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02x21 - Rainbow

Posted: 01/28/21 09:44
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Quantico"...

ENGIN is an avionic startup.

The government just signed a billion-dollar contract with them this morning.

I have feelings for you.

Where are you going?

Goodbye, Shelby.

You ruined the operation.

And you ruined my only chance to get my sister out of who knows where.

How many people die if the Collaborators reach their endgame?

- We don't know what their endgame is!

- Exactly.

Now I will, because I'm on the inside.

We transition tomorrow.

Welcome to the team.

I'm not resigning because I believe I did anything wrong.

As no vice president has yet been confirmed, Speaker of the House Henry Roarke will take the oath of that office.

It's only a matter of time before someone sends the FBI to arrest her and us for treason.

Mr. President, you've been in office for less than a week, and during that time, you've signed more executive orders than any other administration in history.


Well, we have a great deal of work to do.

President Haas left us with a weak and fractured nation.

And it will take sweeping changes to stem this tide.

But my administration is up to the task.

Let's talk about the first order...

Somewhat controversial.

The "so-called" Muslim registry.

And what's controversial about keeping this country safe?

What exactly is your plan for implementation?

Since you brought it before the House a month ago, its critics have only grown more vociferous.

And its supporters, as well.

And I would remind you that it passed before the President vetoed it.

What we need to do, Cecilia, is clear out the corrupt establishment.

And I brought in individuals like, uh...

Alice Winter, the former CEO of Greypool, to be a part of my national security team.

And she's putting together a list of would-be registrants as we speak.

So, when the Congress...

passes the registry officially, we can hit the ground running.

Look, it's the first step in a long road.

Really, I'm just getting started.

You've also passed orders to strengthen the military, increase border security, and you've asked Defense Secretary Howell to draft a memo on how to defeat the Islamic Front.

Can you talk more about that?

We have never been more vulnerable in this country than we are today.

We've suffered significant intelligence failures, both foreign and domestic, under the Haas administration.

The CIA failed to prevent an Islamic Front attack at the G20.

And just a few days ago, he FBI suffered an attack...

in their own backyard.

You have to stop calling me.

- And you have to get me out of here.

- Not possible.

The FBI is doing random sweeps on The Farm looking for you.

You poke your head up for air, you'll be thrown in a hole so deep, no one will find you.

How will you govern differently from President Haas?

President Haas didn't listen to the people.

I do.

It's that simple.

And what are the people saying to you now?

They're saying, "Protect us.

Make us feel safe." For too long, we've put our faith in corrupt leaders and a rigged system.

So, how do I fix this?

Well, I have a proposal, and I'm gonna tell it to you, Cecilia, first, right here and now.


I'm flattered.

I propose that we follow the lead of our founding fathers and amend the heart, mind, and soul of our country.

Are you talking about calling a Constitutional convention?

Yes, I am.

For the second time in this nation's history.

It's time to take our system back, and be the America I know we can be.

And it will require change, change today that will lead us to a greater tomorrow.

Thank you, Mr. President.


Thank you, Cecilia.


Hey, listen up!

The cache disappeared.


It's gone.

All of it.

Been taken offline, I assume by Roarke.

And you're telling us because...

you think we're just gonna run in to that bunker and help you?

I know things have been fractured between us...

Oh, yeah.

Is that what you call cutting out your entire team and trying to do the job yourself?

How'd that work out?



This team robbed me of a chance to save my sister.

And y-you didn't trust me then.

How can I help you now?


It's gone?

- All the surveillance information?

- All of it.

What, does that mean that it's over?

It means they got whatever they needed for the last part of their plan.

And we have no idea what that is.


Well, thank you.

Thank you.

Nice to see you.


Not bad for a first sit-down, - don't you think?

- It's like you've been planning for it for years, Mr.



Why did you ask me to come here?

Well, just to let you know you'd be rewarded for all the hard work you've done.

Due to all your help in the past few weeks, I'm finally able to reshape our intelligence institutions.

And, as someone who's done time in both, I think the country could benefit from your insight and your expertise in that reshaping.

The interview's over, Mr. President.

You can speak directly.

What do you want me to do?

For your own safety, I think it's best you stay insulated from the how, - as long as you know the when.

- And?

Well, I'll just say this...

I wouldn't leave town in the next couple of days.

