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03x08 - Recurrent

Posted: 01/22/21 11:48
by bunniefuu

Asa checked out of the facility.
He called your mom.

He's living at home again.

What do you say you and I partner up?

I only want to make high-end,
premium content.

I need more cocaine.

That eight ball was supposed to
last you a week.

It didn't.

You're unbelievable.


I want to ask for supervised
visitation with my son.

I need a character witness.

We are rolling.

- You're my new mommy!

- Oh!
- Serena isn't into it.

If she's not feeling it,
we make her feel it.

- [SCREAMS] Daddy!
- Hey!

- She's terrified of clowns, man.
- The clown is scary!

- I peed in my pants.
- Oh, hey!

Oh, my God! Riley!


You crossed a line.

And if you were a mother,
you'd understand.

You're right. I am not a mother.

You'll have to find someone else
to speak at your visitation hearing.

Let's go, sister.

- Bye, Rachel.
- What do you want?

You need my help, and I need yours.

- You want the Emmy.
- What do you want?

Quinn's head. You get me the
dirt, I get you the hardware.


Mom, I need you to call me back.
I need to talk to you.


♪ From tide to tide, you wash me up ♪

♪ Keep finding myself ♪

- Mom...
- ♪ On the shore ♪


OLIVE: Hi, Rachel. It's Mom.

I just wanted to tell you
how great it is

to have your father home.

He's back on his meds,
and he asked me to tell you

how much he appreciates
everything you did for him.

- ♪ Oh, lord, love me ♪

♪ Oh, lord, love me ♪

♪ Oh, lord ♪

♪ Make him love me ♪


Are you okay?

You're the shrink.

You tell me.


Rise and shine, sister!
The day's getting away from us.

QUINN: All right.

All right. Come on, Naked. Let's go.


- Uh, breakfast is ready.
- Oh, breakfast sounds awesome.

Hmm. Breakfast for the ladies.

Now, run along, studly.

Oh. Whew.

- Bup bup bup bup.
- You're adorable.

Super cute.

Very nice to meet you.










Oh, I got to go to work.

No! Play hooky with me, hmm?

- We'll have a blast.

No. I can't. I have very
important work to do,

- whether you believe it or not.
- You need some down time.

All work and no play makes
Jill even duller than Jack.


What's for breakfast?


Chet? What are you doing?

- I'm...
- Is Quinn here?

No. She's not in yet.

And I'm just looking at
the budget, uh, thing.

Uh, I can't remember the password.

[CHUCKLES] Do you remember the password?

Like Quinn would ever
trust me with that.

She doesn't give anyone the password.

The only way you're getting
on that computer

is with her sitting right next to you.

Of course. [CHUCKLES] Obviously.


I wanted to ask her,
but do you know... am I done?

Zach was my last guy, and he's gone now,

so... I'm a little worried...

Madison, Quinn's not gonna fire you.

No. You just made us $ million bucks.

Well, that kind of thing
inspires loyalty.

- You're safe. Trust me.
- Really?

Everything is going to be just fine.

Why don't you take the day? Relax.


- That sounds fun.
- Fun.

Sim card's already in there,
so it should be good to go.

- Thanks.
- Mm.


Quinn, where are you?

QUINN: Mm. Heaven, I think.

- I'm taking the day off.
- Oh, what?

You're just blowing off
the show, just like that?

No, I'm not blowing anything off.

I'm just taking a personal day.

You know, like what you do.

Or maybe you're just feeling kinda sick.

"Scary clown makes little girl
piss in her pants" kinda sick?

Okay, you know what?
Come on, Rachel, all right?

That was a great episode,
and even you can see that

from way up on your high horse.

Dude, you've got to
give your head a shake.

No, I don't got to do anything.

You are in charge for one day.
You think you can handle that?

Yeah, I think I can handle not
getting a little kid run over.


Everything okay?

[SIGHS] Right as rain.


- CHET: Hey, Rachel.
- Hmm?

- Do you know where Quinn is?
- One guess.

Who's the most annoying new bestie
this side of West Hollywood?

- Fiona?
- Fiona.

Oh, God.

Serena? Serena? You here?

- Hi.
- Hey.

- Hi.
- Someone's up bright and early.

