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06x05 - Mr. Little And Mr. Big

Posted: 01/27/21 20:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Crossing Jordan"...

I'm William Ivers.

Haven't you heard? We're being investigated
by the attorney general's office.

So? / So, more specifically, Jordan,
you're being investigated.

- I want tonight to be absolutely perfect.
- I'm pregnant.

- Is... is that...
- It's yours.

There's no room for me. For us right now.

I think there's been a misunderstanding.

I'm not here about you,
Doctor Cavanaugh.


Why would anybody grab
a live power line?

- Stupid?
- So this is a "signout."

When I say so. If I say so.


Are you crazy? / Can't you get rid of this guy?
He's driving everybody nuts.

- Sorry.
- Sorry.

- You're going to Marysville to pick up a body.
- That's a six-hour drive.

Excuse me.

- Lily, look. I need you to...
- Oh, I'm not a secretary. Do it yourself.

Huh. This place is a zoo.

I asked you to behave
yourself around Ivers.

Look, I'm off in thirty minutes
after a fourteen-hour shift.

You're going.
Consider it punishment.

Hey, this is an accidental drowning.
Why didn't you just call the driver?

The sheriff requested an "M.E.".
You'll be fine alone. It's a midget.

Oh, very funny. Not "P.C.", but hilarious.

I've been doing
a lot of thinking, too, Jeffrey.

Oh, well, good. Because maybe we're thinking
along the same lines. You know?

Okay. Um...

You first.

Uh, well, we both know what
it's like growing up without a lot of structure.

So, um... the logical thing for us
to do for our, uh... baby...

... is to get married.

Wait! Hold on! Please.

I need to get out of here.
By which I mean out of town.
I'm going with you.

Right after I pee.

Hey, hey, hey! / I ought to... I'm gonna...
Get the hell off me right now, you stupid cop!

- Get out of here! Why don't you pick
on somebody your own size?
- Hey! Hey, freak show! Are you crazy?

Get your hands off me right now!

Whoa! Go check yourself in.
You know the drill.

Hey. It's Hoyt.

I got a homicide on level two
of the MacMillan garage.

Police! Drop that w*apon!

- Drop it! On the ground now! On the ground.
- You got it.

On the ground! Hands in the air.

On your knees. On your knees!

- All right, man. All right. All right.
- Hey! Hey! Come on, man.

- Give it up.
- Take it easy, man.

- I got no cuffs. Give me yours.
- Hey, why don't you use mine?

Under my jacket, next to my badge.

- You're a cop?
- Yeah. I'm a cop.









Bite it. Make sure it's real, "hot dog."

If that nose works any better than that brain
of yours, you'll see it hasn't been fired.

He's all right. You could've told me
up front you were a cop.

Yeah, right. Black man with a g*n.
Tell me you would have believed me?

Parnell. Detective. Drug control.

- Hoyt. Homicide.
- Yeah. What's up?

- What happened here?
- No idea.

I heard a shot so I responded.

You know him?


Wrong place, wrong time, kid.
It's a damn shame.

Looks like an execution style k*lling,
not some random "whacko."

Well, terrible thing either way.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...
Where are you going? You can't just walk away.

Hey, man, I got business.

You need me, check with the drug unit.
They always know where I am.

I don't care who you are. You can't walk
away from a homicide investigation! Hey!

- I need a full autopsy on this body "asap."
- Tomorrow morning.

- Tonight.
- Maybe you don't need to sleep, but I do.

I get in at eight. This'll be first up.

Oh... I would k*ll for some of that coffee.

Are you really sure
it's bad for the fetus?

Why am I crying?

Uh... hormones?
Sadness? Frustration?

What am I gonna do?
I cannot marry Jeffrey.

I think you just tell him that.

Yeah, it's... you make it sound so easy.
Well, I guess it would be for you.

Uh... what's that mean? / You know. You're so
definite about things. I'm wishy-washy.

No. No. You're, uh... you're nice.

You just don't want to
hurt people's feelings.

That's a good thing.

- Jordan?
- Yeah.


I'm sorry.

- More swabs.
- What?


- Did you say "swabs"?
- Yes.

What you got?
What you got for me?

Do you have any actual police work to do?
Must you haunt the morgue?

While you were getting your eight hours sleep
I interviewed fourteen people,

tracked this boy's parents to Connecticut,
and I took a shower.

