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02x06 - Lie, Cheat, Steal, k*ll

Posted: 01/23/21 07:56
by bunniefuu
You've taken the romance to an 11 here, Mr. Magnum.

What's the occasion?

Just wanted to say how much I...

How much...

Guys, really?

Are we really gonna do this all night?

You were saying?

How much I've enjoyed these last couple months together.

Yeah, I mean, it has been pretty great.


And I have a feeling it's just gonna get better.

Where is he?

You got this, brother.

So you wanted to meet?


You've been stealing my clients, Kamekona.


Steal your clients?

I've been doing these helicopter tour way before you came to this rock.

The way I look at it, they're my clients and you took them from me.

You're making plenty of paper.

I mean, you got your shrimp truck, booze cruises, shave ice, that Italian joint those guys from 5-O sold you.

What about you?

You got this bar.

You partnered in it with Rick, I hear.

Yeah, but I'm losing money on this, - I'm not making any money here.

- Hey!

I heard that.

That's hurtful.

Hey, it's true.

Look, both me and Rick are hurting.

Making a better Mai tai might help.

That's hurtful, too.

Look, if it were just me, I might be willing to let this go, but I got an employee to keep on.

I'm thinking of him, too.

You're a good friend.


I can respect that.

Maybe we can split the business.

Any overflow come either of our way, we'll let the other have it.

That's what I'm talking about.


Not done.

One day, I will come to you and I'm gonna ask you for a favor, and you're not gonna refuse me.

We clear?


I'm not gonna refuse you.

All right.

All right, Kame.

Morning, Magnum.

- Good morning.

- Did I wake you?


I hope it's important.

You know I'm on a date, right?

I thought that was last night.

It's one of those dates that just keeps going and going and going long into the morning.

Thanks for sharing, kid.

Back in my day, we used to keep that kind of thing to ourselves.

It was called being discreet.

Well, you know, discretion isn't exactly Magnum's strong suit.

- How you doing, Harry?

- Good to see you, Thomas.

What do you need?

I got a little case I want to pass off to you.

I got a little medical matter I need to attend to.

Everything okay?

I got a prostate the size of an orange, so I guess not, but...

Anyway, I got to go under the knife.

I guess the way they cut away at this thing is they run a rod up your urethra.

48 hours.

- In and out.

- Okay, now who's oversharing?

You asked.

Let's change the subject, shall we?

Uh, who's the client on this job?

Defense Attorney Abigail Miller.

- Abby Miller?

- Why, you know her?

She and Magnum are currently dating.


Good for you, kid.

Gal seems to have it all: brains, beauty.

Listen, no offense to Harry, Magnum, but why would Abby hire him and not just come to you?

I'm sure it's a long-standing case.

Just got hired two days ago.

Okay, well, you probably worked together.

It's a question of loyalty.

Actually, I never met her before.

I don't mean to pry or anything, but is-is everything okay between the two of you?

Everything's fine.

At least I thought it was.

Well, as much as I enjoy discussing your love life, this job is kind of time-sensitive.

So I need someone to take over now.

So you in or you out?

How do you feel about leftover steak with eggs?

Sounds great.

Hey, uh, why would you ask Harry Brown to work a case when you could've just come to me?

How did you hear about that?

He had something come up and asked if we would cover for him.


I don't think it's a good idea to mix personal with professional.

Things can get messy.

And our relationship is too important to me.

Okay, I-I-I get that, but, uh, Higgins and I already agreed to take the case.

I really wish you hadn't.

Harry said you needed the job done fast, and who else is gonna be able to work the case on such short notice and with as much dedication as I would?

- Probably no one.

- Right.

We're professionals, okay?

We can keep our personal and professional lives separate.

In the interest of time, okay, I guess I can try to make it work.

I'll go get changed and, uh, catch you guys up.

So I recently defended local English professor and novelist Neal Conlan in a m*rder trial.

He was charged with k*lling his teaching assistant, Tabitha Hall.

I remember hearing about it on the news.

Uh, prosecution argued it was a love affair gone bad.


Witnesses testified their relationship was unusually close.

They spent a lot of time together outside the classroom, including off campus.

