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02x06 - Wings of the Master

Posted: 01/30/21 09:28
by bunniefuu
The Empire has doubled our work quotas and cut our rations.

Without your food drop, the weakest among us will starve.

Stay strong, my friend. We'll be there soon.

You have our deepest gratitude, Phoenix Squadron.

Our underground network is standing by at the drop zone to distribute...

The transmission is being jammed.

Looks like the Empire came out to welcome us.

Attention, rebel convoy. This system is under Imperial control.

Stand down or be destroyed.

What a surprise. Agent Kallus.

I'll give him this, he's persistent.

Phoenix Leader, your pilots ready?

As ready as we'll ever be, Captain Syndulla.

All fighters, attack formation.

Deploying fighters.

Just handle those TIEs, Phoenix Leader.

We'll cover you, Ghost. Start your run.

Zeb, bandit at 270.

I see him. Karabast!

Ezra, coming in at point three.

Kanan, two marks at 185.

This is Transport 1. We're taking heavy fire!

Stay on course, Transport 1.

Concentrate your fire on that transport.

That cargo will not get past us.

Losing forward deflectors!

We're almost through!

We're not gonna make it!

- We're not gonna make it! No!

- Captain Syndulla! No!

We lost the transport. We lost the transport.

All ships, abort! Abort!

We have to get out of here!

We lost Phoenix Leader.

They're cutting us to pieces!

Set heading 267. All ships, jump now!

We must finish this mission.

If we try again with our two remaining transports, I know I can get at least one through.

We don't have much time.

The people of Ibaar won't last another rotation without our help.

I agree we must try, but our entire fleet is no match for that blockade.

There is an alternative.

I've been in contact with an engineer who has no love for the Empire and who claims to have built a prototype heavy as*ault starfighter, a blockade buster.

What's the problem? Let's get it.

Shipmaster Quarrie will only discuss his ship in person... on the planet Shantipole.


Every pilot in the galaxy knows that's a one-way trip.

Hera will go.

Kanan, no.

I... I've got to lead the next run on the blockade.

If that fighter gives us a better chance to help Ibaar, we have to get it.

And no one else is volunteering to go, but I know you will.

What do you say, Commander?

I can't believe you volunteered me for this reckless mission.

After what happened, the fleet needs me now more than ever.

True, the fleet needs a solution, but one that neither you nor Agent Kallus are able to see.

Are we talking in riddles now? Is that it?

Fine. You want me to spell it out for you?

We can't beat that blockade, not without a better ship, with better firepower, and the best pilot at the controls.

Even if this ship turns out to be everything we hope it is, I still might not make it back in time to help.

Then you better hurry.

So, I guess that makes me copilot.

I called it, I'm in the chair, I'm copilot.

Kanan, would you tell him I'm co-piloting?

You're co-irritating me, both of you. Now strap in.

We've got to pick up the last of the supplies, with or without Hera.

Well, I did a little research on why it's so hard to land here.


The upper atmosphere is tricky.

Tricky how?

You can get through it, but your craft never seems to maintain its power.

What does that mean?

I don't know what that means.

It means no power, no flying, just falling.

Could've mentioned this before I got on board!

You wouldn't have come!

Wait. Was that a ship? That was a ship!

That was your imagination.

There! The landing field.

Is that your imagination?

You better hope not.

Brace for landing!

Am I dead?

I don't smell dead.


Zeb, get to the back of the ship!

Who are you?

You're Quarrie, right? Captain Rex sent us.

You're here about my ship.

Any landing you can walk away from is a good one.

After a good landing, you can still fly the ship.

Yeah. You know this is a terrible place for ships.

But the perfect place to test them.

If it can fly here, it can fly anywhere.

And it's also the last place the Empire would look.

Come. Let's get out of this wind.

Pardon the mess. I don't get many visitors.

Most of 'em crash.

There she is.

What do you think?

I call it the Blade Wing.

That's a ship?

Is it upside down?

Looks like it's been through a garbage masher.

This is one of my most advanced designs.

Fast, agile, a narrow attack profile.

And it packs a punch.

High intensity blasters, ion cannons, and proton torpedoes.

Great. I can't wait to take it out.

The fleet really needs this.

The fleet?

What makes you think she's yours just for the taking?

I can't believe that old carp isn't gonna let you fly his ship.

You ask me, he's been out of the water too long.

I can't fix the Phantom, not with the spare parts we have on board.

And more good news. Our comm system's fried.

We can't contact the Ghost.

So we're stuck here. Perfect.

I noticed your aft stabilizer is cracked.

What else you need?

Power bus relay, a flux converter, some plasma conduit.

BG will get you sorted.

Thank you.

Look. If I don't fly your ship, who will?

I've waited a long time for the right pilot.

I can wait longer.


We have cut all remaining rations from the Ibaarian people.

There are a few holdouts in the mountains who have been in contact with the rebel fleet.

Have no fear, Commander. Their spirit will break soon enough.

What of the rebel fleet?

They will return.

They can't resist helping people in need, which will be the last mistake they make.

You know, you didn't have to drag us all the way out here.

Could've just transmitted the plans to Rex.

Why would I hand over my ship to just any pilot?

Would "any pilot" risk their life to come to this death trap?

