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03x09 - Codependence

Posted: 01/22/21 11:48
by bunniefuu
You've been stealing $ million
from me and Chet.

Probably shouldn't have
put it all in an e-mail, Gary.

But I own your ass now.

GARY: You want the Emmy.
What do you want?

Quinn's head.

This is an opportunity.

We are gonna take Gary down.

Is that Fiona? God!

I'm selling a VR company I was running.

Chet has put me in charge
of this fund-raising dinner.

It's the Chet Wilson Center
for Reality Television Studies.


It's just easier, Quinn.

You really are kind of a mess.

I'm not your patient anymore.

I'm not even your child.

I'm never coming back here.

George, what are you doing here?

You know, I heard what you were
saying about our relationship.

It really wasn't that special.

- Madison, what did you do?


You're one of the smartest
people I've ever met.

Hey. Whoa, whoa. What are you doing?

What does it look like I'm doing?

No, this is totally inappropriate.




You got a second?















Come in.

Hey, so, I guess our sessions are over

since I tried to bone you
and you're not interested,

so, bye.

Rachel, stop.

Come on in. Take a seat.

I'm actually really glad you're here.


What happened last night
is extremely common.

This works involves a lot
of trust and vulnerability,

and those emotions can
be overwhelming and confusing.

So, I'm basically a horny toddler?

Do you want me to take a timeout
and think about what I did?

All I'm saying is,
especially with your history,

- it's not surprising.
- My history.

It seems like the people
you become intimate with,

you tend to sexualize
your relationships.

Well, I haven't had sex
for like nine months...

Uh, hadn't had sex.

Your loss.

- I have options.
- I have no doubt.

But the sex isn't the problem.

It's using sex
to run away from intimacy.

It's hard for you
to let people get close.


No way.

I have plenty of intimate relationships.




Have you spent time with him
outside of work?


Uh, Serena.

Listen, I actually care
about what happens to her.

I am trying to help her
get what she wants.

Told her a lot of things about my life.

We are friends.

You've known her for, what,
like, six weeks?

I've known her eight weeks.

- She's a contestant.
- That's not the point.

The point is how I feel.

You're just way off base
about me and intimacy, dude.



To take down Gary, we have to figure out

what we're gonna do with his e-mails.

We've got to expose him
for embezzlement.

The question is how.

I want public shame.

Abject humiliation.

You know, I want to watch that man

weep into his $ tie,
pleading for mercy.

Total annihilation. I like it.



Oh, my God. I can't believe
the fundraiser is tonight.

I know you guys are used to it.

It's just, it's so much pressure.

There's gonna be so many
important people here.

All that press.

I just want it to be so perfect.

It will be perfect.

Well, maybe not for Gary.



- I'm gonna keep going.
- Okay.

- Okay.
- Bye.



DAN: Hey, Rach, we're resetting.

We're gonna need Serena's
sweat lodge ready in .

Yes. I am on it.
Hey, I have a question for you.

- Yeah?
- We're friends, right?

We've known each other, like,
what is it, four years?

Yeah. Four years?

Yeah, and we've, like,
been in the trenches together.

I mean, you know,
time invested, that's a thing.

Uh, yeah.

I... Actually, I wanted to tell you,

after what happened with your dad,

that I had to put my dad
in a home a few years back.

Had dementia.

Anyways, I just wanted to tell you

that as much as they're all
sick and stuff,

that they still love you.

That's it. That's all I wanted to say.

- Dan.
- Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah, no problem.

I, um... I do have to...

I think that was...
that was just really intimate.

Cool. Just gonna... Yep. Okay. Um...

All right, so, today's a new day.

How you feeling?

Oh, like I completely blew it

when I temporarily became
a crazy person.


I mean, I know that I have August.

What was that?

Well, I, uh, I kind of might have

definitely slept with August last night.

- Really?
- Yeah.

It came out of having
a crazy, awful day.

Just needed something
to make myself feel better.

