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07x07 - Leda and the Swan, Part I

Posted: 01/20/21 10:07
by bunniefuu
♪ You go out to the rain ♪

♪ With a note on your pillow ♪

♪ Not sure where you're going to stay ♪

♪ Well, if you think I'm doing fine ♪

♪ Sitting here waiting, wasting time ♪

♪ Let me make it clear I'm dying ♪

♪ Oh, I'm dying ♪

♪ Baby, all I'm saying ♪

♪ Is that it's raining on me just as much as ♪

♪ It's raining on you ♪

♪ Come home. ♪


- Thank you.


Thanks, guys.

Thank you.





Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, help!

Someone help!


♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ You gotta come on. ♪

- Hey there, stranger.

- Hi.

Did you even come to bed last night?

Um, I came in late and I got up early.

[CHUCKLES]: Well, who knew, living together, that we'd barely ever see each other?

I know.

I'm sorry.

No, that's okay.

Listen, how...

how about I make you some breakfast and you can tell me all about your latest legal crusade?

I can't today.

I'm heading back down to the ACLU.

I've got a hearing in a couple hours.

Well, this sounds less like volunteering and more like you're working for them.

- Well, nobody's offered me a job yet.

- That's not true.

Every law firm in this city wants you in the fold.

- ACLU's smart tying up - [PHONE VIBRATING]

the most sought-after litigator in town.

Oh, damn, I got to go.

Okay, okay, look.

One question.


Do you like it?

I love it.


Okay, good.

Then tell them to get off their asses and make you an offer.

- You know what?

I love you, too.


I'm already a done deal.

Get out of here.

Go save the world.

- All right.

See you tonight.

- Okay.

You got a mask?

Quentin Carter, FBI's most wanted.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means a special agent called this morning three times looking for you.

Seems you're kind of difficult to find.

- Ah.

- Mm.



Are you gonna call 'em back?

I believe we have a m*rder case.

Yeah, but aren't you a little bit curious?

- I am not.

- Well, I am.

- What's going on, Carter?

- Let's see what's going on.

Our victim is Lieutenant Commander Amanda Gregson, - Navy therapist at Belle Chasse.

- Seriously?

Stabbed to death in a French Quarter alley last night.

- Right.

- What else do we know?

There was a witness.

Same lady that called .

Didn't wait for NOPD to arrive.

Tammy and Sebastian are looking for her now.

- Thinking robbery gone wrong?

- No.

There was nothing stolen.

She had her wallet, cash and a . .

A . ?

Navy issue?

- Personal w*apon.

- Huh.

Maybe she had a reason.

Someone she was afraid of.

We should head to Belle Chasse, talk to her colleagues.

Sure you don't want to make a phone call?


SEBASTIAN: Well, according to the , our caller's name was Fiona Devlin.

Yeah, but she didn't give any other detail before she hung up.

Well, there's only one Fiona Devlin in New Orleans, and according to the DMV, she lives here, so...

- I don't see her name.

- Who you looking for?

Um, Fiona Devlin.

Do you know her?

I know everybody that in this building and everything that happens to 'em.

You know why?

Walls are thin?

'Cause you got to keep your eyes open, your ears sharp, or they'll take advantage of you.

Uh, who-who is "they"?

- You know.

- I-I don't know.



And Fiona?

- Oh, what about her?

- Is she here?

Oh, no, she was evicted, like, months ago.


- Her and her kid.

- Oh, she's got a kid?

Or at least I think that's her daughter.

I can't confirm or deny that part.

Okay, um, you think you can tell me where she is right now?

No clue, lady.

So much for knowing everything.

All right, what do we do?

Well, Fiona called from her cell phone, so we can always ping that.

All right, come on.

All right.

Who's "they"?

That's what I want to know.

- Loretta.

- Mm.

Dwayne Cassius Pride.

I'm not sure I'm talking to you.

Well, even if I bribe you with café au lait?

