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Corridor of Mirrors (1948)

Posted: 01/25/21 08:45
by bunniefuu
What's the matter Mifanwy? Nothing.

That bad dream again?

Sorry I woke you. That's alright.

Goodnight darling.


I had a bad dream again.

But I'm sorry.

It's mine! No, it's mine!

Wake up, Mifanwy. You're going to miss your train.

I've been awake for hours.

Those terrible children of yours have been up since daybreak.

Here they come. You'd better hide.

Stop pretending. We can see you're not asleep.

We've thought up some nice new things we want you to buy us in London.

Yes. We have. Gwendoline.

Wait for me!

We frightened you, Daddy.


Come here.

What's the matter David? Mummy will be home again tomorrow.

Is London very big, mummy?

Yes it is. It has millions and millions of people.

Will you get lost, mummy?

Mummies don't get lost, David.

Then why did you cry when the postman brought that telegram?

Go on, get out of here!

Three blind mice! See how they run!

They all ran after the farmer's wife.

Who cut off their tails with a carving knife.

Did you ever see such a thing in your life. Three blind mice.

Well, what is it this time?

It depends what you mean, as they say.

It means my good woman, that I can see you from where I am.

And whatever it is you're thinking, you're up to no good.

You really want to know what I was thinking?

I was thinking that first, you have not kissed me 'good morning'.

And second.

That I have the best husband in the world.

For me.

Well as for the first.

Good morning.

And as for the second.

I'm very flattered, but I never did think very much of your taste in men.

I'm going to close the window, ladies.

There's a tunnel coming.

"How highly respectable they think I am .. and how happy."

"I, with my beautiful home, perfect husband and wonderful children."

"How shocked they'd be if they knew the secret of my visit to London."

"I am going to see my lover."


"I am going to see my lover."

"But I must go."

"Those dreadful letters coming more and more frequently."

"Threatening to break up my home."

"I've yet to tell my husband."

"No .. he wouldn't understand."

I wouldn't want him to.

Bywaters .. Frederick.

ex*cuted for the m*rder of Mr Thompson whose wife had been his sweetheart.

See number nine. Nine.

Thompson. Mrs.

ex*cuted in 1923 for the complicity in the m*rder of her husband.

And was k*lled in her presence by her lover, a young man named Bywaters.

Forty-four .. forty-five.

Death head of Marie Antoinette and her husband.

Poor things.


Carrier. Jean.

1756 to 1794.

Death head.

One of the French Revolutionists.

He ordered over a thousand persons to be drowned in the Loire.

He was guillotined by order of Robespierre.



Yes Paul.

I know that look.

You feel above the cutthroats and murderers surrounding you.

Don't you?

I knew that look so well.

That look of utter boredom.

You had it the first time I saw you.

I wanted to know all about you.

I wanted to know everything.

I still hear the tune they played.

The song the red-headed girl was singing.

Seven years ago.

[ Lady singing: ]

"A tinkling piano in the next apartment."

"Those stumbling words that told you what my heart meant."

Anybody interesting here tonight, Jack?

One or two people you might find interesting, sir.

"These foolish things remind me of you."

"You came, you saw, you conquered me."

"When you did that to me."

"I knew somehow, that it had to be."

"The winds of March make my heart a dancer."

"A telephone would ring, but who's to answer?"

"Oh how the ghost of you .. clings."

"These foolish things."

"Remind me of you."

Look who has dropped in.

'Dropped in' is hardly the phrase I should have chosen.

Can't see why actors don't change their costumes before coming to this place.

The first bit of real man I've seen tonight. I wonder who he is.

Paul Mangin, painter, art critic, connoisseur.

And who are we all pulling to pieces this time?

Take a look .. standing in the entrance .. Lord Byron.

I'd say it was Sir Walter Raleigh, complete with cloak.

No .. Hamlet.

Good night sweet Prince, as far as I'm concerned.

Jack, I shan't be staying. My hat and stick.

"Oh how the ghost of you .. clings."

"These foolish things."

"Remind me of .. you."

Would you ask him to play a waltz?

If that's what she'd like.

"Don't stare darling. Remember what mother told you: blush, and turn away."

Well, well ..

Move up.

Thank you.

Come closer ladies and gentlemen, come closer.

Yes .. the lady is alive.

See the gentle rise and fall. Ah, that's sixpence extra.

The lady suffers from a rare disease.

You see the glazed look in her eyes. They're looking at what?

The curtains gentlemen, the curtains. You fool! Give me a cigarette someone.

Well, if the vigil is on for tonight I suggest we order another bottle of ..