Great. Like, I'm all for
making yourself feel better.

What was that?


I may have had a pretty shit day
myself yesterday.


I'm definitely feeling better
since I slept with Alexi.



Oh, you know, it's really nice
to have a single friend again.

None of my married friends will take

my boy-disaster calls anymore.

I'm telling you, you do not
have a boy disaster.

It's crazy that you're even saying that.

Owen and Jasper wouldn't even
look me in the eye last night.

You have not lost them.

Listen, I helped you yesterday
with Jasper.

I'm gonna fix it again today with Owen.

Don't even worry about it.

I'm telling you that August,

he's not your only option.


You have mad skills.

You know that, right?

I mean, they could be put to better use.

No offense to "Everlasting."

No, no. All offense to "Everlasting."

I'm serious. You should get out of here.

Come work for me.

Really, your CIA mind-game tricks,

I mean, that is valuable.

You make people do what you want.

- Can I get one? Thanks.
- Sure.

And then you make them think
it was their idea.

That's skills.

- I don't know.
- Seriously.

I'll double your salary.
I'll get you an apartment.

You could be home every night by : .

You could have friends.
You could have a life.

Mm! That's a thing?

- Uh-huh.
- Wow.

I'm serious.

I mean, you said August
isn't my only option.

Well, "Everlasting" isn't yours.

Think about it.

Okay. I will.

Tonight, Serena will choose

one of her remaining three suitors

to escort her to an elegant
black-tie fundraiser.

- But first, the heat is on...
- I hate Graham.

with "Everlasting's"
very own sweat lodge.

What better way to sweat
out the challenges

of each one of these relationships?

All pores will be open
as each couple gets closer

and, dare I say,
steamier than ever before?

Okay, the sweat lodge odyssey,

it's very spiritual,
it's very cleansing,

and it gets rid of all the bad juju.

And nobody has a problem
with this insanely offensive

- cultural appropriation?
- What? The word "juju"?

It's authentic. That's the way
we did it in Patagonia.

Oh, yeah, right, at your
rich, old white man's retreat.

Did you hunt the natives
for sport there, too?

Okay, look, let's just make sure

our boys are authentically shirtless.

That is culturally appropriate.

JASPER: Rachel did
this interview yesterday

where she reduced me
to an inconsolable mass.


Huh. I think I like the sound of this.

Tell me more. [LAUGHS]

The bottom line is,

I-I judged you harshly
for the incident with George

because, well,

it was a convenient way
for me to sabotage myself.

And that's not what I want.

Not even close.

JAY: Let me guess, Rachel, all
this groveling was your idea?

What's your problem, buddy?
Jasper is golden.

Yeah, of course, 'cause you're
so good at producing my guys.

Hey, knock it off.
I don't care who did it.

Look at these two. It's
gonna be hot, hot, hot.


Oh. Uh...

Once again, he's naked.


What's wrong?
Are you shy all of a sudden?

[LAUGHS] I'm not shy, just...

Aren't you worried about America?

No. Who cares?

- Look.

I've been in a number of
indigenous purification rituals,

and you just have to be willing
to let it all go.

- Okay.
- Okay?

- I can't believe you're making me do this.
- I'm not making you.

- Oh!
- Very brave. Thanks.

I don't know that I
need to be this pure.

[LAUGHING] I also feel ridiculous.

No. You know what? You are beautiful.

Open and free.

There's no better way to live.

QUINN: Oh, all right, Rachel,
enough with the Crocodile Dundee.

We need to get the fireman in there.

Why is August still here?

Isn't there, like,
a tribe in a jungle somewhere

that needs him to show them
how to make shoes?


I don't know, Rachel.
After what I saw yesterday...

I mean, what are you waiting for?

A virginal saint? Some girl
who's never had a boyfriend?

Because that's called
a teenager, and that's creepy.

I have Riley to think about.

I-I can't just go taking risks
with who I date.

