13x18 - The Brain of Morbius - part 2

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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13x18 - The Brain of Morbius - part 2

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Two

Original Air Date: 10 January 1976
Running time: 24:46

SARAH: He's mad. He must be.

SOLON (OOV.): Before we start the operation all instruments must be sterilised. Do you understand?

SOLON: We'll start the operation at once as the risks of meningal infection are very high.

SOLON: I think just one medic is sufficient to.

SOLON: Condo.

CONDO: Doctor gone.

SOLON: I can see that, you chicken-brained biological disaster, but how? And where? That drug. Did you put it all into the wine?

CONDO: Yes, master. All little bottle in big.

SOLON: Then he must still be unconscious. He can't have moved. That squalid brood of harpies, the Sisterhood. That accursed hag Maren found I was holding a Time Lord and rescued him. May her stinking bones rot! I'll see her die, Condo. I'll see that palsied harridan scream for death before Morbius and I are finished with her.

CONDO: What do?

SOLON: We must get the Doctor back. We must!

CONDO: Sisters see much, master. See with mind.

SOLON: I could wait a lifetime and not find a head as suitable. Whatever the risk, we have to get him back. Come.

DOCTOR: Have I been ill long, nurse?

MAREN: I am leader of the Sisters.

DOCTOR: Hmm? Sorry, matron.

MAREN: Maren.

DOCTOR: No, thank you. I had a little drink about an hour ago. Events have moved along while I was asleep.

MAREN: You feign ignorance, Time Lord?

DOCTOR: Please, just call me Doctor. I hate all this bowing and scraping.

MAREN: Do you wish to confess?

DOCTOR: Confess? To what?

MAREN: That you were sent here by the High Council of the Time Lords.

DOCTOR: Well, I have to confess

MAREN: Good.

DOCTOR: That I don't really know. The calibrators have been on the blink recently.

DOCTOR: How did you get her here, by the way?

OHICA: The power of the Sisterhood.

DOCTOR: Really? What, you mean you still practise teleportation? How quaint. Now, if you got yourself a decent forklift truck

MAREN: Doctor, you have but a little time left. Will you waste it prattling nonsense or confess your guilt.

DOCTOR: What do you mean, I have but a little time left?

MAREN: Before you die.

DOCTOR: But I'm only seven hundred and forty nine. Life doesn't begin until seven hundred and

MAREN: At the next sun. That is agreed.

DOCTOR: Not by me, it isn't. I haven't even been consulted.

MAREN: Confess that you were sent here to steal the Elixir of Life, and your death will be made easy.

DOCTOR: I haven't the vaguest notion of what you're talking about. The last thing I remember, I was taking a glass of wine with Solon and Morbius.

MAREN: Morbius is dead.

DOCTOR: That's right. Morbius is dead.

DOCTOR: How did I get that impression?

MAREN: The Time Lords destroyed Morbius for his crimes here on Karn.

DOCTOR: Solon had a clay model of his head. But it was more than that. A living mental contact. I felt the mind of Morbius.

OHICA: Morbius was ex*cuted for leading the rebellion. His body was placed in a dispersal chamber and atomised to the nine corners of the universe.

DOCTOR: I know that. But I tell you, Maren. Just for a second, before I passed out, his mind touched mine. I felt his burning hatred and anguish. Morbius is alive.

MAREN: I suppose you think raising these old fears can somehow help you, but I was present at his execution. Morbius is dead, Doctor, and you will join him very shortly.

SOLON: Quietly. We're nearing the shrine.

CONDO: Condo k*ll?

SOLON: Put that away, you oaf. The last thing I want is trouble from the Sisters.

CONDO: Not k*ll Sisters, master? How we get big head?

SOLON: We wait. They've got to come out sometime, so we wait. Then we follow, and when he's alone. But not until then, do you understand?

CONDO: Master.

SOLON: What is it?

CONDO: Condo hear.

SOLON: I heard nothing.

CONDO: Why Sisters take wood?

SOLON: I was wondering the same thing.

