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05x17 - The Common Defense

Posted: 01/22/21 11:28
by bunniefuu


- Asylum!

- On the ground.

- Asylum!

- On the ground.

Typhoon survivors.

On the ground.

From Solomon Islands.

- Asylum.

- Asylum.

♪ Hey, Mr. Bunny ♪ ♪ How are you doing?

♪ ♪ Hey, Mr. Bunny ♪ ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh. ♪ I know.

- Welcome back to the U.S., Ms. Grant.

- I know.

And you too, little Miss Grant.

Thank you...

Officer Torrez.

It's not enough you charmed - every single crew member on the ship?

- Hey.

I have a roundtable on Pacific climate migration to get to the second we land.

Until then, I am milking every last drop of this vacation.

Well, we're still in vacation mode till we're back in D.C.

playing with Lyric before we Netflix and chill.


Oh, wait, that's still vacation mode.

Aaron and I don't get back to work until tomorrow, where I will tell Sam all about this amazing woman we met.

- Ah.

- I swear, he's the future Mr.



Tara, you're a mess.

- Promise me we'll keep in touch.

- Oh, yeah.

We'll see each other back in D.C.

for sure.

Fly safe.

- Okay.

Bye, guys.

Say "bye-bye." - Bye.

- Bye-bye, Joanna.

- Bye, Joanna.

- Yeah, I hear you, baby girl.

- ♪ Twinkle, twinkle...

♪ - I'm not ready for the real world yet, either.

- ♪ Star.

♪ Hey, folks, welcome to Washington Dulles Airport.

There's gonna be a slight delay here on the ground, so we'll need everyone to remain in their seats.

We thank you in advance for your patience.

I wonder what that's about.

Attention, please.

I'm Team Leader Carl Burke from the Department of Homeland Security.

Due to an exposure to the measles virus on this aircraft, we'll be performing some routine screenings and, if need be, take containment measures.

Please remain seated while we move to a secure holding terminal.

- All right.

- Yes, sir.


I'm Dr. Kerry Still.

Daisy Grant.

- You're with the CDC?

- Yes.

We're going to need - to do a closer exam...

- I work for the Secretary of State.

You know, I understand CDC protocols, and I'm happy to cooperate, but I really need to get to work.

I understand, but we need to do - a closer examination.

- Look, Joanna and I have already been vaccinated for the measles.

So tell me to keep an eye out for symptoms, give me a pamphlet with the contact info, and we'll get out of your hair so you can focus on the people who brought the virus onto the plane.

Miss Grant, you are the people.

- Excuse me?

- This morning, a case of measles was confirmed on your cruise ship.

We are now trying to track down all 4,500 passengers and crew members, plus everyone you've come into contact with since you disembarked in order to prevent a pandemic.

I'm sorry for the delay, but we need to do a closer examination - of you and your daughter.

- I'll let the office know I'll be late.

So, uh, any early news about how the conference is going?

- Don't answer that, Nina.

- Would you...

- Since...

- Don't an...

Well, I know.


Jay's got it.

Did you tell him the thing about Australia?

How it's all about flattering the prime minister's ego, and it's...

You did.

Well, good.

All right.

Disengaging in three, two, one!


The countdown.

Haven't heard that since Jason went to summer camp.

This conference is the key to a whole global climate migration initiative.

- It's...

- And it's in good hands.

You're right.

This is Jay's moment to fly.

What if I-I get to Camp David, and I'm just sitting around, wondering why I had to put my entire life on hold just to write a ten-minute speech?

Because it's a ten-minute speech that's gonna define your campaign and your presidency.

And you said yourself, you can't do it on nights and weekends.

Conrad's sending a chef.

What, you were gonna fast in the desert for 40 days?

Well, it just seems so elaborate.

You know, I can make a sandwich.

Remember that passage from A Room of One's Own where Virginia Woolf takes a page to describe the delicious meal the privileged men of England get to eat so they can run the world?

And the women get biscuits and prunes.


So you're saying I should just enjoy the trappings of male privilege?

I'm saying the president of the United States understands the value of a good meal.

So yes, just enjoy it.

I don't know if I can stick to this "no phone calls" rule.

What if I get stuck?