What the management of this morgue laughingly describe as "Cognac".

We may as well go on to the Sutherlands now. We don't want to be too late.

Of course not.

Another one, Miss Conway? That famous smile.

Oh .. one moment! I've something in my eye. Take this, get me a handkerchief.

Oh, agony .. absolute agony .. absolute agony.

Absolute agony.

Rub the other eye. Pull the eyelash over the eye.

You asked me to pull it up. Clear it, you fools.

Face the light .. put your chin up.

Eye open.


Perhaps you'd like to repair the rest of the damage.

I must look an awful mess.

Thank you .. Mr Mangin.

You know my name. I don't know yours.

Mifanwy .. Mifanwy Conway.

Won't you sit down? Thank you.

Drink? No thank you.

Mifanwy .. then you're Welsh.

That accounts for your black hair.

I'm actually not. My mother was Italian.


You seem to like that.

And you?

I'm a mixture of so many nationalities I can truthfully say I belong to none.

Well you're an artist, aren't you. In a way.

An artist is supposed to belong to nowhere in particular.

But to the world.

I've never wanted to belong to the world. I'm careful to try to avoid that.

Do I look as if I belong to the world?

Well no .. not to this world.

Not exactly.

It's rather stuffy in here.

There's a little garden-place outside.

I was waiting to come again after our dance. I decided not to come too soon.

Now, I mustn't stay too long .. goodnight.


Well, how did ..? Shut up.

Well, I think we'd better order that bottle ..

I talked about in the lucid moment I had a few minutes ago.

You'd better, before you fall flat on your face amongst the broken glass.

You'd better get to that party. You don't want to be too late.

Aren't you coming, Mifanwy?

No. Another time.

I think I'll go home.

You need a taxi, Miss?

No thank you Harry. It's a lovely night. I think I'll walk.

Goodnight. Goodnight Miss.


I thought it was you. Have you ever ridden in a Hansom before?

Yes .. long ago.

You must have been very little then.

Would you like to try it again?

I like the way you dress. It's not like everybody else.

I shouldn't call you altogether .. conventional.

Don't you think it may be a mistake if I were to send you home at this moment?

I'd like you to see my house. It might interest you.

Would you care to continue the adventure?

Yes .. I would.

Drive us home, Mortimer. Very good sir.

Would you wait, Mortimer.

There's no key. The Florentines liked mechanical gadgets.

Come along.

"As we came in, I could feel somehow that it was watching me."

"And even now, after all these years."

"I can still remember this house of his in Regent's Park."

"Perhaps if I could see it today it would seem much smaller."

"And much more ordinary."

"And everywhere the scent of flowers."

"So strong, so sickly-sweet."

"That I felt almost suffocated."

I really ought to explain. You see, there is no-one here except myself.

I keep my staff out of view as much as possible.

I like to attend to the needs of my guests myself.


I very rarely invite anybody to my home.

It has to be the appropriate person.

You need not come any further unless you wish.

I wish.

I strongly advise you not to, unless you feel the inclination.

Oh, I feel the inclination.

You've no idea how much. Ha-ha-ha.

"It was then, for the first time, I was to learn .."

"Of the strange affect that laughter had on Paul Mangin."

How do you like this room?

Highly effective.

Thank you.

I never quite thought of it like that.

Oh, how intriguing.

What's that? In the scent bottle? It must be very old.

It is.

The scent is still there.

The scent of an age to which you really belong.

It smells of musk, and thyme and amber. Juliet might have used it.

Not Juliet .. the Borgias, with their lusts, and passions and murders.

I'm glad you like the little scent bottle.

It happens to be one of the most lovely things in the house.

You've got very good taste.

I should have said that of you.

It means something more than mere taste.

It's an attitude towards life.

A Hansom cab, 1066 and all that?

A Hansom? I have the courage of my convictions.

Did you enjoy your ride? It was a novelty.

I was very disappointed that none of my friends passed in a car and saw us.

No doubt, you wonder why I surround myself with an atmosphere of the past.

It's not exactly what you think, Mifanwy.

Most people think they were born before their time ..

I'm after mine.

Everybody wants to belong to the future.

Nobody wants to belong to the past.

Except me.

But perhaps you'll be there with me sometimes.

I hope you like this.

You know, you mustn't think that.

I belong neither to the past, nor the future.

I'm up to the minute, neither a second behind or beyond it.

The present.

Whether you like it or not, we are all products of the past.

Even the present you think you belong to, will soon become the past.

We don't know if the future will be good or bad, but we gamble on it.

