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02x01 - What Happened to Kate Kane?

Posted: 01/18/21 08:55
by bunniefuu
Last season on "Batwoman"...

No, no, no, no, no, no!

Kate, don't leave me!

Don't leave me.

ALICE: I want her very, very dead!

If you want Kate dead so badly, why don't you just sh**t her?


Her betrayal deserves a reckoning!

LUKE: Where did you get that?

A friend gave it to me for safekeeping in case she ever lost her way.

ALICE: Oh, goody.

It's Tommy Elliot.

TOMMY: What about me?

I'm the guy that taught Bruce Wayne everything he knows, so where's my recognition, Doc?

ALICE: I must admit, Tommy.

I made all your dreams come true.

You made me Bruce Wayne.

I need you to strut through the doors of Wayne Tower and get me that shard of Kryptonite from your dear cousin Kate.


WOMAN: I think you'll like it here.

There's plenty of room for your stuff, and your plants will have their own balcony.

Yes, I said balcony, and look!

Only two locks.

We are a two-lock household now, Mom.


Aren't we fancy?

And your little girlfriends will have an easier time sneaking in and out now.


Can we not?

You are my mama.

You're not supposed to know about that stuff.

Rent's due on the first.

My office is next to the laundry.

- Are you ready for our new life?

- Mm-hmm.



I did not just see that!



MARY: Okay.

This is freaky.

Apparently Gotham's raining jet parts.

- Already on it.

- Is Kate there?

She hasn't checked in since she landed in National City yesterday.

Batcave to Batwoman.

You online?

WOMAN: Hello?

Can anybody hear me?



Can anybody moan or something?




The suit's GPS is off.

So is her phone.

What about calling her old-school, Bat-Signal?

Can we flip it on remotely?

We could till the Crows pulled it offline in their w*r with Batwoman.

Now anyone who touches the thing loses a hand.

- Want to try the hold-up?

- Already calling.

Wake up!

Come on.




Come on!

Wake up!

Live, please!

Come on!


MARY: Why isn't she answering?

Maybe she's already at the scene.

With her comms off?

You sure she flew in from National City this morning?



- Hey, hey.

You're gonna be okay, okay?

You're gonna be okay.


LUKE: Wayne Enterprises tail number GC K was set to depart at A.M. from National City.

Delayed for weather.

So maybe she's still in Nat. City.

Tail number GC K actual departure time...

: P.M.

So she's en route.

Explains why she hasn't gotten any of our calls.

Except she was set to land minutes ago.



LUKE: Okay.

GC K departed at : P.M.

At : , , feet, knots.

At : , knots, , feet.

At : ...


: what?

What, Luke?


Where is Kate's plane?


Oh, my God.



MAN: Why don't you guys start there?


Kane's here.

Uh, listen.

Go now that way and check in with me later.

What have you found?

Sir, I don't think you should be anywhere around here right now.

This was my daughter's airplane.

Tell me what you have.

Have you recovered anyone?

Not yet, but trust me, Kane, go home.

We'll call you if we find anything.

I am not leaving here without my daughter.


We'll look together.

Come on.

MAN: You two, with me.

MARY: What do you mean Julia couldn't find the Batsuit?

Julia said she was one of the first to arrive at the crash site, searched everywhere, meaning if Kate was wearing it she could've survived.

No, but Kate would have called us, though.

Not if she's unconscious, so when the suit wakes up, we'll find her.

I get that it's a supersuit, but , feet is still a hell of a freefall.

Yeah, but the cape's nanotech is more advanced than a NASA parachute, and the suit's shock-absorbing properties are unlike anything...

MARY: No way.

- Bruce.

- I came as soon as I heard.

It's been years, Bruce.

Where have you been?

If only the answer was as simple as the question, Mini Fox.

Complicated's fine.

We're smart.

I know.

Let's find Kate, and then I'll tell you all about it.


- It's my dad.

I should check in, but I really don't want to leave.


He needs you, Mary.

You should go.

We'll stay in touch.

If anyone can help us, it's you.

Barely changed the place.


Uh, you should probably see the Batcave.

Yeah, I probably should.

Want the honors?

Not sure we have time for a Proust read-along.


You can go right ahead.

You okay?


You've been the man of the castle for sometime now.

Lead on.



Just like old times, right?

So, Ryan.

What's new?

Anything I should I know about?

Actually, um, I stumbled on something pretty sick, kind of a game changer.

- Interesting.

- Yeah.

Was it housing?


Um, it was not housing.


What about employment?

