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02x14 - The Call

Posted: 01/30/21 09:33
by bunniefuu
Sabine, fuel status.

.05. We're almost down to fumes.

Sorry, guys.

Have to divert more power from thermal subsystems.

Reducing heat to two percent.

Our intel on this fuel source better be solid.

I'm losing feeling in my fingers.

Saw the report myself.

Somewhere in this belt, the Mining Guild's been refining Clouzon-36 for the Empire.

One shipment of that stuff could fuel us and all the ships in Phoenix Squadron for a full cycle.

Empire is scheduled to pick up their shipment today.

We just have to get there and find it first.

The asteroid field is scrambling our sensors.

Well, I'm getting nothing on the old visual scanners.

All right. Cut the chatter. Keep your eyes peeled for that refinery.

Does anyone hear that noise?

The only thing I hear is my brain freezing.

There. The noise. I hear it again.

It's getting louder.

I don't see anything out here.

What's it sound like, Ezra?

It's hard to describe.

Kind of sad, I guess. But...

I mean, how can you not hear it? It's coming from all around us.

Ezra, there's nothing to hear.

Sabine, check the scanners again.

Don't have to. Look.

Brace yourselves!

What the bloody blazes are those?


They'll rip the hull apart.

Prepare to fire. We gotta drive them back.

Don't sh**t! They'll pass.

Just let 'em do what they do.

What they do is destroy starships like ours.

We can't waste power fighting these things.

What choice do we have?

We could just get out of their way.

We either run into them or the asteroids. Take your pick.

Try flying with them instead of against them.

That's not a half-bad idea.

Fine. I can't believe I'm doing this.

It's not the strangest thing we've ever done.

Yeah, that doesn't make me feel better.

I think they're calming down.

I'm not hearing them.

That was a good instinct, Ezra. How did you know?

It just seemed like the right thing to do.

Okay, we're low on fuel, surrounded by asteroids, and caught in a swarm of purrgil.

How has the situation improved exactly?

Hello? Are we sh**ting them or not?

'Cause here comes a really big one.

These creatures are amazing.

Who would want to sh**t them?

Hera, if you gave her the chance.

Kanan, you don't know what you're talking about. I do.

Well, since I'm so uneducated, why don't you explain your problem?

These creatures are a menace. A big, lumbering menace.

Something's upsetting it.

Maybe it's Hera.

No, it's not Hera.

TIE fighters. Two of 'em. I need a better angle.

Hang on!

Those TIEs have been modified. They're not Imperial.

Well, they're acting like it.

I've got him. I've got him.

Hera, I lost my cannons.

Rerouting auxiliary power from The Phantom.



See? If we shot at the purrgil, we wouldn't have had...

Those fighters were Mining Guild.

They must be from the refinery.

You think you can track where they came from?

Maybe. Give me a minute.

As I was saying, it's a good thing we didn't waste energy sh**ting at the purrgil.

I heard you the first time.

Something's happening.

They're turning around. I think we should follow them.

Following them is the last thing we should do.

Sabine, did you find out where the fighters came from yet?

I did. Good. What's our heading?

Follow the purrgil. What?

Yeah, I hate to tell you this, but the purrgil are heading right where I calculated those fighters came from.

That's so interesting.

All right. I guess for now we follow the purrgil.

Hey. For what it's worth, I've got a good feeling about this.

Go check your cabins. Make sure everything is switched off.

We've gotta save every little bit of fuel.

Come on, big guy.

It's colder back there.

I never imagined there were creatures in deep space.

When I was young, I was told amazing stories of creatures that lived in the stars... traveled between the worlds.

Old pilots said it was the purrgil who inspired us to jump from system to system.

But I don't believe it. The purrgil are dangerous.

They wander into hyperspace lanes, crash into ships.

I've lost more than one friend that way.

Well, maybe they don't realize they're putting people in danger.

Maybe it's like Kanan says, you know.

They just do what they do.

Right now, as long as they don't come between me and my mission, I really don't care what they do.

Fair enough.

Scanners are picking up an energy source from that planetoid ahead.

You think it's the refinery?

We're about to find out.

There it is. The refinery.

I wonder why the purrgil are headed that way.

Works out for us.

Between them and all these asteroids, the Mining Guild will never see us coming.

The a*t*matic doors aren't so a*t*matic anymore.

I've rationed what energy we have left.

What's your next move?

I want to get a secure position to plan our attack.

Sabine, Chopper, ready a short, controlled burst from the engines.

In three, two, one.


Okay. So how exactly are we gonna pull off this raid with our limited resources?

Well, give me a second and I'll tell you.

Okay. More fighters. That's not good.