It has been hours.

Where is she?

SDRs take time.

Especially when you might be watched by the man who carries the full weight of the United States government behind you.


She's being thorough.

Are we putting her in danger by asking her to come here?

We need her.

Oh, thank God you're here.


You lost your tails?

About an hour ago.

But I still changed cars one more time outside of Ewell.

We couldn't rally the troops?


What's going on there?

The cache is gone, as if it was never there.

Any piece of intel, data, pattern, state secrets...

Because whatever they're about to do - is ready to go?

- Exactly.

Three of us against who knows how many for the last stand?

Not sure I like those odds.

She's right.

We need help.

Then we get help.

If we can't count on Raina and Ryan, we find friends that we can count on.

And I was just hours away from a trip to Mexico.

And if anybody I worked with knew I was here, I would've lost the job I should have lost months ago.

I've just been waiting by the phone.

So this is the bunker?

Only using 24% of the surface space.

Power move.

Miranda Shaw.

We've not formally met.


But I know a lot about you.

Most of it wrong.

Well, I don't know how I feel about being here.

They gave me no choice.

I know.

To be honest, I had the first good night's sleep in about 30 years.

I just had to turn off the television.

All right, Alex, why are we here?

And how much trouble are we gonna get into?

Because you know I can't get into trouble.

We're already in trouble, Miranda.

With the cache gone, it's most likely the first attack will be today.


That was so much fun the first time.

I've already almost died twice this year.

I'm not dying today.

How can I help?

Work to see why all of this has been taken offline.

I think the rest of us could analyze Roarke's executive orders, to see if they point to a greater plan.


You asked me to help.

I'm helping.

Thank you.

I may have been wrong about you, too.

What are you waiting for?

Let's get to work.

We should have stayed at the house.

We couldn't.

They were doing random sweeps.

Why do you keep staring at them?

Just watching Alex lead the B-team down yet another blind alley.

You are a bitter, bitter man.

Yeah, I don't see you out there.

I have a real cause.

Y-You just have a wounded heart.


Don't get all The Ancient One on me, all right.

I don't know what that is, and I know what you're really mad at.

It's not Alex going off the road.

It's who Alex went off-roading with.

30 executive orders in five days.

And this one freezes financial regulations until he can approve them.

I mean, what's the endgame here?

Fewer restrictions on banks.

A hedge fund manager wouldn't mind less regulation.

- Yeah, but that doesn't relate to terrorism.

- No.

Which means it wasn't part of Roarke's plan.

It's probably just a favor for his friend Christian Kelly.

Uh, judging from your collective expressions, I'm about to interrupt an important conversation.

For that I'm sorry, but I have an equally important question.

Uh, can you tell me more about your operation in Cleveland?

You went there because one of the Collaborators got a piece of the cache, right?

To thr*aten a judge and start a riot?

Okay, Will, why don't we focus on finding who deleted the cache first, and then we can play recent history, okay?

Okay, good.

If he keeps getting hung up on details, we're gonna be here till next week.

What about this memorandum committing us to defeat the Islamic Front?

Maybe Roarke wanted to stir up tensions overseas?

Okay, what about...

What about that one?

All right.

Let's go back to this one.

Roarke's EO on increasing border security...

Any chance the Collaborators have an interest in exploiting Mexican-American relations?

I-I know, I should be focusing on the cache.

But I was looking into the plane crash the Collaborators orchestrated, the one connected to Christian Kelly?

Uh, The avionics technology on the plane...

We already know that.

Kelly profited highly from the technology company's rise after the crash.

We know that.

But what if the avionics system has another purpose?

The crash caused avionics stock to rise, but there are easier ways to make money than crashing a plane.

Are you saying that the crash wasn't about the profit, but about the system itself?

The government signed a contract with the company who made it, ENGIN Industries, the day after the plane crash.

Two commercial airlines followed suit.

It's being added to all their domestic 737s as we speak.

When I left Roarke's office, he told me to "not leave town." Could that be a warning?

Maybe the Collaborators could use the system to actually take control of a plane.

Or planes.

If they do, this would be a t*rror1st attack on a national scale that we haven't seen since 9/11.

We're done with our time out, if you'll have us back?

Don't ask their permission.


We're helping.

Good to have you back.

This is the avionics technology, courtesy of the developers at ENGIN Industries and their pitiful firewall.