OHICA: All is ready, High One.

MAREN: The sun appears. I give you the last chance, Doctor, to confess your guilt.

DOCTOR: I'm guilty of nothing.

MAREN: This powder can spare you from the anger of the flame. Without it, you will die in torment, so confess.

DOCTOR: You seem convinced I'm guilty. Why is it so important I confess?

MAREN: With your spoken confession, the Time Lords can never deny they plotted against the Sisterhood.

DOCTOR: Plotted against you? You've got it wrong, matron.

MAREN: Nevertheless

DOCTOR: Nevertheless nothing. For years, the Time Lords have extended their friendship towards the Sisters. When Morbius and his rebels overran this planet, who was it saved you?

MAREN: The Time Lords acted then as they do now, from self-interest. They too feared Morbius. They too depended on the Elixir of Life for their survival.

OHICA: And now the Elixir no longer forms, you Time Lords want for yourselves the little that remains.

DOCTOR: What do you mean, the Elixir no longer forms?

OHICA: The Sacred Flame dies.

DOCTOR: How can it? That flame is the product of gases forcing up along a geological fault from deep in the molten heart of the planet. It will burn for millions of years.

MAREN: It dies.

DOCTOR: Unless some subterranean movement. Have you noticed any tremors recently?

OHICA: It is time for the sacrifice, High One.

MAREN: Take him. The flame must feed.

DOCTOR: No, wait, please. Please, listen.

DOCTOR: Why don't you listen? This could explain why I've been sent here. You need scientific advice.

MAREN: You had the chance of mercy, Doctor.

DOCTOR: This could be a grave mistake, Maren. If those gases are sealed in, this entire mountain could explode. Remember Cotopaxi? Mount Vesuvius? What about Pompeii? Surely you remember Popocatepetl?

SOLON: It's the song of death.

CONDO: What?

SOLON: They're sacrificing to the flame. I must see what's happening. I must get nearer.

CONDO: No, master. Evil place.

SOLON: The sacrifice to the flame. They never offer up one of their own. It's always an outsider. I must see what's happening.

SOLON: Stop it! Stop it!

CONDO: Master.

MAREN: What is the meaning of this?

SOLON: I'm sorry. I'm deeply sorry.

MAREN: Death to those who enter the Shrine.

SISTERS: Death, death, death, death.

MAREN: Your presence is a blasphemy against the Sacred Flame.

SISTERS: Death, death, death.

SOLON: Maren, High One, believe me, I meant no harm.

MAREN: The harm is done. The sacrifice is defiled.

DOCTOR: Take no notice, Solon. I'm delighted to see you.

OHICA: Be silent!

DOCTOR: That music was terrible.

OHICA: Enough! The High One commands.

SOLON: Maren, I only came here to ask a favour from the Sisterhood. I never intended to offend against

MAREN: What is the favour, Solon?

SOLON: In all the years I've been here on Karn, I've never asked or sought anything of the Sisterhood before. I've helped you, I've treated many of the Sisterhood.

MAREN: All this is true. What do you want?

SOLON: The Doctor. Spare his life.

DOCTOR: Hear, hear. Seconded. Anyone against?

MAREN: The Doctor is condemned. He must die in the flame.

SOLON: But the Time Lords and the Sisterhood, they

MAREN: That alliance no longer exists!

SOLON: Maren, I beg you, I beseech you. If you must sacrifice, then take my servant!

MAREN: Go, Solon. Leave now.

SOLON: Look, please, if you're going to sacrifice him, then just leave me his head. Only as far as the cervical vertebrae. You can keep the rest but I must have his head. Please, don't burn his head. I need it. I need it for my

MAREN: The Sisterhood know of your unnatural experiments, Solon. Your affairs hold no interest for us.

MAREN: Your presence here on Karn is tolerated only as long as you keep your place. Be gone from here at once or you too will die in the flame.

SOLON: I'm sorry. I'm deeply sorry.

SISTERS: Sacred Flame. Sacred fire.

