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05x05 - Jack + Kinematics + Safe cr*cker + MgKNO3 + GTO

Posted: 01/16/21 07:32
by bunniefuu
Previously on MacGyver...

TV NEWSMAN:...are confirming 81 dead.

JACK: They got it wrong.

The attack?

Yeah, th-they're claiming it was a t*rror1st attack, but I'm telling you, man, they got it wrong.

It's Tiberius Kovac.

But I still don't understand what this is about.

They're putting together a task force to hunt him down.

It's the biggest operation since 9/11.

Oh, you invited me here...


say goodbye to a good friend.

Why didn't you tell me?

I'm sorry, I didn't want you to worry.

But if something should happen to me, I want you to know that I love you, honey.

You just keep thinking, Butch.

That's what you're good at.

♪ Present arms!



On behalf of the president of the United States, we are sorry for your loss.

Jack Dalton was one of a kind.

The finest soldier I've ever had the honor to serve with.

Serving with him was an honor for us all.

♪ ♪ Thanks, Des.

Happy to help.


If anybody's wake was gonna be a party, seems right it'd be Jack's.

Are you doing okay?

I don't know if it's sunk in yet.

Really not looking forward to when it does.

Yeah, I hear you.

Figure if I keep my hands busy, my mind will follow.

BOZER: I'm not sure if that's gonna work for Mac, though.

DESI: Yeah, he's bottling it up.

And there's gonna be a quiet moment he won't see coming, then he'll feel how deep the wound is.

Until then, there's beer.

[quietly]: Yeah.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Honestly, I, um...

I never knew the man, but from what I hear, his lasting presence spoke volumes.

After all the ops, all the missions, all...

the close quarters we shared-- [chuckles]: some were way too close-- nobody knows better than me how his presence could linger.



[hands clasp]


They broke the mold with Dalton.


I think, uh...

one Jack was all the world could handle.


Can't help but think if I had been there...

You know, I'm gonna stop you right there.

You think that things would be different, Dalton might be alive, but that ain't true.

Your unit was hunting Tiberius Kovac for over a year.

What happened?

We had that bastard trapped in a compound outside Zagreb.

But Kovac used the innocent locals as human shields.

Let me guess.

Jack had a crazy plan to end the standoff?

He infiltrated the building solo, freed all the hostages, and then Kovac blew himself up rather than be taken alive.

And Jack was caught in the blast.

And that's why I need you to understand, there's not anything you or anyone else could have done.

One more thing.

About a week before the raid, Jack called me from a burner phone.

He said he wanted to talk, but we never connected.

I just wanted to know if you had any idea what that could have been about.

I'm sorry, Mac.

No, I don't.

Well, thanks.

Figured I'd ask.

Take care, son.

♪ [lively chatter]

[bell dinging]

[bell dinging]

[ball rolls]

[bell dinging]

Last time we were here, I smoked you like a brisket, Mac.

[bell dinging]

Well, that's 'cause last time we were here, my kinematic equation only factored in scalar and vector variables, but...

when I compensate for rotational motion...

[bell dinging]

Believe what you want, but it's all in the wrist.

Jack taught me that the first time he came here.

[bell dinging]

And he was no math wiz.

[bell dinging]


No, he wasn't.

[ball rolls]

[bell dinging]

This is the greasiest pizza in L.A.

That's what makes it so good.

You know, when Jack and I used to come here...

he'd make me wash my hands, like, ten times before letting me in the GTO.

You know, for a tough guy, he sure was fussy about that car.

I remember like it was yesterday.

He came over to our house for the first time to take my mom out on a date.

I caught this guy picking flowers out of our front yard to give to her.

He turns, like, ten shades of red.

He comes up with all these crazy excuses as to why he couldn't just stop and buy some flowers on the way.


And finally, he just turns to me like...

"Hey, you're not gonna rat me out, are you, kid?" Did you?


I blackmailed him into taking me here.

♪ "Ozzy...


Run it through the database, let me know what you come up with, 'cause I don't recognize that name.Matty.

