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02x12 - Faux-Hawk

Posted: 01/12/21 07:25
by bunniefuu
Previously on Titans...

If I'm Robin, who are you?

That's a good question.

Maybe we should be apart.

See if the world is a little less f*cked up a place without Hank and Dawn.

So where's a guy got to go to get some real shit around these parts?

Every time I try to get close to you, Rose, you push me away.

It's me.

Just calling to say this little game you're playing with the Titans...

I quit.

This is...

a family of choice.

If you can unite, you can face any threat.

If you won't protect one another, who will?


What's happening?

d*ck needs my help.

And I really need yours.

I'm sorry, Rachel...

but Gar needs us more.

With all due respect, Ms. Graves,
I don't answer to you.

Now you do.


- It can't be.

- Why not?

Jericho died trying to save me from his father.


No, no, no!

Hold on, son.


Stay with me.

Stay with me.


How many times are you gonna do that?

Until I get out of your head.

And then what?

I'll stop you.

One way or another.

Too late.

Your friends just can't seem to stay apart.

I warned Grayson.

This is on him.

You want someone to blame?

Blame me.

The Titans lied to you.

They took advantage of you.

Of us.

And they admitted it.

We moved on.

The good news is, they brought us together.

Five years stuck inside this hell.

I'll remind you...

you jumped into me.

Your choice.

I thought you'd save me.

I loved you.

Hunting down the Titans, it's my gift to you.

Father to son.

You want to k*ll them because they exposed you.

Showed me who you really are.

Well, I've seen.

You're a monster, and you need to be stopped.

It's too late.

Nice try, kid.


Where've you been hiding?

I, uh, took a trip to get my head on straight.

Yep, looks pretty straight to me.

Cortado with oat milk, Gar?


- Tia.

- Thanks, Tia.

You the oat milk?



Hello, Garfield.


What did I do?

A little test.

Relax, pet.

You did great.

Eyewitnesses say that a tiger att*cked this local coffee shop.

We interrupt to take you live to City Hall.

This beast is not an escaped zoo animal, but the work of rogue vigilantes, highly trained and extremely dangerous.

I've retained the services of a security firm with experience in this kind of threat.

A firm called CADMUS.

Holy shit.

So Sue Me, Sushi?

Uh, yeah.

Sue Me Salmon?

Uh, Walter?


You kiteboard?

I love kiteboarding.

Uh, wanna see my hydrofoil?

Oh, I dream of hydrofoils.

She does.

I deserve good things.

I deserve good things.

I deserve good things.

I gotta get one of those.

I mean, as far as accessories go, it kind of has everything.

Full memory wipe, Themyscirian truth coils.

So, Walter...

When your CADMUS friends att*cked Titans Tower, your face showed up on our cameras.

I was there, yes.


What happened to our friends, Conner and Gar?

They did some kind of brain salad surgery on them.

The two of them.

We control them now.

Phase One.

What's Phase Two?

I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't have clearance.

He's telling the truth.


Enjoy your sushi.

They weaponized Gar.

Sounds like Conner, too.

We could really use some backup on this.

There's no Kory and Rachel, there's no Jason and Rose.

Our only other option is Hank.

I knew you were gonna say that.

- Look...

- No.

- Are you sure?

- Completely.

Okay, just doesn't sound like "completely" completely.

He walked out on me, Donna.

Look, I know Hank has not been the most reliable partner, but when he suits up, there's nobody better.

We can take these CADMUS people out ourselves.

I'm in.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the undisputed leader of the Titans...


Tonight, you brave patrons...

...have a chance to write your name in history.

You fight the Hawk.

Put your money down.

No refunds.

No rules.

Cash only.

Come on!


Bring it, b*tches.



- What?

- Oh, my God.




f*ck it.

Get up!

Get up!

Get out there!

Get up!

Now this is art.



Hawk left.

Saw him getting in a limo.


So what's in the bag?

Hazmat suit.

I work at the power plant.

Is it true that power plants make things grow bigger?

Yeah, it is.

Yeah, they've done studies.


Ow, ow!

Ow, f*ck.


Okay, um...

Ow, shit, ow.

- Somewhere else.

That hurts.


- Okay.

Jesus, f*ck that.

Right there.

How about we flip over?

Okay, yeah.



Okay, yeah, that's good.

Ooh, ow.

Just gentle...


You know, gentle.

Oh, that's good.

- There we go.

- That's good?


Yeah, just up a little bit, because that hurts right there.

Yeah, okay.

- Easy.

- Okay.

Easy, yeah, like that.

Oh, that's nice.

Yeah, easy, easy.

Yeah, like that.




I knew you weren't Hawk.

How's the bathroom?

The bathroom is gross.

Don't go in there.

Whatcha you doing out here?

Enjoying the view.

You ready?