Babe, just go for a walk.

Take deep breaths.

You're gonna be great.

And you'll edit me as soon as I get back?

Oh, I'll edit you.

- That's so weird.

- I know.

- You're really weird.

- Nice and weird.

- Come on, let's go.

- Okay.

Put that away.

Considering the devastating effects of this current typhoon season on Nauru and the Solomon Islands, it's clear that our predictions about the long-lasting effects of climate change are no longer predictions.

They're here.

The U.N.'s Regional Compact for Climate Migration would enable us to work together to manage, process and relocate the millions expected to be displaced by rising sea levels in Pacific Rim nations.

If this is about climate change, let the big polluters take the millions.

It is our greatest hope to extend the regional compact to a global one, which would include all major carbon emitters.

One of which is cohosting this conference.

The United States is ready to take our share of climate migrants.

We are all interested to hear what you consider your share.

We all share the effects of climate change.

A plan of action is essential.

But I agree with President Andrada.

Australia is already overburdened with illegal asylum seekers.

And now climate migrants?

We had a recent huge influx from the Solomon Islands.

We also have boat people coming every day from Palau and Tuvalu.

I know you all have refugee fatigue.

But I must ask us all to bear in mind that many of these people have lost their homes and everything they have.

They travel at great risk to Indonesia, only to find their request for asylum won't be processed for months, if ever, and their only option for shelter is a tent on the sidewalk.

Then someone says their uncle got asylum in Australia, so they spend their last pennies for a spot on an unseaworthy boat and journey 200 miles over rough waters.

Many of them do not even survive the trip.

This is a humanitarian crisis that isn't going away because the world is changing.

And we're here to figure out - how to change along with it.

- We'd be looking to Australia for first wave temporary shelter.

We're already the way station.

And your infrastructure and expertise are exactly why your leadership is essential, Prime Minister.

You know the challenges inside and out.

Uh, Jay, it's urgent.

I need to speak with you.

Uh, excuse me a moment.

If we all turn to section "B." POTUS wants you at the CDC briefing.

- But we just got some momentum.

- Okay.

That one measles case.

It looks like an outbreak.



I guess, uh, I guess you're up.

- Okay.

- If Australia agrees to the deal, the rest of the nations will follow.

I got this.

We're gonna land Australia.

I can feel it.

- I love the optimism.

- But?

They throw out prime ministers like confetti down there, and Lawson's party is all over him for being too liberal.


He'll only sign if we give him something big in return.


Uh, Daisy just called.

With stories of romance and adventure on the high seas?

And of the Dulles Airport quarantine station.

We're fine.

It's protocol to check everyone.

Hey, so, how you doing in the driver's seat?

Uh, g-great, I think.

How's Joanna holding up?

Well, they took blood, and baby girl is not happy with me.

I know.

The switch from "I love you" to "how could you" is so fast.

God, she's gonna hold a grudge.

Thankfully, my mom will have to deal with it.

I'll see you at the conference when I drop her off.

Don't be crazy.

You're going home.

I mean, of course I can come in.

The Dulles quarantine station is not how you end a vacation.

Go home.

We got this.

Well, if you insist, boss man.

All right, keep me posted.


You got the outbreak folder?


All set.



I just thought I'd check my Dogoda Crush inbox, - and I got sucked in.

- To the right for Mr.

Right, right?


There's a lot more wrongs on these apps.

Although this guy's a...

He's a maybe.

What do you think?

He likes his nephew, which is cute.

He works at DOJ with a friend of mine.

She thinks he's a player.

Sometimes I love how small this town is.

Good-bye, Mitchell.

I met my husband the old-fashioned way at an inaugural ball.


I need to go to more balls.

Oh, my God.

Who was that?

It's my Uncle Will.

He and my Aunt Sophie are going through a rough patch right now.

He's been living in our basement.

It says he's not looking for love, - just a good time.

- Oh, my God.

That is so much worse.

Gators, recounts, and now measles.

Is there anything good about Florida?

Miami is the only major city founded by a woman.

Doesn't make up for the measles.

Passengers and crew from over 20 different countries.

That's quite a spread.

We've got quarantine facilities up and running at all major points of entry.

