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06x06 - Night of The Living Dead

Posted: 01/27/21 20:35
by bunniefuu
Previously on Crossing Jordan...

I'm William Ivers,

Attorney General's office.
Assigned as special prosecutor,

that's me, to investigate
alleged improprieties

in the Medical Examiner's office.
That's here.

This guy is no joke, Garret.
What is he looking for?

- I don't trust him.
- I just need to talk to you about, uh..

Jordan Cavanaugh.

There is no evidence of any corruption,
or malfeasance.

But what I did find

was serious mismanaging
of finances.

So starting today, you will implement
cost-effective forensics.

Bodies in, bodies out.

The way this place is run,

it's just a matter of time befor
you screw up so badly,

that you put the D. A.'s office
at risk.

The k*ller left blood at the scene

From this sample,

were you able to construct
a DNA profile

of the man who stabbed
Lisa Hagen to death?


It rained the night
of the m*rder.

Water contamination damaged
six alles in the sample

but seven were left intact.
It's enough.

Did your profile
match the defendant,

- A. J. Crawford?
- Yes, it did.

Could the DNA,
found on the victim,

have been left by anybody
other than Mr. Crawford?

The likelihood of two people
sharing the same

seven traits is about
one in , .

So in other words,

the odds of this man's innocence based
solely on DNA evidence

- are , to one.
- That's right.

Thank you.

No further questions.

Mr. Levine. Cross.

Other than the, uh,
contaminated blood,

did you find any forensic
evidence linking

A. J. Crawford
to the horrendous crime

- against this beautiful young woman?
- No.

- Bodily fluids?
- No.

- Hairs?
- No.

- Fibers?
- No.

So your expert opinion is based
solely on a DNA match,

provided by a heavily damaged
blood sample?

Seven undamaged alles clearly...

No, no.
We heard your odds.

- It was , to one, was that right?
- Yes.

Help me with my math, Dr. Macy

Almost six million people
in the metro area.

So that would be...
around people

in the Boston area,
alone who could have

r*ped and k*lled
the victim.

- Is that right?
- Those sixty people

weren't with the victim near the time
of her death.

How do you know that?

Didn't you just say their DNA
would match

your sample? Now,
since you're testifying

as a forensic expert,
and the forensic

evidence in this case,
is worthless...

I really can't think of any more
questions for you.

After seven days
of jury deliberations,

during which time shouting could

frequently be heard
behind the closed doors

- of the jury deliberation room...
- Did I miss it?

We are moments away now from a verdict
in the A. J. Crawford case.


During the last four years, the heir
to the Asquith fortune,

had been accused of drugging and raping
three young women

The D. A. had declined to file
charges in those...

We take you now
to the courtroom cameras.

Mr. Foreman, would you please
read the verdict?

As to count one of the indictment,
aggravated r*pe,

we find the defendant...
not guilty.

Oh, I feel so bad
for Lisa Hagen's father.

As to count two, m*rder
in the first degree,

We find the defendant...
not guilty.

Something's got to be done
about the jury system.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
thank you for your time...

I hope Garret's okay.

...and for taking your civic
as jurors, seriously.

You slimy bastard.

You know you k*lled my little girl.
Admit it!

Say it!

Even if I did, there's not a damn thing
you can do about it now.

You're a dead...
dead man.

Levine , Macy nothing.
You lose again.

I'm busy.

- No, you're not.
- I don't want to discuss it.

You know, A. J. Crawford k*lled
Lisa Hagen.

He drugged her...

he r*ped her and he slit her throat.
That son...

That son of a bitch,
Shelly Levine,

convinced a jury of morons...

...that he wasn't guilty.



A. J. must have had one hell
of a victory party.

Standing here, at valet
waiting for his car,

and, bam, bam, bam.

Where did the sh*ts come from?

Couple of witnesses saw
an SUV speed through,

so it was probably a drive-by.

Of course, nobody
caught the plates.

EMT response was
four and a half minutes,

but the three of them
were already dead.

I only see two.

Nobody told you?

This is one of
Shelly's assistants.

Missy Brandt, years old.
Dr. Macy...