Hey, Mac.

What's going on?

Are you okay?

Do you recognize this name?

"Ozzy Ulrich." That's one of Jack's old aliases from his CIA days.


But the postmark, it's from two days after he was k*lled.

"Come see the wilderness of mirrors." That is a reference to "Gerontion." It is a poem by T.S.


Then are we sure it came from Jack?

"Ozzy Ulrich" is a cover Jack used on ops we ran together-- he knew I'd recognize the name, and Mac would, too.


It's definitely his handwriting.

RILEY: He must have arranged for the postcard to be delivered in the event of his death.

Do we know who mailed it?

MATTY: Not yet.

What's more, I checked the files on his Kovac operation-- there's no mention of Ulrich.

So Jack revived an old alias and kept it off the books.


TAYLOR: "Wilderness of mirrors"-- that is a counterintelligence reference to deception.

He thought he was being betrayed.

And he tried to reach out to me a week before the raid and...

wanted to tell me something, but...

I missed his calls.

RILEY: I did some digging, and I discovered digital footprints belonging to an Ozzy Ulrich.

Leads to an address in Zagreb.

Ooh, a trail of bread crumbs leading to Croatia.

But why?

The raid on the compound k*lled Kovac, the mission's been completed, and his unit disbanded.

There's more to this than meets the eye.


Jack created a fail-safe, and he wanted us to find it, the people he trusted most.

Matty, we need to figure out what Ozzy Ulrich was up to.

♪ How you holding up?

Yeah, I'm good.

I'm just focused on the mission.

Jack plucked me out of Ranger school for a special op.

And I thought it was because he saw how badass I was, but...

really, he just needed a linguist who spoke Vietnamese.

And even though I was green...

he still showed me the same respect he showed every other soldier in the unit.

In return, I swore to work harder than everyone else...

so that I could have his back.


We all wish we could have been there for him.

And we can choose how much we're gonna beat ourselves up over it, but I don't think that's...


Uh, the address in Zagreb is an apartment.

The landlord I.D.'d Jack from a picture I sent.

Said that Ozzie Ulrich rented it three months ago, paid a year in advance, and asked the landlord to mail the postcard if he didn't return by a certain date.

So the apartment's exactly as he left it?


And $100 via Venmo has the key waiting for us.

[door squeaks open]


There's nothing personal in here.

Jack set this place up as a safe house.

RILEY: If Jack wanted us to come here, he left something for us to find.




What just happened?

Mac and Jack almost died on a mission in Cairo.

RILEY: The op went so wrong, they never talked about it.

BOZER: It haunted Jack so bad, he wouldn't even fly over Egypt.

MacGYVER: So there's no way there'd be an Eye of Horus in this apartment unless it was a message to me.

That's why we're here.

I think it's time for Cairo's secrets to be revealed.

Don't you?

Jack and I spent six hours together stuck in a sarcophagus.

And that sarcophagus was originally hidden in a pyramid behind a false wall.

So maybe there's a false wall in this apartment?

[knocking on walls]

So this is when you turn the microwave into an X-ray machine, is it?

Think we can skip that step.



Well done.

Now I suppose a bit of social engineering, um, to deduce the combination from the people who knew Jack best.

What are the, uh, significant events, dates in his life?

The last time the Cowboys won the Super Bowl?

The first day he saw Star Wars.

No, no, no.

Die Hard.

Bruce Willis's birthday.



MacGYVER: Jack would have also known that I can get in without the combination.

MacGYVER: Your average wall safe is made of a titanium alloy that'll withstand direct force and intense heat.

But the subzero cold of Freon will crack the tumblers in no time.

Sorry if this costs you a good night's sleep.

BOZER: It's empty?


There's something here.

A picture.

Well, this isn't Tiberius Kovac.

Can anyone put a name to the face?

[beep, click]

All right, this might take a minute.


[computer chirps]

Or not.

Tibor Babic.

Medium-level local smuggler.

Any connection to Jack or Kovac?

Not on his criminal file.


Are you getting all this?

I am.

I'll circle back with U.S.

