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03x06 - Imperial Supercommandos

Posted: 01/30/21 09:52
by bunniefuu
Blade to cube face four? That's a showy move.

You play with too much bravado.

Strategy is an art, Rau.

Maybe I'm lulling you into a false sense of security.

There's nothing false about it.

Blade to cube face two.

I win.

I'll bet your game has slipped since you left Mandalore.

Why do you keep coming back here?

You and your rebels have imprisoned me.

My Protectors have orders to give you safe passage through our space.

What more do you want?

Reset the board, Chop.

I want the same thing we've always wanted.

For you and your Protectors to join us, to fight the Empire.

I made a deal with the Empire to survive.

I made a deal with your Rebellion to survive.

But joining you?

My only true loyalty is to Mandalore.

Well, I'll keep trying.

I admire your persistence, Sabine Wren.

You could have been a Protector, if not for your traitorous past.

Not this again.

We could still work together now, if I were free.

Not for the rebels, not for the Empire.

For Mandalore.

Sorry to interrupt playtime, but Hera wants you in the w*r room for a briefing.

Both of you.

We've lost communications with the Mandalorian base on Concord Dawn.

Rebel leaders are concerned your Protectors are setting a trap for us.

Impossible. My men are loyal to my word.

Your safe passage through our system is secure.

If you've lost communication, something's happened.

I'll go check it out. I should go with you.

They're my men. I can talk to them.

Wait. Isn't he our prisoner?

More like a cranky guest.

He can go, but he stays in binders.

Take Ezra and Chopper.

Do a recon sweep of their base, then come right back.

You are not to land or engage.

And try not to wreck the Phantom II. We just got that thing.


What happened?

The Mandalorians have endured wars since before the formation of the Republic.

Just as we'll endure the Empire and your Rebellion.

Too bad our people can't stop fighting each other.

I don't get the whole Mandalorian thing.

Ezra, watch him! What?

Chopper. Knock it off.

Hey. Sabine?

I'll live. Where's Rau?

I don't know, but he's got our weapons.

Hey. Did we land?

Turn around.



Your men weren't laying a trap. They were ambushed.

The Empire? Not the Empire.

Other Mandalorians.

Precision detonations, laser strikes from above.

Definitely a surprise attack by another clan.

I don't get it.

Why would Mandalorians attack Mandalorians?

It's complicated.

Look, Rau... This is all your fault!

If I'd been here instead of locked away by you and your rebels, I could have prevented this.

We didn't mean for this to happen. You know that.

They were my people, too.

Don't talk to me about your people.

What do you know of loyalty?

I am not your enemy, Rau.

None of this makes any sense.

Which of the clans has the power to do this?

Who would want to?

The Protectors are loyal to the throne.

They recruit the best warriors from within all the clans.

Chopper's picking up a signal from over there.

It's Imperial. It's trying to transmit.

I can't hold it!

Got it. I got it!

Think it got a signal out?

Well, we're either fine, or a few Star Destroyers are on their way.

You wanna wait and see? Good point. We're leaving.

We have to go.

I have no intention of leaving, and certainly not with you.

The Empire could be on their way right now.

I've dealt with them before, and I'll deal with them again.

But now, of course, I have the location of your rebel base as a bargaining chip.

It's no less than you deserve after causing all this.

I can't let you do that.

Sabine, wait.

Last chance, Rau.

The Empire? Already?

What are those, flying stormtroopers? Worse. They're traitors.

Mandalorians who serve the Empire.

Ezra, run.

Spread out.

Stay alert. They're around here somewhere.

Get him.

Come on. No.

His sacrifice saved us. Don't waste it.

Stop! I give up! Don't sh**t!

We have to help him.

Think, Sabine.

Your only advantage is that they don't know about you yet.

You still have his lightsaber. That might just save his life.


I know a place where we'll be safe and where we can watch them.

Search the area. I doubt he's alone.

Who are you?

I am Gar Saxon, Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore.

And you, rebel, are now my prisoner.

How many are with you?

I'm here by myself.

I mean, except for my droid, and he doesn't really count.

We checked the base. No sign of anyone else.

See? You'll excuse me if I don't take the word of a rebel spy.

I'm not part of any rebellion.

I told you, I'm a scavenger.

Part of Hondo Ohnaka's crew. He'll vouch for me.

I don't think so.

The Empire is fully aware rebels have been using the system as a thruway to avoid patrols in this sector.

I don't care about that.

I just came here looking to salvage some spare parts.

You're dealing with the Mandalorians now, child, not some Imperial officer fresh out of the Academy.