There's a line of code buried in the emergency systems that could give someone remote control of the entire plane.

That must be how they're gonna hijack a plane or two.


But commercial avionics don't communicate with ground-based systems.

For security purposes, they can only be accessed on board.

What if you're on board with, like, a cellphone or a laptop?

Could you access this backdoor that way?


But you'd need a system with exactly the right code.

Peter Theo is one of the biggest tech developers in the world.

His apps are on millions of cellphones.

Theo's biggest app, FundFriend, - just released an update last week.

- On it.

What do you want to bet we're gonna find a line of code that allows it to control the avionics system?

Did you ever imagine we'd be working together someday back when you thought I was a bad guy?

Who says you're a good guy?

First, what I don't understand is, why hide the trigger in an app?


If somebody accessed your phone, they wouldn't discover it.

No, no.

Raina's right.

FundFriend is the biggest app to move money.

Why hide a code in an app that's used by...

- 197 million people.

- Exactly.

When only a handful of su1c1de bombers need it?

Unless they're not su1c1de bombers.

I've been working trusted Company sources and assets.

No one's heard chatter of any t*rror1st event of any kind.

So, how do you stage a t*rror1st event without t*rrorists?

Who says they have to be t*rrorists?

They framed me without me even being there.

Maybe they're going to use people's phones without them knowing?

Turn unwitting passengers into hijackers?

They can use the app to make anyone they want to into a t*rror1st.

If that's true, we'd never be able to find every passenger on a commercial flight today using FundFriend.


It's impossible.

Excuse me.

Let's re-look at this.

Now, look, I already called Caleb back.

I told him I'm fine, so no need to worry.

So, can you please stop calling?

Because every time it rings, I want to throw it out the window.

You can put it on silent.


I'm waiting on a pizza.

- Are you smoking?

- No.

You are.

You are smoking!

And it isn't tobacco.

Which is legal in D.C.

the last time I checked.

Well, you're not in D.C.

You're at the Hampton Court Motor Lodge in Springfield, Virginia, where possession is a misdemeanor.

Are you calling me from 1955?

I'm hanging up.

You already tracked my phone, and my Sims are arguing in the kitchen.

We need your help to narrow down the list of targets.

If you were Roarke and you wanted to frame a passenger for blowing up a plane, who would you choose?

Politically, someone I'd want the country to think is a threat.

Anyone from his registry.

He tried to push it through again.

It's still not popular.

I don't know.

What better way to frighten people into getting on board than a t*rror1st attack at the hands of a Muslim?

God, that's what I was afraid of.

Yeah, framing Raina for a mall bombing, that was a dry run.

This is the main event.

We need you.

Your brain.

Come back and help us.


Yeah, uh, my pizza's here, so bye now.

This is what we know so far.

Roarke plans on hijacking commercial planes, using unwitting Muslim passengers carrying Peter Theo's FundFriend app on their phones.

This way, they can hack into the avionics system of the plane and bring them down.

What we don't know - is which Muslims are being targeted.

- Right.

Even if we knew which planes needed to be grounded, we still need specific names to warn the pilots.

We've got to find out who's already on the registry.

If the perpetrators are on there, it serves Roarke's policy.

Who's got access?

Alice Winter.

- And I can get it.

- No way.

- She'd k*ll you.

- And get yourself k*lled?

Look, you can't risk blowing your cover.

Your in with the Collaborators is our best hope of beating them.


What if we fail today?

We need them to still believe you.

Okay, this is not up for discussion.

And I know what I'm doing.

And I don't need your permission.

All right, fine.

Miranda, Will and I will go to the FAA Command Center in Herndon.

They'll have the resources to ground these planes once we identify them.

FAA personnel require an emergency call-and-response code to down a plane.

Oh, let me guess...

It's not a code that's given out freely?

The President has it and a couple of others, but that's it.

Well, Claire's only been out of power for a week.

Shelby, does Clay have any connections he can still use?

He might, but I don't think he'll take another call from me.

If I could see him in person, I might be able to convince him.

You can't leave.

Neither can I.

The FBI would grab us on sight.

He's right.

They're on the grounds as we speak.

We have exactly zero minutes to waste.

Look, the rest of you can go.

Just not me, Shelby, or you, Raina.

I know a way you can get out, Shelby.

