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02x11 - E.L._.O.

Posted: 01/12/21 07:21
by bunniefuu
Previously on Titans...

That was so rude of me.

I lied.

I told you that Jericho was dead when I got to the church, but he wasn't.

He was alive.

He died trying to save me from his father.

I'm out.

I'm going with her.

I'm out, too.

If it's forgiveness you want, you should try in there.

They might feel differently.

I sentence you to live alone.

Forever knowing that your Titans lives and breathes somewhere, but you can never be with them.

Not until you've paid for your crime.

You didn't deserve him.


We could rule together.

It's always been a dream of mine.

- I'm coming for you, Blackfire.

- Good.

The problem isn't where we go.

It's us.

Maybe we should be apart.



You know Alazul?

A bird that comes in the night and saves people?

He's real.

And tonight, he's gonna save us.



Cuff him!

Change of plan.

Bring the tiger in alive.

It's okay.

I'm not here to hurt you.

Just come home.

Don't lie to me, Rachel.

You can't even control yourself.

I saw you yesterday.

In the training room.

You couldn't bring it back in.

Not to mention...

that creepy black cloud of razor blades that nearly took my hand off.

At least now I know how you got those scars on your back.

Screw..., Rachel!

Drill deeper here, please.

I wasn't here.

I couldn't see.

I couldn't see.

I didn't know.

I couldn't see anything.

Somebody's caught a bug.

Oh, f*ck.

Bad news.

I'm alone.

All alone.


I see that.

Blessed isolation.

You have arrived.

The penance palace.

But you brought a virus with you.

Or perhaps the rat did.

Prisons are harbors of pestilence.

It's no surprise you fell prey.

Just need to sleep.

Sleeping is all you've been doing.

It's time to wake up.

And stop talking to myself.

You've done a lot of talking lately.

To Jericho's mother and then Slade.

One sheep, two sheep...

Yeah, that always works.

So, you go to Adeline's house and she tells you to f*ck off, and then she does a very curious thing.

She says, if it's forgiveness you want, you should try in there.

What do you want?

What I get hung up on is Adeline.

She sent you in to talk to a man who wants to k*ll you.

They have their own arrangement.

I'm not a marriage counselor.

It seemed like she wanted your help.

They might feel "differently." When she sent you in there, that's what she said.

She wasn't thinking straight.

I reminded her of what she lost.



You're missing something, son.


Don't give up.


Don't give up!

d*ck, what's happening?

Don't give up.

This voice mailbox is full.

Please try again later.





I've been looking everywhere for you.

Where have you...

- Donna...

- Rachel?

...I need you.

...Elko Diner...


This voice mailbox is full.

Please try again later.


Shift temperature number.

Set a course for home.

Acquiring new coordinates.

Increasing speed 20%.

Destination Tamaran.


You been in there for an hour!


You look rough.


Get your life right, lady.

You know what?

Hey, Mel, how long till we get to San Francisco?

Twelve hours and three minutes.

♪ Coming down to strike me again ♪ ...see your old friend Elko Joe from Elko's Diner in downtown Elko, Nevada!

Just head north on 123.

♪ You don't own me ♪ ♪ I'm not just one of your many toys ♪ ♪ You don't own me ♪ ♪ Don't say I can't go with other boys ♪ Hey, Mel, have you ever had your heart broken?

I'm not sure I understand.

Me neither.

♪ When I go out with you ♪ ♪ Don't put me on display ♪ ♪ 'Cause you don't own me ♪ ♪ Don't tie me...

♪ Nope.



No, no, no, no no.


What is that?

Your past.

The Tower.



It leads to a period of darkness.

Your present...

The moon.

The realm of dreams.

Your unconscious knows the way back to the light.

You have to trust your intuition.

It will guide you to your purpose.

Your future...

The hanged man.

Brutality is coming your way.

You must...

prepare to make a great sacrifice or...

suffer a great loss.


Holy shit.

You okay?


I thought I saw something.


What's wrong?

It's your dad.

Did that assh*le follow you again?


He's dead.


What happened?

They don't know.

It looks like something att*cked him.


I'm sorry.

It wasn't me.

I know.


I'm sorry.

I must have wished for this...

a thousand times.

I just never thought it would actually happen.


That man beat me until I pissed blood.

I hope he died screaming.

Four letter word.

"Pony Express stop in Nevada." I need a ticket, please.

Where would you like to go?




That's the answer.

Is there like a...

Is there like a party here?

It's just me.

I am the party.

I'm not one of them, uh...

Oh, boy, I'm not to often analyze beautiful strangers, but...

I think you might be having a manic episode.

A what?

I'm a psychiatrist and you're showing signs of risky behavior.



I think you might be seeking...

