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04x05 - Truth Asunder

Posted: 01/26/21 04:00
by bunniefuu
How long do you think till you can i.D.

All the girls?

Uh, we're working on it, but who's to say?

If they'd found them sooner, There wouldn't be so much animal activity.

They'd still have their faces.

What about lieutenant skinner?

Why haven't you started on him?

Deputy commissioner said he wanted to attend the autopsy.

Wants me to wait.

Politics, i guess.


Once the deputy com signs off, I want a copy of the full autopsy,
Forensic and ballistic evidence on skinner.

You got it?


Sarah: Reddick's got nothing.

He's got everything.

It's all circumstantial.

There's no way he can prove those b*ll*ts came from my g*n.

Nothing has changed.

We should keep working our case, focus on margaret.

We'll be fine.

That's kallie.

That's her earring.

Look at me.

It's our word versus his.

We stay focused,
We keep our stories straight and our mouths shut...

We get through this.





Oh, my god, dad!





Oh, my god, dad!

Get her out of here.

Get her out of here.

Linden, where the hell you going?



Sarah: I'm a police officer.

Get out of my way.

Man: I'm sorry, ma'am, but we've been given strict orders.

Colonel rayne!

I have some questions for you!


Get ahold of yourself.

You can only hide behind these walls for so long.

This is private property.

Do i need to get a restraining order to keep you away?

Your car was spotted at a gas station Between here and the stansbury house The night of the m*rder.

So that's why you've been harassing me?

And i know that you sat outside the stansbury house Late at night, early in the morning.

I saw pictures of your car.

What were you doing there?

What do you think i'd been doing there, detective?

You tell me.

Your desperation is understandable.

But i find it sloppy and pathetic That a woman in your position Lets her emotions compromise her judgment so easily.

I'm getting a warrant!

When i come back here, i'm taking you down!

Colonel rayne wants to see you, cadet.



Good morning, cadet.

Good morning, ma'am.

I'm sorry about last night.

I was...

I overreacted.

Thank you for helping me see the situation for what it was.

Of course.

Your state of mind was completely understandable, Considering the circumstances.

I'm happy to know that you have moved past it.

i don't know if you're aware, But tomorrow is family day for first-year cadets.

If you feel...

Uncomfortable About attending any of the activities And would like to be excused...

No, ma'am.

I'm fine.


If you would like to talk further About what happened last night or anything...

Else, You know you can talk to me about anything.

I know that, ma'am, but i'm okay.

Very well, then.

You're dismissed, cadet.

Get the f*ck out of here.

I know you put those plans in my textbook.

And that g*n on my desk.

You don't know shit.

I know more than you think i do.

It's coming back, all of it.

Everything that happened that night is coming back to me.


I totally don't believe you.

But if you did remember, You wouldn't be butt buddies with a.J.

You still don't remember what he did to you That last f*cking family day, huh?

What are you talking about?

Why don't you go look at that picture of your mom?

See if you remember why we all got one.


You're dead.

What do you got?

Where the hell you been?

Did you get anything on margaret's car?

Come on, holder.

Been chasin' paper on margaret all morning.

Cellphone records?

Bank statements?

I gone through it all.

None of the usual red flags, but i did find this.

Philip stansbury's credit-card records, Cross-referenced with margie.

Past couple of years, They got corresponding out-of-town hotel bills...

Olympia, portland, vancouver...

Same cities, same dates.

They were having an affair.

Sounds like a bunch of out-of-town f*ck fests to me.

You put in for a warrant to impound her car, right?

I haven't heard back yet.

What the hell's taking so long?

We have more than enough p.C.

Call them back.


All right, chill, linden.

Do some pushups or something.

Yeah, this is detective holder, badge 4592.

Yeah, i put in for a warrant this morning.

Yeah, that's the one.

Are you f*ckin' kidding me?


Yeah, whatever, whatever.

It's denied.

That's bullshit.

Have to refile...

Where you going?



We need a warrant approved.

Right now.

It can't wait.

Uh, excuse me for a moment.

I'm sorry.

What are you doing here?

One of our warrants was denied, And we need to know what the hell's going on.

Never happened to us before.

It doesn't add up.

We got the p.C.

Which judge denied it?



I'll see what i can do.

I'll make some calls in the morning And try to find out what his reasoning was.

No, we can't wait.

It can't be tomorrow.

It needs to be right now.

