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04x02 - Raveling

Posted: 01/26/21 03:44
by bunniefuu
Man: Point of origin is 186 centimeters from the wall.

After consulting the surgeon, it was determined That the b*llet struck kyle stansbury's head At a negative-17-degree angle And exited with a negative-28-degree trajectory.

Based on that and the position of the victim's body, Our ballistics tests indicate that the point of impact...

...Between the b*llet and the victim Was approximately 106 centimeters from the ground, About 31/2 feet.

So kyle was on his knees when he got shot.

Very likely.

It's execution style.

Or he was on his knees 'cause he was sorry About what he just did and was about to off himself.

There were two g*ns.

So the army of one could have ditched the other nina Before he came to his senses.

The s.I.D.

Report said that there were no gsr traces On either hand of the victim?



Is that, um...

Consistent With other suicides you've dealt with before?

It's not uncommon.

The hand closest to the 9-millimeter Was sitting in a pool of blood, So any g*nsh*t residue could have been contaminated.

Scientifically speaking, doctor, Did he off himself or did someone else do it?

Our ballistic tests were not able to positively determine The distance from which the g*n was fired, so...

Could be either a homicide or a su1c1de.

For real?

You got all this fancy-ass sci-fi shit, And that's all you can tell me?

We're dealing with A very scientifically unique situation here, detective.

Jesus christ, linden.

You got to keep it together, at least in public.

Bethany showed up at my house last night looking for her dad.

I told her i didn't know where he was, But she didn't believe me.

So what?

She's just some stupid kid whose parents have got problems.

Nobody's gonna believe her.

She knows that i'm lying.

She's not gonna give up.

Calm down.

We're good.


Trust me.




At ease, cadets.

Have a seat.

By now, you're all well aware that a tragic event Has befallen your fellow cadet kyle stansbury and his family.

Today, cadet stansbury Will be rejoining us here at st.


On this campus, we are a family.

What happens to one of us happens to all of us.

And as a family, we will all move forward.

I expect all of you to help your brother reacclimate to life here And grant him the respect he deserves In the wake of this tragedy.

Yes, cadet.

Ma'am, but didn't he do it, ma'am?

Let me make this clear, Because i will not repeat myself...

Any stories or rumors you've heard About cadet stansbury's involvement in this incident Have no merit.

Civilians outside these walls ground their lives In presumption and supposition Instead of discipline and purpose.

But at st.

George's, We hold ourselves to a higher standard.

We live our lives according to a code Of truth, duty, honor, and integrity.

Make no mistake, cadets...

Anyone who defies my orders Will be dealt with in the most severe fashion.

There is now a new zero-tolerance policy In effect at st.


Is my message clear?

Cadets: Ma'am, yes, ma'am!

Battalion, all rise for vespers!


Jesus christ, man.

You're even more of a f*cking freak now.

You seriously don't remember shit from that night?

it's okay, buddy.

Amnesia's a bitch.

Heard your little sis took it right in the face, though.

Too bad.

She was gonna be one fine piece of p*ssy one day.

Woman: 911.

What's your emergency?

Emmett: I heard g*nshots, six or seven of them.

They were coming from the stansbury house.

Sir, do you have an address?

Yes, i do.

They reside at 8327 ferndell lane.

Emmett deschler, neighbor.

He sounds so calm, like he's ordering takeout Instead of calling in a sh**ting.

Those ballistics reports are inconclusive.

Let it go.

We can't charge kyle, and you know it.

Religion's inconclusive.

Don't stop 5 billion people From believing what they believe.

God is not the d.A., so...

Let's just do our job and go talk to this neighbor.

Right now he is the only lead we have.

What the hell you guys doing in here...

playing "deer hunter"?

Case of rolling rock says linden blows her head off first.

let's go.

One shot, linden.

One shot.

Yo, holder.

do me a solid, will ya?

Take these pied piper case files home to your girlfriend?

I don't want to schlepp my ass All the way over to city hall again.



Oh, m...

i got my hands full.

Oh, tha...

that's funny.



That's premium roast, you prick.


You owe me.

yeah, it is.

It is.




Jesus christ.

How long have you been Neighbors with the stansburys, mr.


I moved back about 10 years ago To look after my ailing mother.

She passed a few years later, and i inherited the house.

You can see the stansbury house from here.

Do you know the family well?

I was introduced to them years ago by my mother.

But other than seeing them at the market on occasion, No, i didn't know them.

I generally eschew Formal engagements and social gatherings.

Yeah, you look like you haven't flown the coop in awhile.

By nature, artists are sometimes...


