04x17 - The Box

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". Aired: October 2008 - May 2020.*
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04x17 - The Box

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Obi-Wan Kenobi in disguise!

Working undercover as assassin Rako Hardeen, Obi-Wan leads a secret mission to uncover the Separatist plot against Chancellor Palpatine.

Using cunning and courage, he gains the trust of bounty hunter Cad Bane and criminal mastermind Moralo Eval, earning him entrance to the stronghold of Separatist leader Count Dooku.

Now it is here, on the beautiful planet of Serenno, that a barbaric contest will determine the fate of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and, possibly, the Republic itself.

Count Dooku, I apologize for my delay.

Your careless delay could have ruined my plan, Eval.

I see Cad Bane is with you. Who is the other one?

This is Rako Hardeen.

When Bane's escape plan failed, we only succeeded thanks to Hardeen.

I thought he might be useful for the tournament.

Enough small talk, I want my money.

That makes two of us.

You shall have it and perhaps much more.

Both of you, if you would like to enter our friendly little contest.

I'm in, if he's in.

You already owe me for one job, Dooku, anything else will cost you triple.

I assure you that if you survive the challenge, the reward will be well worth it.

We have all the contestants we need.

Prepare the tournament.

Yes, My Lord.

You summoned me, Master?

Wrong to deceive you it was, but much at stake there is.

So I was right. Obi-Wan is still alive.

Skywalker, a powerful Jedi you are, yet unpredictable and dangerous you can be.

To both your friends and enemies.

For Obi-Wan, on your patience everything depends.

What if he needs our help?


If you leave, help him you could.

But his future, uncertain is.

Trust in Obi-Wan we must.

HARDEEN: So what kind of "friendly little contest" you think the Count's got planned?

I'd be surprised if we all survive.

Nice hat.


Where did you get it?


What are you looking at? It's a nice hat.

Welcome to Serenno.

You have been invited here because you are the best bounty hunters in the galaxy.

Kiera Swan, two-time winner of the Obsidian Sphere.

Derrown, known simply as the exterminator.

Sixtat, the Outlands Butcher.

Embo, your bounty tallies were second only to one last season.

Cad Bane, who needs no introduction.

Rako Hardeen, the marksman of Concord Dawn.

Jakoli, known for never bringing anyone back alive.

Once, you and your brother have been a legendary team.

This challenge may prove difficult for you alone.

Twazzi, your acrobatics once earned you praise from Chancellor Valorum.

Sinrich, inventor of the holographic disguise matrix.

And, finally, Mantu.

-Your people were once a peaceful race. -(CHUCKLING)

How far they have fallen.

In a few moments, all 11 of you will enter what we call The Box.

Some of you will not make it out alive.

For those who do, we are looking for the five most skilled among you.

Any additional survivors will be eliminated to preserve the integrity of the job that awaits you.

Place your weapons here.

For those we choose, you will, of course, be paid most handsomely.

But more than that, you will be a part of an operation remembered as a turning point in the Clone Wars.

And when we succeed, we will bring the Republic to its pitiful knees.

Listen up! The Box was designed by me, Moralo Eval, to simulate certain situations that might happen on the job.

Go now, enter The Box, if you have the courage.

That's it, everyone inside. Keep moving.

Before we begin our first challenge, let me say there is only one rule inside The Box.

There are no rules.


The point, my friend, is to escape and quickly, because only the survivors will advance to the next challenge.

Dioxis! Breathe it and you are dead!

Every man for himself!


That wasn't so hard.



The way out isn't up. It's down.

The filters in my helmet can protect me for a short time.

I'll scout a way out.



There's a hole in the floor which gets you below the gas line.

Jump down the hole and follow the tunnel.

What if he's wrong?

You got a better idea?

What took you so long?

Moralo Eval is impressed. No casualties on the first challenge.

(CHUCKLING) I guarantee you that will not be the case in the next.



Impressive. I sense something different about that one.

Tell me what you know about this Rako Hardeen.

He k*lled the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi.

But only with a sn*per r*fle.

Obi-Wan Kenobi?

-I know how to get out! -BANE: Show me.

There's a pattern to the blades. Watch, that one's next.

If I can time it right, I can climb up to that exit shaft.

-Just follow me and time your jump. -Go!


Get moving!

Hardeen has done it again.

I'm beginning to think he may be the best one to lead this operation.

Hardeen is crafty, I will grant you, but let's see what happens when he is not the key to their survival.

To reach your final challenge, you must pass through my ray shield.

The switch to turn it off is on the other side.

The syringe on the platform contains a highly electrolytic serum that will allow you to pass through the shield.

However, it is toxic to all but one of you.



So it would seem.


Hey, who put you in charge?


Does anyone know what this gas bag is saying?

I do. He can get us out of this.

He's a Parwan. His blood can take the electrolytic serum.


Are you certain?

Fifty-fifty. Depends on the blood type of the Parwan.


Hurry, use the serum.



His blood. How did you know about it?

I used to k*ll Parwans for a living.


Your box does not appear to be as much of a challenge as I thought.

Perhaps I should put Hardeen in charge of the mission.

But this was my plan! You promised me the lead role!

You have one last test to change my mind.

Do not fear, Count Dooku. I will show you who is weak.

The final challenge has arrived.



Unfortunately, no.

We are going to test your sn*per skills. Hit the target.

Step back, boys, I'll show you how it's done.



HARDEEN: I get it. If we miss the target, this platform gets smaller.

Soon there won't be any platform left.

This is not the first time you've saved everybody's skin, Hardeen.

Five more hits. Let's see how good you really are.


Oh, what a shame, out of charges.

It's also important as a bounty hunter to be lucky, and your luck just ran out.


How dare you defy Moralo Eval!

If you're gonna k*ll him, do it like a man.

DOOKU: You heard him, Eval.

Show us what you are really made of.




You're going to have to do better than that!

(GRUNTS) You, my friend, have seen nothing yet!


Let's even the playing field.


Finish him, Hardeen.


Very disappointing.

All due respect, I just wanna do my job and get my money.

DOOKU: It is unfortunate that your leadership skills are so lacking.

And the rest, congratulations on surviving The Box.

Tomorrow you will kidnap Chancellor Palpatine at the festival on Naboo.

With the leader of The Republic as our hostage, we will demand the release of all Separatist prisoners.

If our demand is not met, the Chancellor will be ex*cuted.

Either way, you will help reshape the galaxy.

Once you are all aboard the transport, Eval will walk you through his plan.

However, the operation on Naboo will be run by Cad Bane.

All of you work for him now.
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