Intelligence, as well as Ray Walker, see if there's any further intel.


Jack wanted this guy on our radar.

Now, how do we find him?



Uh, Des, relax.

They're Interpol.


Very observant.

TAYLOR: Why the, uh...

the warm welcome, Agent...?

Anya Vitez.

Head of Interpol's anti-terror unit.

Do you introduce yourself to everybody this way?

No, but when the notorious Russ Taylor comes to Croatia, and... his motives...

are not...


I wonder what he's doing on my turf.

Well, that, my newfound friend, is a very interesting story.

And you think Dalton leaving you this picture of Tibor Babic is somehow connected to the dead t*rror1st Kovac?

Well, we haven't been on the ground long enough to know where the trail leads.

So, Agent Vitez, we'll be on our way, and, um, we'll keep you updated.

Slow down.

I think you...

hold out because..

you do not trust me.

We don't know you.

I, um...

I got to know Jack a bit over the last year.

BOZER: In a good way?

'Cause with Jack, sometimes it took a while to appreciate his...



We called him "cuvar stada." Cowboy?


And more.

Keeper of the flock, protector.

You were once his flock, too, yeah?

RILEY: Family.

We were his family.

And I can help you if you will let me.

I know where to find this smuggler.

So, I'll come with you.

I owe it to Jack.

What kind of restaurant serves Fitbits on the side?

Yeah, this place must be a front for Tibor's smuggling operation.

He's here.

[metallic thud]

I got him!



Stick around, Tibor.

We got some questions.


You never heard of Jack Dalton?

How about Ozzie Ulrich?

My business is customer service.

[laughing]: It's my nature to help.

But I cannot tell you what I do not know.


Thank you.

Running made me thirsty, huh?



That's a '99 Frankovka.

$400 a bottle!

You know, this stash house-- you have lots of very, very expensive, beautiful items.

Oh, no.

We are seriously in the mood to break things!

No, no!


I swear on the lives of my children, I did not know this Dalton man!

You are on foreign soil.

The tools at your disposal are limited.

Perhaps I can take this man somewhere where I can question him with more...

enhanced methods.

Agent Vitez, before we do that, would you mind giving him one last chance?

I think I can build a rudimentary lie detector.

You can?


It's all about measuring blood pressure, heart rate and breathing, and all three of those things are in this tiny little watch.

Is your name "MacGyver"?

How do you know that?


Hey, man.


Jack Dalton and I were BFFs!


Because you just swore on the lives of your children that you didn't know the man.

I have no children.

Hey, Jack talked about you all the time, man.

You're the one that makes things out of other things?


What else you got?

Jack wanted me to send over five cases of cell phone as joke.

I'm starting to believe.

Okay, Tibor.

Why did Jack want us to find you?

Well, you did conspire to take down Tiberius Kovac.

You and Jack working together?

Yeah, he came to me because I've done a little business with Kovac.

You know how it is.

Are you admitting to selling stolen goods to a t*rror1st?

Hey, you wanted honesty.

Don't punish me for it.



I've never met Kovac face-to-face.

We use cut-outs, dead drops.

I didn't even know it was him in the beginning.

But then, when I realized whose money I was taking, I knew I was trapped.

RILEY: What kind of conspiring against Kovac did you and Jack do?

We planted a bug in a shipment of radio equipment that I sold to Kovac.

That's how Jack found the compound.

"Please," Jack said, "Help me take "this awful man down, and I will wipe your slate clean." But now Jack is dead, and Kovac may soon k*ll me, too.


why would you say that?

Kovac blew himself up in the raid.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

But dead men don't need high credit scores and clean driving records.

Kovac reached out to me.

He wanted papers and passport for new identities.

If I say no, he gets mad, and [blows raspberry]

he kills me.

If I say yes, he takes the paper and...

[blows raspberry]

kills me to keep his secret safe.

The raid was a setup.

BOZER: Kovac faked his death so the law would stop looking for him.

And the bastard who k*lled Jack is still alive.

