03x13 - Oh, Brother Where Art Thou?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Crossing Jordan". Aired: September 2001 to May 2007.*

Moderator: Lillith Decker

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Follows a crime-solving forensic pathologist employed in the Massachusetts Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.
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03x13 - Oh, Brother Where Art Thou?

Post by bunniefuu »


Woody: This is Detective Hoyt. I got a homicide. 227 Pearl Street. I'm gonna need some backup. (Police come in, g*ns drawn.) That was quick.

Police Officer: It's Captain Malden.

***Outside in an alley***

(Jordan is laying on the ground in an alley. She has double, woozy vision. She gets up and walk towards the street. There is a lot of police activity. When she gets to the street, she sees Garret.)

Garret: (Dog barking) Jordan! Where the hell have you been? People have been looking for you all night.

Jordan: I don't know.

Garret: What do you mean you don't know?

Jordan: What's going on here?

Garret: There's a m*rder.

Jordan: What? Here? Where?

Garret:: Captain Malden was shot to death in your apartment.

Jordan: Shot? What was Malden doing in my apartment? Who shot him?

Garret: It was your father, Jordan.

Jordan: Where is he?

Garret: No one knows. He got away. You--you don't look so good. You wanna sit down? No, I'm-- (Jordan collapses, Garret catches her.) Need an ambulance over here! Now!

Police officer: Hey, we need a paramedic over here!

{Crossing Jordan Intro}

***Outside Max's Pub***

(There is police activity. Woody goes to a black car and reaches for something above the left rear tire.)

Walcott: Quite a hike to the precinct. Remind me never to hitch a ride with you.

Woody: Uh, find him yet?

Walcott: Nope. But we found your car. Right outside Max's pub.

Woody: Yeah, I left it here last night.

Walcott: Okay.

Woody: I-I mean, uh, yesterday afternoon. Captain Malden asked me to keep an eye on Max Cavanaugh.

Walcott: Why?

Woody: Miss Walcott, when a Captain asks me to do something, I don't ask why.

Walcott: Well, I'm a little bit confused why your car is here, yet you were found standing over Malden's dead body in Jordan Cavanaugh's living room. One might be led to believe you went over there with Max Cavanaugh. You see, Detective Hoyt, when a Captain of the Boston city police department is m*rder*d, asking why is precisely my job.

Woody: He took my keys.

Walcott: Ooh, he's a wily one.

Woody: That he is.

Walcott: Which brings me to my next question--

Woody: I had a feeling there was going to be another one.

Walcott: How did a 60-year-old man get the drop on you?

Woody: As I'm pretty sure I said in my statement... I heard two sh*ts. By the time I came to the door, Cavanaugh came up behind me. Put a barrel on the back of my head.

Walcott: Well, don't you learn that day one of rookie training, to cover your back when you enter a potential m*rder scene? Or does the fact that you have a relationship with Cavanaugh's daughter change procedure?

Woody: Am I being interrogated here?

Walcott: No. That's obviously not my job... yet. And until then, I'm recommending that you be removed from this case.

Woody: Last time I checked you don't have a badge. Therefore, you don't have the authority.

Walcott: Try me.


Garret: Jordan, you decent?

Jordan: Am I ever? Wearing that gown with my ass hanging out got kinda old.

Garret: No, no, no, no. You cannot leave until they figure out what's wrong with you.

Jordan: I know what's wrong. I was drugged.

Garret: Your tox screen showed nothing but elevated blood alcohol.

Jordan: Then he must have slipped me something that a tox screen can't pick up.

Garret: He?

Jordan: It's coming back in bits and pieces. Malden. I-I remember meeting him at his office.

Garret: Are you saying Captain Malden drugged you?

Jordan: Yes.

Garret: What would possess him to do that?

Jordan: James, my brother. Malden was his father.

Garret: That doesn't explain a damn thing, Jordan, expect for maybe why Max shot him.

Jordan: Look, I know how it looks, but my dad did not do this.

Garret: He was there with a g*n in his hand. He fled the scene.

Jordan: James was in my apartment. He's involved with this. I know he is.