Look, sir, I didn't even know Mandalore was part of the Empire.

Search his ship. Maybe we'll find the truth there.

Until then, perhaps target practice with your droid will encourage you to talk.

Look, Viceroy, sir.

sh**ting at my droid isn't gonna get you any answer.

We're going back.

For Bridger? Pawns are meant to be sacrificed.

Okay. One, he's not a pawn.

Two, Ezra can take care of himself.

But the Phantom has our base coordinates on board.

We cannot let the Empire get their hands on that.

You think I actually care about him or your rebels?

To think the Protectors fell to these traitors.

The leader... He looked familiar.

He should. He's Clan Vizsla, like you.

His name is Gar Saxon.

He wanted to be our ruler, but he had no honor.

That's why the Empire put him in charge.

You think you're any better than him?

Everything that's happened here is because of you rebels.

Okay, look. You may not like it, but right now, we need each other.

Help me get my ship, get Ezra, and then we'll all get out of here together.


You want to get yourself k*lled trying to rescue your friend?

Be my guest.

All I care about is making Saxon and his traitors pay.

But now is not the time for that.

Well, I'm not after revenge.

Just my friends.

I'll tell you the truth. I promise, okay?

My name is Lando Calrissian. I'm a smuggler.

I heard there was lost treasure here.

I made a deal with pirates, okay? I swear.

Every lie you tell holds a shred of truth.

You're giving me what I want to know, whether you realize it or not.

You have to believe me.

I believe you've run out of lies.

Set frequency to 337.

Blast the droid.

Perhaps its memory circuits hold the secrets I want.

Okay! Okay!

I was sent here by the Protector, Fenn Rau.

You know where he is then?

I don't. But I sure wish I did.

Is that so?

You know, I planned to strike this base and destroy these defiant Protectors for some time.

Missing Fenn Rau was disappointing.

But his absence did make the destruction of his men easier.

I have been waiting for Rau to return.

I only allowed rebel ships to move through Concord Dawn to lure him back.

But now, I have you.

And I think you know exactly where Rau is!

And you will take me to him.

He was going to k*ll us anyway.

Rau, I'm sorry.

Had you and your Jedi not captured me, I'd be dead alongside my men, ex*cuted by the Empire.

A truce, then, for now.

You get your friend, I'll secure our ship.

Thank you.

First, let's thin them out and get you a w*apon.

I like the way you think.

Been wanting one of these.

Where is he? I don't know!

You just became a much more valuable c*ptive...


Get back!

I can't see! Where's my helmet?

Get up! Come on!

What took you so long?

I was using strategy. It takes longer.

Rau should already be in the ship.

He's in the ship, all right.

How's strategy working out for us now?

Not so great.

Sabine Wren. I don't know you.

Well, I know you and all about how you've joined the Phoenix Squadron.

I also know that your mother is looking for you.

Don't believe him.

Sabine never told you about her family?

Well. She lies as well as you, boy.

Her own mother stands with me and the Empire now.

I doubt you gave her much choice, traitor.

She came around herself after you abandoned the Imperial Academy.

Your cowardice shamed your family's name and standing.

Had you honored your commitment... you could be wearing this armor now.

Sorry, Saxon. I like a little more color.

You think yourself a loyalist?

The Empire will make Mandalore stronger than ever before.

The only one who's gotten stronger under the Empire is you.

Out of respect for your family, I'll give you a choice.

Give me Fenn Rau and swear allegiance... or you and your friend die.

I yield. Sabine, don't.

We have no choice.

On my mark, send feedback to frequency 337.

Say it.

I swear... That you're a fool!

Chopper, now!

Hang on!

I want those rebels alive!

So what's your strategy for this?

They must have a ship nearby.

Chopper, find it.

Make it quick, Chop. Her evil cousins are coming.

They're flying faster than us.

How about a little help?

Too low, too low!

Cut them off.

Nice work back there.


I know it was an accident!

Tell me we're close. Chopper?

It's just up ahead.

Finish the boy. Wren is mine.

Gar Saxon!

Those kids are under my protection.


Go. I'm right behind you.


You're not going anywhere, traitor.

I'll hand you over to the Empire.

They shot my jetpack!

I really thought you left us.

I considered it.

Then I realized you were willing to die for your people, even though they are not Mandalorian.

You haven't forgotten our ways.

That has earned my respect.

Don't take this the wrong way, you guys, but Mandalorians are crazy.

Crazy enough to join you.


If you'll have me.

I'd rather have you with us than against us.

Welcome to the family.