Careful what you wish for.

- Shelly Levine.
- He's dead?

Why does everybody keep saying that?
I'm not dead.

Crossing Jordan
Season Episode


Synchro: []

Oh, God.
Please, anybody.

Oh, for God sakes,
I'm in here.

I'm alive.

Move, move, move. I want to see
for myself. Move, move.

- I want to see.
- Shel, don't panic.

- You've gotta figure this out.
- Wow, it's true.

I need a doctor,
not you two ghouls.

Stake through the heart. Make sure
the job is finished.

Yeah, he was quite
the vampire, wasn't he?

Nah, they only suck blood at night.

But we should check his reflection.

Hey. You should show some respect.

Sorry. We're just blowing off steam.

If none of you cares that he's dead,
that's fine.

But if you're not giving your all to
find his k*ller,

you can leave right now.

Oh, come on, Garret.
You've been looking at me

for two or three minutes.

Can't you see something,
anything, that tells you I'm alive?

Garret, Garret, I'm going to blink,
look at me.

Oh, my God, why is this happening?


Number one k*ller of lawyers.

Where are the other bodies?

Trace, with Bug and Nigel.

Mm-hmm. Shouldn't you
be helping them?

Come on, Shel.
Blink, dammit.

Close your eyes. Come on,
Shel, move your hand.

Why is this happening?

The jury's got to see through what
Levine's trying to pull.

Distorting evidence is what he does.

You know that
better than anyone.

Doesn't he, though?

Back when I was an ADA,
I hated defense attorneys

making my experts
look like morons.

Now that I'm on the other side,
it's fun.

Thanks for the help
in there today, Garret.

Nothing I like better than to twist
the Kn*fe in your back.

I guess you get to take the Kn*fe
to him this time.

I hear Ivers is taking away
all your shiny toys.

Mm. Every autopsy, every test,

every hour spent, every paper clip
has to be justified.

Well, what do you expect?

You let your staff run around, doing
whatever they want, you spend a fortune.

And you get the results
you need to do your job.

One screw-up here, and defense attorneys

will be challenging every conviction
we've ever gotten

since I don't have to tell you
how that would go down.

Are you the one who sicced
Ivers on me?

I had nothing to do with that.

You have nobody to blame,
but yourself.

It's funny. Those are
the exact words he used.

Don't be paranoid.

Where's A. J. Crawford
and Missy Brandt?

- In Trace.
- Oh, trace won't help.

They were sh*t from a distance.
Concentrate on ballistics.

Can't get a match without the w*apon.
You got one?

Not yet, but we will. Lisa Hagen's
father owns a. .

You want my g*n? Get a warrant.

Working on that. You'd save everyone
a lot of time

if you'd just tell me what happened.

A. J. Crawford k*lled my daughter,
that's what happened.

And you threatened to k*ll him,
and now he's dead.


You're not giving me
a lot to work with you.

You people investigated
my daughter's m*rder,

and made hash of it all the way
down the line.

Hash. You, the morgue people,
the D. A...

Sit down, Mr. Hagen.

I begged all of you
to get it right.

To make sure this psycho son of a bitch
didn't walk.

Listen, if a piece of trash
like A. J. Crawford

k*lled my daughter, I'd
probably go after him too.

But why don't you tell me
what happened,

and we'll see what
I can do to help.

I've seen how you people help.

- Are you arresting me?
- Not yet.

Oh, great, somebody.

Oh, wonderful.
Fric and Frac.

Hey, you there.
You, with the teeth.

I am alive.

I hope he's some place
where he can feel

what all the victims of all his
scummy clients felt.

No lectures now, you moron.
Just take my pulse.

I feel bad for this girl.

I know,

if he'd just sh*t A. J. and Shelly,
he would've got a medal.

For A. J., he should
have got the money prize.

But still, I hated
Shelly Levine more.

These two are useless.

You know, he made me lose it
on the witness stand.

Tricked me into testifying that my
own work was incompetent.

Oh, that's child's play. He tried
to get me deported.



Are you insane?

Why? Because I think Britney Spears is
going to be a huge star?

No, because you tell
people you like her.