Well, look, your sister
put you up for this show

because you haven't been dating anyone.

Relationships are a risk.

Closing yourself off is no way to live

for you or Riley.

Okay, maybe you're right, but...

Look. You like this woman.

Show her.

Take the risk. Open up.

Now take your shirt off,
and get in there.


SERENA: So, I'm just gonna go ahead

and address the George nightmare.

It was not me at my best,

and out of everyone, I am the
most embarrassed in front of you.

Why me?

Uh, because you're perfect.

[LAUGHS] I mean, you are.

- This girl's sad.
- You're, like, this stand-up guy

with this perfect daughter

and this perfect body, clearly.


You're like the moral center here.

Well, I hate to burst your
bubble, but I'm not perfect.

I mean, I was gone for a lot
of my daughter's life.

Yeah, fighting a w*r,
serving your country.

Yeah, and nobody gets out of
that without some scar tissue.

Well, what is it?

I-I try not to talk about it.
It's just...

I totally...

Um, I totally get
if you don't talk about it,

but, you know, my dad was in Vietnam,

and, um, yeah, he doesn't like
to talk about it, either.

But it made it really hard
for me to be close to him.

I want you to feel like
you can tell me everything.


We were on a-a routine patrol one night

when we were ambushed.

Impossible to tell friendlies
from insurgents.

We were lucky to get out alive.

Next morning, we were tasked
to reclear the objective.

And there's this little girl there...

sitting by her mother's dead body,

staring into space...

and blood and dirt on her face
and her... her clothes.



I have nightmares some nights.

I-I see the same look on Riley's face.

It's not your fault, Owen.

It is, though.

I'll never not feel responsible.

We took her mom from her.

It's okay. It's okay.

Yes. This is what we want.
This is what we need.

Man tears! Yes!

It's a little sad, don't you think?

Sad? No.

This wounded warrior shit,

it's, like, definition of p*ssy magnet.

Okay, whatever, but Jasper played great.

Duh. I mean, money plus accent

equals Final Two,

but Owen is the one that needs our help.

We got to convince Serena that
he can fit into her world, so...

Rachel, uh, you need to tell your girl

that she's gotta pick Daddy Do-Right.

Hey, look. I don't know.

She's still pretty into August.

Hey, listen,
I need a class warfare finale.

Jasper versus Owen.

Right? It's like "Downton
Abbey," but with a hot fireman.

I mean, I would watch the shit
out of that, wouldn't you?


Okay. We're all set.

I got Gary seated at a table
with all the reporters...

Buzzfeed, even The New York Times.


As soon as he gets up
to make his speech,

we blast out all the e-mails,
we prove he embezzled.

They're gonna be on him
like a pack of wolves.

You know, I forgot

what a duplicitous assh*le you could be.

- Who do you think taught you, huh?

Hey, Chetty. Madison just said you
changed the whole seating charts.

Why would you do that to me? Like,
I had individualized press kits.

Now I don't know where to put them.

Look. Just give them to Madison.

She can hand them out to
the reporters as they come in.

Yeah, they'll have them
before they sit down.

- Tweet during cocktail hour.
- Mm-hmm.

That is a great idea.

You guys are really amazing
at this. Bye.

- Mwah. Bye.
- Bye, bye, bye.



Oh, really?

We are amazing at this.

Always have been.


See? CIA.

I don't know how you do it,

but all three of these guys
are actually on board.

I'm not worthy.

I wish I could take credit for it,

but they're actually here for you.

So, let's talk about tonight.

Well, I think I have to choose August.

- Mm.
- I mean, I know you're gonna say

it's 'cause he was in here
and he was all naked and sweaty

and we had sex and he's just so hot.

Yes, yes, and yes, yes.

But I really... I think...
I think he might be the one.

I think he could balance out
my crazy life, you know?

Ground me. Show me how to live.

I am complicated enough for two people.

- Mm-hmm.
- I think he might be exactly what I need.

What? What is it?