We just got hit with 10 more bodies in the pied piper case, Not to mention Your lieutenant skinner being found dead.

Things are a little crazy right now.

If you don't want to help us do our job, You can just say that.

Hey, linden, chill.


i'll do what i can to help you, But it'll have to wait.

I'm sorry.

What is her problem?

Just do what you can.

How long is jack in town?

Until tomorrow night.

Maybe you should go spend some time with him.

You know, go get a burger or something.

What's that supposed to mean?

You need to calm the f*ck down, linden.

You can't be running around Burning the only bridges we got left.

We're not gonna get through this.

I thought you wanted to solve this case.

I do.

You can't steamroll caroline like that.

And we need her help.


Give me the keys.

It's my car.

I don't want you smoking in it.

She's here, right?

I saw the bodies on the news.

They have my little girl, too, right?

They found her?

She's at the morgue.

Can i see her?

That's not a good idea.

I just want to say goodbyes.

I want to talk to her.

I got so many things i got to tell her.

I need to see her.

I n...

I need to see her face just one more time.


well, you can't.

f*ck you.

You can't stop me.

There's nothing left to see.

She doesn't even have a face anymore.

She doesn't even look like a human being.

You want to see that?

You want to say goodbye to that?

Let's go.

Come on.

Let's go.

Let's go say goodbye to kallie.

Let's go.

You have no right!

No right...

Got to love that feeling.

It's a...

Rough case.

We've all been there.

No, no, that's not what i meant.

You know that feeling, that moment, That...

Split second...

When you look across the table at your guy, And they still think they got away with it?

But you know it's over.

I know.

Skinner was the pied piper.

It's bethany's ring.

Photos of skinner's car following adrian.

Your g*n conveniently being stolen.

I know you and holder were both out at the lake that night.

You pulled the trigger, didn't you?

I've misjudged you.

You're even more incompetent than i thought.

Because if you had anything more Than this f*cked-up made-up story, I'd be in cuffs right now.

It's only a matter of time until i get proof.

The bad guys all make mistakes.

Ask your partner.

Only reason we dredged the lake Is 'cause holder blabbed...

At an n.A.

Meeting about what you two did.

It's always the one with the conscience.

Oh, that's mad stuff, a.J.

It's a standing order, always.

And if she don't like it, You just bend her over and yell, "fire in the hole!" Every single time.

Caroline: I just got off the phone with one of the a.D.A.S Who used to clerk for judge chamberlain.

Apparently, the judge is an alum And large contributor to st.

George's, And he's not the only one.

Just go to another judge.

I mean, there's dozens of them.

Yeah, sure, but you'd be committing career su1c1de.

You go behind his back, chamberlain will make sure That no judge ever signs a warrant for you again.

The head of st.

George's Filed a formal complaint with the d.A.

Against you and sarah for harassment.

You have to think about your priorities, stephen.

You can't afford to throw away your career or our future Over some case.

Have a good day.

Skinner was found at sawyer?

I tell you, we're gonna get this guy.

Not sure if they found all the bodies.

Yeah, well, there's two...

two officers down there right now.

I heard that.

Skinner's autopsy report...

We need to get that warrant on margaret's car.

She could be destroying evidence as we speak.

I've been doing some digging into margaret's background.

I contacted a friend of mine at justice.

It seems she was honorably discharged From the army during iraq.

We're f*cked.

Chamberlain is a st.

George alum and big-time booster.

Never gonna get that warrant.

We're going to a different judge, then.

You do that and both our careers are over.

We don't do that and we can't help kyle.

Is he the only one you care about?

You see this f*ckin' shit storm We're right in the middle of, right?

Caroline's got you by the balls.

It's you and me, linden.

We're on the same team, remember?

Are we?

I just wanted to set the record straight, detectives.

My vehicle's parked outside.

How long do you think it will take your people To search my car?

It depends on what they find.

Judge chamberlain sends his regards.

He hopes you're doing everything you can To solve the stansbury murders.

You and philip stansbury Were having an affair, weren't you?

Yes, we were.

You care to elaborate?

What kind of details would you like, detective?

How long was it going on for?

On and off for the past few years.

So you must have known his house inside out, then.

Did you guys meet up there When the wife and the kids were on their dressage lessons?

No, we would rendezvous when he was out of town, Taking kyle to his piano competitions and recitals.

Aw, ain't that sweet.