All those years teaching martial arts, surely there's a dojo that will hire you.

Still looking.

Tell me you paid your court fines.

You make it sound like these are all my choices.

They are your choices, Ryan.

You have the power to turn this around.

You want to know why I haven't paid my fines?

Because I can't find a job because I don't have a home because no landlord wants to rent to an ex-con on post-release.

You see how this works?

No one cares that the dope wasn't mine or... or that the Crows were dirty or that I'm actually a decent human.

I am a file in your cabinet.

That is not having power.

That is the very definition of powerless.

Mind if I join you?

I'd prefer it.

Any news?


- How you holding up?

- I'm not.

The basement vending machine can attest.


We're not finding her alive, are we?

Oh, I'm not giving up yet.

Investigators said the plane was flying with a recalled engine part.

I heard the same thing.

Do you believe that?

Clear skies, the pilot's psych eval checks out.

Because a few days ago, you showed me photographs of us being tailed by some mysterious woman named Safiyah.

You two had drama, and I ended up in her crosshairs.

What are you saying?

I'm saying you and Kate were close, too.

Who's to say she didn't have the same photographs of her?

Julia, if you know something about Kate's plane being targeted...

I know what you know.

JACOB: But, sir, we've barely started our search.

I can send more men.

This is my daughter, Commissioner.

I am not giving up.


That sounded awful.

They I.D.ed the pilot.

His hand washed up in the harbor.

They think Kate's in the river.

But they're guessing.

They don't...

know anything.

They've shifted the search from rescue to recovery.


The same people who convinced you to stop looking for Beth when she went missing?

Dad, we can't listen to them.

How is this happening all over again?


You and I, we both know that crazier things have happened.

I'm not gonna lose hope, and I'm not gonna let you lose it either.

LUKE: Okay.

For the record, Kate found it all on her own, and Batwoman was her idea.

Well, Kate's not the type to sit idle while her sister's upending Gotham.


Hold up.

You know Alice is Beth?

Of course.

They are my cousins.

Red accents are a choice.

Bruce, come on.

Why didn't you call or...

or write or answer one of my , texts?

Because for every Alice Kate had, I had , all trying to find a way to k*ll me and everyone I cared about.

Protecting you meant not letting you in.

Sticky b*mb launcher.



Your old man knew what he was doing, although I would have preferred the suit stay fully impenetrable.

Trust me.

That makes two of us.

In fact, this is why Kate flew to National City, to ask Kara Danvers if we could destroy one stupid piece of Kryptonite before it got into the wrong hands.

The only material on earth strong enough to penetrate the Batsuit.

I should probably hold onto this.


I wanted it gone, okay?



I thought I could protect her.

Hey, hey, hey.

We'll find her, okay?


Where's the suit?

WOMAN: ♪ Can't you feel it coming? ♪

Never again.

- MAN: Unh!

- RYAN: Ugh!

MAN: Huh!

WOMAN: ♪ I can feel it coming ♪

♪ Are you ready for the breakthrough? ♪

♪ Can't you feel it coming? ♪


Time to be powerful.

WOMAN: ♪ Are you ready for the breakthrough? ♪

♪ Are you ready for the brand-new? ♪

♪ Are you ready for the real thing? ♪

♪ Because it's coming for you ♪


Show yourself!



I did not think that through.



Hoo hoo!

Ha ha!

I'm bulletproof, b*tches!


What the?



Ha ha!

What is this, some wannabe?






Legit didn't mean that.


You freaking sh*t me!


I'm looking for someone.

Figure the False Face Society knows things.

So who's gonna point me in the right direction?

I have no idea what this button does.

You want to figure it out together, or you want to help?

WOMAN: ♪ So now ♪

♪ I'm taking what I want ♪

♪ I'm taking what I want ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I'm-a calling payback ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Treat you like a street rat ♪


♪ You thought you played with fire ♪

- ♪ But I'mma trip the wire ♪

- _ Not for long.

ALICE: I got to hand it to you, Tommy.

What the hell are you doing here?

I gave you the face, but you nailed the voice, and now Gotham's most eligible bachelor's playing find the tan lines while I... flail... aimlessly.

Can't say I didn't hold up my end of the deal, hmm?

The only thing stronger than the Batsuit, which Mini Fox is in the process of retrieving, and very soon, the world will call me Batman.


Do you want a parade?

Because I'm pretty sure my sister is in the large intestine of a great white.

Oh, is that what this is?

Are you in mourning?

You wanted her dead.

Wanted to k*ll her myself!