Have anything to show for your efforts
other than fresh-scrubbed self-righteousness?

We just started.

"C.O.D." appears to be a single
g*nsh*t to the back of the head.

You got a suspect?

All I've heard so far is that he couldn't
possibly have had any enemies.

Doctor Switzer. Drew Marshall's parents
are here and Lily's not.

All right. I'll take it.

Oh, this can't be good.

Kindergarten graduation.

What a beautiful boy.

With his little girlfriend
in the sixth grade.

We were only going
to be gone the one night.

Jack and I had to go put my dad
in a nursing home. He's...

- He's a...
- Excuse me.

Could I talk to you?

Have you thought of anything
that might help us?

We can't help.
We don't know anything.

- Drew said he was staying in last night.
- We just need a starting point.

Last year, uh...

Drew got in with some boys
that we didn't care for.

- They weren't courteous.
- Could I have their names?

He stopped seeing them
about six months ago.

All I knew was nicknames.
We only met them once.

"J. Bad,"

"Pinky," "Little Dog."

He was a good kid.

Why would anybody
want to sh**t him?

How can he be dead?
Are you sure?

I'm so sorry.

I'm sure he loved you very much.

- The conference room's being used.
- Uh... okay. Uh... can you...
can you explain something to me?

Uh... "B.P.D." lab ran ballistics
on this homicide case,

and so did the "M.E.'s" office.
Why the redundancy?

They were coordinating with the "F.B.I.".
We were feeding results to the "D.A.".

- Yeah, still, wouldn't you think it's just a little bit...
- This is what you've been wasting your time on?

I thought you were looking for corruption?

Well, people sometimes use unnecessary
work or work that actually was
never done to justify budget protection.

The work was done.
It was necessary and it was done.

You were great with them.

The surprise in your voice downgrades
that from a compliment to an insult.

Can't be news to you that people find you
mostly abrasive and unpleasant.

It can't be news to you
that I don't care.

I may have something for you, Woody.

From items in the boy's wallet.
From "AFIS."

You're just in time to see
whose print this is.

That son of a bitch told me
he didn't know the kid.

Anything to do with this case
comes to me or through me.

- It is not for piecemeal distribution.
- He's the investigating detective!

I repeat: do not ever release information
on one of my cases without my permission.

Doctor Switzer.

I, uh... can I ask you something?

Yeah, uh... I just... what would be some
valid reasons for duplicating forensic tests?

First, you'd have to be more specific.

Second, although I have
my issues with these people,

do not try to suck me
into your crusade.

- Did you find him?
- No.

Uh... couple of hunters found him
snagged on that branch right over there.

Yeah, they pulled him out but, uh...
we didn't know if we should move him or not.

So, uh... me and my brother
took turns staying here.

Uh... I'm Deputy Joe Whatley.

Hi. Jordan.

Oh, Wednesday's
my fishing day.

It's a long way back to town.
I brought my gear with me.

He's just a little guy.
I measured him.

Uh... four-foot-six.

I got a Saint Bernard bigger than him.

- Uh... who is he?
- Uh... don't know.

If he had any "I.D.",
must have fallen in the river.

Looks like this was broken, huh?

The rest of it's tied around
a tree about sixty yards that way.

Okay. Uh... did you run his prints?

We don't... we don't...
we don't have that equipment.

Yeah, that is quite a shiner.
Something rammed into him out there.

No. Actually this bruise is
a couple days old.

Yeah, "petechial" hemorrhaging...
water and froth in the mouth...

- Looks like drowning.
- I smell hibiscus.

- I thought hibiscus had no scent.
- The hothouse kind does.

I don't think
there's any of that around here.

We, um... we got some
wild blackberries.

No, it's hibiscus.
It's making me sick.

- You need to sit down?
- No, it's okay. It's fading. Okay.

Boy, if these stones are real,
this could be worth something.

- Excuse me.
- Yeah? Yeah?


Yes. I'm not gonna do it
in the middle of the woods.


Not in Massachusetts.
I can keep checking other states.

Okay. Thanks, Bug.

- Still a "John Doe?"
- Yeah.

You wanna know
what I really think?

About your situation?

You're having a baby
you didn't plan on.

Looking at being a single mom.
You're scared.

I'm terrified.

I just want you to know
you're not alone.