Measles was eradicated in the U.S.

How are we back here?

Well, sir, because measles is awesome.

At being a virus.

It's not as sexy as Ebola, but it is even more contagious.

The pathogens, they can survive in the air for up to two hours after the infected person has left the room.

Ebola is sexy?


But with measles, one person can infect 12 to 18 others, which is why vaccine hesitancy is such a public health hazard.

People are not getting their kids vaccinated.

And this virus, it actively seeks out the unvaccinated.

Bright side, we may have determined the country of origin.

The person who brought the virus on board the Sea Foam Voyager - was one of the ship's housekeepers.

- 12 days ago, she got back from a trip to the Philippines, where there's rumored to be an outbreak.

Why is it a rumor?

The Philippines hasn't reported any cases of measles to the WHO, and they're not allowing them in to investigate it.

WHO can't contain an outbreak if they can't confirm where it started.


I'm starting to understand why I'm here.

You want me to try to get Andrada to work with us.

Tread carefully, Jay.

Yes, Mr. President.

Okay, so, we've been back-channeling with the Aussies.

- They want to make a deal.

- That's what I'm talkin' about!

In exchange for their full support, they want us to double the number of work visas - for their citizens.

- Oh, is that all?

Well, Lawson needs something bright and shiny.

So his party won't call him soft on immigration.

Well, if visas are shiny enough, let's look into it.

All right, we'll have to get DHS, Congress - and the White House on board.

- Yep.

- Should we check in with M-Sec?

- She's off the grid.

The only way to get to her is through Dr. McCord.

- I don't think we need to pull that rip cord.


- All right.

- I'll get started on the legwork.

- What about Andrada?

Are we good for a sit-down?

I haven't heard back from his people yet.

He's dodging us.

Best of all, it slices through bone like butter.

President Andrada, excuse me.

- Hate to interrupt.

- Then don't.

Can I get a word?

- I don't talk to errand boys.

- Contact my staff.

Anyone eating these dumplings?

I'm so busy hosting, I keep forgetting to eat.

You know how that is.

Would you pass the hot sauce?

You guys hear about the...

measles outbreak?

We leave those matters to our ministers of health.

It's turning into a whole thing.

Lots of departments involved, all because the... country of origin... the Philippines...



That's hot.

Anyway, the Philippines isn't cooperating with the World Health Organization, which is really...

messing up global efforts to control the further spread of a highly contagious disease - that could k*ll children.

- That... that is ridiculous.

That's what I said.

It's got to be a bureaucratic screwup.

My boss is out of town.

Maybe I should let it go.

Under normal circumstances, you know what, I probably could.

But once you're looking at a global outbreak...

I mean...

there are consequences.

Arms deals get reconsidered.

Aid packages come under scrutiny.

I had a pocketknife when I was a Boy Scout.

Wasn't as cool as that one, though.


see you guys back at the conference?

♪ Mama's little Jo ♪ ♪ The bestest little Jo ♪ ♪ In the whole wide ♪ - ♪ Whoa! ♪ - How we doing in here?

Thank you so much for the coffee.

Suddenly this room doesn't seem so bad.

So, we have your results.

Mom is all clear.

Joanna, however, tested positive for measles.



No, she got the shot.

After one dose, about 93% of people are protected.

That's why we do the booster at age four.

- I can't believe this.

- Because she's contagious, we're moving both of you to a quarantined medical facility.

She's gonna be okay, right?

We'll do everything we can to get her through it, but...

she is going to get very sick over the next few days.

How can there be no treatment?

The virus just has to run its course?

- I mean, what is that?

- I don't know.

I can't imagine.

- Poor Daisy.

- Joanna had the first immunization... that's got to help, right?

Let's hope.


Well, just got confirmation of the outbreak in the Philippines.

All I had to do was thr*aten his aid package and arms deals.

Actually, Andrada is blaming the outbreak on the recent climate migrants.


Oh, and now Australia is pulling out - of the roundtable.

- Because...

migrants have measles.

Okay, here he is.

We took these people in because we wanted to help.

They repaid us with measles.

Oh, this guy.

The U.N. demands that we bring in these so-called "climate migrants" into our countries.