Weren't there e-mails that showed he was upset when Tabitha got involved with a new boyfriend?

Yes, but I argued that he was just frustrated that her relationship was interfering with her T.A. duties.

Although, it didn't help our case that he was the last person to see her alive.

They worked together the weekend she disappeared.

I remember when HPD found her car abandoned by the beach.

There was blood all over it... her blood.

Sounds like the prosecution had a decent case.

Yes, but it was hard to prove because they never found Tabitha's body.

Plus, there were plenty of other suspects with motives and means to k*ll her: the jealous boyfriend, roommate who owed her money, rival teaching assistants.

Long list.

And that's what led to the hung jury.

That doesn't mean that the P.A. won't retry Conlan, but if I could find Tabitha's body, it could implicate one of these other suspects, and finally prove that my client had nothing to do with the m*rder.

So the job is to find her corpse?


Thomas, is there a problem?

No, no.

We got this.

What's wrong?

What makes you think anything's wrong?

Silence isn't like you and it's... dare I say it...

it's kind of worrying.

I guess this job just doesn't make sense.

It makes perfect sense.

Keeping your personal life separate from your professional one is a good policy.

No, that's not what I mean.

If we locate Tabitha's body, the cops could find forensic evidence that would implicate Conlan.

Now, Abby's a good lawyer.

Why risk it?

Perhaps because she's just convinced of her client's innocence.

Can't talk about the Conlan case.

We're working with the defense, so whatever you have, - we are entitled to it.

- Thanks, Magnum.

I know the rules pertaining to the discovery process.

Great, so it's time to share.

Okay, look, you didn't hear this from me, but there's nothing to share because there is no case.

I thought Mr. Conlan's m*rder trial result in a hung jury?

Yeah, but the prosecution's not retrying it.

Did someone tell his lawyer?

Well, I assume she was there when the prosecutor told the judge in chambers.

Apparently the P.A.

doesn't think he has enough evidence to convict Conlan.

Plans to announce it publicly in a day or two.

We done?

Thank you, Detective.


Why does Abby want us to find a body for a m*rder trial that isn't happening?

I told you something was off.

Abby, so what's really going on here?


During the trial, I really thought that Conlan was innocent, but after the hung jury, he published this.

His second novel, Strange Desire.

It's a dark coming-of-age story about a young woman who is eerily similar to Tabitha with intimate details that only somebody who had had a personal relationship with her would know.

I mean, things I uncovered that never came up in court, that the prosecution and everybody else was not privy to.

- Like what?

- Like...

Tabitha's favorite perfume, uh, playlists, what she slept in.

Look, the novel appears to reveal a psychopathic obsession with her.

I've been a criminal defense attorney a long time.

I've spent hundreds of hours with Conlan, and now every fiber in my being tells me that he m*rder*d this girl and that her body's out there and may never be found.

And because of me, this animal will walk the streets.

You're not trying to find Tabitha's body to defend Conlan...

You want to bury the bastard.

Why weren't you straight with me from the start?

Because what I'm doing violates every oath I've ever taken as a lawyer.

Betraying my client's trust, revealing confidential information, being disloyal.

But it's the right thing to do.

Morally, but not legally, or ethically.

I could get disbarred for this.

And anybody who helps me could also pay a price.

I would never want to put you or Higgins in that type of compromising position.

Yeah, that's not what matters to me, or Higgins.

Look, we could take the lead on this.

You don't have to risk your license.

- I can't ask you to do that.

- You're not.

We want to.

You know, my whole career, I've always identified with my clients.

The innocent, the wrongfully accused.

Maybe I was just convincing myself that they were being treated unfairly so that I could do the job.

Let's get this guy.

From these reports, it appears that HPD were quite thorough in their search for Tabitha.

I mean, they spent weeks scouring every place she frequented and where she was last seen.

And yet they turned up nothing.

It's possible that they missed something.

Some kind of clue.

What about you, Abby?

Anything in your notes?

You spent a lot of time with Conlan.

No, he was careful not to provide any leads about where she might be.

What if we're going about this the wrong way, looking through files and notes for leads?

If we want to find her body, we should get Conlan to lead us to it.

By making him think he has a reason to go to it.