But the affair wasn't enough for you, was it?

You wanted more.

You watched him.

You followed him.

That's your car, isn't it, margaret?

I know women like you...

Alone in the world.

No one to come home to, nothing but an empty house.

Time's running out, And you feel it every day, don't you?

Did philip promise to leave his wife for you?

Or were you that pathetic enough to believe him?

I didn't k*ll him and m*ssacre his entire family, If that's your point.

Bet he got tired of you, Moved on to greener pastures.

That's when you snapped.

Hell hath no fury like a crazy psycho bitch.

Results on the car detail.

That's convenient.

You got your car completely re-upholstered?

When'd you do that?


Cleanliness is a form of self-respect, Something you might want to practice more often.

And if you need to know my whereabouts The night of the stansbury tragedy, I was attending a school fundraiser At the four seasons hotel downtown.

Can anyone corroborate this?

My friend charles ross was with me all night.

He'll verify what i just told you.

You can find him at the dance studio he owns.

He's my instructor.

I'll bet he is.

Not everything is always what it seems, detective.

Why did you leave the army?

You were a black hawk pilot, correct?

My service ended.

I was honorably discharged.

It was time to walk away.

But you didn't walk away.

You were forced out...

Because of what happened in the gulf When your helicopter went down.

You k*lled civilians.

Have you ever fired your w*apon, detective?

Or watch someone die right in front of you?

Hindsight is not a luxury that a soldier has.

We were in hostile territory.

A car approached but didn't heed our warning sh*ts.

I ordered my men to eliminate the threat.

I gave an order, and i would give that order again.

I accepted, and i still accept, the consequences That the military handed down to me.

That is the way that things work in my world.

But your men didn't listen to your order, did they?

So you were the one that opened fire on the "threat." A father and his 3-year-old son.

What was it like...

Watching them die in front of you?

What are you doing here, cadet?


i'm looking for colonel rayne.

She's off campus till this evening.

For what?

Is there something i can help you with, cadet?

I didn't realize you knew where i lived.

Looked it up.

Would you like some coffee or something to drink?

I've got some cake in...

No, i don't want anything.

Thank you.

I, um...

I need you to do something for me.

If, um...

If anything happens to me, or if i have to go away...

I need you to take care of jack.

He doesn't have anywhere else to go, No one else to take care of him.

I've never asked you for anything.

Of course.

But what's going on?

Sarah, what's going on?

It's nothing.

Is that your husband?


He passed three years ago.

He was a good man.

And that's matt and clara.

Why do you have this?

I never stopped thinking about you, sarah.

Thinking about that day...

The parade in ballard, And...

You insisted on getting that pinwheel.

You said you liked it because it was red like our hair.

I remember.

Remember it was summer...

The air smelled like caramel...

caramel popcorn.

And i remember hoping that day would last forever.

Then it got dark, Crowd started pushing to get a better look.

And i dropped my pinwheel to hold your hand and...

Somehow, it just got...

Swept away.

And then you were gone, too.

I don't remember how long it took you to find me.

But it felt like forever.

Why did you let go of my hand?

I was young...

And alone.

I was afraid...

It was hard...

To stay.

It's always been hard for me.

I'm not good at staying.

I think you're a lot like me.

Thank you, ma'am, cadet.

Welcome to st.




It's a great day for your son, ma'am.

We'll take good care of him.

You enjoy the rest of the day.


What do you want?


Told me to be ready and waiting at midnight.

For what?

I don't know.

I guess it's some tradition They do every family day for new cadets.

Did they do it to you?

Go back to your room.

Go, now.


Put one on my door.

can i help you?

Detective linden, detective holder.

Seattle homicide.

You charles ross?

Yes, i am.

What's going on?

We have questions about some murders.

My apologies, amanda.

We'll pick up here next week.


How long have you known margaret rayne?

She's been a student of mine for the past four or five years.

We dance twice a week.

Your relationship isn't just professional, though, is it?

What do you mean by that?

Come on, chuck.

We've all seen "dirty dancing." Were you with margaret the night of march 7th?

The night the family was m*rder*d?


I, um...

Was helping her schmooze at a fundraiser At the downtown four seasons.

And after the fundraiser?

She pay you to stay with her all night?

It's not what you think.

Holder: Never is, is it?

Margaret enjoys my company, and i enjoy hers.

What transpired between us was as friends.