No one will tell me where my sister is.

But I bet they'll take me to her.

It's the only way.

Stay where you are!

May name is Raina Amin.

My sister, Nimah Amin, was taken wrongly into custody for an attack you believe was perpetrated by me.



Let's go.

Come on.

Let's go.

All right, everyone.

I know this isn't your first time, but we have no room for error here.

We have passengers boarding planes who don't know their own phones are gonna turn them into hijackers.

So, we need your best game.

Where are we?

In position at Greypool.

I'll find out which planes are being targeted and whose phones are carrying out the hack.

At Clay's hotel.

I'll push him to lean on his government contacts and get the emergency call-and-response code we'll need to order these planes to land.

As soon as everyone has taken their seats, we will close the cabin door.

You are free to use your electronic devices until that time.

Hey, we're almost at the FAA Command Center.

Once Alex gets the flight numbers, we'll radio the pilots.

See if we can disable the hack and get them to land safely.


We're standing by to relay information to all the teams.

Happy hunting.

Good luck.

I wasn't expecting to see you today.

That's because no one sent for me.

And yet I have a feeling something's happening and I'm not a part of it.

No, you're not.

I betrayed everyone I know for a seat at this table, Alice.

Don't give me a reason to return the favor.

I'll fill you in.

With limits.


Look, time is not on our side, Alex.

Get those flights.

Get those names.

You're worried about her.

I'm worried for her.

There's a difference.

Yeah, well...

it took me years to trust that my wife would come home safe.

How long have you been married?

31 years.

And she's...

The best darn operative you'll never hear of.

The only time she was home for more than a four-month stretch was to have our sons.

- It's a good-looking family.

- Thanks.

And you stay here?

Take care of the kids?

Hell, yes, I do.

She's great at what she does, and I'm great at what I do.

See, when you find the right person, you don't worry that their success takes away from you.

You worry that you're not doing enough to help them be successful.

- Well, respectfully, sir...

- Why don't you screw the respect and speak your mind.


I'm you in this narrative, - and she's...

- Exceptional.

Then why send me to The Farm?

Why would you put me in there if you knew she was "exceptional"?

Quotes aren't helping your case, son.

You want to know why I sent you in there?

To make her better.

And you did.

You challenged her.

And she, not you, got us here today.

So that's my life?

Challenging her?

Making her better?


My wife was worth the cosmetic blow to my ego.

Eventually, I realized I was a better man for it.

Shelby, what's your status?



Hey, wake up.

- Clay!

- Hey.


Oh, of course it would be you.

Listen, hundreds, maybe thousands, of people are gonna die if you don't get us the call-and-response code for airborne terror threats.

- There's no such thing.

- Yes, there is.

And we know that you can twist the right arm and get it for us.

You know, I can see why people fall for you.




Come back here.

All I need you to do is make one phone call.

And all I need you to do...



You are engaged!

Not anymore.

Oh, no.


She left me.

You know, once the bloom was off the presidential rose, she got the hell out.

She really left you?


So, now I've got nothing.

You know, except you, here, in this moment.

Why don't you figure out what you want, or you can go, too.

I know what I want...

For you to be a man and get us the code.

I'm not leaving without it.

I'm supervisor here.

And this isn't normal procedure for a terror threat.

This isn't a normal threat.

The FBI and the CIA have fresh intelligence about imminent threats to several flights that are already in the air.

We need help identifying them.

We need help grounding them.

Wait here.

Second thoughts?

D?jà vu.

I'm breaking the law to save the world.

I just hope it works this time, and no one gets hurt, that we can just do it the right way.

Doing what you think is correct in the moment is the right way.

Breaking the law can be the right way.

You just have to not get caught.

I've broken more federal laws than both of you combined, and I've faced zero consequences.

Special Agent Shaw?

Right this way.

So we cross-referenced all the Muslim-Americans against anyone on a flight today who also had Peter's app on their phone.

Six flights.

One Muslim passenger from each flight on Roarke's registry.

- Genius, isn't it?

- Wow.

So, which flights?


Oh, come on.

Haven't I earned...

I think that's enough for today.

We need those flights and those names.

Whatever you think you should do, do it.

I trust your judgment.

My assistant can validate your...

Getting flights and passengers.


The bad news is, I just lost a bet.

I trusted you.