Yeah. Eight miles before breakfast.

Usually do four or five, but today

- I got to thinking about the guys, and...
- And what?

Oh, things are really good,
you know? Finally.

Four great options. It's very exciting.

I mean, four guys.

Yeah, one of whom you have to cut today.

- You know that, right?
- Yes, I do, Debbie Downer.

Okay, well, that's why today's
date is all about intimacy.

- Okay.
- You opening up to the guys

and just talking to them
about your past.

- My past?
- Your past.

I... I don't think so, Rachel.

I am finally in a place where
I feel secure with the guys.

I don't really want to
dwell on the past.

I want to think about the future.

Look, if this were the real world,

you would go out with these guys,

you would talk about who
you dated, who they dated,

the funny thing that happened
in the third grade.

We're just... we're just putting
some "Everlasting" glitz on it.


I guess.

Trust me.

Until you deal with the past,
you're stuck.

Today, we'll dig in
and take a closer look

at the lives of our suitress
and our final four contestants,

giving Serena the depth and knowledge

that she's gonna
need to choose one lucky guy

with whom to spend
a romantic weekend away relaxing

at the Totumi Resort and Spa
in Ojai, California.

Now, gentlemen,
to jump-start the conversation,

we have pulled images from each
one of your social-media feeds...

- Oh-ho-ho-ho.
- Yes.

to give Serena a glimpse...

- Really?
- into who each of you are

- outside of "Everlasting."

I have been wanting this from day one.

But first, why don't we let you
get the ball rolling?

- Oh, Serena pictures.
- Oh. Me.

- Serena.
- Let's get this party started.

GRAHAM: Enjoy.

- Ms. Quinn, I'm so sorry.
- Thank you so much. Gracias.

Uh, Quinn, what are you doing here?

What does it look like I'm doing, Chet?

I'm having a massage.

Better question is,
what are you doing here?

Uh... Well, I-I wanted... uh, wanted...

If are here to beg me to change my mind

about testifying for you,
you can forget.

In case haven't heard, no means no.

No, that's not it. That's not it.

I want you to come back to
the set, you know, to your job.

- I really need you back there.

What the hell are you doing in my house?

I'm talking to Quinn, you know,
about, uh, business.

Work business.

Work is the one thing
Quinn is not doing today.

I'm sorry, babe.
I have to fly down to L.A.

- All right.
- I'll just be done here, then.

- No, no, no, no. Stay. Stay.
- You can stop. - Okay.

Today is your day to do
whatever your heart desires.

Just promise me you will not
let this incompetent boob

talk you into going back to work.



- I love you.
- Bye.

Look, ignore her. I need
you back on the set.

- Please.
- You know what? You need to get out.

And I need to flip over.



So cute.

When was that?

That was my first spelling bee.

I was very nervous, if you can't tell.

My braces were gonna pop out of my head.


That is my mother and father.

- That's a lovely photo.
- Thank you.

I love that picture.

I wouldn't be anywhere without
their unconditional love

and support.


Oh. Didn't know that picture
was still online.

Who's that guy?

That is my ex-boyfriend George.

That's a... a banking event
in Switzerland.

We don't have to talk about this
if you don't want to.

No, no. No, I...

George and I had a very,
very intense relationship.

We were practically engaged. [CHUCKLES]

Honestly, I thought he was the one.

Then one day, he just... disappeared.

No explanation, no nothing.

- No way.
- That's messed up.

Yeah, my... my friends said

that he was intimidated by my success.

[SCOFFS] I don't know.

I wish he'd just, you know,

had the decency to say it to my face.

- What a jerk.
- Most stupid man.

To lose a woman like you is just...

Out of his own insecurities, obviously.

[LAUGHS] Thanks, guys.

MAN: Okay. Cut. Let's reset
for the one-on-ones.

I mean, I can't believe
that my dad went back to her.

You know wh... And that voicemail.

I mean, that is some crazy
passive-aggressive psycho shit

right there, that's what that is.

Yeah, well, I-I can't argue that.

So, what? I'm supposed to just, like,

let my father get sucked back
into her orbit?

Rachel, listen, I understand

how painful your father's choice
must be for you.

But it's his choice.

You can't control anyone but yourself.