Garret: Oh, come on, Jordan. Where are you going?

Jordan: To the body.

Garret: You're joking, right?

Jordan: No, my dad's life is on the line.

Garret: Which is why this autopsy cannot be handled by you. You know that.

Jordan: If the body shows evidence that he's innocent, then I need to see it.

Garret: Fine. What if it doesn't?

Jordan: Then I need to see that too.

***Trace Evidence: Captain Malden***

Bug: Three b*llet wounds. One to the abdomen. Two to the chest.

Jordan: What about this?

Bug: Someone got him with three fingers of her left hand.

Jordan: Her?

Bug: Found traces of fingernail lacquer. (Jordan looks at her hand and matches her fingers up to the scratch marks.) Dr. Macy said look. But don't touch.

Jordan: And you're my chaperon?

Bug: He doesn't trust you, Jordan. Look, I'm--I'm sorry about your dad. I mean, really, I am. But Nigel got taken away in handcuffs and interrogated because of you.

Jordan: I never meant for that to happen.

Bug: Well, if you were really sorry, I wouldn't be getting pressured to help you now.

Jordan: If it was your father, you'd be doing the same thing that I am.

Bug: Not if I knew that he'd done it. (Jordan puts on latex gloves.) Jordan, you--you can't.

Jordan: I just need to turn him over just to take a look. Three entry wounds, but only one exit wound.

Bug: That's not unusual. Variations in tissue density, the b*llet being redirected as it ricochets off bone.

Jordan: Or b*ll*ts of different calibers. More than one g*n would mean more than one sh**t.

Lily: Jordan! You need to leave now.

Jordan: But I'm not done yet.

Lily: Uh, yes, you are. The DA's here.

Jordan: Hey, Bug. Check those b*ll*ts for me, please. (Jordan leaves.)

Walcott: Excuse me. We're securing this body.

Bug: Well, there's a surprise.

***Boston PD: Interrogation Room***

Capra: Oh, sorry. Uh, I thought the room was empty. I was just looking for a quiet place to savor the moment.

Woody: Uh, it's--it's very quiet in here.

Capra: Really, I-I wouldn't be interrupting?

Woody: No, no. Actually you'd be saving me from myself.

Capra: Yeah? How's that?

Woody: I have a fear of being left alone in tiny rooms. Childhood trauma. I was ice-fishing with my brother, and he locked me in the shanty. Please, sit down.

Capra: The detectives took over the break room. They're having a briefing on the Captain Malden case. Well, you probably should be in there too.

Woody: I wasn't invited.

Capra: Why not? You're a detective, right?

Woody: Yeah, I was first on the scene on the Malden case.

Capra: Really?

Woody: I'm waiting to be debriefed by Detective Capra. Do you know who he is?

Capra: I'm new here. Sorry, I was rude. I'm Ann.

Woody: Ann, hi. I'm Woody, Woody Hoyt.

Capra: Wow, first on scene.

Woody: Yeah, I-I heard the sh*ts.

Capra: And you were there all by yourself without any backup.

Woody: I didn't know a crime was being committed. I had to kick the door down to get in there.

Capra: Because you wanted to protect the Captain?

Woody: I was too late. He was already down.

Capra: So that's when you called for backup?

Woody: No, I don't know who called for backup.

Capra: Hmm, interesting.

Woody: Aw, man. Aw, jeez. You know, you picked a pretty crummy way to introduce yourself, Detective Capra.

Capra: Didn't I mention my last name?

Woody: No. You didn't.

Capra: It sure would help us if you could at least tell us where his daughter might be. Jordan. She's wanted as a material witness.

Woody: I have no idea. Scout's honor.

***ME Conference Room**

Walcott: As you may have observed, there have been some changes around here. Irregularities in the way evidence was handled in the Carl Jeffers case has caused a breach of trust between the DA's office and this department-- with the exception of Dr. Winslow, of course, who followed protocol and handed over

a key piece of evidence. Captain Malden's death will be investigated in a rigorous and professional manner. For this reason, I've called in Dr. Horace Banner, whose reputation I'm sure you're all aware of, to personally carry out every phase of the autopsy. No one touches the body but him. And I mean no one. Furthermore, Jordan Cavanaugh, whom we are actively looking for, is barred access from the body and any information that it yields. I'll spell it out for you. If you even talk to her about this case, you'll be fired. That's all. Thank you. (Everyone get up to leave.) Dr. Winslow. I'm expecting some resistance among your peers on this case.