Hey, are you mad at something?

No, Rachel, I'm thrilled to be looking for a guy that doesn't need to be rescued.

d*ck is in trouble.

I saw it.

Okay, then knock yourself out and dream up his exact location.

He's around here.

I think.


What is it?

Something's happened with Gar.

Hey, where are we going?

Back to San Francisco.

What about d*ck?

- We're going back.

- Okay, so that's it?

You know, I don't get a say.

You're just gonna pull the adult card?

Yeah, well, someone has to make some adult decisions around here.

No more running after d*ck Grayson 'cause some intergalactic space witch had a bad dream.

Oh, I'm the space witch?

You're the space witch who has no idea where she's going or why.

Easy, Truth-Claw, you didn't even know your own name a couple of months ago.

Yeah, well, I know it now.

Kory Anders.

Big whoop.

Princess Alien Pink Hair from Planet Tam-O-Whatever...



Get it right.

Do I look like I give a f*ck?

- Kory...

- Nope.

Hey, I'm sorry.

I really am.

It's not your fault.

It's mine.

I just...

I got upset because I used to be so in control of everything, you know?

Like I felt like I could do anything, and now I...

All my best qualities are just gone.

Those aren't your best qualities.

I'm sorry I pulled the adult card.

I'm sorry I called you an intergalactic witch.

I do give a f*ck about what your planet's called.

We're partners in this.

We should go back to San Francisco.

Looks like Gar really needs our help.

I'm sorry we didn't find d*ck.

It's okay.

He'll find his way back.


What are you making?

Your future.

Cheese dogs, onion dogs, kraut dogs.

These people have tons of them in the fridge.

Hot dogs are my future?

No, no, no, no.

Me making you lunch and breakfast and dinner.

Well, uh, cheers.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.

I, uh, have to ask you something.


will you...

try my all-natural, grass-fed, hormone-free onion dog?

I will.

- Damn!

- Right?

It's f*cking good.


- What?

- It's Rachel.

Gar's in trouble.

She said they need all hands on deck.


Yeah, well, f*ck that.

The Titans can deal with their problems without us.

It's not like they wanted us to help before.

Sounds like they need us now.

It's probably d*ck playing some games.

Some kind of f*cking test.

I'm done with that shit.

If they're getting back together, my dad will come for them.

He'll k*ll them all.

Your dad is probably k*lling bankers in Geneva.

No, he's not.


You guys Facebook friends now?

Look, we need to talk.



We need to talk now.

What happened?

My God, is she okay?

Does she has a pulse?

Thank God, she's alive.

Stay on the ground, honey.

You've been in an accident.

Paramedics are on their way.

I didn't see her.

She came out of nowhere.

I'm okay.



Just stay put.

Get off!

I'm calling 911.

Hello, I have a young woman here who was hit by a car.

What the hell?

Her foot looked broken.

Oh, my God.

What happened, boo?

I got hit by a car.


Yeah, I flew like 20 feet in the air, and then pancaked into a minivan.

Jesus, we need to go to the ER.

I don't need to.

I'm not hurt.

Matter of fact, I'm never hurt.

Why is that, Mom?

I don't know.

You're very lucky, I guess.

I've been hit by a car, I've jumped off the science building, and I've nose-dived into a gravel pit without getting hurt.

I'm a total freak.

I think it's time you told me about the other side of my family.

We agreed we'd wait.

No, I can't wait.

I wanna know who my real father is.

Look, I have questions.

Questions that you can't answer or won't.

You know Gary and I love you very much.


Your real father was a man from another life.

I hardly knew him.

Look what I found.


I'm Rose.

Mom said you wouldn't be thrilled to see me.

I was even less enthused about the idea, but I figured, what the hell?

Leave us.

You shouldn't play with that.

Somebody could get hurt.

I can't hurt you.

I didn't mean me.

I can't hurt me either.

Hi, Daddy-o.

I have questions.


We can start with this.

I'm a freak.

The circus always needs us.

Beats cubicle work.

You and my mom?

I was married at the time.

She was just the last call at the Kansas City Radisson.

It wasn't love.

Go home and don't come back.

If you do, I'll hurt you.

I know how.

I can hurt you, too.

You look amazing, boo.

I don't feel amazing.

I feel like a fraud.

Well, this boy Todd of yours doesn't think you're a fraud.

That's 'cause he doesn't know me.

I wish Dad were here.

You know your father never misses a tee time.

My real father.

Forget him.

f*ck me.

Well played, Todd.

- Got money?

- Mmm-hmm.

- Lip gloss?

- Yeah.

- Condoms?

- Mom!


Where's Todd?

What is this?

It's a peace offering.

I have a date.

I'm sorry.

You came a long way to see me, and I treated you like shit.

I thought it was for the best.

- Best for who?

- For you.

My job's a little irregular.