So I just sit here? Do nothing?

No way.

I just, like, I need to talk to her.

I need to show her exactly what it is

she's doing to my dad and me.



- What are you doing?
- Chet said that I could...

Okay, that's a terrible way
to start a sentence. Um...

I need you to cover my next date
with August.


Yeah. I got to go, uh,
take care of something.

- I'll be back ASAP, okay?
- Wait, so you're giving me August?

No. I'm allowing you to produce
a simple one-on-one date

until I get back.

Okay, yeah. Absolutely.

You can count on me. I got it.

Okay. Just keep it simple, Madison.

Yeah. Copy that.


- Hello?

Maddy, I was wrong.

- Wrong about what?
- Oh, about you

and your place at "Everlasting,"

and your job is definitely on the line.

I think Quinn may have used
the word "disposable."

Oh, my God. She did?

Yeah. You're gonna have to do
something big.

Big. Um...

Yeah, like a nuclear expl*si*n.

Okay, but, like, the good kind, right?

Actually, bad is better.


Wait, why would Quinn
want me to cause a problem?

Listen, Madison,

I need you to make some drama,
and I need it now.

I need Quinn back on set.


You can count on me. Yeah.


"Keep it simple."

"Nuclear expl*si*n."

We've heard from Serena, now it's
time to hear from each of the men.

What does the magic of the Internet

have to tell us about their pasts?

Let's go onto the next one.

- Okay.
- Ah.

Okay, that's... that's Japhet,
Merveille, Arthur, and Rishi.

- That's my Congolese family.
- Oh.

You know, after a year
with them, I realized

I have to be the change
I want to see in the world.

This is unbelievable. He's just,
like, Mr. Perfect now?

- What's wrong with that?
- SERENA: You were married?

What? [LAUGHING] No, no. No,
no, no. That's Charlotte.

- My ex-girlfriend.
- Oh.

Yeah, I was... I was a "bridesmaid."

Seriously? There's no drama,
there's no oomph.

It's just abs and a pretty accent.

Oh, come on. You're still here, Chet?

I told you, I am taking the day off.

I get it. You want to play hooky.

You want to spend the day
with the cabana boy?

- I get it.
- Look actually,

I'm gonna go meet up with Fiona
and head down to L.A.

I mean, since I don't have
any kids and I'm not a mother,

I can really do whatever
the hell I want, right?

- I was wrong to say that.
- I'm an executive producer.

I don't have to show up every day.

And you of all people should know that.

How are you getting down to L.A.?


- First class.
- Eww.

I've got a plane. I could fly you down.

I go zip in and out of there
all the time.

Fine. You can take me to L.A.

There's actually something
I've been wanting to show you.

MAN: And we're rolling.

- Thank you, sir.
- Okay, my darling.

- All right.
- Take a seat, please.

- Thank you.
- Relax.

And welcome to my world.

Show me.

Moscow. Three years ago.


Japan. It was amazing.

These little guys look so crazy.


Who's that?


She... she was dancer with me.

This is us on vacation.

Our last good time together.

She meant a lot to you.

She was everything to me.

My kinda George, "the one who got away."

- MADISON: Who's George?

You'd know if your ass wasn't
in the hot tub all morning.

Ugh. He's Serena's ex.

He led her down the garden path,
then went all hinky on her,

and just, gone daddy gone
from one day to the next.

[SCOFFS] That's terrible.

Yeah. Actually, it is.





I was wondering if...


Hey, you.

Hey, you.

I just wanted to check in
after that whole Natalia thing.

Check in why?

I don't know. I mean,
it's just, I get it,

talking about the past
and all the relationships.

You and Natalia, you really
had something, right?

Yeah. Something.

Well, it must have been hard
to talk about.

[CHUCKLES] Hard to talk about, no.

No. Just hard to remember.

She was the one
who introduced me to cocaine.

So, when she was gone,

all I had left was the dr*gs.

Oh, my God. Alexi...

It doesn't matter.

I have a new life.

Asa's fine. He's out buying supplies.

Starting a new line of pots, I believe.

Hm. Right back under your thumb, huh?

Right back where he belongs.
He's happy to be home, Rachel.

No. He's not.
He's scared, and he's weak.