Winslow: Okay.

Walcott: I know you've had some personal problems in your past. I might be able to help you expunge that from your record. Of course, I could use a little help from you. (Camera pans and shows Garret standing in the doorway, listening.)

Winslow: (Talking quietly) Yeah, okay.

Garret: Renee. Who the hell do you think you are?

Walcott: Actually, according to the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I'm your boss. And as such, you should know, I can terminate your employment.

Garret: Fine, but don't you walk in here and insult my staff.

Walcott: I'm doing what needs to be done.

Garret: By setting up a police state? Why don't you put them in riot gear while you're at it?

Walcott: The case against Max Cavanaugh is ironclad. No one here is going to screw it up. You brought this on yourself, Garret.

Garret: This is about us, isn't it?

Walcott: I'm not even going to dignify that.

Garret: What happened last night can be explained.

Walcott: If I was the least bit interested, maybe. Where's Jordan?

Garret: How should I know?

Walcott: Not good enough. You were with her at the hospital. Where did she go?

Garret: What do you care, as long as she's not in the building?

Walcott: I think she may know where he is. She's the key to closing this case.

Garret: What happened to ironclad?

Walcott: (Lily walks up behind Garret.) Oh, hello. Well, I'll leave you two alone. I'm sure you want your privacy.

Lily: Got a minute?

Garret: Can this wait?

Lily: I'm sorry. It really can't.

Garret: If this is about the kiss, it meant nothing.

Lily: Well, it's not about the kiss. It's about Jordan.

Garret: I can't talk about Jordan.

Lily: You let her examine Malden's body.

Garret: She needed my help.

Lily: She's got problems, Garret. You're just--just enabling her. She's wanted in connection with a m*rder, and you put Bug right in the middle-- (Garret walks in his office and slams the door in Lily's face. He picks up his phone and makes a call.)

Jordan: (Cell phone ringing) Yeah.

Garret: This whole looking-the-other-way thing isn't working for me. I'm bringing you in.

Jordan: Look, Garret, I'm the only person out here who knows my dad is innocent. I will handle this in my own way.

Garret: Don't be foolish, Jordan. Th-there's a manhunt for your dad. Your crazy brother's still out there somewhere.

Jordan: I know what I'm doing.

Garret: Uh-huh. And what exactly is that?

Jordan: I'm on my way to see the only person I can count on right now to help me.

Garret: Okay, I'll try not to take that personally.

Jordan: Look, Garret, I will call you when I got something to tell you, okay?

(While talking to Garret, Jordan is walking somewhere. After their conversation, she goes into the police station. Her brother James has been following her.)

***Woody's Office***

Jordan: Hi.

Woody: Hey. (Jordan and Woody hug.)

Jordan: I need to find him, Woody.

Woody: I know. We all do.

Jordan: I need your help.

Woody: Sure. But first there's something I gotta say.

Jordan: Okay.

Woody: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney present during questioning now or in the future. Do you understand these rights?

***Boston PD: Interrogation Room***

Capra: You must be Jordan.

Jordan: I must be. And that would make you?

Capra: Annie Capra. You're a hard woman to find.

Jordan: Yeah, it runs in the family. (Pan over to Woody watching on other side of glass.)

Capra: (on the intercom) I've gathered.

Jordan: (Jordan on intercom) Well, you don't look familiar. They bring you from out of town?

Capra: First week in Boston, actually. I just happened to catch this case.

Jordan: Oh.

Capra: Who were you with at your place last night, Jordan? Neighbors heard loud voices a couple of hours before the m*rder, yours and a man's.

Jordan: That must have been the TV.

Capra: I looked around. I didn't see a TV.

Jordan: Oh, did I say TV?