I make enemies.

People who want to k*ll me.

So get a new career.

Maybe the circus.

Thing is, if you come with me, they might want to k*ll you, too.

Who said anything about going with you?

I have a family here.

Yeah, I see.

But they're not like you, and I am.

I was altered in the military.

They managed a few improvements.

I'm hard to k*ll, and so are you.


Next time, text.

I could tell you more about yourself, show you.

You should come live with me.

I'll take care of you.

You'll feel normal.

Do you realize how crazy this is?

I mean, for starters, Mom would probably call the police.

Yeah, I can arrange things with her.


I bought this house.

I pay all your bills, plus the club membership.

I always have.

You can get out and ask your mother.

You pay for Gary to play golf?

Seems to make him happy.

Look, I wasn't ready to be a father.

I am now.

Now, that being said, if you wanna live here and have a normal life, I'll never bother you again.

Todd's here.


Go ahead.

I figured you were about a two or a four.

I had to guess your size.

I hope it fits.

It's not a prom dress.

What does that mean?


Right, 'cause crying always helps.


Why am I doing this?

I mean, is it general fuckery, or there a goal?

I had a son.

His name was Jericho.

He was my life.

I have a brother?

He was m*rder*d.


He was k*lled by, uh...

a g*ng of psychopaths.

Highly trained.

Call themselves the Titans.

So, this g*ng, that's the goal?

You're the only family I have left.

I need some new clothes.

Underwear, socks, stuff like that.

Your bank account.

Your PIN is your birthday.

You know my birthday?

Rest up.

Big day tomorrow.

He gave me a bank account.

More money than I could ever spend.

I helped him break out Dr.

Light, and then...

he asked me for more.

You did very well with the prison guards.

The crooked strikes, the rising cuts.



Light will round them up for us, and we'll be ready for our next step.

Next step?

The Titans broke my family.

So I'm gonna break theirs from the inside.

It'll be surgical, and you'll be my scalpel.

You want me to k*ll them?

Just join them.

Once you're inside, we'll turn them against each other, one by one.

So I just knock on their door and say, "Hey, Titans, I'd like to sign up"?

Their leader, d*ck Grayson, he's got a weakness for strays.

Especially ones that need to be saved.

Saved from what?

From me.

They're going to find you and me fighting, and I'm gonna cut out your eye.


You're too pretty anyway.

f*ck you.

I wish I could take it all back, but I can't.

Look, what I did hurt people, and it hurt you.

But when I came to Titans Tower, I tried to do what my dad wanted, but then...

this happened.

So what?

Some of us is true and some of us isn't?

No, no, no, this is true.

You and me, the last few days, it's all true.

You know what, Rose, maybe you can go through it all, huh?

Maybe you can f*cking underline the parts where you weren't f*cking lying?


What the f*ck was I thinking, huh?

I'm such an assh*le, huh?

I took you to that f*cking school, I told you all my f*cking secrets, huh?

What, was it part of Daddy's training to f*ck me the whole time?

I'm done with this shit.

Look, none of this was supposed to happen, it just did.

Get the f*ck off me.

Come on, fight me.

You know you want to.

Are we done?

We're done.

Where are you going?

Look, the Titans need us.

f*ck them, Rose.

f*ck all of you.


He's gone to meet his friends.

The Titans are putting the band back together.

We should put ours back together, too.


Get to San Francisco now.

- How many?

- Trickling in.

Two so far.

Wonder Girl and the one they call Dove.

Rest are scattered.

Grayson's still in the wind?

No sign of him yet.

Nevada State PD and the Feds are in the mix.

No, they won't find him, but you will find his friends.

Brought a little something to greet him with.

Want some water?

Half the state of Nevada is looking for you.

I knew exactly where'd you be.

Where's Slade?

San Francisco.

Wintergreen told him that your friends are getting back together.

- He's gone to k*ll all of the Titans.

- When?

He left this morning, right after he called his daughter.

Slade called Rose?

Yeah, it sounded like they were working together.

For how long?

I didn't get any details.

I just overheard a few phone conversations.


I fought for her to stay.

I swore she needed us.

He played me, and I missed it all.

Yeah, that's what he does.

He uses people.

Hurts them.

Even his own son.

I missed Jericho, too, trying to talk to me in your living room.

It was all right there in front of me.

I missed all the signs, too.

At first.

But he's in there.

My son...

He's in there, and I don't know how to help him.

Maybe I can.

Jericho told me...

that you had some kind of special talent.

That you could almost fly, take down legions of bad men, that you could do the impossible.

Well, I've got one for you, Mr. Grayson.

Bring my son back to me.

I'll try.

- What are you doing?

- Paid my money.

I came to fight.

It's not funny.

You wanted to stop the cycle of v*olence, I'm here to help.

Truth is, you don't mind the v*olence.