Okay, guys, the hunt for Tiberius Kovac is now an active op, and we are running point.

How did the ground team at Kovac's compound miss this?


And in the aftermath, there were all the usual conspiracy theories that he was still alive, just like bin Laden, but now with Tibor's information, we have to assume the rumors are true and act like the world's most deadly t*rror1st is on the loose.

Which means Jack died for...

MacGYVER: No, don't say it.

What it means is that we need to finish his mission.

That's all.

I'll keep digging on my end.

Keep me posted.

Here's what's bugging me.

Why didn't Jack share the intel with his unit?


He didn't tell Walker about his connection to Tibor or how he used a smuggler to locate Kovac's compound.

Operational security.

He must have figured that there was a leak.

In the wilderness of mirrors, Jack didn't know who to trust.

Hence the backup plan to alert Mac.

Which makes me wonder just how much we can trust Tibor.

BOZER: How about zero?

Zilch, zip, nada.

That kind of guy's always gonna play both sides.

For all we know, he set Jack up.

MacGYVER: All true.

But that doesn't mean he can't be useful.

I say we have Tibor demand a face-to-face meeting with Kovac to exchange cash for the passports that Kovac wanted.

DESI: Won't Kovac just seize that meeting to ambush and k*ll Tibor?

That's exactly what I'm counting on.

[engine turns off]

Sitting Duck One in position.

MacGYVER: Not sure how I feel about that code name.

Stand where I am, and you can pick your own.

All right, everyone, just breathe.

Riley, Bozer, how does it look from the crow's nest?

Vehicle approaching.

RILEY: Tibor's blind date just arrived.

Windows are tinted.

I can't get a read on who's inside.

Well, it could be Kovac, or it could be a death squad.

If it's the latter, we need to take a prisoner to get a lead on Kovac.

What is taking them so long?

I'm gonna get a closer look.

I don't see a driver.

What, the car just drove itself?

Get down!

[all grunting]

Two SUVs inbound from the east.

[tires screech]



We need to take one of them alive.


[tires squealing]


[handcuffs click]



Thanks for the safe house.

Yeah, of course.

I just hope this man can help lead us to Kovac.

It'll be better for him if he does.

So, how do we get to America, huh?

Military plane or we, uh...

fly private?

[clicks tongue]

What makes you think you're coming home with us?

That was not the deal.

My business is finished.

I am finished.

Not our problem.



Hey, you must honor Jack's promise, huh?

If you help us find Kovac, you have nothing to worry about.

Well, that's a big if.

You know, considering the man has so much trouble dying.


You leave me no choice but to use the ace in my hole.

That is not how that goes.

TAYLOR: So, you've been holding out on us?

Only a little.

There's one more thing that Jack asked me to tell MacGyver, and I've been saving it for just this occasion.

Intel isn't a fine wine.

It doesn't get better with age.

Do I get ticket to America?

Information first.

Jack said to remind you of your manniversary.


BOZER: It was this thing Jack made up for him and Mac to...

We'll talk later.

MacGYVER: I don't get the reference.

I mean, the last one didn't go so well.

I don't know.

He said you went to hotel in Vegas with that giant aquarium and the, uh...

What do you call, uh...

Uh, talking dummy!

Yeah, I remember the fish t*nk that Jack thought had piranhas in it, and I'll never forget the ventriloquist act he made me sit through-- twice.

What could this possibly have to do with Kovac?

Jack was many things.

Sophisticated was not one of them.


Right about that.

Wait, you're right.

At face value, he's reminding me of The Mirage.

Riley, can you cross-reference all of the info we have on Kovac with physical location?

See if there's a pattern.


Every piece of data leads to a digital dead end with no real-world connection.

Even the photo we have of Kovac-- it matches a stock photo from a defunct website.

How can that be possible?

Because Kovac is a mirage.

Uh, I am confused.

I think what Jack suspected, what he's been trying to lead us to, is that Kovac isn't a real person.

Okay, I'm not following.

Someone had to commit those acts of terror.

Well, sure.

But the Kovac that appears on TV, it's just an online persona used to hide from law enforcement.