There isn't enough au lait in Louisiana to give me back the hours I lost last night from your commission.

From our commission, Loretta.

We're gonna change this city together.


Nah, we couldn't even get ten people to agree where to order dinner.

Not sure how they're gonna agree - to change the city.

- Yeah.

Things tend to get a little...

heated in that room.

- They were like children.

- And yet they all showed up, 'cause they care about New Orleans, - just like you do.

- Yes.

I just have to adjust my expectations of the process.

[CHUCKLES]: Well, what were you expecting?

The commission's a marathon, not a sprint.

On the brighter side, I've renewed appreciation for the morgue.

Good listeners who rarely talk back.

And Commander Gregson?

She telling you anything?

Well, she died quickly, without much of a struggle.

Stabbed twice, once in the abdomen and once in the right thigh, severing her femoral artery, and bled out almost immediately.

Slicing the femoral artery?

Suspect lucky or skilled?

Could be either.

This is looking less and less like a crime of convenience.

Well, considering her tox screen, I'm inclined to agree.

She had high levels of methaqualone in her system.

The date r*pe drug?

Illegal since .

- Any evidence of sexual as*ault?

- No.

But that doesn't mean the suspect wasn't trying.

Okay, I'll, uh, cross-reference any recent sexual as*ault cases in New Orleans, see if there's any pattern.

Enjoy your café au lait.

See you at the next commission meeting.

SEBASTIAN: Patton says that Fiona turned her phone off, but last time it was on, about eight hours ago, it pinged at this location.

Looks like she didn't move after that.

There's her Subaru Wagon.

SEBASTIAN: My mom drove that car.

GREGORIO: Well, good for her.

Looks like this might be her new address.

She's asleep.

Don't go scaring her with your big-ass head in the window.

It's not a big head.

What are you talking about?

Look at this head.

It's a perfectly normal head.

- I don't know what...



I'm sorry!


- See?


- Hey, hey, no.


Hey, we're-we're the good guys.

We're the good guys.


Look-look at this.

Can you roll the window down, please?


I-I know I'm not supposed to sleep here.

Is it cool if I just leave?

I won't come back.

Oh, we're not those kind of cops.

We're-we're NCIS.

- We're federal agents.

- You're Fiona Devlin, right?

Well, you reported a m*rder to last night, and we want to talk to you about it.

HANNAH: Captain Donahue, thank you for talking to us.

What can I tell you about Amanda?

She was compassionate.

Cared about her patients.

Cared about her country.

She could have made a lot more money in private practice.

Were you aware of any problems she was having, either here, at work, or personally?


None that she disclosed to me.

She have any friends or close colleagues?

Not really.

Kind of kept her own counsel.

- We need to see her files.

- Files?

CARTER: Yeah, we have her digital calendar from her phone, but we need a patient list, session notes, case files.

I may be able to give you her patient list, but not her session notes.

What's the problem?

- Amanda was a specialist.

- Yeah, we know.

- A therapist.

- No.

Amanda had top-secret clearance.

Why would she need that?

Some of her patients worked eyes only assignments.

In order for her to treat them, she needed clearance.

If you want her notes, you need it, too.

Right, right.

All right, well, you know, we'll get read in and, uh, come back to you.


Commander Gregson had access to government secrets.


Pride get anywhere with sexual assaults in the Quarter using methaqualone?


Then this m*rder might have nothing to do with sexual as*ault.

And everything to do with national security.

FIONA: You make lunch for every witness who leaves the scene of a crime?

- I should flee more often.

- Well, I wouldn't get too excited, okay?

It's just a turkey and Swiss.

Usually, my boss is making all the food.

So, uh...

why'd you flee the scene?


I kind of freaked out.

It was just, I thought it would get back to Child Protective Services.

- 'Cause of your daughter?

- You know about Rory?

- Yeah.

- Look, it's not what you think.

I'm not a bad mother.

Rory means everything to me.

It's just...

it's been hard times.

