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01x06 - Out of Darkness

Posted: 01/30/21 09:16
by bunniefuu
And halt!

Squad LRC-077 for your inspection, sir!

Cadets, you entered this facility as children.

And in a few short weeks, you will leave as soldiers.

By the time you complete your training, you will be prepared to serve your Emperor.

Today, we will test your strength and resolve.

Are you ready to become stormtroopers?

Sir, yes, sir!

At ease.


Hey, Dev. Dev.

What? Dev Morgan, you in there?

Yeah. Dev Morgan's in here, all right.

That's me. Wow.

You must really be feeling the pressure.

Sorry, Jai. Who's under pressure?

Not the guy who's won every assessment.

Yeah, but today I can taste victory.

You said that yesterday and went hungry.

Cadets, you are descending into the Well and must climb out with all deliberate speed.

You will be given the honor of serving as aides in Imperial Headquarters.

Those who lose will be serving Taskmaster Grint and wish they'd stayed at the bottom of that well.

I'm taking that prize. Not today, Kell.

Back off, Oleg. You too, Morgan.

You're both going down.

Actually, we're going up.

The assessment begins in four, three, two...

How exactly are we going up?


There's your answer, Jai.

See ya at the top!

Yes, you will.

From below!

Failure is not acceptable.

This Empire has no use for weakness.

Morgan, how do you do it?

It's like you know the platforms are coming before they're there.

What can I say? It's a gift!

Morgan is impressive.

Perhaps too impressive. Make a note of that.

You lose, Morgan. Jai, look out!

First again.

Yeah. Well, I'll get you tomorrow.

You said that yesterday too.

Quite a finish, cadets.

It seems this trial was too easy.

Morgan, Kell, you both set course records.

And is it Leonis? Sir, yes, sir!

You three are today's winners.

But rest assured, your next trial will be a great challenge.


Spectre-5 to Ghost.

Looks like the kid passed the first test.

He's inside Imperial HQ.

Roger, Spectre-5. Ghost standing by.

We've been standing by for weeks. I'm sick of this.

You're worried about Ezra.

I'm not worried about the kid. I'm worried about the op.

What were we thinking, putting him undercover?

What were we thinking? This was your idea.

He's just not ready. And if he gets caught...

He hasn't gotten caught so far.

The minute he gets that decoder, Zeb yanks him out of there.

That's the plan. I should've done this myself.

Yeah. You'd make quite a cadet.

Excuse me, sir. I have your new datapad.

I can leave it on your desk. No. I'll take it now.

One decoder, as ordered.

What do you think you're doing?

Hey, get outta there!

Figured it would be something like this. It's not what you think.

I think this device has a built-in sensor, which would trigger that.

You try walking out with this thing, the whole facility goes on lockdown.

Wait. Are you trying to help me?

You really want to discuss this here and now?

Not so much.

Spectre-5 to Ghost. Something went wrong.

The kid didn't get the device, and he didn't come out.

Copy that, Spectre-5. Give him one more day.

This decoder better be worth this risk.

What's the alternative?

Do you want to stop that kyber shipment or not?

You know what the Empire could do with that crystal.

Nothing good. So we give Ezra one more day.

What do you need that decoder for?

My friends need it to stop an Imperial shipment.

How'd you know about the sensors? From my sister, Dhara.

She was the star cadet in this place.

She knew the entire Imperial complex backwards and forwards.

What happened to her? Well, they told us she ran off.

But I don't believe it.

What were you doing breaking into Kallus' office?

That's a great way to get shot.

Long story, but I need that decoder.

And I could use a partner who knows his way around.

What's in it for me?

Do you really need a reason to mess with the Empire?

No, I don't.


We have to finish in the top three tomorrow if we're gonna get back inside Imperial HQ.

Then let's do it. I'm Zare, by the way. Zare Leonis.

And you're Dev, right? Yeah.

Yeah, that's me.

Today's assessment will be a little more challenging.

You will need to sh**t the targets to activate the panels necessary to climb out.

Three, two, one!

Oleg seems to have taken your correction to heart, Mr. Grint.

I'm not gonna make it!

Sorry, Jai.

Cadets, follow Morgan's example.

There is no friendship in w*r.

The only thing that matters is victory.

Victory at any cost.

Tomorrow's final trial will push all of you to your limits.

The reward for success will be a training session aboard an Imperial walker.

Dev, you sabotaged me!

I did what I had to do.

Good to know.

How are you gonna reach anything from up there?

Don't worry. I've been training to be a Jedi.

Yeah, right. Who isn't?

You'll see.


Sir, your Podracer parts have been delivered.

If you'll just sign off here, I'll bring them up.

Obviously, there's been a mistake.