But does that mean we have to accept their crime...

their disease?

Okay, well, Andrada's single-handedly tanking this whole agreement, - and without Australia there's no deal.

- Hard to know what's worse, the measles or the xenophobia?

Can you get me Lawson's schedule?


Back to work.

Smells really good.

I was expecting you and Will to be having some kind of...

sad bachelor meal.


Nothing but gourmet.

Sorry to disappoint.

- Is he around?

- Uh, I haven't seen him.


What's up?

Oh, God.

So, you know that dating app - that I'm on?

- Still?

Look who I saw on there today.




What is he thinking?

What is he wearing?

He looks like a Danish veterinarian.

I guess that's...

how you dress when you're "super laid-back and love to laugh." Who is he?

- I mean...

- We have to do something, right?

- I mean, he can't be on there.

- Honey, he's a grown man.

Come on.

Mom would k*ll him.

Well, the benefit of Mom being out of town is there's less m*rder in the house.

If someone shows this to Aunt Sophie, which they totally could, any chance of them working it out is done.

And we're stuck with Will in the basement.

I'm just saying.

I'm not saying Australia's pulling out of the deal.

I just want to wait until we know more about the origin of this outbreak.

Even though the WHO has no evidence linking measles to any migrants?

Well, they don't know where it came from.

It seems a vast increase in illegal migrants from the Solomon Islands is an entirely likely explanation.


So now we're making international policy based on what seems likely?

I can't sell a migrant deal to my people with this...

miasma of disease hanging over it.

Let's just...

table this until your boss gets back.

Shall we?

So, if we find conclusive proof that the migrants aren't the source of the outbreak, - you're back at the table?

- Well, as I said, double the current number of work-stay visas, and that's an offer I'll consider.

Excuse me.

"Miasma of disease"?

China and Russia just pulled out.

Damn it, this whole thing's - falling apart.

- Jay, they only had one toe in to begin with.

Listen, l-let me just try to hold on to everyone else while we get Australia back.


Look, if we can prove the migrants aren't the source - of the outbreak, that will...

- Hang on.

I think I may have a contact I can try.

I just have to see if she's still in the Ministry of Health in the Philippines.

I thought that was you.

Tara, oh, my God.

How did you know we were here?

We're here, too.

Right across the hall.

Oh, no.


They quarantined our flight as soon as we landed.

- I thought she had a cold.

- Yeah, Joanna started with the same symptoms.

Can't believe we just have to wait it out.

At least we can - get through it together.

- What are the odds that two vaccinated kids get the measles?


You can stop beating yourself up.

She might've gotten sick anyway.

Oh, you guys didn't...?

Not the MMR.

Medical reasons?


- I never thought she'd be exposed.

- I guess the way it works is, three out of every hundred people or so can still get infected even if they've had the full MMR.

But if everybody gets vaccinated, then those people are protected by herd immunity.

It only works when enough people immunize.

Francine, hi.

Oh, looks like we...

caught you at home?

Ah, still living the glamorous life of public service.

Look at you at the State Department.

She throw any furniture yet?

We're keeping her very happy.

All right, all right.

So listen, this measles outbreak.

Your president is accusing migrants from the Solomon Islands of bringing it into the Philippines.

Does that match what, uh, you're seeing at the Department of Health?

If that is President Andrada's position...

Fran, look, a deal that we're working on is at risk.

Can you... can you give me any proof?

The migrant population has been difficult to track.

Well, if you could allow the World Health Organization access, then, to do its own surveillance...

I'll have to get back to you about that.

It's time-sensitive.

I mean, even just the locations of the most recent outbreaks would be helpful...

It was good to talk to you.

I'll let you know.

Fran, Francine, um, how old is Jaslene now?

Oh, she's four.


My kid Desi just turned four.

And, uh, our press secretary's daughter Joanna, um, is almost two, and she was on the Sea Foam Voyager.

She's one of the nine kids who have been infected so far.


not knowing the full story of the outbreak in the Philippines...

it puts all our kids at risk.

Are you seriously using my daughter to put pressure on me?

Shame on you, Kat.

Well, that took a turn.

Oh, my God.




is a map of the outbreak.


Love me some Fran.


- Hey.