Anti-ship cannon, also not good. But...

There's the Empire's shipment.

Okay, lots of guards around, but I think we can drop down there, scoop it up and go.

Forget the scoop job.

We have just barely enough fuel to get down there.

We'll have to land.

Refuel on the platform?

They'll blast us to bits. We need a diversion.

I've got one.

The gas in that pool is unrefined Clouzon-36.

Highly expl*sive in its pure form.

We drop in a few charges, the blast will provide all the diversion we need.

In the chaos, we grab the fuel.

And that huge fireball will destroy the Empire's ability to refine more.

I like it. Ezra, you hear the plan?

Yeah. Sure.

They're using the cannon to sh**t the purrgil.

Why would they bother?

Speaking of, how do we get past that g*n undetected?

We jump. Excuse me?

We're in the upper atmosphere.

We can glide in on the catwalk.

With all the purrgil around, we can probably slip by unseen.

Sounds like a dangerous plan.

Don't worry, buddy. You're staying here.

Sounds like a good plan.

The purrgil and the gas are connected.

Hey, guys?

Not now, Ezra. You've gotta prep for the mission.

But I think the purrgil want the fuel.

Well, so do we.

Get going.

Why are those flying leeches back?

I sent two fighters to destroy them.

Pilots haven't reported in, sir. Perhaps they've run into trouble.

These creatures have eaten enough of our fuel.

I don't want to hear our cannons stop firing until all of those things are dead.

Sabine, do you have the helmet I lent you?


You said you just wanted to look at it.

I did look at it. And it looked bad.

I think it looks great.

Wait. We're not taking The Phantom?

You know, you should really pay more attention.

How are we getting down there? Like Kanan said.

We jump.

Five seconds.

No. No! No!

I'm gonna have to work on that.

I'm gonna make sure you do.

Look out!

So much for our stealth mission.

Sabine, toss the detonators.

I'm on it.


Ezra, are you crazy?

We can't blow up the gas!

Don't tell me this is about the purrgil.

It is.

Hold that thought. Sabine!


Okay. Explain yourself.

Okay. The gas and the purrgil are connected.

We can't blow up the gas without hurting them.

Kanan, what's the plan?

I trust your instincts, kid. Now, get on that cannon and cover us.

What exactly are we doing?

We're going to secure the landing zone.

There's no expl*si*n.

How come there's no expl*si*n?

Sabine, what's going on?

We're improvising, again.

Kanan and I are securing the landing zone while Ezra covers us with the cannon.

Who changed the plan?

The purrgil changed the plan.

Not the purrgil again.

Are you sure you can secure the landing platform?

Once I start heading down there, I can't turn back.

Hera, if you're looking for a guarantee, you are on the wrong mission.

We'll contact you when the platform is clear.

Next time, we just plan on the plan changing.

Boss Yushyn, we have intruders on the patrol bridge.

Fuel thieves. Alert our sentries.

Protect the shipment at all costs.

Where's my cover fire?

Working on it.

Careful! Don't hit the fuel.

Hera, you better get down here.

Your landing zone is temporarily secure.

Then it's a good thing we're here.

I'll get the fuel.

Make it fast.

They're back.

Spectre-6, do you copy?

Kanan, I figured it out.

You're not going to believe this.

I believe I need more cover fire!

Yes! Right. Sorry.

Launch fighters.

I thought you said the landing platform was secure.

Temporarily. I said, "Temporarily secure."

Refuel commencing.

Come on, come on.

We've got fighters. Ezra.


Ezra, where are you?

Ezra? Come in, Ezra!

Help, help me.

I understand.

We want to help you.

Let us help you.


Thank you. You saved my life.

We need to find Ezra.

Without fuel, we can't find anybody.

Ezra's down. We need to get out of here.

Just a few more seconds.

Time's up.

Surrender, thieves. You are at my mercy.

I can't believe we're gonna lose to this guy.

What is your answer?

Kanan, don't worry. We'll be right there.


I don't believe it.

We found Ezra.

Blast those disgusting things!

How's the Ghost? We're back in action.

This is the last one. Go. Go!

Forget the beasts. Stop that ship!

Hold them off. I'll cover you.

Keep away. Keep away!

It wasn't like anything I've ever experienced.

I could see what they were thinking.

You must have established a deep connection with them.

I guess so.

I could see they need gas to breathe and travel.

The crater wasn't their home, just one stop on a long journey.

I have to admit, without the help of the purrgil, we never would have gotten off the ground again.


Can it be?

It is true. They can travel through hyperspace.

We better get moving, too.

Back to the fleet?

How 'bout we follow the purrgil?