But I've given up gambling.

I prefer a certainty.

The past.

Tell me something.

Remember you said after our little waltz, that you dare not come too soon.

That you mustn't stay too long.

What did all that mean?

I've always found that whenever I'm very attracted to anything or anybody.

I always move very slowly in the opposite direction.

You know ..

Mentally, I pushed back that curtain at the nightclub many times ..

Before I actually went there again.

Though it was difficult to keep away.

The chance was worth taking.

What chance?

The chance that you might be interested.

Some more wine?

Only .. interested?

Interested at first.

I'm going to set out to charm you.

Lots of men have tried that.

It's my form of seduction, if you like.


No man of any shape or kind I've yet met ..

Has ever suggested charm as his entire plan of campaign.

Very well .. charm me.

You don't understand me.

I mean my ideas.

My way of looking at things. My ..

Attitude towards life.

That's a new approach.

Don't you like this wine?


Alright. Show me round. Show me your studio.

I don't paint any more. Why ever not?

Have you noticed this? It should interest you.

Do you recognize it? I'm ashamed. Should I?

Is it so famous? It's a mirror.

Has it a special significance?

Only for me, Mifanwy.

I'd like you to have it. I couldn't.


It would give me a particular pleasure if you'd accept it.


I don't know what you put in that wine you gave me.

I'd swear I've just seen a white cat.

In the mirror. Cat? Nonsense.

I did .. there!

Get out .. get out!

Get out!

A lovely cat.

I do apologize .. I'm afraid I've ..

Well ..

I really must be going.

I promised to have an early night. And it's getting rather late.

But I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I really did.

Please don't go yet. It's not really very late.

Stay and have another glass of wine.

Well .. maybe.

Perhaps it is a little late. I'll get you your cloak.

You've been interested, I hope.

Yes .. enormously.


I'm glad.

Mifanwy I wanted to call it.

But the natives couldn't pronounce it, so they gave it a new name: Devil Girl.

Particularly suitable.

You're prejudiced in her favour because she's your daughter.

Sir David Conway, the overindulgent father?

I wonder what the quivering prisoners at the bar ..

Who think I've the hardest heart on the bench would think if they saw me now.

Well she certainly keeps the most fantastic hours.

You know sir, it's none of my business but ..

Don't you think this nightclub life is rather bad for a young girl?

Well, let me put it this way.

The gawky schoolgirl that you remember has turned into something of a beauty.

Just that.

I say, that's rather a fine peak.

Oh, I'm not very worried about her.

The young people she runs with are all like her.

Just marking time, waiting for something to happen to them.

Here we are. End of film.

And so we say .. farewell.

Owen Rhys. My dear girl.

Well, say something. Preferably something about me.

Well, four years in the wilds hasn't exactly improved my small talk.

Well .. have I changed?

Said she, expecting the answer 'Yes'.

No .. you still have a brace on your teeth.

And I can't see your legs but I expect you're still knock-kneed.

And quite honestly between you and me ..

Your nose is still very shiny.

Oh you beast .. you're probably right.

Well go on talking about your life in the wild or the bush or wherever it was.

Well, I'm home for a short time, and then away for a couple of years.

I think that's all.

Why do grown men do these things?

To get away from young women who write poems.

I have still got that one about 'love' and 'dove' you knocked up.

I find you quite terrifying. Flattering, quite flattering.

How do you turn this infernal thing off, Owen?

Unorthodox, but effective.

I'll leave the infernal machine until morning.

Of course. Goodnight Ed. Goodnight.

Nice of you to have looked in on us first.

I'll see you to the door.

I hope we see a lot of each other.

That would be lovely. Goodnight Owen.

Goodnight Mifanwy.

I want a word with you, young woman.

I'm frightfully tired, David. Can it wait?

No .. come here.


What's that great thing you've got on around your neck?

Now David.

This is not the quivering prisoner at the bar.

This is your spoiled beauty of a daughter.

Remember her?

Now stop being foolish. I want to look at it .. here.

You weren't wearing this when you went out this evening.

He came tonight. Hmm.

This is a priceless piece of Renaissance work.

You can't go accepting valuable presents like this.

Who is this man anyway?

Oh, someone I met in a nightclub weeks ago.

Your tie is crooked. You ought to have got over it by now.

Your affairs don't usually last this long.

No .. this is something different.

I find him attractive, David.

Madly attractive.

Don't ask me anymore.

This is my own secret .. for the moment.

It only matters that I am the chosen companion of the most ..

Extraordinary man in the whole of London.

Possibly in the whole world.