I think you might be seeking escapism by using me as a...



a transitional object.


Isn't that what humans do?

Console themselves with frivolous pleasures so they don't have to think for five f*cking seconds?

Why do you keep saying humans, like you're not one?

I didn't ask you here for this.

I mean, I'm not here?

I'm a trained professional.

Why not talk to me?

Last year I forgot who I was.

And it was the first time in my life...

where I wasn't obsessed over my destiny.

Which allowed me to discover new things like friendship.

And love.

And freedom.

But now I'm stuck here.

With no home.

No family.

No destiny.

I think you should go.

No, I...

I don't think you should be alone right now.


I do...

I do take all insurance.




I'm just gonna...

I'm gonna...



See your old friend Elko Joe from Elko's Diner in downtown Elko, Nevada!

Just head north on 123, or west on 98.

We have the best donuts north of Area 51.

Old-fashioneds, fritters, and, of course, jellies!

Best on Earth!

Had a bad day?

Wash all the pain way.

Meet me at Elko's Diner on 123.

Time's running out.


I need your help.

Please don't give up.




You have to be kidding me.

Special kid, that Jericho.

He had special abilities.

Those kind of kids need special attention.

I gave him plenty.

It's what got him k*lled.

So you've said, ad nauseam.

But maybe you're wrong.

Maybe you haven't given him enough.

You know, when I have a fever, I like to lie on the cold floor.

It drops the body temp and clarifies the mind.

That's why I used to lock the door when I got a cold.

Oh, is that what that was about?

I always thought you were smoking.

We don't have much time.


Lives in the balance, d*ck.

Lives in the balance.

I'm sorry, can you please be more clear?

I'm trying.

Remember, you're in charge.

So, Jericho...

he spoke to you.

You just like f*cking with me.

A little bit.


But honestly, it's time to get out of here.

I'm not going anywhere.

I'm booked for an extended stay.

This is where I belong.

Look at yourself.

Moping in this hole like a coward.

So you made a few mistakes.

You got knocked down.

Guess what?

Nobody cares.

All we care about is who gets up.

The pity party is officially over.

They were not just mistakes, somebody died.

Oh, cry me a f*cking river.

The kid's father k*lled him, not you!

But here you stand hair-shirted.

I think you just wanted a reason to give up.

Not just on Jericho, but everybody.

Rachel, Gar, Jason.

Am I leaving anybody out?


We're wasting time.

f*ck off!

Good morning, beautiful.

More like afternoon.

Why'd you let me sleep so long?

You were tired.

We busted three drug rings last night.

Hey, I could have stopped at two.


You wanted to do another.

Any more eggs left?


These people weren't exactly expecting us to break in and then raid their fridge.

Stop being a creeper, Jason.

What's wrong?



don't post that.

So what, we're not a couple?

You're just slumming it with me?


You don't know my life.

I could be a serial k*ller, or worse.


Maybe I like serial K*llers.

Well, then maybe you should see a shrink.

Hey, why're you being so weird?

Why are you being so nosey?

You ask a lot of questions for someone who doesn't give any answers.

What does that mean?

Well, you bring me to your hometown and the only thing we've done is beat up some crackheads.

You won't even take me to Wayne Manor.

f*ck Wayne Manor, Rose.

That was never the real me anyway.

Then show me the real.

No bullshit.

No filters.

The real Jason Todd.


If I show you mine, then you tell me yours.

d*ck, look out!




I need to get off.

- Watch your step.

- Thank you.



Hello, is there anyone back there?

Where is Elko Joe?


I'd like a dozen donuts, please.

Two actually.


Since they're the best on Earth.




We don't make donuts.

Pie or cake.

You choose.

That's disgusting.

Here's the thing, um...

I'm having a really shitty few days.

So, if you could just try, that would be great.

And people in hell want ice water, lady.

We don't make donuts.


My sister k*lled my parents.

And she stole my damn crown and marooned me on this ridiculous planet.

So if you got flour, eggs and sugar back there, I'm going to need you to go and figure it out, okay?


Coming right up.

What the f*ck is wrong with me?



What the hell are you doing here?

Shit, I'm not completely sure.


Is this real, or am I going crazy?

This is definitely real.

Why are you following me?



You called me and told me to come here.

- No, I didn't.

- Yes, you did.

My engine light went out.


I'm just here for the donuts.


I'm so glad you all could make it.

This is troubling news.

And no Conner or Gar?


I found bloody paw prints, broken glass and no one shut down the mainframe.

Gar wouldn't leave it like that.

So, when Rachel called me, I thought maybe she knew where they were.

I never talked to them.

I am aware of what's happened to all of you.

And I...

I'm sorry.

Lies can tear a family apart and you've been living in the after math of that.