My home is my camera obscura.

So i'm not gonna find a velvet elvis hanging anywhere around here?

No, i believe that pain and suffering is true art...

A physical replication, regardless of medium.

Is that right?

Happiness creates a laziness Which allows us to forget that pain Teaches us a lesson which forces us to grow.

On the night of the murders, can you describe to me What you were doing immediately before you dialed 911?

I already spoke to the other officers.

They appeared to be writing down my words.

They did, but i'd like to hear it from you, In case they missed something.

I was sitting right here, looking out the window, And i was startled by half a dozen or so loud bangs, Like someone was hunting.

For someone who was startled, You sounded very calm on the phone.

You do that a lot?

Just sit there and stare out at nothing At 5:00 in the morning?

It's not nothing.

It's beautiful.

She said so herself.

I assume you meant it.

That's still a long way to hear a 9-millimeter.

It's not exactly a hand cannon.

It's very quiet around here.

Any kind of loud noise echoes and carries across the water, Especially at night.

You told the 911 operator That the sh*ts were coming from the stansbury house.

How could you be so sure?

Theirs was the only light on.

In your statement to the officers, You never mentioned the lights were on in the house.

They never asked.

And the lights weren't on in the house.

They were on in the stansburys' beach house.

That's where i assumed the sh*ts were coming from.

Camilla: I never come out here.

Mr. Stansbury's very specific...

I don't clean the beach house.

Sarah: Did he say why?


And i don't ask.

You afraid of him?


They always paid me on time.

Just nothing for me to do.

The house is always clean, top to bottom.

With three kids, you always see a mess.

Not the stansburys.

Nothing was out of place, ever.

It's like nobody lived here.

Only ghosts.

Sarah: Thank you.

Unis did a sweep?


Nothing to write home about.

What do you think?

I think boo radley over there Is one sunny day away from cutting his ear off.

No forced entry, locked from the inside.

If somebody was here, they had a key.

That guy's a f*cking weirdo.

Let's run a check on him.

We'll call s.I.D.

To have them come and dust for prints, but...

Maybe there was a motion sensor that went off or something.

Boom, boom.

Welcome back, cadet.

Kyle: Thank you, ma'am.

There were no complications With your release from the hospital?

No, ma'am.


Now that you're back on campus, Focus can be on the future.

as your legal guardian, i'm prepared to take The necessary steps to ensure your full recovery.

Your class schedule will remain the same.

You will be excused from any kind of p.T., And your new living quarters will be located in the infirmary Where a nurse will be on duty.

You will be meeting with a psychologist once a week.

With all due respect, ma'am, I prefer to return to the barracks, And i don't feel that i need to speak to a psychologist.

That stuff's 90% bullshit anyways.

Excuse me, cadet?

I'm not a victim.

I don't want to be treated like one.

I don't know how much you remember About your time here, cadet, but you didn't fit in.

Boys can be the cruelest animals, And they will cut you no slack now.

I recall what it was like, but it'll be worse for me If you turn me into a charity case, ma'am.

Do you remember the night of the murders?


I spent every moment in the hospital trying to.

They say it's better if i don't.

You could be right.

The academy has made arrangements For funeral services to take place on wednesday.

I'd like to see them before then, ma'am, say my goodbyes.

I'm sorry.

That's not possible.

they were shot at close range.

It's a closed-casket service.



I thought you were aware of that.

Then, like you said, ma'am...

It's even more critical now that i focus on my future And be treated the same as any other cadet.

You'll return to the barracks.

Don't make me regret my decision.

I won't, ma'am.


Holder: Maybe little miss perfect Was sneaking out at night, you know, hitting the clubs, And then she stashed her party clothes Down at the beach house so papa wouldn't find them.

It doesn't seem like her style.

What the hell you know about style, linden?

Thought you shopped at ross dress for less.

At least i don't get my clothes at the goodwill.

Hey, you find anything you like in there, You take it for a spin.

"extreme makeover: Linden edition." These styles don't match.

Not the sizes, either.

I mean, one's a little country, one's a little rock 'n' roll.



Phoebe's a 4.

These are an 8.

What about the mom's?

No, she's the same size as her daughter.

These clothes belong to somebody else.

Gonna run these down to s.I.D., Have them run a print on the bag and the belt.

Hey, take a look at these.

The f*ck?

This model citizen ain't all discipline.

Yeah, she's posing for these.

Did you find anything at the stansburys' beach house?

No, but we found these in phoebe stansbury's room.

She kept them.

I knew she loved them.

I knew it.

Is someone in the house, mr.


You're gonna need to come with us, mr.