- That's brilliant.

- What'd you say I was again?

I didn't mean you were brilliant, I meant the idea.

You know how to do it, right?

Yeah, we give him a good scare.


I had no idea you were coming by.

Sorry I didn't call ahead.

I needed to see you right away.

Um, look, the P.A. is thinking of retrying your case.

But you said he wasn't.

That was before they had a lead on Tabitha's body.

My source at HPD says a tip came in and the police could be close to finding her.

That's good, isn't it?


I mean, they could find evidence that clears me once and for all, right?


Either way, you need to be prepared.

We could have to go through this whole process all over again.

Well, I am innocent and I have the best lawyer on the island, so I'm not worried.


Listen, I will let you know if I hear anything else.

Thank you, Abby, thank you.

- Nice to see you.

- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.

- You, too.

Did he buy it?

Hope so.

Do you really think this will work?

If he's worried enough, he'll want to check the location where he buried Tabitha.


Just don't lose him.

Oh, we won't.

Also, try not to get made.

You are driving a yellow Lamborghini, after all.

Yeah, that's why I went with the SUV.

Okay, it doesn't stick out as much as the sports model, but it is still pretty noticeable, Magnum.

This is a good place for a body dump.

What's he doing?

If he thinks HPD is headed this way, maybe he brought a shovel to move the body.

Unless he suddenly got an urge to do an aerial tour of the island.

Bet he's using that drone to see if the location's been disturbed.


- Magnum, we can't lose it.

- I won't.

Trust me.

- Turn right, turn right.

- I got it.

Now go left, left, left, left, left, left, left, left.

We're gonna run out of road.

What're you doing?

Calling for help.

Hey, Higg.

What's up?

I'm a little busy here.

TC, I don't have time to explain.

We need you to track a drone that is flying near Manoa Falls.

Tell Thomas I'm working.

- Later.

- No, no, no.

TC, TC, this is really important.

It's about a m*rder*d girl.



I'll be right there.

Okay, folks, there's been a change of plans.

I heard about a beautiful rainbow about two miles from here.

Hang on.

Okay, turn here.

Where's TC?


TC, the drone is nearing the falls.

All right, I'm almost there.

Can you see it, TC?

Okay, I got eyes on.

It appears to be hovering over a clearing near the falls.

Maybe that's where he buried the body.

There's only one way to find out.

I'm pretty sure this is where it was hovering.

- Anybody got any Band-Aids?

- Band-Aids?

Yeah, there's blisters all over my feet.

I wore the wrong shoes.

I wish somebody would've told me this is what we were doing.

My feet are toast.

I'm about to have a damn heatstroke.

You'll live.

Okay, I see a couple of spots without a lot of tree roots and rocks.

Over there...

and over by the Kali grass.

Good places to bury a body.


We'll take one each.

TC, you come with me.

Let's do it.

Man, did you bring anything to eat?

Ate before I came.

I wish somebody would've told me that.

I really do.

You think anyone's ever died from eating a shoe?

Hey, Rick.

Rick, listen.


Hang on.

Yup, out here.

That's an oil drum.

Yeah, looks like it.

Let's get the lid off.



We got a body over here!

We found a body.

Oh, God.

So did we.

We confirmed one of the bodies is Tabitha Hall.

The other's a Jane Doe.

Her prints and DNA weren't in the system.

But the M.E. determined that she was k*lled five years ago.

Any evidence tying the bodies to Conlan?


Your guy was careful.

We're working on tracing the sale of the drums, but you can get them at a lot of places.

But Conlan's drone lead us to the bodies.

Surely, that's enough to retry him.

I thought you were working with Abby on this.

Now you want Conlan retried?

We were just wondering if the P.A. could use how the bodies were found against him.

Drones fly over that area all the time, so it can be explained away at trial.

Bottom line: the prosecutor won't retry Conlan without an airtight case, and we still don't have one.

You need to eat, Juliet.

And sleep.

Now that the case is reopened, there's no need to rush it.

I tried, but I couldn't help myself.

I've been up all night looking into Conlan's past.

Looking for clues about Jane Doe's identity?


I've been searching through his social media, trying to find some connection to any missing women, like university students or staff.