Okay? Just concentrate on yourself and the baby.
Nobody else can tell you what to do.

There it is again. Hibiscus.

- I think you're imagining it.
- No, I'm not. It's weird.

Ugh... It's all weird.

I have a life inside me.

A whole separate little person.

Well, not a "little person."
You know what I mean.

- Did you leave the doors open?
- No.

What the hell...

The body's gone.

Who'd want to steal a dead midget?
What the...

What kind of rude pig throws out
oatmeal on the sidewalk?

At least I hope
it was oatmeal.

Tell me about Drew Marshall.

- I got nothing for you.
- Your prints were all over his stuff.

Why'd you lie about knowing him?

'Cause I'm on a case.
It's at a delicate stage
and you're a loose cannon.

- Drew Marshall involved in your case?
- Well, not so's you'd notice.

Look, I don't know
why he was in that garage.

I don't know who k*lled him.

- Sixteen-year-old kid dead on a slab
and you don't give a damn?
- A sixteen-year-old drugged out zombie.

"Crack". "Meth". "Ecstasy".

Anything he could sh**t,
smoke or stuff up his nose.

That's Drew Marshall.


It's just music.
You people are so dramatic about everything.

Results from the fingernail scrapings. Dirt, chalk
and what I believe to be sugar from a doughnut.

Right. I'll move on to ballistics
as you've got the slug.

I sent it to the "B.P.D." lab.

- Why?
- You were busy and it's their job.

We're faster.

Apparently not.

Nothing that helps us.

"From a g*n that was used in
the commission of a robbery two years ago.

Thought to be owned by one Jesse Brennan.
" Ballistics match provided by the manufacturer.

"g*n never found."

I've got a stabbing in Trace.
Could you finish closing for me?


Woody, it's Nigel.

I've got the name of
a suspect for you.

Could you slow down?
There's three people in this car you know.

- Call "Barney Fife" again.
- I've already left two messages.

- Leave another one!
- He told us that he'd be fishing all day.

- Have you ever had a body stolen before?
- Couple times.

My experience has been
it's always crazy people.

Oh, crazy. That's great.

- I... I smell hibiscus again.
- Don't really need updates on that.

I'm just saying that every time I've smelled hibiscus
it seems to have something to do with this situation.

We don't even know if you're really
smelling hibiscus or if it's just in your mind.

You think I don't know what I smell?

Your brain and every other part of you
is pickled in hormones right now.

Yeah. Okay. You on the other hand are
the expert in finding a body thief.

Okay. Which way?

The smell was stronger
when we passed that road back there.

Oof... seriously?
Do you not smell that? Ugh...


Look, you wait here. I'm leaving the keys.
Anything happens, just get the hell out.

- You are not going over there by yourself.
- There are two of you, remember?

Oh, Jordan...

Jordan? What are...


hibiscus. I told you.

- Pretty sure this is us.
- Empty? / Yeah.

Looks like another little person I guess.


I'm sorry. It's... it's not funny.

Look, I'm gonna stay here.
You go and get some help.

I'm not gonna leave you here with a bunch of
crazy little people running around. I'm sorry. Oh...

Don't move.

- You're going down, Parnell.
- Yeah, yeah. In your dreams.

It's Parnell.

We got a problem.

Those cuffs aren't too tight, are they?

Well, you took your own sweet time.

You got three seconds,
then I'm gonna head-butt you.

All right.
Okay. Just calm down.

- Un-cuff him.
- No.

Okay. The man you're looking for Jesse Brennan
is going to lead us to a drug delivery tonight.

You're giving a pass to a m*rder*r
'cause he's helping you on some drug case?

No, he's not helping us.
He doesn't know we're on to him.

Now Parnell's done
some outstanding work here.

He's developed some incredible sources
and I'm not giving a pass to anybody.

- So you want me to lay off until...
- We rope in "Mister Big" tonight.

- You know who "Mister Big" is?
- Yeah. / John Sandifer.

- Doesn't look like a menace to society, does he?
- Well, if you know who he is,
why don't you just go after him?

'Cause we've got nothing on him
and we haven't found his operation yet.

But we do know he's trying to open
a new route for high-grade Peruvian.

And Jesse Brennan's going to lead us to it...
even if I have to chain you to a post.

- And then I get him.
- One-track mind.

Yes. Brennan is covered.
He's not going anywhere we don't about.