- You guys got evicted?

- Yeah.

How did that happen?

Um, I'm a singer.

A songwriter.

I came from Nashville to make music.

Well, isn't that, uh, a place that's kind of known for that stuff, too?


Well, um, there was a guy.

- Rory's dad.

I followed him here.

- Ah.

It was fun at first.

Then I got pregnant.

He didn't think it was fun anymore.

- I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to...

- No, no, it's fine.

'Cause I got Rory.

And everything was going well, and then...



Before COVID, it was good.

I was making a living doing what I loved.

After COVID...

no more club gigs.

No more tourists.

- No more money.

- Mm.

Well, what happened with Rory?

After we got evicted, we were living in my car.

Turns out Child Protective Services doesn't allow that.

Look, it's not what I want for her either.

It's just...

she's mine.

She should be with me.

You don't have any... any family back home?

I haven't spoken to my mom since I called and told her I was pregnant and alone and she said she told me so.

- Ah.

- Yeah.



Anyway, um, I told everything I know.

Woman looked super drunk and-and she was being - followed by a man.

- Okay, yeah.

The man.

Let-Let's get a description of him real quick.

Well, I didn't see him that well.

He was wearing a hood.

What about, uh, his race?

Did you see his hands?





And then, uh, what about his build?

Was he, like, bigger or thin...

He seemed fit.



Got it.

This is great.

You did great.



can I go?

Actually, you know what?

Why don't you, um, finish eating the greatest sandwich that I've ever made I my life, and I will go and see if I can get you a place to stay for a couple days.


Yeah, you know, you help us, we help you...

It's a whole thing.

Thank you.

Yeah, no problem.


Got info on Commander Gregson's g*n.

Looks like she purchased it two weeks ago at a local g*n shop.

- What happened two weeks ago?

- Not sure, but she cancelled all her therapy appointments that day, so something must have been going on.

Well, whatever it was, she kept it to herself.

It could be a sign she was involved in espionage.

- You get her patients' files yet?

- We're getting a read-in on her session notes today.

All right, well, should I go to the g*n shop?

No, no, no, - I'll grab Carter, we'll do it.

- Okay.

Quentin, this is not high school.

You can't just avoid a conversation you don't want to have.

I'm not avoiding.

I'm talking to you, Mother.

Not me.

The FBI.

They've been trying to reach you for a week.

I'm in the middle of an investigation.

And I am in the middle of a confirmation.

Yes, Mother.

Under Secretary of the Navy.

Very impressive.

It would be more impressive if my middle child could spend minutes for a very simple background interview.

It's not that simple.

It is.

They just ask you a few obligatory questions.

You answer and then it's over and you can go back to whatever it is you fill your days with.

Solving a m*rder is what I'm filling my days with, and I got to go.

Quentin, what aren't you telling me?

I'll call you later.

What aren't you telling her?

What do you got in your hand?

Address of the g*n shop where Commander Gregson got her w*apon.

Let's go.

All right.

MAN: Business has been booming.

Lot of first-time g*n buyers.

Had to hire extra help.

Have you seen this woman?

- Amanda Gregson?

- Oh, I remember her.

Why'd she stand out?

Most of these folks don't know what they want or why they want it.

Got to hold their hands.

This lady knew what she was looking for.

And what was that?


XD-S . .

Pretty little piece.

Reasonably priced.

Simple to use.

Easy to conceal.

Said she wanted something that could stop a bull running at her full speed.

She pull the trigger on the wrong guy or something?

Thanks for your time.

Hey, look...

I don't ask a lot of questions.

It's not my place.

But that woman...

she was scared.


What's up?

The system is totally crazy.

You got that right.

I mean, this is a-a complete Catch- .

You're preaching to the choir.

Hey, are you on hold with the DoD waiting to get a read-in on Gregson's file?



Child Protective Services.



I'm trying to help Fiona get her daughter back.


You're on a first-name basis now with our fleeing witness?