- You going out?

Yeah, trying a new restaurant in Dupont Circle.

Hey, man to man...

is this...

is the beanie too much?

Is that what you call it?

Going Socratic on me, so that's a yes.

What restaurant?

Some locavore thing.

- Go ahead.

- What?

I totally support locavore.

Yeah, I'm really feeling the...

- the warmth of non-judgment.

- Okay.

Do you really need me to say it?

You moved out less than two weeks ago...

isn't it a little early to be on a dating app?

What, are you tracking me online?

Stevie saw you on there.

And other people could, too.

I mean...

Sophie could find out.

How do you think that would make her feel?

- She'd feel like we're moving on.

- Because you've - mutually decided that's the next step.

- You know, I thought, with my sister out of town, that I might not feel so judged.

It's not judgment, Will, I'm just concerned.

I mean, don't you want to take a minute to figure yourself out?

That's exactly what I'm doing.


You know, I asked for your opinion.

So thank you.

Well, she walks away from the laptop, only the laptop is facing the map of the outbreak, - I screen-grab it, send it to WHO.

- That's great.

- And then based on...

- Good morning.

- Good morning.

- I get the latte?

- Full service.

- You know what?

That's for working a miracle.

- Wow.

Who says public service doesn't pay?

- So, anyway, um, so, based on where the outbreak started...

a beach town called El Nido...

WHO was able to pinpoint when it started: right after a tour group of...

wait for it...

Australians left town.

- Plot twist.

- Uh-huh.

Wait, so Patient Zero for the Philippines outbreak was an Australian citizen?

A toddler, actually.

A family on the tour group hadn't vaccinated.

Which means we have proof that the migrants aren't, - aren't the source of the outbreak.

- Yes.

When does the Australian delegation leave?

- Uh, like, now.

- Ah.

Call AFDW.

Ground the plane.

The WHO still has work to do, but clearly the outbreak didn't come from the Solomon Islands migrants, which means we can get back to the table on this deal.

I'll need to follow up with my Department of Health about this.

But thank you.


Prime Minister, I get it.

The White House was att*cked over immigration reform.

This isn't an easy conversation for any of us.

But the problem isn't going away.

I want to help you.

I also want to stay in office.

I know you've got anti-immigration hardliners calling for your head, but...

is the job more important than standing up for what's right?

I realize you're only trying to channel what your superior might say, so I'll ask you to pass this on to her.

There are times when a leader must be willing to make decisions that are best for his people, even when that doesn't align with his moral sensibilities.

Like covering up a measles outbreak to protect your tourism industry?

Due respect.

Whether or not this outbreak originated in my country is as yet unproven.

What we have ample proof of is that your growing unvaccinated population has put us all at risk of a global pandemic.

Before you counsel me on standing up for what's right, I suggest you look to your own house.

Code blue, Pediatric Room 3.

Code blue...

What's happening?

What's wrong?

Ms. Grant.

Her oxygen levels have dropped below 80.

Is she okay?

What are you doing?

She's in acute respiratory distress.

We need to do an emergency intubation.

- That's my baby girl.

- And we are going to do everything that we can.




How's she doing?


For now.


I mean, none-none of this is good.

You know what I'm saying.

My mother had measles growing up.

There's a picture of her in her crib, covered in a rash.

She was sick for a few days and that was it.

I knew it was a dangerous disease, that kids could die from it, but I also knew that measles was eradicated in the U.S. back in 2000.

And there were all these articles about possible harm from vaccines, and then a study saying there was no proof.

And then you read another article and y-you...

I mean, you don't know what to think.

And we weren't the only ones.

Lots of parents at Lyric's preschool didn't vaccinate.

You know, I-I thought she was strong.

She could fight it like my mom did.

And that I was protecting her.

Now she has encephalitis.

They're saying she could be blind.

Or worse.

I know you think I'm a fool.

No, hey.


We're gonna get our girls through this.

Look, I know it's hard.

We're all worried about Joanna, but even Daisy would want us to keep doing our jobs.

We've got a roundtable to salvage, so where are we on that?

Uh, I don't know how salvageable it is.

Three more countries pulled out.

And U.N.

High Commissioner Rubiano thinks that we should try again in a few years.