She has that certain "je ne sais quoi".

Yeah, it's called a miniskirt.

- Can I, uh, help you?
- Yeah.

I'm looking for Nigel Townsend
and Dr. Mahesh Vijay

or something other, there's a lot
of letters in that...

- Yeah, what do you want?
- Injunction.

Stop all work on the Aubuchon case.

Hairs taken from my client's mouth
were obtained illegally.

He didn't consent.

Bollocks. They were taken off
the ear of the victim.

Which was in my client's mouth.

I don't believe this.

You actually got a judge to buy this?

Yes, I did, my foreign friend.

Speaking of which,
I checked your visa status,

both of you, you're okay, Dr. Vijay.
You unfortunately,

didn't change from H to status,
so technically,

you're illegal.

I had to notify the INS.
They'll be dropping by later.

You bloody son of a bitch.

Okay. Have a nice day,
gentlemen. Sh sh.

And now he's dead.

No, actually I'm not, you professionals.
Unless this is what death is.

Consciousness connected to,
uh, to nothing.

I can't look at him anymore.
Even dead he looks smug.

- Let's put him in a drawer.
- Drawer?

Like in a crypt? No.

Oh, no. No no no.
We don't want to do this.

No. We definitely don't want to do this.

One, two...



Hey. Uh, A. J. Crawford's mother is
coming in from Greenwich.

Uh, Missy Brandt's parents
want her body

shipped back to California,

and I've had no luck finding any next
of kin for Shelly Levine.

Maybe one of his ex-wives'
knows who to contact.

Well, I couldn't reach
either one of them.

There are five of them. Two before
he moved to Boston,

one he married
in St. Barts, I think.

How do you know that?

Listen, I'm busy, Lily. Just, just
find them and call them.

Yes, sir.

Uh, and Jordan said to tell you
she started

pulling slugs out of the bodies.


Should she send them to BPD?

Has Ivers taken away our ballistics
testing equipment?


Then the question answers
itself, doesn't it?

Hey, Garret said the slugs
should go to the BPD.

Any idea why he's in such a bad mood?

Oh, with Garret good mood, bad mood,
it all looks the same.

No, he's upset.

He couldn't have cared about
Shelly Levine, could he?

Maybe he wanted to b*at him in court
just once

- before either of them d*ed.
- Hm, maybe.


From a photographer who was there
when the b*ll*ts started to flying.

Okay. Two ticks.

We haven't gotten Hagen's g*n yet.

We're searching his house and car.
Easiest warrant I ever got.

The g*n won't help. This slug
is useless for matching.

- What's that gash?
- Not a gash.

The slug hit a rib,
then lodged in the vertebrae.

No testable striations.
Too damaged.

What about the other b*ll*ts?

Fragments. Most of them
went straight through,

and shattered on impact,
against the building.

A few splintered inside the bodies. This
is the only intact slug.

God's handiwork.

She's trying to shield Donald Hagen
by destroying evidence.

Yeah, I got to tell you my heart's
not in this one.

Except for Missy Brandt.

Ready over here.

Okay, starts here, with Missy Brandt
taking the first hit.

After that,
it all goes to hell.

The photographer diving for cover.

- Kept on clicking. A pro.
- Wait, go back.

That SUV there. Can you enlarge it?
See who's driving?

Donald Hagen.
We got our man.

The sh**ting's happening now,

and both his hands
on the steering wheel.

So he didn't do it.


That point of light,

right there, across the street
from the restaurant.

A muzzle flash from that window.

- Things just got a whole lot harder.
- Yeah.

You know how many enemies
A. J. Crawford made

in his short, evil life?

So who other than Hagen
wanted A. J. dead?

Lisa Hagen was not the first girl
he drugged and r*ped,

and I'm sure the others
had fathers too.

Finger prints on the door handle
are smudged.

I'm pretty sure
this is our location.

We got casings
all over the place.

We are looking at
an amateur k*ller here.

Clear view of the target.

The building's empty at night,
so it's an easy escape.

I count ten casings.

- You see something?
- Maybe.

It's blood, and skin.

From the sh**t's elbows,
when the r*fle recoiled.