Capra: Mm-hmm.

Jordan: I meant a radio.

Capra: Was it Captain Malden?

Jordan: Are you kidding?

Capra: Video surveillance has you two leaving his precinct office. He had his arm around you. You appeared to be drunk.

Jordan: You think we were having an affair.

Capra: Were you?

Jordan: Oh my...(Laughs)

Capra: Your father was there yesterday too... at his office. He threatened him in front of at least half a dozen witnesses. Why?

Jordan: I don't know. You'd have to ask him.

Capra: I'll be sure to do that when I find him.

Jordan: Look, I'm not feeling that talkative right now. Could we do this some other time?

Capra: Sure.

Jordan: Really?

Capra: Mm-hmm, no problem.

Jordan: Uh, then I can go?

Capra: Yup.

***Garret's Office***

Winslow: Wanna see me?

Garret: Dr. Winslow, take a walk with me, would you?

Winslow: If we're back to you calling me Dr. Winslow, then I must have done something wrong.

Garret: I'm just a little confused about something. I was hoping you'd clarify it for me.

Winslow: Okay.

Garret: This evidence you so willingly supplied to the DA's office.

Winslow: What about it?

Garret: Why did you do it?

Winslow: Dr. Cavanaugh came to me. She asked me to do a ballistics check on a g*n. She told me it was for a case that she was working on. She did not tell me that the g*n was evidence, and that she just illegally pinched it from a crime scene.

Garret: So why didn't you come to me?

Winslow: With all due respect, sir, I thought you'd just cover for her. Anyway, my job was to follow the rules. If I don't follow the rules, I lose my job, remember? I'm speaking from experience. So I'm not about to risk my own neck for some rogue investigation.

Garret: Okay, you need to understand something.

Winslow: I do?

Garret: Yeah, you do. This is a family. All of us a family. And every family needs trust. You have a problem with Jordan, you come to me, not the DA.

Winslow: Okay, if we're such a family, then how come she lied to me?

Garret: She obviously doesn't see you as a member of the family yet. Wonder why that is, Dr. Winslow. (Elevator door chimes.)

Winslow: So I guess we're done here?

Garret: Oh, yeah, we're done.

***Woody's office***

Huss: (Knocking on door) Detective Hoyt. Frank Huss. I'm with the Police Benevolence Association. I'm your rep.

Woody: PBA, I wasn't expecting to see you guys till tomorrow.

Huss: Yeah, well, justice never sleeps, huh? So you're being questioned in connection to the homicide of Captain Malden.

Woody: Hi.

Lady: Hi.

Woody: You are?

Huss: She's your attorney.

Woody: Attorney.

Lady: We understand you were the first respondent at the crime scene.

Woody: Anything I tell you guys stays in this room, right?

Lady: Absolutely. What'd you tell them so far?

Woody: I-I told them the truth.

Huss: So you really don't know where Max Cavanaugh is?

Woody: Why would I know that?

Lady: People have loyalties. They do favors for friends. A ten minute head start. That sort of thing.

Woody: You guys sure you're my reps?

Huss: There are things going on here you've got no idea about. Malden had a lot of favors owed to him. There are important people very interested in seeing the right man's brought to justice.

Woody: Sounds like you're threatening me.

Lady: (leaning over the desk at Woody) You like your job, Hoyt? You like being a cop?

Woody: More than life itself, counselor.

Lady: Then I'm sure you'll think real hard about everything we just said.

***Autopsy: Captain Malden***

Bug: (to Nigel) They say he only sleeps two hours a night. He's like a bionic coroner.

Banner: If you're gonna learn something, people, keep the chatter down. Three b*ll*ts entered the body.

One here to the right abdomen, traversed the liver, crossed the midline before exiting just lateral of L4.

Another one entered through the sternum, traveled through the lung, and lodged posteriorly in the fifth rib. A third b*llet entered just below the left clavicle and narrowly missed the aortic arch. All of these wounds would have been survivable if not for the fact that b*llet number three deflected off the third rib and lodged in the left ventricle of the heart. Ladies and gentlemen, the fatal b*llet.