What would I want with Podracer parts?

No mistake, sir.

It says right here two crates of second-hand Podracer parts for Agent Kallus.

I enjoy a good Podrace myself, sir.

So were you gonna sign it?

Cadet, are you ignorant?

I said this is a mistake.

Sir, yes, sir! Sorry, sir.

As usual, the assessments have proven quite illuminating.

I believe we've identified two cadets, Morgan and Kell, that meet your special criteria, Inquisitor.

Excellent, Commandant.

Tomorrow, I will arrive on Lothal to test them myself if the tests are conclusive, I will take them into custody.

Did you get the decoder?

Good. Where's Ezra?

What? What do you mean he went back to the Academy?

Guys, I know you're expecting me, but I have to stay at the Academy.

There's this kid there, Jai Kell.

And he'll get scooped up by the Inquisitor if I don't help him.

Wait. The Inquisitor? Is Ezra out of his...

You probably think I've lost my mind. And you're probably right.

But it's your fault. The old me never stuck his neck out for a stranger.

Clearly, I've spent way too long with you heroes.

Decode the hyperspace coordinates and get them to Spectre-1.

And if you're not too busy, attack the Academy tomorrow at noon.

I could use the diversion so I can get out of here. Spectre-6 out.

Spectre-5 to Ghost.

Sending coordinates for Imperial jump route.

If you leave now, you should still be able to intercept.

Coordinates received. We're heading out.

Good work, Spectre-5, and you too, Spectre-6.

Spectre-6 isn't with us.

What? Where is he?

Spectre-5, repeat! Where's Spectre-6?

Kanan, we're out of range.

All we can do now is complete the mission and get back as soon as possible.

Come with me.

Jai, trust me. Please.

And that's why you need to come with us and leave tomorrow.

No. No way. This is just another dirty trick.

You're trying to get me busted out of the Academy.

Yeah. But not the way you think. The Inquisitor...

Please. I don't believe this Inquisitor exists.

And even if he does, then maybe it's a good thing.

The Inquisitor trains me. I get a top rank in the Empire.

Kell, you got a family?

It's just me and my mother.

And how would she feel if she never saw you again?

My sister disappeared from this place.

And I'm betting it was the Inquisitor who took her away.

So unless you're ready to say bye to Mom forever...

Okay. What's the plan?

Simple. The three of us have to win tomorrow's challenge.

Not so simple. How's that gonna get us out of here?

Because it gets us inside that walker.

Kanan, there are three ships.

And we'll only get one shot at this.

The kyber crystal resonates with the Force.

It's in the middle ship. You sure?

I'm sure.

Come on. Keep up!

Jai, look out!


Keep going.

Well, well.

Cadets Kell, Leonis and Oleg win the day and the prize.

You were supposed to be on the walker with us. Now what?

Stick to the plan. I'll find a way to get on board.

Come on, boys. Take the bait.

Hera, you're good to go. - Copy that.

So these control movement and this fires the cannons.

But what are these? Gyroscopics. Here, I'll show you.

We're under attack!

What was that? My signal.

What are you doing?

Guess there's no turning back now. No.

Calculate the jump to hyperspace.

Have every remaining ship buy us the time we need.

We are under attack. Repeat, under attack.

Lower the blast doors!

Look! Do something!

Commandant! Whoever's controlling that walker is part of the attack!

This is LRC-01.

A rogue walker is loose in the Academy.

Advance and destroy.

Fire back! I'm trying!

Hera, that transport's gonna be gone any second and the cargo along with it.

Take your shot!

Calculations complete. Commence hyperspace jump.

Hera! I see it! Come on!

Let me in! Look!

Morgan's attempting to fight off the insurgents single-handed!

Hold on!

Thanks. Don't mention it.

Help me! We gotta get 'em out.

You guys okay? Yeah. Let's just get out of here.

Wait. Give me that blaster. Sure. Why?

Because I'm staying. What?

It's the only way I'll ever find my sister.

We got bucketheads inbound!

I'll keep in touch.

Get in!

This is a black mark, Commandant.

I do not know this boy, but this one I know.

This is the Padawan I encountered on Stygeon Prime.

That is Morgan. The other was Kell.

Cadet Zare Leonis here came very close to stopping the escape.

He was part of the traitor's squad and knew them well, or thought so.

How admirable.

Well, Leonis, let's take a walk, shall we?

I want to know everything about your former friends.

Jai, we'll take you to your mother, but you'll both have to go into hiding.

Yeah, from the Empire. No problem.

We'll help with that, too.

So how was it, kid?

Forgot what it was like to be on my own.

You miss it?

No grumpy robots, no smelly Lasats. It's good to be back.

At ease, cadet.

Sir, yes, sir.