And you're controlling him,
just like you tried

to control me all those years,
but not anymore.

What is this really about, Rachel?

What do you even want?

An apology.


You deprived me a
father all those years.

He knew exactly what happened to me,

and you never let him
talk about it... to anyone.

- I did the best that I could.
- For yourself.

Because your ego and your reputation

are more important to you
than your own daughter.

- That is not true.
- Yes, it is.

Well... ?

This... this is our house.

This is the house that I had
designed for you...

for us... for... for...
Uh... you built it?

Damn straight.


Two bedroom, two offices,

two of everything under one roof.

Well, not anymore.

It's actually one giant bedroom,
one giant office,

one of everything.

Except closets.
Lots and lots of closets.

[CHUCKLES] It's like you had me erased.

- This isn't about you, Chet.
- Hmm?

I just got sick of pretending

that I wanted things
I didn't actually want.

You know, screw Virginia Woolf
and her drab little room.

You know, this...
this is a house of my own,

a palace of my own.

- Quinn...
- No, look. I know what you're gonna say...

that I'm gonna die alone,
an ancient spinster

pulling tumbleweeds out of
my desiccated vag*na.

But screw that.

Because at least I will die

knowing I did exactly what I wanted to.

See, I have a real shrink now,

- somebody who actually cares about me...
- Oh, good.

Does this new therapist of yours

know what you were like as a child?

Charming, smart, manipulative,
even then.

- Not fair.
- Too much for me to handle.

Too clever, too pretty
for your own good.

You could talk anyone into anything.

I was years old.

Do you think that excuses your behavior?

I was a child. Okay?

It was your job to protect me.

Rachel, you cannot let this one event

be the thing that ruins you.

I'm not ruined.

I worry so about you, Rachel.

It's the same thing over
and over and over again,

since you were a little girl.

You really are kind of a mess.

It's always someone else
who has to apologize,

always someone else
who has to take the blame.

You have narcissistic
personality disorder, Rachel,

can't you see that?

You think you're special... so special.

Your ideation of what happened

clearly contradicts the obvious...

Will you just stop?

I'm not your patient anymore.

I'm not even your child.

I'm never coming back here.

I'm done.




You're amazing.

I mean, look at this.
Look at what you're doing here.

You're so much better
than all my bullshit.

So much better without me.

- Are you having a stroke?

The truth is,
you never really needed me.

And you are going to be
so happy here, kiddo.


- Chet, I just...

- Uh, sure, sure. Yeah.

Yeah? Hey!

- MADISON: Chet?
- Yeah?

Everything is set up. It's gonna blow.

Oh, God. Really?

I'm talking nuclear.

- Bye.

Oh, God. Okay, so that's, uh,
Carol, Janet, Alicia,

- and, uh...
- Mm.

Bugger. No, no. Wait. I'll get it.

- It's, uh... it's...
- Really?

And you just... you left them up online.

- Because I have nothing to hide.
- Mm.

My life is an open book.

I'm just... I'm not sure
I want to read it.

Oh, come on. We're both grown-ups.

We've both done things.

Look... I don't have
a George in my past.

No one I've ever even
come close to marrying.

What we have, this?

This is as close as I've ever gotten.


[LAUGHS] You mean that?

Or am I just gonna end up a random
picture on your feed one day?

I mean it.


♪ Shrines shill my youth ♪

♪ These things I've waited for ♪

♪ I'm bound to you ♪

♪ You breathe my feathers all ♪

♪ Bloom ♪

♪ We bloom ♪

♪ Feathers bloom ♪

♪ For you ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh ♪

George. Hi. Thank you for coming
on such short notice.

Where is she?

Right in here.

This way.

And now, the moment of truth.

Who will Serena choose for a weekend
of relaxation and rejuvenation

in the rolling hills of Ojai?


Well, uh, today was very illuminating.

And it was a great opportunity...



- Serena.
- What are you doing here?

- I can't believe that dude is here.
- What's he trying to do? Win her back?

- Yeah, I think you've had your chance, mate.
- For sure.

I need to talk to you.

Come on. Rachel, where are you? Rachel?

You can walk away, but I'm gonna
tell my side of the story.

You know, I heard what you were
saying about our "relationship."