And we can close both cases,
but you need to back off and do it our way.

- That a yes?
- Yes. Now get these cuffs off of me.

Come on. You had your fun.
Un-cuff him.

I lost the key.

You gotta admit you just asked for it.

This is horrible.

This is beyond crazy.
Who would do this?

I don't know. I didn't see anybody.
But when I get a hold of them...

- Our van!
- Oh! Call it in! Call it in!

- I... my cell phone is in the van.
- Use mine.

Okay. I could... oh! Ah!

What do we do now?

- Find the son of a bitch and k*ll him.
- On foot?

Jordan, please slow down.
This is not a good time for you to get all obsessed.

How... how do you even know
that he went this way?

He went this way when he stole the body.
I'm... I'm assuming.

There it is.

Hold on!

Don't move. Stay in the truck.


I'm Geneva Todd.

So this is yet another case
where you sequenced "D.N.A." from the body.

- When you have a John Doe you...
- But you don't have anything to run
his "D.N.A." against.

- I mean isn't that right. Just correct me if I'm wrong.
- When you run the sequenced "D.N.A."
against what's in the system,

and then again against what's provided by
possible relatives and finally we get...

How many "John Does"
get identified this way?

Well, that's...

- it's not really about the numbers...
- Well, the lease on your "D.N.A." sequencer
is ten thousand dollars a month and...

- A lot of taxpayer for something I...
- Why don't you ask me how many murders
we identify with that machine?

Which you could do just
as well with a cheaper gizmo.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

- You're a doctor. You should do something.
- She's faking it. / How do...

Hey. We can wait you out, Geneva.

And don't say, "Oh! Where am I?"

- Do you mind if I get out?
- Yeah, actually I do. Because right now

I have the advantage and I don't want to
lose that. Could you pass that phone?

And the keys?

So let's hear it, honey.
You stole a body. You stole a van.

He's my father.
Samuel Todd.

How could you treat his body that way?
Your own father?

Do you have any idea
what it's like to be four-foot-six?

A traveling carnival.
That's the only job he could get.

He sat on the platform in a dunking booth
while giant-sized jerks taunted him

and dumped him
into the water forty times a day.

So you take him bungee jumping?

Things he wanted to do
but never did.

He called it his
"Live-like-you-are-dying" list.

He was dead.

How do you know
he wasn't around to enjoy it?

How do you know
when the soul leaves the body?

This is the worst handwriting
I've ever seen.

- "Go bungee jumping."
- Does this say, "Return the ring?"

- Yes. He wanted to leave that 'til last.
- An engagement ring on a chain?


- Whose was it?
- I don't know.

All I know is he wanted
it returned to that address.

So you were just gonna
return that engagement ring?


Your story reeks.

My father was
the only constant in my life.

He made me feel special
and loved from the day I was born.

His life was hell,
but he made sure mine was good.

I want to complete this list for him.

I get that "narcs" think their cases
are more important homicide.

But the "D.A.'s" office
should've known better.

I have a... / Then this jerk Parnell thinks
it's okay that Drew Marshall got blown away
'cause he's a druggy.

- So what the hell? Who gives a damn?
- Yeah, but he wasn't.

- Who wasn't? What?
- Drew Marshall.

"Tox screen." No dr*gs.

However, human hair grows
at a rate of half an inch a month. And...

Not in the mood, Nigel.

All right, well, until six months ago,

- he was using marijuana.
- Not hard dr*gs?

Last year, uh... Drew got in with
some boys we didn't care for.

Parnell's done some outstanding work here.
He's developed some incredible sources.

Wrong place, wrong time, kid.

Just so you know, I feel a tiny bit
bad about taking you in.

You contaminated the body
before I could figure out things I need to know.

Like what?

Well, it looks like he drowned,
but I need to explain the black eye.

It's several days old.
Did somebody hit him?

Yes. Somebody did.
Do you have his list?

Yeah, um...

Number eight: "insult a bigot."

- How did he end up in the river?
- Number four: "learn to swim."

- And where were you?
- We were gonna camp by the river.

I went to the store to get groceries.
When I came back, all of you were there.

But he was your father. Why wouldn't you
come down and see what was going on?

I didn't want to know.

I couldn't bear it.

There was, uh... a rope tied around
his waist when we found him.

Now would he tie himself to a tree
and just wade into the river?