It's our k*ller's DNA.

These are the b*llet fragments
from A. J. Crawford.

We micro-scan each one,

build a computer-simulated probability
matrix to fill in the gaps,

and we will have
a magical slug.

You sound like Nigel.

Oh no, no.
He would have said, voil?

All right, put it together
and send it over to BPD.

We don't need BPD in on this.

It'll match something on
the database, or it won't.

Where's Shelly?


Crypt, in the drawer. We kind of got
tired of looking at him.

You know I want justice for everyone
who comes in here,

but this time I can't help
but feeling that...

this is justice.

Got the sh**t's DNA. Crime lab said
they'd get right on it.

Of course, I'd rather do it myself.

Well, I've got something
else for you to do.

We're reconstructing
a shattered slug, huh?


- So I'm gonna micro-scan each...
- Don't need to know.

I'll be in the lab.


Dr. Macy says that one of us should
autopsy Shelly Levine.

But I thought he
was going to do it.

Yeah, so did I.

Oh, no, no. Not this.
This, no. This is not good.

Oh, God.
They're going to cut me.

Am I going to feel it?

Of course I'm going to feel it.

I feel it when they put
their hands on me.

Why did he hate us so much?

I mean, it wasn't just
business with him.

Yeah, he reveled in it.

The reason why she looks awake

is because her eyelids
had been eaten by fish.

You were the last person
to see her, Chad.

When we dissected her throat,
we found a colony

of leeches using her tissue
as a breeding ground.

- I took her to the party.
- But left before she did

and went home alone.
Not another word.

The Buckleys have hired me
Inquisition is over.

You have singled him out, because
of his family, and now...

you are trying to coerce
a bogus confession.

I have filed a brutality
complaint against you.

We never laid a hand on him.

He says otherwise.

He hasn't said anything to you.

This is beneath
even you, Shelly.

Well, whatever so-called evidence
you might think you have,

I'll shred you on the stand,
as always.

You might want to mention
the tax return now.

Oh, right.

Detective, I got a hold
of your tax return.

Seems you failed to declare $ , you
won in a football pool.

I had to notify the IRS.

What are you doing with that?

- Ouch!
- Woody!

What the hell are you doing?

Just making sure that the son of a bitch

- is really dead.
- You're abusing a corpse,

while everybody else is whining
about doing their job.

- Hey!
- Get him prepped.

- I'll autopsy him myself.
- Fine by me.

Oh, Garret, don't do this, man.

So this really is death.

You hear, you see, you feel, but to
living you're not there.

- Garret...
- What?

A. J. Crawford's mother
is on her way in.

I thought you might
want to join us.

Why don't you give her
one of your pamphlets?

"Your first-born was scum,
get over it."

- What is wrong with you?
- Nothing.

Don't give me that.
You've been acting like a

You, uh, need to come see this.


A. J.'s bruises started to appear
while I was stitching.

Just coming up now?

Must have happened
right before he d*ed.

And we found traces of leather
on Shelly's hands.

Same color as the jacket that
A. J. was wearing.

So Shelly grabbed
A. J... hard.

A. J. takes two hits.

And then the dead weight got to be
too much for Shelly.

So, A. J. drops,
leaving Shelly exposed.

All three were standing right there,
when the sh**ting began.

Ten sh*ts were fired.

We've got parazzi photos,
crime scene photos,

blood and skin evidence
from where

- the sn*per was.
- Bottom-line it for me.

Missy went down first, A. J. second,
and Shelly third.

And you know this how?

Because the traces
of blood and tissue

increase from left to right,
indicating the sh**t

was moving in
that direction.

Which means, one, two,
and then three.

Hey, guys.

I got coffee,
what've you got?

We have two things.

Shelly grabbed A. J
and used him as a shield.

Yeah, protecting the interests
of his client to the end.

After the sn*per sh*t A. J.,
he kept sh**ting,

but after he took Shelly out,
he stopped.

Oh, all right,
whoa whoa whoa

let me just get this straight.

A. J. was not the target?

No. Shelly was.

Who would want
to k*ll me?

It's what it looks like.