Quinn really wants it to be Owen.

I mean, that whole story he told.

I know. He's incredible.

But I don't care what Quinn wants.

These are my real feelings, here.

She doesn't care about my life,
but I know you do.


You know what?


Screw it.

Just go with your gut.

- Yeah?
- Yeah, August it is.

- Really?
- Yeah.

You're just gonna break ranks like that?

- What are you gonna tell Quinn?
- That you're my girl.

Come on. This is your life, Serena.

What's the worst
that she's gonna do to me?

Throw pillar candles at my head?

Bring it on.


God, you look so good in a tux.

I could just eat you up.

- When we have time...
- Mm-hmm.

do you want to go, you know, upstairs?

Oh. Well, you know, you put
this whole party together,

and I want to see the hors d'oeuvres.

I know, and they better get it
right, 'cause there's this...

- Hi. How are you?
- Hey.

This catering guy was giving me
all kinds of hassle

about the salmon puffs, which I know

that I ordered instead of stuffed
mushrooms because I hate mushrooms.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure
I've sorted all of it out.

I've got candles
still coming through there

and the lower flower arrangements,

the taller ones for there.




Are you seriously back with Chet,

or are you planning some
kind of twisted threesome

with him and fundraiser Barbie?

I don't know what you're talking about.

- He's a loser, Quinn...

And he's just gonna drag
you down like he has for years.

Uh, first, no one drags me anywhere.

And second, Chet and I
are not back together.

And third, it's none
of your damn business.


Now, how about you tell me

what you're doing here so early, huh?

Actually, I, um... I need a favor.

Mm. sh**t.

I got some bad news about my VR company.

Our Chinese buyer who was % in

is apparently % out.

Ooh. That sucks.

Yeah, which means...

I need a job.


Yeah, I thought I wasn't
premium enough for you.


I deserve that.

But I wouldn't be asking
if I didn't really need it.

Uh [SIGHS] now is not a good time.

There's some volatility
in my situation, actually.

It's not personal.

It's just business.


I'm sorry.


Follow me.


Tonight on "Everlasting,"

we will be raising your blood pressure

with three black-tie lady K*llers

and one red-hot lady.

We're also raising sweet green cashola

for the groundbreaking

Chet Wilton School
of Reality TV Studies.

Now, as for our gorgeous suitress,

Serena has selected August as her date,

but our two remaining studs
will be out there among you,

competing for donations in their name.

Whoever raises the most money

will, of course,
escort Serena home tonight

to make one last play for her hand

ahead of our elimination ceremony.


If Serena wanted August as her date,

what are these other guys doing here?

Shockingly, Quinn didn't love

you not delivering on her choice,

so this was my idea.

- What is with your attitude?

No, honestly.
We've been cool all season.

No, Rachel, you've been cool all season

because you've been doing
whatever the hell you want.

Jay, this is ridiculous. So, she
doesn't pick me for the date,

and now I have to pimp myself
out for some absurd building?

You clean up nice, my friend.

Now, why don't you take
your fetching ass out there,

raise a disgusting amount of money,

and show Serena what a mistake she made?

Making a lot of money is actually
a personal forte of mine.

Good boy.

Thank you, man. Let's do this.

Damn it.

- Dan.
- What's up?

What is up Jay's ass?

He's being a total d*ck.

I mean, like, yeah,
I know I deserve it sometimes.

But this time, it's, like,
literally out of nowhere.


You know what? We should get together.

We should have a beer sometime

and talk about anything other than work.

You know, like our dads
or just, like, our lives, right?

Talk about our lives?

Yeah. Yeah. Maybe tomorrow.

- I mean, if you're free, okay?
- Uh...

- I'll talk to you soon.
- Just... Um... Okay.




If you don't take him, Missy, I will.



Why don't you come here?


This lovely couple here
is willing to donate $ ,

if you climb up on this table
right now and kiss me.

Ladies and gentlemen, how could she
refuse this for such a good cause?