If I can link him to our Jane Doe's m*rder, I can link him to Tabitha's.

Did you turn up anything?

Just that Conlan went from an ordinary English professor to a celebrated author practically overnight with his first book, uh, Night Song.

It was so incredibly popular that they gave him a huge advance to write the second one, which is the novel he wrote about Tabitha.

Poor girls.

Buried and forgotten.

Not forgotten.

Hey, Kumu.

Something's wrong with that bacon.

It's vegan.

Mystery solved.

You look bleary-eyed.

Were you up all night as well?


Up all night reading.

Night Song.

Cover to cover.

I figured if Conlan wrote about Tabitha in his last book, maybe he wrote about his first victim in his first book.

Which, by the way, came out after Jane Doe was k*lled.

It's a dark story about this young woman who, uh, plays the clarinet and loves the Seattle Seahawks.

I wonder if any of that lines up with any additional information HPD has about our Jane Doe.

I don't know.

But I'll find out.

Sorry, but I can't discuss what I found out about Jane Doe.

Not even for a two-for-one La Mariana drink coupon?

This is handwritten.

And you misspelled "coupon." Don't worry about it.

Rick knows my writing.

He'll still honor it.

Mr. Magnum, as an official employee of the medical examiner's office, I am prohibited from accepting gifts.

He's right behind me, isn't he?

Now that we discovered the bodies and reopened the investigation, we can't share anything more with you.

Hold on.

We discovered the bodies and told you about them.

Look, we're both looking for the truth here.

Dr. Cunha, did your exam reveal anything else?

Uh, not much other than the approximate age she was when she was k*lled, which was around 18.

Also, there is a small Seattle Seahawks tattoo on her right ankle.

- That's just like Zoey Taylor.

- Who?

It's the main character from Conlan's first novel.

- Is there a connection?

- There could be.

I'm assuming you did a facial reconstruction of her so we can see what she looked like?

This is based off of craniofacial measurements, so it's not an exact image.

I ran it through our databases, but no hits.

Magnum, you find out anything else, you let me know.

Don't I always?

Does KATSUMOTO know that I'm hacking the university where Conlan teaches?

I'm sure he's counting on it.

If we can match this image to one of the photos in the student ID system, we can help identify Jane Doe, and if she was enrolled here five years ago, we can connect her to Conlan.

So I'm searching for female students with home addresses in the Northwest of the United States because that's where the main character in his first novel is from.

Wendy Mills from... Oregon.

Makes sense if she was a fan of the Seahawks.

She, uh, majored in English and minored in music.

One of her professors was Conlan.

Intro to Creative Writing.

It says here that she didn't return to school after her first semester.

I wonder if I Google Wendy, I can find out more about her.

Memorial page.

People think she's dead.

She hasn't been seen in five years.

She's our Jane Doe.

Ms. Mills, are you aware of any connection between Wendy and a professor named Neal Conlan?

I never heard of him, but...

my daughter didn't share much, even before she left home.

She was always alone, writing.

Journals and short stories.

Even a novel.

She was very good.

She left printouts of her writing if you'd like to see then.


"I walk a lonely street.

"Car horns blare, a plane flies over "and dogs...

bark in t-tempo." What is it?

The writing is almost identical to the writing in Conlan's first novel.


Let me see.

Five years ago, Conlan goes from obscure professor to famous novelist overnight by publishing - a coming-of-age story...

- That he didn't write.

We were wrong about his motive.

It wasn't about his relationship with these girls.

If they were both unknown authors with unpublished novels...

Conlan k*lled them so that he could steal their stories and publish them as his own.

The writing similarities between Wendy and Conlan are significant.

But still not enough to convict him.

All you have is a sample of Wendy's book.

Not the entire thing.

And I'm sure he erased whatever trail connected them, so all we have is conjecture, no hard evidence.


Are you saying you want Conlan caught now?

Aren't you supposed to be defending him?

Uh, let's just say I've had a change of heart.

Well, that's nice to hear.

Unfortunately, though, you're right.

We still have no proof.

But Conlan doesn't know that.

What if we make him think that, uh, Wendy's mother has information that could implicate him?