MAREN: Make the offering.

DOCTOR: I'm ready, Maren.

MAREN: Flame of life, fire of death, take this body into thy eternal heart.

MAREN: Stop them! Stop them!

DOCTOR: Come on, let's follow them. They must know the way.

SOLON: What a waste. What a stupid, senseless waste.

CONDO: You give Condo. Why?

SOLON: What?

CONDO: Condo good servant. You give Sisters, let k*ll Condo.

SOLON: Silence, you chattering ape. Haven't I enough to think about?

CONDO: Condo k*ll you!

SOLON: Now don't be a fool.

CONDO: Condo not fool. Condo not fool now.

SOLON: Now stop it, do you hear? Now let me go.

CONDO: You make Condo fool. Now you die.

SOLON: Condo, what are you doing? For mercy's sake. No, no, don't. I didn't mean it. I wouldn't have let them. You can't think I'd have let them do it? It was only a joke. It was just a silly joke.

CONDO: Solon joke.

SOLON: That's all. Just a joke. A stupid joke.

CONDO: Condo not joke. You loose hands.

SOLON: No, no, I'll do anything. You want your arm? You can have your arm back!

CONDO: Take hook? Give good arm?

SOLON: I wouldn't lie to you, would I? I mean, I have the arm. You know I've got the arm. That's what you always wanted, isn't it?

CONDO: Give arm now. Condo not k*ll.

SOLON: You go to the laboratory and get it ready, and I'll fetch the arm.

DOCTOR: I think we've given them the slip. The barbecue's off. What's the matter?

SARAH: I can't see.


SARAH: I've gone blind.

DOCTOR: Let me look. Let me look.

SARAH: Ow. It was the flash.

DOCTOR: Shush. Keep still, keep still. I can't see anything. They look perfectly normal to me.

SARAH: Oh, is that hopeful?

DOCTOR: Yeah, of course it is. The flash probably numbed the optic nerve. It'll wear off in a few hours. Come on.

SARAH: Or not, as the case may be.

DOCTOR: Oh, Sarah.

SARAH: Sorry, sorry.

DOCTOR: Gently, gently.

SARAH: Thanks. Hey, you know, I could always sell flowers, couldn't I? You know, lovely fresh violets, guv. If I ever get back to Piccadilly.

DOCTOR: Shush. If you're going to sit there wallowing in self-pity, I'll bite your nose.


DOCTOR: Come on, let's go.

SARAH: Right. Where are we going?

DOCTOR: Solon's.

SARAH: What? Are you nuts?

DOCTOR: Come on. I've got the measure of Solon now.

SARAH: No, Doctor, he's a maniac. He's got a body there. No head, oh no. It's just made out of lumps of things.

DOCTOR: Has he, now?


DOCTOR: Well, I have a feeling he's keeping something else there too. Something far worse than a headless body.

SARAH: I just don't understand you.

DOCTOR: Come on.

SOLON: I promise you faithfully you'll be free again, but I only need a little more time to complete my final experiments.

MORBIUS: I grow weary of your endless promises, Solon. Always you need more time.

SOLON: But if you could only see how much has been accomplished and how little remains. I have worked night and day in your service, Morbius. When I brought you here there was nothing! I had to build my own laboratory out of ruins. I had to invent and construct my own equipment to start experiments.

MORBIUS: Experiments? When we formed this plan to outwit the Time Lords, nothing was said of experiments! You told me it could be done.

SOLON: And it can, Morbius, it can. I've made so many discoveries. I have mastered new techniques no other man has even conceived. I can transplant limbs, organs. I can create life. And all against the most appalling difficulties.

MORBIUS: Yet I am still here! I can see nothing, feel nothing. You have locked me into hell for eternity. If this is all there is for me, I would sooner die now.

SOLON: There is so much at stake. I cannot afford to take a risk. Every step is an advance into new fields of surgery. Every step has got to be tested.

MORBIUS: Solon! You desire to be know as the creator of Morbius, rather than his servant.