Do you know that in order for her to get the kid back, she needs to have housing and employment?

- Sounds fair.

- Okay.

And yet, Section housing is easier to get when you're applying with children who live with you.

And the waitlist...

i-it's measured in years, not weeks.

Well, meanwhile, on our homicide case over here...

And yet, I foolishly thought that I would be able to help her because I'm part of the system.

Or at least, you know, a system.

I thought I'd be better-equipped to navigate the whole thing.

I'm wrong.

It's really sweet that you're trying to help her, baby.

Yeah, she just needs someone on her side, - you know?

- Yeah.

If couch surfing counted as housing, I would have offered her our place.

Now, that's a little too sweet.


Eh, it wouldn't matter.

Wouldn't help her get Rory back anyway.

I never would have thought that solving murders would be easier than finding housing for a single mother.

Well, since we haven't solved this one yet, I was hoping you could pull some security footage from Amanda Gregson's office and parking lot around the time that she bought the g*n.


Oh, uh...

I would love to, but it's just that I've been on hold here for, like, minutes.

Well, maybe that's the universe trying to tell you you need to do something else.

Well, statistically speaking, actually, uh, to minutes is the sweet spot - for getting your call picked up.

- Sebastian, please, I need you.

OPERATOR: Thank you for holding, this is Marty.

Your call may be recorded for quality assurance.

- How may I help you?

- I'll pull the files.

- Are you there?

- Ah, thank you.

Hey, Marty.

What's up?

Um, my name's Sebastian.

Um, I really use your help.

This is a recording of the parking lot outside of Gregson's office two days before she bought the g*n.

What happens next?

Amanda and the other woman back off.

They leave camera view.

No wonder she felt threatened.

Any ID on these folks?

Motorcycle was registered to a Lieutenant Bruce Archambeau.

The woman is his wife, Laura.

Also a Navy Lieutenant.

They were both in marriage counseling with Amanda.

Doesn't look like it's going very well.


But it does look like a new motive for m*rder.

BRUCE: I lost control.

Smashed Amanda's windshield.

Not my best moment.

He's got anger issues.

BRUCE: I offered to pay for the repair.

She never replied.

I wrote a letter of apology.


She didn't have to send NCIS here.

Commander Gregson didn't send us.

She's dead.

How bad do these anger issues get?


I, uh, break things, scream and yell.

I don't hurt anybody.

I just...

You think my husband is responsible?

We saw the video of the confrontation in the parking lot.

Amanda was m*rder*d a week later.

Amanda was our therapist.

Marriage counseling.

- She wasn't supposed to play favorites.

- Bruce...

She wasn't supposed to talk to either one of us alone.

Stop talking for a second.

- And that made you angry?

- BRUCE: Yeah, - it pissed me off, but I'm not gonna...

- I've known this man for years.

He has plenty of flaws.

He breaks things.

But he doesn't hurt people.


Appreciate that.

But we're gonna have to know more.

Why were you speaking to Amanda alone?

'Cause she didn't like the way the sessions were going.

The fact that I have a legitimate point of view.

You're going to do this now?

You said I was driving you out of the marriage.

Amanda said you were blame shifting.

PRIDE: Okay, please.

Can we focus?

Commander Gregson is dead.

Where were you two nights ago?

LAURA: It was poker night.

He was on the base with me and three other couples.

I can give you their names and information.


That'd be great.

My phone's out in the back.


Let's, uh... talk a little bit more about the parking lot.

Why were you meeting alone with Commander Gregson?

Because of your top-secret clearance?

We've been read-in.

You can say.

Bruce thinks I'm withholding, but...

You can't discuss your work with him.

What were you working on?

Tactical long-range drones.

And there was a problem with work?


It was Amanda who asked to talk to me alone, - not the other way around.

- Why?

She had questions about some of the other people on the project.

What kind of questions?

Work habits.

Personal habits.

She was kind of cagey about the whole thing.