Not to say, "I told you so", to a... belligerent psychopath.

You could have sh*t her months ago when she was out of the suit.

Heh heh.

When did I say I was going to sh**t her?

I said I wanted her dead.


You..."Cousin Bruce"... procured the Kryptonite.

I was going to ensure Commander Kane found it.

A scene would bring them together.

Batty would get caught in his crosshairs.

Then bang!

As she went down, he would pull off her cowl, to discover in sinking horror that he had k*lled his own daughter.

Alas... mechanical failure.

WOMAN: Hey, Bruce.

There's no steam coming out of the steam shower.

What the hell did you do that for?

No reason at all because reason doesn't matter.

She's got a friend upstairs.

You want her to call the cops?

I tried being reasonable once.

I... was tethered to reason.

I was calculated, precise, planned, and look where that got me.

Sharing a roof with Bruce lame.

On what planet do I agree to live with a woman who just told me her plan to have her father k*ll her twin like it was some kind of April Fool's joke.

On my planet because on my planet you are still Tommy Elliot, and if I so much as breathe a word, Bruce Wayne goes from being the meat in a top model sandwich to the guy with a steak for a face!

Trust me, Tom-Tom.

An Alice with a goal is so much sweeter than an Alice unmoored.



Fancy seeing you here.

Figured I'd look around to see if Kate had been getting any death threats.

And what did we deduce from that jumper?

Is it dangerous?

What are you doing here?

Before she left, Kate said that if anything ever happened to her that I should check her safe.


Where is it?

She also asked that I not tell anyone.

Pretty sure she didn't mean me.


Some sort of unrequited soul mate clause?

Because I think Kate has been targeted for some reason, and she knows I won't stop until I find the truth.


Uh, GPS says it's this way.


MARY: Kate?


You're alive!


Guess you're in on it, too.

I saw her plane go down, put two and two together.

I'm really sorry.


Well, the suit has GPS, so you might as well just give it back now, Miss...

Wilder, Ryan, and I'm not done with it yet.

That suit is meant for a hero, not the lost and found.

You tell that to the bored billionaire who found it in Batman's lost box?

LUKE: You don't know the first thing about Kate Kane, and you sure as hell don't know anything about that symbol.

Trust me, I know I'm not a symbol or a name or a legacy.

Exactly, so why do you think you're worthy of wearing it?

Because I'm a number.

I am the th baby of a black woman who d*ed during childbirth that year.

I'm a $ a day check to a group home.

I'm inmate , serving months for a crime I didn't commit, but I can live with all those numbers because the mama who adopted me, I was her number one, but it turns out she's just one of a quarter million murders in this country who have not seen justice, and that is a number I can't live with, so you can have this damn suit back when her k*ller is dead.



Bruce Wayne.

I take it they're out of cocaine in Belize.

Missed you, too, Uncle Jake.

You know, believe it or not, I came home to help find my favorite cousin.

You want to help?

You stay out of my way and let me do my job.

That's why I'm here... to eliminate distractions.

I have a lead on Gotham's most elusive t*rror1st.


I scared her away.

I'm referring to Alice.


You just got home.


She's squatting in my house.

She must have figured I was gone for good.

Now look.

Before you barge in there and start mucking up all my furniture, I'd prefer not to end up on her k*ll list.

You didn't hear this from me.



- Oh!

- Julia Pennyworth.


Luke told me you were back.


I meant to call, but, um...


We've all been so worried about you.

I'm here, I'm healthy, and I'm late for a meeting actually, so...

did you ring The Eagle?


The Eagle.

Daddy practically raised you.

I think he thinks you're dead.

Good point.

Um, yeah, I'll clear that up.

Well, he's at home in Glasgow, same little cottage in the woods.

I'll buzz him ASAP.

Good seeing you, Jules.

LUKE: Look, Mary, there's no point.


She figured out how to turn off the GPS.

I know, but if I learn more about this Ryan Wilder chick, maybe I can narrow down her circles and figure out where she lives.

RYAN: "The Kane family has turned their th-floor riverside penthouse into a search party headquarters".


That would be nice.

floors up.

Talk about optimal sunlight.

Don't look at me like that.

MARY: Her mom d*ed in childbirth, father d*ed before she was born.

RYAN: "Following her father's footsteps, Kate attended Point Rock Academy".

MARY: In and out of group homes, teen runaway, high-school dropout.


Wait a minute.

This is juicy.

"Kate was dishonorably discharged weeks before graduation.