Bug: That doesn't make sense. There isn't any--

Banner: Do you have a question, doctor?

Bug: No. No, no question.

Walcott: The striations are identical. The b*ll*ts are from the same g*n.

Banner: Precisely. A nine millimeter Glock semiautomatic. A standard police issue here in Boston.

Walcott: The same one Max Cavanaugh was seen with at the scene of the crime. Thank you, Dr. Banner.

Garret: Does this mean I can have my morgue back?

Walcott: It's all yours.

***Jordan's Loft***

Walcott: What do you think you're doing here, Detective?

Capra: Are you following me?

Walcott: You let her go before I had a chance to talk with her.

Capra: She wasn't really in a mood to talk. Besides... she can't very well lead me to the k*ller if she's in custody.

Walcott: Do you think she knows where her father is?

Capra: I'm not completely convinced he did it.

Walcott: Is that why you asked IA for sealed grand jury testimony in a 30-year-old case against a man named Cahill?

Capra: A lot of money went missing in that Cahill bust. Captain Malden, his dead partner, Max Cavanaugh, all working in the same investigation. I was curious.

Walcott: You know what curiosity did, don't you?

Capra: Meow.

Walcott: This is a closed case. All we have to do is find Max Cavanaugh.

Capra: Why'd he do it?

Walcott: Jealousy, revenge. Doesn't matter. It's not my problem anymore. Then congratulations on your conviction, counselor.

***ME Office***

Nigel: Doctor.

Bug: Dr.--Dr. C.

Nigel: Hello, uh, we've got good news and bad news.

Bug: Give her the bad news first. She's a pessimist.

Nigel: Okay. Well, Dr. Banner determined that all three b*ll*ts came from the same g*n, the one in Max's hand. Turns out it was Malden's g*n.

Jordan: God, I hope that's the bad news.

Bug: Thankfully, yes. All right, give her the good news.

Nigel: Well, normally we'd set up an HD screen and break out the gadgets with the flashing lights and funny noises to illustrate our point.

Bug: But since we've been kicked out of the lab, you're just gonna have to take our word for it.

Nigel: There's no hemorrhaging around the chest wounds.

Jordan: What are you saying?

Nigel: Well, as you know, the body's normal response to a g*nsh*t is to immediately pump blood to the injured area, right? Well, in the case of his chest wounds, the pump was off.

Bug: His heart had already stopped beating before the b*ll*ts entered the chest.

Nigel: But the b*llet through the abdomen, however, showed normal signs of hemorrhaging, meaning his heart was still pumping blood at that time.

Jordan: Okay.

Nigel: My guess is it would've taken him over a half an hour to bleed to death from that wound.

Bug: And since Woody only heard two sh*ts...

Jordan: Malden had already been dead for half an hour.

Nigel: Which means your father didn't k*ll him.

***Outside ME Building***

(Someone dials a cell phone as soon as Jordan leaves the building.)

Jordan: (Cell phone ringing) Yeah?

Max: Jordan.

Jordan: Where are you?

Max: Across the street. (Jordan hangs up and goes to meet him.)

Jordan: Dad. Oh, god, I'm so worried. Are you okay?

Max: Never mind that. What matters is the cops are gonna ask you about Captain Malden's death. And when they do, you know nothing, understand?

Jordan: What else would I say? I don't know anything.

Max: What are you saying?

Jordan: I-I went to see Malden last night. He drugged me. I woke up in an alleyway outside my apartment. Malden was dead, and you were the prime suspect.

Max: Fine, then that's how it's gonna stay.

Jordan: Wait, where are you going?

Max: It's best I don't tell you.

Jordan: Dad, why are you running? You didn't do this. I know you didn't.

Max: You don't know anything, Jordan.

Jordan: I just think you and I need to go to the police and straighten this out. You're taking the fall for James, aren't you? Look, I'm not gonna let you throw your life away, Dad, not for him.

Max: It's not up to you. Trust me when I tell you, this is how it has to be. (Max leaves.)

***Woody's Office***

Woody: What can I tell you, Jordan? You're a glutton for punishment.