Peter didn't.

The good news is, now I get to take it out on you.

Bring it.

We have the flight numbers.


They're all in the air.

Just took off not 5 minutes ago.

Once those planes reach 30,000 feet and the Wi-Fi signal turns on, the passengers's phones will connect to whoever's behind this on the ground.

How can we ground those planes before that happens?

TransWestern six-four-four, this is FAA Command.

Do you copy?

D.C., this is six-four-four-kilo-zulu.


Return and begin emergency landing procedure, runway three.


TransWestern six-four-four.


They're not changing course.

Something's off.

TransWestern six-four-four, I repeat, return and begin emergency landing procedure, runway three.

- Do you copy?

- Copy.


The signal latency is nonexistent.

If we were speaking to a flight miles away, there would be a tiny, measurable delay in our communications, but there isn't.

Because we're not speaking to the pilots, we're speaking to someone nearby who has commandeered the channel.

The pilots think they're speaking to us, but instead, they're speaking to him.

If we can't find out who and where they are, we can't stop all this.

10,000 feet and climbing.

The captain will let you know when it's safe to move about the cabin.

Will, how's that location coming?

I've calculated a radius based on the latency to identify the location of those spoofing the planes' communications.

Sending a signal at such a significant distance would require an antenna and radio mast - large enough to...

- Skip the story.

Just give us the twenty.

I'll text them to you now.

Just a reminder to stay in your seats with your seatbelts fastened until the captain has turned off the seatbelt sign.

Shelby, once Miranda and Owen get that twenty, we need that code.

I'm trying my best here.

Clay, there is no other way to ground these flights.

They will go down without it.

Will confirms the first flight is at 30,000 feet.

Wi-Fi's been switched on.

The captain has indicated that you are now free to use your approved electronic devices.

We're all going down anyway, sooner or later.


Sooner and later?

Sooner than later?



Reston tower, this is TransWestern six-four-four.

Our plane has switched to autopilot on its own.


TransWestern six-four-four, we'll look into that and get back you you, copy.

Get the message to Theo that it's working.

- The first flight's under control.

- Okay.

The first flight is under our control.

2,000 lives are at stake.

2,000 people are going to die if you don't help us.

Don't prioritize your pride over their lives.


I'm so sorry.

Hey, yeah, I need a favor...

Pan Atlantic flight five-five-four, turn left, heading three-two-zero.



Stand down!

Stay down.

Miranda; TransWestern six-four-four, your tower communication has been comprised.

This is Special Agent Miranda Shaw.

Stand by for presidential access code.



I need you to initiate emergency landing protocol overriding autopilot, and confiscate and destroy the mobile phone of a passenger.

Aasim Samaan, 12-C.

Aasim Samaan, 12-C.

Aasim Samaan, 12-C.

Khan, K.

Sunbeam flight one-one-two - seat 5-A.

- Rashad Radhi, Southeastern flight three-three-five, - seat 10-E.

Udin Y., - CoastWest - flight four-zero-three, seat 14B.

- Satara G., Pan Atlantic flight five-five-four, seat 35-B.

Next plane is Southeastern sixteen.

Southeastern sixteen, this is CIA operative Owen Hall.

Initiate emergency landing response - on the following code.

- Southeastern sixteen...

All targeted flights are beginning emergency landing procedure.



Bad news.

All six of those planes are on their way to landing safely.

No one lost their lives, including all those innocent Muslim men and women you tried to frame.

So, it's over, Alice.

For you.

Once President Roarke and the others find out that you were working against us, I'll ask for the privilege of being the one to take you out myself.

I look forward to it.

This isn't over.

You only think you've won.


What looks like a travel headache for some is in reality a thwarted m*ssacre for the entire country.

Countless people are alive because of everyone in this room.

And, like always, no one will know that truth.

The sacrifice heroes make.

That's the secret you learn when you do it enough times, right?

What, is that what we are?


I don't feel any different.

Well, that's the other secret you learn.

It's still always just a Tuesday.

Hey, this doesn't mean it's over.

Roarke is still President.

The Collaborators are alive, and the world is none the wiser.

And they will most certainly find a way to retaliate against us for foiling their plans.


But, until then, let's take a moment to bask in the victory.

Okay, moment's over.

There's still work to be done.

You've got a presidency to topple.

And we still don't know how.