She thought there was some kind of breach?

I don't know.

I gave her the names, answered some questions, then Bruce showed up.

Yeah, uh, I'm gonna need those names, too.

No, Brennan, that's-that's what I'm saying.

This changes nothing.

You're going on deployment, all right?

Look, you do you.

I'll handle the FBI.

Sorry to interrupt.

No, it's okay.

I'm getting used to it.

Who's Brennan?

My brother.


Well, for what it's worth, from a former FBI agent, we don't handle easy.

I will keep that in mind.


Patton's got something for us.


I've been going through Amanda's session notes.

I've been trying to find reference to personnel that was assigned to that long-range drone project.

Any hits?

Nothing that screams espionage.

And yet you wanted us to see something.

Well, military therapists don't function the same as civilian therapists do.

What's different?

All their session notes are filed on a military server which can be accessed by anyone on base with the proper clearance.

All their deep, dark secrets laid bare.


So much for patient confidentiality.

GREGORIO: Well, not only that, Amanda was required to report any information which could assist in the military investigation of crimes, past or present.

Fair enough.

She's also obligated to report any information which could impact a patient's suitability for military service.

Oh, well, that is a loophole you could drive a truck through.

So, why would anyone see a military therapist?

Well, if they can afford it, they'll see a civilian, but if they can't, they often don't seek help at all.

And they're very vague on what they say in the session.

Or the therapist is very vague in what she reports.

I looked at Amanda's session notes.

It's like they were written in code.

I'm saying, they are written in code.

Her way of protecting patient confidentiality.

Or trying to hide her own secrets.

Yeah, but I did find something.

A digital shadow on her hard drive.

Like, a deleted file?

Deleted and encrypted.

But it was copied onto an external hard drive.


Well, we've been through her house and her office.

Didn't find anything.

GREGORIO: You know, Amanda did have a few personal things on her the night she died.

I'm gonna call Sebastian and see if he has anything.

I mean, who'd have thought that the foster care system was so... labyrinthine?

Well, me, for one.

Fostering and adopting my boys was a crucible.

My God, you're right.

I don't know...

I should have come to you first.

You could have helped us, uh, strategize our next move.


Yeah, me and Fiona.

When did you become an us?

Oh, we're... no, we're not, we're not.

I... it's just...

I don't know, I just...

feel for what she's going through, you know?

Oh, that's so sweet, Sebastian.

You know, the first thing she needs, though, is a job.

Do you think Pride could hire her to work at the bar?

There's not much going on at the bar these days.

Other than the pantry.

Plus he's still carrying all his pre-COVID employees.


But you keep thinking about it.

I will, too.

For us.

This is strange.

Who even carries a lucky rabbit's foot anymore?

Except my Aunt Beatrice.

Oh, would you look at that.

The drive's fully encrypted.

Patton's working on it now.

All he's been able to get so far is a filename: WBY.

She have a client with those initials?


Going back through her session notes, searching for any mentions of WBY.


So was she protecting her patients' privacy or stealing secrets?

- Or...

- HANNAH: I don't know yet.

It's fair to assume that it's the key to why she was m*rder*d.


All right, well, keep at it, let me know if you need me.


It's gonna be another late night.

We should order dinner.

What do you want?

Oh, I don't know.

Something new.

There's got to be menus here.


We've had them all times each.

Special Agent Carter.

It's your mother.

Uh, tell her I don't have time right now, okay?

- I'm trying to figure out dinner.

- No, I mean...

Quentin Carter.

You will make time.

Do you understand?

Yes, ma'am.

Your father and I have made our mistakes raising our children.

And I'm sure that the three of you - could come up with a comprehensive list.

- Mother...

However, proper etiquette and responsibility would not be on that list, wouldn't you agree?

Yes, ma'am.

Why are you dragging your feet with the FBI?

Your sister thinks it's your passive-aggressive way of sabotaging my nomination.

Angela could write a book about her opinions of me.

