismissed.

Agent Kallus, I read your report.

Several troopers confirmed your encounter with the Jedi.

It was very helpful.

You know, after analyzing the rebels' escape, it's clear to me they had help from one within our Imperial ranks.

The rebels have a mole?

Then all personnel must be interrogated.

This spy must be found!

Patience, Governor.

Acting out of emotion will not serve us here.

We must wait and watch.

And when we find our spy, and we will find them, we shall turn them from an obstacle to an asset.

Wouldn't you agree, Agent Kallus?

Your strategy is without flaw, Grand Admiral.

As always.