Alright Mifanwy, you shall keep your secret.

But you won't keep this.

You shall take this back tomorrow.

To your .. uh ..

To your most extraordinary man in the whole of London.




Stop joking.

Where are you?


Very beautiful.

But this is hardly in character.

Now we must do the finishing touches.

Jewellery is missing. So is the headdress.

How wonderful.

Do you mind me wearing this costume? I've collected them over some years.

Just for this occasion.

Oh .. surprising how it fits me.

It isn't surprising at all.

In future, you'll find all the matching jewellery in the opposite cupboards.

Is that right?

I hope so.

You know Paul.

Since the moment I entered this house.

I can't help feeling that I've left the other Mifanwy back at the nightclub.

This one is someone, entirely different.

You are someone entirely different.

"Yes .. I was becoming someone entirely different."

"I was beginning to think like him, speak like him."

"Feel like him."

"Paul was turning me into someone I couldn't understand."

"The weeks passed. He took up all my time and energy."

"And yet, there was never any undue pressure in Paul's hold over me."

"All day long there was the sensation of being imprisoned in a different world."

"It was as if I wanted to get away .. and couldn't."

"Even in my sleep, he would be there, in the corridor of mirrors."

"Watching me, dressing up for him."

"I was becoming like a wax doll."

"All head and shoulders."

What's in the letter, Caroline?

Since you're so anxious to tell me.

And it is addressed to me. What's in it?

Since you're so anxious to know.

Your favourite client, Mr Paul Mangin.

Is giving a ball .. a masked, fancy-dress ball next month. Here.

He wants you to make a particular dress for a lady.

The design is enclosed.

It could be for Miss Mifanwy Conway.

Could be.

That man knows what he wants.

These are quite perfect.

She hasn't been seen at the club now for some time, has she?

Neither has he, my pet.

Do you think I haven't noticed the look in your eyes whenever he's around?

It makes me sick.

I could always tell the moment he came into the club.

Even your voice would take on a hungry note.

Like a yowling cat on the tiles.

Tell me Edgar, if you hate him so much.

Why have you slaved on these dresses all these years?

Why do you crawl to him?

Why do you lick his boots?

Or maybe that's become a habit .. hmm?

[ Telephone ]

The reason is simple, my pet.

I am an artist.

He appreciates my artistry.

And pays well for it.


Oh, alright, show him up quickly .. yes, quickly.

I hope I'm not too early.

No, Mr Mangin. I'm at your service at any time of the day.

I received your designs. They're quite perfect.

Piranesi probably thought so, when he originally designed them.

I want all these costumes kept in the same style.

Venetian school.

I leave the choice of materials to you, but they must be kept simple.

May I make a few suggestions?

I'm still here you know.

I beg your pardon. I didn't see you.

There was a time when you came to the club ..

When you couldn't look at anyone else.

I wasn't looking at you my dear.

I was merely interested in the play of light on your red hair.

I'm amazed at the vulgarity of an age that can produce such a type as yours.

This fancy-dress ball of yours.

I'm looking forward to it. Afraid only my friends are invited.

Mr Mangin, perhaps you'd care to look at kind of velvet?

Oh Edgar.

I was just trying to explain to Mr Mangin ..

That the costumes might not be ready in time.


Is that also your condition, Orsen?


Sorry, Mr Mangin.

I'll arrange to have the costumes sent for.

[ Musical chimes ]

Who put that on? Must be the young lady, sir.

She asked me not to tell you she'd arrived.

I think she wanted it to be a little surprise for you.

Will you be needing me again tonight, sir?

No, you can go Mortimer. I will see the lady home.

It's good to see you so happy, sir.

Haven't seen you like this since Italy. The day you brought the picture home.

That's ten years ago, Mortimer. A long time.

Yes, it is a long time, sir.

Perhaps this might be the right moment to ask how much longer I've got to ..

Wear these fancy clothes.

I'm getting a little tired of the way the tradespeople keep laughing at me.

Even the girl in the Grocers calls me Mr Pickwick.

You should be honoured Mortimer.

Pickwick was Dickens's favourite character.




Please don't laugh.

You love dancing, don't you.

Well, I've something here that might interest you.

I've arranged a ball specially for you. You'll be able to dance all night long.

I've invited all the most famous and infamous people in London.

But Paul, how wonderful .. for me? How do you know they'll all come?

They'll come alright. If only out of curiosity.

For one night, you and I will be in our proper setting.

Venice - 400 years ago.

Mind your dress. Sorry.

You know the little piece of canal that goes through my grounds?

There it is: the Grand Canal.