And yet still find the time to do her part for the family.

For the family?

Or for you?


it is not a good look avoiding an official interview.

It suggests that you have something to hide.

- I am investigating a homicide.

- Yes.

And we are all busy doing important work.

It is no excuse.

And what's worse is you have dragged Brennan into type of this behavior as well.

He's being deployed.

He could have spared minutes before he shipped out.

You told him not to.

And you know what's odd?

I suggest that you are hiding something and you didn't deny it.

That's because you haven't given me the chance to.

All right.

Here's your chance.

You ambush me in the middle of the night, you throw wild accusations, you assume the worst of me without even taking a moment to understand where I'm coming from.

All right.

Explain it to me.

Where are you coming from, Quentin?

You know what, it doesn't matter.

You're gonna believe the worst, anyway.

And I still got work to do.


Okay, so basically she needs a job and a place to live.

Then once she gets that whole thing set up, then she can get a court date, but that could take months.

Well, not if she has a good attorney.

Someone who could get her case moved up.

Would that be...

someone like you, maybe, and I...

Look, I know that that's crazy to even suggest because of how busy you are with the ACLU.

Never too busy to help family, Sebastian.

- Really?

- Yeah, of course.

But like you said, it doesn't matter if she isn't employed and she doesn't have a real address.

I can't help with that part.

But I can.

Oh, I thought with the bar being closed...

It's true, I'm not serving drinks anymore, but I could use an extra pair of hands at the food pantry.

That would be amazing.

Thank you.

Thank you both.

This is...

You guys, free computer advice for life.


I mean it.

I'm talking corrupted files, hard drive problems.

Whatever, you name it, I'm there day or night.


I'll get a COVID testing protocol set up for her.

If her rapid test comes back clean, she can start tomorrow.

Okay, yeah, she'll be here for the test and for the job.

Thank you.

Now you can focus on finding Fiona and her child a place to live.

Yeah, well, I might have an idea about that.

Wish me luck.

You really think you can take her case on?

I got to do something to earn my keep around here.


You're a good woman, Rita Devereaux.

Please, please tell me you found out what Project WBY is.


Not yet.

These file encryptions are a monster.

But I did find an appointment in her digital calendar that was labeled WBY.

You get the names of the patients?


Just times and locations.

Wait, weren't the meetings at her office?

The meetings was everywhere but in her office.

Let me see.

Public parks, parking garages, riverfront.

Doesn't seem like therapy sessions at all.

It seems like espionage.

I don't know.

Everything we've learned about Amanda Gregson, she doesn't fit the profile of being a foreign agent.

Hey, I just followed the trail.

I leave it up to you to figure out what it all means.

Well, that trail lead you anywhere specific?

Well, I got a partial plate on CCTV at City Park two weeks ago.

Any idea who he is?

According to the partial plate, he's a master-at-arms at Belle Chasse.


I mean, you've got that guesthouse in the back that's just sitting there empty, you know?


You said you were gonna paint back there, but it never happened.

And it's-it's far enough away from the main house that it...

it would be like they're not even there.

The child's three years old, Sebastian.

Yes, but I hear she's a very mature three.

It's not like you got to take care of her or anything.

Plus, I wouldn't even be bringing this up if I didn't know how much you miss volunteering at the, uh, at the clinic.

What's that got to do with this?

Well, y... you want to make a difference in people's lives, right?

This would make a difference in a major way.

Instant gratification.

Does Fiona know how hard you're working to help her?

I don't know.


Well, she seems pretty special.


I'm-I'm just trying to do the right thing here.

You know?

Help out where I can.

Me too.

Is that a yes?

Yes, she can live in the guesthouse.


All right, that's great.

Thank you so much.


I love you.

Thank you.



You know you're hovering, right?


I think I need to talk.

Oh, you mean to me?


It's, uh, family stuff.


So, complicated and messy.

Which I imagine you're not a fan of.

This about the FBI interview?