I was just telling the truth, so you
don't need to say anything. You can...

Yeah, well, they said you were
telling people we were engaged.

I said practically engaged.

We were not engaged.

Not even close.

We dated for, what? A couple months?

And when things cooled off, you
showed up at my work conference

in Switzerland in some desperate
attempt to win me back.

- Madison, is this a good idea?
- That was a fun surprise.

- Definitely.
- You were very happy to see me.

- Happy?
- Yes.

Happy that I had to introduce
you as my girlfriend

to make your sudden appearance
seem normal?

- What are you doing?
- Saving my job.

I was your girlfriend.

I spent the night all the time.

I mean, you took me to Napa
for the weekend.

- You cooked me salmon.
- Why don't you tell them

what happened when we got back
from Switzerland.

Nothing! Nothing happened!

You disappeared, so I have
no idea what happened.

I had to draw my own conclusions.

It was over! We both knew that.

No, I didn't know anything!
Because you wouldn't talk to me.

You wouldn't even return my phone calls!

So you show up at my company
events, you text my friends,

- you call me at all hours of the night...
- You were avoiding me!

I had to get a restraining order.

God, you make it sound like I was crazy!

I was not crazy!

- You were crazy.
- No, I wasn't!

I just wanted you
to return my phone call!

- What did you want me to say?!

- Huh?!
- RACHEL: What is this?

That I didn't find you that interesting?

- Is that George?
- Yeah. It's great. It's totally dramatic.

GEORGE: That you were one
of three or four women

that I was sleeping with and
it really wasn't that special?

Madison, what did you do?

She's melting down.
We've got to stop it.

JAY: Too late, Rach.

Okay, well, here's some truth...

- I'm engaged now, for real.
- Oh, God!

To the -year-old
pharmaceutical rep from Kansas?


How the hell did you know about that?


You know what? Stay away from her.

Stay away from me.

You're pathetic.


That's it. I'm done here.

What the hell is this?

You happy now?!
Now you all know the truth!

This is who I really am!


And... cut.


I think we should leave her.

That was awesome.

Madison, You just destroyed
Serena in front of the guys.

That is not awesome.



Where were you?

I had a family thing. I really had to.

You hung me out to dry.

Look, I... I'm so sorry.
Serena, I had no idea

that Madison was gonna
do something like that.

It doesn't matter.

George is right. I am pathetic.

- Now everybody knows.
- You are not pathetic.

There is nothing about that
that ruins you.

Listen to me. Everyone makes mistakes.

Everyone does things that they regret.


- None of that is your fault.
- QUINN: Ladies, ladies.

Why the sad faces? We have work to do.

You are just happy because my
meltdown gives you great ratings.

No. Screw ratings.

Screw George, and screw every other man

who wants us all to be
perfect little princesses

who have never had their period
or taken a dump

or ever even looked at another man.

Everyone is damaged.

We are gonna turn this around.
Am I right, Rachel?


That bozo had no right to treat
you like a deranged freak.

And if anyone can make America
see that, this show can.

We are gonna change the conversation.

You are going to come off looking great.

[SCOFFS] What about the guys?

I can't go away with any of them.

They'll never look at me the same again.

You let us worry about the guys.

Guys, that was messed up.

Yeah, that bloke, he has
some serious anger issues,

- I'll tell you.
- Perhaps he has every right to.

I mean, I... I'm just worried that
she's not over him, you know?

Russian woman. American woman.

All crazy.

Alexi, we need to do
a wardrobe check for tonight.

Now? Really?

Yes, now, really.


- No. No.
- This is stupid.

Good luck.

[COUGHS] He's falling over already.

Oh, my God.

Oh. Hello, boys.


How are we all feeling?

Listen, Quinn, however
much I like Serena,

she clearly has some problems,

- starting with the fact that she...
- Just zip it, Brit.

We're all grown-ups, right?
We've all done things.

Besides, why do you automatically assume

every word that comes out of
this jealous ex-boytoy's mouth?

I mean, for all you know,
George is the nut bag.

Do you really think that
our high-profile VC mogul

is some secret bunny boiler?

All I know is that he seemed
rational and she seemed a bit...

What? You can say it.

Well, she is kind of a mess, no?

You know what, Jasper?