The eagle has landed.

Well, the eagle's about to be road k*ll.

Let him get a drink first.

[LAUGHING] Hey, buddy, how are you?

Good to see you. Hey, let's get a drink.
How was the traffic?

Uh, traffic was fine, thank you.

Oh, heads up.

- Hi.
- Robin.


What the hell is she doing here?

You want me to get security?

No. No, I'll... I'll handle it.

Uh, I didn't know
you two knew each other.

Lesbian mafia.

Mm, small world.

Can I talk to you for a second?

Waiter! Get her a drink.

I'm pretty sure last time you were here,

I kicked your ass off my set.

- Hmm.
- I'm wearing my Manolos this time,

and I am happy to do it again.

Actually, I'm here as a guest of Gary's.



Don't get comfortable.


Excuse me, gentlemen. I'm sorry.

Quinn, what a spectacular party.

- Cut the crap, Gary.

What is Robin doing here?

Oh, Robin is here to cover
your retirement speech.

My what?

Yes, tonight, I'll be announcing
you're forgoing your overall deal

and leaving "Everlasting"
effective immediately.

I'll be glad to tell 'em
whatever you'd like,

you know, that you want to spend
more time with family or...

Oh, wait. No, that wouldn't
work, would it?

But I'm sure you'll come up
with something. Scotch, neat.

You know, I think you're having

that mental breakdown
we've always known was coming.

Well, you'll do it.

It's your last chance
to leave with dignity.

Robin's article lays out
all the dirt on you,

so I'm gonna fire you tonight,

along with a harshly worded
condemnation from network.

Why? Because Robin claims that I don't
play well with women? Who cares?

No, because along with all that,

Robin has discovered...

[WHISPERING] Well, actually, maybe I
told her that, um, there's a lot more

you've been hiding
here at "Everlasting,"

and I realized I don't need Chet

to get me proof of your misdeeds
to bring you down

because women like you
can't afford to make mistakes.

- Remember?
- Hmm.

Uh, you seem to be forgetting about
a little thing called leverage.

All those e-mails that I have

proving that you embezzled money
from us and the studio?

The press here is gonna eat them up.

I'm not going down tonight, Gary.

You are.


How confident are you that, uh,
you still have those e-mails?








Only minutes left to bid

on your favorite suitor,
ladies and gents.

Coming up, I will usher in

the head of our esteemed network.

Mr. Gary Taylor is with us
this evening, everybody,

to make an exciting announcement

about the future of "Everlasting."

What's the announcement? Is it about me?


I need you right now.

Look, okay, fine. Quinn,
whatever it is, can it just wait

until after the bidding is over? I
mean, I know you don't like it,

but I'm trying to help Serena
find a husband.

Screw Serena. Gary is going
to retire me tonight.


Gary cannot get up on
that stage, or I am done.

Seriously, Quinn,
what are you talking about?

I need you to create a distraction
of biblical proportions

'cause I have to go deal with
that cockroach of a reporter.

She is a contestant, Rachel. Come on.

This life, this career,
this is all I have.


We both saw Owen's date today.
You know you can use that.


Come on.



I got you.


CHET: Everything okay?

- Ladies, hi.
- Hi.

Do you guys mind if I borrow
August for just one second?

I promise I'll bring him right back.

- What's up?
- It's a surprise.

- One second.
- One second.

This way. Thanks, guys.
He'll be right back.

I'll meet you right outside.

Hey, I need to do a down and
dirty, one-on-one interview, so...

- Right now?
- Yeah.

- We're right in the middle of a...
- No, listen. Quinn wants to create,

some, like, real competition between
August and Owen. Take the camera.

- All right. What about the crew?
- Let's just... Come on. Here we go.

Uh, walk with me.

How you doing, Quinn?
You look a little pale.

How much?

Excuse me?

- To k*ll the article. How much?
- Oh, that.

I already gave it to my editor,
so it's out of my hands.