You don't understand.

Look, phoebe and i, we had a special relationship.

Down on your knees!

on your knees!

Down on your knees!

Put your hands behind your neck.

Put your hands behind your neck!

Y-you don't understand!

Those photos, they were special!

Shut the f*ck up!


Keep him down here!

You can't go up there!

Shut your f*cking mouth.

Shut up!

Shut your...

Shut up!

I-i know my rights, and you can't do this!

Shut the f*ck up!

You don't understand.

Phoebe and i, we had a connection.

You don't understand.

She wanted to be seen.

Hey, hey!

Shut the f*ck up!

Shut the f*ck up!

She needed someone to see her as she really was!

No one ever did!


Aah, no, no!


No, she's mine!

Not yours!

She's mine!

Holy shit.

What the f*ck you two faggots laughing at?

Tommy finger-blasted jenny becker In the sonic bathroom saturday night.

no f*cking way.


Little tommy getting to be quite the man.



Way to get your name in the box score, bud.

Good job.

Oh, shit!

Everyone look.

Carrie got her period.

holy shit.

Look, stansbury's bleeding.

What a p*ssy.

Need a tampon to plug up your slash, little girl?

Bitch is on heavy flow this month.

Get him a maxi pad!

The little baby's gonna cry.

That's enough!


You think that's funny?!


Finish up your business and get out of here!

Maintain the pressure, all right?

Clean yourself off.

I'll let the infirmary know you're on your way.

As i said, i'm more than happy To assist in your investigation, But i need to be present for any conversations You have with my students.

Fine, as long as you understand that, In the event we go to court, I may need to subpoena you as a witness.



Cadet stansbury reporting as ordered, ma'am.

The detectives would like to ask you some further questions.


Sir, ma'am.

Take a seat, cadet.

How you feeling, kyle?

Much better.

Thank you, ma'am.


Do you know if anyone was staying in the beach house?

A friend or guest of the family, maybe.

No, ma'am, i do not.

Holder: So you never had some sweet little thing over For some...

Late-night marco polo?

No, i did not, sir.

You've had a traumatic experience.

Memories get buried that need to be dug out.

So just try to think, kyle.

I do not know if anyone Was staying in that beach house, ma'am.

You've got your answer.

Is there more you need, detectives?

What was your relationship like with your sister?


No, y-your other sister, phoebe.

She was fine.

We were fine.


What are you doing?

I'm sorry.

This is part of our investigation.

We found these pictures in your sister's bedroom.

Do you know the man who lives across the lake from your house, Emmett deschler?


I think that's enough, detectives.

We're just getting some answers here.

And you've got them, so we're done here.

You knew about this, didn't you?

Cadet, you're dismissed.



We're just trying to help.

If you know anything about emmett deschler, Anything at all...


I didn't know there were pictures.


I saw phoebe one night.

She was standing in front of her window like that, And i told her that anybody could see inside of her room, But she was like...

it was like she wanted to be seen.

Holder: Did you tell anyone?

my parents.

They didn't believe me.

Phoebe was their favorite.

You know, she couldn't do anything wrong.

Not like me.

After i told on her, she cut the piano wires, And they didn't even get mad at her for that.

The piano was yours?

Um, i should have just shut up, you know?

I shouldn't...

i s-should have known.

Like, my parents didn't believe anything i said.

They didn't care about me, so...

Did emmett have a relationship with your sister?

I don't know.

I'm feeling a little sick.

Cadet stansbury needs to get some rest.

We're done here.

Cadet, you're dismissed.

He didn't do it.

Do you believe that now?

Bethany: I don't care!

I'm his daughter!

I need to talk to him!

There must be something you can do!

Mike: I'm sorry.

Lieutenant skinner isn't here.

I can't help you.

I got this, mike.

Bethany, how's it going?

You okay?

Detective reddick, i-i can't find my dad anywhere.

I keep texting and calling, But he hasn't texted me back in like two weeks.

It doesn't make sense.

Have you talked to your mom?

She doesn't care.

She's basically glad he's gone.

How long has it been since you've seen your dad?

Like, two weeks.

He was with that...

That bitch...

His old partner.


She's lying.

She knows where my dad is.

I'm sure he's fine, sweetie.

Nothing to worry about.

But i'll tell you what.

I'll make a couple calls, see what i can do.

Come on.

Come on.

I'll give you a ride home.



That's it?

All right, just put a copy of his statement on my desk.

Deschler lawyered up, Provided an alibi for the night of the murders.

He's got time-stamped photos he took of the stansbury house Right up until he dialed 911.