By 2050, there's estimated to be a billion climate migrants worldwide.

Not having a plan for what to do with them...

that, that-that makes total sense, that's good.

We have to get Australia back on board.

If Lawson gets ousted, he'll most likely be replaced by an anti-immigration hardliner.

And then we're dead in the water.

They are the country of origin for a massive global outbreak.


W-We could...

We could issue a State Department travel warning against visiting Australia.

You know what?

It's peak surfing season... a travel warning would thr*aten their entire tourism industry.

And no one would blame him for coming back.

It's the right approach, but, uh, I don't want to get into a finger-pointing match as to whose unvaccinated population is more to blame for the outbreak.


We don't have much of a position there, do we?

Well, no, hold on.

We could take out the warning part, and just publicize that the outbreak originated with an Australian citizen and not the migrants.

- Yeah.

It'll piss 'em off...

- Well...

but less than an official travel warning.

Might be enough to get 'em back to D.C.

Okay, do it.

And, Kat, once the news breaks, start making calls.

Let's try to get every Pacific leader back at the table.

Excuse me.

It's time for the White House meeting.

Start with Andrada in the Philippines.

We're looking at 85 confirmed cases so far, 37 in the U.S.

Over the coming weeks, that number could rise well into the hundreds.

But thanks to the tip from State that led us to the point of origin, we're finally getting a handle on the global scope of the outbreak.

That's good news.

Yes, but no.

Sir, as a nation, we have high vaccination coverage.

That's what saved us.

But in five years, if the vaccinated population continues to drop below 90%, like it already has in, uh, over a dozen small communities in the U.S., we'll lose our herd immunity.

And then we'll be back to the full-blown pandemics of a century ago.

Sounds to me like someone's pushing policy change.

Well, no one is disputing the need for a response.

Just not a response that includes the word "mandatory." Which is why the question becomes how to keep everyone safe without violating civil liberties.

We legislated seat belts...

how many lives did that save?

Forcing every citizen to be injected with a substance they might not want is a lot more complicated than buckling a seat belt.

If it were up to me, immunization would be mandatory.

Unless you had some documented medical exception.

But politics I-is the art of the possible.

We're wading into much deeper waters here.

States' rights alone would k*ll it in committee.

People forget what it was like to pray your child wasn't paralyzed, d*sfigured, or dead by their fifth birthday.


So what can we do?

The research shows that most parents opt out of immunizing for a couple of reasons.

Misinformation being the biggest.

Well, that's the thing about democracy.

People are free to consume as much misinformation as they want.

Access is another problem, especially for the uninsured and the underinsured.

Some states have free vaccination programs.

In others, non-profits slip in.

Not all states have options for everyone.

Considering how important this is for public health and national security even, shouldn't vaccines be something that's free for all?

Maybe we could implement a federal program to provide money and tax credits to non-profits and other health providers for free vaccinations.

And you think that this would help increase vaccination rates?


Federal funding could definitely expand the pool of vaccinated people in this country.

Well, this needs to be passed by Congress, so let's dig into these options and start putting together some, uh, proposals, huh?

If you were looking for a more immediate plan, this ain't it.

It'll make a difference.

It's just too bad that it will do nothing to combat the spread of misinformation.

Because the biggest problem is our public's eroding faith in science and our institutions.

That's what scares me the most.

Well, let's keep looking at how to address that, hmm?

Thank you, everyone.


- Hey.

- How's it going?


I'm starving.

Is there anything to eat?

Rice and vegetables, I think, in the fridge.



So, um, you...

You didn't eat, uh, where you were?

For a family of spies, you people are terrible at prying into my private life.

I'm sorry.

You did kind of put it out there when you posted a profile on, uh, the dating app that I'm on.

Can we also talk about how your age range goes down to 23?

Yeah, I had a date, and I cut it short to go home, check on my daughter.

Oh, is she okay?

Yeah, yeah, sh-she's fine.

Just a little fever, but with all the measles stuff, - Sophie just wanted to be sure.

- Yeah.

I'm glad that she has you to reach out to.

- I'm sorry...

- Yeah.

About your date being cut short.

Well, it turns out dating is as horrible as I remember it.