Jordan: At the risk of getting thrown in the slammer again, I need your help.

Woody: I can barely help myself these days.

Jordan: My dad didn't do it, Woody.

Woody: Don't, Jordan. Don't put me in this position.

Jordan: What position?

Woody: He told me why, Jordan.

Jordan: Why what?

Woody: Why he put two slugs in Malden's body.

Jordan: He did.

Woody: Yes, to cover up a m*rder.

Jordan: He was protecting someone.

Woody: Yes. You. He got a call at the bar that night. A man's voice told him that you had just shot Malden. He hung up, rushed over there. Malden was dead. You were gone.

Jordan: Wait a minute. He thinks that I-- no, I--I couldn't have.

Woody: You said Malden drugged you. That you woke up in an alley near your apartment. Now, I wanna believe you, Jordan, I do. Are you telling me that you could not have done this?

Jordan: I--

Woody: Your father didn't get the jump on me. I let him walk. Now this whole city's on a manhunt for him. I took an oath to uphold the law. And now I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Jordan: It was James.

Woody: James. James, your phantom brother? The one only you and Max have seen?

Jordan: He called my dad. He's the one who k*lled Malden.

Woody: All right. Let's say that is the case. How do we prove it?

Jordan: You're the detective, you tell me.

***ME Office***

Capra: Excuse me? You work in the lab?

Nigel: Uh, yes I do.

Bug: We do.

Nigel: How can I help you, love?

Capra: I'm Detective Capra, homicide. Wondering if you might be able to give me a hand with something.

Nigel: Awfully busy right now.

Bug: Yeah, real busy.

Capra: I realize I posed it as a question, but I'm not really asking.

Nigel: So what exactly am I sampling here?

Capra: I'll tell you when I find what I'm looking for.

Nigel: Fair enough. Okay, right, here we go. Here is Captain Malden's DNA. And over here we have the DNA from the mystery sample that you brought. And, uh-- all right, here we go. There you have it. They match. Okay, so now you know... whatever it is you wanted to know.

Capra: I know who scratched Captain Malden's neck.

Bug: And who might that be?

Capra: Dr. Cavanaugh. The hospital took scrapings from under her fingernails. Mystery samples. They match Malden's.

James: (wearing a police uniform) Excuse me? I'm looking for a Dr. Cavanaugh.

Garret: Is there something I can help you with, officer?

James: Walcott wants to see her again. I'm supposed to pick her up.

Garret: Last time I heard from her, she was with Detective Hoyt. You might want to try reaching her through him.

James: Thanks. I'll do that.

***Max's Pub***

Jordan: So, uh, you got here at what, 10:00? 10:15 the other night?

Woody: It was about ten after. It was no more than a half-hour before he got the call.

Jordan: Oh, okay. Well, let's just hope that he wasn't cheap enough not to sign up for caller I.D. Uh-- we have a call here at 10:27. But it's blocked.

Woody: Well, that doesn't help us. Let's get outta here.

Jordan: Sure it does. Every call gets billed to someone. We just call the phone company, and they'll cross-reference the time of the call with this number. That should give us a billing address.

Woody: Oh, and they're just gonna give that information to anyone. Just like that.

Jordan: But not just anyone, but they will to a cop.

Woody: I'm in the penalty box here, Jordan. (Jordan sighs) No.

Jordan: Yeah--

Woody: No.

Jordan: Please.

Woody: No.

Jordan: One time.

Woody: Give me this phone.

***ME Office***

Nigel: This new detective, she's very cagey. I mean, she lured us into a trap. She used her, uh--

Garret: Her Vulcan mind meld?

Bug: She didn't tell us that she suspected Jordan. She--she sandbagged us.

Nigel: There was no way we--we could hide the evidence. No way.

Garret: I'm running a lunatic asylum. It is not any part of your job to conceal forensic results from the Boston police department or its representatives. Furthermore-- (Knocking)

Walcott: Some tissue samples belonging to Jordan Cavanaugh were taken from the hospital

this morning by Detective Capra. I want to know what she's done with them.

Garret: Why don't you ask her?