The dancing, the ballet. Canale Del Latte.

But a detail will be missing from the age to which you really belong.

That should make you happy Mifanwy.

What have you chosen for me to wear?

I'll tell you about that after dinner.

I don't know what I should do if you were to die.

An odd thing to say ..

I should have nothing left to live for.

Do I mean so much to you, Paul?

One day you'll realize how much.

Still raining?

I'm afraid it is .. and Mortimer isn't back yet.

Paul .. would you think it very '20th Century' ..

If I invited myself for the night?

I'm really awfully tired.

Have you a guest-room?

I have, but I'm afraid I can't supply the chaperone.

I should hate to answer the door to an irate father shouting for my blood.

Daddy is on holiday in Wales.

Good .. I have a horror of bloodshed.

Especially my own.

No-one has been in this room before.

It was waiting for you.

Goodnight Mifanwy.

My name is Veronica.

Won't you come down?

Sit down .. Mifanwy.

You know my name? Oh yes.

I know everything about you.

Naughty, naughty, Duchess.

This time you've given me away.

So whenever I saw the cat ..

You were near. Oh yes.

Many were the times I wished that I could talk to you.

You wondered how I knew your name?

I heard him say it.

It sounds beautiful from his lips.

I don't understand.

Paul told me there was nobody else in the house.

For him, there is no-one.

You will have some tea?

But you had many opportunities of talking to me, when I was alone.

How could I know that he wouldn't suddenly appear?

You know how he can appear quite suddenly from nowhere.

But I can always watch you without his knowing.

I have a way of flitting from room to room and about the corridors.

Like a ghost.


Very often, I thought that you would discover me.

What would happen if Paul were to find out that you had spoken to me?

He would throw me out.

What's he afraid of?

How old do you think I am? The truth now ..

About .. fifty?

That's what he's afraid of.

That you might find out, why a woman of thirty should ..

Look like me.

I'll not listen to you anymore! I don't believe a word of it.

Oh but you must.

You don't want to become like me .. do you?

Listen .. he found me in Italy during the w*r.

I'd lost my home, and my family.

I was very beautiful. He was very rich.

He said.

That I was what he had been searching for.

He promised .. that I should be the mistress of this house.

That I should never want for anything.

That I should have all the clothes and jewels that I wanted to wear.

I did .. every day I was dressed up in them.

He never allowed me go outside the house as he said it would spoil the illusion.

And then ..

He got tired of me.

I was banished below stairs.

You could have run away and left him.

For years, I've been a prisoner in this house.

I didn't know a soul.

Since that time, there's been a long procession of girls.

But I always warn them .. in time.

You think he loves you, don't you?

He loves only himself.

It isn't true .. it isn't true.

Paul didn't force me here.

I came and stayed of my own free will.

Of his will.

He's clever .. he makes you think it is your own will.

He's like a drug. He makes you see life his way.

And you have to go on, as if you stop, you'd find the world so cruel and ugly.

That you would have to go crawling back to him again.

No .. no .. no .. no!

No .. no .. no .. no ..

"Must get out of this house."

"I must change these clothes."

"I must get out." "He's like a drug."

"He makes you see life his way."

"There's been a long procession of .."

"Go crawling back to him again."

Come in, Mifanwy.

You've found out where I work.

Come here and tell me what you think of my designs for the musician's costumes.

I found them in this old book.


Is it true about the other girls?

Did they also have black hair like mine?

Did you dress them up as well?

So Veronica has been talking to you.

So it is true. Everything she told me is true.

You haven't a hold over me.

What are you talking about Mifanwy?

You haven't a hold over me.

You can't make me become like her, or a sl*ve like all the others.

See .. you can't deny anything.

I've seen how she looks.

I thought she was an old woman.

That's why you kept her hidden. Because you made her what she is.

She looked as she does now when Mortimer first found her in the street.

She's a poor creature, with the mind of a child.

Don't lie to me.

You know you found her in Italy.

She doesn't sound mad at all.

She's afraid of you Mifanwy, as a child would be afraid.

Her obsession is, that with you coming here, she will be turned out.

Why should she be afraid of me?

She also warned the others.

There were no others.

I don't believe you.

Aren't I almost a prisoner?

You've done everything you could to keep me away from people.

I was afraid of losing you .. because you are the one I've been waiting for.

Afraid of losing me .. no!

In his untiring quest ..

The well-known connoisseur Paul Mangin ..

Discovered her in a rather expensive curio shop.

Took her home and saw she was the exact shape, colouring and measurements ..

To fit his unique collection of costumes.