You can't leave.

Nimah and Raina are both in custody.

Alice Winter...

She knows I turned on them.

I feel like this is the part where I need to give a rousing speech.

But all I can think of is...

thank you.

We would not have been able to do this without you.

And we wouldn't be here without you.


I'll let him know.

- What happened?

- All the flights landed.

The FAA hasn't made a statement yet, but everyone is safe.

Well, glad I could help.

You want to really help?

Take off those pity pants, come back to the bunker with me, and do your job.

Pity pants?

My mom used to say that.

My mom used to say, "Get your head out of your ass, Clay.

I can't give a speech about g*n control at the NRA." Huh?

I might still be a little bit drunk.

Come back.

Do what you were meant to do.

How is it you know what's best for me?

Oh, it's because I'm smarter than you.

I know more words than you.

I have more emotions than you.

I have them.

I just don't let you know I have them.

I'm having one right now.

It's a complicated one.

It's like 10 at once.

She really left you?

She was gonna leave me anyway.


Don't come any closer.


Open up!

A spy drinking Scotch?

- That's a little clich?, Owen.

- Yeah.

I know you didn't come here to insult me, did you?

No, I can do that plenty behind your back.

I came here because of something you said about doing the right thing in the moment.

You know, I often forget how much faith the Bureau and the Agency put in us.

They choose us, they put us through all these tests, evaluating not just our bodies, our minds, but our morality, our decisiveness, our judgment.

I have to stop trying to make up for my past.

I made choices.

I can't undo them.

There's no real penance.

I just have to adapt and move forward.

I see that now.

And I think...

I think that you should see that, too.

If you're talking about my daughter, about choices I made as a father, then sure, maybe there's no penance to be had.

But it doesn't mean I stop trying to...

make up for my failures, stop trying to do better.

I'm not saying you stop trying.

I'm saying you stop hating yourself when you fail sometimes.

That's how you stay in it.

You have to move on.


What's wrong?


You hear the one about the operative who went undercover inside the most dangerous and powerful conspiracy in this nation's history?

No, I haven't.

How does it end?

Well, no one's heard it, so I don't know.

We beat them today.


What about tomorrow?

Or tonight...

when they come for me?


We're all behind you, Alex.

We're not going anywhere.

You're still sexy when you lie.

Uh, I'm not lying.

This time.

- I'm not.

- You're still sexy.

Yeah, well...

You know...

you're a great leader, Alex.


You see the big picture.

And me?


I'm a great soldier.

You send me into battle, and I focus on that.

I mean, I...

I get lost in it.

But you, you...

You see everything.

And I did the same thing in our relationship.

Every choice that you made, I felt in the moment, whereas you...

You were thinking long-term.

I mean, maybe if I wasn't so shortsighted, we Ryan.


This is where we are.

This is where we are.



They're here.

We've been made.

How long do we have?


Come out!


We got them.

Special Agent Shaw?

What are you doing here?

I'm with them.

I thought there was no such thing as penance.

I felt it in the moment.

Okay, this doesn't have to be a scene.

We will go with you quietly.

I think you're confused.

We're not here to arrest you.

You're not?

You're coming with us.

The President wants to see you.

All of you.

Too often, when a President has to talk to Americans about acts of terrorism, it's with a heavy heart.

But, today, I stand before you without that heavy heart.

And while the threat of radicals is never far from our front door, today, it didn't make it.

There was almost a t*rror1st attack today.

But it was stopped by a group of FBI and CIA agents working on an off-book mission to protect our country from its greatest threat...

Those who hate us for our freedoms.

The world is safer because of the acts of this group of brave souls.

And while they work in the shadows, I believe you should know their faces and applaud them for their heroism.

Now, these are the very same men and women that helped bring an end to the G20 hostage crisis last September, which, recent intelligence revealed, was not an act of outside force, but an internal battle between our own agencies.

We live in divided times.

But the time for that divide is over.

Today the FBI and the CIA worked together to help keep our country safe.

Now, this was your mother's legacy.

And I commend her for blazing this trail...

Seeing that we work stronger together, instead of against one another.

So, we will not only rebuild both our intelligence agencies from scratch, we will combine them to help rebuild the faith and trust of the American people.

It's time our country unites, and the Constitutional convention in 100 days will be a bold step in that process.