Walcott: I'm asking you.

Garret: Give us a minute, will you, fellas?

Walcott: Where's Jordan?

Garret: I don't know. (Walcott goes to leave.) Sure, just walk away, Renee.

Walcott: Is there something else you want to tell me?

Garret: No. Just always wanted to say that. You know, I actually like you, although you don't give me much reason to sometimes. I just wanted to say that... it was a mistake, what happened with Miss Lebowski.

Walcott: Well, I'd hate to think what might have happened if you were on a first name basis.

Garret: I don't want it to get in the way-- (Sighs) Of what we could be.

Walcott: Tell you what. Let's take a little breather and reassess when things have cooled off a bit.

Garret: Sounds very adult.

Walcott: Hmm. Dr. Winslow. Can I have a word with you?

Winslow: Sure, why not?

Walcott: You wouldn't happen to have seen Detective Capra here, snooping around?

Winslow: Nope, I haven't.

Walcott: Oh.

Winslow: You know what? And even if I had, these people are my colleagues and they're my friends. So I'm not interested in being your nark. Sorry, picked the wrong guy.

Garret: Look, Peter, those things I said about, uh, being a family?

Winslow: Yeah.

Garret: The truth is, I do play favorites. And I shouldn't. Especially when it comes to Jordan. I tend to look the other way. I think I'm just too tired to fight it half the time, you know? Anyway... I'm sorry. I'll see you in autopsy two at 8:00 A.M. Sharp.

Winslow: Good night, Dr. Macy.

***Heading to an apartment***

Woody: I can't believe I had to give them my social security and badge number. Any monkey with a typewriter could trace this back to me.

Jordan: No one's tracing anything back to anyone. Uh, this is it.

Woody: I can't wait to meet this brother of yours. Sh sh sh sh sh. You hear that?


(Woody draws his g*n and then they enter the apartment. Capra is in the apartment pointing a g*n towards Woody.)

Capra: So let me get this straight. Your father, in an attempt to protect you, because he thought you k*lled Malden, fired two sh*ts into his already-dead body.

Jordan: Exactly.

Capra: And now you're looking for your long-lost brother who, as far as anybody knows, doesn't legally exist, because you think he's the one that actually committed the m*rder?

Jordan: That's pretty much the theory, yeah.

Capra: Is it me?

Woody: I know it seems a little hinky, but, uh, believe me, once you get to spend a little time with Jordan, it makes complete sense.

Capra: The truth is, I don't really think your father did it either. To be honest, I've been working under the theory that it was you.

Jordan: It's nice to know where I stand.

Capra: The room was registered to a James Blanchard. Paid cash. And of course, there's this. (They go to the window)

Jordan: I can see my apartment from here.

Capra: So could he. He had binoculars. The place looks like a mess, but it's deceptive. It's clean, he's covered his tracks.

Woody: I'll get a CSU unit to look for any traces.

Jordan: (Looking around, she goes over to a phonebook.) Make sure they see this. There's an accidental crease here.

Woody: Airline charters. Econo-flight out of Chatham.

Jordan: I can be there in half an hour.

Capra: Dr. Cavanaugh, forget it. You're a material witness in this case. I'm gonna call the state police, tell them to stop all outgoing traffic at Chatham field.

Woody: She's right, Jordan.

Jordan: After all this, I'm not stopping now.

Woody: You wanna bet?

Jordan: Come on, Woody. You can't do this to me.

Woody: I promise we will get him.

Jordan: But I'm the only one who can ID him.

Woody: Something tells me we'll figure it out.

Jordan: That's exactly what he wants you to think, but he's smarter than that. Come on, Woody.

Woody: Please get in the car, please? Please, thank you. (Jordan gets into the squad car.) Get her home, and don't let her talk you into anything. Thank you.

Driver: Yes, sir.

Capra: (into police radio) Suspect is wanted in connection with the m*rder of a police officer. Proceed with extreme caution.

Woody: Your car or mine?

Capra: I'm new in town. You want to get lost?

Woody: My car.