But this marionette has got tired of the role, before you got tired of her.

Paul, I don't intend becoming one of those dolls in your cupboards.

I'm getting out of this toyshop. Wait!

Mifanwy .. I've no power to hold you.

What I'm going to tell you may seem puzzling and strange to you.

You may wonder why I haven't told you before.

You're young, and I wanted to be sure that you are ready to accept a miracle.

I don't believe in miracles.

Don't you Mifanwy?

Then what's this?

It's wonderful .. when did you do this of me?

'Portrait Of A Lady'. Attributed to Cristobano Laurie.


I don't understand.

I was in a castle in Italy, after the last w*r.

Wounded, with a shell splinter in my head.

All the times I lay in bed, she looked down at me.

In the nights, I dreamed about her.

She filled my imagination.

After the w*r, I went back to England.

I found no peace and no happiness.

That girl's face haunted me.

She drew me back to Italy.

I had to possess her.

The day I bought her.

An infinite peace and happiness came over me for the first time in my life.

I was determined to find out who she was.

They let me search in the archives at the castle. Then I discovered her name.


Then something very strange happened.

I became conscious of knowing events in her life before I had read about them.

If felt that somehow, somewhere ..

I'd known her before. That mirror in her hand. I felt I'd given it to her myself.

I've always laughed at the idea of reincarnation.

But this had happened to me.

So I was bound to believe it.

By now, I was convinced that I had lived 400 years ago.

That I had been Venetia's lover.

You are Paul Mangin, living here and now.

How could you believe you're that man? Yes, how could I believe?

One part of the puzzle was missing.

That part ..

Was me.

You believe that I'm that girl.

That smile.

It's mocking .. cruel.

Yes, I always hated her smile.

I wonder what she was thinking?

She was cruel .. she was faithless.

I could have changed her.

But she left me.

You speak as if you were really there. As if?

I was there I tell you. I was there!

This time, you won't leave me, Venetia.

No .. I won't leave you.


No, Paul.

I won't leave you.

"It wasn't easy to lie to Paul."

"To leave him."

"But I knew in that moment."

"That if I didn't, I would never be able to."

"It wasn't so much Paul who frightened me."

"But what I knew was happening to me."

"And most of all."

"I wanted to be able .. to laugh again."

[ Laughter ]

[ Laughter ]

So you are happy here, aren't you?

Very happy. I never want to leave.

Mifanwy. Hmm?

Have you ever been in love?

Oh, a thousand times, but never in love.

Both cynical and sad. And true.

Here, move over. You use your wrist more in your cast.

Is that better? No. Dreadful.

Do you think you ever could be?

In love? Yes.

I could be.

But not like the other thousand times?

I'd want it to be different somehow. A thousand and one?

Days and nights.

Heavens! What a country to live in.

No wonder Welshmen are always miners.

It's far better than living above ground.

Still, I wouldn't live anywhere else if you paid me.

Now you run up and change your clothes. I'll get you a hot drink .. here.

Shall I bring your own shoes and socks? They're in the top right-hand drawer.


Any more of this hunting, sh**ting and fishing business and I'll be an expert.

Imbecile woman.

What's the matter darling? Bad news?

Owen, I've got to go back to London.

It will only be for a few days, but I've got to go back.

Disappointing .. even for a few days.

Perhaps it's because of you that I've got to go back.

I can't explain it. It wouldn't make sense.

Nothing you do say makes much sense.

You see .. I could never marry someone.

With the shadow of another man always beside me.

This shadow. You're sure you were right the other day when you said ..

'A thousand times and never in love'.

It's always so difficult to explain, isn't it?

Perhaps I should have said I never .. loved anyone before.

So glad you were able to come. Delighted!

My dear, what we've missed by him hiding himself all these years.

It must have cost him thousands.

I hear that Sir is completely crackers.

I wonder if there is a woman he adores?

Did you hear that Caroline?

He wants to know if Paul has done all this for the woman.

You ought to know, dear Edgar. You made the dress.

Well, it's getting late and I haven't seen it anywhere.

Don't worry, you will.

Even if, according to The Tatler ..

'Mifanwy Conway is spending a quiet holiday in Wales ..'

'With the ever so eligible mister Owen Rhys.'

'The distinguished explorer.'

Somehow, I doubt if Paul Mangin reads The Tatler.

Then, don't think dear Edgar, that someone should tell him?

Hello Paul.

Looking for someone?

You are looking nice my sister, Lucrezia Borgia.

Is that intended as a compliment?

Just as you like. She's as handsome as you are Caroline, and just as dangerous.