This must be the party room.

You try coming up with a way to get through to parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids, and see if you don't party this hard.

I struck out on getting anyone to come back to the table for the Climate Migration Agreement.

Not one country?

Even after the news that the outbreak started in Australia?

Can't shake the original news linking the outbreak to the migrants.

I guess people want to see the face of disease as a desperate refugee rather than a privileged Australian tourist.

That is so not helping my headache.

Well, neither will this.

Australia is sending all of their current climate migrants back to their home islands.

I'm so sorry, Jay.



What are you doing here?

Making sure you two aren't eating out of a vending machine.

Hi, Verline.


Just when I think I made up my mind about you.

It's good to see you.


Got it, honey.


I'll set this up in the dining room.

Oh, gosh.

She still calls me Matthew.

She calls you other things, too.

- How's Waffles?

- He's great.

He's with my landlord right now.

But, man, is he ready to see you.

Waffles, not my landlord.


Which might be, uh, pretty-pretty soon, right?

They took her off the ventilator an hour ago.

Her antibody levels were low, but she had enough to slow down the virus until she could fight it off.

Thank God she was vaccinated.

That couple I met on the cruise, they didn't give their daughter the MMR shot.

I mean, the mother's just k*lling herself with guilt.

You think she might want to do something about it?

I think I have something.

Okay, every country, with the exception of New Zealand, pulled out of talks because of the lie that migrants have the measles.

- Right.

- Which is a virus that's only spreading because of kids who weren't vaccinated because of this other lie, that the MMR causes autism.

- You see what our problem is here?

- Yeah.

We're being deal-blocked by two movements that feed off fear and suspicion to the detriment of society.

Right, and I think if we can take care of one, we can work around the other.

Yeah, but how do we address vaccine skeptics?

POTUS is working on some policy initiatives, which will take time and may or may not be effective.

But then it hit me this morning: we're the State Department.

We are.

We control passports.

And if you want one or you want to renew one, you're gonna have to show proof of vaccination.

Too crazy?

Proof of immunization to get a passport?

You can't just do that.

Well, we explored the plan with the Office of the Legal Adviser, and we can do that.

With the president's approval, of course.

Did you not hear the part about encroaching on civil liberties?

We already require immigrants to show proof of vaccination when they enter the country.

If U.S. citizens don't want to get vaccinated, they're perfectly free to not - leave the country.

- Okay, well, we would still offer exemptions for medical.

But if they opt out for religious or philosophical reasons, they would just have to be backed up with in-person consultations.

We're all familiar with weaponizing bureaucracy.

It's straight out of the voter suppression playbook.

Yes, but, Russell, if this bureaucracy is deployed for the greater good, if this is about protecting us from the risk of potentially fatal diseases, then it could, arguably, fall under the responsibility of the federal government to provide for the common defense.

The Constitution's on our side.

And-and, Russell, honestly, this is a measured step.

France recently made vaccinations mandatory for all citizens, in response to their increases - in measle cases.

- The CDC has been trying to address vaccine hesitancy for decades.

Right, and as we know, all it takes is one unsubstantiated study, one misconstrued rumor that gets signal-boosted online...

Well, encroaching on the freedom of people who take their family on a European vacation doesn't solve that.

But it does.


The best way to fight lies and misinformation is with fact, truth, and science.

A mandatory consultation would give people the opportunity to ask questions, to alleviate any concerns.

That sounds like it respects our civil liberties, and it gets to the heart of the problem: there's no more powerful force on Earth than a parent's determination to protect their children.

So if someone can listen to their concerns, with respect...


'Cause even in the face of unequivocal evidence, people still deny global warming.

H-How is vaccine denial any different?

It's not.

Education is a start, but it is not enough.

Which is why I support Mr. Whitman's proposal.

In states and countries where they've made it harder for parents to opt out, vaccination rates went up.

- It's a bold move.

- Yeah.

Piss off people on both sides of the aisle.

Fire up advocacy groups.

Unleash a slew of lawsuits.

If we can't address everyone's fears with reason, then...

maybe we need a...

little bureaucratic nudge, too.

Let's get into it.

Thank you, sir.

Get out.

Get... out.

- Hi.