So there's no Kovac?

He's like the Wizard of Oz.

Someone's behind the curtain.

MacGYVER: It would explain how this t*rror1st was able to evade Jack and his unit for so long.

So, how do we catch Jack's k*ller when we're chasing someone that doesn't exist?

I-I don't like small places.

Then you're gonna love this.

Okay, if Jack suspected a leak, he would've been close to figuring out who was behind Oz's curtain, even if he didn't know who exactly it was.

Well, let's hope our unconscious guest has answers.

He's been asleep long enough.

You're gonna tell me everything you know about Tiberius Kovac.

[grunts, groans]


TAYLOR: sn*per.

Get down.


He's dead.

We just lost our only lead.

DESI: Then we need to get the sh**t.

How can we do that?

He could be half a mile away from here.

Jack was a sn*per.

He taught me everything he knew.

A b*llet's trajectory is determined by muzzle velocity and gravity.

And by using correlated triangles, and then factoring in drop correction, well, geometry makes it hard to hide.

Six floors up, three blocks away!

[speaking Croatian]

What is all this commotion?

Okay, so this safe house is not so safe anymore.

My guys are coming.

Hey, hey, hey, take me with you!

I'm not leaving yet.


Why not?

This seems like a great time to go.

Just because he can't talk doesn't mean he can't tell us something.

If you stay, I can't protect you.

Bozer, can you get me a piece of paper?





[camera beeps, clicks]

All right.

I'll start with local databases.

Let's see where an I.D.

leads us.

That's where the sn*per set up his hide.

He's got to be on the run by now.

TAYLOR: That's our sh**t.

Or a decoy.


It's okay.

It's okay.

Her fear is real.

The sh**t just put his r*fle in her cart.

There he is.

I'll check out the alley.



Nice of you to show up.


No wallet.

No cell phone.


Back to square one.

This is an Argus.

Croatian made.

It's a favorite of the Croatian Special Forces.

Well, if he's special forces turned mercenary for Kovac, he'll have been scrubbed from all the usual databases but not from their special ops file.


Enhance this retina from this pic I'm sending you.

See if there's any matches in the Croatian military.

I'm on it.

BOZER: The gunman we grabbed earlier is named Josip Gergic.

Bosnian Mafia.

Get this.

He's also listed as a confidential informant for Interpol's anti-terror unit.

BOZER: Got a hit on your sh**t.

He's active military.

Currently assigned to the same unit.

Vitez runs that group.

She knows these two men.

She knew all of Jack's plans.

[g*n clicks]

You're Kovac.


And you people are too damn curious.

Riley, Bozer, buy time.

We're on our way!

Let's go.

Both of you.

We're not going anywhere.

Then I will sh**t you where you stand.

You'll have to go through me first.



You understand who's in control now?

Because the next b*llet will not be so merciful.

RILEY: Your secret's out, Vitez.

There's nowhere for you to run.

Running is not what I had in mind.

[tires squeal]

Guys, I can't reach Riley and Bozer on comms, and there's no signal for their cell phones, either.

DESI: This isn't good.


Based on the, uh, volume of blood and the spray pattern, it's a single shot.

TAYLOR: Looks like someone's hurt but hopefully not dead.


Matty, Vitez has them.


Riley's comms just went active.

We can track the signal.

Attagirl, Riley.

Way to send up a flare.

Mac, I'm sending you coordinates for their location.

BOZER: Won't be long before our people come get us.

I'm inviting them.

But until they arrive, let's make good use of our time.


Enter the passcode to your laptop, please.


Because I asked nicely.

Or because the next b*llet I put in your friend will be into his head.

Don't do it, Riley.

She's bluffing.


She's not.

She's covering her tracks and hanging us out to dry.

Very good.

You see, Kovac was only an anarchist in name.

This is a cash-for-chaos operation.

Kovac destroys; I get paid.

A t*rror1st without an ideology?

No, I believe in money.

My clients are corporations, governments, billionaires with political agendas.

I'm a useful tool for those in power.