Meaning it's going
to put you on the map,

so you're not going to stop it.

- One career ends, another begins.

You know, the magazine business
is on life support.

We both know it can't be your end game.

I can get you a real platform,

a nightly primetime spot on one
of our cable news networks.

I could sell your whole shtick
in a heartbeat.

I don't need you to sell my shtick.

I've been taking meetings,
and once this profile comes out,

I'll probably be taking a lot more.

Such a sweet offer, though.

A few more moves like this,

and I'm sure you'll rehab
that image in no time.


Sorry to pull you out of there,

but Quinn is just up my ass about
getting them. You know how she is.

- Yep. Yeah. Right.
- You guys all look so great.

You guys are in your tuxes,
um, except for, uh, Owen.

He's not in his tux. What
do you... How do you feel

about him wearing
his military uniform tonight?

- I mean, I know that you're a pacifist.
- Yeah, I am.

Um, all right. I'm not really into
the military's mission myself,

but I just try to live and let live.

Owen's not a bad guy.

I'm sure he believes
in what he did over there.

What do you think he did? I mean,
I know that we've all seen

the pictures of those dead children.
I mean, Owen wouldn't...

In any w*r, every soldier has

some responsibility for what happens.

But most people think that the
troops are unbelievably brave.

Look, I can't think
of anything more brave

than standing up for what I believe in,

which is the dignity of human life.

I mean, soldiers enforce
fear and submission.

I've worked all around the world

to promote peace.

I've been out there on the front line.

Yeah, but not like
a veteran has, not really.

More than a veteran has,
and I was unarmed.

What is weak is hiding

behind a uniform and armor
and machine g*ns,

and then you go
and call yourself a hero?

Sorry, but that's
my definition of cowardice.

Uh, are we done?


That guy has no idea what
he's talking about, Rachel.

My brother died fighting over there
so some Aussie can come over here

on some reality television
show and say that shit?

Okay, I know. We're definitely gonna
give Owen a chance to respond.

'Cause he's spouting
that bullshit like it's gospel.

We need to get Owen's response,
like, now.

- Let's do it.
- All right.

You know what? No, no, no.
The speech is about to start.

Listen, we'll get it later.

If not, we'll definitely
get it for the next episode.

No, no, Rach, this can't
air without a response.

- You can't let that air.
- We're just running out of time.



Owen, hey, dude, I thought
you'd want to see this.

We just did an interview with August.

Look, he's saying all
this shit about the military.

Look, in any w*r, every soldier
has some responsibility...

It's disrespectful, man.

- This is bullshit.
- Yeah. Yeah.

Ladies and gentlemen, uh, please,

help me welcome Gary Taylor!


- Nice to see you again.
- Thank you.

This is for you.

GARY: What a great evening, huh?

Isn't this a great evening?

And some surprises yet to come.


We have had a wild ride...

Hey, what the hell have you been
saying about me, man?

I don't want to be involved in
any aggression, all right, mate?

I'm defending myself against aggression.

Against your attack on the military
I risked my life serving in.

You got a problem with that?
Say it to my face.

Yeah, I do have a problem with it, okay?
That's what pacifism is.

Turn off the stage Mic and
turn up the contestants' lavs.

- Put 'em through the speakers now!
- What about them?

- It's not that simple, man.
- Oh, it's not?

There are sick individuals in this world

- who prey on the weak and vulnerable.

Somebody's gotta stop 'em,
and I'm sorry,

but they don't exactly respond
to incense and drum circles.

- This is great.
- But how many people have you hurt or k*lled

because you had the power
of deadly weapons, mate?

How many women, Owen? How many children?

If I were you,
I would shut my mouth right now.

What if your daughter
was a little Iraqi girl?

Would those Iraqis matter to you then?

I'm not gonna fight you, mate,
all right? I've got principles.

Oh, yeah, it's easy to
hide behind principles

when you have the privilege
of living in a bubble

where you never had to make
hard choices.

