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02x08 - Holes

Posted: 01/28/21 11:55
by bunniefuu
What the f*ck?

Get out of the way.

Can't believe it's you.

I'd rather eat a skunk's balls.

I'll save it for later.

Thank you.

That was nice of you.

No, it wasn't.


- Take him to the hold!

- No, no, no, no!

Please, please.

I was being selfish.

Okay, look, I didn't want to trip on it.


I wasn't being nice!



Anything but the hold!

I don't want to go to the hold, okay?

You're welcome.

What are we supposed to eat now?

That bitch!

I'm telling you, this isn't right.

We should do something.

What do we do?


Shut up and let me think!

I said "shut up"!

Hold him down.

Let's show him how much that fire can really burn.

Next time I tell you to shut up, shut up!

Hope nobody has to sh*t.

*PREACHER* Season 02 Episode 08 Title: "Holes" ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ You're a chubby little bugger, aren't you?

♪ Way down in Tipperary where cow plop is thick ♪ ♪ Where women are young and the lads all come quick ♪ ♪ There lived pretty Charlotte, the girl we adore ♪ ♪ The pride of the dear Erin, the Scarlet-Haired Whore ♪ ♪ It's Scarlet the harlot, the girl we adore ♪ ♪ The pride of dear Erin, the Scarlet-Haired Whore ♪ Oh.

Don't you worry, a mhac.

I'm gonna be the best da you ever seen.

Can I get you anything?

Puis-je vous offrir quelque chose?


I won't do it.

Still with the nightmares, then?

Fridge is busted.

Y'know, me brother used to get night terrors.

Me ma'd fix 'im something called a "Celtic Sandman." Dram of whiskey, dram of honey, just a pellet or two of rat poison.

Couple of swigs of that, you'll sleep so hard you won't even dream.

Hey, you wanna go out?

Out where?

I don't know.

Out, y'know?

Have fun, get in trouble, maybe go back to that Hurt Locker place.

I should stay here with Denis.

What about Jesse?


He's, uh...

got his God thing goin' on.

Needs his rest.

It's already 2:30 in the morning.

I think you do, too, luv, huh?



Bad idea.

You're right.


- I'm going to bed.

- Alright.

- 'Night, Cass.

- 'Night, luv.

Mords moi...

Mords moi...

Mords moi.

Mords moi.

Mords moi.

Mords moi.

Mords moi!

- Mords moi.

- What is it?

- Mords moi!

- What's the matter?

- Mords moi!


- Alright, alright, alright.

Calm down, calm down, calm down.

Calm down.

Bite me.

Bite me.

Bite me.

Bite me.

Bite me.

Bite me.

Bite me.


I'm so glad I got the landlord to let us use the back staircase.

Super handy.

Two sugars.

Like ya like.

So, this is worth all the risk huh?

"The best way to know your target is through 'concealed intimacy." It's in the handbook.

So, uh, when's the big boss man get here?

Boss man?


Herr Starr.

He's on his way.

What is that?

Boo Berry.

Want some?

Those are why you look like that.

How's it going?

Bit of a rough night.

Doctor said it's no use in hospital.

Just give him a sedative and told me just be here for him, you know?

Anything I can do?

Nah, we're good.

Uh... you headed out?

I thought I'd go to Circuit Works.




Takin' the God audition.

It's your idea, right?

See if they can enhance the video, blow up the image?

Oh, yeah.



Look for serial numbers on the barrel of the g*n?

See if they can trace the...

Back to the owner.


Like they do on the shows.

Makes sense.

It's my only lead.

It's all I got.

Well, it's a good idea.

I'm glad I thought of it.

Tell me how you get on, alright?




You know when you were asking if there was anything you could do to help?

With Denis?

You want me to pray for him?

No, Christ, no.

Well, sure, if it'd help like, but that's not what I was thinkin'.


Look, I don't know if it's possible or even doable or how your power works there in terms of guidelines and parameters...

What the bloody rules are, per se, but...

Padre, he's dying, alright?

- Maybe you could just...

- Jesus, Cass.

I mean...

I'm not sure Genesis could help, but...

even if it could...

I just...

I-I don't think that's what it's for.


Of course.

Prob-Probably not.

- You understand?

- Yeah.


- Hey.

- Hey.

Where were you?

Hurt Locker.

What is it with you and that place?

I don't get it.


You okay?




Goin' to Circuit Works.


Show them the God audition, see if they can blow up an image of the g*n.

Y'know, trace the sh**t.


It was Cassidy's idea.

Can I come?


Your attention, please.

Don't forget our anniversary sale, coming up this weekend from 6:00 to 9:00 a.m. Saturday.

- Next.

- Come on down.


I have this video that's unclear, and I heard, from a friend, that you could improve the picture.

Like they do on the shows.

The shows?

Yeah, y'know, like, the cop shows.

When they blow up an image to see a license plate or blurry sign, serial numbers on a g*n...

And, uh, what are you looking for?

Serial numbers on a g*n.

We'll take a look.

Give us a minute.

You should know...

there are things on here that, out of context, might seem confusing.

This is New Orleans.

We've seen it all before.