And you think you can just bury Kovac and start up again?

Well, it's only your word against mine that I am Kovac, and when the dust has settled...

people will believe my story.

[tapping keyboard]

What story?

Well, how I found the money trail from Kovac that leads straight to Jack Dalton.

No one's ever gonna believe Jack Dalton was a traitor.

In these times, stories of corrupt Americans are all too common.

Especially when it comes out that the mercenary and his think t*nk colleagues died trying to cover up Dalton's crimes.

[computer beeps]

What a tragic tale.

You know, just before that last raid in the compound, Jack told me how he couldn't wait to get home, because more than anything, he needed a decent slice of greasy pizza...

with you.

All right, Matty, we're outside of the building.

It's under construction.

Is there anything on the satellite?

The building's vacant, with the exception of five heat signatures on the 15th floor.

We've accessed a security cam from across the street.

Bozer and Riley are being used as shields against a direct as*ault.

From a military perspective, the chance of freeing hostages without any casualties is...

Very low.

I know.

And Vitez knows how to set up an ambush.

MacGYVER: We need to figure out a way to get Riley and Bozer out of the equation.

Those shipping containers should have everything I need.

Normally, this is when I go on about how best to use science to solve a real-world problem, but on top of the science, it seems right to ask, what would Jack do?

Because there are times when being bold and brash, and even a little bit crazy, is how you gotta play it.

♪ [elevator bell dings]


I'm unarmed.

Well, that's no surprise.

Jack told me you never use a g*n.

I'm here to negotiate the safe release of my friends.

How disappointing.

I was led to believe you're a man of action.



let's figure out how we all walk away from this alive, yeah?

Don't worry about us, Mac.

Finish Jack's mission.

That's all that matters.


You're such a noble bunch.

You really think you can talk your way out of this?

It's over, MacGyver.

You're right.

Jack was the one who liked to run his mouth.

[MacGyver sighs]

But if he were here-- and I truly believe that he is in spirit...

...he'd just have one thing to say to you.

And what is that?


[electrical buzzing]



You're done, Kovac.

Nothing leads back to me.

Still my word against yours.

RILEY: Actually, it's your word against yours.

[zip tie fastening]

Very good.

One security code turns on my laptop.

The other turns on my laptop and the camera.

I've recorded all your keystrokes and everything you said.

It's my word against yours that I'm Kovac, and when the dust has settled, people will believe my story.

You took someone very special to me from this world.

And I will be there every step of the way to make sure you rot in a cell.

Once more, we raise a glass to the fallen, to the beloved we've lost, to the heroes of days gone by.

And to those who live on and honor them.

To Jack.

To Jack.

RILEY: To Jack.

To Jack.

To Jack.

Don't you dare pour 25-year-old single malt onto my carpet!

It's for the homey.

It's for the homey.




How's the leg?

Doing all right.

Doc said I need to stay off of it.

Which will give me time to write our adventures into a screenplay for my sequel to Love Plus g*n Plus Die.

You should name a character after Jack.

And get Bruce Willis to play him.



BOZER: That's good.

You okay?


I'm about as okay as I can be.




We did it.

But I still don't feel better.

Just give it some time.


There's a hole in my heart where Jack was.

Nothing's ever gonna fill that spot.

You know...

I got a message from Jack's sister.

And apparently, in the will, he left me all of his Metallica T-shirts and his DVD collection.

Lucky you.

Die Hardmarathon tomorrow?






[sighs, sniffles]


[car approaching]

Oh, man.

Sweet ride.

Yeah, you, um...

Well, you want to take it for a spin?

Yeah, sure.

Why not?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Where are you going?

You're driving.


Who else?


Jack never let me drive this thing, man.


Doing it now just somehow feels wrong.

Well, it couldn't be more right.

I mean, why else would he have left it to you?


The will was very specific.

Riley gets the GTO.

I guess he figured...

you would love it as much as he did.




[engine starts, revs]


[tires squeal]

♪ I still miss someone♪

♪ And I still miss someone

♪ I still miss someone.♪