04x01 - Water w*r

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". Aired: October 2008 - May 2020.*
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The Jedi fight to maintain freedom and restore peace to the galaxy.
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04x01 - Water w*r

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Water wars!

Tensions run high on the ocean world of Mon Calamari where two separate peoples, the aggressive squid-like Quarren, and their peaceful neighbor, the Mon Calamari, struggle to maintain a fragile coexistence.

Adding to this strife, the king of the Mon Calamari has been found mysteriously m*rder*d, leaving his young son Prince Lee-Char to guide his people atone.

But the Quarren race will not accept the new ruler as their king.

Senator Amidala and her Jedi bodyguard have arrived to help resolve the matter and to avoid plunging the planet into civil w*r.

MON CALAMARI 1: You've all prospered under our rule!

QUARREN: It's time for a change!

MON CALAMARI 2: The prince's rule has been preordained!

QUARREN 2: Down with this monarchy!

MON CALAMARI 2: We'll defend our right for a Mon Cala king!

-We want a Quarren king! -Down with the Mon Cala!

Power to the Quarren!

I am dedicated to serving the Quarren as well as my own people, the Mon Calamari.


You haven't earned the right to speak at this gathering!

You have no say in the matter, Ambassador, you are only here as an observer for the Separatists.

Do not forget I am here at the request of the Quarren because you, Captain, demanded the presence of the Republic.

Such a disgrace, I'll give you a lesson in manners.

Prince Lee-Char will bring the planet to ruin!

The boy has neither the experience nor the knowledge to lead.

Please, you're here to find a compromise.

What can the Republic do to help keep the peace?

This is a matter between the Quarren and the Mon Cala.

QUARREN: Yeah, who asked you?

-The Republic has no place here! -Down with the Republic!


We refuse to support the coronation of another Mon Cala king.

I'm sorry.


It is my opinion the Quarren have no further business here.


Come on, Captain Ackbar, we have to contact Master Yoda.

Your father was my trusted friend.

I am sorry for your loss.

This civil w*r, is it inevitable?

Sadly so, Master Yoda.

The Separatist ambassador came here to stir up the Quarren and that's exactly what he did.

It's only a matter of time before the Quarren withdraw from the Republic.

I suspect behind this, Count Dooku is.

The Mon Calamari system is still part of the Republic.

This planet must not fall into Separatist hands.

I'll dispatch Master Fisto and your Padawan, Tano, along with a company of clones, they'll be at your side by day's end.

In the meantime, Captain, assemble the Mon Cala troops and prepare for a Quarren as*ault.

The troops are being assembled, Senator.

Let's hope we don't need them, Captain.

I'm entrusting the safety of Prince Lee-Char to your hands.

You must remain at his side at all times as his personal bodyguard.

Senator, if the boy is to...

We are on the verge of a civil w*r, Captain.

And that boy is the Supreme Commander of Mon Cala's military.

It's up to you to see that he remains safe and that he can handle the job.

With due respect, Senator, the prince is not ready to lead an army.

He needs training.

You have your orders, Captain.

You are right, Captain, I am not trained to lead an army.

Come on, Your Highness, we have a w*r to win.

The army has assembled, Count Dooku.

Well done, Tamson. What about the Quarren leader?

The Quarren leader is on board 100%.

He will deliver the planet into your hands just as you said he would.

Very good, Commander, in the end, control of this planet will be in your hands.

Proceed as planned.

In this time of crisis, our king has something to say.

I know many of you agree with the Quarren, that I am too young to rule.

But I assure you I will use all my strength and all my abilities to lead us through this challenge.

We are a great people, and I will do all I can to negotiate peace without bloodshed.

I do not believe the Quarren will attack.



-It's an attack! -Take cover.

-The prince! The prince is here! -He's joining the battle.


What are your orders, Your Highness?

Stay where you are and hold the line.

If I may suggest, Captain, we should take the prince to a safer place until the Republic reinforcements arrive.

That's impossible. That is a decision only the prince can make.

He is our leader.


This is horrible.

Your Highness, this is not a wise decision.

And you know it.

Forget your tradition. This is w*r!


I have to stay here with my people. Press your attack, Captain.



Soldiers of Mon Calamari, this is your home.

Do not let it fall!


I need to get some troops behind those Separatist droids.

Come on, I know a shortcut.

-We should come out right behind them. -Good plan.

Look out!


What do we do now?

-Well, we got to come up with another plan. -(WEAPONS FIRING)

Any ideas?

Our only choice now is to wait for the Jedi reinforcements.

Blue Leader, standing by.

Red Leader, standing by.

All squadrons are in position, General Fisto.

You may deploy when ready.

Commencing deployment now.

Three, two, one, mark.


Reinforcements! Finally!


Anakin, I'm going to look for Senator Tills. Hopefully she's still alive.

Be careful.

Look out!



Stay down and don't move.



Hear that? They're cheering for you.

They're cheering for them.

Then make it for you.

Come on!



You called for backup?


(GASPING) I had it under control, Snips.

Hah! I knew you'd say that.

Anakin, I need you down here.

It's Senator Tills. I need help getting her to safety.

We're at the base of the palace. And hurry.

Ahsoka, cover the prince. I'm going for the Senators.

You got it, Master.


-Grab on! -Good idea.

Get us out of here!

-Hang on! -I am! I am!

I'm slipping!

-Look out! They're coming right at us! -(GASPS)

I'm letting go!

AHSOKA: Look out! Behind you!

As long as we're in the tube we're safe.


Look! The prince!




AHSOKA: Hurry!

KIT: They are returning to their ships.

We seem to have won this round.

We are lucky to have survived the first as*ault.

They could've easily overrun us with their droids.

The droids are taking up position in the coral.

Probably amassing for another as*ault.

Why would they hide in the coral?

NOSSOR RI: Your aqua-droids are no match for the Mon Calamari.

What makes you think these secret weapons you've brought from your home world will fare any better?

TAMSON: They are half-machine, half-monster.

We call them Hydroid Medusas.

They are invincible.


-Prince Lee-Char! -Senator Tills, I'm glad to see you're safe.

You must prepare to dictate terms for a Quarren surrender.

-Surrender? -Not so fast, Senator.

I know the Quarren, they won't surrender.

We may have won the first battle, Your Highness, but it won't be the last.

It's only a matter of time before they launch another as*ault.

I sense the real battle is about to begin.



We have no defense against those.

This isn't going to be easy.

All troops, battle stations!


Do not fire until the prince gives the command.



Steady, steady.


Not yet.

Now, Your Highness!





Ahsoka, find a way out of here!

Prince, where's somewhere safe?

We can't retreat, not now. We've got to be brave.

There's a time to attack and a time to retreat, and now is not the time to be brave.

The safest place is in the caves.

I agree, Your Highness, follow me.

Anakin! Go! I'll hold them off.



Come on. Keep going! Don't stop!

Search the area for survivors.

Secure the perimeter.

What took your squids so long?

I didn't think you and your Separatist droids would need backup.

Your reputation is a little exaggerated.

Exaggeration is a w*apon of w*r.

It's what helped deliver the enemy into your hands.

Then let's be thankful this is our day, a victorious day that...

Disobey a command from Count Dooku again and I will k*ll you where you stand.

Thanks to you, Padawan Tano, and to these brave soldiers.

I wish I could've done more for my people.

Maybe then we would've been spared all of this, the illusion that I could actually lead in my father's place.

Your father would be proud of you.

Proud? We lost!

Today, you learned the hardest lesson a commander can learn, how to live to fight another day.
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