We didn't have sex, detective.

We just slept in the same bed.

She likes to be held.

There's no crime in that.

That's it?


Jane just wants a hug?


Margaret told me She lost a child a long time ago.

I think it's the one thing she hasn't been able to get over.

She has a lot of regrets.


Let's go to the hotel and check the security tapes.

If you are lying to me, i am coming back here And arresting you for obstruction.

Linden, let's go.

Jack: I miss you, too.

Like, a lot.

Didn't you get my stalker texts?

Yeah, i love you.

I mean, it's, like, obvious, right?

My grandma?

She was...


old but nice.

My mom lost it on her.

I don't know.

You should see this place.

I just feel bad about lying to her, you know?

Saying that my dad didn't want me.

But, like...

She's just got no one else.

And i don't want her to be alone all the time.

I mean...

I guess i just wish she still had someone to talk to.

Well, if you're not gonna hold yours, hold mine.

My back's sore.

Those black aiguillettes on the doorknobs...

I had one on my door.

It was on family day.

The night my family was k*lled.

What do they mean?

Why does a.J.

Put them on the doors?

What are you hiding from me?

Quit playing games with me and tell me!

Don't go in the showers tonight.



Get the f*ck away from me, man.


f*cking f*gg*t.



He's remembering.

Look, he won't stop asking me about that night.

I'm telling you, he's not leaving this alone.

Lincoln's right.

It's just a matter of time.

Well, what the f*ck are we gonna do about it, huh?

Nothing, nothing.

We stick with the plan and everything will be fine.

The plan's falling apart.

You told us the doctor said kyle would never remember.

We have to do something now.


I told you to keep an eye on him in case his memory came back.

Nothing has changed.

Kyle still doesn't remember anything.

I just told you that he does...


You are wrong.

Now, both of you need to calm down And stop acting like hysterical, stupid children.

Lincoln: Stupid?

Well, if i hadn't gone back in the house that night To get that other g*n, we'd be f*cked.

You are out of order, cadet.

And you shouldn't have put that damn g*n in kyle's room And those plans.

What the hell were you thinking?

You were lucky that a.J.

Found them Before something else happened.

Well, if kyle would've just blown his damn brains out, This would all be over.

I am done talking about this.

You need to leave, both of you, right now.


I followed your plan And trusted you from the very beginning.

I even became that loser's friend.

I've done everything you said to protect us and this academy.

Not anymore.

Now we're gonna find out exactly what he remembers.


Is not to be touched.

Do you understand me?

You're getting soft, colonel, And frankly, you're coddling that little shit.


Don't you ever...

Disrespect me.

You have your orders.




Between two-buck chuck's alibi And the security cameras at the four seasons, There's no way margaret's the sh**t.

We're spinning our wheels, linden.

Just because she didn't pull the trigger, Doesn't mean she didn't give the order.

She's got 250 toy soldiers at her disposal, And all of them can't wait to k*ll.

We got to get in there.

Kyle's in trouble.

Being paranoid.

This ain't bombs over baghdad.

Margaret could still try to k*ll him.

She k*lled a child before.

She'll do whatever it takes to protect herself.

If she wanted to k*ll him, he'd already be dead.

How the f*ck you know kyle's so innocent?

Maybe he's the one taking her orders.

You ever consider that?

No, he's telling me the truth.

I trust him.

I can see it in his eyes.

He's not the one lying to me.

What the hell's that supposed to mean?

I know what you said at the n.A.


You told everyone what we did.

What we did?

I didn't do anything.

You're the one who did it.

You're the one who couldn't keep your shit together.

I was just trying to help you.

Yeah, well, thanks for all the help.

I told you to walk away.

You wanted to stay.

I would've been a lot better off on my own.

Look, i'm sorry, linden.

I f*cked up, okay?

I just felt like the whole world was comin' crashing down on me, And i was about to explode.

Yeah, well, i was wrong about you.

You're just a f*cking junkie like the rest of them.

Some kind of father you're gonna be.

How's jack doing, by the way?

Aren't you supposed to be taking him to the airport right now?


Oh, snap.

Classic linden.


Not giving a shit about anyone who's still alive, Not even your own son.

I'm the one who's f*cked up?

The only people you care about are dead.

Tell little man i said adios.

f*ck you!

Yeah, f*ck you, too!

You got everything?

You don't have to worry about me, okay?