And what do I do to live up to her reputation?

Start out by poisoning a dozen lovers or so.

Lead me to the bar, I'll start at once.

I'm afraid you'll have to look elsewhere for your first victim.

I knew you would come.

Good evening Miss Conway. What a lovely costume, Mortimer.

Yes, I'm afraid I make more noise than a ruddy fire-engine.

Begging your pardon, Miss.

I would have one of those if I were you. I never take it, sir.

[ Man singing: ]

"Black .. black .. black .. is the colour of my true love's hair."

"Her lips are something wondrous fair."

"The purest eyes and the daintiest hands."

"I love the grass whereon she stands."

"I grow too troublesome."

"To mourn, to weep."

"But satisfied, I ne'er can sleep."

"I'll write her a letter in a few little lines."

"I'll suffer death a thousand times."

Well, that's all I have to show you.

You've given them something they'll never forget, Paul.

Until some bright, young thing comes and shows them something even more amazing.

But you'll remember, won't you? Yes.

I'll remember.

It's getting rather cold. Let's go inside.

Stop Paul. Stop!

Well .. it's all over.

Not for us.

Give me your hand. Whatever for?

It's an engagement ring.

You don't like it?

How very amusing.

It's awfully .. cute.

It's just like hers. Don't you see?

Just like hers.

Oh for goodness sake Paul. Stop this nonsense.

This bringing of something of the present back into the past.

Or the past back into the present. Whichever way you put it.

It's becoming a bit of a bore.

Have you got a cigarette? I'm absolutely panting for one.

Oh I'm forgetting. We don't smoke, do we.

What's the matter with you? Nothing.

It's just that I have the courage to tell you the truth at last.

You set out to charm me, as you put it.

Well, you succeeded.

I was attracted to you.

I like dressing up. What woman doesn't?

I was in the mood, it was a novelty.

You played up to my vanity.

Yes of course.

It was my vanity which made me take part in all this madness.

But when you showed me the picture of this woman, and told me that I was her.

Then things became a bit too complicated, Paul.

So I went away for a rest cure.

Why did you come here tonight?

Curiosity .. that was all.

I don't believe it. You came because you had to .. because I was here.

You came because we can't live apart from each other.

I'm sorry .. but really.

Just because you're dressed up as a Borgia, doesn't make me Venetia.

Look. Ours was a very charming, unique affair.

That was all.

I never intended anything serious.

I love someone else.

I'm going to marry him.

So, you laughed when I told you my story.

You thought it was very funny.

She laughed too.

I should have known that four centuries cannot change a woman's soul.

A pity Mifanwy that you inherited not only her beautiful body.

But also her worthless heart.

Alright Paul.

I'm Venetia .. heart and all.

Didn't you say she went off with another man?


We've both completed the full cycle of our destinies.

Not quite.

I didn't tell you the end of her story.

As I hoped yours might be different.

But it's not going to be Mifanwy.

It's not going to be.

You see, he loved her hair.

It was so dark and mysterious.

He strangled her with it.

Do I still make you laugh, Mifanwy?

Do I still make you laugh, Mifanwy?



[ Hysterical laughter ]

[ Hysterical laughter ]

Oh darling, don't look so disappointed.

Aren't you glad to see me? Why haven't you gone home?

Yes, I know. I'm completely plastered.

In fact .. I nearly passed right out.

Oh, don't let that little society bitch get you down.

I love you .. do you hear?

You've always treated me like dirt.

Well I am a tramp.

But I like it.

Don't look at her, look at me!

You've never said a kind word to me.

You despise me.

I suppose you think I'm not good enough for you?

[ Man singing: ]

"Black, black is the colour of my true love's hair."

"Her lips are something wondrous fair."






Mortimer has come back.

There are two gentlemen with him.

Caroline Hart has been m*rder*d.

Why did you do it, Mr Mangin?

Why did you do it, Mr Mangin?


Can you tell the gentlemen I'll be ready in 5 minutes for them to take me away.

Yes, Mr Mangin.

Only five minutes, Miss.

Why have you come?

Let me tell them. There's nothing to tell.

Yes there is.

About you .. and me .. and Venetia.

That must never be told.

It would help to save you.

From what? The lunatic asylum?

Can you imagine me in a padded cell?

I, who've always surrounded myself with beautiful things.

Jewels .. pictures.

The sound of music.

The touch of a woman's hair.

Sorry, not quite the most tactful thing to have mentioned.

Don't you want to live?

Do you love me, Mifanwy?

No ..

Then there's no need for me to defend myself.

