06x10 - The Lost One

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". Aired: October 2008 - May 2020.*
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06x10 - The Lost One

Post by bunniefuu »

A long-awaited truth!

A distress signal has been received at the Jedi Temple, and Master Plo Koon has been dispatched to investigate its origin.

The signal is from a ship thought to be lost and was last known to be in the possession of a Jedi Master who was k*lled long ago.

Can anyone hear us?

Come in, please.

We're not getting anything over here.

We're off.

We must be way off.


It is here.

The data specifically states.

It has got to be.

We've scanned the area three times.

This... this is a wasteland. There's nothing.

All of our information pinpoints it is here.

I don't know what to tell you, sir.

We're getting no visual and no recognition on the scanner.

We must locate the source of the signal, Commander.

Press on.


I think I've found something.

It's very faint, sir.

That is it.

Halt! Halt!

Halt all vehicles!

The hull shows substantial scoring and wear.

Whenever it crashed, it wasn't recently.

General Plo, the scans check out.

It's a T-6 shuttle, all right, serial number 775519.

I want the entire area cleared.

We're taking everything back to Coruscant.



Then it is the lost ship of Master Sifo-Dyas?

I found this at the crash site.

Hmm, the lightsaber of Sifo-Dyas it is.

Never found when he died it was.

Master Kenobi, remind the Council of what you discovered regarding Master Sifo-Dyas before the start of the Clone w*r.

My investigation of the bounty hunter Jango Fett led to Kamino.

The Kaminoans recounted that it was Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas who ordered the production of a clone army.

Without the consent of the Council or the Senate he did this.

Prior to the blockade of Naboo, Sifo-Dyas sat on this Council until we judged his ideas to be too extreme.

Indeed, he said he foresaw a great conflict and that the Republic would need to raise an army.

At the time, the Council rejected those ideas.

Well, it's not the first time we've been wrong recently, is it?

The creation of the clone army, kept secret from us Sifo-Dyas did.

How this was done we know not, yet now a new piece of the puzzle we have.

Perhaps clarity it will bring us, yes.

Our records definitively state that Master Sifo-Dyas died on Felucia.

In the fifth quarter, a small skirmish broke out between the native Felucians.

Master Sifo-Dyas was assigned to negotiate peace talks between the tribes.

The negotiations failed, and Sifo-Dyas was k*lled.

What became of his body?

I'm afraid I cannot answer that.

Any further information on this incident has been sealed.

On whose authority?

By the office of the Supreme Chancellor.

Thank you, Madame Jacosta.

To Felucia, Skywalker and Kenobi will go.

A trail long cold it is, yet still lay hidden there a clue might be.

Question all who were present the day of Sifo-Dyas' death, you must.

And what of the sealed file?

Speak with the Chancellor personally I will to see what part in this the politics of the Senate have played.

Master Sifo-Dyas?

Forgive me.

I'm afraid I am not familiar with that name.

Died some time ago he did on Felucia.

Investigating his death we are, and yet sealed by the Chancellor's office some of his files were.

And what is the nature of your investigation?

A Jedi matter it is, Chancellor.

Add to your troubles I would not.

That is very considerate, Master Yoda.

May I at least ask when Master...


Yes, Master Sifo-Dyas, may I ask when he was k*lled?

Over ten years ago it was.

Well, that explains it.

I'm afraid this was before my time.

Ten years ago, I was a humble senator serving the planet Naboo.

Only my predecessor, Chancellor Valorum, would have the answers you seek.

I suggest you speak with him.

Very well.

Thank you, Chancellor.

I have spoken with the tribal leaders on Felucia.

They use a very ancient dialect, which is hard to understand, but from what I can make out, when Master Sifo-Dyas died, he was not alone.

There was a second Jedi here with him.

And the name of this second Jedi?

Either I don't understand them, or they won't say.

It's hard to tell.

This is a primitive people we are dealing with.

After his death, they cremated Sifo-Dyas' body, and I'm afraid the trail goes cold there.

Did you have any success with the Chancellor?

Hmm, as much success as usual, I am afraid.

Pointed in another direction I am now.

To speak with Valorum I go.

It's been a long time, my friend.

What can I do for you?

A file sealed by your administration the Jedi Council has come across.

The subject of the file?

Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas.


When I was Chancellor, I sent him on a mission to deal with a flare-up in the Pyke syndicate.

The Pykes?

A powerful part of the spice cartel.

Their criminal activities had allowed them to almost completely control the production of raw spice used to create a powerful drug.

We were facing a full-scale w*r underneath the surface of Coruscant.

Knowing of his expertise on the Underworld, I contacted Master Sifo-Dyas to stabilize the problem.

Know of this, the Jedi Council did not.

The Senate committee assigned to the matter feared that open discussions with such a criminal element could legitimize their activities and give strength to opposition leaders within the bureaucracy.

Secrecy was our only choice.

The timing of these negotiations, when were they to take place?

I cannot remember the precise timing, I'm afraid.

It was so long ago.

I do remember that the talks were postponed not long after our delegates arrived on Oba Diah, something about a flare-up of activity on Felucia.

Yes, intervene on Felucia, the Council insisted Sifo-Dyas did.