Guess he was looking for phoebe in her window, and then...

Called it in when he realized The flashes of light were g*nf*re.

Maybe those photos are something we can go on.


They said...

There's a couple muzzle flashes visible, But otherwise, the house was too dark to see anything.

So the kid's still our best suspect.

He could be playing us.

I'm just saying.

Convenient he didn't tell us about his f*cked-up family.

No one talks about family secrets, and you know it.

They just stay screwed up.

Not everyone messes up their kids.

No, it's a choice how you act.

A uni said emmett had a couple years' worth of photos.

Let's go through them and see if there's anything we can pull.

Don't have to do them right now.

They'll still be dead tomorrow, linden.

What's the matter?

You afraid to be alone or something?

We got a problem.

You know how i love breasts and thighs.

Uh, just pick whichever one's the smallest.

They're both way more than enough.



Your family have any restrictions i need to know about?

They need some dietary restrictions.

My sister and her kid, they only eat foods that got the word "fried," "finger," "strip," or "stick" in it.

I need some probiotics to clean them out.

Staying up late watching the oxygen network again?


Baby needs some building blocks.

From now on, it's raw milk, fresh greens...

You're gonna start craving things that are white.


Like you?

hell, yeah.

Better f*cking believe it.

No, but seriously, like, potatoes, cottage cheese, Tapioca, cocktail onions...

Babe, why don't you get Some of the cap'n crunch that you like?


No, i'm only eating what you're eating.

I'm pregnant, too.

Okay, you're really cute...

But it's still super-early, And i know you love your cereal.

Well, he is the captain and everything.

You know, he can pull rank, so he knows...



...Crunch berries make me a better crime fighter.


help me.

Help me.


Kyle, please.



Help me.


Please, help me!





Kyle, please!

Help me!

i don't want to die.

I don't want to die.

Oh, man.

Oh, kyle.

I'm sorry.

We were just having a little fun.

You understand, right?


How's your dead sister, by the way?

What are you doing?


We're just messing around, a.J.

Why don't you chill the f*ck out?

Don't move.

Apologize to cadet stansbury.

Why don't you get the f*ck out of my face?




Strike him, cadet!

What the f*ck?!

Strike him now!

Hit him!

Get the f*ck off me!

God damn it!

Hit him!

That's an order!

Get the f*ck off me!




Tommy: come on!



Let him go!

He's had enough!

That's enough!

That's enough!




Man: Your g*n.

You didn't think we'd forget, did you, sarah?

Your request for a new sidearm after your last one was stolen?

Try and be more careful next time, will you, detective?

Yeah, thanks.


Hot off the press.

lab pulled a print from our bag.

Our mystery lady is one katrina nelson.

She was at the hospital.

Not the only place she was at.

Got latents not only in the beach house But all over the main house...

Living room, dining room, Kitchen, master bed, master bath.

She got around.

Unis are following up on her last known address, but...

Landlady said she took off last october.

We're getting e.S.D.

To check in on her last known employment.

But so far, there's nothing.

She's got priors the last three years...

Petty theft, robbery, vandalism.

Keep reading.

Gets better.

Aggravated-as*ault charges filed against her On october 9th of last year.


Dropped charges shortly thereafter, Citing lack of cooperation from the victim, philip stansbury.

She assaulted him, and he let her off scot-free?

Wonder why.

Keep icing it.

Anybody asks, you got cracked by your r*fle during drills.

Why are you being cool to me now?

You never were before.

'cause that psycho lincoln deserves it.

I thought you lost all your memory, cadet.


Just from that night.

Eh, you were a p*ssy before.

Maybe you're growing a pair now.


At assembly, I said that certain practices would cease.

Was i unclear, cadet?

No, ma'am!

What happened to your face, cadet?

I fell in the shower, ma'am.

You need to be more careful next time, cadet.

Yes, ma'am.

In any battalion, you are one.

You all have the same strengths...

All have the same weaknesses!

What happens to one of you happens to all of you!

One of you disobeys my orders, all of you disobey my orders.

You didn't have those bruises on your hand Yesterday morning, cadet.

I lost control of my r*fle during drills, ma'am.

I gave you your chance, And you have chosen to make an example of yourself And of everyone else.

Cadet fielding, have your battalion assembled In full a.C.U.S on the north field at 0700.

Yes, ma'am!

You heard the colonel!

Let's go!

Right wheel!

Right wheel!

Tighten the formation!



r*fles down!

What the hell was that, cadets?!

You call that a formation?!

That was an embarrassment!

Get it together, you pieces of shit!

We're gonna do it until we get it right!

Adopt a push-up position!