What's going on, mom?


Yeah, okay, whatever.

Jack, wait.

I'm gonna miss my plane.

Just wait!

Just stop.

Just look at me.

I'm just not great at this, being a mom.

I was just a kid myself.

I wasn't that much older than you when i had you.

And i had nobody to show me how.

I don't want you to worry about me.

I want you to...

to get on that plane and...

And go back home.

And i want...

For you to grab every piece of life...

Every piece of it...

And never let go.


And never be ashamed of anything.

Because no matter what happens to me, You were always my best thing.

You're my best thing, jack.

I'll see you summer break?



Where is he?


Where is he?

Where is he?


Where is he?

Where is he?

We need to talk.

I don't got time.

I know about skinner.

I know what you and linden did to him.

I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

I got both your phones traced to the lake that night.

That don't mean shit.

I'm trying to help you, holder.

Don't be stupid.

The only reason we dredged the lake Is 'cause skinner's wife saw linden out there.

She was tossing something into the water.

You know, K*llers get caught 'cause they do something stupid...

...Like return to the crime scene.

Linden is bringing you down, man.

You got a kid on the way.

You got a family to think about.

You want to tell your side of the story?

Just go on the record, Tell me what really happened that night.

I can help you.

I can help you cut a deal, man.


I'm going to the deputy com tomorrow morning, And i'm telling him everything.

So this is your chance To dig yourself out of your grave.

Protect your kid, your family.

Call me.

Young man: Strip, ladies!

Come on.

You scared?

He's afraid of mommy.


What you waiting for, cadet?


You're such a f*cking idiot.

Get his hands.

Your little bitch-ass wanted to know what happened?

Does that bring anything back?

Don't play dumb.

We know you know what we're talking about.


Did you think you were gonna get a free pass?

That we were just gonna forget about you?

You still haven't shown your slut mother How much it is that you love her.

Well, come on, little buddy.

Get nice and hard for mommy.

Starting to remember now?


We have a family day tradition in this battalion.

A, uh, "welcoming" ritual for all our first-year cadets.

Your mother sent you to us because she loves you.

Oh, yeah.

She wants us to turn her little boy into a man.



Well, men in this battalion must love their mothers.


And you're not a man in this battalion Until you prove that to us.

Show mommy how much you love her And come all over her pretty little face.

What, are you some kind of f*gg*t, cadet?

All: Ohh!

Cadets, you all love your mothers, right?

All: Yes, sir!

See, we all love our mothers.

You want to be one of us, don't you, kyle?

Come on.

Come on.

Young man: There we go.


Make mommy proud.

There we go.

If you think your life is tough now, If you don't do this, Your life here is gonna be more of a living hell.

Now do it, you little f*ckin' p*ssy.

Come all over that bitch's face!

Oh, yeah!

f*ck that bitch!

f*ck her!

f*cking k*ll her.

k*ll that bitch.

k*ll her!

k*ll her.

k*ll her!

k*ll her!

f*cking k*ll her!

Do it!

k*ll her!

k*ll her!

k*ll her!

All: k*ll her!

k*ll her!

k*ll her!

You did this to me that night.

You did this to me the night my family was k*lled.

Did you k*ll my mom?

What the f*ck?

Did you k*ll my family?

What the f*ck is he talking about?

I don't know.

He's crazy.

His brain's all shot up and shit.

It's some post-traumatic stress bullshit.






Let him go.

f*ckin' freak.

Please help me.


They're after me, a.J.

And lincoln and all of them.

They're after me.

And then they...

They took me to the latrines, and they made me...

Easy, easy, easy!

Just slow down.




i remember.

It was that night.

You remember what happened that night?

I was in the latrines on my knees...

Oh, god.

I don't want to remember.

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.

It's okay.

Everything's gonna be all right.

You're safe now, okay?

Just breathe, breathe.

Just take a breath.

Right, that's better.

I'm gonna get you some water.

Just keep breathing.


It's not what you think.


You need to believe me.

Stay away from me.


You knew?

You lied to me?

You were always lying?



No, i've been protecting you.

Only doing what is best for you, and you need to believe me.

Stay away from me!


I just want to help you, hmm?

Please trust me.


It's okay.

Just let me take the g*n.

It's gonna be okay.


It's gonna be okay.

I would never...

Let anyone hurt you.



Don't go!

Don't go!

Listen to me!

Come back!