Perhaps not. So why did you?

I was a little girl when the Clone w*r came to Ryloth.

My mother hid us below ground, but I'd peek out when the Republic ships flew over as they fought to liberate my world.

I dreamt of nothing more than to be up there with them.

So, you left your family to fight?

I left my family so I could fly.

As a combat pilot.

If we want freedom, we must make difficult choices.

I chose to leave my family, I chose to learn to fly, and then I chose to use that ability to help others in need.

But it's all rooted in something I can't explain.

A need to be up there.

Because even when there are explosions all around me, and things are at their worst...

I feel like I'm at my best.

We've wasted enough time.

There are beings in need of help, and my ship is in need of a pilot.

I don't understand why we're loading the Ghost up with the food supplies.

Well, I thought Hera would be back by now.

But when she went out there, there was never a guarantee she'd be back in time.

So we're making the run. Wait.

We're transporting the supplies in the Ghost?

That'll make us the Empire's primary target.

Yeah, but the Ghost is smaller and faster, so, with any luck, we'll just slip right by.

You actually believe that?

It makes me feel better when I say it.

Besides, we gotta feed those people.

Now are you in?

You're lucky to have her as your pilot.

How many times have you flown it?

Me? I don't fly.

Too dangerous.

But theoretically, it should fly.


Better to be down here wishing I was up there than up there crashing back down here.

If that ship crashes, I'll toss you over the side, and see how well you fly!


Yes! Yes!

Let's see what this beast can do.

Definitely not a freighter.

That's it.


Commencing weapons test.

I was kind of hoping your ship packed more of a punch, Quarrie.

Did you pull the big lever on the right?

No. - Try again.

Yay, I told you.

Your ship certainly has the firepower we need, but the targeting system could use some work.

I've got some ideas.

No, no. That's my ship, young one.

Just what do you think you're doing?

Never get between a Mandalorian and a weapons package.

It's Kanan. He'll want to hear about our success.

It has the speed, maneuverability and weaponry.

This ship is exactly what the rebellion needs.

That's great news, Hera.

Kanan, they're starting.

What's going on?

The Ibaarians contacted us. They're at their breaking point.

We can't wait any longer.

Sato's ordered the second attack on the blockade.

We need to get moving. The second attack is about to commence.

Well, we've got a problem.

The energy drain from the multi-cannon firing system k*lled the hyperdrive.

In Basic, please.

The weapons work, but we've got no light speed.

Well, that has been a problem.

It's been a problem?

You... You mean you knew about this?

What did you expect for a prototype?

There are all sorts of adjustments that need to be made.

For instance, I don't even like this paint job so much...

Come here, fish face.

I want to see if you can fly. What the...

Hang on. Hang on, Zeb. Easy.

There must be a way to solve this.

It's a shame I had BG install that other hyperdrive on the Phantom.

You what?

I don't like seeing a ship that can't fly.

During the repairs, I upgraded it, because if you don't have a hyperdrive, you can't fly far.

You beautiful, crazy Mon Calamari!

That's the answer to our problem.

What? What's the answer?

Sir, enemy ships are approaching from sector nine.

Scan the rebel ships.

The one which carries the relief supplies will be our primary target.

Initiating scan now, sir.

Command ship, I'll follow your lead.

Hopefully we can break through their line and make a run for the surface.

Whose idea was this again?

Sir, comscan has identified the Corellian VCX as the supply transport.

Of course.

Commander, focus all fire on the Ghost.

Fighter incoming.

Rex, keep those TIEs off our back!

Workin' on it!

Better pick up the pace. The cruisers are closing the gap!

We're cut off!

I'm gonna swing around and try from another direction.

Stay on course, Ghost.

I'll knock that cruiser out of your way.

Turn me loose, Phantom.

Say hello to Kallus for me.

We will. If there's anything left of him.

Sir, rebel reinforcements have arrived.

One shuttle and one ship of unknown design.

I would hardly call that reinforcements.

You boys better give me some room.

You heard the captain.

Sabine, we'll get one shot at this.

Then it's a good thing you trust me.

Sir, the unidentified ship is taking the lead.

It's moving into attack position off our starboard side.

Steady. Steady!

A little closer.


That's impossible.

We're clear! Going in.

We'll hold off any pursuit once you've made the jump out.

We'll meet you back at the rendezvous.


So, maybe it's not such a hunk of junk after all.

We're over the drop zone now.

Releasing cargo.

We've recovered the drop.

Thank you, Phoenix Squadron. You've saved us.

You've saved us all.

You're welcome.

We have confirmation the drop was successful.

Let's go home, Phoenix Squadron.

It seems Senator Organa has found a ship works sympathetic to our cause, and willing to manufacture more of these B-wings in secret.

Project Shantipole will continue under my supervision, of course.

There are many adjustments that need be made.

Quarrie, thanks to you and your ship, we helped many people today.

I just hammered it together, young pilot.

You made it soar.


Your heroics are unparalleled, Captain Syndulla.

That is why I agree with Kanan's recommendation.

Your recommendation?

What have you done now?

Just listen to the commander.

You are to be promoted to Phoenix Leader.

Our fighter pilots will benefit greatly from your expertise.

Good job, Captain Hera.