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02x10 - Legacy

Posted: 01/30/21 09:30
by bunniefuu



Mom? Mom, are you there?

Ezra. We're here.

Dad? Where are you? I can't see you.

Mom? Dad?

We're right here, Ezra.

No, no. We've checked these systems.

There's nothing close to a viable location for a base.

Maybe you're just being picky. Maybe I have to be.

Kanan! Kanan!

What is it? My parents.

Kanan, I saw my parents.

I had a vision that they're out there, and I've gotta find them.

Ezra, you know visions inspired by the Force can be misinterpreted.

Just start at the beginning and tell us exactly what you saw.

Okay. Some kind of Imperial prison, I think.

My parents were there, and... And then there was this loth-cat.

You've never wanted to talk about your parents.

That was before this vision, Kanan.

It was so real. You have to believe me.

I think it's time to show him.

Show me what?

Remember when Tseebo told you he knew what happened to your parents?

Yeah. But I didn't want to hear what he had to say...

That I'd never see them again.

Why? Do you know where they are?

We know they were taken to an Imperial prison, one of a thousand.

There are so many. Where do we start?

Tseebo didn't know exactly where they were, but he had fragments of information, which we've been trying to piece together.

We called in every favor with every smuggler, trader and pirate we know.

Even asked Senator Organa to inquire with his sources, but we couldn't find them.

I'm sorry.

Why didn't you tell me this sooner?

There was nothing to tell. Your parents were just gone.


Thank you.

Garel is a major port and under our control.

Surely our garrison there would have spotted rebel activity.

You doubt my word, Admiral?

No, Inquisitor.

I merely look to the day when you produce results.

And they have.

I have independently confirmed the Inquisitors' theory.

There is a rebel presence on Garel.

They use multiple spaceports to hide their ships.

Quite clever.

You respect them, even though they represent your constant failure?

Perhaps, Inquisitor, we can achieve together, what we have not apart.

Admiral, deploy the fleet to Garel.

Mom, Dad, I will find you.


What is that?

It's a list of Imperial prisoners.

The Empire's deleted their names and images to keep them secret.

Where'd it come from? Commander Sato.

He knows of my interest in Imperial prisons.

His contact in the Core intercepted a report, there was a mass escape last night.

That's why I had the vision. My parents were a part of this.

Possibly. They were! I know it.

We've got to find them.

How do we find them?

I know an old Jedi trick that might be able to help.

I can't guarantee this will work.

You have to open your mind to the truth as the Force presents it.

That can mean something good or something bad.

Do you understand?

Yes, I understand.

Turn around and focus on the list.

Don't try to see what you want to see.

Let the Force be your guide.

Stay in the moment, be in this place at this time.


Prisoner X-10.

Whoever this is, they were arrested on Lothal for treason.

You might be onto something. Maybe.

We have to find out.

Hang on. They could be anywhere by now.

No, Kanan. Not anywhere.


That's why I keep seeing the white loth-cat.

Where's my helmet? I need my helmet.

We want you to find your parents, Ezra, but even if you're right, you can't go now.

We need a plan.

The entire Imperial sector fleet has the planet in a blockade.

Not anymore.

Been listening in on Imperial chatter.

Wait. What's up on Lothal?

The Empire's fleet left Lothal's orbit this morning.

Left Lothal? Where to?

Doesn't matter, okay? This is a sign.

I'm supposed to go.

Where's my stupid helmet?

I know you have to go, but that doesn't mean you have to go alone.

We support you. We're family.

Speaking of family, where are the delinquents?

Back to Lothal?

Well, that sounds like a terrible idea.

Besides, we haven't finished getting our supplies.

You can finish later. Just get back here now.

Not too fast, Zeb.

We don't want to alert any Imperial patrols.

Don't worry. Not a bucket head in sight.

In fact, we haven't seen one all morning.

Kind of strange, actually.

It's not strange. It's strategy.

What are you talking about?

The Empire always pulls back patrols before a major strike.


Well, Ezra, if you want to go back to Lothal... now would be the time.

Zeb, get back to the ship.

I'll contact Commander Sato. Hurry.

Hera? You copy? Hello?

I wonder what she was trying to say.

I think I know what she was gonna say.

Sabine, see if you can splice their jamming signal.

We'll need our comm.

On it. You two better get going.

Not until we get Zeb and Chop. Just have us ready to fly.

Zeb, we'll cover you! Head this way!

Go! Go! Go!


Got us in a cross fire!

We have them pinned.

We don't have all day. We have to get back to Lothal!

Ezra, no!

Well, that's pretty impressive.

Yeah. I taught him.

Well. Hello there.

You are not going to get in my way.

Well, then, my brave, young boy, come and prove it.


Ezra, I know how important getting to Lothal is.

No, Kanan.

Actually, you don't know what this is like.

You're right.

I never knew my parents.

Kanan, I'm sorry.

No. It's okay.

It's too late for me, but maybe not for you.

It's gonna be too late for all of us if we don't get back to the Ghost.

All right. Come on. We'll take the long way around.