- Hey.

You have fun with Daddy?

- Yep.

- I beat him at chess.

- I let her win.

- No, you didn't.

- Yes, I did.

- Bye, Dad.

Bye, sweetie.

No, I-I didn't.

She destroyed me.

- Yeah, she's really good.

- She is.

Um, thanks for coming last night.

I'm sorry, I don't know why I let myself get so spun out.


It's a good thing you're married to a doctor.


I'll see you tomorrow.

Hey, I-I've been thinking.

It might be better if we tried to work things out at home.

We talked about this.

I know.

But yesterday was good.

Yeah, of course it was good, because I needed you, and you like feeling needed.

But that doesn't change the rest of our problems.

I moved here so we could be a family.

And yet you spend more time at the hospital than you do at home.

And when you are home, your mind is someplace else.

I love you, but you're not built for slogging through the everyday boring parts of family life.

And I need someone who is.

Our decision to return the Solomon Islanders to their home was ours to make, based on our nation's immigration regulations.

And it is exactly this kind of moral lecturing from the United States that has stalled your attempt to enforce climate migration from the safety of another hemisphere.

With respect, Mr. Prime Minister, you stalled the talks by pulling out of them.

I'd like you to help me get them back on track.

That's simply not possible at this time.

My hands are tied.

Are they, though?

Excuse me?

Sorry, but you seem pretty deft at blaming migrants for an outbreak that began with your own citizen.

And it seems to me that your own unvaccinated citizens played a key part in the spread of this outbreak.

Which is why President Dalton is exploring policy changes to address the issue.

Oh, is this what your boss would call diplomacy?

Diplomacy was when Secretary McCord and the UNHCR set up talks for an inevitable humanitarian crisis.

Your political enemies are holding those talks hostage to their own extreme anti-immigrant agenda.

So, why don't you tell them this: the talks resume, or the U.S. will be forced to issue a travel alert requiring proof of vaccination for travel between our two countries.

Are you really prepared to alienate a key ally while you're filling in for your boss?

I'm confident the secretary understands both of our great nations' responsibility to a changing world.

Hope to see you back at the roundtable.

- And you'll get to see Waffles.

- Yay.

And we'll get to go see the monkeys at the zoo.

- Ooh.

- And maybe go to the park.

- Hey.

- What does a monkey say?

What does a monkey say?

And guess what Grandma got for you.

- Bun-Bun!

- Yay.


He's so cute.

I, uh, I just wanted to thank you and Matt for setting up this interview.

Are you sure you're up for it?

I want to get the message out.

How's Lyric?

Not awake yet.

Um, they're saying she's probably cognitively impaired by the swelling.

I'm so sorry.

I always thought I'd be on Good Day D.C.

for my butterscotch brownies, you know.

Any last-minute advice?

Ignore the camera and just have a conversation.

You're gonna do great.


- Hey.

- Hey.


I got your text.

- That's so great you're moving back.

- Yeah.

- Not that I'm happy to see you go.

- Well, no.

No, no.

I'm not exactly moving back just yet.

I did find an apartment a little bit closer to home so that I can be there for the boring stuff.

'Cause I-I want to show myself that I can be there for the boring stuff.

Might want to start by not referring to it as "the boring stuff." Thanks.

I know many of you are hesitant to sign a deal agreeing to accept even more migrants than you already have.

But it must be emphasized this agreement is in no way a call for open borders.

This is just a way for us to come together to acknowledge that no one stands alone in a changing world.

There is still great good that we can do together, especially when the waters are rising, and the very idea of home is shifting beneath our feet.

Oh, it is good to be back.

I mean, don't get me wrong.

The walks in the woods, the draft of my speech that I got done...

it was pretty great.

How about the private chef?

Oh, well, I prefer reheated pasta in the kitchen with you.

But it was pretty great.


Hey, you said you'd wait till morning.

Well, tell me one thing that happened while I was away.

Well, your brother moved out to be closer to home.

- Shut the front door!

- You want to know why?


Something about that story is gonna drive me crazy, so let's just table it with the news of the world.

I'm glad you're back.

Me, too.


Officer Gleeson will be right in to help finalize your papers.

Welcome to Australia.