So Shelly was the target.

Not A. J.

And how do you know this?

b*llet trajectories, body placement
and analysis.

That's as far
as you go, gentlemen.

Judith, I'm so sorry
about Shelly.

Yeah, it's a great loss.

What do you want?

Look at some files.

You know better
than that.

This isn't a
fishing expedition.

We're looking
for threats.

Against A. J. Crawford?

Against Shelly.

He was the target.

Someone wanted him dead.

You inherit his half
of the business?

Looking for motive?

Look in the mirror.

Okay. Law partner not interested in
helping identify k*ller.

Show them the
thr*at files, Dixie.

Nothing else.



The Shelly Levine
museum of me.


Shelly liked
to keep trophies

from all the cases everyone
said we couldn't win.

Shouldn't you recuse yourself
for something, Dr. Macy?

Shelly hated you.

Shelly hated everyone
who went up against him.

No, no.
That was competion.

You, he really hated.

Of course, then I guess
the feeling was mutual.

I always wondered what happened
between the two of you.

Mrs. Gilman mentioned something
about a file of threats.

Which one is
the thr*at file?

All of them.

All right.
William Hicks.

Easier to make a list of people
who didn't wanthim dead.

Yeah, is there any way
can narrow this down?

I might be able to lighten
your load there, chaps.

The DNA is female.

Our sh**t is a woman.

Well, then...
Hello, Judith Gilman.

Shelly's law partner.

She is the beneficiary
of his life insurance,

his business insurance,
and she gets his clients.

No assumptions Woody.
Start erasing.

We have Ms. Walcott
on here?

Why not? Her motive is as good
as anyone else's.

Yeah, with that temper of hers,
she's certainly capable.

Ah, Do you rember
that one time

Walcott sh*t that guy?


She's behind me, isn't she?


This k*ller was sloppy.
Not a trait I admire.

I wasn't meaning to imply

There's no good end to that sentence.

You ever hear of
a Cerbera Odollam?

He pitched for the Dodgers?

It's a plant.
Grows in South East Asia.

The, uh, su1c1de tree.

Yes, you can make
a powder

from the seeds. You mix that with a
single malt scotch, neat.

You remember how
fond Shelly was

of his single malt
scotch after trial?

So the scotch masks the taste of
the powder, right?


Death looks like
a heart att*ck.

I believe they don't test for that kind
of poison here,

in the States, do they?


So you see, all you need is a little
forethought to avoid sloppiness.

Yes, well, you've...

obviously given it a lot more
thought than I have.

You land on anyone
besides me?

Oh, boys.
That sounds painful.

you're doing to him,

don't do that to me.

Oh, please. I'm begging you.
I don't deserve this.

Nigel got DNA results
back from CSU.

The sh**t
swas a woman.

Ah, Makes sense.

He had plenty of ex-wives, all of whom
loved him devotedly, I'm sure.

Are you done with A. J.?


Get started on Shelly.


Look, Jordan.

I know we've had our differences,
but please, don't

punish me for the past.

Revenge isn't what it's cracked up
to be. Believe me.

Can't we let
bygones be bygones?

Gotta watch out
for those keys.

What about now?

Is it true...

that you're going to say
my client bludgeoned

to his parents, Dr. Cavanaugh?

Well, I... You've got
my autopsy report,

you know what
I'm going to say.

I pay a premium for experts who
know what they're doing.

Do you?

Look, we've still got
some time.

I'll stall my last witness,
take you to dinner,

see what we can negotiate.

Have you been to Sorrento?

The city or
the restaurant?

The city.

It's Friday.
I have my own plane.

Private place on the Amalfi Coast.

Well, I think I'll pass.

How much do they
pay you, Cavanaugh?

Excuse me?

I can make your life
easier in so many ways.

You really should start to watch
out for yourself.

Clearly, didn't miss much.

Okay, okay.

I deserve that.

I deserve more than that.
I was a pig.

Worse than a pig sometimes.

It was my job, Jordan.

Maybe I was a hypocrite, but I was
taught that every client

deserve the most zealous
defense possible.

Jordan please!

I get that now.
Hey, I'm competitive.