We not only can be safe and free, we will be.

We are the United States of America, and we hold our freedoms close.

We protect them.

We must always be the land of opportunity and the land of peace.

Mr. President, how long...

Instead of silencing us, he's using us as an example, to dismantle the FBI and the CIA.

Give himself all the power.

It's from crashing?

Well, he'd have torn down the CIA and the FBI because we failed.

This was always the plan.

He was covered either way.

We're heroes, we're villains.

He still wins.

He spins our success into his victory.

The perfect politician.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

- Thanks.

- Mm-hmm.



You have a nice smile, you know that, Alex?

Nice trick, Mr. President.

You use us and then you own us.

Well, if your team wants to stay employed and alive, then I guess I do own you.

I'm sure Alice has told you which side I'm really on.

Well, you don't need to worry about Alice.

She knew that the work we were doing might result in a sacrifice for the greater good.

- You had her k*lled?

- Hmm.

You want to make me into a monster.

But, you know, really, we're the same.

You don't like to be bound by rules.

You trust your moral compass, I trust mine.

I enjoy having you on my team, Alex.

I'll see you soon.

What are you doing?

I don't work here anymore.


Tell that to the New York Post.


President Roarke unites the states." They talk all about how the former President's own son and strategist helped him.

POLITICO even thinks it was your idea.

What's gonna happen?

Yeah, that's usually what I ask.

I used to have the answer.

We're gonna get him.

He's unimpeachable.


He's been in the game so long, he sees every play.

There's no way to get ahead of him enough to see him coming.

What was all this for?

Because it...

It can't just be about getting rid of the FBI and the CIA.



Let your mind rest.

We won't see anything if you're all wound up.

I'm not wound up.

I'm just sober, finally.

Yeah, well, you still need to take a moment.

And if I'm being honest, I kind of need one, too.

Thank you.

I'm sorry I made a pass at you.

I'm sorry Maxine left you.

Do you maybe want to grab a burger somewhere?

What, now?

It'd be nice get out from underground.

If Rome's gonna burn around us, I'd like to see it one last time.

And I'd like to see it with you.

Hey, I think you all may want to see this.

- Hmm.

- Yeah.

And I was gonna say yes.

President Roarke's proposal of combining and re-branding the FBI and CIA will apparently require a new amendment to the United States Constitution.

This idea has emboldened many delegates to support the Constitutional convention Roarke's been calling for.

Though an official vote of state legislatures is scheduled to commence tomorrow morning, we have numerous reports of various states, once resistant, now showing their full support for a convention.

Among them...

Florida, Texas, Georgia, Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

And we also have varying reports that up to 18 more will announce their intent to participate well ahead of the required deadline.

This is an unprecedented display of national unity in a country that just a few weeks ago was considered by most to be more divided than it ever had been under the administration of former President Claire Haas and Ronald Todd.

I can't watch this.

Unnamed sources do confirm that the state legislature of Virginia was going to come out against the convention, but we've been told that Senator Lewis Baynard acted as an intermediary in persuading his home state to agree to take part.

Baynard was singled out and thanked by President Roarke in a st...

Well, at least we have the answer as to the role Senator Baynard played in this.

The Collaborators must've called in their favor from his fake news incident to get Virginia onboard.

Will was right.

They were the perfect machine.

Every move they made, every calculated step, it all fit together and resulted in this...

What it's been about the entire time.

A Constitutional convention is an invitation to rewrite the law wholesale and change the face of this country.

And America is welcoming it with open arms.

What are we gonna do about it?

Well, there's no running from this.

That's for sure.

When Roarke exposed us on TV, you all joined my ranks.

Burned as operatives to every foreign intelligence service in the world.

None of us are safe anywhere.

Including here.

Which is why we fight back.

We resist.


No, you heard Miranda.

The people want this.

This was a... a feeling that's been lying dormant in this country.

A dying spark that now has gasoline poured on it, turning it into a burning flame, lighting the way towards an America no one in this room would even recognize.


If we resist, then we become the villains.

We can't win that way.

Owen's right.

We have to be patient.

We have to make Roarke believe that we're on his side.

He's always played the long game.

We never did.

This is our last chance, our only chance.

We have to strike when the time is right.

When is the convention, Clay?

100 days from now.

That's when we attack.

So, who wants to be a t*rror1st?