And it's a...

lonely place to be.

But this was a...

This is...

a family of choice.

Breaking apart was a choice.

In the light of this news, I'm asking you to make another one.

To come together.

Walking away from bad feelings is easy.

It's much harder to take the blow, and come back for more, but that's what a family does.

If you can unite, you can face any threat.

But if darkness arrives while you're still cast apart, I truly believe that none of you will survive.

If you won't protect one another, who will?

Did he just leave?


So, let me get this straight.

Bruce Wayne somehow miraculously arranged for us all to meet in this diner in the middle of nowhere to mansplain us into putting the Titans back together?


I think that's exactly what just happened.

Today's top story.

Two men escape Kane Jail, apparently aided by imprisoned Detroit Police Detective d*ck Grayson.

More details on this story and more on our next news update.

You gotta be f*cking kidding me.

Donna, wait.

Troy, where are you going?

Back to San Francisco.


We need to save d*ck.

d*ck's on his own.

What is wrong with you?


Look, I know d*ck Grayson, okay?

He put himself up on that cross.

Nailed himself to it.

Now he's going to have to take himself down, too.

Donna's right.

Whatever d*ck's doing, he's doing to himself.

I'm having dreams again.

I was at d*ck's funeral.

Deathstroke k*lled him.


I know...

that I sound crazy.

I know that.

But d*ck needs my help.

And I really need yours.


I'm sorry, Rachel...

but Gar needs us more.

I get why you're doing this.

I do.

But I'm going to go with Donna.

As soon as you're done here, you come find us, okay?


So, I guess you're leaving, too.

Hell, no.

Let's go.

Okay, let's go.



Now you disappear.




Your old high school?


What's next?

You're going to ask me to prom?

Not my school.

My home.

Dad was an assh*le who got himself k*lled, Mom was an addict.

I did the whole delinquency tour.

Foster care, juvie, lived on the streets.

Then I found this place.

Crammed a sleeping bag in the rafters over there.

Hid out up here at night, watched the theater kids living their best lives.

Explains why you're so dramatic.

And I used to think they were losers, but look who ended up in a mask and a cape.

You're not as shallow as you seem.

Compliments really aren't your strong suit, huh?

I mean, I assumed you were some rich assh*le.

Born on third, thinking he hit a triple.

But don't get me wrong, it's still totally lame that your big secret is that you're a theater nerd.


Okay, thespians, not theater nerds.

So, are there any more plot twists or can we go?


What's your problem?

My problem?

Look, I bring you here, I tell you all this, and you treat me like shit.

I was just f*cking with you, damn.

Every time I try to get close to you, Rose, you push me away.

You want to leave, then go.

Fine, go!

Why are you being such an assh*le?

Because I see you searching for an excuse to run.

I'm not.

I've spent my whole life pushing people away, Rose.

Doing stupid shit.

Breaking things.


I've never done this before either.

But every second I spend with you is like a new lease on life.

Jason, I told you, I'm bad news.


I can't...


it's okay.

There's a place for us.

Somewhere a place for us.

Hold my hand and we're halfway there.

Hold my hand and I'll take you there.





You thought you were the only nerd?

It works, doesn't it?

Where'd you go?

You needed to rest.

Build up your strength for the escape.

No escapes for me.

Deathstroke has taken hostages and here you are.

We have a truce.

He's not touching anybody.

No one you can see.

At Adeline's, Slade was there, you were there, and yet no k*lling.


He was unarmed.


And I was in Adeline's house.

Maybe you didn't want to.

Maybe there's something inside Slade that you need.

Yeah, his tiny tin heart got to me.

You both loved Jericho, and you both got him k*lled.

A common bond of self-loathing.

As long as you're both alive, you can always blame the other guy.

I admitted to my mistake.

It was very moving.

You think this is funny?

It only took you five years.

f*ck you!

Fighting the wrong fight, again and again.

Worrying about your bleeding conscience...

instead of helping your friend?

Open your eyes.

Leave your disappointment at the door.

It's time to grow up.

Not Robin anymore.

Stronger, faster...

like a bird of prey.

You're a monster.

It's over.

I won.

I think you should go.



It can't be.

Why not?

f*cking thirsty.

_ Hello.

It's me.

Just calling to say this little game you're playing with the Titans...

I'm out.

Is that so?


It is.

I quit.

And there is nothing you can do to stop me.


You okay?

Yeah, of course.

Stand back.


What are you doing here?

I've been looking for you.

What happened?


You're never going to believe it.

Commandos blew up the tower and kidnapped Conner and I.

Move closer to the subject.

And I was at CADMUS Labs and they were doing brain surgery on me...

That's awful.

- That's...

- ...awful.


Are you all right?


Let me out!