What are you doing?

Don't cover my face!
Look at me!

Please, Jordan!

Oh, Garret.

Hey, with Iver's new rules,
can we really justify

a full autopsy on Shelly?

I mean, cause of death is pretty
obvious, and I'm about to hit overtime.

I'm just looking out
for the bottom line.

The slug reconstruction?
We're missing a piece.

My missing fragment
is in Shelly's body.

Must have pierced his arm, when he was
using A. J. as a shield.

Looks like someone's going to have
to cut into Shelly after all.

Good luck with that.


Garret, please. You remember it
wasn't always like this.

We made a great team.

Maybe if you pretend
it's someone else.

We were friends, Garret.


Yo, Mace!

Got your message, what's up?

You, me and Maggie
still on for dinner?

Yeah. That's not why I called.

Listen, I got some bad news
on the Novak case.

Walk with me.

Whoa, don't, don't you...Don't you
screw with me on this.

I'm three days from
starting the trial.

I am going to put
that bastard away.

We can't let
this guy go free.

DNA results came back
from the semen sample

we took from the Martinez boy.
They don't match Novak.

Novak didn't do it.

You know as well as I do, that he k*lled
that other boy last year.

Justin Trent,
six years old.

Only child, his father was so distraught
he hanged himself.

I want him as badly
as you do.

But he didn't k*ll the Martinez boy,
what can I say?

Simon Novak is evil, Garret.

We'll get him
for something else.

you mean.

Some other little boy.


No, no.
Don't, don't.

Don't 'Shelly' me.

Come on, Garret. Don't
look at me like that.

I know what I've become,

I came after you, because
I knew you were right.

And I hated that.

You want me
to get Jordan back?


No, I'll do it.

I'm sorry.
Please, Garret.

I could change.
Oh, change.

No more, please!




I've learned my lesson. I...I
want to make this right.

I don't know what
else I can say,

If, look, Garret...

If I make it through this, I'll do
things differently.

I'll be a better man. Garret, no,
please. I'll do anything.


What's wrong?

Give me one
of those slides.

- What's going on?
- Do it, Nigel!

Get me one of those slides.

Sweet Mary,
mother of God.

He's alive.

Thank you.

Thank you, Garret.

Total paralysis.
Condition's deteriorating.

Medical examiners who don't recognize
death when they see it.

You have any idea how
that's going to play?

There was absolutely nothing
that indicated

that he was alive.

Is he going to make it?

Not unless they figure out
what's wrong with him.

I suggest you figure it out.

This is kerosene
on the fire.

The only way you're going to save
yourself is to save him.

Some kind of spinal cord
or brain injury?

MRI showed
no damage to either.

- Neck wound?
- No, it's superficial.

The b*llet passed through.
Missed all major arteries.

We're looking for a paralysis
that mimics death.

Got to be a toxin, some kind
of exotic poison.

Anything show up on
the tox screen, Nigel?

We didn't run one.

What are you
talking about?

Well, pre-Ivers,
that would've been SOP,

but now everything's
gotta be justified.

The hospital already ran tox,
didn't find anything.

Okay, they all three had dinner
at the same restaurant.

Did anybody run
stomach contents

on A. J. Crawford
or Missy Brandt?

- No.
- No.

Do you have them?

Ivers said nothing
about not saving.

Only about not running.

- Do it now.
- Do it fast.




Yeah, puffer fish.

He was poisoned
by tetrodotoxin.

Lavage with a %
of a bicarb solution

and absolutely an intestinal

Try atropine.

Let me know.

Puffer fish.
Improperly prepared,

the most dangerous dish in the world.

Any place that offers fugu should know

how to do it right.
Think we caught it in time?

Hey, good work.

Yeah, but... this is very bad
for us, isn't it?

Got a match on that
reconstructed b*llet.

Came from a g*n

used by Bo Credle in that

sn*per case
a little while back.

And he was represented

- by...
- Shelly Levine.

Whose office wall is covered
with trophies,

one of which is that g*n.

Who had access?



Just coming to make sure
he's comfortable.

He's been a little

Maybe we should
go outside.