It's me you mind.

That's not true.

I love you.

I know you do, but you like being high just a little bit more.

One of us had to go.

I'm working on it.

Too late.


Hey, Stu, how you been?

I, uh, need a new pair of shoes.

Sorry, I don't make those anymore.

Look, I don't have a lot of time.

I'm in the fruitcake trade now.

Just haven't had time to change the signage.


I need a new fruitcake.

The maligning of the fruitcake, I will never understand.

Come here.

Look, I'm sorry.

Oh, don't be sorry.

Have a slice.

It wasn't personal.

Fruitcake is my life.

My passion.

I mean, if you don't like my work, you...

I love your work.

That's why I came back here.

Would you like to put a match to this before you have a slice?

Oh, wait, I know.

Sure, this should do it.



That's how d*ck likes his fruitcake.

I'm sorry I burned your suit.

I need your help, Stu.

I need another one.

Something different.

Well, Master Wayne said you'd be coming.

Of course he did.

Come on.

Hey, Lily.

Hi, d*ck.

Burning the suit?

I had a bad day.

Drama queen.

We're moving on, Lily.

All behind us now.

Let's show d*ck what Master Wayne had us put together.

It's a Nomex, triple-weave Kevlar shell, electrically insulated and light-sensitive.

It has fewer body inlays than the old one, which will allow you to utilize your circus skills.

"Move more, get hit less." That was our mantra.

I like that mantra.

The mask has a built-in wireless transmitter and Starlite night-vision lenses.

Et voila.

Stu, Lily...

You've outdone yourselves.

I know.

In other news, a man in a red and silver bird costume reportedly robbed a laundromat in Bernal Heights on Friday night.

The perpetrator allegedly restrained staff in the back office while proceeding to rob the facility.

Police say he stole nearly $3,000 and several boxes of detergent.

Officers on the scene say that no one was harmed in the robbery.

If you have any information about this crime, please contact the authorities.

In sports, the local high school football star...


Hey, man.

Were you here when the holdup happened?

No, but I'm glad I missed it.

Hawk was my favorite Titan.

Come on, man, this wasn't Hawk.

Some jackass in a Halloween costume.

No, bro, it was him.

Dude's a mess.

Fighting in his suit for blow.

No wonder Dove left him.

He left her.

Sure he tells himself that.

Man, I'm sure Hawk's not a saint, but he's not stealing detergent from...

Bubble Me This.

From Bubble Me This.

I didn't want to believe it either, but turns out the dude's just another addict with Instagram.


Yeah, bro.

Hey, go back.

Play that.

- This one?

- Yeah.

- Crime may not sleep...

- I can see it from here.

...but this Hawk is up all night.

I'm like a Hawk owl.

- Nocturnal nightmare.

- Thanks.

So, next time you wanna...

Yo, yo, what's up?

This is the Hawk dispensing some righteous Titans justice.


Okay, so, um...

That laundromat from earlier, that was actually a money-laundering front for a meth lab in Boswick.


So, um, I guess we're cleaning up this neighborhood.


Uh, sorry, that's probably my ladybird Dove.

Better go, uh...



Oh, hey, dude.

How old are you?

Uh, 17.

Or I will be 17 next summer.

You live here?

Yeah, uh...

My mom's new dude doesn't really like me.

He just...

He says stuff like, "You're not worth the calories you eat," and it's just that...

- This place rents by the week.

- So what?

You thought you'd go on a little robbery spree?

Pay the bills?


No, man, I was out there laying some Titans law.

You held up a laundromat.

What kind of message does that send?

That I...


So, wait.

Should I have k*lled them?

Like k*lled?


No, you shouldn't have k*lled them.

Stealing and k*lling is not the Titans way.

We protect the powerless, give back to the community.


Give back to the community.

Wait, hey, um...

So can I have my money back?

Your money back?

You stole my suit.

No, I didn't steal it.

You sold it to me.

Remember, you were in the parking lot with that lady, and then you asked me...

You asked me where I could score some blow, and if I wanted to buy the suit for 200 bucks.

You're lying.

No, I'm not.

I swear.

I'll pay you back next week.


I mean, you don't have to.


It was a privilege to wear the Hawk.

Seriously, for the first time, I felt like I knew exactly who I was and what I was supposed to do.

You must feel like that every day.


Every day.

Well, go Titans.

Go Titans.

That was Hawk in my place.


Come on, Hank.

Come on, Hank.

What happened?

I'm not exactly sure.

Home invasion?

Uh, a brunette and a blonde.

They delivered my sushi, then they wanted to see my hydrofoil.

Two ladies did this to you?

I guess so.


These sushi girls?

Yeah, you could say so.

Not these two?


They had my salmon box.

Phase Two is being rescheduled.

Are we aborting?

We're moving it up.