No. Be honest, mate. This is who you
really are... a fighting machine.

The military took your humanity.
They made you all K*llers.





Oh, my God!

- Ho!
- Owen, come on, man.


All right. All right. Take it easy!

Get him out of here! Let's go!



- Take him away.
- Get him out of here.

I owe you one, Goldberg.

Your boy, Owen, might not come
out of this looking so good.

Well, don't worry.
I can definitely work with this.




What an eventful and yet sobering night

here at "Everlasting."

In light of this, we're having
a change of plans.

We will be honoring our vets

for the remainder of the evening.

If you would, please,
all of you, I'd love it

if you would don your blue ribbons

which, as of today,
will commemorate veterans

and the struggles that they face

not on the b*ttlefield, but at home.

Thank you.


Don't give up hope
'cause the river still flows

And I'm coming home

And I'm coming home

It's not over yet, hearts
still beat in our chest

Come on, Rachel. I mean, Quinn
produced all of that, right?

That wasn't like Owen at all, and
the stuff that August was saying,

I mean, she pushed it way too far.
Using what Owen told me earlier?

I mean, that's... that's despicable.
Who does that?


No, you're right, yeah, that
was really mean, but, um...

it wasn't Quinn.

Look. I saw Jeremy. He
was, like, talking to Owen

after this interview
that I did with August.

He probably just set him off.

Okay, yeah, but Quinn is very
happy to capitalize on it

and turn this entire evening
into a farce.

This is what I'm talking about.

This is why you need
to come work for me.

A fist fight does not make it
a good night.

Blame it on Jeremy. That's cute.

You do realize this whole mess reeks
of vintage Rachel Goldberg, right?

So much for essential honesty.

Look, I didn't...
I knew it was bad, but...

Quinn just needed help.

[CHUCKLES] There it is.

It's just so easy for you to
rationalize your god-awful behavior.

Did Quinn need you to screw
Alexi last night, too?

How do you even know...

And why do you even care
if I slept with Alexi?

Because I broke up with Xavier for him.


We had a thing, Rachel,
it was happening,

and, um, I thought he cared about me

until he told me

in no uncertain terms that he didn't,

and then he screwed you.

Jay, look, I'm so sorry.

- I didn't mean to...
- You never mean to.

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

- ♪ Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh ♪

Dan, hey.

That was a pretty intense fight, huh?

Uh, yeah, yep.

You have a minute to talk?

Like, now?





What are we doing?

What? What do you mean?

You brought me in here and started...

We aren't really friends, are we?

[SIGHS] To be honest, Rachel,
I think you're the...

scariest person I've ever met.



That was stupid.

Quinn. Well done tonight.

Yeah, your, uh, convenient,
little brawl saved you for now,

but, uh, that article is coming out.

And when it does, the network
will be licking my balls,

begging me to fire you,

and I will be only too happy to oblige.

Just go home, Gary,

and don't ever mention your
balls to me or anybody ever.

Soon, my dear.



Tonight, only two men will receive

our one-of-a-kind, limited edition,

gold-plated Chet Wilton School
of Reality TV Studies cufflinks.

Now it is time for Serena to decide

which man will leave empty-wristed.


Before you begin,
I have to say something.

I am so deeply sorry
for what happened here tonight.

I acted in a way that makes me
ashamed to call myself a soldier.

August, you have the right
to express your opinions.

Hell, that's what I fought for.

Serena, I am so sorry
for any pain that I caused you.

I just lost control. I think the
only way for me to move forward

is to eliminate myself
from this competition.

It's been a pleasure
getting to know you,

and I wish all of you the best.

Owen, wait.


I don't want you to go.

This is... oh, God...

an incredibly difficult decision,

but I know that I admire
and respect you so much,

and I don't want us to end with this.

- Serena.
- No. I... [SIGHS]

I wish tonight hadn't gone
the way that it did,

but I know that the emotions

behind these issues are complicated,

and honestly,
being from a military family,

what you said, it made sense to me.