And why you're not calling them back?


Something bad happened a long time ago.

I thought it would stay in the past.

What kind of something?

DUI when I was in high school.

Crashed a car.

No one got hurt.

Okay, that's not smart, but I don't know why that would rise to a federal offense.

That's not the bad part.

It wasn't me.

I wasn't driving.

My brother was.

- But you took the blame.

- Mm-hmm.


He had just gotten accepted to Annapolis.

We were celebrating, and stupid.

He jumped the curb, smashed into a tree.

If he would have got the DUI, they would have pulled his offer.

- You were trying to protect him.

- That's right.

That's noble.


Who else knows?

Brennan, me, you.

And possibly the Arlington Virginia Traffic Authority.

I'm not sure that I follow.

A few weeks after it happened, I got one of those red light tickets, the ones where they take your picture.

It shows your brother driving.

And proof that you lied to the police.


So when the FBI calls about the DUI, which they will, I have to decide whether to maintain the story and possibly get caught in a lie.

- And derail your mother's confirmation.

- Uh-huh.

Or... tell the truth.

And ruin your brother's career.

That is a lot to hold onto.

What are you gonna do?

I'm open to suggestions.

[LAUGHS]: You're not gonna like what I have to say.

You need to come clean to your mom.

I don't know what you think this is, but I assure you, you're wrong.

Well, we don't know what it is, either.

That's why we're here.

I shouldn't be talking about it.

GREGORIO: You know when you say stuff like that, it makes you seem suspicious.

PRIDE: You're a Master-at-Arms.

You met with a m*rder victim days before her death.

Why didn't you come forward?

I promised no matter what happened, I'd stay quiet.

You think that helps Amanda Gregson now?

Do you know she went out and bought a firearm because she was scared for her safety?

I didn't know that.

She... we were more worried about the others.


Commander Gregson had top-secret clearance.

She was looking into personnel building a tactical drone.

- She wasn't doing anything improper.

- Really?

Looks to us like espionage.

It may look like espionage, but...

that's not what Commander Gregson was doing.

Okay, so what was she doing, Ted?

She reached out to me because one of her patients had been assaulted.




Which patient?

She wouldn't say.

She gave me some of the details, but...

we were figuring out a workaround.

What kind of workaround?

Victims don't always report as*ault.

There's not a lot of upside... for one, it's embarrassing.

And there's blowback a lot of the times, especially when your assaulter holds rank on you, so we've developed...


Take matters into your own hands.

If the system doesn't deliver justice for the victims, then I can.

- A vigilante thing?

- No.

It's not like that, it's...

Base command knows how it works.

It's more of a back-channel situation.

We find another reason to punish the assailant.

Get them transferred or demoted.

Or discharged if the C.O.'s agreeable.

You do that a lot?

Over the years, yeah.

With Amanda Gregson.


She was new to Belle Chasse.

But I know she had done it at her other commands.

In this case, we're dealing with a serial offender.


I wish I could tell you.

Commander Gregson didn't say.

She was very careful.

She wanted to get all her ducks in a row before she ruined someone's career.

But whoever he is...

he's violent.

And may possibly be a m*rder*r.

HANNAH: Commander Gregson's three previous postings were Guantanamo Bay, Naples and Bahrain.

In Bahrain, she had a patient who reported a sexual as*ault at the hands of a senior officer.

How'd that play out?

Well, she reported the incident through the proper channels, went up the chain of command.

The officer was cleared of all the charges.

The patient was demoted.

And later discharged.

Sadly not uncommon in these situations.

Commander Gregson learned her lesson.

The next time a patient admitted as*ault, she took a more subtle approach.

And what did that look like?

Not really sure.

According to these session notes, she code-named everything involving sexual as*ault WBY.

- How many cases?

- According to Patton, up to % of all the patients were women seeking therapy after sexual as*ault.

So she knew the system was flawed.

She was doing her best to protect the victims.


I'm wondering how.