Good idea.

How's the investigation
coming along?

Pretty well. We found
our m*rder w*apon.

The Remington Speedmaster
from Shelly's office.

Only two people had access
to that office.

Shelly and you.

If we rolled up your sleeves,
we'd find

scrapes in your elbows,
wouldn't we?

You left DNA
on the ledge, Dixie.

I did us all a favor.

Is that a confession?

No, that's
a proclamation.

Tell me you
weren't thrilled.

You were handing out medals
to anybody who sh*t

that son of a bitch.

Enjoying your
yearly audits, Detective?

Yes, but you sh*t
three people, not one.

Oh, and who's crying
over A. J. Crawford?

Spawn of Satan.

Missy Brandt never
hurt anyone.

She came slithering into
Shelly's life with...

You know, listen, I have been
carrying him for years.

I am the reason
he won every case.

I'm the one who came up with the
strategy that got A. J. acquitted,

and what does he do? He starts
bragging about it,

like it's his idea.

And then he invites
that blond piece of...

fluff to the celebration,

without giving me
so much as a thank you.

If you hated it so much,

why didn't you just quit?


Looks like you and Shelly both
dodged b*ll*ts today.

That shouldn't
have happened.

I shouldn't have
been so disgusted

that I could hardly bring myself
to look at him.

I didn't want to look
and see myself.

I'm here to return
your Kn*fe.

Pardon me if I can't reach, it's a
little deep in my back.

It's your own
fault, Levine.

You withheld evidence, you were
obligated to disclose.

Against a piece of scum
who m*rder*d a child.

How's the air up there
on your high horse?

And you...

You of all people.

I could've convicted
that Novak scum.

For a crime
he didn't commit.

You don't like what I do?

At least keep
your mouth shut.

Instead of telling
this bitch.

Who tells the D. A.
and gets me fired.

You're lucky
you weren't disbarred.

You'll find
another job, Shelly.

It's already done.

I'm switching sides.

Going to represent
the bad guys.

At least you expect
the Kn*fe in the back.

I'm going
to get them off.

Make it my personal mission
to screw you.

And you.

See you in cross.

Can't wait to watch
you squirm.


You are not responsible
for what he became.

He made his own choices.

I know.

This thing with Ivers,

I don't want you
to lose your job.

You're not the reason

this investigation

Newspapers squawk, "Oh, big problem
at the Boston morgue."

"M. E. charged with m*rder,

co workers conspiring
to help her

- escape justice."
- You know

that's not
what happened.

- And so do the papers now.
- Yes,

but once the rat's nest
is stirred up,

there has to be
a scapegoat.

Everybody would like
it to be Jordan,

but it's hard to fire
someone right

after you falsely
accused her of m*rder.

You got a point?

They can't fire her.

But you can.


Then, fire Bug,

Give the Attorney
General an out,

let them say that they investigated,
and there's been a change.


Then the scapegoat
is going to be you.

Shelly survives...
and you go down.

Where's the justice
in that?

You really can't leave yet. You
haven't been discharged.

I'm discharging myself.

Well, you have
to sign this release.

In the s, coffins came
equipped with a bell

attached to a string, in case
someone was buried alive.

You came very close to needing
one of these.


Hospital explained
it all to you?

Bad puffer fish.

A. J. and Missy d*ed before
the toxin metabolized.

Your wound wasn't fatal, so the poison
shut your body down.

Covering your ass.


Just think you deserve
to know what happened.

You were the best
friend I ever had.

You were there for me big time
when Marian d*ed.

You returned the favor when
Maggie walked out on me.


I'm sorry.

Oh, you don't have
to apologize, Garret.

This bell's all
the admission I need.

Once I'm through
suing you, the morgue,

EMTs, cops,
the restaurant,

you'll be the one
who needs this.

You know, most people
have a near-death

they learn from it.

I have.

I've learned to expand
my client base.

Dixie just hired me.

Now, who's going
to convict her,

when her victim
is now her lawyer?

Would you do me
one last favor?

Don't let
your attorney settle.

I want to get you on the stand
one last time.

Are you absolutely sure
he's dead this time?