In her statement, Kate said, 'It's paradoxical to fight on behalf of an institution that sees...

my sexual orientation as the enemy.'" Okay.

That's kind of badass.

MARY: Arrested for possession and intent.

Insisted the dr*gs weren't hers and served months.

"Under Pride Real Estate, she donated millions to inner city housing projects.

Most recently, she opened The Hold-Up, a gay bar that she called a safe haven for anyone looking for their family".

At her sentencing, the judge said that Ryan had been on the right track thanks to the woman who adopted her.

Ryan graduated high school, she found a job.

Everything fell apart after.

Oh, my God.


Apparently when Ryan and her adoptive mom walked into their new apartment, they startled a bunch of squatters, and a fight broke out.

The building's landlord and Ryan's mom were k*lled.

What the hell is this?

Who are these people?

MAN: I don't know.

They just showed up.

ALICE: We need to get out of here now!

MARY: The squatters were linked to the Alice in Wonderland g*ng.


That's why she wants the suit, to go after Alice because Alice's g*ng k*lled her mom.

, , , !

Come on, Mommy!


Wake up!



Wake up, please, Mama!

Kate's a hero...

in the suit...


I'm sorry, Mama.

and out of the suit.


They're right, Mama.

What am I doing wearing the suit of a hero when I couldn't even save you?

MARY: I mean, I get it.

Her mom d*ed in her arms.

She wants justice.


We're gonna find Kate.

She needed the suit to survive.

Miracles happen.

I mean...

It's my fault.

I was the one hell-bent on destroying the Kryptonite.

She didn't even want to do it, and I pushed.

Luke, that is not what happened.

I'm the reason she got on that plane.

Kate's dead...

because of me.


You didn't do anything wrong, okay?


Look at me.

What would Kate say if she knew you were blaming yourself?

I don't know.

Things are usually her fault.

She'd tell you that there'd be no Batwoman without Luke Fox and to put your pain into something worth changing.



Come get your suit back.

He didn't remember our codename for my father.

The Eagle?

He made it up.


I told him to ring Daddy at home at his cottage in Glasgow.

Bruce didn't blink an eye.

Alfred lives in a flat in London.

I smelled alcohol on his breath.

I saw he had a drink in the commander's office, ran the glass for prints.

Please do not say what I think you're about to say.

I'm really sorry, Luke.

_ I think Alice made him a new face.



They carried Tommy Elliot out of Arkham in a body bag.

Or they wanted us to believe as much, and who better to masquerade as Bruce Wayne than the person who's been obsessed with him his entire life?


- _ How did I not see this?

Bruce is my friend, and Tommy...

Tommy Elliot k*lled my dad!

MARY: Luke, you wanted Kate back, and if the miracle arrival of Bruce Wayne could help find her, then why question it?

I showed him the Batcave.

Where is it, Brucey boy?

I know it's here somewhere.

There she is.



- He's going after Ryan.

- Ryan?


For the suit so he can be Batman.


ALICE: ♪ I know something you don't know ♪

You know where Kate is?

Alice, if you know where she is, you tell me right now!


What do I know?

What do I know?

I know what a watermelon looks like when it falls from a great height.

That's your sister you're talking about.

And now she's gone, which is probably your cue to move on with your life, maybe remarry, find a new daughter to replace her with.

I'm not making the same mistakes I made with you.

I will not stop looking until she's found.

It's over, Alice...

Kate Kane is Batwoman!

And I'm the Joker.

Arkham's waiting.

Use your brain, Commander.

A lesbian superhero who could have k*lled me a dozen times but didn't?


I wonder who that could be.

That's preposterous.

Kate would have told me.

You rejected her over and over to the world, to her face.

Hee hee!

You wanted her dead.

- You're wrong.

- Am I, or did you spend your last precious moments together f*ring a g*n at her?

You got your wish, Daddy.

Batwoman is dead, and she d*ed knowing that her father hated her.

If you don't believe me, turn on the Bat-Signal, see if she comes.

LUKE, ON COMMS: Uh, Batcave to R-Ryan.

Batcave to Ryan.

Batcave to Ryan.

You've got someone coming for you.

WOMAN: ♪ No, this ain't no time to rest ♪

♪ No, this ain't no time to stop ♪

♪ 'Cause you know I'm headed up ♪

♪ 'Bout to turn my level up ♪

♪ Yeah, you know I talked enough ♪



I'm here.

Is Batman actually chasing me right now?

♪ I'm about to go to work ♪

LUKE: It's not Batman.

It's Tommy Elliot.