He always wanted to prove
he could do things himself.

Excuse me.

- Hello?
- Jordan? / Yeah.

I've got an "I.D." on your body.

His name is Harry Fleck.

A grifter, con man, scam artist.

Wanted in five states.
Nothing violent,

just has a knack for conning
money from rich people.

- Any children?
- Not according to his mother.

But he did partner
with a young woman.

Uh... no photographs
and she used various names.

All the victims say that she was young,
beautiful and always wore a flower behind one ear.

Okay. Thanks.

I'm gonna miss my dad so much.

- That kid was your snitch, wasn't he?
- Look, do you have any idea of personal space?

Drew Marshall fell in last year
with some fool called "J. Bad."

I checked with Drug Control.
"J. Bad" is Jesse Brennan's street name.

Yeah. That's right. The Jesse Brennan
that's gonna lead you to glory tonight.

The one who shot Drew Marshall
in the back of the head.

I can't decide if you're smarter
or dumber than I thought you were.

Jesse Brennan figured out the kid
was leaking information to you,

so he k*lled him.
Drew Marshall never had a chance

and that's on you,
you son of a bitch.

What happened?
You bust him with a little weed? Huh?

- You let him go if he agreed to snitch for you? Huh?
- Hey, hey, hey! Don't! Hey!
Get a grip! Get a grip. Get a grip.

- We're on the same side here, huh?
- Ask him who his "incredible sources" are.

An under-age kid who's now dead
on a slab, shot by Jesse Brennan.

- Well, if that kid was underage, you'd need parental
permission to use him as an informant.
- I know the rules.

Look, I... I gotta get going.

- All right? I need to get those dr*gs.
- Yeah, I... Yes. Yeah.

But, uh...

well, there's a hitch.

"Mister Big," huh?

Jesse Brennan k*ll him, too?

Up-and-coming drug operation.
Brennan's been itching to take over.

I'm not waiting any longer.
I'm picking him up.

Uh... slight problem with that.

He slipped the noose.

We don't know where he is.

If you must be here,
stand over there.

- I need a location.
- Can you be more specific?

I want to know
where the guy who k*lled him is.

I think you have an over-inflated
view of what forensics can illuminate.

- Yeah, you last longer if you learn patience.
- Or if I didn't have to listen to your voice.

I think you and I are headed
for a showdown, "Sadie."

- Bring it.
- Boys.

What are you still doing here?
This guy is dead. Your case is over.

No. Not until I find my dr*gs.

If that cocaine hits the streets, you have
any idea how many more kids are gonna die?

I understand, but...

Back off.

What's going on? / Doctor Switzer seems to think
this body can't help me find the k*ller.

I was explaining to Detective Hoyt
that forensic science has limits.

- Uh... our processes here...
- I'll do it myself.

Thank you.

Great. Now maybe we can get
somewhere in my lifetime.

It's funny, isn't it?

A little guy like this was more of a man than
all those big empty-headed muscle men out there.

- My father always made me...
- Oh, would you stop?

You're not very empathetic, are you?

I might be if you'd come
anywhere close to telling the truth.

Samuel Todd? Your father?
Dunking booth in a carnival?

Harry Fleck. No children. Con man.

Worked with a female accomplice
who always wore a flower behind one ear.

You want to know the real story?

Okay. Harry is not my father.

He's my boyfriend. I know what
you're thinking. "How could she love him?"

This man...
he was the love of my life.

He was my soul mate.

I wanted us to settle down.
Get married.

Live in a house.
Plant flowers. Be happy.

With Harry it was always, "one more
con, one more scam, one more job."

When we finally did take a break it was
all this "live-like-you-were-dying" crap.

You were just selfish, Harry.

You didn't care about me. You just strung
me along 'cause you needed a partner.

And I want to know
who he was giving that ring to.

He told me he loved me.

I'm pregnant.
He doesn't know.

I told you not to go by the water!
I told you I would be right back!

Stupid! Just stupid.


It's Ruby.

Was Harry ever a smoker?

Uh... until about a year ago.

When I took his prints, I noticed that
his fingerprints were thickened and bluish.

A sign of lung cancer. He wanted to live
like he was dying because he really was.

I'm sorry but we're here. You're gonna
have to explain yourself to the authorities.

Hey. Uh... I know I was supposed to
go to the sheriff's station,

but, um... I just thought
that we could return the ring first.