But tell me, Chancellor.

Who was the other Jedi you sent with Sifo-Dyas?

Other Jedi?

I know of no other Jedi.

There was only my personal aide, Silman, and Sifo-Dyas.

I'm afraid they were both k*lled on Felucia.

Personal aide, Silman?

Tell me, why do the Jedi look for Sifo-Dyas?

What trail are they following?

If there is a trail, it is unknown to me.

Retrace your steps, find this loose end, and eliminate it.

I understand what is at stake, my Lord.

I will go to the Pykes and take care of it.

This is not the first time you have proven to be clumsy, Lord Tyranus.

You know the price of failure.

The Felucians know nothing of this Silman.

No one there seems to know anything about him.

What's that symbol he's wearing?

The symbol of the high Chancellor, before the w*r, Chancellor Valorum.

So we have one dead Jedi with no physical evidence of a body, a second Jedi who appeared on Felucia that we have no record of, and now this Silman, personal attache to the Chancellor, is missing?

Yet now we know Sifo-Dyas and Silman were both on Oba Diah, according to Chancellor Valorum.

The crashed shuttle I found was located on a moon which orbits the Pyke planet.


To the Pykes you must go, to Oba Diah, yes.

I cannot remember the last time a Jedi came here.

Many years it has been.

Funny you should say that.

We're looking for a Jedi that got lost here.

His name is Sifo-Dyas.

Oh, the Jedi Sifo-Dyas was here, but that was a long time ago.

Master Sifo-Dyas' ship was found, crashed on a moon orbiting this world.

What you found, we know nothing of.

Would the Jedi like to join us for a refreshment?

The Pykes' offer is kindly accepted.

To friendship.

Friendship. Friendship.

What an interesting necklace that is.

May I have a look?

Perhaps the Pykes have taken enough of the Jedi's time.

Oh, no, no. It's no bother at all.

The Jedi are happy to know all the Pykes' secrets.

We have no quarrel with the Jedi.

Maybe you should tell us why you're wearing the crest of the Chancellor's personal advisor.

I am confused.

Is the Jedi looking for a Jedi Master or someone else?

Stop playing games.

Sifo-Dyas was traveling with an advisor.

They were sent here to negotiate with you.

Well, it looks like you have finally put the pieces together.

The man you are looking for is here.

The Pykes wanted to gain an advantage over the other crime families, so alliances were made.

One alliance was with a man named Tyranus.

I've heard that name before.

Jango Fett mentioned it during my Kamino investigation.

Tyranus wanted Sifo-Dyas dead.

The Pykes were well paid to sh**t down his ship.

However, any man that is willing to pay to have a Jedi k*lled is dangerous and unpredictable.

The Pykes inspected the crash to retrieve the Jedi's body for proof.

But with the dead Jedi, the Pykes found another, still alive.

Silman, the Chancellor's aide?

The Pykes gave Tyranus Sifo-Dyas, but the Pykes did not tell Tyranus of Silman.

The Pykes needed insurance.


Yes, and now the Pykes can bargain.

We give you Silman.

You forget about the Pykes' treachery against the Jedi.


Who... who's there?

We are Jedi sent to find you.


To find me? Why me?

I was betrayed, forgotten... long ago.

No one knew you were alive.


Maybe you have some food.

Have you... have you any food?

Of course.

Oh, oh!

Oh, oh, oh! Oh!

Thank you, my friend.

A supply bar!

Mmm, mmm. Delicious.

You see, I was so frightened I would have nothing to serve.

Oh, oh, oh! Oh, oh!


My... my babies, they get so angry when I have nothing to serve.

We might have a problem here.

Tyranus, you are no longer welcome here.

I think you've been cooped up in here too long, old man.

We've come to take you home.


No, no, this is my home.

I can't leave my friends.

You were traveling with Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas.

Tell us what happened to him.


He died.

Died, died, died, died.

Tricked, we were.

The Pykes are not to be trusted.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

But the Pykes were not the ones.

No, no, the Pykes were not the reason.

Who was responsible?

Someone powerful, someone who... who wanted to be Sifo-Dyas.


All is deception.

Can't you see?

Because... because...


For once, you actually came to do your own dirty work.

Sometimes things are just that important.


You have no business left with the Pykes, Tyranus.


You are the man called Tyranus?

I told you everything you needed to know on Geonosis all those years ago, Kenobi.

You should have joined me.

Sifo-Dyas understood.

He saw the future.

That is why he helped me.

You lie.

Minister Lom, if you are going to help us, now is the time.

k*ll Tyranus!

I'll give you a push.

Know now we do that guide the creation of the clones from the beginning, Dooku did.

Hmm, our enemy created an army for us.

If this was known, public confidence in the w*r effort, the Jedi, and the Republic would vanish.

There would be mass chaos.

Cover up this discovery we must.

No one, not even the Chancellor, may know.

Valiant men the clones have proven to be.

Saved my life and yours they have many times.

Believe in them we must.

Win the w*r swiftly we must, before our enemy's designs reach completion, whatever they may be.

Are you sure we are taking the right path?

Hmm, the right path, no.

The only path, yes.

Designed by the Dark Lord of the Sith, this web is.

For now, play his game we must.
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