He looks like Bruce Wayne, but he's actually a psychotic Arkham escapee who will k*ll anyone in his path.


You're not making it any better.


TOMMY: ♪ Jingle bells, Batman smells ♪

♪ Robin laid an egg ♪

Come on!

WOMAN: ♪ 'Bout to turn my level up ♪

♪ Yeah, you know I'm tough enough ♪

♪ Coming back no matter what ♪

♪ From the back to the front ♪

Are you kidding me?

What was that?

He wants the suit.

He can have it.

I'll toss it out the window!

- No!

- No!

If he gets that suit, he becomes the most dangerous person in Gotham.

- You need to outrun him.

- Outrun him?

Look at his car.

I don't even have hubcaps!

WOMAN: ♪ Just about, yeah ♪

♪ I'm about to go to work ♪

Here's a sentence I've never said before.

Can you hack the Batmobile?

I'll try.

Until minutes ago, I didn't even know it was in here.

WOMAN: ♪ I've worked at the highest levels ♪


♪ Work, work, work ♪

♪ I just work ♪ I'm in.


♪ I'm about to make some noise ♪


Come on!

Well, that bought her some time.


Time maybe, but she needs to buy her own survival.

♪ Hello? ♪

♪ I want my Batsuit ♪

Oh, crap.


- What?!

- Tommy has the Kryptonite.

You're not Bruce Wayne.

And you're not Batwoman.


LUKE: Batcave to Ryan.



Batcave to Ryan.

Talk to me.


♪ So I hang on ♪

♪ Hang on, oh, whoa ♪

♪ It ain't our time to die ♪

♪ It ain't our time to die ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Oh, whoa ♪

♪ It ain't our time die ♪




LUKE ON COMMS: Batcave to Ryan.

Come in.

Come in.

Batcave to Ryan.

Come in.


Batcave to Ryan.

Come in.

We're good.

It's done.

It's over.

Sophie called.

Divers still haven't found anything in the harbor.

Well, as long as my dad's in charge, no one's giving up.

In the meantime, Tommy Elliot's on his way back to Arkham.

I know we're in no mood to pop a bottle of bub, but at least Ryan stopped Tommy from getting the suit.


We're just lucky we got the Batmobile back before the cops showed up.

My point is we may have been a little judgy when we first met her.

She did a good job filling in today.

Kate is Batwoman, Mary.

I know.



It's not bulletproof, FYI.

Is this from the Kryptonite?

You mean this?


Hurt like a bitch, too.

This was supposed to k*ll you.


Well, it didn't.

Are you okay?

Can I see the wound?


I'm good.


I'm sorry about Kate's suit.

I hope you find her.



What about everything that you said?

What... what about your mom?

That suit, it's bigger than me.

It's one thing to put it on, and it's another thing to wear it.

Like you said, Kate was a hero.

I'm not.

Are you still in love with Kate?

Where did that come from?

Because I know how you used to feel, that if you could do it all over again you would have jumped on her bike and left Point Rock in your dust.

How do you even know that?

The question is...

did you still feel that way two days ago?

I don't know.

This is what Kate left in her safe.

I didn't read it, but I have a feeling I know what it says.

WOMAN: ♪ It's the setting of the sun ♪

- ♪ The reckoning ♪

♪ It's the ages come undone ♪

♪ It's the b*ating of the drum ♪

♪ The reckoning ♪

SOPHIE, VOICE-OVER: "Hey, Sophie, if you're reading this, it means I'm not here to tell you this in person.

I'm Batwoman.

Though part of me thinks you always knew even when I did a damn good job of convincing you otherwise, I'm telling you this because I know you'll figure it out eventually, and I want you to know that lying to you was the hardest thing I've ever done, but I lied because I love you, because I wanted to protect you, and because I was scared that you would push me away, so that's the truth.

I hope you think I did a good job for our city, and I hope you'll always remember me".

WOMAN: ♪ To feel, we live ♪

♪ We breathe ♪

♪ We need ♪

♪ S.O.S. ♪

♪ S.O.S. ♪


Good news, my dear Mouse.

I have purpose once again.

It was Safiyah who ruined everything, and now I'm going to ruin her.

It's lucky you're dead already, my dear brother, because there's a w*r coming to Gotham, and now there's no Batwoman to stop it.

Heh heh heh.

I did the right thing today, Mama, and I will try to do the right thing tomorrow and the next day, and sooner or later, I promise, I'll be your number one girl again.

What the hell was that?

MAN: Greg, move your head!