You see, before I was searching for someone.

I know I must have seemed mad and frightening to you.

But have you ever thought that everyone, from the very minute he's born.

Is searching for something.

Most people die without even knowing what it is.

I knew .. so I'm one of the lucky ones.

But .. Paul ..

All sorts of people before me have tried to live outside their time.

Quite futile.

There is a time to be born.

And a time to die.

So please don't spoil the exit I have chosen for myself.

You ought to know .. I always had a liking for dramatic effects.

Goodbye, Paul. Au revoir, Venetia.

Bring up Paul Mangin.

Paul Mangin, you are charged that on the night of September 3rd 1938 ..

You wilfully m*rder*d Caroline Hart.

Under this indictment, what do you plead?

Guilty My Lord.

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes.

My Lords the King's Justices do strictly charge and command all persons ..

To keep silence while sentence of death is passing on the prisoner at the bar ..

On pain of imprisonment.

God save the King.

The sentence of the court is that you be taken from here to a lawful prison.

And hence to a place of execution.

To there be hanged by the neck until you be dead.

And your body be afterwards buried within the precincts of the prison.

In which you have been confined before your execution.

May the Lord have mercy upon your soul.


Paul Mangin.

The 'Masked-ball m*rder*r'.

Strangled Caroline Hart with her own hair.

ex*cuted October ..

Oh yes, I remember reading about that in the News Of The World.

Good afternoon Miss.


Not quite as we knew him, is it?

So it was you who sent the telegram?

Yes, Miss .. uh Madam.

You see, I discovered Veronica had found your address and was writing those ..

Threatening letters you've been getting.


Madam, do you believe he did it?


Not always.


Why should Veronica now wish to blackmail me?

That was why I sent for you.

Veronica's always been a little q*eer, Madam.

She was like that when I found her and brought her home.

From Italy?

Oh no. That was her story.

He realized that she was mad and it wasn't safe for her to be out alone.

But lately she's got worse.

She is mad .. dangerously mad.

I sent you the telegram as I was afraid you might take action against Veronica.

The poor Master's name would be dragged through the mud again.

Oh Madam .. I wanted to implore you not to do that.

Because I am .. having Veronica put away.

Yes, I'm having her put away.

He never wished that but ..

Every evening, just as it's getting dark she disappears.

A few days ago, I followed her here.

Always at the same time.

Just as this place is going to close.

She wanted to have a few words with him alone.

Come along ladies and gentlemen.

There she is now.

Hurry along, ladies and gentlemen.

We're closing down.

Hurry along please.

Hurry along please.

I'm late, Paul.

We haven't much time.

That old fool, he will keep spying on me.

He pretends she's not in the house.

But I know she is there.

I hear her every night. Laughing and dancing in the corridor.

I hear the music-box playing.

Last night ..

I went after her.

But she fled and hid in the guest-room.

She knows I'm frightened of going there.

But one night.

I won't be.

I couldn't see the last time.

It was too dark.

I couldn't see if she had red hair.

It was the one with the black hair I wanted.

She's here, Paul.

The one with the black hair.

She still uses the same scent.

Why did you let him die, Veronica?

So that you couldn't have him.

Where are you?

You won't find me Veronica.

You won't be writing any more letters to me.

Yes, get to know those faces Veronica.

Soon, yours will be one of them.

Look at your own handiwork.

You say you loved him.

But you've turned him into an effigy of horror and wax.

No good running away, Veronica.

No good running away.



Don't look Miss .. turn away.

You go now, Miss. I'll see to everything.

Mortimer I .. Please, Miss.

The Master would wish it.

Alright, Mortimer.

Come along ladies and gentlemen. All out please.

Thank you, Mortimer.

Hello mummy! Mummy! Hello.

What have you got for us?

Hello. What's in the box?

Hello darlings, darlings.

I've got lots of presents for you .. of course I have.

Well, how did you get on?

I had a very busy time, darling.

I spent much more than I ought to have done.

I bought you a new dressing gown to match mine. - Thank you.

How have the children been? Good?

How's the garden? The tulips out yet?

Well darling, you haven't been away a year you know.

I went into Madame Tussauds. Really?

You know.

They've got Paul Mangin there.

The man who strangled a woman with her hair.

Funny you should mention that.

There was a thing about him in the paper this morning.

He didn't do it at all.

His old housekeeper confessed just before she died.

She'd thrown herself in front of a lorry or something.

You're lucky to have seen him. l expect they'll take him out of Tussauds now.

They will?

He must have been a very attractive person.

Didn't you think so, Mifanwy?