Serena, look what he did, okay?

I'm only saying this to protect you.

The guy, he's clearly damaged.


I'm... I'm damaged, too.

I mean...

we're human.


Oh, August, I am so sorry,

but I have to say goodbye
to you tonight.

- Serena, don't.
- I think you are wonderful,

but, uh, I realized tonight that
you do... you live in a bubble,

a world of what should be
instead of what is,

and I-I need a partner
who sees it that way, too.




Let me guess.

Quinn asked you to produce
some big moment for the show,

and you did it.

Yeah, something like that.

So what happened
to that great relationship

with Serena you were so proud of?

- It is great.
- Really?

So, were you thinking
about what was best for her

when you were blowing stuff up
for Quinn, or...

Yeah, well, hey.

At least you got
what you wanted out of it.

What does that mean?

I didn't want anything.

Oh, come on, Rachel.

You must get something

out of these things you do for Quinn.

You're willing to sacrifice
every relationship you have.

So, what is it?

Maybe some of that love you
never got from your real mother?

You learn that in Psych ?

You can deny it all you want,

but what Quinn
is asking you to do, Rachel,

that is not what love looks like.


Look, it's not Quinn.
It's not her fault.

You're right. This is up to you.

You already broke off
one dysfunctional relationship

when you cut ties with your mother.

Now you have a decision to make.

Can you do it again with Quinn?



Well, finally took Crystal home,

convinced her the evening
was a smashing success.

Hey, that was incredible, the way
you turned the whole thing around.

Mm-hmm, yeah. Incredible.

I still have a noose around my neck.

I just get to spend some time
hanging around

till someone kicks the bucket
out from under me.

We'll figure it out, huh? We'll fix it.

As long as we're together,

there's nothing we can't face, kiddo.



I'm gonna break up with Crystal, and...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Why would you do that?

Why would you break up with her?

So you and I can be together for real.

Well, don't.

I don't want that.

I don't want to go down that road again.

Listen, Chet, I mean, you saw my house.

That's my plan for the future,

if I even still have one at this point.


I am sorry if I gave you
the wrong impression.

Listen, I, um...
I need to make some calls

to figure out what my strategy is, here.


Uh... yeah, I mean...






I thought that was really great today.

Got all those flags up.
I thought they looked awesome.

You backstabbing little rodent.

- What?
- You're fired.


You wiped my computer clean.

You knew where to look,
and you knew what was at stake.

Quinn, I didn't do that. I...

You know, I was willing
to give you a million chances...

- I really didn't.
- to help you grow that thick skin

that you need in this business...

- Quinn.
- because we are a family,

a dysfunctional insane asylum,
yes, but a family.

I don't know who did that,
Quinn, but it wasn't me.

I don't keep traitors in my family...

so you are cut out.


Maybe Gary can help you,
but I don't really care.

Just don't ever come back.

♪ I want to live ♪

♪ Not be afraid and forsaken ♪

- ♪ Rise ♪

♪ From the embers to the flames ♪

♪ As we circle the moon ♪


Nice work.

Quinn never saw it coming.

So, the job is mine?

You deliver, I deliver.

Got to say, I wasn't sure you'd
go against your pal like this.

Huh. Quinn's a big girl.

It's not personal. It's business.


- All right. Let's go.

♪ I want to live ♪

♪ Not be afraid and forsaken ♪

♪ Rise from the embers to the flames ♪

♪ As we circle ♪ Hey.

♪ The moon ♪

I can't believe I fell for it again.

You produced me, the whole thing...

the last-minute interview,

running out of time to talk to Owen.

That fight was your end game,
and I fell for it again.

You used me again.

- Jeremy...
- I k*lled two people, Rachel,

for you, 'cause I thought
that I-I loved you.

Like somehow that made it sane.


You made me a m*rder*r.

I know.

I did that to you. I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.


♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh ♪