It meant so much to Mister Todd.

- Fleck.
- What?

- There's been a development.
- This is the house? / Yes.

But the story's a little different.
Her name's not "Todd."

She's not his daughter.
There was no dunking booth.

- Hey, Ruby! Ruby!
- Ruby?


Leave me alone! I have to know
who the other woman is!

You can't just go barging into
somebody's house!


"Cyanobacteria" with a "phycobilin"
pigment. No flagella.

Okay. I've got "feldspar" as "plagioclase."
"Phaneritic" texture and "felsic" composition.

They always talk like that?

Yeah. Kinda makes you feel like
an idiot, doesn't it?

Hmm... only time I feel stupid is when
my kid asks me a question I can't answer.

Ocean algae on his shoes, crushed granite
most likely from a quarry and brick dust.

- I've got two local areas that match those criteria.
- How about you, Parnell?


All right. All right. "Eeny-meeny..."
I'll head to this area.

Call me if you find anything
more specific.

You sure it's this area
and not eh other one?

No. No, I'm not. Look,
you're looking for a brick building...

- Anything else?
- ...with, uh... peeling paint.

On the outside or inside? / You know there are
some questions that science can't answer.

You're also looking for something in the area
that would emit lead particulates.

So think of a metals processing plant
or a waste incinerator or a...

- Would a smoke stack be involved?
- Possibly.

No, please don't give me a specific answer
on anything. Make me work for it.

Hey! You want my help or not?

Ah-ha... Parnell's car.
I got him. I'm here.

Science does its part,
but there is no substitute

for boots on the ground and eyeballs
in the head. I'll call you later.

Don't sh**t! Don't sh**t!

Found the dr*gs.

Okay. Thank you.

Do we have to turn her in?

She's just lost everything.
She's reeling.

- They'll probably go easy on her.
- Well, I should hope so.

She just did what he wanted her
to because she loved him.

Let's give her a chance.

Let's give her baby a chance.

Do the right thing.

Whatever you need to do, I'm fine.

Now that I know he really loved me.

Got your messages.

Sounds like you had a big day.

I have to go to the bathroom.

- Oh. Hey.
- Hey.

So, you're back.

Yeah. Couple of minutes ago.
Jordan's bringing the body up.

- Uh... you ever find the accomplice?
- Uh... no. No, we didn't.

Uh... can we talk tomorrow?
I've got something I have to do.

Hey, um... I'm glad you got to
have a relaxing day in the country.

- You didn't need to sh**t him.
- You weren't there.

I heard him yell, "Don't sh**t."

Yeah, after he shot at me.
And he was about to sh**t again.

Fifty seven pounds...
...of high-grade Peruvian.

Well, it's nice to have
a source verified.

Uh... of course you'll both
need to file detailed reports but I...

I see no reason to think
it wasn't a righteous sh**t, so...

What? Something going on
that I should know about?

Okay, look.

I know Parnell can
be a difficult bastard.

But he is a hell of a cop.

And he almost single-handedly stopped those
dr*gs from flooding the streets of Boston. So...

I'm... I'm so sorry. I have... I have to talk
to you. Your office said that you were here.

About what you said...

I would do anything for my child.

For our child.

And I agree that having two parents
is a... is a good thing.

So I think a justice of the peace this time.
I mean don't you?

We never know
what's going to happen.

Like that it could all be over.

What are you trying to say?

Life is too short to...
to keep compounding our errors.

I don't think it's a good idea
for us to get married.

So what's your plan?

- Is this the drowning victim?
- Yeah?

- Accident?
- Looks like.

The day you've been waiting for:
I am ready to write my report.

There is no evidence of
any corruption or malfeasance.

But what I did find was serious
mismanaging of finances.

So starting today you will implement
cost-effective forensics.

Bodies in, bodies out.

A case that warrants a full autopsy,
do it. If not, don't.

Okay. We don't do autopsies
just for the hell of it.

It's not your job to get
justice for everybody.

- You are a cog in the machine.
- What's the bottom line?

Much of you equipment
will be replaced

with less expensive versions
of the same thing.

Also, uh... the, uh... the amount of
overtime your workers claim...

They don't claim it.
They work it.

The way this place is run,

it's just a matter of time
before you screw up so badly

that you put the "D.A.'s" office at risk.

That's not going to happen.