And worse.

I just want to know if you can see the serial numbers.


Give us a minute.

Appliances and Electronics, pick up 241.

It's got an auto-defrost, ice-maker right here.

Each one of these shelves can hold a gallon of liquid.

Can I get it today?

What are you doing?

Oh, we needed a fridge.

I can set an order in 20 minutes.

- Great.

- Great.

Let's go.

I'm still waiting on the Dork Dudes.

- The what?

- The serial numbers?

The reason we came here.


Oh, right.


You need me for that?

This is how good behavior will be dealt with.

In other news, my team and I have discovered the source of our technical difficulties, so we should have you back in your individual Hell cells in short order.


I'm excited too.

Your cells, for those of you that don't know, are powered by a central generator.

From this generator, each block draws its allowance of power...

An allowance... a very specific allowance based on personnel.

Based on you.

But problems can occur...

Problems like the ones we've been experiencing...

When there are more yous than there should be.

When one of the yous isn't supposed to be here.

My question is: who?

Don't be afraid.

The sooner I know, the sooner I can get you out of here.

Who is it then?

Who doesn't belong in Hell?

Going once...

Going twice...

- Uh, I-It's me.

- It's me.

- It's me.

- No, I raised my hand fist.

- No, over here.

- It's me.

- It's me!

- I don't belong here.

Put your hands down.

Alright, we'll do it that way.

Don't worry, whoever you are, we'll find you.

It's me.

I know it is.

Single mother.

Three kids.

I-I gave them everything.

Cooking, cleaning...

And they weren't easy those kids.

I-I was at the end of my rope.

And then you set them on fire.

Because it was never enough!

Okay, well, I'm the one who doesn't belong here 'cause I didn't k*ll anybody.

You r*ped four women.

It was "date r*pe." There's a difference.

No means no.

Well, they said "yes" to the date, didn't they?

Ask my Dad's lawyer.

That's implied consent.

I think I should go.

The things I did, I did them for public good.

It's you, isn't it?

You don't belong.

Is that so?

And what did you do?

You know my crimes, Eugene.

Why don't you tell me about yours, from one evil person to another?

You, uh...

defiled her?

Maimed her?


You don't belong here, my friend.

Don't be fooled.

Mannering's not letting anybody get out.

When I first came here, they had high hopes for me.

They made me a custodian.

I had free run of the place.

I saw things.

I learned how they think.

Someone gets out of Hell to tell the tale?


Listen to me, Eugene.

Hell is more than Zagnuts and flat basketballs.

There are other places they can put you.

That was nice of you, Eugene.


Oh, it's alright.

It's alright.

It's alright.

Oh, it's alright.

Get it all there.

Good boy.

That's it.

That's it.


Alright, lie down.

Lie back.

Come on, now.

Lie back.


That's it.

It's alright.

Nice fridge.

Hey, Tule.

Can I ask you a question?


D'ya ever think...

y'know, maybe...

Maybe you'd want to be me?

- Nope.

- Not me, exactly.

Christ, I barely want that.

I mean, the other part, you know, like, what I am.

What, the...

the vampire part?

The not dying part.

If you could have that, would you want it?


Live forever, huh?

I guess it'd be cool.

You don't have to worry, 'cause nothin' hurts you, you know?

There's nothin' to be afraid of.

Yeah, well, things still hurt.

You know what I mean.

You got all your fingers chopped off.

A coupla these bad boys later, and they're back.

Yeah, well, alright.

Yeah, that's a point, to be sure.

That's a bonus, alright?

But there's trade-offs, like...

I used to love the beach.

When I was a boy, me Ma used to take us to the beach in the summer.

Me and me brother.

Every Sunday.

Every other stupid git be down on his knees in church.

We'd have the whole run of the place.

I loved it.

Christ, I can't remember the last time I was on a beach.


Me neither.

I hate the beach.

And there's the boredom.

You've heard every joke...

dr*gs barely work.

And then everyone you ever cared or loved just...

Just dies.

Except you.


That sucks.


From the ocean floor below to the mountain peaks above.

From the food you eat to the mess you make.

We're behind it.

Making a today great for you and a tomorrow great for us.

Custer Jesse.

The Dork The Dork Docs will see you now.

- Dude...

- You did it.

It worked?

Enjoy the brilliance.

So we punch in nice and tight right there, and...

Oh, now what do we see there on the g*n barrel?

I don't see anything.


You don't.

I don't see anything.

No serial numbers.

That's right.

They've been scrubbed off.

There's nothin' on this tape that can identify who's holding that g*n.

But I want to know who's holding that g*n.

Don't we know who's holding that g*n?

- You.

- It's not me.

Why would I bring it in here if it was me?

To cover your ass.

I thought you were worried about someone tracing this back to you.

But no he was hoping that we'd find the serial numbers.

Yes, like I said before.

I need to know who's behind this.


That's tough.

There has to be some other way.

There has to be.


Start it from the beginning.



What is that?

Okay, that's a slate.

When you're making a movie, you...

In the reflection.

Behind the camera.

That's a face.

Or a coffee pot.

I don't know.

I think he might be right.