SOLON: No, Morbius, you must trust me. I face many problems. Even Condo has become unreliable and must be put down.

CONDO (OOV.): Master! Master!

CONDO: Master!

SOLON: Doctor. Well, what happened? Did they release you?

DOCTOR: Oh, we got away.

SOLON: I did my best to save you at the risk of my own life. I tried to make Maren see reason.

DOCTOR: Yes, I noticed. I was very touched by your concern.

SOLON: Well, it's wonderful to see you. Some wine?

DOCTOR: No, thank you. We've had one taste of your hospitality. All I want from you, Solon, is a professional opinion. Sarah's been blinded. Examine her eyes.

SOLON: We'll have to go to the laboratory.

DOCTOR: After you.

OHICA: They may still be hiding among the rocks, Maren. Shall we continue searching?

MAREN: The Time Lord can never leave Karn. We have his TARDIS. Sooner or later he will return for his machine, and we will be ready for him.

OHICA: Yes, High One.

MAREN: Next time he will not be so fortunate, Ohica. He will wish he had died in the flame.



SARAH: Yes, what's the verdict?

SOLON: I think there's every chance, every chance of a complete recovery, but I have to check my findings, of course. Condo, would you take the, our young guest back to the parlour, please.

SARAH: No! Doctor, don't let

DOCTOR: Now Sarah, don't worry. Whatever the truth is, you'll hear it. Go on.

CONDO: Girl not see. Condo help.

DOCTOR: Thank you.


SOLON: I'm very, very sorry.

DOCTOR: Can't you operate?

SOLON: The retina's almost completely destroyed. There's nothing I can do for her.

DOCTOR: Nothing?

SOLON: Well, there's a faint chance.

DOCTOR: A chance?

SOLON: No, it's impossible.

DOCTOR: What chance?

SOLON: The Elixir of Life. As you know, it regenerates tissues. But the Sisterhood control its only source. You're not going to get any from there.

DOCTOR: If that's what's needed, I'll get it.

SOLON: You can't go back to the Shrine. They'd k*ll you on the spot.

DOCTOR: I must take that risk. Sarah can stay here.

SOLON: You don't know Maren. Maren is not going to let you have the Elixir.

DOCTOR: We'll see.

SOLON: Doctor?


SOLON: Good luck.

SOLON: Condo!

SOLON (OOV.): Condo!

CONDO: Master call. Condo go him.


MORBIUS (OOV.): Solon!

SARAH: Hello?

MORBIUS (OOV.): Solon, is that you?

SARAH: Who's there?

MORBIUS (OOV.): Solon!

SOLON: Condo, I want you to take this to the Sisterhood. You understand?

CONDO: Sisters?

SOLON: Now, don't worry. You're in no danger. Just put it into their hands. But you must hurry. You must get there before the Doctor. Do you understand that? Right.

SARAH: Where are you?


SARAH: Who is it? What's the matter?

MORBIUS: Who are you?

SARAH: I just want to help. What's wrong? I can't see.

MORBIUS: Where have you come from? Are you one of the Sisterhood?


MORBIUS: Did Maren send you to destroy me?

SARAH: No, of course not!

MORBIUS: Yes, she did! You she-devils want to destroy me!


MORBIUS: Now, before I've had my revenge!


The Doctor
Tom Baker

Sarah Jane Smith
Elisabeth Sladen

Voice of Morbius
Michael Spice

Philip Madoc

Cynthia Grenville

Colin Fay

Gilly Brown

Sue Bishop
Janie Kells
Gabrielle Mowbray
Veronica Ridge

John Scott Martin

Morbius Monster
Stuart Fell

Assistant Floor Manager
Felicity Trew

L. Rowland Warne

Barry Newbury

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Jean McMillan

Geraldine Stephenson

Philip Hinchcliffe

Production Assistant
Carol Wiseman

Production Unit Manager
Janet Radenkovic

Script Editor
Robert Holmes

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Peter Catlett

Studio Sound
Tony Millier

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
John Horton
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