If he makes a move on her, he'll show himself to be the k*ller he is.

He did act when Abby fed him that false information about the body, and we know he's m*rder*d before.

You're pitching we nail him with a sting operation that uses Wendy's grieving mom as bait, hoping he'll try to k*ll her?

That is your plan.

We don't have to use her actual mother.

I could pretend to be her.

Look, I appreciate the offer, but...

you're a little young to be Wendy's mom.

Then use me.

I'm about the right age, the right ethnicity.

And I'm up to speed on all the details of the case.

How many female undercover officers do you have who could check all those boxes?

Look, I'm not using a civilian for this.

What choice do you have?

Are you gonna wait for hard evidence to magically appear?

This bastard could m*rder again.

And I met Wendy's mom.

The pain of losing a child with no justice.

We need to get justice for these girls.

Let me do this.

I'm sure you heard about the bodies.

Made national news.


I feel awful for Tabitha and, uh, whoever that other girl was.

Have the police identified her?

They're not saying.

But I got a call from a woman who claims to have information about the case.

What's weird is that she's from Oregon.


Yeah, that is weird.

She suggested she wants money.

Given that you've been accused of the crime, she...

well, probably made something up to try to make a buck off of you.

Her name is, um...

Claire Mills?

Doesn't ring a bell.

I have her Facebook profile photo.

Let's see.

Yeah, no, I don't know her.


I mean, I didn't think so.

She flew in.

She wants to meet me today at noon at the Kailua Plaza Hotel.

Did she say what she had?

Uh, she just said documents.

Frankly, I'm glad she came, because this way, I can tell her in person to get lost.

Please do that.

Still no sign of Conlan?

- No, not yet.

- What if he knows we're watching?

There are undercover officers all over this place.

Trust me, our guys know how to stay out of sight.

There's also a chance Conlan thinks it's too risky to go after Claire Mills.

Maybe I should walk through the hotel.

If Conlan is scoping it out and sees me, he might try something.

Absolutely not.

You stay put.

We've got your room covered.

I'm not putting you in any unnecessary danger.

Kumu, what's going on?

- It's the fire alarm.

- Please exit the hotel immediately.

Proceed to the nearest stairwell.

Do not use the elevator.

This is not a drill.

Kumu, go to your protection detail in the next room.

- Stay with them.

- Okay.

Garcia, Makani, she's coming to you.


Say again.


They can't hear you.

Garcia, she's coming to you!

- This way, please.

- I-I have to...

- Ma'am, please, this is not a drill.

- I have to be...

- We need to evacuate the building.

- I...


Let's go, ma'am.

Keep it moving.

She's headed into the stairwell.

Guys, get to the lobby right now.

I don't see her.


They're sending everyone this way.

It's this way.

Conlan must have pulled the fire alarm to draw her out.

He's got Kumu.

- Get a BOLO out on Neal Conlan.

- Yes, sir.

This whole area's a blind spot.

We got to check traffic cameras, see if we can get a car leaving the alley.

- I got guys pulling footage.

- The fact that Conlan didn't k*ll Kumu here at the hotel must mean that he believes that she is Claire Mills.

And he needs to keep her alive in order to find out what she has on him.

She doesn't have anything.

No, I think Higgins is right.

As long as Kumu maintains her cover and makes him think she does, he's not gonna k*ll her.

In case you were wondering, that's chloroform wearing off, Ms. Mills.

As long as you answer my questions, we won't be needing this.

Now, I understand you have some information about me that you want to sell.

Yes, I do.

So what is it?


wrote letters to me about you.

What exactly did she write?

She said you were interested in the book she was writing.

Then I found the outline to her novel.

It's like the story in your book.

Where are the letters and the outline?

Where... are they?

My nephew Tom has them.

He came with me.

I can get him to bring them to you.


please don't sh**t me.

I don't see Conlan or his car.



It's Aunt Claire.

It's Kumu.

Hello, Aunt Claire.

Where are you?

Wa'ahila Ridge.

I-I just needed to be alone for a bit.

Can you bring the letters Wendy wrote to me?

And her book outline, too?

Yeah, I can...

I can do that.

You okay?


Just hurry.

Take the trail up.