You mean you were able to get me a job?

Yeah, I mean, it's-it's nothing glamorous, you know.

It's just, uh, packing boxes of full of food - and supplies.

- Who cares?

And Pride says you can stay on as long as you want until you find something else.

I can save up for an apartment.

Yeah, well, that might take a while, so, um, I got you a place to live.

You did what?

Uh, it's a guest house on our medical examiner's property.

But don't worry, there's no, like, you know, dead bodies or anything.

Um, Sebastian, that's...

that's really sweet, but I'm broke.

I can't afford...

Oh, no rent.

I mean, you know, not at first.

You guys can figure something out once you get back on your feet.


I don't know what to say.

Well, don't say anything, 'cause we still need to get Rory back to you.

Yeah, got a lawyer in your bag?

I don't.

She's upstairs, uh, actually.

Her name is Rita Devereaux.

Uh, she's great.

She's on the phone with the family court right now.

I think she's trying to set you up a hearing for some time as early as this afternoon.

Oh, my God.

Are you okay?

Uh, yeah, uh...

It's just y-y-you did this.

All of this for-for me.

Well... yeah.


Okay, I was finally was able to decrypt Amanda's notes.

Got a lot of information on the victims she was trying to help.

You got any names of the victims?

Sometime yes, sometime just rank.

How about for her patient here in New Orleans?

Petty Officer First Class, working on the drone project.

She was assaulted by her coworker after-hours.

But she never reported it.

We got anything else to go on... name, description?

Of the assailant, no.

But the victim was a machinist.

Specializing in drones.

According to the notes, she was just transferred from San Diego.

Okay, I'll cross reference with the Belle Chasse directory.

Amanda was brutally m*rder*d for looking into this as*ault.

The assailant showed aggressive behavior when he att*cked the petty officer.

Well, then he's our number-one suspect.

And if he k*lled the petty officer's therapist, that means he'll probably go after her next.

Okay, I got someone here.

Petty Officer Emily Tascioni.

Arrived at Belle Chasse two months ago.

It's taking forever.

Hasn't been that long, Sebastian.

But Rita said it went well though, right?

Yeah, Fiona was great.

Judge was compassionate.

They just need to wait for the order from the clerk.

How long is that gonna take?


Just patience.


You did good.

Well, it wasn't just me, you know?

None of this would've happened without you, Loretta, Rita.


FIONA: We did it.

- Rory's coming home.

- Yeah?

- All right!

- Yeah!

And Rita got the judge to order protective services to send her here.

What, now?


- Now?

- Right now.




Hi, sweetie.



Hi, oh, sweetie, oh.

Doing okay?

Hi, sweetie.

You lied.

To the police.

To your parents.

I was trying to be a good brother.

By lying?


I thought we taught you better than that.

You taught me family comes first.

We would have supported Brennan.

Brennan would have been disgraced.

Quentin, that was not your choice to make.

Of course it was.

You weren't in the car.

We were.

And it didn't take much calculation to realize whose future needed protecting.

And I was already a screwup.

You were never a screwup.

Okay, who's lying now?

Look, achievements always mattered more to the rest of the family.

I knew a long time ago that I wasn't gonna live up to that.

You are very accomplished.


Look, I know what I did was wrong.

But I never regretted it for a single day.

Until last week.

When the FBI called.

So now I'm bringing it to you.

What do I need to do to make this right?



I'm not sure this can be made right.

My partner's around back.

- Backup's on the way.

- Copy that.

Take the side.



Put your hands up, now.

Whoa, it's okay.

I'm on your side.

- Ted Yancy, Master-at-Arms.

- You worked with Commander Gregson?

I helped her sometimes with some patients.

- What are you doing here?

- Wellness check.

Tascioni didn't show up for duty.

Might be U.A.

Why are you doing here?

Emily Tascioni was Commander Gregson's sexual as*ault victim.

And she's gone.

This isn't looking good.

Emily's in trouble.