(Siren wailing)

Police officer: Hey, sorry it took so long. We had an officer carjacked. You, uh, call for backup?

(Woody and Capra look at each other realizing Jordan has just been kidnapped. They run to Woody's car.)

***Police Car***

Jordan: Excuse me? Uh, why are we taking Commonwealth? I told you I live in Charlestown. Did you hear me? Hey, you're going the wrong way.

James: Relax... sis. Thought we'd take a little family trip.

Jordan: Why are you doing this?

James: Now, there's the question of the last 38 years. Why? Why did our own parents do this to us? Why are you and I so similar?

Jordan: Where's my father?

James: How the hell should I know? He's probably running as far as he can. That's what cowards do.

(Siren wailing)

Police radio: Stolen police car. Spotted going westbound through the Callahan tunnel.

Woody: That's three blocks from here. (into radio) Do not pursue suspect. I repeat, do not pursue suspect. Drop back and follow, just keep him in your sights. (to Capra) Hang on.

(Siren wailing)

James: Get out. We're here.

Jordan: Where are you taking me?

James: I wanna show you something. (Her forces Jordan into a freight elevator by holding a g*n to her.)

Police radio: The suspect has abandoned the vehicle at a construction site at 119 Decatur and has taken a hostage with him up the freight elevator.

James: I thank god I found you. My whole life, I thought I was going through this alone. But I wasn't. There's a lot of comfort in that, don't you agree? (They get off elevator) Looks like we have company.

Jordan: Where are we? Why did you bring me here?

James: They're renovating it now. But this used to be an apartment building. Oh, not a very nice one. A dump, really. The kind of place you live when you can't afford to live anywhere else.

Jordan: I don't understand.

James: I brought you here because I wanted you to see where I grew up. I want you to know me. (Woody and Capra arrive) This used to be my room. This is where I spent the first 15 years of my life. I used to stare out of this window. When they were fighting. Fighting about how they lost it all. Fighting about me. They didn't understand why they didn't love me. Couldn't love me. And it was really very simple. I wasn't theirs. I wasn't blood. I just didn't know it yet.

Capra: You think it's the brother?

Woody: Yeah. It's her brother.

Jordan: James, I don't know what you've done. But this isn't the way. I know you're in pain.

(Door opens)

Woody: Drop that w*apon!

Jordan: Stay back!

James: They k*lled her, Jordan. They k*lled our mother. They destroyed both our lives.

Woody: Drop that w*apon, James, and let her go. She's your sister.

James: That's right. You're my only family now. My only blood. The only person who'll understand. (He jumps up on a ledge)

Jordan: That's right, James. I do understand. That's why I'm the only one who can help you, okay? Just come back inside.

Woody: Move, Jordan.

Jordan: I promise I won't let anything happen to you.

Woody: Jordan. Move!

James: Come with me.

Jordan: What?

James: Come with me. We can do this together. We don't belong here.

Woody: Move, Jordan, so I can get a clean shot.

(Helicopter in background)

Police in helicopter: This is the Boston police!

Jordan: No, don't sh**t!

Police in helicopter: Drop your w*apon and step down from the window ledge!

Jordan: Don't do it, please. I want to understand. I want to help you.

James: I'm sorry I wasn't a better brother. (James jumps-or better yet falls- backwards then water splashes)

***Max's Bar***

Woody: (on cell phone) Yeah, yeah, I'll tell her. I'm with her right now. Thanks. They still haven't recovered the body. I don't know. They say people have been known to survive falls like that. Walcott is not gonna press charges against Max. She's says there's too much reasonable doubt to try him.

Jordan: Well, that's big of her. Look, Woody, uh, I'm sorry, but I'd kinda like to be alone right now.

Woody: I understand. I'll see you later?

Jordan: Yeah.

(Woody leaves, Max comes in from the back)

Max: I can't lie to you anymore, Jordan. I won't do it.

Jordan: Good.

Max: Because you're not gonna ask me any more questions. You understand?

Jordan: Has any of it been true?

Max: It's true that I love you! That I always have! And that's the only thing that's important. That's the only thing that's real.

(Max leaves and Jordan cries)
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