You should absolutely have a chance
to react to what happened tonight.

On camera.

Thank you.

- Wardrobe?

I just needed an excuse to
get you away from prying eyes.

- Why?
- I got a surprise for you.

Oh, look at you! Surprise.

- Close your eyes.
- Come on.

It's a surprise, remember?

Okay, okay. Come on. Just
put it straight to my nose.

What is this?

It's the best I could do
on short notice. [LAUGHS]

Oh. Serena is coming here for dinner?

No. Dude, I did this for us.

It's our very own "Everlasting" date.

I don't want a date.
[CHUCKLING] Not with you.

What? Alexi, you said ear... I mean...

[SIGHS] Look. We have a deal.

I suck you. You bring me coke.

We make a transaction, not a romance.

I'm not gay.

This is disgusting.


- Okay, let's do this, people!

We need to make some lemonade here.

I mean, who doesn't want to be
Beyoncé, right?

Quinn, I am so, so sorry.

- What the hell were you thinking?
- I was just trying to help.

I was trying to produce a big event.

Yeah. Well, you produced
an "event" all right.

- Every single second of that footage...

is useless.

I thought it would be buzzy...

What is buzzy about destroying
our suitress?

We want people to like her, Madison,

not think that she's
some uptight nut bag.

This makes us look like idiots.

So, you better hope
Rachel can fix this for you.


Okay. Thank you.

Uh, so today, that was nuts.


Serena was, um...

Not her best self, no.

You're much more buttoned up
than that, huh?

Hm. No loose ends.

At least girls know when I'm
with them and when I'm not.

Okay. So how about these women?

These were just random dates?

Yes, Rachel.

Some men aren't exclusively monogamous.

Well, what's interesting to me
is how you met them.

Not so random.

[SCOFFS] Where'd you get that?

You met them all at the same time.


So you went out with all of them.

One after the other after th...

I'm not married, so I can
date whomever I like.

[SCOFFS] What a d*ck.

Right. But they're friends, Jasper.

Two of those women were in
long-term, serious relationships.

I mean, does th... does that not,
like, say something to you?

It's like you want to sabotage any
chance at a real relationship.

So I'm incapable of intimacy,
is that where this is going?

I don't know, you tell me.


- You were adopted, right?
- Yeah.

Yeah. To go from Oliver Twist
to Richie Rich.

That... that must've
really been amazing.

Yeah. Amazing's one word for it. Yeah.

What, so you didn't finally
feel truly accepted?

Is that why you're so scared?

[EXHALES SHARPLY] I'm not scared.

Is that why you find or make
a problem in every relationship?

I don't make problems
in my relationships.

Because you're trying
to protect yourself.

Because you want to leave them
before they leave you, again.

- That's enough, Rachel.
- So nobody ever gets too close.

- Nobody ever gets to see that...
- That's... stop.

Don't stop, Rachel. Don't stop.

You are just a poor,
scared little boy...

- Stop.
- who has never belonged anywhere.

What do you want me to say?

You want me to say that
I've never felt accepted?

I've always felt like an imposter?

That I'm a... I'm a cold,

quivering, heartless piece of shit

who's gonna die alone

on a pile of my own money
that I don't deserve,

crying for my mum because...
because she gave me away?

Is that what you wanted?

Well, screw that, Rachel.

Because I am exac...

[VOICE BREAKING] I am exactly
who I want to be.

And I am not scared.

I am not alone.


And I am not a piece of shit.

You are a piece of shit.

And everyone is going to see that.

You can cut.

That's how you make lemonade.

- Hey...

Hi. What are you doing here?

Uh... I just wanted to
make sure you're okay.


That I'm not gonna s*ab you
in your sleep?

No. Not that.

Look, I don't really care

what happened with you and George, okay?

We do crazy things when we're in love.

Look, you can, um... [CLEARS THROAT]

You don't need to make me feel better.

That's not why I'm here.

Nothing I heard today
makes me like you any less.

And the only thing it tells me
is that...

that you have a giant heart, and
nobody can blame you for that.



Hey, Serena. Can I grab you for a sec?

- Sure.
- Hey...

- Yeah?
- Go away.

Yeah. Going away.

I just wanted to give you a heads up.

We found this in Alexi's room.