The resolution's completely deteriorated.

Maybe if we did a-a pixel recalibration.

Oh, yeah.

Can you do it?

Give us a minute.

An Extrapolator.

I told you we could make things worse.



You have to.

You're the only one I can count on to do what I say.

Look, Tracy, it's like what Mary Poppins says in "The Sound of Music", "When God closes a door, he always opens up a window." You're right.

I used to love Mary Poppins.

Thanks, Eugene.

What the heck?



I'm sorry.

I just thought that...

You like me?




You're not mad?

Yes, I'm mad... mad that you didn't say anything.


I like you too!

I feel like singing.

Me too.

♪ Closing time ♪

♪ One last call for alcohol ♪

♪ So finish your whiskey or beer ♪

♪ Closing time ♪

♪ You don't have to go home but you can't, stay, here ♪

♪ I know who I wanna take me home ♪

♪ I know who I wanna take me home ♪

♪ I know who I wanna take me home ♪

♪ Take me ho-o-ome ♪

Why are you crying now?

I'm just...



Is s...

Is someone in there?

I wish you'd told me how you felt sooner, Eugene.

I kind of already promised myself to someone else.





I didn't know you were here!


How you doing?

Tracy tells me you got a big chemistry test coming up this week.

You gonna be ready?


Yeah, I-I think so.


That goes for you too, Tracy.

The more effort you guys put in now, the more options you're gonna have later on in life.

I do most of my homework on the bus on the way home from school.

Of course you do.


Preacher's not God.

He is to me.



No, guys!

Cut it out!


Cut it out!



I said stop!



I called your father!

He's gonna be very upset with you!

Finish the job.


Go on, Eugene.

Finish the job.


That's right.

Oh, yeah.


Oh, that's right.

Come on.

I told you I was gonna come for you, Eugene.

And I'm comin'...





Here we go.

Bit of ginger ale.

Oh, dear God.

Poor fella.

Come here.



You're alright.

Come on.

Let's get that out the way.

Come on there.

Hard to recuperate when you're inhaling the smell of your own sick.

My God.


Let me get that for you.


Papa, please.

Are you okay?

You had to see for yourself.

You had to see.

Once they find out you are the mistake, that is where they will put you.

And not just for an hour or two, but forever.

I know.

It's not fair.

You have to trust me, Eugene.

I want to help you.

To escape, of course.


Who is it?

Um, your neighbor.

Who's out there with you?


It's just me.

What do you want?

Um, I'm just going 'round all the apartments and fixing up the holes.

If you want.

I-I thought you were my ex.


Come on in.


I don't know why I'm praying when I know you're not there, but...

if this is your plan for me, and you can hear me, I'm asking for your help.

I gave up a piece of my soul to find you.

Don't let it be for nothin'.


Custer Jesse.

Please come to the Dork Docs.

Any luck?

Sorry, man.

We've got nothin'.


We enlarged the image, ran it through this pixel manipulator, but...

He's right.

It was a coffee pot.

I guess maybe they had coffee before they k*lled him.

Or after they k*lled him.

- Right.

- Yeah.


All this...

for nothin'.

Is there anything else we can help you with, sir?

Yeah, I'm looking for God!

You seen Him?!

You got Him back there?!

I'm sorry.



Your DVD.

Like you said, there's nothing on it.

I was gonna do that sooner or later but...

thank you.

Yeah, I heard the sh**ting was pretty bad.


It was.

Is that why you got a g*n?


No, that's, um...

for my ex.

Rodney can be, uh...


Where's all your furniture?

Um, I just got here, so...

I had to leave kind of quick.

So, for now, it's just table, chairs, and an air mattress.

And a TV.

Oh, right.

Creature comforts.


Boo Berry.

Oh, yeah.

My favorite.

Me too.

Count Chocula can suck it.

I'm Tulip.



Yeah, so, you can let it set an hour, maybe.

Then you can sand, paint, whatever.


Thanks again.


You ever put on a b*llet proof vest and get sh*t in the chest?


can't say that I have.


But it sounds fun.

It is.

We should go sometime.

I-I-I'd like that.


Hey, it's Pronsias.

What do you want?


Ah, it's good to hear your voice, Seamus.

I've no patience for your dancing about.

How much this time?

I'm not looking for your handouts.

Oh, no?

Then what?

I have a son.

And I imagine you have dozens, but congratulations.

No, it's not like that.

Look, Denis is not new, alright?

He's old.

And he's sick.

How well do you know him?

I just told you he's me son, didn't I?

You know what I'm askin'.

What's he like?

What's his prevailing temperament?

How well do you know him, Pronsias?

I know that he's dyin', Seamus, alright?

I know that much.

Don't do it.

Let him die.

♪ Way down in Tipperary where cow plop is thick ♪

♪ Where women are young and the lads all come quick ♪

♪ There lived pretty Charlotte, the girl we adore ♪

♪ The pride of Dear Erin, the Scarlet Haired whore ♪

♪ It's Scarlet the harlot, the girl we adore ♪

♪ The pride of Dear Erin ♪

♪ The Scarlet Haired whore ♪ ♪♪

♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