What is your problem?!

You have a problem with me, cadet?!

Get down!









Got some for me, holmes?

I don't got to talk to you, pig.

You do now...

probable cause.

Decriminalized, bitch.

No, not that.



This, dumbass.

You got papers for this?

Yo, what you hassling me for, man?

You logic?

No, that ain't me.

I heard that dude won the mega millions, Moved to minneapolis or something.

assh*le, you're on the spd payroll as a c.I., right?

Yo, keep it down, all right?


You talk to some cops?

Male-female duo?

Couple weeks ago about a missing kid?

I ain't snitched to the 5-0 in, like, forever.

See, that's a long time.

Be specific.

I don't know.

Maybe four, five months, at least.

Didn't talk to anybody?

Lady cop?


Sure you weren't just tweaked out of your mind and forgot?

No, i quit that poison, like, way back when.


I need this for my pain management.

No shit?


This is like flintstones chewables.

I'm only keeping this.

You're welcome.


You guys still handing out scratch to snitches?


Got to get me something good.


Hey, in case you don't remember, stay away from the beans.

They'll give you the runs.

Hey, you did real good today.

I'm proud of you.


I-i thought...

I don't know.

I-i kind of thought i messed up.

Everybody's pissed at me.

You showed loyalty to the unit.

That's all that matters.

I mean, colonel rayne would have punished us Way more if you'd ratted.

Thanks, sir.

Hey, you can call me by my name.


They have a cop car outside the gates.

Saw it today during drills.

What's up with that?

They think whoever did, uh, that to my family Is gonna come back for me.

Some doughnut-eating cop isn't gonna stop anybody.

We will.

No one's hurting one of our own.


Yes, sir...


Close ranks, boys.

We got some unfriendlies approaching.

Kyle, we need to talk to you.

I'm eating dinner.

It can't wait.

I already told you everything i know.

Now get off my back.

Ma'am, regulations state you're not permitted in here without an escort.

Slow your roll there, captain america.

You don't want to take any friendly fire, now, do you?

You want to talk here?

That's fine.

You got those photos?

We'll make a whole collage of phoebe here on the table.

Is that what you want?

Or we can go talk in the hall.

It's your call, kyle.

You know this girl?

You sure?

Take another look.

i don't know who that is.

Ma'am, i must insist you follow regulations, Or i'll be obligated to call security.


That'll be enough, cadet fielding.

What are you doing here?

You weren't in your office, and i don't have time to conduct My investigation around your schedule.


That badge may work outside these walls.

But in here, we have a different set of rules.

That's clear.

I know women like you.

You think by defying authority, You can get the respect you crave from your male colleagues, But that's not the way it works, detective, Not in here and not with me.

You don't know anything about me.

And i'm not defying your authority.

I'm doing my job.

So am i.

I have already repeated myself once, Which is once more than i ever do.

You come back here again And you talk with any of my students without my permission And i will go to the deputy commissioner And file a formal complaint.

All right.

Let's go, linden.

Come on.

Let's go.

As you were.

Kid's lying.

He knows something.

He probably knows kat.

You know, they could have done it together.

Don't ever do that again.

I was helping you out, linden.

You can't always be going at 11.

Now we got her right where we want her.

I-it's like with lions.

You know, when you tame them, You got to put them on a pedestal, Let them think that they're dominant, T-that they got the upper hand.

Now, they feel safe up there, feared, like the alpha dog.

You got to make them believe that they're looking down on you When all eyes are actually on them, And you're the one that's really in control.

Trust me, linden.

We're good.

Stop worrying about bethany.

Carl: Linden.

Have you talked to skinner lately?




His daughter's worried.

She thinks something happened to him.

She's real broke up over daddy going awol.

Figured i'd ask you.

Yeah, i don't know.

You know how kids can be, though.

I do.

I do.

I have a daughter of my own.

But i wanted to help bethany out, so i...

I checked skinner's phone records.

He hasn't made a call since that night adrian went missing.

His last call was to you.

Thought your phone was dead that night.

You said you and skinner were shaking down c.I.S Near adrian's school.

I checked around.

Funny thing...

Nobody remembers speaking with you.

We were having an affair.

I ended his marriage, wrecked his family.

He moved out on his child.

You want to know more than that, then talk to him.

Otherwise, stay the f*ck out of my face.

I needed to see you.

Tried at the hospital, but there were cops around.



Do you remember what happened?

Last thing i remember, i was here in my room.

Then i was in the hospital.


You're okay.

That's all that matters.

The police came asking about you.

I didn't tell them anything.

They got what they deserved.