- Coke?
- He's been using again.

[SIGHS] Oh, my God.

Look, now, I'm not saying
that you should cut him,

but [SCOFFS] I mean,

it's just something I thought
you should know.

Thank you.




- You okay?
- Yeah. Let's just do this.

- All right.

[CLEARS THROAT] Good to go.

Okay. Yep. Here we go.

And action!

Tonight, in an unprecedented
turn of events,

Serena has decided to
call off the weekend in Ojai.

She's still faced with
the hardest of choices.

Who will receive their
handcrafted meditation beads

from the Totumi Resort and Spa?

And who will be forced
to leave this house of love?

House of love?
That sounds like a porno movie.



Sometimes the words are hard to find.

But... love is patient.

Love is kind.

It does envy, it does not
boast, it is not proud...

What is...

- That's the Bible.
- He's quoting the Bible?

- Okay, let's do this.
- Okay.

[INHALES DEEPLY] Today was awful.

There's nothing I can say
to make it any better.

So... I'm cutting Alexi.

Take your beads. Goodnight.

He was the only lively one.

- It's me?
- Nice to meet you, man.

- Am I cut?
- Yeah.

All the best, mate. Good luck.


[LAUGHS] I see you.

I see you. You hear me? I see!
Look in my eyes!

Uh, what the hell was that?

Alexi fell off the wagon.

He was getting coke into
the mansion somehow.

- What?
- Look, honestly, Quinn,

it's like, the best thing we
could do right now, cutting him.

I mean, we can get him into rehab and
make sure he's all clean and shiny

before we start sh**ting
"Passport to Dance."

- Hmm...

This is American bullshit!

QUINN: [SCOFFS] Okay. Out with it.

You look like a kid who got caught
raiding his dad's porno stash.

And you have ever since you got
the call pulling us back here.

I need to tell you something, Quinn.

- All right. Let me guess.

You got Madison, who can't
produce a gag reflex,

to produce Serena's ex to light
an "Everlasting" bonfire

so I would have something to do.

The only question is why, Chet?

I needed to get you back here
to get your password

so that I could break into your computer

and get some information for Gary.

- Excuse me?
- I was stoned when I talked to him.

I slipped.

And I was angry.

You had just told me you weren't
gonna help me with my son,

the one thing in this world
that means something to me.

But I couldn't do it.

[SIGHS] Not after today.

I couldn't do it.

Chet... [LAUGHING] You dumb-ass.

Yeah. I know.

It's "kiddo."

The password... is kiddo.

I'm gonna call Gary
and tell him I can't do it.

No, no, no. Don't you get it?

This is an opportunity.

We are gonna take Gary down
once and for all.


You don't worry about mosquitos?

I don't really get bitten.

Guess I spent so much time outside,

the bugs are bored with my blood.

I, uh...

I wanted to thank you
for what you said earlier.

Yours was the only kind voice
I heard today.

I really appreciate it.

Well, like the Dalai Lama always says,

"My philosophy is kindness."


Kindness is always the best way forward.


RACHEL: Hey. Um... hey, look.

I actually wanted to come in
and talk to you about something.

You went to talk to your mother.

I told you that's not a great idea.

All right. Well, you don't
have to worry about it.

Never going back there again. I'm done.

I'm, uh... finally free.



- How does it feel?
- Honestly?

- Yeah.
- Amazing.

I mean, like, right now,
this, like, one moment, but...

That's great, Rachel.

I'm... I'm, uh... I'm really glad.

And, look, I just... uh,
I just want to thank you.

I know I couldn't be doing
any of this without you.


You're one of the smartest
people I've ever met.


Hey, what are...
Wh... what are you doing?

What's it look like I'm doing?

Rachel, no.
This is totally inappropriate.



Wa... wait. We... We need
to talk about this.

I'm sick of talking.



♪ Those memories of w*r ♪

- ♪ The sound of screaming kids ♪
- You got a second?

♪ It's just a small part ♪
♪ of what w*r really means ♪

♪ You fill our hearts ♪
♪ with pain and cruelty ♪

♪ To realize you're the only enemy ♪


♪ No w*r ♪

♪ No w*r ♪

♪ No w*r ♪

♪ No w*r ♪