Way to have our backs, Chopper.

Sabine, where's my comm?

Almost got it.

Hangar 16 has fallen. Phoenix Squadron, report!

Ghost to Liberator. Give me some good news.

We read you, Hera.

If the fleet's gonna launch, it's gotta be now.

We are employing escape plan delta, Captain Syndulla.

Are you ready?

They're back. Let's go.

This is Phoenix Leader.

All ships, angle deflector shields and follow my lead.

Copy that, Captain Syndulla.

Admiral, several rebel ships have launched.

Prepare tractor beam.

Zeb, get on the g*ns. On my way.

Come on, kid. We gotta go. You too, Chopper.

Target their command ship.

They've slinged us in a tractor beam.

Kanan, I'm going back for Sato and Rex.

You've got your opening. Take it.

We're not leaving until the fleet is safe.

I appreciate the sentiment, but I gave you an order.

Now get moving.

And, Ezra, I hope you find what you're looking for.

Don't worry.

She was looking after everyone long before you and I came along.

This is not escaping. This is attacking.

I'm open to suggestions. I've got an idea.

But it means getting close to that Star Destroyer.

We can use the torpedoes to take out the tractor beam.

- Wait, can we do that? We're gonna find out.

Oh, boy.

Sir, a second rebel ship is attacking our flank.

Let the fighters deal with it.

Keep your focus on capturing the command ship.

Commander Sato, we're going to break you free from the tractor beam.

Phoenix Leader, I gave you a direct order to retreat.

Just be ready to hit your thrusters.

Almost got it. Almost got it.

Don't got it! Don't got it!

I'll get it.

What are you doing? What are you doing?

Did we get it?

We got it.

Commander, we're free. Get us out of here, now.

So, are we rendezvousing with the fleet or heading to Lothal?

We stay with the fleet.

Admiral, Agent Kallus would like to know the enemy's position.

So would I.

You have to admit, it's good to see no Star Destroyers over Lothal, for a change.

Why so quiet?

Thank you for everything you've done for me.

You're always there when I need you most.

Hey. I know what it's like to lose someone close and not have anyone.

When I lost my master, I was alone.

Regardless of how this turns out, I didn't want you to be.

So? Where do we start?


They burned it to the ground.

I guess the Empire wanted to send us a message.

But my vision led me back here to Lothal.

If my parents aren't here, where are they?

What happened to them?

Slow down.

The Force is trying to tell you something.

Listen to it.

The white loth-cat.

Here. Nice loth-cat.

Good loth-cat.

I'm not here to hurt you, but you know that, don't you?

Who do you belong to?

After it!

And we're chasing loth-cats now.

Fast little fuzzball.



Hey, stop! Stop! Wait! Stop!

Will you be more careful?

You know there are still stormtroopers around.

Don't worry, okay? I can track it.

What? The... The cat?

You've grown powerful if you can track that loth-cat with the Force.

The Force? I planted a tracker on it, Kanan.

Of course you did.

The locator stopped up ahead in the mountains.

This is it.

Something familiar about this.

Hey. Our friend from the market.

Get down!

It's him.

X-10? Hold your fire! We're friends!

Yeah, that'll do it.

That isn't my name, bounty hunter.

I know that's not your name.

Ezra, no! My name is Ezra.

Ezra Bridger.

I don't know you, but I think you might know my parents.

Ephraim and Mira Bridger.

My name is Ryder Azadi.

You're right. I know your parents.

I can't believe you're here, Ezra.

I wanted to find you, but I guess you found me first.

I know you, don't I?

You remember? You were pretty small back then.

I was the Governor of Lothal.

I supported your parents and the messages they beamed out against the Empire.

It was part of the reason I was accused of treason and sent to prison with them.

I do remember.

Then you know what happened to them.

Yes, I do.

They're dead, aren't they?

I'm sorry, son. They are.

Please tell me what happened.

You know, even imprisoned, your parents would stand up for those who couldn't.

Especially after they heard your message.

Yes. That message.

That message of rebellion you beamed out somehow made its way into the deepest dark of Imperial prisons.

They were inspired by it, Ezra.

They rallied others to rise up and break out.

Dozens of us, rebels, sympathizers are free, thanks to them.

But they didn't make it.

They got separated in the escape.

It was just like them not to leave until everyone else got out first.

But by then, it was too late.

How? How did they know it was me?

On the transmission?

Your voice, your words, son, telling Lothal to stand up.

They knew right away.

You know, they used to say it all the time when I was little.

"If we don't stand up, who will?"

It's beautiful, isn't it, son?

Yeah. So peaceful.

That is all going to change when the Empire arrives.

But I don't want things to change.

They already have, Ezra.

You have made us so proud.

You are going to need to stay strong.

Can you do that, son? Yes, I can.

Remember, Ezra. Without hope, we have nothing.

Moons are setting.

Be morning soon.

I saw them, Kanan. My parents. They were right here.

I can't explain how.

The Jedi teach that life doesn't cease at death, but merely changes form in the Force.

Your parents are alive inside you, Ezra.

They will be. Always.