I'm mobilizing a SWAT unit.

Hold on.

I could deliver the stuff to Conlan.

There's no way I'm handing him another hostage.

I was a Navy SEAL.

This guy's a fake novelist.

Who's k*lled two women.

And there is less likely to be a third with Magnum there.

If Conlan sees your SWAT team, he'll k*ll Kumu.

At least Magnum can distract him long enough for you to get your team in place.

Get Magnum some Kevlar.

You're not going in there without some protection.

And a wire.

Look, this guy's going to prison, regardless.

Maybe we can get this son of a bitch on tape admitting what he did.

Close enough.



take it easy.

I have a shot.

Wait, not yet.

What do you mean?

We have a shot.

Just give Magnum a minute.

He'll get Conlan to admit what he did.

- How do you know that?

- Because I know Magnum.

Detective, if Juliet thinks Thomas can do it, I do, too.

She knows him best.

Tell your sn*per to hold.

Hold your fire.

I want the letters and the outline.

Come on!

Toss 'em over!

Okay, okay, but...

I need to know what happened to Wendy.

I swear that I will k*ll her.

You're probably gonna k*ll us both either way.

But first I need to know...

what happened to Wendy.


Did she suffer?


Why'd you do it?

She had something I wanted, okay?

Come on!


I have a shot.



- Are you okay?

- Yeah.

You okay?

You did good, Kumu.

- Yeah, I did.

- You did really good.

Hey, buddy.


How you doing?

How'd your surgery go?

They said it went good.

But call me tomorrow morning, ask me how many times I had to get up and take a leak in the middle of the night...


Getting old is not fun.

Yeah, you got no idea.

What are you, about 40?

Something like that.

You enjoy your youth, Thomas.

- It goes quick.

- Yes, sir.

So, how's the case going?

Oh, the case.


the case is over.


Good result?

I think, considering the circumstances, it...

went as well as it possibly could have.

I'll tell you what, I'll let you buy me a beer, and tell you all about it.

You got a deal.

- Thanks for the pickup, buddy.

- No problem.

♪ Well, I open up my eyes ♪

♪ To a beautiful sunrise ♪

♪ Love is all I feel ♪

♪ Inside ♪

♪ Looks like I ♪

♪ Woke up late ♪

♪ Can you tell me, is it fate? ♪

♪ That you were with me... ♪

So we good now that we did you that favor?

What favor?

Letting your cousin play on stage.

That's not a favor.

I just asked you if my cousin could play here, and TC said yes.

Don't worry, I'll let you know when I got that favor to ask.

Want to say I'm surprised, Kame, but nothing surprises me with you, pal.

I like it.

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Yes, I've fallen, fallen ♪

♪ Head over heels ♪

Harry, can I get you another Mai tai?

Well, I really shouldn't be drinking so soon after surgery, but...

who the heck am I kiddin'?

Fill 'er up, and don't stop unless I try to get up on stage and sing.

You sure?

I hear your cover of "Toxic" is pretty damn good.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Saved you a spot.

♪ Don't wake me, please ♪ What's wrong?


the state bar heard about what I did and revoked my law license.


I mean, because of you a k*ller's gonna spend the rest of his life in prison, and...

the families of two victims are gonna have some kind of closure.

Doesn't really factor in.

Well, what are you gonna do?

I am going to start a pro Bono law center, so that I can help people who really need it.

That's great.

But, um...

I'm gonna do it on the mainland.

♪ I've fallen, fallen... ♪

You're moving?

Well, I don't really have a choice.

I can't practice here.

Well, that's fine.

I mean, we'll just figure out...


We can't.

What are you...?

I'm not sure that I'm the girl for you, Thomas.

What do you mean?

What we've had has been great, but I don't know that it can go beyond that.

- Aw, come on, Abby...

- I've given this a lot of thought.

And I think that there might be somebody else out there who is better suited for you.

Somebody who knows you in a way that...

nobody else ever will.

Trust me.

You'll see.

Goodbye, Thomas.

She ain't stayin'?

No, she had something to take care of.

So, what are we drinking?

What do you got?

I'll put it on your tab.

Arr, rum's my drink.

I can't afford to drink in my own bar.